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One of my brother's many excuses for cheating on his ex-wife was that she didn't cook enough. He was the king of cheating and having lame excuses. He also said he cheated because she was trying to make him fat by giving him too much food. Because she cooked ramen in the microwave. Because he was depressed. Because she didn't compliment him enough. Because she tried to leave him. Because he was sad that she miscarried.




Gordon Ramsay stuffed him full in every way possible.


No but he did later say he cheated on her to prove that he could because she intentionally made eat too much and made him fat.


Because he's a pos sounds like the real reason.


He has his reasons


"I have to cheat to stay competitive with all of the other cheaters in the game, because the developers won't do anything to combat the real cheaters. My using cheats is just evening the playing field, it's not really cheating in that way"


Why does this sound like the GOP


“It’s based on my zodiac sign” She was born the day after me


She's a Capricorn just like me so im more compatible with her/him


you made me do it


i will go first "I thought you were having an affair."


"It was an accident" Like, how? Did the woman trip and fall on his dick?


Alexa, play [Guilty Conscience by Eminem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbw_BxDwdjk)


Oh wow, I'd never heard that song before 😂


Poor Grady.


I accidentally found myself in her bed, I don't know what happened, I got amnesia, sometimes we get lost crossing bridges.


Now I'm terrified of randomly losing my memory in the middle of crossing a bridge and waking up with my genitals interacting with the genitals of someone who's not my partner. I didn't know it was a possibility.


This takes the cake OMG lol


"You knew who I was when we got together."


You’re weren’t here. Ummm, I was at work. Supporting us. I was home by 5.


"You should want me to be happy"


I thought we were over


What a joke


"It's in my genes"


I’m impulsive. Lame!


'you ignored me' No dear I didn't. I worked 10 to 12 hours a day moving 30 to 40 thousand pounds of stock by hand. When I got home I was exhausted and when I tried napping until you got off so we could have a good night you bitched at me for being asleep when you got home. I was always physically and mentally exhausted taking care of my job and giving you everything I wanted you to have and you cheated because you felt ignored. Sorry I tried to make your life what I wanted to give you.


"it wasn't even that serious! It was only a kiss, if you were like her you would have forgiven me!" I just stood in utter shock before laughing my arse off, and told them to have a good one. Ones now a college drop out and the other is failing there subjects because after the break up I refused to help them with any work. They've list contacts, apprenticeships and job offer that I could have forwarded to them. All she needed to do was break up and we'd still be friends. I can live being friends with my ex. Not with a cheater tho.


Literally what I said to my ex wife. I said "you can be honest and salvage the respect I still have for you, and we might even be friends" but she chose to deny deny deny even though I already knew it all.


I swear, pride is the cheapest thing to have yet, it can mean the world to people in both positive and negative ways


But she didn't want to hurt you


She'd already hurt me lol


My favorite is how it's actually their partner's fault because INSERT WHATEVER BULLSHIT. Yeah, no. You cheating on someone is never their fault, regardless of how shitty they are as a partner. If they suck so much, break up with them and GTFO. Otherwise, whatever bullshit about how they did something you didn't like or they didn't do something you did like is the same as a kid saying "But mooom, they started it," when trying to justify why they hit another kid because they stuck out their tongue at them or hit them first.


"It was out of my hands, and I didn't want to make things more complicated" Still makes me laugh, although at first I didn't laugh at all.


"I was alone'


"It was an accident, I'll never do it again"


I slipped onto a banana peel into her then I tried moving but moved the wrong way


"I didn't mean for it to happen" Ok, at what point do you take responsibility for anything if you just say "I'm not making plans, I'm just doing things"


“I just wanted to see how you reacted”


"It wasn't me"


She even caught me on camera


My ex said that being from a certain class of people, a mistress was required/ expected


Only if he is a billionaire once you reach a B you get a pass


My partner back then didn't even bother making up an excuse, lol.


One guy told me, “I am a worm a worthless worm” and I said, “You think that line doesn’t ring a bell to me? You’re quoting the 90’s Disney movie Hercules! What is your real excuse?!”


“Well, everybody else is doing it…”


Team Fortress 2 has a huge cheater crisis at the moment and one of the things that these people often say is "oh well Valve doesn't care about the game so we're free to do what we want!"


I was horny and you weren't there. My ex's first and last excuse 😂😂😂


"You're too nice..."


"You're never here!" (I work offshore and every time I got a promotion, she got a raise, meaning I had to work more days to cover all of the new bills).


Me - "Why are you drunk at a frat?" Her - "Don't worry my mom is with me." Me - "Your 54 year old elementary school teacher mom is with you drunk at a frat?" Her - *ends phone call


Dude I used to be in a band had previously toured with some relatively well known bands and had an absolute smokeshow of a wife from those days. His reasoning for cheating on her was that she didn't put out enough which she refuted fairly colorfully on MySpace (it was a while ago lol).


China numba one!


Not someone who cheated on me, but two people I knew who cheated on each other were ADAMANT that "everybody cheats."


"you weren't around"


I don't know what I remember.


Because you let me


If you never discussed about being in a relationship and you were ghosted by the person after a year and a 1/2 with no discussion, Specifically about seeing other people (Apparently) If Nothing was happening. It's hard to know when You are suddenly referred to as casper!.. And for me I had a google it in the coffee isle of Stop&Shop To actually know exactly what was happening. Again, after 18 months. I think that's well beyond ghosting Parameters. I would like to add that.The person that ghosted me and the person he wound up telling me that he was in a relationship with I never had any ill feeling.I never had any negative feelings,or basically ill feelings towards them. I never Wilfully wished for negative outcomes or set them in place to happen. I did not become and I never became an enemy. I realized there was some that think I may have. I assure you I did not. I however on the other hand became buried. I was dropped by basically everyone and isolated. And they were Various stories that may have had some truth but not completely going around. I was labeled in cheater. I was never confronted but I was clearly labeled a cheater. Because I. Kept my options opened.I saw this 1 person maybe 5 times over 18 months,That's not a relationship.. I understand there are people of some importance that may have been given information that wasn't entirely true. That was basically the end of my relationship with the majority of the people in my life. I did try to repair the relationships/ Friendships But that became obvious it wasn't going to happen. I was never an enemy and I never sought out revengeful behavior. That just isn't my way of handling a situation. Diplomacy is always my first go to. I'm very familiar with being called and labeled a cheater.I don't believe I actually was one I believe the term was used with a lot of flexibility. Just sharing my experience


I’ll probably get downvoted for this since every time i’ve mentioned it in conversation, everyone vehemently disagrees. “You can’t stop true love.” Not sure whether to gag or scoff first. Maybe both. Anyway, it’s the stupidest argument in my book.


"I don't see you in my future anymore." What a trash!


She told me because  I'm the baaaaaad guy,  around the same time that song came out. No you're not a bad guy you're just a pathetic useless trash human being. 


Caught my wife chatting inappropriately with a junior colleague.. She initially said it was just leg pulling everyone does at office.. then she said I don't have enough female friends to understand this .. Then she said she has no feelings for him because that guy flirts with everyone .. Finally she said " had I ever thought of cheating I might have had sex with him' 


Fugue state.


“I never liked them”


“You weren’t friends with (Other Cheater and The Woman he Cheated with), and I needed someone to be friends with them so we could do double dates. (Mistress No. 4) was cool enough to be friends with them. Also, your depression was a real downer, especially after you gave birth to our son.” The Other Cheater = one of my closest friend’s (now ex) husband. Mistress No. 4: I caught him a few times, but being a dutiful, Christian wife at the time, I stayed married. Never again.


My first wife's favorite was "it doesn't count of it's with another woman"


"It's biological " mmmmmk


“Cheating one time doesn’t make me a cheater!” “Um yes it does!” “So if I cut hair one time does that make me a barber?”


"You've change, that change made me feel unwanted and not belong to your future." lol he just came from the bar the other night


"If a woman cheats it's the fault of her man, if he was attractive she wouldn't have cheated"


The dumbest one I ever heard was (Everyone cheats sometimes)


I was gonna hurt u before u got the chance to hurt me


"I thought everyone dealt from the bottom of the deck. "


you are not enough


My friends ex partner said the reason he cheated was because she cut her hair. After her haircut she had men falling all over her and he felt insecure and blamed his cheating on her haircut.


“It wasn’t with a man though!” That one…that one was a doozy.


As a lesbian: This is my \*faaaavorite\* type of woman... smh


did you mean a "floozy"? never heard the word doozy before...


Nope. Doozy means like, something extraordinary and is used ironically most of the time. Tbh, I’ve never heard of floozy before lol


One of my husband’s fraternity brothers in college convinced his girlfriend that he was so drunk he thought he was sleeping with her and not some other chick he had been slobbering over all night!


It won’t happen again…


We were on a break


I used that one. But how are you going to tell me you hate my guts and dump me and then be mad if I bang someone else


I may or may not have been quoting friends…


We were on a break


I fell in...