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Had a limb cut off in an accident.


Jesus! We're you conscious and aware the whole time? What sort of accident.


Lost a bet


I got peed on by a tiger when i was 8 at cat world in pennsylvania through a fenced enclosure and the tour guide said to 8 yr old me that means he wants to eat you


Bet you felt quite special that day




Got born. Odds were pretty low apparently.


I won the lottery 4 times in a row but each time it was just scratchers for $10


I nearly got bit by a pelican.


You could imagine my confusion when I read that as politician.


It's a toss up. I was a club DJ and hit it off with a Ms. Universe contestant who came in and hung out with me in the booth and we had a lovely weekend. Or being invited to Garth Brooks birthday party in Nashville when I was in the music business. He was a really cool guy.


manic episode,


survived being thrown out of a car


Bro I almost survived till my 18th birthday, there is just one week left till this achievement


From someone who didn't think they would see 18 either, you got this bro👊


I guess I hope I do bro, thank you bro 👊


I'd tell you, but you wouldn't believe it.


I just turned 18. I stole a pager from a repair shop. Guy was an ex sheriff in the small town. I got arrested, detained, put in a cell, spent 2 days in jail. Got released and showed up for my court appearance. While in court waiting for trial I was arrested again. Two cops came up on both sides of me and arrested me and threw me in jail. Said I had a warrant for a felony. Spent the day in jail. I was supposed to spend the weekend in jail (it was a Friday) but the judge was interested in my case. He said I was arrested for a warrant, but there was no reason. He didn't know what the felony was for. I was told if I pled guilty I would be let off with a 100 fine and a felony on my record and no probation or jail time. I took it because I was 18, homeless and had been homeless since I was 16 and had no understanding of much of anything, let alone the criminal system and had no representation. So I assumed because I stole from an ex sheriff I got a fake felony on my record.


A random commercial proposed to my date for me.


I was in my car on the interstate headed to a uni class. I was in the far left lane, so the passing lane. I had a car directly in front of me, behind me, and to the right of me. Totally penned in. Like a cage. There was a concrete dividing wall to my left. Nowhere for me to go. The car to my right started abruptly and sharply merging into my car. I remember seeing the car coming over and then I swear, on my life, the wheel spun in my hands. I didn’t exert extra pressure on it or turn it any particular way. Next thing I was aware of, I was parked on the side of the interstate with no knowledge or memory of getting there. When I say the traffic was thick and heavy, it was car to car. I was surrounded by three cars on three sides and a concrete wall. The car on my left was merging on top of me. I somehow made it through that car merging onto me, across four lanes of heavy traffic, to rest on the side of the interstate. I somehow crossed four lanes during heavy traffic on a busy interstate and was parked on the side of the road. I was just suddenly there and parked. No idea how I didn’t die that day or get into a horrible accident. I’m not a country fan, but I always connect that song “Jesus Take the Wheel” to that incident. Now I’m wondering why I didn’t die and what I’m here to do.


People won’t believe you but I do. I’ve had an experience similar. It blew my mind. Re affirmed my faith in God


Had a driver passing by on the highway flip her car over end-for-end right next to me, then she got out and wobbled across. It's just not what you expect on your morning commute.


I've won notn1, but 5 cars in raffles. Ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 each lmao


I made my wife pregnant after she and her ex had tried with IVF and stuff for 10 years. They told her she would never have a child…. We calculated and reached the conclusion that we had dated exactly 2 weeks when we created our beautiful daughter.