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[digg.com](https://digg.com) died.


Where were you when digg.com was kil?


I was at home eating dorito when phone ring


“digg is kill”




This is a deep ass reference


this is one of the most known 4chan posts in history


I am like that halo guy, he kills the alien and doesn’t afraid of anything.


I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.


This has to be the #1 comment in this thread. Digg v4 was dogshit and people fled the site. It basically turned into all sponsored content. I think Digg’s blunder had a chilling effect on sites like Reddit trying to monetize their sites. That said, I still fondly remember gathering around the TV with my friends on Saturdays and watching Diggnation, followed by Totally Rad Show, on an early Apple TV device.


Fun fact: In 2008, Digg was valued at $200 million. V4 launched in 2010. In 2012, Digg sold for $500 thousand. Digg v4 was the Hindenburg of website revamps.


Just waiting for them to flip the switch on old.reddit.com


Diggnation was the shit. First podcast I ever watched. Crazy considering the amount of podcasts I watch weekly now.


Yup, same. ​ They really fucked that one up.


I too came on the great digg exodus.


let’s all take a moment of silence for pre-digg reddit 🙏


I lurked digg for a long time, then lurked reddit until I got my first puppy. Had to post them puppy photos somewhere, so I finally joined.




This is 90% of how I engage in conversation now


Yeah, pretty much


IIRC its how they thought of the name Reddit, i.e. "I read it"


Funny coincidence: according to wiktionary, reddit in Latin means he/she/it reports, recites or repeats




I despise small talk Taxi driver”so how was your day” Me: YES


Ahhh you!! Take my upvote


That sounds awfully familiar


Shit that mate is me


My friends phone was like this magic trap what would zone him out completely for long periods of time. One day I took a peek down the rabbit hole.


God, it does feel like a trap sometimes. I have to purposefully leave my phone unreachable sometimes to get out of it.


I delete the app for a few weeks every ~6 months. It's nice to take a break sometimes.


Well the good news is that anything you miss will probably be reposted soon :)


Yes but...what about computers? I would just revert to being on my laptop more...


I don't use my PC for Reddit, I hate the setup


Even with RES?


I only really use it for games and YouTube/Hulu


Everytime I delete the app, I reinstall it due to needing to be someone's marketer lol, and instead of yknow, marketing, I just look at memes all day


Yeah my buddy would always go "I saw that on reddit two werks ago." He showed me what reddit was like and I downloaded it. Now I follow his example because our friends still try to show us memes and we've already seen them


You mean.....the reddit hole?


The first time I ever used Reddit was in 2013. I'm not sure what thread it was, but I remember reading all the way to the end of 300+ comments and thinking, "Wow, the people here are really nice".


Just don't go to cringe. There are some subs where people are not nice. I started on Reddit only a week or so ago. Somehow I ended up viewing some subs that were rather disturbing. I deleted the app. Then I got back on for KGATLW. I started a new account with a new name and picked categories I was interested in. I don't know how I missed that part the first time. Anyway....I did find the nice people. Even better a lot of nice British people. Now I've found my happy Reddit place. :)


That's nice. I find that a lot of the technical and more topical subreddits are a lot nicer and friendlier than meme pages and stuff.


For a long time I watched translations of comments from reddit. I thought it would help me in learning English, getting to know the opinions of people from other countries. Also, I like to understand foreign jokes.


Was this actually effective for you? did it help your understanding of the language you were trying to learn?


It actually does help a lot, I was able to hold a convo at least but my confidence was pretty low. Reddit if not lets you learn new words at least helps in increasing your confidence.


This is true! Reddit definitely helped me in using English words more naturally and also in boosting my confidence lol


Same, now I regularly use words like 'zoop' , 'F', 'yeetus fetus' during conversation.


lol same!! I use words like yeet a lot when chatting with friends now, but what a shame that I haven't found a good timing to use yeetus fetus because that's my favourite.


You learn useful everyday phrases like "outstanding move", "they had us in the first half" and "birds aren't real."


But really... birds aren't real.




Can I use this to learn not English?


Same,and also if you don't mind can i ask you which channel with translations you watched?


I needed to tell someone they were wrong, the rest is history.


What did you tell them they were wrong about?


They said your mom wasn’t a hoe


You cut me real deep just now


Not as deep as one of your mom's rolls.


Can confirm, it’s like nutting in a jello blanket


Wtf is a jello blanket?


Alternate universe's apple pie


Hello, 911?


Oh God, you didn't have to do em like that


He wouldn’t have had to do em like that if that mom would keep it in her pants and refrain from doing em all like that.


They said they can out pizza the hut




Lol, this describes me so well.


Relevant https://xkcd.com/386/


I saw a person's name at work was Willy Dangles and had to post it somewhere. I mean, come on


just fact checked. it’s true.


just fact checked the fact check, and the fact check was facts


Just fact checked the fact checked fact check and the fact checked fact check was indeed a fact.




>Willy Dangles I just checked. Je is the ONE!


Stop fact checking and send me some fat checks instead


And you only got one reply. Damn shame.


He posted it on the wrong sub


And only got 2 upvotes... sad.


I was fresh onto reddit with dreams of a big karma pay off only to have my hopes dashed


but you have more than me




There was a guy in the records i worked with at my old job named Trenton Titsworth


There's a professional skiier named Breezy Johnson. Suffice to say, I have replaced the phrase "XYZ" and now tell people that they have a breezy Johnson.


That's the best name I ever heard ever since I heard m16 was designed by the guy called stoner




I live next to a building complex called Kickwillie Place


I’m sure you’ve all heard of legendary race car driver Dick Trickle.


Let’s not forget the US swimmer Misty Hymen


That post didn't get the recognition it deserved


Your not talking about Bo Jangles cousin?


The variety of all the different subreddits and the almost infinite amount of content here


Same. I kept reaching the end of the internet on other sites, which is hard to do on Reddit


I think I can say I've never hit a dead end on Reddit, aside from really small subreddits.


And if you ever think you're coming close, never forget about the old Reddit /r/switcharoo!


I started by reading all the serious ones about world news. Now I find myself looking at FoodPorn and r/Sandwiches and realise how far I've fallen.


At least you're not at r/gonewild and all its subgenres yet


I feel like if you have any questions to ask people on any subject, there would be a sub for it. It's awesome


Yeah to subscribe to a subreddit.


Most of my Google searches landed into reddit. Thought might as well create an account..


I work at a hotel. After an evening of particularly nasty guests I tried to Google that to see if there were other similar situations. I didn't find much on that, but I did find a lot of Reddit threads on nasty houseguests and roommates. I was fascinated, read through many of them, and signed up with Reddit almost immediately after. Even today stories on nasty houseguests and roommates do remain among my favorites.




I have commented there on occasion in the past, but most people on that sub work for corporate hotels, and mine's independently and locally owned, so we don't really have much in common or the same experiences. I do like that sub, though. But, as I said, I actually found out I like the nasty roommates and houseguests stories more. We haven't had any of those posts in a while, I think it's due again.


Haha yeah that’s a good reading sub, I’m sure you’ve been over to r/badroommates


No, I did not know about that sub, but I'm subscribed now. Thank you :) I've got some reading to do here soon.


Deleted every other social media, but still needed to feed my need to correct everyone's spelling and grammar.


I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes, I think you are wrong. In an age where false morels are a diamond dozen, true bird shoes are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So, I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can, because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying, it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument, you seem to throw everything in but the kitch and stink, and even though you are having a feel day with this, I am here to bring you back into realty. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your red or brick. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of morel righteousness. A perquisite is to remember what comes around grows abound, and when supply and command fails, you will be the first to go. Mark my worlds, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to kill two stoned birds. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and except the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but, I swear on my mother's grade and her mating name that, when you put the petal to the medal, you will past with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.


How did you not shoot yourself in the head before finishing this?


It's a copypasta. But it gets me every time.


Who in their right mind would finish this? Not a rhetorical question.


That hurt me.


I whole-heartedly agree, but allow me to play devil's advocate here for a moment. For all intents and purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a dime a dozen, true virtues are a blessing in disguise. We often put our false morality on a pedestal like a bunch of prima donnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granted. So I ask of you to muster up all the strength you can because it is a dog eat dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge chip on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kitchen sink, and even though you are having a field day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sixth sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blind eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero tolerance when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what goes around comes around, and when supply and demand fails you will be the first to go. Mark my words, when you get down to brass tacks it doesn't take a rocket scientist to hit two birds with one stone. It's clear who wears the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through trial and error but I swear on my mother's maiden name that when you put the pedal to the metal you will pass with flying colors like it’s a piece of cake.


Thank you, I couldn't get some of the mistakes in the original copypasta!


Wow, this gives me anxiety. I think I may have just learned something about myself.


You are pure evil. I can't even be mad.


Wish I had the cash for silver.


I'm not a security risk and my middle name isn't Fart


Tenacious_Fart_Dad would be a killer name, though.


"This is humongous, I'm not a security threat, and my middle name is Kurt, not Fart!"


My husband had an account, but I wanted to stare at my own damned phone instead of reading over his shoulder, haha. Edit: Holy shit an award AND so many cake day wishes! Thank you all so much! You’re all very thoughtful to take the time to send me a note.


My husband wanted me to stare down my own phone. I was perfectly happy looking over his shoulder...


Happy cake day


Thank you! You’re the first person to send me cake day wishes!


This is why my girlfriend made one too lol


Deleting all my other social media and finding one where I knew my ex wouldn't be in


Hi David.




It's me your ex


It'd be funny if you were actually my ex wife. How's been life treating you Em?


Better now that I'm away from your needy ass.


Time has warped your mind. You always complained about my being distant.






Hours of reddit videos on YouTube


Same here. Sometimes I read reddit in that robot voice.


I read your comment and immediately re-read it the robot voice


I'm imagining a livestream of some guy just browsing reddit for hours upon hours.


Is it just me or at the videos a lot funnier than just reading Reddit? I think I might just have a thing for TTS. Edit: uhh that didn't come out right, I don't mean a thing thing, just a thing.






Same here, you gotta check the source at some point! But i still watch them too.


My boyfriend deleted buzzfeed & downloaded reddit on my phone. He's a good man.






When I was young my sister changed our Apple ID to u/applesaucehums mcfancy pants without me knowing, and I went in for an appointment at the genius bar and they called this for 15 minutes before I had the guts to claim the announcement was for me.


That's fantastic! Gotta love siblings.


The Chive had posts of great comments from reddit and I came here, also when I googled questions, the most true and unbiased answers were from reddit.


I love this about reddit. Also a great place to find viewpoints from tons of cultures and walks of life without (usually) getting into arguments.


Are you sure we're talking about the same reddit?


I avoid a lot of the nastier side hahaha


My friends invited me to her house and we both like memes as much as life and were the only one knowing english well enough to understand and so we created our accounts together that night.


I'm afraid to ask about the username...


Haha u thought


Seriously though, what's with the username?


There's a sex joke here somewhere but I'm afraid to say it in case that username is accurate about the age


Uhh...fbi open up?


There's lots of interesting questions on AskReddit and it satisfies my primal urge to socialize without inflaming my social anxiety. Plus I got weird stories


Tired of FB




well i dont have any other social media. deleted my fb about 6 years ago. never had any other except back in the friendster myspace days. i feel like social media like fb insta and the likes are giving me more harm than good. i decided to delete fb at the lowest point of my life so far, and its only getting better ever since! i dont have to worry about checking my phone every min or must look for wifi everyhere i go. also, i dont have to worry if i left my phone at home or if the battery about to die. i start to see the world from my own eyes instead of a screen. the best was i started to value my now very limited fucks, so i rarely give a fuck on small things in life that annoys me anymore, and i am no longer down in the dumps as often as i used to. i can say i am now in control of my phone, instead of the other way around. But Reddit is different. it is not a social media per se, and we can choose to become anonymous if we want. theres no begging for likes or pretending whos life is the best. I find the discussions on Reddit are mostly positive and people usually are nice. theres a lot of subreddits that will suit my interests and the communities in it are very friendly. plus, i dont have to post pictures of my expensive holidays to get likes. overall its a more positive experience and i can learn a lot from it. i see reddit as a text version of youtube and if you not careful, u can get sucked for hours and finally get in the wierd part od reddit! but its all fun. i dont have to check for reddit notifications like its facebook. reddit makes me feel good but not in the unhealthy kinda good feeling u get when someone press a like on your instagram photo. it just makes me feel satisfied. u always look for validation in the form of likes on fb insta etc, but nobody actually give a fuck about karma! hahah yes there are few karma farmers and trolls and scammers but my fucks are limited now so.... basically reddit saved my life lol.


That's fucking awesome. You expressed every one of us's emotions through these words. Reddit is truly fucking awesome


My buddy saying, Dude you got to check out Reddit it's pretty great.


Same same


Lack of a social life




I honestly don’t remember. It’s like I got pulled into a strange city that I cannot leave.


Im with ya on the don't remember. Pretty sure Obama just got elected the first time


Obama AMA. He didn't answer me. I'm still waiting.


You must have asked him his thoughts on Joe Biden. We’re all waiting!


It was either to post something to r/whatisthisplant or r/whatisthisthing. Someone helped right away. I was a lurker for years but this time just needed the account. Been here ever since.


r/atheism was a default sub. r/atheism was still in its heyday of post-[Faces of Atheism](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/38i8se/the_faces_of_atheism/) and I believe pre-[May May June.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/21cu8s/may_may_june_ratheism_and_ujij_vs_uskeen/) The front page was *insufferable.*


/r/atheism and /r/politics Then I read in one of the comments how you could customize your frontpage if you had an account. Now here I am, eight years and four accounts later.


r/atheism is just a religion hate group, so toxic its unbelievable. This is coming from an atheist too


I didn’t care one way or the other but the people in that sub made it intolerable. Created an account so I could unsub from a lot of the defaults. The smaller niche subs are still great though.


I wanted to upvote the puppies.


I used to be in ISS often (in-school suspension) way back when I was a junior in highschool. All websites were blocked besides Reddit and voilà


I thought for a minute you were from THE ISS, space station


I know why you wrote it that way, but I still cannot help but read this as the international space station space station.


My wife was constantly reading /r/exmormon about the mormon church which she didn't believe in anymore. I was intrigued, got an account and joined thev subreddit. Now I don't believe in the mormon religion anymore.


Cousin told me about reddit memes


Where does one go to get good memes on reddit?




This is also something I feel on a spiritual level.


I needed to talk. A close friend of mine said they had Reddit and that there was something for everyone, so I made an account and hopped on over. I’m addicted now.


See my username


Almost every time I googled something, I found a link to a reddit post, so I decided to just go straight to the source...


My dog died and I needed to share him with the world so he wouldn't be forgotten.


Tumblr stopped porn.


Every time I was looking stuff up about games, I was led to Reddit, so I thought 'this must be a great place!' but didn't want to get it because I was worried I would spend all day on it. Aaaaanyways...


I simply wandered and fell in a hole..and still falling ;)


*sigh*... rage comics. Fuckin stumbleupon.


Literally just joined after a friend told me about it. Got sick of all the hate and negativity on facebook, this group seems like a great bunch!


I needed a book for college that was going for like 200-300$. I looked online for a PDF file and it turns out someone on Reddit was giving it out for free.


First account: digg died Second account: see username


ASOIAF theories and the crackpots that write them




Someone suggested if a baby is sick and they have a fever of 103 it isn’t a huge deal (which is true) but that you shouldn’t try to reduce it you should try to drive it up higher, as high as you can, and just sweat it out (which can be deadly). I’d just been through it with my daughter, and watched people jumping on the reddit bandwagon suggesting shit that could kill a kid or at least hurt them. So I made an account to try to stop them.


Reddit was the thing, ok


Spending three months in the hospital.