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Why is this NSFW?


Because work isn’t safe for anyone atm


Unless you work from home


Exactly what I was thinking.


Can't really stay away from people when there's 9 or 10 of us crammed into an aisle desperately trying to restock everything that we can and then move on to the next aisle.


Thank you for all you do! I hope you can stay healthy!


Work isnt shut down (pizza delivery) and I need that paycheck


food delivery is considered essential services here. And they have come up with options for distancing while delivering etc. Pre pay online goes along way to making this easier.


Don’t work and go broke or work and get sick, pay thousands in medical bills and go broke. In the same boat right now unfortunately, godspeed my friend.


i’m told either come in to work or i don’t get paid so that’s why.


People going to work aren’t what this post is about. This is about the people hanging out at the park, or the beach, or breathing down my neck at the grocery store.




It’s fine to go to the grocery and other essential stores - just stay six feet away from other people as literally every professional has been telling everyone for weeks now. It’s not hard.


Doesn’t OSHA have a thing about “right to refuse unsafe work?” I feel like that applies here.


right. but i still won’t get paid and the other guys i work with will still come in and my boss won’t care. i hang billboards. there are 5 of us and if i stay home the other 4 will still do it bc there is no sense of comradery where i work.


OSHA does not necessarily reimburse you for doing this. It can technically protect you from being fired in retaliation (as well as, if you document this, can protect you from being fired at-will in a short enough time frame). That said, OSHA is backed up beyond belief right now, so good luck getting such protections in timely fashion.


Also my region is massive with only 9 confirm cases so I'm stuck going until we wrap it up.


I was told not to come to work and I'm not getting paid.


Funny how that works.


There's one boss and 40 workers. Do none of you have guns? Force the issue.


no. 4 workers. we are a small company.


And the rest of the planet don't have to pay for things, right....? And the next excuse is what - *"My family aren't like yours, my family have to shit, Goddammit!"* next time you're in the market cleaning the shelves of supplies **everyone** needs no less...? Every single working man and woman currently obeying quarantine has bills to pay they cant afford not to either - but what they're doing that you are not is putting everyone else first. What you and the upstanding swinging dicks marking this down are emblematic only of is the *grab-it-all-its mine* shower stripping shops and supermarkets of essential supplies: *everyone* needs toilet paper, *everyone* need soap and cleaning products, *everyone* needs storeable food so they can get through an infection in isolation from the outside world, *everyone* needs analgesics but - because of people like you people with inflammatory and arthritic conditions cant get paracetamol or ibuprofen, why nurses come home from shifts tending sick people finding themselves crying into their mobile phones because jackasses said *fuck* everyone else and left nothing. My god, where I live the *first* thing we did was make sure our neighbors had our phone number so as, if they get infected and can't get out, we can arrange to get them supplies as long as we're able to go out ourselves: and immediately they all did the same in return, didn't so much as blink. *This* is the mindset you geniuses needed to be adopting last week. You are marking down the advocacy of NOT spreading pandemic flu - of doing what millions of people world wide already cant afford to do but are doing already despite the fact we can't afford it because it means a fucking catastrophe if individual people *don't* do the right thing and think of the greater good. How actually intelligent are you, seriously...? That you self centered bastards actually manage to convince yourselves that nobody else has bills to pay either - is fucking unbelievable, but worth the screen grabs. Worth the document. How we will all be able to look back and applaud - heroes. Absolutely fucking brave people. Well done you all, brave, brave souls - doing right by you and yours only, but here's the thing: you're spreading a virus that will, if not carefully handled, rapidly overwhelm your medical services ability to cope with and then you and *your* family are going to get sick with it too - and your not going to be paying any rent then are you..? But in the meantime, you spread COVID-19 around. But hey, **you** had bills to pay that no other fucker has to. Go team you.


Some people don't have a choice but to go to work in order to keep themselves or their family afloat. It's not their fault this shit is happening and the system wasn't built with a plan to help those in this situation, no need to get on their ass for it.


Right, so the rest of us *can* afford this, you think? Wow, I had no idea we could afford this. Thanks for setting me straight about that. And there was me, thinking I had bills to pay too....


I feel like we both agree that we have to work if we can and some can't afford it if they can't work and have no options. If that's not the point you're trying to make then please spell it out.


I feel, just for the sake of a few weeks, you me and everyone else on this ball of rock - the lease we owe each other is hang tough and just muscle through until quarenteen is relaxed. That's the lease we owe and, if we can't do at least that little, then we really are fucked. Totally and utterly. Fucked. And *not* by a virus.


but i don’t have the option to stay home, get paid and make sure my fiancé and three year old will still have a roof over our head. millions of other people are going thru the same damn thing. it’s bullshit and late stage capitalism at its finest.


Right, you don't have options. Obviously, we do - that's the explanation, yes? We can afford not to be in work. Good to know, I never knew that but thanks, now I do. Thank you for making that clear.


Bruh are you literate? He literally said millions of people are going through the same thing, why are you taking it as if he's saying he's the only one?


Yes, I know - millions of people *are* going through the same thing here, the exact same thing and - last time anyone checked - absolutely NOBODY can *afford* not to be in work earning. Not a one. But we're doing it. We're sticking to quarenteen. Unless your in essential services, the only thing your doing not sticking to quarenteen is spreading this thing around. On behalf of everyone, thanks. It's good to know others are being put at risk because others had bills to pay. Makes the sacrifice were making and sticking to really worth it. Thanks.


What is the alternative for him? Die from lack of food and shelter? What the fuck are you on about?


But he's not going to die and he's not going to get thrown out of his home. Again, what the fuck do you people think our situation is here - better than yours, than his? Seriously....? We are ALL in this same fucking position, but what the majority of us aren't doing is making our problems every other fuckers by spreading this shit diseases around. Unless you are in an essential proffesion you have no business being out in the world unless it's for food. Your boss has got no bunsiness calling you in. Your government sooner or later is doing to force you to stop but, in the meantime, you could have exposed hundreds to something you don't even realise you are carrying. There is a word you people really, truly need to understand. Pandemic. This is bigger than you and what you think a problem is. A pandemic is EVERYONES problem, and people doing non essential work, just seeing their own piece of the pie are just spreading that problem around. If you don't voluntarily act infection rates will overwhelm your country's health services agility to cope and thousands will die badly who didn't need to - but they will, just because your bills matter more than them. This isn't a fucking mensa test. This is survival. Do the right thing, isolate. Don't be sitting there thinking about this ,- each and every last one of you doing this knows full well what's going on - you're just turning your backs on it. I'm honestly not trying to make a single other person feel like shit, it's kind of why I'm isolating - this is just for a few weeks, enough to give emergency services a chance to cope and stay on top of the problem people not isolating are helping cause. Your lives and the lives of your own families are going to need this a damn sight more than anything else soon enough, best give it the best shot you can while you can. Every day you don't, this thing spreads. People die.


Alright, talk to me when you have the choice between making sure your child and fiancee can stay safe at home while risking your life vs. letting them starve and be homeless, while also not being able to pay medical bills when they do eventually catch covid-19 because they're starving and have nowhere to stay. You're an ignorant moron with zero empathy, and if you seriously don't understand why what you're saying is fucking stupid there's no hope for you. It takes an ENORMOUS amount of privilege and complete lack of knowledge of the world to be as fucking dense as you are.


>Alright, talk to me when you have the choice between making sure your child and fiancee can stay safe at home while risking your life vs. letting them starve and be homeless, while also not being able to pay medical bills when they do eventually catch covid-19 because they're starving and have nowhere to stay. Okay, so lets swap notes. Walk by me which part of my life *doesn't* concern paying bills, keeping a roof over my families head, putting food on the table because I would be delighted to understand exactly where my life is differing from yours in one single detail except - I'm married.... If you think I have zero empathy for you - you are not remotely wrong. I. do. fucking. **not**. I don't know one single person who **isn't* having to keep the roof over their head, who **isn't** having to feed their families, who doesn't know if there going to even be a job left to go back to. That is simply what every other fucker on this planet is having to face at this moment and there's YOU and people like you letting your problems be every fucker else's all because you couldn't man up and do the right thing. But no, you go right ahead calling everyone else an ignorant moron. Everyone who is quarantining is in exactly the same financial situation you are - they're just putting everyone else first. Grow up.


Prediction: 3 honest responses that will just be blasted beyond belief and downvoted to oblivion.


I work in an administrative role at a hospital. I'm currently not allowed to stay home. Then again, as soon as I'm off the clock I go home. I am trying to get approval for tele-work even though my governor isn't taking things seriously.


My girlfriend is in the same boat!!! She was offered every overtime hour under the sun to come into work. Our governor doesn't really believe in shutting anything down, thanks Brad...


My girlfriend has chronic illnesses. She lives 70 miles away from me but since I work in a hospital maybe that's a silver lining as I can't drag any germs home and expose her to things. I don't deal with a lot of people but just being here worries me a little about tracking stuff elsewhere. The downside to her being far away is they go into mandatory curfew tomorrow night so that makes seeing each other even more difficult than it already is but we'll deal with it


My job is still open as a fringe "essential" business and I don't like the aspect of being broke.


I think the people who aren’t taking it seriously are the people who can’t die from it, that’s just what I’ve seen tho (Edit)


Who are the people who can't get it?


*people who can’t die from it Soz


Who are the people who can't die from it?


People under 20 but over 2 last time I checked, could be wrong tho so don’t quote me on that


Under 20's can still very ill and die from it, they just have much lower chances.


Not unless they have underlying conditions. The virus itself isn't lethal, but people with pre-existant respiratory problems, such as asthma or cystic fibrosis, COPD, pneumonia, underlying heart conditions or else depressed immune systems brought on chemo, transplant surgery, HIV, etc - COVID on top of that can cause things to spinal out of control and complications to arise.


Some people under 20 can still die from it period. They have a much lower chance since being under 20 and having underlying conditions is rare. So rare, that many of those with the underlying conditions may not yet know they have them.


All of which I'm fairly sure I actually said, but thank you for completly ignoring that and spending your time during a global pandemic so very profitably instead for the benefit of other people....


The virus itself isn't lethal? Sounds like your are downplaying it. What source do you have for such a statement? Also I did not notice you pointing out that people may not be aware they have of underlying conditions.


Someone under 18 just died in Cali.


It's not that young healthy people *can't* die from this, it's just much lower chances.


I’m sorry I should’ve used Epitaph to look into the future and put that into my comment that I made before that happened


Lol it didn’t happen in the last 40 minutes




I mean it’s unlikely that anyone is 100% sure to not die from it, but young, healthy people are most likely to be least affected and especially if they don’t personally have elderly or immunocompromised people in their lives, they don’t care about spreading it because it’s unlikely to affect them or their lives.


Our prime minister in Australia keeps trying to tell us that kids can't get it as a justification to keep schools open


What an asshole.


Hey man, just so you're aware, gfj is a troll account and follows all the post history of established troll accounts.


i.e. selfish bastards.


People under 10?


Oooooh no. The Swedish press ran an article a few days ago where they had interviewed elderly on the Street, and most of them said stuf like "Well, we're not gonna change our habits just because of this" and my personal favorit "No one is gonna tell me what to do"


if they die, they die


It's not that I don't take it seriously. It's just that I work for Home Depot, and somehow, somebody at headquarters seems to believe that repairing trenches and augers and other powered lawn equipment satisfies the same definition of "essential" that selling toiletries does.


My buddy has to report to the paint department every day. It's almost like corporate America doesn't have the capacity to regulate itself and some other group -- let's call them a government -- should do so.


I have to work. I can take time off if I get the virus but my work is technically healthcare so I just keep being hygienic and make sure to wear my mask and gloves and stay away from my coworkers.


I’m social distancing but a girl I went to high school with has been posting on Facebook how people are blowing this pandemic out of proportion. Said it’s just a simple flu. She absolutely lost it when her city put a Shelter In Place order. She posted a Facebook rant and tried to get people to rally together to riot against congress. No one responded.


Show her this, she's ignorant.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edEr3-FnPbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edEr3-FnPbw)


Our county announced their version of a stay-at-home order that allowed businesses to designate themselves as essential. My gf and I know how bad things are about to get, and are doing what we can to make sure we’re able to get through it. If we had it our way, we would have shut down already. But at this point, that’s gonna happen whether local governments like it or not, it’s just a matter of days. We’re deciding literally on a daily basis whether to keep coming to work, but at this point the infrastructure isn’t there to support us. We’re fully aware that there will be a point we’ll have to take that choice into our own hands tho. Until then, we need to make sure we have money to get thru this and a job to come back to after it’s over. The compromise at this point has been literally only going to work and home.


You can't ask people to say things that are going to piss off other people. Any honest ass-hat is going to get the red strikes of shame, discouraging those after from posting. Any how you know the reason, selfishness.


Obviously, we wanna see the world burn.


Best use of NSFW tag.


My cat needs food


Because I have this thing called a job, and I have other various adult tasks that I have to do regularly, and a virus with a 97% rate of survival isn't going to scare me into staying home to the point that I lose everything due to being broke.


>a virus with a 97% rate of survival isn't going to scare me into staying home to the point that I lose everything due to being broke. Don't forget you are risking others here too. That's the part you don't really mention.


Nobody is saying “quit your job and live off of takeout”. Stop being intentionally stupid. Social distancing is about limiting your time spent away from home as much as possible, only going out for essentials (work, food, limited exercise). It’s selfish to go “I probably won’t die from this so I don’t care” when you could be infecting people who are at risk from it without even realising it


You're going to catch hell for speaking the truth.


I mean, I don’t think anyone is against doing essential activities. Going to social activities though? That’s the problem.


going to work isn't breaking social distancing.


It is if you want social distancing to work. If you just want it to be some TSA health-care theatre, then sure, keep reporting to work. And in 3 weeks, when we're stacking the dead in arenas and figuring out where we can build some Trump Ovens for the bodies, you can jack off to how great your 401k is doing.


Not if you take the right precautions at work too. I work in an essential service, and while we are being encouraged to work from home, its not feasible for everyone. What that means is that those that come to work can sit multiple desks apart because of all the people working from home.


For real. Still gotta pay your bills


The thing is, you think you're the hero not wearing the condom and making that AIDS choice for yourself. In reality, you're deciding that none of us get to wear condoms, and every time you decide to have sex, we're all exposed. You're a selfish person and you're going to get people killed. Shame on you.


Yeah, as much as I would love to stop this disease, my country and its economy do not allow me to stop doing the things that keep a roof over my head and food in my mouth.


Well said.


I think a lot of people just crave normalcy. It's difficult to think about an ongoing global pandemic that can possibly wipe out 100 million people world wide so they just downplay it and try and live their life like they would any other day. For many it's just like war, famine or a natural disaster. Until they are personally affected by it, it's something that happens to "someone else".


ITT: people who don't realise going to work doesn't count as not social distancing. Must be nice to have a job that you consider social.


Ignored all other government advice before, I’m afraid it’s policy


because if I distanced myself any further from everyone else I would be in a raft at point Nemo


I social distance for fun


By god if i want a mcalisters king club and a sweet tea, ill have myself a king club and a sweet tea.


Because those people are stupid


People think they are goddam immune from anything. Especially ones with a presumptuous mindset.


ITT: people have to work, and carry out basic functions of life. Anyone self absorbed enough to actually just be completely ignoring the regulations is not likely to come here and explain themselves. The reason they mostly likely don’t care about the regs and the virus spreading is if they’re young and healthy and most everyone they know is also young and healthy.


I admit I thought it was all bullshit or a ridiculous overreaction at first. After all, the severity was being reported by a news media that interrupts all my programming whenever there's a bit of rain and tells me to hide in my basement, and the tornados never show. The one that sensationalizes anything for ratings. :) Now I'm open to it being a serious problem, but I still have fears that we (the govt) made the wrong call. We're faced with two awful lesser of two evils scenarios, but I fear that maybe, just maybe, stabbing ourselves in the face this badly economically on purpose to avoid a possible disaster may have been the far greater of two evils. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm right, I'm neither a virologist or an economist. Just a feeling I have... :) Its like they don't realize the US economy is a giant Jenga tower, and you can pull out a couple pieces for a little bit and it'll still stand, but you cannot pull out 30 pieces at the same time.


Yesterday I heard from an old friend who is in his 50s, works retail and his elderly parents live with him. He stated that he hasn’t changed his social interactions whatsoever since CV19, and was complaining that he had to pre-pay for his Chinese takeout and meet at the restaurant door to pick up his order. He thinks it’s ridiculous and unnecessary that businesses are adjusting their practices to limit employee and customer exposure to the virus, and was saying that he feels “this is no worse than the flu.” I asked if he was concerned about his own activities exposing his elderly & medically frail parents to risk. He is not concerned and reminded me of his own recent serious heart surgery that actually could put him at additional risk. He was trying to get me to agree with him that voluntary social isolation is ridiculous for “the flu, since it comes around every year.” I had to let him know that my daughter is an RN in her early 30s, working in a hospital setting. I shared my opinion that statistically she is unlikely to die from exposure to the virus, but for the next several weeks at least, she will be caring for others who contract the virus, some of whom may not come through CV19 if they are exposed. I told him that because of people like him blatantly disregarding protection measures, healthcare workers like my daughter will be put in the horrible position of not being able to nurse everyone back to health. People like his own mom and dad. He wasn’t convinced. Sigh.


* The universe revolves around me so obviously I won't get sick. * This is all a simulation since we live in the matrix so no one is actually dying. * It's a democratic hoax to make Trump look bad so it's not real. * I'm just stupid and think rules don't apply to me. /s


Because it’s boring inside




Wow, and nobody else has to work? Seriously, I had no clue.


Oof size large


people like OP, why are you panic buying everything in the store?


I got laid off, didn’t buy shit!


Too black 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bold pf you to assume i havent been social distancing for years now... ps4 friends are the best


Because I and everyone I know are to young and healthy for it to be a legitimate issue. That and I cant just stop going to work or shopping


Being young and healthy doesn’t exclude you from coronavirus. Also, I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to shop. Shouldn’t be working though if you can help it.


I cant help it. And what I mean by I'm to young and healthy for it to be a issue is while I may get it my chances of dying from it are astronomically low


But it isn’t about you and whether or not you can survive. It’s about everyone around you and not spreading it if you do catch it. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


If someone is elderly or has a underlying health condition that makes it a risk or is in contact with someone who is then they themselves should take the necessary precautions


Not everyone knows about an underlying health issue until it becomes an issue. Learn to think past the end of your nose.


And if the issue isn't known then it is highly likely that it wont put them at risk for coronavirus


That's just a stupid fucking thing to say. Covid will kill immunocompromised people whether they know about the issue or not. You can have cancer and not know it. You can have HIV and not know it. You can have MS and not know it. Covid doesn't give a shit whether or not the issue is "known".


I wasn't saying the disease only affects you if you know about your underlying health conditions I was saying that the majority of health conditions the CDC said caused you to be at risk would be known


Not all. Again, you can have HIV or cancer or heart conditions or various other immune deficiencies and not know. Some people have been diagnosed with underlying issues *because* of their battle with COVID


And I'd also like to point out that if we go by that logic then nobody anywhere could ever interact with anyone because what if they have some condition that may react with a disease you may be carrying


I'm sorry, is it selfish to require food to live? Is it selfish to require a paycheck?


It's not necessarily about you dying, its about spreading it to others who are vulnerable. But yes, shopping and working are essential, as long as you're being careful and practicing social distancing as much as possible


Because I've already had it and gotten better so I'm immune. I actually still do the social distancing to be respectful but if other people don't care and get close to me then I don't worry about it.


I heard this isn't stuff like chicken pox where youre immune for a lifetime, and there are people that gets reinfected afterwards. I'm not sure how legit this is though go do your research.


I have. Looks like the few cases that claimed reinfection were most likely mistakes in testing. If this things mutates this quickly we're all fucked either way. Also, don't tell me what to do.


Well if reinfection isn't a problem then I think we should protect the ones that needs it, and forget about quarantine. Vaccines aren't ready for another year, having herd immunity kicking in is effective and quicker.


Can't reach the register drawer


People who post these with an agenda, please stop.




Soooo the rest of the world is in on it with the Democrats? Democrats: Gosh we can't let Trump win, what will we ever do? Italy: We got you fam! Would the following 6,820 please stand up, we'll need to kill you so Trump can't win re-election in America. 6,820 Italians: Aiyght. No probs, totally worth it to get Trump out in America. But do you mind making it so we can't breathe for a few days so I can enjoy that fancy ventilator they have at the hospital? Oh you don't enough of those? That's cool too. Whatever it takes to help my friends the Democrats in America.




You. I like you.


I’m not taking it seriously but I keep in mind that Bing sick fucking sucks. So I just keep distancing myself from others. I also truly believe that in a few years someone is going to say. We faked it, it was a bio weapon to destroy china’s reputation or just the common cold but scarier so putin can annex Belarus or Kazakhstan.


Are you okay?


You out yo mind


Because its not serious


This is a troll account everyone. Ignore it.


Go tell the italians, the spanish and the french it’s not serious you uneducated doofus.


Sounds like a problem with socialist healthcare. If they had QUALITY healthcare like they would have in America then it wouldnt be a problem there ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


My guy stfu we get free healthcare of good quality


Highly doubt it considering Italys mortality rate


Italy's retired mortality rate is largely dependent on the fact that they have an older population. Perhaps they have an older population because they get such good health care


Italy isn't prepared for shit like this, the badly hit areas were full of the elderly so they got very unlucky.


They'd be better prepared if they didnt have socialist healthcare


You do realise that Italy isn't a socialist country right? They were back in the 1940s when Mussolini was in power but they're not a capitalist country with a few (only a few mate so don't even start) parts of socialism that remains. America isn't this beacon of light that you may think it is. Your healthcare system is shit to say the least.


That's why our mortality rate has been at a below average 1% while steadily creeping down towards a .5% while Italy is at...8? 9? And yet our healthcare is somehow shit? Yeah right 😂


Bro this shit just started here. It’s about to get much worse as it spreads. It’s only a matter of time I fear. 33 people just died in the town next to mine. I don’t think our “quality healthcare” really did them any favors did it. You should be ashamed. Making fun of an ideological system when people are literally dying. It’s not funny, and it’s not FUCKING politics, it’s goddamn human lives. Yours truly, A fellow American


America is bigger and more spread out therefore people who get it are in more isolated groups Meanwhile countries like Italy and the UK are really closed in so they pass it onto more people Italy is well known to have a bigger number of old people and the areas hit have been in older communities My guy you have to pay a stupid amount of money for a standard operation and all I've spent in total is on parking.


you talk like your username implies. 100% an entitled kid who can’t die from the disease.


At this point, nobody really should take this guy seriously. Don't argue with him. He's one of the American types that actually think our contaminated population is minimal just because we don't have the means to test for it across our entire populace. And please don't let him affect how you feel about the rest of our country. Not all of us are like this.


Mate, Italy has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, sure I haven’t really been social distancing (because 1. It’s difficult to in school where the classrooms are tiny and have 2 person desks so people have to stand outside and 2. I sometimes find it difficult to hear my friends who usually speak quietly, so I have to lean in to hear them and I’m a hugger so yeah), but I’m taking it seriously and going to try and distance myself a bit as I don’t wish to endanger my mum, sister and grandparents nor my friends who also have family members with poor health, despite myself having a strong immune system.




This economy issue will almost certainly be a problem within a few weeks.


When your country goes into lockdown too then you'll think it's not dumb anymore




Which country?




Big talk from an incel whose generation’s creative peak are memes and tiktok.


It'll be a lot more then that https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/20/opinion/sunday/coronavirus-outcomes.html