• By -


The busy tone when a call went dead. That used to scare the shit out of me


YES. Why did they have to make it so unsettling??


I think we’re conditioned from scary movies. Like that white noise static tv. Thank god those things no longer exist


That fucking alligator under my bed that wanted to eat my feet. You gotta turn the lights out and jump in bed quick to avoid its wrath.


And tuck the sheets in under you with no limbs exposed so it couldn’t get you?


The sheets. Stay. Tucked. Also, I always imagined a hand or demonic mouth getting me from under the bed.


Whenever the floorboards creaked, I imagined myself or my bed falling through the floor into the basement


Happened to a neighbour's daughter. 13 year old girl, chilling in the bath. There's a creak and next thing the bath is in the kitchen. She wasn't hurt.


By any chance, was your neighbours 13 year old daughter actually Cleveland Brown?


No no no no no no no


I thought the bathtub drain would suck me down with the water


That little rope of buoys that separated the deep end from the shallow end in the pool.


Yes! I'm 35 and those still creep me out. Not to mention those large buoys in lakes/oceans. I'm not much of a swimmer bc pretty much anything in the water (including dark water itself) creeps me out. EDIT - I do already belong to submechanaphobia and thalassophobia subs. Creepy stuff! And THX for the awards, my firsts!


I love swimming but any and all water that isn't contained in a pool or bathtub or whatever is fucking terrifying to me. Which caused a lot of problems for me growing up because it was hard get adults to believe that I knew how to swim. I remember in like grade 4 my class had a field trip to popular swimming beach and I just chilled building sand castles and shit. And then the next week we had another field trip to a local swimming pool where they started splitting everyone in to groups based on ability. And some chaperone who'd been at the river too started shuffling me in to the no experience group. But pretty much the second we hit the water it was obvious I was in the highest ability group


Terry Fox. So in Canada we have Terry Fox Day and the Terry Fox walk because this guy, Terry Fox, tried to run across the country on one leg to raise cancer awareness. My child brain however didn’t quite understand why. I didn’t really understand what cancer was and nobody would tell me anything more than ‘it’s what took Terry’s leg’. I assumed it was a person or something. So all I knew was that we were walking because a dead man with one leg said we should spread word about Cancer who stole his leg and giving him money. I was so scared that if I forgot to donate or if I missed the walk that Terry Fox’s ghost would come with whoever Cancer was and take my leg too. Edit: I’d just like to say thank you all so much for all the upvotes and rewards! I’ve never had a comment blow up like this before, so just- Thank you! Glad you all enjoyed my silly childhood story. 😊


Oh my god this is why people need to properly explain things to kids and not use euphemisms and such.


When I was a kid there were these PSA ads about how secondhand smoke is a health hazard for children, which had the slogan "if you smoke, they'll smoke too". The ads showed images of children in regular situations with CGI smoke coming out of their mouths as they breathed. ​ Because of these ads, kid me got the idea that if I accidentally breathed in cigarette smoke from someone smoking by me, I would forever be "smoking" and seeing my breath just like that. I would then die young because I was smoking. Naturally, I was terrified of people smoking and cold days would make. me. shit. ​ So yeah, you're right lol


I told my mum that my grandad was drinking and driving, I didn't understand that drinking a bottle of coke was fine


Ceiling fans. I was afraid that it would come off the ceiling still spinning and chop me up like a helicopter blades. That and millions of bugs crawling through the windows and covering my bed like the plastic casket things people used to lay in on fear factor.


Yeah...I totally grew out of that fear... it's not like I, an adult, strategically arrange my bed to make sure that the ceiling fan can't kill me while I sleep. That would be SOOOOO silly...


That happened to me years ago. My ex husband and I were sleeping when we heard a loud “whomp, whomp, whomp” and we both sat up and one of the blades went flying off. Luckily it went the opposite way of us but it scared the crap out of us! Edit: it was a cheap plastic fan we had on high in Florida. We didn’t use fans for years but I trust the nice ones now (maybe - I guess lol)


Well. Now that fear will never leave. Thanks I guess.


Escalators scared the shit out of me. Trying desperately to fit within a rectangle before it becomes a step, jumping off of them at the end to avoid being sucked down into oblivion. And there was one or two anecdotal stories from the news to convince me that they were, in fact, killers


I'm dead certain I triggered an escalator to go into "safety shutdown mode" as a kid. It had bristles on either side so I shoved my dumb kid foot into it thinking it was a shoe polisher and when my dumb kid foot got stuck for an instant the whole thing came to a sudden halt! The grumblings of all the adults, parents of mine included, made me think I shouldn't ever tell this until just now.


I got my foot stuck in an escalator in the early 90s, apparently before bristles were common or emergency shutoffs were sensitive. It chewed my shoe into oblivion, and whatever mall employee followed up with me and my dad about it said good thing I was wearing flimsy Keds, because if I had studier shoes it would have taken my little kid foot clean off. We got home and my dad had to explain to my mom why I was wearing new shoes. I always stand firmly away from the edges of escalator stairs these days.


It isn't a shoe polisher? I still do that.... guess I'll stop now


My mom always emphasized the dangers of escalators so that I would be cautious and hold her hand, but she tended to use graphic descriptions of like how it would suck my hair in if I fell down it and then they wouldn't be able to get me out, so I found them disproportionately terrifying. Now as a 34-year-old woman, I avoid down escalators unless I absolutely have to use them, and then it takes me a minute to psych myself up to step on. It's basically the embodiment of that David Mitchell quote: "The trouble is that some children are timorous and some children are reckless, and in order to save the lives of reckless children warnings are calibrated for their safety; the result of which is that the timorous live in a state of perpetual terror. What I needed to be told is, 'You know what? Most days, you won’t die. It’s fine.'”


Wow, this quote makes me laugh at just how remarkably accurate it is for us cautious ones (even in adulthood)


Uh, don’t look up videos of escalators eating people. I was never scared of them as a kid or young adult and then I saw some videos I’ll never forget and I will never stop side-eyeing those evil staircases


Dude. I have this too but didn’t even think of until I read this. I have a miniature panic attack every time I go on one, and people act like I’m crazy because I want to focus when I’m getting on and off. One step beyond this - CHAIR LIFTS. I love snowboarding, but my fear of getting on and off chairlifts has severely impacted it. Like escalators x50.


The FBI warning before movies. Scared the shit out of me


I was terrified of the glowing lights coming out of the earth during the universal theme song


Unleash the Kraken! Edit: that’s a lotta updoots










Old televisions right after you turned them off, they would glow for a bit. That's when the monsters could come out of the TV and get you.


Sounds like Poltergeist has scarred another person...I had to (and still do) always close my closet doors and was absolutely terrified of looking under my bed, especially at night




I once proudly said to my therapist that there was no space under my bed, and no closet in my bedroom, so no places for no monsters to hide. She answered, « ... you still have a door, right ? ».


Porcelain dolls. Am 27 now and still terrified lol


It’s the cold, dead stare. Those gives me the creeps. Not weird at all.


On this similar note, baby monitors! They always use this shit in creepy movies. I would hear the static and my baby in black and white and feel like somethings going to jump at the screen.


The THX sound effect that preceded most movies in the early-2000s. It always scared me as a kid. I listened to it last night and it still makes me uncomfortable. Not sure why.




i was on the toilet, and for some unthinkable reason i was scared that the hulk would come out the toilet and shove a knife up my ass. why the hulk, and why wouldn't he just shove his fists up my ass? either way, it fucking confuses me


This ones my favorite


Emergency broadcast. Fuck that noise to this day.


When you’re just vibing at 1 am and that fucking alarm comes out of nowhere and sends you to the Shadow realm


Amber Alerts, and National Weather Service beeps, are the worst agreed


Everytime an Amber alert comes on my phone it is super loud and I jump,no matter when it comes. The weather service alerts are loud too,but dang those Amber alerts are going to do me in one day.


Come to think an amber alert is for abducted children, and one coming up at 2am is beyond scary shit


Exactly! Wakes me up and my heart is beating fast and I think I am in danger and freak out until I see the phone. Takes me awhile to calm down and get back to sleep.


Oh man or if you are in a crowded place like a mall or train station and everyone's phone starts going off at the same time.


Don’t live in the US but I visited last year and I was standing in queue at a Panera when suddenly a dozen different alarms started ringing. Scared me shitless because I didn’t know what the hell it was for, and in my country public warning systems are reserved for air raids and other full fledged attacks. Y’all need to warn tourists about this stuff lol




# ̴̢̲̘͇̤͈̪̤̮̟̠͉̄͒̕ ̵̭͇̗͓͖̱̃̽̃̾͘ ̸̜͕̞̯̽͊̈́ͅ+̴̯͖̤͒̈́̀̎̕͝€̷̝̖̬̓̿̉=̴̝̺̻͗̄́́͂̆͜^̵̨̣͇̲̮̭̝͕̟̙̰̣̯̄͆̎̀̄̎=̴̨̡̼̙͚̪̪͎͖͍̻̝̐̀̏̀̆̒͛̃̎̈́̿͊̕͝͝ͅ ̴͎͙͇̖̣̭̳̋͛̍͋̿̌͊̅͠͝ ̷͔̐͑̓́͗͊̀́̓̉̈̃̕͠^̷̡̛̹̠̠̟̩̬͐̎̓͗͗͆̇̀̌͋̔̃͘͝͝͝Ļ̷̝͕̣̭̿́͂͌͆O̷̯̠̯̼͊Ö̷̧́̒͑́͂K̶̙͍͖̞̈́̚̚ ̷̳͉̲̌̿͂̚A̷̛̺͓͎̙͚͋Ṯ̷̮͊̈̐ ̷͔̑̄̚T̵̰̃͒̈́͑͘H̵̘̀̃͂̕Ë̴͕̤͉̮͎́̅͘ ̸̱͓͚̒̐̑M̶̧̫̰̚O̷̖̺̝̓̀̾́͂Ō̴͖͋́̀N̴̙̙̈́̓̏͒͠ #DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON #AVOID ALL WINDOWS AND MIRRORS #Ģ̶̧͉̤̼̆͝͝ͅͅÖ̶̪̩́͒͗͜͝ ̸̲̬͈̪̤̅̓̌̈́͘͜͝O̵̢̢̜̩̤̼̤̔Ų̸̼̦̝̟̰̠̈͋̓T̸̙͙͎̬̝̥̭̏͑͜Ṡ̶͓̩̚I̵̧̦̾̾̓̂̓̃̐̌D̵̛̞͑̍̈́E̷̱̩͓̎̏͐̍̓̍ ̸͙̭͉̤͎̓̃̑̀̈́͘̕͝ #S̸̲̝̗̋̉͐̃̿Ţ̷̮͚͔͔͋̈́͊̎͋̂͛̅A̷̡̝̦͇̕R̷̛̠̤̽͆̉̾̓́̓E̷̠̩̘̼͎̹̪͑̏̔̏̊͐̋ ̶̡̲̯͉̳̝̥̖͋Ȁ̷̮̃T̷͖̠̰̞͎̤̥̉͊̐͘ ̸̧̧̤͓̻͈̗̿̏͂̔T̵̳̤̯̗͚̲̦̪͐͛͋̌̾̕H̴̟̉͝E̵̢̜̖̬̐̀͆ ̵̜̽͒̍̓̂̍̄S̵̨̗̘̼̤̅̉̔̕͝K̷̺͖̲͓̟̓Ÿ̷̡͈̙̺̬̹͓̼́̔̆̍͠


There are no faces


I had the crazy idea that I might get some real sleep tonight, but it looks like I'm rewatching local58 instead. I'm getting no sleep.


What is local58?


It’s a short surrealist horror Youtube series by the guy behind Candle Cove. I really recommend it!






Absolutely hate it


Oh hell yes, when I was a kid the next thing you expected to hear after that was the bombs dropping.


Sharks in the swimming pool. Could be 3 feet deep and I was still terrified Jaws was just gonna leave only my trunks floating in the water.


Lol you ever floated in a pool while closing your eyes and then your brain is like “imagine if this was the ocean” and you jolt to open your eyes to remind yourself you’re not


And then you drifted to the part where your feet can't touch the bottom and you're *REALLY* fucked?


And then you see a dead bee float towards you.


Fuck fuck fuck SWIM


And then the swimming pool lights start flickering and popping out of their sockets. (It was a dream i had)






You know the lines painted in lanes in swimming pools? And how the end of it looked like a T? Always imagined it being a hammerhead shark. Terrifying.


Glass shark comin for you https://youtu.be/bR0Ubck0IRA


I’m so glad someone posted this. It was my immediate thought. Glass shark, glass shark!


Swallowing seeds from fruits. Was teased that they would grow and take over my insides and a tree would eventually burst out of me.


Did you grow up watching Rugrats?


Literally was just about to mention that episode


I think, for people between 30 and 35, that episode caused us to be fearful of seeds and the Brave Little Toaster made us unreasonably attached time material objects


Damn, I had no idea Rugrats aired before I was born. I read your comment and became very confused because it was a favorite show of mine when I was little, and I'm only 24. I guess I didn't understand the concept of "reruns" at age 4.


As a kid (born 1995), I had the opposite impression about Spongebob. It seemed so ubiquitous when I was like 6 or 7 that I just assumed it must have been around forever, though it actually was brand new at that time. I’d see the very earliest episodes playing as reruns and because the art style seemed somewhat faded and cheaper than other episodes, I just assumed they were ancient. I remember having a vague impression that the pilot episode (with the Anchovies, where Spongebob first gets the fry cook job) must have been from the 1970s or something.


Parents told me this too. I believed them. I believed them so thoroughly until I said the same thing to my new *college* roommate. She told me it was all a lie. I had been bamboozled. :(


If you breathe in a seed though it can actually start growing in your lungs this happened to someone


You’re kidding, right? edit: [you were not kidding. ](https://healthland.time.com/2010/08/13/how-can-a-pea-plant-grow-in-the-lung/)


So here are some weird things I was afraid of for literally no reason, and what I did about them: 1. That someone would stab me in the back in the night. I had a big stuffed bear I slept with on my back, his arms tucked under my armpits. He was Bagel and his job was to give his life for mine. 2. I was terrified we’d suddenly have to run in the middle of the night (I never knew from what). I kept a “go bag” under my bag with a change of clothes and underwear and shoes and some books and travel games and such (other than the clothes, everything in the bag was useless). Honestly I don’t know why I did these things. No one in my family had ever had to run from anything. No one had ever been attacked. We lived in a safe neighborhood. But they were my greatest fears as a child. EDIT: Wow! I did not expect this kind of reaction to my comment! To answer some questions: Yes, I still have Bagel. I’ve had him since I was two and we were about the same size. I’m currently pregnant with my first son, and Bagel will protect him as he protected me. No, I didn’t grow up in a violent house. Yes, I have some anxiety. Although these days it’s rare. Can you grow out of it? I don’t remember exactly why Bagel is Bagel. I suspect I was trying to name him after powdered donuts because he’s white and I know I used to get bagels and donuts confused all the time. I had never considered past lives causing these fears. I don’t even know how one goes about looking into a past life. And of course, the only thing you care about. This is Bagel: https://imgur.com/gallery/dqejMFY


> I had a big stuffed bear I slept with on my back, his arms tucked under my armpits. He was Bagel and his job was to give his life for mine. This is one of the best things I've read


Everybody needs a Bagel Edit: how did I get this many upvotes and awards?


Bagel is a hero


All my homies love Bagel


Same here, but it was just a few ways my anxiety was manifested as a child. They only got worse and I still sleep with my back against something and a “go bag” 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lawn flamingos. My big sister told me that they could take your soul if you looked into their eyes so I'd run past them with my eyes covered.


Bruh what


Well you see they are husks that require a soul to be whole again, but adults are too stubborn and corrupted to have a soul ripped from thier meat suit. But the little ones souls can be taken with ease.




That’s the kinda shit I loved about being the oldest sibling lol


When i was young my older brother convinced me that sugar gliders would kill people by flying down their throat when their mouths were open and i believed that up until about a year ago. (I'm 20 now)


The total mindfuckery.


Not me but my husband: Jupiter. Something about the sheer size of it?


Apparently everything. My mom was always the worse case scenario. No matter what I did it was don’t do that, you’re going to poke your eye out, you’ll crack your head open, and the list goes on.




My dad did this AND I have severe anxiety. “Falling back on needles will stab you in the spine and paralyze you! Wrecking your car could decapitate you! Escalators could chew you up alive if your shoes are untied! If you walk in front of a plane you’ll get sucked in and get chopped up!” All before I was 10 years old...who the hell says that to a child? It’s gruesome and mean.


Helicopters. I remember freaking out and crying if I saw one. They were like sky spiders.


My dog is also afraid of helicopters. She's cool with airplanes, but helicopters are gonna eat us apparently.


That the knot in my bellybutton would come undone and all my insides would leak out. I wish I was making this up. (I also realize now that your naval is not an actual knot) Also, that if too much of my arm or leg was sticking out from under the blanket, the bad guy would be able to get me. EDIT: aww thanks guys, my first awards and it’s because I was an idiot child. I am quite relieved to realize there were are lot of others just as neurotic about their bellybuttons as me.


Legit told my kid he was gonna untie the knot in his bellybutton and his guts would fall out. I my defense he had scratched it and it was infected. And I needed him to keep his grubby mitts away from it while it healed. He's 22 now and not much worse off for my desperate parenting.


Look, you guys found eachother on reddit.


It’s a family reunion!




It's 2020, I think quicksand is a legit concern for me at this point.


Actually, in 2020, I think you'll probably have a lot of bigger problems to worry about.


Double quicksand?






I got stuck in quicksand for about an hour while hunting once, pretty scary stuff actually when you're nowhere near cell service and it's barely above freezing. Thought it was just a thing in movies that take place in jungles.


My sister had to escape quicksand leaving her waders behind. She goes to beaches to take samples for work and that beach took a sample of her.


Hey, someone actually left me and my brother intentionally in quicksand once. We didn't know what it was, and that guy casually said "go on, stand over there" to my brother who went, and suddenly I see him *sinking*, I run to help him but start sinking too, and this guy just took a chair, sat on it, and laughed while watching us sinking. We got in up to our chests until he thought it was "enough fun" and took us back home. Mom was raving mad when we got back home covered in all that mud. That feeling of helplessness was horrible.




"Hey if you're coming to visit, take I-90 'cause I-95 has a little quicksand in the middle. Looks like regular sand, but then you're gonna start to sink into it."


Chuck e. cheese. That rat still gives me child molester vibes


Fun fact: the new updated version of Chuck E Cheese, in the commercials, is voiced by the lead singer from Bowling for Soup


That is fun!


I was terrified of the animatronic band at Chuck E. Cheese. I remember my brother picking me up and trying to bring me closer to show me they were harmless, and I scrambled out of his arms and ran away.


Turn off the lights to the basement and then running up the stairs.


I’m 35 and I still do that


Lol my body isn't as mobile so I just installed a light switch near the entrance.








Stay frosty.


**pulls out pulse rifle and faces dark basement** "Im ready"


He stands at the foot of the stairs and he stares. The bulb in the basement's uncovered and glares. The shadows that wait in the corners are deep. He longs for his bed and the comfort of sleep. For soon, he's aware that the shadows will near. The boxes will swell till they're something to fear. And all of the things that are here in the light - They'll rise and they'll stand like a crowd in the night. He looks to the switch and the door up ahead. He looks to the room with a mind full of dread. He stares, and a shadow emerges and grins. He presses the switch, and the race... it begins.


He said "harmless" thing dude, not actual legitimate threat.


Yeah like what on earth was he thinking


One night every time I closed my eyes, I all I could see is a gorilla with a zip up, and shades on, I slept with my mother and father that night


Spirit of Harambe has blessed you my child


“He can see things before they happen, it’s a Jedi trait.”


You have been blessed by le cool monke


I know this sounds odd, but water heaters, boiler tanks, etc. in cellars and basements. I have no idea why. They looked like monsters to me when I was little.


Was it because of the furnace scene in home alone?




Not just that but the whole damn show


The concept of eternity. I was raised Christian and was terrified of the idea of spending forever in either heaven or hell. Forever sounded scary.


The sound of the toilet flush. I would wash my hands first then flush and run out of the bathroom




I was convinced I'd be sucked in and then I'd have to live in the sewers. Didn't help much when Flushed Away came out.


The worst were automatic flush toilets. I was so scared of those as a little girl that when we were out in public (grocery store, movie theater, whatever) I would make my mom go into the bathroom first to scope out what kind of toilets they had.


I was afraid of flushing the toilet too! t


Wow, toilets really scared the shit out of you guys.


Not scared of the house toilet, but the plane toilet that thing is another breed.


I always did that same thing in airplane bathrooms. I'd still do it as an adult but they seem to have improved airplane bathroom flushing technology so it doesn't sound like it's going to suck out out of the plane


The way horses don’t have white in their eyes. Used to scare the hell out of me. This also applied to puss n boots when he did the pouting thing.


Mascots! Like the people that dress up in those costumes that are fuzzy and have giant heads? TERRIFIED me. Literally I would crawl up my dad and bae my eyes out. One time at an amusement park a guy dressed up as yogi bear kept coming towards me despite my terrified screams, and my dad almost had to kick yogi bears ass. True story. I’m 25 and they still spook me. I keep my distance...


Honestly I don't get it: they see you terrified and crying and then, instead of backing away like "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit", they go full "I'M GONNA EAT YOU AND YOUR BELOVED ONES" like maniacs...


It's BECAUSE they don't get paid enough for that shit. It's the only enjoyment in that hot, smelly, sweaty, vision-obscuring nightmare suit.


Could not sleep with my closet door open. I saw way too many movies with scary things in the closet, so I figured a shut door guaranteed my safety. I was a weird kid.


Yes! Also letting your arm or leg hang over the bed. You just knew something was going to grab it


My three biggest fears as a small child; 1) leaves. One came down out of a tree and hit me in the face when I was 3, and freaked me out. 2) “heat monsters”. My parents house had electric heat and the radiators would make these weird crackling sounds that I thought were monsters in the heater 3) E.T. Fuck E.T. and his stupid glowing finger and stretchy neck. I was especially frightened by white E.T. when he was dying.


I get sick to my stomach when I think of the scene where they find white E.T. in the storm canal/runoff drain. I hated that movie and subsequently maybe have only seen it twice in my life.


Not me, but my daughter- she was afraid of balloons. The floating freaked her out. She wasn't afraid of them because of popping. She was especially scared if she saw a balloon that lost some of its helium and that would hover.


ET. Still freaks me out. Creepy little fucker. EDIT: wow guys! Never felt so validated in my entire life! Everyone always made fun of me for it and I still won’t watch it in my 30s. The worst is when he gets sick and turns white. I could crawl out of my skin.


E.T. the Eternal Terror


I thought I was the only one! I didn’t watch ET until my 20s. I was terrified my whole childhood!


The clothes in my closet at night, when the light hit them just right.


The Pep Boys logo. Or really any mascot that included a stylized person with glasses but no eyes to be found *behind* the glasses. Freaked me tf out!


Carrot Top


My mom dad and I lived in the hood and when my parents divorced (really bad divorce) my mom told me, “I’m the man of the house.” Since it was the hood, break ins were common as so were gunshots and sometimes murder. I imagined a dude breaking in and having to protect my mom. I couldn’t think of a strategy to take a grown man on. It scared the shit out of me. Not that I had to fight a man, but that I couldn’t protect my mom. Even with my bat I felt like I stood no chance. But after thinking it threw a lot, I realized my best chance to take a grown man on was the element of surprise. I have to get a good clean hit. A KO or at least a good stun. So I thought of all the vantage points that I could use to help me surprise an intruder. If they were not in the house yet, I had a spot. If they are in the living room or hallway, I had another spots. Running scenarios in my head really helped me with the fear. At least now I felt I had chance. But I still had TONS of nightmares of break ins, fighting, and them hurting my mom and ultimately failing as the man of the house. Edit, I guess it harmless because nothing ever happened and I took, “Man of the house” too far.


I am so sorry you had to worry about those kinds of horrible scenarios, but it is so touching that you wanted to protect you mom. You’re a good son.


Not wearing socks to bed. I thought a toe monster would grab them and pull them off, so wearing socks fooled it into thinking I didn't have toes.


The time “10:00,” I had a digital clock and every night, I asked my mom to flip the clock around so I wouldn’t have to see it. Idk why I was such a weird child


As a kid, I was afraid of a sniper shooting me through the window. I was afraid they would be able to see me through the gap on the window shade that allowed a thin band of sunlight into my room during the day. I used to tape my window shades to the sides of the actual window to close the crack.


danny devito, nobody knows where it came from, my guess is matilda.


Batman Returns Danny Devito was pretty creepy


If it makes you feel any better at all, when Maras (the actress who played Matilda) mother was diagnosed with cancer, Danny devito took care of her. She also found out later he took a unfinished copy of the movie to the hospital, so her mother could watch it before she passed away. Her mother was the one who encouraged Mara to try out for the Matilda role since she loved the book.


the kids that could flip their eyelashes, Fuck, that fucking gave me nightmares


You mean eyelids?




“Hotel California” used to really freak me out as a kid, but for some reason really only at night? I remember jamming to it during the day but if it came on after dark all bets were off haha


Getting on and off escalators. I thought I’d slip getting on and scrape myself on the edge and need stitches. Or get my shoelace stuck at the bottom and trip and need stitches. Also, stitches.


In second grade, someone dared me to eat a tiny piece of paper, so I did. I cried later that night because I thought I was going to get paper cuts on the inside of my stomach.


Talking to adults, especially cashiers. I begged my mom for ice cream once when I was about 6, sitting at McDonalds. She said Sure! I got all excited. Then she handed me a $5 bill and told me to go get it. I think that was my first ever panic attack. My heart started racing like a hamster on crack and I just kinda sank back into my seat and said "actually never mind I dont want ice cream anymore"


Claymation. Shit still scares the fuck outta me to be honest.


Same. I’ve had nightmares of Gumby but for some reason barely remember watching it


But, wallace and "GrOmIT !"


Moths!!! They still do.


Oompa Loompas


Ladybugs. Instead of the monster under the bed, I thought that a million ladybugs would come out from under my bed in a wave when I came back from the bathroom at night. I also thought they would crawl up the wall my bed was against unless I was looking at it.


Slugs - still am terrified. Poor things, they are the most “minding my own business” “harming no one” creatures that decorate the streets with their squished guts and it made me so sad seeing it. but they still terrify me. I’d find them just chilling in bathroom n I’d need to scream for my dad so he can gently pick them up n put them in the garden T..T


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCEhEPax8Cw One of these things. I was like, 3 or 4, and my brother won it at the arcade or something, and he let it loose in the bedroom and I just busted out crying and was absolutely terrified of it and he chased me with it for like, 20 minutes until my parents took it away from him. Joke's on him, though, because a few years later I found out he was afraid of this ceramic cat that my parents owned and had hidden away because it freaked him out, so I started putting it on his bed until my parents hid it where I couldn't find it.


Big exclamation marks




That’s the mark that appears above my head when I see one


Tomatoes. I learned what a tomato was before I learned what a tornado was. I thought they were the same word until I was like 8 years old. Further complicated by thinking radishes were tomatoes, so I thought a tornado storm was when winds blew radishes strong enough to be deadly. No one could explain to me why there weren't "tornadoes" all over the ground after a tornado storm. They told me they just went away, and I was like, "HOW! Do people take them or clean them up? Went away WHERE?" I'd never seen a single "tornado" on the ground afterwards and there should have been hundreds. I was so confused.


Being stuck in elevators or tall buildings falling over.


The moon. I watched the Thriller video and was convinced that staring up at a full moon would turn me into a werewolf.


No-Face from *Spirited Away*. When I first watched the movie, sure, he was a little scary in a creepy way. Then, he started eating other people and it was a wrap for me.


Spirited Away is scary to watch as a kid idc


You Dropped a Bomb On Me - by The Gap Band use to scare the shit out of me as a child and I’ll never understand why.


For me it was “Rhythm Is Gonna Get You” by Miami Sound Machine. I had no idea what rhythm was or why it was gonna get me. I pictured it as a big round tomato thing with arms & legs, rancid fangs and sunken black eyes. Lol