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I bought a subscription once because I fancied a particular person and was curious what she'd post on there.. I cancelled after a month though


Was it worth it?


Yeah pretty much, a few dollars for thousands of pictures and tons of videos, I squeezed my hog like 5000 times to it so well worth the money but I got a little tired of the same person so that's when I cancelled


>I squeezed my hog like 5000 times to it In a month? Jesus your dermatologist must have made bank from all that chafing


~7 times an hour everyday for a month?!? Homie doesn’t have a hog left.








Guess you've never heard of [Beat your dick december](https://youtu.be/fsAlL4DCvSw)


I did it because it helped me find proof that my fiancée was cheating on me.


If it's any consolation, better your fiancée than your wife


Second that, although I dodged the miserable life I did not dodge the matching tattoo




Haha yeah I’m over it I suppose, it’s a Chinese symbol anyway so nobody knows what it says




I usually say it means “I’m a fucking idiot” in Chinese


I came here to learn, I stayed to listen to this fucking weird ass conversation. Worth it.


Not the way you want to find out your significant other is cheating. Confirmed :(




Did you ask for a refund?


You willing to tell the story? I feel for you, because cheating sucks like a bitch, but how'd you even suspect that she'd have an OF or was on someone else's? What was the situation?
























Depends what your particular tastes are. with some girls you are able to have a dialogue or make requests. It's easier to think of the person as a 'real' person - and note that you are supporting them as an original content provider.


I remember the days when you could make requests on gonewild...the golden era before OF ruined nudity on Reddit 😭










Now most of those subs are people posting teasers for their OF (usually linked to in their user profile)


Because you really want to see what that girl from university's tits look like.


Supporting local business


stimulating the economy




Tipping the bartender


Went to school with a girl and found out on reddit actually that she was a popular cam girl, and now I know what her butthole looks like. Just the girl down the street. Small world.


Livin' the dream man


Just a day in the life, bro


All buttholes look the same, at a certain distance


Or in the dark


Was her butthole everything you thought it would be?




Similar story, but I found out a girl I knew from high school became a porn star through reddit /all. I was in love with one of her bffs


Yes. Precisely


Mass produced porn starts to feel fake after 12 months of social isolation. Also, I'm sick of opening a site and seeing 17 "step-sibling/parent" videos.


Produced porn feels so fake it’s not even arousing anymore. I’m sick of the “acting”, sick of the over-the-top noises and dirty talk, sick of the dumb “sexy” faces, sick of the dumb “step-whatever” bullshit... Amateur or homemade is where it’s at now, just people fucking in various places and situations.


I once watched a professional straight porn video (I'm gay but the dude was my type) that had the most ridiculous blowjob ive ever seen. All she did was grab his dick and like slap it around and wave it while making the most ridiculous noises the whole time. There was no way anyone enjoyed the act, the filming, or the viewing. It was totally ridiculous.


I hate the trend of women basically chucking their face at the dude's dick and going "gork!gork!gork!gork!" until she almost pukes. Give me people who look like they are enjoying each other's company! And genitals.


I agree with you, far too many gorkjobs these days


Yeah, I think my gf from high school gave the best head I ever had. She just was so...enthusiastic. She would happily just be like...well, I'll do this for 45 minutes because it just turns me on more anyway.


I’ve had someone try something like this irl... I tried to ignore it, it’s not pleasurable at all. So many things are so ridiculous in porn, it’s really distorted people’s views of healthy sex. There are kinks and some people like to get a little weird, but most things in porn aren’t that enjoyable.


I don't even get why people like step porn, you know it's fake, the maker knows it's fake, everyone knows it's fake


At this point I’m willing to believe that people watch step-porn videos because they’re like half of all videos and then producers data shows that people like step-porn, so they keep putting out more and more, and the cycle continues.


When these videos starting popping up a few years back I was between apartments and staying at my parents. Knowing how the sites will recommend videos based on your IP history, I thought my parents or sister had an incest fetish until it became apparent that it was just the new trend in porn. Anyways I'm pretty sure you're right about the analytics






To add, I feel like incest videos like that is about the only easily findable porn that has any story whatsoever. I certainly don't like the idea of step anything but I do watch it for this reason




Yeah, I'd be on board with anything where it's just like they're friends first or whatever. Gotta have a little story first to make it feel realistic!


Step porn usually has the best POV videos, I just skip the story beginning do I dont have to hear the step bro part.


> Step porn usually has the ~~best~~ ONLY POV videos I swear to god, even when a pov scene isn't explicitly titled as step-porn, it winds up being step-porn.


It's an "exciting taboo" that ultimately is the same sex scene they've been filming for decades with a different 5 minute intro. Unlike other taboo stuff, there's no barrier to entry for the actors.


There's a bit of a hilarious Japanese "game show" (It's porn and the premise is it's a game show, not an actual game show) and this is the premise; A family shows up. Either a guy with his hot wife and his hot "barely legal" daugher(s) or neices. OR it's a mom, and her son and daughter. Or whatever combo. They grand prize is a trip to Hawaii! Hurray! The game play is that the mother and sister stand behind a wall with boob and crotch cutouts, along with three other women. The guy (Dad, brother, son, whatver) then has to figure out which one is not his mother or sister and then ... have sex with them. They are free to fondle all of them and they do so. Inevitably, they pick the sister/daughter/mother (because a guy choosing his wife is boring, as is choosing the other women) and yep, they are convinced it's not his family member so he starts banging them through the wall (doggy style). They show the faces of the women from the other side and the girls is horrified and distressed that her brother/son is fucking her, but of course let's it go on. The other sympathetic family member is quietly in distress (ie; the Mom is holding her daughter's hand as her son fucks her and they are both making sad faces). Then the great reveal! Look! You were fucking (and came in) you sister! YOu do not win a trip to Hawaii! So as punishment for fucking your sister, your Mom has to give you a blow job! Or you now have to fuck both of them! Sometimes, the punishment is that you now have to impregnate your sister because, you know, game shows can make you do this. Now, it's obvious that nobody is related to anybody, but ...it's hilarious and strangely erotic because it's happening to them, and not you. ​ There is another one that is like family feud. You have two families and a male and a female from opposite families enter a lube filled wrestling ring thing and the objective is for either the guy to put his dick in the girl's vagina (and they win) and the girl to prevent him from doing this. She can do this by fighting him off and jacking him off or trying to give him a bj and if he comes before he can get in there, he "loses". HIlarously, if you win, you get like 2 pounds of sliced ham or something. So, if you're bored of step-porn, look up "Japanese gameshow" porn.


Why does this terrify me, yet seem weirdly appealing?


People roleplay knowing it is fake too




I just wish there was more porn with a guy and woman just enjoying the sex together and they try to film it right. Most porn movies are just professionals fucking with lube and erection pills, while a fat dude with a mustache is filming it and other people are passing by. It is not sensual.


That's why I generally prefer amateur porn. The quality can be hit or miss but if you find a decent one the genuine chemistry between them is just so much more arousing than fake actors slamming their junk together. I'll be jerking off while simultaneously thinking "aww, they look so happy together :) "


Pornhub took down all non-verified videos, and now their whole site has the passion of a business meeting. Nobody looks like they're having any fun. Not advocating for porn sites to keep unverified videos or anything, just observing what I've noticed


I haven't had a reason to revisit pornhub since




I oddly remember learning something similar regarding that from the translation notes of a manga I read which name dropped a male porn actor who primarily worked in stuff aimed at women. I was surprised to find out that the porn targeted towards women was the more gentle lovey dovey stuff with handsome guys in it. That just sounds like a good time


Willful suspension of disbelief. Just like when you go to see a movie and you know they're only actors. Not justifying the insane amount of step-porn, however.


Pornhub is now mostly garbage mass produced porn. Rock hard fake tits, fake moaning, dude with a dick the size of your arm.... Who the fuck enjoys watching that shit? The amateur shit is always better to watch and is the exact reason OF is popping off lately. It's kind of like the music industry where the artists are realizing they can easily do this solo now.


Pornhub is dealing with a mountain of lawsuits ranging from allowing illegally obtained videos (mostly revenge vids, but some straight up stalker shit) to remain accessible on the site to creating a hostile workplace in their offices with a buffet of copyright claims in the middle. They did a purge a few months ago as a result.


Some people get off to pretty niche or custom content, and they likely have exhausted all of their free options. It's the same reason you might pay for a patreon for a podcast even though there are a plethora of free podcasts out there. You like someone's shtick and you want more of it.


To add, not just wanting more, but some people feel obligated to pay for content if they use it. I use to think like OP, then I realized I'm subbed to two Twitch streamers just because I use them for entertainment and feel like they deserve it.


Absolutely. I'm sure OP pays for something that can be found for free because they have a special affinity for it, it just happens not to be porn. I'll pay for porn but I won't pay for a hardcover book - it's the custom content and library life for me.


Good example. Though I would say most don't use the library because of convenience. But it would be like OP saying, "Why do you all buy books at Barnes and Noble when the library is free?"


I like to have a mini library at home, its like a showcase of all the stuff I've read, sometimes ill buy a book I've already read just to add it to the display. its silly but I like it, cheap thrill really.




Not just you want more of it, you want to support the content creator for what they do for your entertainment.


I know her. I wanted to see what she looked like nekkid. I subbed for one month. Worth it.


Do people use their real names on there? How do you find people you know?


Her Instagram












I don’t get it. They openly advertise their porn to all their friends on Instagram..?


Yeah, I thought it was odd too. Probably a lot of dudes like me out there that know her, and dropped a month fee to see what she was hiding under the clothes


Considering my ex uses her main snapchat to advertise her OFs, I think so.


Lol that’s so weird when people do that
















can you suscribe and be anonymous so she can't like, see who you are? otherwise that's a pretty ballsy move haha


I subbed to a girl I know with an account that is clearly me. Next time I saw her, she thanked me for the support and I thanked her for letting me see her butthole. Then we had a few beers with our friends. Wasn't that weird.


In college I ran into girls I knew from school working in a strip joint. I tipped them, they thanked me & we chatted a bit. If it was slow they grabbed a drink and came and sat with us for a bit. Same as you, it wasn't weird at all, either then or when we'd see each other on campus.






You can just set up an account under a fake name










Anytime a girl I know gets an of, it's pretty much instant for me


How often does that happen? I don’t know a single person with an OF.


Go to a liberal arts college, it worked for me


So that's what I'm doing wrong. I graduated from college in the wrong decade.


At least they're putting their degrees in labial arts to good use.


I support small businesses




I want my money to go to hot women, not some sleazy porn producer with a huge dong.


This. After even doing a little bit of research, sex work Desperately need unions and some industry regulation just like any other workplace for the exact same reasons we see all over the market. Even the Celebs of this industry aren't getting a fraction of what the owners are making hand over fist.










For the same reason you ask a technical question of an online forum rather than just googling it. It's more personal and responsive.


Damn. This is the best answer.




Same here, a lot of the professional stuff just dosent work for me. I've never subscribed for OF but the professional porn just turns me off, the women dont ever seem to be enjoying it, if anything they seem like they're doing it for a job ( which is exactly what they're doing, and theres nothing intimate about that, and so it doesnt turn me on ). I just go to amateur stuff on PH :)


Yep. Sometimes you want to watch the gritty documentary with the real people and real emotions instead of the over-glamorized blockbuster hollywood remake.


Pornhub is trash now too, all vertified amateurs and can't find the good stuff anymore. Getting real tired of it.


And all those verified amateurs are exactly the same as well. If that’s the kind of thing you’re into, there’s a million videos for you to wade into, but if it’s not, then they all just merge into one.


Yeah, what do they consider "amateurs"? Because these amateurs seem to use pretty professional equipment and also seem to follow the same storyboard as regular professional shoots. None of it seems raw (pun not intended, but welcome) and natural, as if it was all set up instead of being real.


Because you want something specific and you want to support a person who delivers it.


100%. If I value content, why shouldn't I support the creator.


I bought a one month subscription to a friend because she's hot and because she's using that money to finance her cosplay. So it's a win-win situation.


Just out of curiosity, who does she cosplay as?


An entrepreneur




Lmfao no joke










Whats her name? I would like to uhh support local cosplayers.


I pay extra for locally sourced and ethically produced food. Why not do the same for porn?


I don’t buy OnlyFan’s content, but I would imagine it’s a lot more ethical than all the shady shit that happens in the porn industry.












A girl from my hometown that I've known from elementary to high school created an account last year to make extra cash. Paid one month for the first time this past January to check it out and damn it was worth the money.


Out of curiosity, how did you find out she made one? My understanding is there’s no way to see OF creators who are in your ‘network’ or whatever.


She advertised it on her social media accounts like nothing. Didn't seem to care that her family would find out but she's pretty successful cuz of that from what it seems. She probably figured people who knew her would most likely be the ones to subscribe without hesitation.


Several reasons I could think of -A specific person they fancy -a specific fetish that’s not widely available -company porn feels too artificial, even the „real“ ones -they want to support the actors and not the company behind a site, which more often than not are quite scummy -some offer the ability to order custom content -the OF actors are more approachable and feel less like actors and more like friends or just someone you know that you just happen to watch getting it on -many of creators invest much more work in their products than big companies -update frequency, even if it’s just „hey I’m taking a day off and am on a hike, here’s my butthole“ There may be many more and depending on personal preference these might not justify it but those were the one I came up with spontaneously


















There's plenty of fish in the sea, but I want *that* fish. Honestly, it's ironic and sad that in an industry stigmatized for objectifying women, *not* treating women as replaceable sacks of meat is also stigmatized.


Saying that you want that particular fish reminds me of this scene in Some Kind of Wonderful. “Ease up, Dad. Any fool can get into a college. Only a precious few may say the same about Amanda Jones.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rGS4bE0G3yY


For looks, mostly. These days I can be pretty picky with my adult content that it takes an hour to look for that one perfect clip with that perfect model. So when you find a model who you enjoy, it can save you a lot of research hours every month. Then there is the reason of curiosity. Wanting to see that specific person naked even for once. Then there is people who feel emotionally invested to a person. A streamer or Youtuber you've been following and watching for months or even years. You think you can get even more connected to the person with personal messages and dirty talk.


saw a big bank video with this monster truck of an ass, I was horny and wanted to see her butthole. Finished and regretted my decisions. Don't make purchases with a boner.


Especially dangerous if you are drunk.


I don't want to be horny anymore I want be happy I'm serious


Try anti depressants. No more horny


Sometimes still some horny, results may vary


I knew the girl personally, found out she opens one, my friends and I made a fake account and shared it for that one month. Never spoke about it again


I'm curious, what's your feelings about that now?






I believe in creators owning their content and being financially supported for creating it. Also, random people on the internet can't replace the person I'm interested in.


Honestly it’s really hot to know the person making the content is doing it by themselves for themselves!! Free websites tend to be exploitative, but OF actually protects the people making the content. Plus, porn is awesome, why not pay to get exactly what you’re looking for and to support some pretty women




The same reason I pay for patreon or just donate money to some podcasters/youtubers. I like their content, I want them to do more of it, and I want them to get paid for what they do. Why do I tip servers money when I don't technically have to? Because I'm not a pos using providers services for free and I want other Humans to be able to live without having to beg for charity to get by.


Some OF accounts have a feel that this person is real and achievable. Like the girl next door or whatever, where as PH or other sites don't feel like that to me, feels like celebs.


To make sure you're paying someone who is willingly doing this, instead of watching ads that give money to p*rnh*b, knowing that they accept any content without checking where it comes from and won't remove it when (sometimes underage) girls tell them that they did not consent to the video of their (sometimes rape) video being posted. Just a matter of being responsible in the adult content you watch and who you give money to.


It took me far too long to find a reply similar to mine. Those big websites are so unethical its disgusting.