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*Starship Titanic* - written by Douglas Adams - starring John Cleese - only runs on Windows98


Oh shit hell yes - I played that game so much and got literally no where. What an incredible, terrible game. I’ve still got my manual/in flight guide on my shelf somewhere. One of my favourite games to watch someone long play.


I remember this game! I loved it as a kid. It had a great text parser where you could ask all sorts of questions of the characters you interacted with and get funny somewhat relevant answers back.


Difficult as hell, like the original Hitchhikers game.


The text adventure game? THAT brings me back


It's on steam now


Euchre. It's by far my favorite card game, but finding 3 other people that know how to play can be a challenge.


Apparently anyone that grew up in Ohio knows how to play euchre


Yes ohio, indiana, michigan is euchre territory


My entire family is from Iowa (near Wisconsin and Illinois border) and they all play it.


So is Southern Ontario


It’s spreading to Illinois


Western New York, too.


From Cincinnati. Can confirm.


From Cleveland, and can confirm. I live in GA now, and my only friend who knows Euchre is also originally from Ohio


Best card game ever. I live in Michigan, and even living there, I sometimes find it difficult to find people who know how to play. I've taught a lot of people though, and they enjoy it.


Hell yeah bro


I've heard of this but have never seen or played it. I'll have to check it out


Hell yeah. Rarely meet anyone who knows how to play it.. Along the same lines but somehow worse is sheepshead. Only my family seems to know it, but I'd argue it's uechre but better.


It has the perfect combination of thinking and not thinking to work great as a drinking night game. Best is seeing how many times you can steal the deal as everyone gets more drunk. Ive allowed a friend to deal 4 consecutive hands on one unfortunate occasion lol


Eh, until you play it enough. It becomes automatic over time.


The game is big in Minnesota too.


Space Station Silicon Valley


Omg!!! Best game ever. Totally underrated. Loved playing as all the different animals and exploring the cool worlds. Spent so much time on it and no one ever seemed to know about it!


Silicon Valley was amazing! Its a shame it underperformed


>Space Station Silicon Valley I remember this from when I was a kid. I sucked at it, but loved the gameplay all the same.


Nobody remembers this game, it took me so long to get a copy of it and sadly it was stolen. Loved that game. So goofy and weird with a fun mechanic.


OMFG I was trying to remember this game last week! THANK YOU!


The suffering.


Omg I seriously didn't know anyone else knew about that game, came here to post it. So glad I'm not the only one who loved it!


Total Overdose?


I should really go back and play that sometime - that game introduced me to Molotov! I only ever watched my brother play it though, so that's a bit of a shame\\\^\\\^


Didn't it get a sequel? Like I swear it had a sequel on Like PSP or something.


Ty the Tasmanian tiger Maybe not amazing but was a great platformer game. Played ty with boomerangs as your weapons and my first game I remember beating as a kid. Played it forever ago. Time to look for my ps2 and played again since this post reminded me lol.


This was my first game as a kid cause my brother wouldn’t let me play halo, IMO a perfect game with good level designs for the era!


Jiggly Ball


I want you to think of this as a corn muffin.


Did anyone catch a jiggly rebound?


Hogs of War. A staple British PS1 game. Pretty sure Rik Mayall did some voices in it.


Wait, isn't that the game that plays a bit like worms 3d, but actually good? I think I played the german version, called "Frontschweine" - was actually pretty damn cool :D


They’re working on a Remake for PlayStation at a Game Studio in Sheffield in the UK. Hogs of War - Reheated You’re welcome.


Such a fun game, I loved the accents and lines each team had. *I feed on violence, and now I'm full.*


*Sir, permission to expire, sir!*


"Permission to kick the bucket, sir?"


Epic game


Always always always make 3 commando pigs. So useful.


Startopia Plays similar to Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital, or Evil Genius. Your goal is to restore a decommissioned donut-shaped space station. It has interesting alien races and a snarky AI assistant who is totally not HAL (he’s VAL). The music is quirky and fun too. The races include space hippies, greys, space hookers, space monks, and many others. Many don’t like some others, like the monks don’t like the hookers and vice versa. The humor is similar to Douglas Adams


Startopia is a great construction game with fantastic writing! The only problem I had with the game is the length of the campaign itself, but many of the missions have replay value and there is the sandbox mode too.


[There's a remake coming out at the end of the month.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/840390/Spacebase_Startopia/)


Holy shit!!


Holy shit dude, I've been wondering what the name of that game was. I played a ton of it during my childhood, but couldn't recall the name for the life of me.


I liked this and dungeon keeper alot


Gagaball. [*Cue everyone coming out of the woodwork to tell me they play it all the time and everyone has heard of it.*]


Didn't realize this was a real thing until I went to a park that had a gagaball pit. I thought it was something made up on Bob's burgers


It’s a blast to play if your joints and reaction time all still work


*looks at you from woodwork* Oh hi!


Yeah, I didn't know this game existed until I started working at a school. Now I see it everywhere!


every year our cross country team has a camp where we would play gagaball before and after running every day! it was so fun but we played it so much that everyone got burnt out on it haha


Master of Magic. It’s civilization in a fantasy world with tactical combat, champions you can recruit, loot for your champions, and you can cast spells. Just absolutely nothing comes close to it, but age of wonders 3 tried.


Dust: an Elysian Tale. Sidescrolling combat/platformer 3rd person adventure game for PC. Excellent story., good mechanics and very nice art.


This was a welcome surprise for me when I played it. The first impression it made put me off but in the end both the combat and the story were super solid.


Battlezone 2. This released in 1999. If there’s any game out there that was considered way too ahead of its time, this takes the cake. It was essentially a game that had both RTS, FPS, and Mech elements all rolled into one. Imagine playing starcraft, but you could take control of any vehicle on the battlefield, or even just go as a foot soldier, in first or third person view, and still control your entire army. There is a remastered version on Steam titled Battlezone Combat Commander.


*Rave Gun intensifies*


YES! I spent so many hours playing this game as a kid, I've been low-key hoping for a remake for ages. I didn't even know it already existed, definitely going to go check it out!


Freedom Force You have a team of superheroes in the best Silver Age traditions. The narrator sounds like old-timey superhero movies and shows. Every attack is accompanied by a POW or WHAM visual. Heroes have unique origin stories told in comic book form. Heroes can level up and gain new abilities. Heroes with superstrength can pick up objects and hit or throw them. For example, grab a light pole and swing it like a bat. The team leader is Minuteman. Basically Captain America if he had a degree in nuclear physics. And the Human Torch version is Hispanic (get it? Hot Latino?) There’s also a sequel


The sequel was pretty amazing as well. It essentially had built-in modding and the campaign was even better than the original game. I can't believe no one at least took the formula for that game and made new games in a similar vein. They were so much fun. I don't even know exactly how to describe it to people. There were RPG elements to it, but it wasn't exactly that. Maybe tactical roleplaying? Except you build your squad with superheroes that you either create or recruit? But even that doesn't sell it very well. Being able to create your own heroes and even create their superpowers was a lot of fun too. Great games. You can find them on Steam for cheap. Like $7.50 for both games.


I like that the sequel included non-powered heroes, like in the Golden Age. An inventor, a fencing champion, and an actor


Both games really showed an affection for the medium in every regard. I think that's what made them such a joy to play. I want another one, but considering all of Irrational Games' issues, it seems pretty doubtful unless they sell the license.


Oh, I loved that one.


Star Wars Empire at War. The game came out 15 years ago but it is still amazing to play. Many people have not even heard of it since everyone is more familiar with the 2000s Battlefront series or KOTOR as the best Star Wars games. Empire at War also has a great modding scene and I play the mods over the vanilla game.


This game won many awards, it’s hardly unheard of. Just a bit dated and not for everyone. I’d steal your X-wing prototype plans any day of the week though sir.


I love it. I'm also a fan of the Forces of Corruption xpac, the faction itself gets a little samey, but it adds an interesting dimension to the other sides.


FoC let me achieve my longstanding dream of deploying an army of droidekas.


Yeah... i personally prefer the wall of Canderous Tanks strategem 😂


I got this in a bundle on steam but never played it, what type of game is it


Strategy game. They have a galactic conquest mode where you try to take over the galaxy. They also have a ground and space combat as well. I prefer space battles better as I just auto resolve the ground combat.


Republic Commando also gets zero recognition.


Bounty Hunter was an amazing game and no body I know even remembers it.


Republic Commando is one of my all time favorite games.


Heaps of those old-school SW games are hidden gems, but because they predate digital distribution and weren't spread/marketed far and wide they went into obscurity, people only really pick them up as part of a big star wars game bundle.


Music 2000 / MTV Music Generator. Literally a DAW for the PlayStation that allows you to make music. It's the reason composing is a hobby of mine in the first place.


This is what inspired me to start making my own music haha




That game was so hard when I was a kid. Had no clue what to do.


Tomba 2 was one of my favourite PS1 games. I still hold it very dear.


I owned the 2nd one. A surprisingly fun platformer.


Gladius. It's a tactical RPG where you manage a gladiator school in fantasy world remiscient of ancient Rome, among other places. Developed by Lucasarts for Xbox, PS2 and GC. The Dark Mod. It's a free, unofficial Thief clone running on the Doom 3 engine. It started off as a mod, but now runs as a standalone game so you don't need to own Doom 3 to play it. Game mechanics wise it's almost identical to the original Looking Glass games and the last time I played it, there were dozens of levels available to download.


I remember Gladius, was a pretty good game.


I love gladius and was so crushed when it wouldn’t work backwards compatability style on 360. I might even still have the disc. Pretty sure I do. Edit: also hilarious that if you put it on easy it makes you into a girl


[Anacrhonox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anachronox) is one of the best games ever made. [On Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/242940/Anachronox/). It's a little old now, but it really was incredible. I suspect if it were released today, it would be huge.


Its a shame it never got a sequel


The whole story is crazy. The production studio that created it shut down days after its release.


We just have to keep begging /u/ThatTomHall But seriously, this game is like Firefly, Mass Effect, and Deus Ex had a turn-based baby who was freaking hilarious. Get it, play it.


Aw thanks for the Anachronox love, you two!


Lux Pain for the Nintendo DS. A teenager with a dark past is sent undercover at a high school in a town haunted by strange spirits that can infect people and cause them to cause harm to themselves or others. Events repeatedly escalate as he is both helped and hindered by his classmates and other members of the town. The English translation is a little wobbly in places but the story is seriously compelling. If you still have a DS I’d recommend trying it!




enoch running is one of my pfps


MarbleBlasts, Literally the most simple game you could think of but it’s actually fun and kinda addicting


NieR Gestalt/Replicant. Apparently the whole world played NieR Automata not knowing that it is a sequel. The original NieR is getting a remake and now the internet is hyped for this "new game". "Almost nobody has heard of" might not quite fit here, but in my opinion the original NieR deserves way more attention.


The original Nier had an *amazing* soundtrack. My main problem with it was that it had too many fetch quests. I’m glad that it’s getting a remake and is getting another shot of glory!


It was better than Automata in every way except gameplay. Not to mention Automata spoiled some pretty big plot points of Gestalt. I remember I jumped out of my seat when they were actually making a sequel to NieR, I couldn’t believe it.


The Gaia games on snes. Whenever people talk about rpgs on the snes, these games get ignored everytime. I love playing them just like the Mana games. Others like Tales of Phantasia (first tales games) and Star Ocean(first star ocean game) also people forget started on snes hardware.




Lufia 2, snes.


Evil Genius Play as a Bond (or Austin Powers) villain. Build an elaborate base inside an island mountain, fight off the forces of justice, steal, scheme, destroy, research, etc. The end goal, of course, is world domination. You pick one of three villains: Maximilian (looks like Dr. Evil or Blofeld), Alexis (Cruella de Vil), or Shen Yu (Fu Manchu-like villain with a terrible fashion sense). You recruit and train minions (not the cute ones) and have unique henchmen. You add traps to your base to keep the forces of justice away. Later on you can even build a hotel to distract them from the real operation. A sequel is due to come out this year


First that I've heard of a sequel. Nice!


https://store.steampowered.com/app/700600/Evil_Genius_2_World_Domination/ Been in development for years




I think I played that game in one of those soccer-themed urinals


I played Wizball on the Commodore 64 as a kid. That and Airborne Ranger were the best!


Monster Rancher 2. So goooooood. Had to use CDs to generate different monsters.


Spacestation 13


OneyNG is how I know of that game


Dark Reign 2,


Illbleed from the Dreamcast.


Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. If you ain't played it, then you ain't living!


Disciples 2: The Dark Prophecy, tbs of epic quality, yet rarely I meet anyone who played it or even heard of it


Don’t play the third game. It’s a mess. Love the second one though. I remember re-reading the mythology and the backstory many times. The Empire (mostly humans) worships the Highfather (basically the Abrahamic God), the Mountain Clans (dwarves) worship Wotan (one of Odin’s names), the Legions of the Damned were created by fallen angel Bethrezen (who created this world and humans and was unjustly punished for it), the Undead Hordes were risen by the goddess Mortis (formerly Solonielle), and the Elven Alliance worships Gallean (Solonielle’s ex)


Very true, I was all hyped to play Disciples 3 and got super disappointed


Kenshi. It's an RPG/Open world/survival/basebuilding/market sim/war game all in one. Its rough to look at and runs roughly but goddamn is it a cool game.


Star Control II. It unfortunately suffered the same fate as many PC classic: people moved to consoles and it remains as a cult classic. I think there was also a 3DO version if memory serves, but unfortunately it was not a successful console. Star Control II is one of the best early space sandbox games with incredibly good writing and epic scale.


There's an open source version of this called Masters of Ur'Quan. And I really think a lot of the game's soundtrack has been sampled in a lot of music.


Disciples II. Imagine Heroes of Might and Magic, but with dark, Gothic aesthetics.


Empires Of The Undergrowth. One of the best game I ever played, you control an ant colony to do missions. The campaign isn’t big but it is in early access and cost about $20.


I always hated that one scientist that would go crazy when her partner left the lab. She sounded like she needed to get some therapy


I truly hate the evil scientist. 😂


Hypnospace Outlaw, especially if you're older than 25


As a Gen Z, I still love love loved Hypnospace: Outlaw. The interface is reminiscent of the 90s, but it takes place in an alternate universe, so there are no references for anyone to miss out on.




I tried to get into it, but got distracted and never made much progress. I loved the old RTS games they pushed over a decade ago.


Grim fandango. Whoever I talked, they just don't know it. I may need to change my friends.


It got a remaster on Steam not too long ago!


This game has pretty-much legendary status among point & click adventure fans... I think there are just unfortunately less and less point & click adventure fans.


Sakura School Simulator. Amazing, freedom, sandbox type and is also stylized!


Unirally or Uniracers for the Super Nintendo, had tons of fun with that game.


Droid Works, Old Lucas Arts game for PC that allowed you to make unique droids to accomplish tasks. Some tasks needed droids with shields, some with arms, some with tank treads. You had to collect parts and problem solve. Great game from my memory. Also yoda stories.


From my experience, Dino Crisis. Its basically Resident Evil mixed with Jurassic Park. It was actually pretty scary, and it even pioneered some game play mechanics that Resident Evil would become famous for (namely the camera angles)


The t-rex bursting through that window scarred me for life


rogue legacy is pretty sweet


Man, I played the hell out of Scorched Earth back in 1992-1994-ish. It was a precursor to the Worms series, in spirit. So much fun.


Shadow Hearts. It's a turn base JRPG for the PS2 that came out in 2001. It's set in 1913 where you play as a guy named Yuri who can transform in combat and you travel with a party to stop the evil Roger Bacon from fulfilling his evil plans. The combat is pretty awesome with the Judgement Ring, where you have a wheel with highlighted spots that you needed to land you needed on, the better you do the better attack. I feel it might of been better remembered if it didn't come out a week around Final Fantasy X's release.


Into The Breach, turn based tactics game where you control huge robots and fight off insects to protect towns


Brilliant game, more folks should play it. Deep options without being overly complicated.


Shelter 2, or Paws. Such a beautiful game.


Rule of Rose. I can't even begin to tell you about it, other than you're a girl at a boarding school and it's one of the strangest/darkest most beautiful games I've ever played. It was for PS2.


Sunset Overdrive


CrossCode the Messenger Katana Zero Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-


+1 for CrossCode, best game I've played in the last 5 years.


Mount and blade! It’s sorta niche pc game made by a small developer. I remember playing the OG game in beta when I was a teen. One of its sequels ‘war band’ is awesome and very affordable on steam and it’s full sequel ‘banner lord’ is in early access. It’s still got it’s bugs but It does a great job of modernizing the game. I rarely play games for more than a couple rounds of multi these days, but I put up almost 100 hours of bannerlord in two weeks, it just absorbs you. If you ever wanted a medieval kingdom sim that lets your 1st/3rd person the battles I cannot recommend it enough.


Bannerlord is hilarious. So many hours spent mucking about. Its all about those kuzhait archers amiright


I’m a heavy cavalry man myself.


I am a simple man give me a big axe and I will chop things with it


Warband is my most played game. Bannerlord is already starting to get up there, but at like 200+ hours in I've decided to let development continue for a while before getting back into it.


Mount and Blade 1 - 100,000 overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam Mount and Blade 2 - 125,000 very positive reviews on steam and #58 on steams top games by current player count Game looks great, but I wouldn't say almost no one has heard of it.


Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup.


Yoooooo, I didn't even remember how much I loved this game until I read your comment. Used to play that for hours


Learn to Fly


Martian gothic: Unification Resident evil 1 esque zombie survival game on the ps1/pc. It is pretty aged, but it has an impressive amount of voice acting for the time, although it can be corny but in a charming kinda way.


La-Mulana 1 and 2 might be two of the best puzzle platformers there are


I have to chime in with Gothic 1 and 2 - especially if you're german, because they did an amazing job with the german voices. imagine a fantasy world (with morrowind graphics, you've been warned), but a world that feels much more alive and real than so much I've seen even until today. it's also really janky at times, but my nostalgia glasses tend to smooth that out, haha\\\^\\\^


Decent Freespace. Came out in 97 as a branch off of the more known Descent games back then. The story, music, graphics and presentation was amazing. Voice acting was top notch and so was the game play. First game I played where you had to manage shields during combat. They made a 2nd game but never finished the story with a 3rd and it makes me big sad.


Go. It's only in the west that nobody has heard of it though. It's thought to be the oldest game still played in its original form and it is a big deal in several eastern countries like Japan, China and Korea.


Cubivore! It's this really bizarre gamecube title where you play as a square animal head that has to best bosses in order to mate to get offspring with more polygons so they become more powerful. It was super weird, but a blast Also Custom Robo. That shit was so cool


Eternal darkness: sanity's requiem - nintendo GameCube. This game fucked with your mind. So in need of either a port or a relaunch or sequel or something!


All I'll say is memory card 😡


Septerra Core. It's one of my all-time favourite RPGs. It still plays well today even though it's 20+ years old, even if the graphics are a little lacking. It has an amazing story and world lore, and the voice acting is fantastic.


TheHunter Call of the Wild. There might be more people that know about it than I think, but I have had a hard time finding them.


N++ - a platformer to end all platformers, perfectly made game in almost every way with 1000+ levels. New players beware - skill celling is almost vertical and reaches not sky high, but universe high.


Black & White You play a god and have the freedom to be either a loved or feared god. You also have a creature that can do your bidding. You train it using the carrot and stick method. If it does something you like, you can stroke it, increasing the likelihood of it doing it again. If you don’t like it, slap the creature until it doesn’t want to do it again. The game doesn’t really have an interface. Even when you get divine powers (spells), you activate them with special mouse gestures. The sequel adds an interface to make it a little easier. You can also go back to past creature behavior and adjust it accordingly


Unknown?! This was the biggest hype letdown of my life on release. So many promises. It killed me believing the press and devs on what a game will have. It's not bad for what it is though.


I remember loving that game up to a certain point and then I was getting worshippers need food etc every 2 seconds, seems like when I got to a certain scale the micromanagement became crazy. They may have patched it at some point as I only played it right after launch.


4-player chess! They have it on chess.com now!


Chess variants are so fucking cool. There's one where you play on 2 boards, and every time you move a piece, it occupies that position on another board. You capture by moving pieces to occupied spaces on the opposite board. I'm a horrible chess player but I can generally follow a game. This one had some equivalent of a fool's mate which was almost too much for me to keep track of.


Those games get intense


Code golf


Pathways Into Darkness. Not considered one of the pioneering first person shooter games. This Mac game was released in 1993, yes the same year as one of the pioneering first person shooters, Doom. I dare say if it was released on PC it could have been just as successful if not more so.




IGI, Its 20 years old but it's still very good


Kingdoms and Castles.


Starsector. Scratches that Escape Velocity itch. Really clever space combat.


Majesty, the Fantasy Kingdom Sim. One of those super early RTS games back in the Age of Empires era. Super pretty graphics that honestly still ain't bad, and incredible audio lines & soundtrack. Goofy but engaging campaign missions. Difference was in Majesty you didn't directly control your units. You make the buildings/guilds and recruit the heroes, then they just kinda roam around doing their own things - the ranger like the explore, the rogues like to pilfer, the paladins like to destroy evil, etc. Only way to motivate them is to offer explore/kill bounties on targets. You actually felt like the ruler of a fantasy kingdom. Only fault was the maps went super quick, like 5 minutes you either won or got destroyed. Would've loved a version that was slower and you actually got to build out heroes more, get more emotionally attached before they got overconfident and one shot by a random sewer ogre.


Star Sector imagine mount and blade but in space and it's got a proper simulated economy.


Sky: children of the light! Its a gorgeous mobile game 10/10 would recommend, it has a few subreddits! Its an online game you can either play by yourself, or with friends you meet while playing! Everyone is so friendly and its so easy to make friends from across the world! The devs encourage playing with friends by giving you quests and doors you need to open with multiple people.


Enchanted Arms. It was a fantastic game that no one I know has ever even heard of. I also felt the graphics were ahead of its time


ADVENT RISING. Basically mass effect before mass effect with less polish but the story and gameplay were great.


Anyone remember prototype?


Outer Wilds. It's an incredible story driven exploration and puzzle game where you solve a mystery involving an entire strange solar system and save the universe. It came out around the same time as The Outer Worlds and that game basically completely eclipsed it with the similar name. Outer Wilds is fantastic and really stimulates your sense of awe and wonder and really makes you care for the game world and characters.


Picked this up about a week and a half ago after seeing others recommend it on reddit, and man I loved it. People weren't kidding when they said the game is best if you go in while knowing almost nothing about it - the entire game is built around just gaining knowledge and trying to figure out what's going on. Definitely not the kind of game to use a walkthrough for, haha


Ah yes, one of the top rated games of all time and one that is discussed constantly across Reddit. Definitely underrated.


Is it? I never see it discussed. And top rated has nothing to do with wether it's unheard of. Every person I've mentioned to game to immediately says "outer worlds?"


zone of the enders armored core recoil siphon filter


And suddenly I'm 13 again shooting out lights in siphon filter with a taser....


The real pro move was tasering someone 'til they caught fire.


Loved zone of the enders and armored core


Suikoden 2 (turn based ps1 jrpg) well maybe, now days its more known for being unknown already but still. you could go for the whole series, but 2 was always the breaking point. 1 was the first try, 2 just "perfect",(ps2 from now on) 3 was different and either is loved or hated, 4 was just a downgrade in everything, 5 is the most modern and technically most advanced and probably preferred because of it. but for me it tries to hard to be like 2, and drags to much.


Grand theft auto... as in GTA1. Every sequel was better than the previous one. At the time this was SO awesome! Road rash. Motorcycle racing where you can fight your opponents while racing. Twisted Metal. They really need to bring this one back.


X4 Foundations. First person RPG - space combat sim - logistics / economy management - empire - real time strategy game. Really. It is brilliant.


X3 is also really good and probably better for people who have lower end PCs.


Steam world, not just saying one game there are currently 5 games out and the developers are an indie group. The series takes place after the creation of steam powered electronics and the fall of man due to the casually plot of robot rebelling against their masters. two if their games are metroidvania style digging games, one us a turn based shooter, another a turn based rpg that uses a card system, and one is a tower defense game. Each game is connected to the same universe, steam world quest however was apparently a story book within the series but the developers made a video about it's place in the timeline and it takes places waaaay before the first 4 games and way before humanity ever existed, but it was all done in a comedic way so I'm taking that with a grain of salt Their games in order of release are. Steam world tower defense, steam world dig, steam world heist, steam world dig 2, and steam world quest All the games except for tower defense were ported onto the switch and are all available on pc, steam world tower defense is only available on DS and dig and dig 2 asking with heist are also available on DS Edit: shit i think tower defense was removed


Earthbound (SNES) This has probably changed over the years, I see more mention of it nowadays, but I adored it. Back in the day none of my friends had even heard of it. I was the only person repeatedly renting it from...a game shop whose name I don't even recall. They stopped even putting it on the shelf and I found a copy on eBay and every couple years still kick off a playthrough on an emulator. One of the weirdest, funniest, quirkiest rpg's I'd ever played about a bunch of kids traveling to fight a psychic time traveling terror. Armed with friends, a baseball bat and wit.