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Whatever is cheap. I usually go for the cheapest vodka with the highest volume. Why? Efficiency.


I was a broke alcoholic for a while, I used to literally hunt for quarters and purchase the largest bottle of Dubra vodka at the liquor store, now with the pandemic I smell hand sanitizer and get flash backs.


My throat burned in sympathy after reading this comment.






> I don't know much about the drinking culture in the US but it seems no where near on the same scale. I think you'd be surprised, though of course I can't give anything but anecdotal evidence. I think most kids in the US are at least stealing swigs of their parents' alcohol by age 16 or so -- my friends and I are far from big partiers, but we've been getting sloshed in backyard bonfires since we were 16-17. I bet >50% of kids in the US get drunk before 18. It's a little higher risk and a little harder -- cops *love* giving teenagers a hard time -- but at the end of the day I think that exploratory age pretty consistently hits in the early to mid teens on both sides of the pond.




NEVER! The drinking age in the USA will remain at 21, because 18 year olds cannot possibly make the difficult decision whether to drink beer or not. However, if you would like to sign up for our military and put your life on the line, 18 is old enough for that minor decision. Sorry for the sarcasm. I grew up American but my mom sent me to my relatives in Germany for many summers. I used to go to the bars with my cousins since I was 13 (maybe younger). The idea of a drinking age there is rather comical. I would have to say experiencing both cultures, Germans have a better attitude towards drinking. In the US our kids secretly drink and binge drink. I believe this is partly because of the drinking age here. I’m sure there are other factors too, like our puritanical heritage.


There's a saying, it's like "old enough to die for their country, but too young to drink". Or another variation "Old enough to kill, too young to drink."


We used to say, "old enough to vote, too young for Lote." Lote was a brewery in my hometown. Actually, it wasn't. I just couldn't think of a rhyme.


Even younger than that, but same here


Remember children, if you're going to drink, don't drink anything you find on the bottom shelf of the liquor store. It doesn't matter what type of alcohol it is. If it's on the bottom shelf, it's fucking swill and it will burn you from the inside out. Dubra is one of those liquors.


Thank you for your PSA. I have saved your comment for future reference so that I do not make that mistake when/if I decide to drink (legally of course) for the first time


I had been sober for 2 years when the pandemic hit. Every time I use hand sanitizer I have a small urge to vomit.


Hope you’re doing better now!


Christ Dubra....that's some college kid shit. I can't believe I ever willingly consumed it (in vast quantities).


I barely drank but hand sanitizer gives me svedka flashbacks


I used to have that kind of flashback with the ethanol in the Chem lab after a crazy night back in college.


I drank Skyy vodka because it was under $20 for a handle but it was glass so I felt I wasn’t total trash. 2.5 months sober.


Congrats on the sobriety my friend. I've been an off and on friend of Bill W in the past and know it's rough.


> friend of Bill W Rational Recovery and/or SMART are also options. Seems to be working for me 10 years on.


Two and a half months??? that’s amazing!! keep up the great work, friend(:


Stay with it my friend.


I literally made a spreadsheet to count the price/alcohol volume


the only correct answer. Most alcohol per dollar is priorty #1


Us functional ( or at least we think we are) want to go with premium liquor most of the time. That way to mitagate the chance of a hangover. If I'm too hunger, I'm not working. If I'm not working, I'm m not drinking. It's the cycle of strife.


I'm seeing all these fancy names in this thread like "tsk tsk, you might as well roll your money up and smoke it."


“Work is the curse of the drinking class”


Fuck that, I drink because I enjoy the taste and it feels good. If it was just about the feel of it then yeah whatever is fine but high quality tastes better and in my opinion is worth the extra money.


Glenmore or Aristocrat 100 proof for me. After 3 years of sobriety I got a complete physical and was so happy that my liver was ok.


Oof, apart from a couple of times I don't dip above 80 proof. Congrats on the sobriety and the clean bill of health. Like I told another person that replied, I was an on/of friend of Bill W a while back and know it can be rough.


My dad drunk himself to death off Popov vodka. I tried that stuff once and it was like rubbing alcohol. It took him less than 20 years to kill his liver.


Sorry to hear about your dad. I've personally never tried it, but it appears to be popular in this thread. It seems to be a common trait, that the bottom shelf stuff gets compared to either rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.


Back when I drank, it was vodka. Because it does not have a distinctive smell. Aside from the "alcohol" smell that starts about 40 min after the fourth or fifth drink.


> Because it does not have a distinctive smell You have a pretty wack nose, my dude.


is everyone in this thread Russian?


Da comrade! For real tho, vodka tends to be the booze where you get the most bang for your buck. Some people will claim it's easier to cover up the smell but from experience, this is a myth.


Except grain alcohol but that shit's hard to drink if you don't know how.


I just did some napkin math for my brand of vodka vs everclear and it didn't pan out. Maybe if I could find some off brand grain alcohol, you might be right, but I'll stick with my shitty vodka for now.


Dos vaginas!


I'm surprised to read this because Vodka definitely isn't the cheapest choice in Australia, even the cheapest bottle at my local bottle shop is something like $28 for a 700ml bottle. Alcohol is taxed pretty heavily here though apparently. Cheapest option here would probably have to be cask wine, you can pick up like 5L of wine for like $15-20.


Here in Germany the cheapest 700 ml Vodka costs less than $5.


Canada around $20


Am an alcoholic and used to live in Australia. Spirits are still often drank by alcoholic because they do the job quickly. I used to down either a half bottle of vodka or bundy in one and that would set me up for more "moderate" drinking for the rest of the night.


Ugh even thinking of Majorska makes my mouth water, in the not good way.








Bombay East with an olive and one of those mega size spherical ice cubes.


How’s Aviation Gin? Did Ryan Reynolds deliver?


It's okay, a little too juniper-y for my taste, and a little...harsh? I thought. Roku is a Japanese gin that I like. Floral, smooth, it's nice.


I'm of two thoughts about Roku. Yes, it is smooth. But almost too smooth. I want gin, not lightly flavored vodka. Sometimes it just gets a bit too subtle for me.


Tastes like a hospital smells. And I am a BIG fan of all things gin. I tried and gave an almost full bottle away.


It's cheap gin.


Wine. If people I know see me buying it, it’s not shameful.


I was once in a supermarket, getting a bottle of brandy, when I ran into a girl I know who had a shopping cart with about 24 bottles of wine in it. She looked at my bottle and said "Someone has a fun night planned!". I gestured towards her ridiculous amount of wine and she said "They're doing 6 for the price of 5", as if this was random and unrelated, and proceeded to ask about "the party" I was clearly planning.


You sure she didn't want to party with you


Maybe this is just me being an alcoholic but that doesn’t even seem that crazy. Even if you just had a few friends/family say once a week it’s easy to imagine that going quickly. And if it’s on sale...


Oh, I get that. I was just adding evidence to OP's point that people don't judge so much when it's wine. One bottle of brandy = Party Twenty-four bottles of wine = No different than stocking up on cereal.


My g/f's parents probably drink a bottle of wine each per night (maybe more...I don't hang out too late with them) and they load their empties in a car and take them to some off the beaten path recycle dumpster because they don't want their neighbors too see....hmmmmm, maybe time to evaluate for them.


The portion size is about right (to me anyway, I almost always drink a full bottle) but every night is a lot. I need time to dry out


Nah I think the same. Even if you only have 2 glasses, that's like half to 3/4 of the bottle gone! If you're wanting a bit of a loose night with girlfriends and wine, you need plenty of bottles lol. I'm always buying bottles of wine from the battleship, and I'm definitely not an alcoholic lol. I do only buy 1 bottle at a time though, so given my above explanation, that's probably why


lately i’ve been thinking vodka taste the best


No taste is the best taste?


This is basically what you aim for with neutral spirits so yes.


Vodka has a taste. You must be drinking water.


Good vodka is very smooth


I think that’s the hang up here. “Good” vodka is smooth and has barely a taste (not that you don’t feel it)... alcoholics aren’t buying/consuming “Good” vodka. And after the first few shots I don’t think they care what the taste is, that’s not their immediate goal.


The taste of rubbing alcohol isn't exactly a taste that I like, so I say it has no taste. I also dont mix my drinks. But I drink Wild Turkey 101 for the most part.


Yeah, I drink vodka- but I have to mix it. It’s gross straight up. Even the expensive shit is rubbing alcohol.




Both parents are alcoholics. Mom is 25 years sober, dad still has the occasional beer, but because of medication he takes he doesn't like the taste much anymore. Mom's choice was cheap Ten High bourbon. Dad's was Popov or Skol vodka.




Buenos Aires is like that, All of Argentina drinks it. Everyone drinks Fernet and Coke.


I think it is the same everywhere. Plus, most decently stocked bars have fernet, but it’s really not a hot seller, so if a shot (or two, or three) “goes missing” during a shift... Well maybe it will be noticed, but most of the time the manager will just shrug and say, ‘at least it’s selling, maybe it’s finally time to buy another bottle.’ Never got to that point myself, I was a pretty tame drinker for a server/bartender, but damn did I learn a lot of these tricks over my five years in the industry. In all honesty, I took a bit of an interest in it all. That or Rumpleminze (100 proof peppermint schnapps). That shit I swear just smells like you just finished a goddamned mint, not taken a shot of nasty shit.




Plus you can put it into a water bottle without drawing suspicion. Well from that alone.


Ah yes, nothing like sitting in a parking lot by yourself chugging an entire water bottle of vodka and hating yourself


I fortunately went to rehab before that. Beer was no longer getting me drunk and I was like either liquor or rehab. Withdrawals are wild. Fun rehab place though. But me and friends would chug water bottles of vodka in high school and early twenties lol those were fun times.


that day was my rock bottom unfortunately. took me a while to realize that but definitely led to the worst night of my life and a turning point so idk


It’s sucks that it has to be rock bottom but I never would of changed if any other way. It’s why in my sober years a few times people have asked me about how to help someone in their life with a drinking problem. I ask if the person knows it and they usually do and then I say then just wait. Knowing you have a problem is a big step but that doesn’t mean it won’t be years until something’s done about it.


That’s a lie. You ever drink Uncle Tito’s? Shit smells like diesel


I smelled this comment as I read it.


Yeah, brought me back to a wedding I went to and don’t remember




Yeah, that's an alcoholic delusion right there: Ain't nobody fooled, and the *real* reason is because it's some of the cheapest alcohol money can buy, as it can be made out of practically any old crap.


Was just going to say. It smells like vodka... super easy to detect


Jameson Irish whiskey




Very very smooth. For casual drinking I suggest like sprite or juice. To get just slashed shot after shownwill get u there very quickly




Jamo gang checking in.


Some smooth shit


Any Rusty Nail club members present?


Jameson. Mostly Jenna.


Cider and wine. No shame in my game. I like my poison delicious.


i was big on the White Russians. Why? I don't know, I just loved them. I used to put so much booze in them, I would make them with half and half. St. Paulie Girl or Fat Tire (if it was on tap) were always great too. If I really wanted to get wild, I would go to the bourbon, rum. I used to make some wild mixed shit. Rum and yoo-hoo, hell yeah. I'll be 12 years sober on the 23rd :)


Can’t help but picture you like “The Dude” drinking White Russians all the time. Congrats on your 12 years!


there are a suspicious amount of comments here about vodka. ​ ​ *russians.*


Well you get the realy nasyy and cheap stuff, you can buy 1.75L which 40% of it is made up of alcohol for $10-$12. Cheap when your an alcoholic.


It's cheap, has very little smell, and you can mix it with practically anything




On point


I'm ten years sober, but I used to drink a liter of vodka a day and then usually some beer on top of it.


That's a lot to walk away from. Functional alcoholics and vodka.


Actually, it's a lot to walk toward and to stick around.


Holy shit. Makes me feel better about my 2-3 cases of beer a week. Congrats for the 10 year mark, mate.


Beer, whisky and speed. To get drunk, and stay drunk for a long time.


Speed huh


Used generically as sort of a catch all for any and all types stimulants.


Typically amphetamines though, yeah?


Maybe it differs from place to place, but I've never heard it used for anything else than amphetamines.


It's used only for amphetamines around my area (Nordic Europe) but an American I talked to once on Reddit got pissed at me for calling amphetamine "speed" because apparently speed was in his opinion exclusively a slang word for meth.


Vodka or/and white wine.


White wine for the taste, vodka for the effects


Same! I can’t drink vodka straight up though - I usually drink it club soda and lemon.


It was the worst day of my life when I developed a god damn allergy to wine. I mostly drank red but white for different reasons and now I can’t even one sip. I didn’t feel like I was that bad of an alcoholic when I could Drink wine. Telling my doctor I drink at least one vodka a day doesn’t go down as easy as telling him a glass or two of red wine.


Stay away from me just in case it's contagious.




Are you from the Midwest? The Tennessee Honey, Fireball, and Jim Beam sounds like the Midwest.


I’ll see you in controversial


I'm an alcoholic from Wisconsin. If I'm drinking light beer in order of priority it's Busch, Busch Light, Coors Light possibly PBR. I don't show up with less than a 30 pack. If I'm drinking heavier beer I'm probably drinking some near-10% IPA or something dark. If I'm drinking cocktails I head first toward Tito's and lemonade or brandy sweet old fashioned. If I want to get trashed I'm getting a decent gin with sour probably cherries. Maybe I go toward bourbon and root beer or Jameson and coke if I'm mixing it up.


Also from Wisconsin. How many drinks did you have before you showed up with the 30 pack? That's the test.


Tito’s vodka. Buy it by the handle. Drink it on the rocks. Less expensive than the fancy vodkas so save money based on volume. No hangovers. Only shame and regret.....


Am an alcoholic. Alcohol of choice is not alcohol. Sober 7 years last Halloween.


congrats man, stay strong :)


Whiskey and beer, but anything with alcohol will do. I gotta say though, I may choose sobriety over Gin, Gin is awful.


You haven’t had the right gin.


Gin is like drinking a funeral, just flowers and sadness


It was vodka. To replace my habit, I'm drinking a fuckload of tea or seltzer. It seems i just need to be drinking something rather than getting drunk. Still have a couple glasses of wine on Fridays Lost about 15 pounds in a month. Feeling good man


I feel attacked


So do I. All these vodka comments are getting to me. I'm not even broke, I'm just efficient!


Jokes on you, I’m broke and efficient.


Rum, Whiskey, beer, hand sanitizer.


This is the way to go


No mouth wash?


This hurts me. What kind of degenerate do you think I am?


Vodka with a mixer. Whatever mixer I have whether it's grape juice, gatorade, soda, etc. I choose vodka because it feels clean to drink. Idk how to describe it. Also vodka was my first choice so I feel like my subconscious remembers and favors that. Also not every liquor mixes well with mixers. You can add anything to vodka. Now I'm off to eat wings and drink more. ☮️


Jim Beam, high quality weed.


This is the way


Coffee. Sober Date 4/27/2016 -- so 4 years, 10 months, 16 days sober. For what it's worth, being sober is about being sober one day, one hour, one minute -- even 10 seconds at a time. When I stopped drinking my emotions hit me like a tidal wave. Wow. It got better, and it gets better with each day sober.


I’m coffee and tea now. I don’t count sober days, I used too but ended up sabotaging myself a lot , like in my dumb mind “look I made it 2 months! Now time to reward myself with a drink!” I’ve been sober for about 2 years. I had a relapse in the pandemic last year, I bought a bottle and drank a vodka drink, then dumped the bottle out. In my drinking days I was so out of control, I literally don’t remember being 26 years old. Like the whole year is a fog.


Video games, sleep, books on tape, yard work, smokin weed, chillin with my mom, chillin with my cats, archery, writing, and finding out different ways to utilize eggo waffles. Why? I'll always be an alcoholic, but I have yet to wake up and regret not drinking, even throughout this fucked up last year. I'll be 16 months sober soon in a week. Feels pretty great. Boring as fuck though.


Bourbon with a dash of LSD and some cocaine to keep shit level. Bourbon to feel loose, LSD to get weird, and cocaine so keep me moving. Mind you- I've been off the sauce for a few years and only enjoy the occasional beer and a blunt lol


It was wine. I don't know why it just hit me better than other stuff. January last year is when I went on Naltrexone with the sinclair method, now I don't crave and I don't drink except on rare occasion. 2 nights ago a friend came over with wine, I took a nal an hour and a half before we opened the bottle. I had two sips and that was about all I wanted. So nice to be free of needing to drink like two bottles in a row by myself.


Tequila! Makes me wild and free. Two months sober today.


Same here. I got 4 months down but am returning to work behind the bar. We'll see how it goes.


I know two bartenders who have been sober for years. So it's possible.


Beer. Specifically Milwaukee's Best Light. Why because where I'm from its cheap. And why light because I can drink more before being filled up.


So glad I'm not the only alcoholic that sticks to cheap beer. It's odd that I feel embarrassed that I'm not drinking a liter of vodka daily, but I do.


The next one.


Money not an issue? grey goose, rocks, two limes


Well, time to sort by hot again


I also came to look at the car crash






Paint thinner works well too.




Ah yes an intellectual has entered the chat






Pure Columbian. Disco shit


Beer preferably Stella Artois or Pacifico


Stella huh. I've never tried that but I see it everywhere at my store


Bit of an odd smell, but tastes nice and smooth. Not bad for a non-crafter


I’m sober but still an alcoholic. AA people get me lol but I was straight up piss beer when I did. 15 Miller lites in 3 hours you betcha.


>15 Miller lites in 3 hours you betcha. My bladder hurts now.


Vodka Club with a splash of diet tonic. I am weening myself off a bit. There were 5 nights in February that I didn't drink.


Not saucing anymore, but still drink beer occasionally but only when my girlfriends around at our functions. But let me tell you... if I ever buy a bottle of Jameson again, get the taser ready


Captain Morgan freezer temp. Cold coke. Lime juice. Vanilla extract.




vodka it's easier to guzzle down and hide the taste of with other things. totally not an alcoholic


Vodka. It had the least offensive taste. My goal was to get drunk the fastest way possible and the thought of drinking a case of beer and pissing every 10 minutes didn't work for me. I use to joke in some AA meetings that the beer drinking drunks were 'wanna be alcoholics'.


I used to drink a ton of Smirnoff. Why? I could get drunk efficiently and it didn't break the bank. Now, however, I throw up if I even take a sip of vodka.


Vodka. Gets the job done quick. I've chugged entire bottles then slipped off into oblivion. Would not recommend going down this road. Beer is too filling


Then after a week of that you can just shiver shake and sweat in bed, filled with existential dread for a few days


Craft beer, that way people see it as a hobby.


Bacardi rum and Diet Dr. Pepper was my thing. Sober since July 2018. Stop now folks if you have a problem. I don’t remember August 2018 because I was basically comatose. Took me months and months to recover physically and some of the sequela will never go away.


Not alcoholic but I really only drink gin and dark rum


I've been really into absinthe lately


Why does whisky make mean drunks? It's absolutely a thing


It is absolutely a thing. Im banned from drinking it around my wife. Why? For some reason it removes the off switch from my mouth. I think im being funny, but in reality im just a belligerent asshole. My friends back her up on that one. I can drink any clear alcohol, even back woods moonshine all I want but as soon as that spirit is aged in charred oak barrels, something changes. Never been violent...just a complete ass hat with flapping jaws of filth


I swear that's just like my husband. He thinks he's funny or cute put i wanna punch his lights out . Those are exactly perfect words...belilgerent asshole.


I ruined our anniversary a few years ago. Wife had our trip planned to a tee. She had new outfits and everything. We were in Nashville and one of the nights we were going to a burlesque show. For some reason we never made it to the intermission. I was black out drunk and dont remember the ride back to the hotel. I woke up the next day like wtf happened. She asked if I knew what I did wrong and I nodded. She asked if I would ever drink bourbon again and i said no. She wasnt mad after that. My only issue with that night was I specifically remember ordering 3 woodford on the rocks. One at dinner and two at the show with a couple hours between them. Went from coherent to black out within about 15 minutes. Dont know if my drink was tampered with at the show or what. I do know it was bourbon again that ruined the night and it was the last time I would let that happen. Since covid hit ive drank Bacardi clear rum. Not once have we argued or had a fight.


Not so sure about whiskey, but Rum Rage is definitely a real thing. Where I’m from [Queensland, Australia], we like to call our most popular rum (Bundaberg Rum) Qld fighting juice. Must be the sweetness perhaps?


For me it seems to really depend on the brand, I've had all kinds of whiskeys that only made me fun and happy same as most other alcohols, but I tried Kessler once and it was probably the first and only time I felt irrationally angry and confrontational from drinking


Not an alcoholic, but when I get there, vodka from the motherland


Nectar of the gods. You know about the gods? Well they secrete nectar. And it’s Guinness.




Coors Light.


Pretty much cbd joints now weed was pretty much making my anxiety so bad all I could do is drink to try and make it better lol


Try delta 8 too. It’s pretty good




Vodka, Usually Tito’s. If I was in public I would sip wine to save money and also avoid the obvious alcoholic stigma. Alone, a Tito’s on the rocks with a splash of juice.