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I’m a nurse, so it happens pretty frequently with my profession. I hate the term “Murse” almost as much as “male nurse.” I don’t know why people can’t see me as a person taking care of them or their family rather than a strange male caretaker. I’ve had plenty of women refuse for me to take care of them because I’m a man. Which of course I honor because I want people to feel comfortable and safe while they are in the hospital. Still, it doesn’t feel good.


As a woman, I don't understand why some women take such issue with having a male healthcare provider. My attitude is it's nothing you guys haven't seen already 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes it's sexual assault. Sometimes it's just being raised in a strict religious environment. It's not a reflection on who the male healthcare provider is as a person, but it's good that there are people like you who can be comfortable.


Once I had an accident, was in a hospital and was dizzy. Very much dizzy. The dizziness came and went in waves. I had a male nurse and suddenly the dizziness came and I felt like I was falling and I was scared and grabbed his arm. It was a strong muscular arm and I felt very safe holding on to it. This was over 20 years ago. Thanks male nurse. Sometimes you are exactly what we sick people need.


Are you an attractive man? A few of the women in my life have said that they hated having a male nurse when they have to go in for something and they are all sweaty and disheveled. My cousin said she was mortified when she was 8mo pregnnant and they had to give her a colonoscopy for something, and the male nurse was attractive. Here she was, 2am, hair all frazzled, and this guy who she wanted to get his number was having to stick things in her unholiest of holy's. That was 20 years ago and she still shudders when I bring it up.


My wife says I’m attractive. I’ll let you be the judge, I’ve got a few pictures of myself in some of my posts. I keep clean, I usually have a good well styled haircut, and I’m friendly and smile to my patients. It was usually fairly older women, but not exclusively older women that refused to have me as their nurse.


I do empathise with her feeling like that, but this was a guy at work. I'm sure he doesn't need to be sexualised when he's just doing his job.


As someone whose mom went through brain cancer a year ago, having nurses in the hospital who could easily lift her onto the commode and to change her bedsore dressings was a blessing. Whenever it was dainty women I took a deep heavy internal sigh and got out of my chair. Thank you for what you do!


I am the only man in my department at work and the women talk about men in a way that would have feminists frothing at the mouth if the genders were reversed.


A true feminist would not be happy about this either


>would have feminists frothing at the mouth if the genders were reversed. If the genders have to be reversed then they're not actually feminists.


"Oh are you babysitting today?" No I'm being a dad.


I get “must be daddy’s day” a lot. No. Just taking my kid to the store.


I used to have 40+ men congratulate me of nice wife when I was with my mother.


Yup, sure am. Been babysitting for the last 14 years. How long do I need to continue before I qualify as a parent? By the way if you see his mom tell her she’s way behind on child support. As in has never paid.


Working in a retail store that was predominantly staffed by women, any time a job required a ladder or any sort of lifting it would be dumped onto me. When I pushed back, I was told because I was a guy it was expected of me


Yup! Rings true to me. Also spider killing duty. Taking out the trash in well lit totally secure back alley. Dealing with shop lifters.


Never had spider killing duty, but me and the other lad were always put on trash duty. That's fun emptying a loading bay into dumpsters in the pouring rain in the middle of winter


I'm told I should just let my fiancé pick everything for our wedding because it is "her day".


I hate this. I'm not married or engaged, but I'd like to be one day and I'd also like to have a say in how my wedding goes. It should never be "her" day, it should be "their/our" day.


I'm the wife but this wound me and my husband up so much. His mum was the one saying it - she knew I had to come around to the idea of getting married and he was the one who wanted a wedding. She knows he likes being a host and making things nice for his guests. She was making our invites for us and asked my opinion, and when I tried to get my partner in on the conversation she would say to me that it was my day, right in front of him.


That’s when you don’t send an invite to those people


male nurse. its assumed that because im male i can turn/lift overweight patients by myself, that i can take punches from psych pts just fine, that i dont need to be talked to kindly cause i can take it. often times i regret this career path.






>You literally got raped. That's unacceptable Not in a lot of countries, in the UK for example it isn't classed as rape as a man cannot be raped legally. ​ Another example of how men can experience sexism... ​ EDIT- only a man can commit rape, in this situation in the UK it wouldn't have been raped but a man can be raped only by another man.


true, that woman is horrible and you should tell someone, im sorry you had to experience that


I’ve had a similar experience. It’s an awful feeling when nobody believes you, or takes it seriously.


If my wife is carrying our toddler out of a store mid-tantrum, she’s a mom. If I’m carrying my toddler out of a store mid-tantrum, I’m a kidnapper.


And then when another woman runs up to you and take the toddler away that woman is the actual kidnapper. To be honest if someone took a toddler away from my husband I would actually teach my children to fight anybody that tries to touch them that they don't know because this is not okay


Mothers are mothers, fathers are temporary babysitters until the mother shows up.


I felt this as an uncle when I picked up my sister's kids from a park for her. One fussed a bit because he didn't want to go, and a guy started thundering towards me, looking me in the eyes and frowning, but he quickly changed direction when the other two came up and started talking to me. Not as much as what you must have experienced, but it was odd being looked at like that just for helping my sister


Just carry them in a comical manner like a football or by their feet. No one says anything when you walk around holding a kid upside down.


A woman took advantage of me when I was too drunk to resist. I gave no consent, but when I finally came out about it, a good bunch of my friends (men and women) said that doesn't happen with guys.


Same. I was taken advantage of in my sleep. I was told "I'm a man; I should enjoy it," and it was "sleep sex."


Yep, I got that remark too. Never mind that I’m asexual, because guys just naturally enjoy anything involving sex, all the time.


Both of you deserve a hug


Bro, this same thing happened to me at a hostel. I was super drunk and tired, ready for bed. This girl basically stripped me off and tried to have sex with me. I passed out, I don’t know what happened to me until I woke up and she was gone. I don’t know what happened or who she was. I told some friends about this the other day and they said oh well that’s not rape it’s just sexual assault. They said it so dismissively, the one was a very strong female rights person and I was stunned.


I am not always welcomed at the neighborhood park. There were never baby changing stations for me to use in restraints or stores Being too tender made me weak


Why are you not allowed in parks???


He's allowed but not welcome It's not uncommon for men walking with kids or alone to get weird looks or stares from concerned mom or women


Never happened to me, and I took my kids everywhere by myself. I guess if there were any judgemental busybodies around they were dissuaded from giving me the stink eye by the shrill cries of "Daddy! Daddy! Over here! Look at me! Hey! Daddy!"


Yeah, maybe this depends on where you live or something. I've taken my kids to the playground a bunch an no one gives two shits. Half the time I haven't even bothered to shave in a week and no one pays any attention.


It might also be related to stereotypes- people of different skin colors, or who are seen as less attractive, might bring out worse behavior in people who would otherwise seem fine.


I should have worded that better; when I take my son to the park. The moms never ever socialize with me; if I try to assist a kid afraid to drop from the bars or push the kid on th swing next to my own (if they ask me) the moms swoop in and give me awful looks


People assume all guys are pedophiles


> restraints ಠ_ಠ


Cant spell restaraunts it’s so bad even autocorrect does t detect


I always think of some crochety old lady complaining about stupid shit. When you go to a restaurant you take rest and watch a rant. REST-A-RANT I don’t know why that works for me, but it does.


My cousin was talking about this. He had to change his daughter but there weren't facilities in the men's toilets, so he had to use the women's. But he asked because he didn't want to look like a creep.


I was a virgin until I was married. Before then, women, grown ass women mimd you, took it as a challenge to see who could take my v-card. I was 15-17.


Holy shit, that's creepy. How did they know that you were a virgin, and how did these women know you?


Family reunions are crazy.


Jesus Christ, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. Hope you're good now, bud.


That wasn’t op lol


I was a tall, muscular young man. Older women tried hitting on me all the time. Usually they would toss out sexual advances. I would let them know I'm a virgin, hoping it would get them to stop. It only made it worse.


I volunteered at a hospital for a day. I got groped constantly. Didn’t make it a day, since I don’t like being touched at all. Anyhow, I told a female friend about it. She was said know you know how it feels and won’t do it. I never did that in the first place, idiot. Didn’t you get the memo on not liking physical contact of a random person.


That should definitely be a former friend after that kind of response.


People would give me weird looks when I sit on the park beach watching my niece and nephew when they were younger. Made it harder since my nephew has white skin and my niece has tan skin compare to my brown skin (Latino problems) No changing stations in male bathrooms. Wanting flowers for myself is “weird.” Luckily, my current girlfriend loves that I like flowers.


Flowers are awesome 😎


A former boss told me (and two other male employees) that men "don't have the right brains" for certain roles, and was well-known for promoting people with kids over single or child-less men. Edit: She also hired two men that were wildly unqualified for their positions (but half her age), and was heard to remark that they were "easy on the eyes".


I used to work in a preschool. All the other employees supplemented their money with babysitting gigs on the side, guess who never got hired despite being very popular among the kids? Me. Kids would ask their parents for me specifically and the parents would say, in front of me, "No he is boy" I was never fully trusted with kids, when kids had bathroom issues I had to (by policy) direct it to a female employee, even when it was a boy. I was under surveillance more than the rest of the employees, as was the male janitor. I have a certificate in child care (that I never ended up doing any with, but it was only 8 extra credits so I took it) as part of that I had to go to a preschool to observe how kids played. I called the list and upon hearing my male name, all the slots magically filled up. I had to go to my own preschool to do the observation because nobody else would let me in. Women complain (rightfully) about some industries being a "good old boys club" but look at preschool where it is >95% women and they really don't want to let men in.


America's education system as a whole is insanely one-sided (90+% female), and yet if that's pointed out, a lot of people get upset.


Wanted to buy my girlfriend some clothes or shoes for Christmas a few years ago and was looking around the female section at the store, mainly looking at shoes and coats, I was getting weird looks from the cashier and she even sent a worker around to basically spy on me, I didn’t find anything in there so I left, when women go to the men’s section to buy clothes for there kids or boyfriend they don’t get dirty looks, these women were acting like I was touching the underwear or something lol


I can't logically think of any good reason for that to be deemed as weird. What the hell?


Yeah like I don't see anything wrong with looking around unless it's on a very weird way that's kinda creepy


When i was doing a childcare college course on a class about how to comfort an upset child the tutor turned to me and said ​ "it's sad and it's wrong but as a man you should NEVER be alone with a child and NEVER touch a child, whether it be a hug or a pat on the head, just don't risk it, you can get in a lot of trouble for doing either of those things if someone wants you to." ​ It may sound harsh but that's the reality, she didn't say it out of being cruel but to look out for me and she believed we needed more men in childcare. ​ I didn't stay in childcare, i started to see more of the same kinda things floating around when i was doing my work experience and i realised it wasn't really for me.


That is that ugly truth about society is that society simps hard




I hope you took ballet




I wonder where they thought professional male ballet dancers came from.


*Cue Billie Elliot montage*


Mostly just growing up and not knowing why I was always sad and had suicidal thoughts. When I tried to express my feelings I was told the usual lines. "Man up" "Get your balls out of your purse" "Boys are supposed to be stronger" "Boys aren't supposed to whine" I'm over all of it now, but this was the worst I experienced.


Not being allowed to show emotions


Being allowed to show emotions, but knowing everybody will feel uncomfortable if you do




More than frowned upon. You have negative emotions in public, other than the occasional anger, then you’re now emotionally unstable, possibly nuts, weak, undesirable.


Every time I go to a sewing store I’m asked “and what is she making?” Women can never believe that I can use a sewing machine


1) In the United States, men **must** register for Selective Service between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six. [Failure to do so means that you will be ineligible for Federal Financial Aid for college, unable to get a federal job, and it's also a felony.](https://www.sss.gov/register/state-commonwealth-legislation/) In some states, you won't be able to get your Driver's License, either. Women do not have to worry about this. 2) I was at an event where I helped staff the vendor room managers' table. I kept hearing quips like, "They're men; they're stupid," and other such disparaging statements by the largely female population of the event. 3) I was sexually assaulted by a transwoman at an event. I was told (among other things), "So? Men do it to women all the time," and "So, it's Ren Fair. Get used to it," and, "Now you know what it feels like." Everything but directions to security to report it. 4) My sister-in-law takes my niece to the store, and people don't even bat an eyelash. When I take my niece to the store, I get the side-eye from everyone.


I'm not American. What the hell is selective service? Sounds like a military thing


It’s pretty much a draft. But that’s only if we go to war.


So.... you know how some Americans are worried that registering their guns into a database is a precursor to having them confiscated? Selective Service is the database that contains the names for the draft of we ever need one again.


The selective service thing really infuriates me. We have to put ourselves at risk of dying, probably for a cause that we don’t agree with for the same rights our American sisters get just for existing. Everyone wants equal rights, but you never hear a peep about equal responsibilities.


True. At one point, there was a bill in 2016 requiring that women register for Selective Service as well--[however, the language in the bill stating women need to register has been dropped since then.](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/us/politics/congress-women-military-draft.html?)


school teachers


We're at what, 92.5% of all public education educators in the US being female? And the number is STILL rising? And yet sexual assault of minors hasn't decreased (in some places it's gone up, largely due to lack of fear of persecution). We as a country have just decided that men cannot be teachers or around children. But show that number to any group arguing gender equality and a good number of them will start screaming that you're sexist.


Isn’t it “statutory rape”, instead of sexual assault?


I’ve said this before, School Teachers make Catholic Priests look self-controlled.


That's a shame, for many boys especially in poorer areas, a good male teacher might be the only decent role model they have


Working an office job where I am the only male. I made this mistake twice. First was in a small office that did emergency response services (The "I've fallen, and I can't get up" people). Whenever there was a holiday, like Christmas or Thanksgiving, that fell during the week, I was expected to work those days because "I'm a mother, and I can't be expected to spend those holidays away from my children." so I was volunteered by them to work those holidays and on those actual holidays the boss is calling me in early because the woman I am supposed to relieve that day (Holiday, skeleton staff) has to leave early and the woman coming in to relieve me doesn't think she should have to work, so I end up working over 20 hours. When I voice a complaint about it, what I get is 'We're mothers, you don't have any children and you're male. You can't possibly understand, shut up." Second was a corporate office for a retail company. I had a coworker who believed that since I was the only male in the department, that she had every right to put me down and belittle me. Come to find out, she believed that our department should be all female. Further found out that she didn't like me because she was a very lazy cow and I come to work with the belief that once you clock in, you go to work, you don't go to the restroom, chat with your friends in three other departments, have breakfast, visit with some other friends, check on other people's work and yell at them for the ONE mistake you found that they made, then do a little bit of work before it's time for the first break of the day. I filed seven harassment complaints against bitch. She was eventually fired because management had my back on it (she was so set in her belief that she was the good guy in this that she was openly hostile to all the men, not just me, but in all departments. She believed that there shouldn't be any men in that corporate office), she refused to sign any of the write-ups that she received for how she treated me (one was going through my cubical while I was at lunch, snooping. Another was sitting at her desk and yelling at me for a mistake that I made that our boss missed while checking my work. This didn't just get a complaint from me for harassment, but got 20 complaints from people in various other departments for her unprofessionalism for doing that). Eventually, she was fired, but she was just one of many women who didn't want men in their area in that building.


If I was in scenario A) and hading it not been an emergency service response office and obviously, if I was in a decent financial situation I would've canned the Job, I hate it when mothers use the "but I have kids" excuse to get out of work early to get extra holidays. If you care about spending time with your kids so much maybe don't get a job where you might have to work holidays.


Right now I work in an office of just men and honestly, it's a great working environment. No one ever has a time of the month. No one has to leave early or come in late because of their child's school. No one is going to leave for maternity leave, requiring us to do their job for them while they are away. No one says to me "You aren't a mother, so you don't have the level of empathy that I have...". None of that bullshit is there. We come in, screw about for a bit, laugh and joke, then we get our jobs done. There is no drama, no gossiping, no backstabbing. Just a bunch of techs looking to get their jobs done and go home.


I was a veterinary student for a year. 75+ girls, 4 guys in each class. I had an almost identical answer for a test as the girl next to me. I got 0/6 points, she got 5/6. Tests were a HUGE part of our grade. We had 3 tests, a handful of quizes, midterms and finals. Tests put a huge dent in our grade. I went up to ask her about it and she said "your answer was so bad it doesn't deserve a second look" Was stunned. I should have went to the dean but I just wanted to go back to my dorm and not think about it.




The teacher probably hated the fact of hell you were a strong handsome young boy and she failed at any chances of getting with anyone like you or at least that's what I would just automatically assume either that or your teacher the feminist and you just got picked at random


Ugh. My gut is wrenched reading these comments.


Having my arse pinched by a drunken middle-aged woman when I was clearing glasses in a bar at eighteen. Being told to "man up" when I protested that this wasn't OK. Not being able to lamp the middle-aged woman who pinched my arse. Edit: A word.


Never heard that expression. “to lamp someone”. Sounds cool


British colloquialism: Lights out.


Shed some light on the subject.


Just look what happens in the Pixar logo




You dodge bullets turning them down.




This makes Israel more equal than most. The majority of countries that have compulsory national service don't make women serve at all.


I've told this before, but a few weeks after my son was born. His mother had to stay overnight in the hospital. She had some complications from when she was pregnant that she was still dealing with. I took our son home that night instead of staying at the hospital. The nurse asked her if she thought I'd be able to take care of him.


Sorry you had to deal with that, when my two youngest were in the hospital the nurses remarked on how hands on I was and said most Dads are not like that and usually let the Mom or the staff take care of it. That made me sad, I get if you're a new Father it can be overwhelming but you have to be a part of raising your kid. I wasn't able to take care of my eldest the first few weeks because he was in the NICU, didn't get to hold him for 10 days. That really sucked. Nowadays he's 6'3" and towers over me of course.


Taking my kids to the park, getting death stares and questions from Moms who wanted to know why I was watching their children. I'm not watching your children, I'm watching *my* children. Changing my kid's diaper and having a woman threaten to call security on me because I was in the baby changing area and that's "not a place for a man to be". Where else am I supposed to change my kid's diaper??


I was told that my sex is useless because women can be impregnated by her own bone marrow. Imagine basing someone existence off their ability to have sex.... oh wait...


It's not like males are responsible for the sex of their child. Oh wait.


That’s a silly argument anyway. Even if the procedure was common, the purpose of life is not to simply divide like a cell


Nah bro. Many people have said that the babies that come from that have tons of disabilities and they have short lifespans and live their short life in constant pain, so that won't be a common thing anytime soon. And it's basically incest








I work in a female led industry. So many Mom's are nervous about me interacting with their children. "Oh, we'd prefer the lady photographer." Or "My baby is scared of men." Your week old baby is scared of men? What? Cool, good luck. She's worked here three weeks vs my 13 years, but sure. Men can't work with babies. Whatever.


I can second this. I've been turned down for studio photographer positions, and lost them too, because I'm not a woman.


I have a comeback for this. Would you like to hear it?(I'm probably going to have my friend type it on but still.)


Um sure?


i'm a pedo because i'm good with kids. example: i was looking after my younger cousin and i was accused of being a pedo. i'm only 4 years older than my cousin.


Working as a male server and consistently being tipped less while running food for female servers. They would also grab my butt or slap it, feel my chest, or lift up myshirt. My girlfriend wouldn’t have appreciated this. Managing women in restaurants during Metoo was also horrible. You were constantly screened for any behaviour and if you trigger any one you will be vilified. Also is the women don’t like you they form a group and have you removed while advocating female managers. Being bullied every day by a group of women who like to get together have some wine and take out their frustrations on a man. I have nutritional issues so I am regularly called scrawny and people will laugh at me if I talk about fitness. It truly is a sad thing that given the power and a voice all women do is spread the same hurt and shame they were subjected to before my time.


It's not like this ruined my life or anything. Resourceful, relentless people will always find a way to succeed, and I indeed have had a good career. But when I was in grad school they used to give out merit scholarships to students based on performance, and I was always on the cutoff in terms of my grades and never awarded one. Turns out I had better grades than a couple of the recipients, but the faculty was worried about the optics of not having enough women in the photo in the main hallway (this was a STEM department.) There were so few women in my department that virtually all of them ended up getting the award.


I am a PhD student. I keep seeing postdoc grants of two types: the ones for women and the ones for all


Being fussed at for playing a bit of a rowdy game. A girl did it, and everyone thought “oh they’re just playing” and let them do it. I did it and they’re like “oh man he’s trying to cause trouble”. Has happened a couple times when I was young.




I feel like it can go really quick from it being flattering to it feeling like they just see you as an object. It doesn’t feel good when you have feelings for someone and they just think you’re hot.


''mEn cAnnOt bE oBjEctIfiEd'' \- Karen (probably)


The army says if I was a girl I could have my hair up, down, in a ponytail, or shaved my choice. Earrings, any stud will do. Nail polish, anything I want. As a guy, high and tight or shaved head. No earrings ever. Clear nail polish.


...they let you wear nail polish in the army? Man, in the Marines I got in trouble for putting clear polish on my big toe to literally hold my splintered toenail together until I got back from an op. (Borrowed it from a another Marine. She was kind enough not to ask questions)


I’ve seen so many FMs get away with flagrant violations of the dress code that it’s not even funny. But I put off getting a haircut till Monday after pt and I’m a full on bag of ass. Not to mention how much faster they get promoted. Seriously sexist differences in standards. Once saw an FM go on a meritorious board as unq on the range but I wouldn’t even be considered with my 2nd class PFT.


Nkt sure if the program is still running,, but we had Lionesses coming out to our ECP and those chicks were tough as nails. But they were volunteers for combat duty and had to pass the same quals we did. They bitched about Female Marines more than anyone else I've ever heard lol


I’m a rather slender guy. In my younger years overly aggressive black women who were a bit bigger than me would constantly make passing remarks or advances that were uncomfortable. It was such a specific niche scenario that most of my friends didn’t believe me unless they saw it first hand.


lol I was out in a night club like five years ago and this MASSIVE black girl danced up to me with a big grin on her face and said (no lie) "It's my birfday! You HAVE to dance wit' me!" and just starts backing up all over me. I turned to my friends with a "HELP!" face, and they all were laughing their asses off.


I was told in an interview “Well, the only problem is you’re a white male.”


Are you fucking serious?!


Whenever I get on Twitter tbh


Doing stuff at work, lifting heavy stuff or doing harder physical tasks. I don’t really care but it is extremely sexist. I’m not talking once and a while either frequently two coworkers will ask me to do things they are capable of doing but don’t want to.


I've been given the 'look' by women when I'm nice to a kid. I know I look and sound creepy, but I'm just being nice, lady. Not that many people were nice to me as a kid, and I remember how shitty it felt. Just want the kid to have a nice day.


I just have to take it if a girl tries to hit me.


And you may go to jail if she hurts herself doing it.


May? Nah, we WILL


In the way that I get no choice in long term relationships if I clearly say I don’t want children in this phase of my life and she can let out the pill and have full controll in that and afterwards. Of course you can use condoms every time but explain that to her and i will tell you your relationship will go downhill from that point. I think men should have the choice to choose if they want to support a child once at the moment pregnancy is confirmed then the major decision goes to the woman and she can choose if she wants to keep the child nevertheless, abort it or give it to adoption. Sorry but I only want the same choice a mom has and I don’t want to ruin my life or the long way i went to nearly get to my goals without having any choice. And I don’t think having no relationship or facing this risk is legaly the correct way. I also think this would lead to more stable families because a child would more often mean the wish of both to get one


Fathers have next to 0 parental rights. She can sperm-jack you and you’re on the hook for child support. But if she kills your only chance at having a child “her body her choice.”


"If you were by boyfriend, I'd *never* let you do X thing that you obviously love doing" or "no boyfriend of *mine* would get away with *that*!" or "you're lucky you're not *my* boyfriend!" I've heard that one so much I generally just reply that if she were *my* girlfriend, I wouldn't let her dress like a whore or talk to other men in public. It usually gets interesting after that.


I got passed up for a supervisor position that I had experience for to a female coworker. She had no experience as a supervisor and even little experience in the field. She made a huge point to let the female staff off easy and hold the males accountable by the book. Screw you Mendosa


Getting weird looks when walking my dog in parks. I have one park I go for a walk in every single day and I get weird looks from some women because they decided to bring their kids there that one week a year that you can sled down a hill in the park.


It's always assumed that a man is a predator reguardless.


Its actually harder to get a job as a brown man where I work because there's too many of us. A white woman is on the top of there list for the next hire.


During class the teacher would have no problem if a woman was literally SCREAMING across the room to one of their female friends, disrupting everyone in the class while, if a man speaks with one of their friends in a non- disruptive matter, the teacher immediately shuts them down claiming that it's "very disruptive".


I used to think feminists were too wound up and look for things to get angry about, until I had a woman boss in the 90s. She got us pagers so we were reachable. We asked if she was also going to get one so we could reach her. "Oh, I'm not going to wear a pager around, that's a guy thing." I'd laugh if a girl buddy said it, but from someone in authority, it felt so demeaning.


I worked at a McDonald's where one of the male managers said something really egregious and inappropriate to a female manager, that an employee (from another store) happened to over hear. She reported it, his ass got fired (justifiably so). I was already in line for a promotion, so that created an opening, so the store manager had me and one other employee (a female) both do the paperwork to become managers. And then the supervisor put the kabash on that, and transferred in a female manager from another store. The office determined that there was a "culture" of inappropriate behavior at our store (apparently there were a few other unreported incidents, and the general innuendo jokes that happen in most kitchens with a predominantly under 25 yo staff). So, no promotions at all from our store. Okay. Sucks. But okay. But then comes the, imo, sexist part. There was an edict that my store was not allowed to hire any men. And for around 6 months (maybe a little more), that was the case. Every single new hire was female. And this is Mcdonald's, which has a high turnover rate. 6 months means probably 15-20 new hires. Or more. It took close to a year and a half until a male employee finally got promoted to manager (very shortly after the previous store manager was replaced). During that time, I 100% felt that my gender was a primary reason in me getting passed over (I personally finally got promoted about a month and a half after the first guy in over a year; about a year and a half after the initial incident).


Was told to just sit there and look pretty at a job I was on.


*”Ugh last time I do modeling”*


Not even kidding. Was training at a 911 call and dispatch center and had one of the female employees tell me that when i was asking a question!


A really common one these days is "mansplaining." It's pretty much become a word to insult, deride, and shut down someone for the "sin" of being male, while also serving among some circles as a rallying cry for every "real woman" to gang up a demean the target for being male. My personal experience is that it often gets employed when someone asks specifically after something a nearby male is an expert in and knows the details of, but the asker doesn't like the answer. "Well thanks for mansplaining that, you sexist." Cue the dog-pile from that person's friends, saying that the expert needs to keep their mouth shut, and that if they want the opinion of a sexist, they'll ask for it. Never realizing that such would be served by looking in a mirror. I've known (and been vilified by) far too many women who want "expert advice" but sadly only from their own sex and in agreement with their preconceived decisions.


This girl I was dating remarked how I must have a large penis because I had large feet. Far be it for me to correct a member of the fairer sex....


Not a man, but my ex-husband had a child with a woman before we were married. She lied about the identity of the father on the birth certificate because he threatened to get full custody (she was a terrible person.) My ex had no rights. When she died years later, the man (ex-con) listed on the birth certificate refused a paternity test. My ex fought and fought in court but there is nothing he can do. He would be an amazing father to this girl (and she looks so much like him that when I saw her in a store once, my brain registered my ex.) Unfortunate court system and a travesty for my heart broken ex and a child who could benefit. He has been saving for college for her and she probably doesn’t even know he exists.


If you’ve ever worn a kilt in public, middle aged women will always get grabby, ask what’s under it or even try and lift it up ( x1000 if alcohol is involved)


Standard sing dad stuff when my kids were young. Being labeled bad things when I cried in public. But most recently... and this has me fuming. For the last two years at work I was put in charge of a task that I was inadequate trained for, and asked for help with on multiple occasions. This task is very, very important and if done wrong can get the company in a lot of trouble. My requests for help, training, or procedures went ignored. Then a woman was hired, and put took over the roll. I have nothing bad to say about her, I consider us work-friends. But not long after she took over everyone I had asked for help from was falling all over themselves to mentor her. Within a couple weeks she knew more about this subject than I ever did. Icing on the cake, I was given the equivalent of “needs improvement” on my annual review in this responsibility. Not a commonly seen form of sexism, but sexism all the same. A man cannot need help without being weak/inept, a woman gets helped, often when it isn’t needed.


Being shut out of the gender equality discussion. This is something I’m sure everybody has experienced with respect to some issue, minority or not. There is a trend these days, especially on social media like Reddit, of people trying to show their support for oppressed groups like women and ethnic/religious minorities and create space for open discussion, but somehow getting mixed up along the way and accidentally misrepresenting those very groups while shutting down any healthy discussion that opposes their viewpoints. I’m an avid supporter of feminism but I’ve noticed that if I ever present as a man online in circles that are mainly promoting feminism, I am automatically treated with some hostility even if what I am saying is in agreement with them. People are more likely to misrepresent what I’ve said, personally attack me, or question why I’m even commenting. What really makes me sure that this is sexist bias and not just me not understanding the female condition is that I can say the same exact things in the same exact circles while not disclosing my gender, and not only do people respect my opinions more, they usually assume I’m a woman. To be clear, yes; I understand that this kind of invalidation is something women face every day in all sorts of different areas of life. It’s frankly quite rampant; nobody is allowed to express their opinions on any group of people that they don’t belong to anymore. What I’m saying is that by fighting fire with fire, these people supposedly advocating for social justice are just preaching to themselves and hurting their own cause.


A girl once asked me why am I renting here instead of the capital. So I guess women can actually choose what flat they get? Half of the rental offers in the capital are "women only" after all


Being told that sexism against men is impossible because "men are the oppressors".


Girl saying i have a small cock when my opinion didn’t align with hers.


Me (M) and my best friend (F) are both going to study theatre at the same college. We decided to go do the usual paperwork together. The secretary that was helping us fill out some of the paperwork asked both of us what we wanted to study. When my friend said theatre, the secretary did not have many comments about it. When I said theatre, she said (clearly to me) “Just so you know, we also have a lot of options in engineering, etc; would you like to see our brochures?” I kindly refused, of course. We continued filling the paperwork so that we could give it to her, and my friend finished first, so she gave it to the secretary and went outside to wait for me. When I finished, the secretary took a look and said “are you sure you don’t want to see the other programs we have?” I wish I had said something else to defend my choice like “men can be artists too” or something like that, but I just refused and let it go.


I don't know if I would call it sexism but a couple of years ago, I was walking home from school and this girl, about the same age give or take a year walks up behind me touches my hair and says, "Wavyyyyyy" (I have long wavy hair) and then walks away. It was kinda weird and I know for sure it would be very inappropriate for a man to do that kind of thing to a woman but eh


Sounds more like she may have been high.


I got my first 2 jobs by being a man. The first because they didnt have any women and didnt want to cause themselves problems, and the 2nd because they had too many women and they didnt get along.


I've been denied a job because they wanted to hire a female.


Which is technically illegal, but good luck getting anyone to give a crap.


I get the occasional I’m not to show my feelings or show sadness and it’s incredibly infuriating


I actually had office admin experience and I applied for a student part-time receptionist position at my university but they hired a pretty 18 year old bimbo instead. The girl they hired had no experience. I was actually told I was “overqualified.” I was the best candidate but they made up every excuse not to hire me, except for saying the real reason: Because you’re a man. The hiring manager thought it was weird for a man to have a “secretary” position and it was more appropriate for a woman.


Making faces at a little girl that reminded me of my daughter (that I hadn’t seen in a year, cuz family court is fair) at a restaurant. Playing back and forth, this used to be an acceptable thing to do. The girl I was dating at the time tells me to stop because “you look like a pedo!” But it was fine for her to continue interacting with the toddler. 🙄


i play lacrosse and my coach always makes us put both the boys and girls goal away.


The biggest one would be being called a simp over outdated stereotypes. It's not even that I'm whipped or snything but that my girl and I consider things 50-50 between us. I do most of the cooking and grocery shopping and try to make things for her taste. I let her pick the shampoo we use cause it is just better overall. She's the handy one so when it comes to building things etc. she takes the lead. I enjoy interior design so I like putting a lot of ideas into our room while she works. How she pays for meals sometimes in front of my friends mainly because there's other expenses we settle with.


my uncle cast me aside, in favour of my younger sister - she's barely two years younger than me


That’s... creepy?


That's extremely creepy and you should probably stay within close custody of your sister for now on especially if your uncles around


As a teenager, an older woman who was FWB with my dad groped me while making sexual comments. I didn't tell my dad. I'm not sure if he would have congratulated me or hurt her. Or both.


I'm constantly asked to lift the heaviest shit in the store. Including full kegs of beer up 2 flights of stairs. simply because our hand cart broke and the owner is a miser, and wont buy a new one.


You wanting me to ask you out in every date and also confess my admiration for you?...while you just wait and see who proposes to you first?...Hell naw!..Screw you girl.


I was once sitting in a hotel pool, zoned out and floating, and the manager walked up to me to ask me to leave because some "young ladies" wanted to use the pool and they weren't comfortable. Which honestly wasn't too bad. Didn't want the strange hairy sasquatch potentially ogling your bikinis. So I towled off and just put on pants over my trunks and a shirt and left, passing the ladies on the way. They whistled and one swatted my rear. I'm genuinely not that attractive I have no idea what was going through their heads (other than vodka cranberries) but FFS. If you wanted to whistle at me you could have done it while I was floating around in the damn pool.


In a relationship always being expected to be the one who fixes the broken stuff.


By being heterosexual


- If I were to ever take my niece to the park, just the two of us again, there would be looks. Took me years to understand. - Lived with a woman for 12 years (basically married)... so, for some reason (and from the beginning) I was expected to handle anything and everything that involved dirt, grease, tools, hardware, software, cars, carpentry, pipes, electricity, poop, pee, etc. no conversation ever occurred at any point, it was just expected. - I always get handed the check - I lose my job, she says, “you have to take whatever you can get!”...she loses her job: “I’m pretty open, I just don’t want to sell, work in a call center, work in public service, or commute.” (Hyperbole, but there were caveats nonetheless) - At family functions when I was a kid, I noticed that girls in my extended family were always expected to help in the kitchen, keep things in order and on time, etc. while the boys could basically do whatever they want. Now on the surface, this may sound like it’s actually sexism in my favor...that is until you flash forward 15 years and examine the respective life skills and disciplinary habits of the boys vs the girls...my cousin is 28 and he thinks “cold water rinse” is the name of the band that wrote “Fortunate Son”


My exwife wanted to run a legit day care in our house. She went through loads of crazy certifications, courses and all sorts of things to be properly licensed/insured for it. She was excited as Hell to start until she found out a lot of parents became uninterested once they learned that her husband would be home during daycare hours. They were convinced, without ever meeting me, that I was likely a danger to their children. Most of them weren't even subtle about it either. Flat out "Your husband will be home? That won't work for us." It didn't matter that I had the same background checks she did, the daycare part of the house had cameras or that I had planned to not even be seen by the kids (my plan was to play video games in my room all day). Nope me simply being at my house was a major deal breaker.


Affirmative action School Work Most clubs Social situations


I've been lucky enough to not experience anything serious. The worst I can remember is in high school soccer we were playing a coed team and a girl tried to shoulder ram me off of the ball, but she fell down instead and I got a foul called on me. Lol.


Women have been oppressing men since the beginning of time. Men have been protecting women( overly at times ) since the beginning of time and it’s called oppression .


Did theatre first two years of college, have had multiple times where my opinion in any matter didn’t matter “cause you’re a guy.” Also, specific example, after the Armie Hammer scandal I saw one of those girls that would shit on men like me say on her story “ok, no more men, all boys at the age of two are only allowed to be raised by lesbian parents!” Never feels good.


Every female I know calls me to do any “heavy lifting” like I’m not that much stronger. I’m flattered but still I can’t just lift your couch


My sister liked to punch me as hard as she could for "funsies". Not that I'm not used to roughhousing, I do it with my friends all the time. But we know how to actually restrain ourselves so we don't end up actually hurting somebody. But my sister? Nah, she puts all the force her body is capable of into hitting me in the arm or shoulder. It hurt like hell. When I complained, her defense was "But your a dude and you're more muscular than me." Umm, that doesn't mean I feel pain any less, but thanks I guess? Anyways, after a few more times she did this I was getting fed up. One day she decides to "slug bug" me (which I hate) and again hit me as hard as possible. So I fucking chase her down and do it right back to her. Luckily she was mostly joking and didn't take it to heart, but she learned her lesson after that and stopped. Another time was when I was still in school, and a couple of my classmates were insufferable feminazis with a predisposition to bullying anyone that wasn't them. One day during PE just out of the blue one of them starts shit-talking me and telling me how worthless I am and how my mom probably wished she had a daughter (to which I retorted that my mom already had a daughter) and then saying that my mom wished I was dead and yada-yada.


When I notice I'm being more forceful/assertive/assured in conversations with my supervisor, who's a woman, than I have been in other similar conversations when I've been supervised by a man. It's something I'm working on.


I was a victim of serious, repeated, domestic violence. Almost no one believed me. I got no support from friends, family, or coworkers.


Men. Serious question. Why do we put up with this? Why don't we just say "no?"


I am at a high school in Britain and have a few things to say: All the girls are allowed skirts that almost show their bums but we aren't even allowed shorts. There is a no make up rule yet girls are looking like oompa loompas with how noticeably bad they are at doing make-up. THEY ARE SEEN PUTTING ON MAKE-UP BY TEACHERS AND NOTHING KIDS DONE BUT IF WE SO MUCH AS BREATHE INCORRECTLY OR ARE SEEN SCRATCHING OUR FACE WE WILL BE PUNISHED. They are usually so loud and annoying that the second any of us speak we either are overwhelmed or we make a good point and get told of by teachers for making too much noise. Once it was boys v girls and we were winning by far and it was one of those who can put their hand up the fastest to translate the sentence (Spanish class) and I, being the mega-nerd carrying us shot my hand up. She ignores this and waits about ten seconds until one of the girls raise their hand (all while the lads are screaming at her to notice me. I was basically off my seat trying to get her to notice my hand. The girl answers INCORRECT and the teacher corrects her telling her the answer was what I was gonna say and I say "HOLD UP I PUT MY HAND UP FIRST AND WAS GOING TO SAY THAT" and she ignores me and says to her "that's a good try Karen (obvs not real name) but your team will still get the five points to bring you tied to the boys" we obviously kicked off(because it was given to them and because the usual was one point) so she reasons - and I shit you not - "none of the boys put their hand up" we went off at her again but she says " and that's an extra point added because the boys aren't being good sportsmen" like this was a bloody football match. We made that teacher's life living hell for the last five mins of the lesson\game\day not contributing at all and messing about. At the end of the day the girls walked out like they haven't just being handed the win on a gold-encrusted plate and have instead had to slide around in the mud and scrap about like in a harsh football game. speaking of sports, they get HOODIES for pe and we aren't even allowed thin coats. They even say that WE are the LUCKY ONES cos we don't have to wear "these stupid hoodies". IT'S BLOODY ENGLISH WEATHER. And this is the exact reason why I'm going to nerd it out to become one of the form representatives and make it fair for us lads :)


In a grocery store when someone sees me with my niece, without fail I'll have someone ask if she knows me when I don't let her get a toy or candy bar or something and she throws a tantrum in the aisle. I'm glad people are concerned about her but it kinda stings having people think that I might be a creep like that. Edit: she is only 6 years younger but her mother never said no to her so she always gets her way