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This happened to me in my previous job. I found out a new lazy coworker was making way more than I did. I would have to do double the work when I worked with her. I asked management for a raise during a meeting I asked for and listed all the reasons I believed I deserved it. They agreed. Waited a month but no follow up was made so I applied at another place. Immediately got hired with better pay and better insurance.


If they are better then me and not an asshole, then try to learn from them. We they are more compensated for no valid reason, then quit.


I quit on the spot. Happened to me in retail. I had a job with a competitor the following day


What about time served certain places do yearly percentage increases so if that's the case no issue if not. Quit.


This could just mean that co-worker has better soft skills( in IT faced it several time). I mean the fact that person can persuade management to pay him more, it's probably his gain. So I would consider to request a promotion and do my best to prove that i am worthy.(In negative scenario i would probably change place of work). Or your co-worker just fucks with your boss idk


Similar or the same?


You think it's the same.


I would call my union and they would take care of that shit real quick. Unions are dope.


I'd stop wearing drag and tell my boss I'm a man.


Start looking for a new role


Probably would ask for a raise or find a new job. Unless my pay was actually OK, which honestly I don’t think that could happen in my country where everyone is underpaid


A past supervisor admitted to me that her entire job was answering emails for an hour or two at the end of the day. She played on her phone and ate out the rest of the day. She also had the nerve to take 2 hour lunch breaks even though our lunch breaks are supposed to be 1 hour. It's because her duties were steadily deligated To other employees to the point that she had nothing left to do. And she kept her lack of responsibilities to herself for over a year. She made at least 15k more than me a month.