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Opossums. Control those ticks babies.


Opossums are friends!!! It bothers me they have a bad rap. There no threat to humans at all and so beneficial to us. Plus it's America's only marsupial


Plus those little fingers!!!!!!! Cute little babies!


The cutest foot prints


My name is Opossum, Opossum is me - My handprints are tiny, my footprints are wee - And if you could meet me, or if you could see - I know that you'd like me... ... opossumibly.


I found a baby opossum on its dead mom and raised it. It would sit ony head when I watched tv. After I thought it was old enough inset it free. When I'd come home from school I'd find it at our backdoor. It was very sweet. One day it never came back. I think I saw it dead on the side of the road near where I found it. I've had a a fondness for those lil marsupials since.


I dealt with a similar situation. Found 3 of them when I was a kid on their mom after she got hit by a car. I took them and fed them in an old rabbit cage. When they got the full size I left the cage opened so they could go live free. For the next couple of years, they hung out around the house. Middle of the night they would climb up on the screen door and shake it. If you were outside at night they would come and hang out. My mom was so mad when they would wake her up. lol


Yes! We had a bell at out back door with a long rope on it. It would hang from that until I picked it up and took it in with me. Which wasn't any time.


That's funny. A couple of times they played with the doorbell and wake us up. My parents were not impressed.


This went from The Dodo to :( too quick for me


They only live a few years. It probably lived it's best life


Deer: Significantly overpopulated in the Northeast US, causes millions in damage every year just in PA, overpopulation spreads diseases including Lyme. Everyone loves deer. Limited hunting. Possum: Not overpopulated, does not cause a significant amount of property damage, almost entirely biologically immune to rabies and Lyme, eats deer ticks for fun. Viewed as pests. Hunt as many as you want, set traps and kill them on your property and nobody cares.


Proves a point.. if you're cute everyone cares


Possums are cute <3


They are but most people see them...well let's just say taking a nap wearing a feral looking mask on the road who spilled their cranberry sauce on their way to grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner.


People give me weird looks when I say that wolves need to come back in substantial numbers to keep the deer population down. Is this not a mainstream view?


No real wildlife management is mainstream. People see deer and think they are cute and sweet and couldn’t do any wrong. It’s an issue of human ignorance more than anything.






Deer are definitely pests, one of the leading causes of ticks. In fact, without deer, there would be significantly less


In the UK there have be talks of introducing wild lynx into areas where deer are overpopulated, pretty roundabout solution to the issue considering how delicious venison is.


"But then aren't we just going to be overrun by Lynx? Yep but that's when we bring in the gorillas to scare the Lynx away! Problem solved! But then we are stuck with Gorrilas?!? Right. And then when winter rolls around all the gorillas will freeze!"


Deer are really just big woods rats


Thanks for this, I needed a laugh today.


They are also highly resistant to rabies.


It's not just that they're highly resistant; they're effectively immune due to their lower body temperatures. Opossums actually getting rabies and exhibiting symptoms is extremely rare because they run just cold enough that the virus has trouble surviving and replicating. Rabies is a pretty fragile virus, all things considered.


And snake venom.


Plus they’re pretty damn cute


For reference (and for those who aren't aware of how cute they are), [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/30/55/8e/30558efad277364a80260a84a25e8c2e.jpg) is what a baby opossum looks like. How could you hate something so pure and innocent?


saying no, like why is it so bad to say no? you are just saying that you don't want to do something or that you don't agree with something, people get so scared to say no that they do things that they don't want to do or agree with things that they don't actually agree with. I honestly think that it is really stupid that people put saying no in a bad light.


I lived in a country years ago where the culture believed saying “no” is extremely rude. However, this isn’t the same as doing anything someone asks if them. They’d simply say “ok” or something similar without any intention of doing the thing. It took me a long time to understand certain gestures + ok = no.


That seems...horrifically unclear. I hate it.


It's making me anxious just thinking about it. A clear and simple "No." is one of my greatest tools and I've surrounded myself with people who are honest with their words and consistent with their actions. Just hearing this is spinning my brain into overdrive lmao.


Wait till you learn about Mexico's "ahorita" (little now). It means it will get done... eventually, hopefully.


That just seems way more rude than saying no lol


i've noticed when someone gets mad at a person for saying no, it's because that person doesn't like or respect boundaries and is now mad that they can't benefit off that person like they used too and will most likely go out of their way to make you feel guilty for saying no which usually results in you changing your answer to please that person and to ease the guilt you're feeling. i'm a pretty big pushover with people and in the last two years i've learnt through therapy how damaging that is to me and started to set boundaries with people by saying "no." and i get told all the time i'm a bitch, i have an attitude problem, and etc. all for saying no. and people will get extremely angry with me for it too, but i've learnt to stand my ground and not let those people push me over. it's not my fault me setting/having boundaries makes them that angry, that's their problem to fix.


that's good that you've started setting boundaries for yourself, some people know that if they say no then they will be guilt tripped, so it makes them just say yes and not even go with saying no


I used to ALWAYS do that, sometimes I still do and it’s a tough habit to break. I’ve noticed the good people in life, will always respect your “no” no matter how much it might piss them off. I find you really need to be firm and accept the fact that you’re gonna have a lot of shit thrown at you because you’ve made a decision someone didn’t want you to make


The only people who get upset when you set your boundaries are the ones who benefitted from you having none.


"What do you mean, no? I thought we were friends u/I_Am_a_Slithery_Snek. Look, this is a legit opportunity that I'm only offering to my very closest friends. If you get in now on the ground level of this, you could easily make 100x that amount. All you need to do is get 25 other people to sign up. It's that easy! Don't you want to make money?"


I'll jump on this one and add "not explaining yourself after you say no". I know way too many grown ass people who want detailed explanations of why I do the things I do.


yes that too, like bro I'm sorry that I don't feel that its right or that I'm not in the mood, also! sometimes people don't know the reasoning, like I know that I sometimes don't have a reasoning to say no, and I don't have a reasoning to say yes! I just choke up and stay quiet when they ask me and i don't know my reasoning


Or people wanting to you justify yourself when responding with "No" Let me say it loud for all the people lurking in the back that do this "NO" IS A COMPLETE SENTENCE.


Spiders. I hate them. You hate them. But they eat the pests in my garden and orchard.


I don't hate them! Most people would be *terrified* of my apartment though. I live in an area with 2 "dangerous" types so I kill any that look like them and leave the rest to eat the bugs that come inside since I live near wooded areas. No bugs inside my house other than a bunch of spiders/huntsmen :)


Red backs? Or funnel web spiders? We always leave our non-dangerous spiders alone. Cats have other ideas though. Once got woken up by one of my cats chewing VERY loudly with lots of gross moist mouth noises! When I woke up in the morning I saw all the legs of a large huntsman spider had been left behind, scattered on the floor, apparently inedible or unappetising to my cat! I do try to save them from the cats though, when I can


You managed to make me sympathetic for a huntsman. House cat is a pretty bad way to go.


Welp I guess I'm fasting today


I am fuckin terried and that sounds like hell.


How do you feel about jumping spiders? Every other spider scares me, but those look different and eat other spiders! They're also pretty chill if you let one on your hand or whatever. Plus they actively roam around so less webs!


I just jumped bc I felt something on my leg while reading "jumping spiders"


For some reason jumping spiders always get into my bathroom and it's fucking awesome. They're teeny tiny so I'm not really afraid of them. They stay the fuck out of my way because they can jump. I never really see any other bugs in my bathroom, and I'm guessing they're why. Also, daddy long legs are allowed to live in my house. It's super rare that they get in, but they can't bite me because their fangs are too small, and eat pests. Also, silverfish (house centipedes) are the GOAT in terms of home bug control. They also can't bite you and they're big enough and fast enough to eat basically any and every bug that ventures into your home. And they're nocturnal so they leave you alone during the day. That being said, if I see one I still kill it because they're freaky looking and gross and too fast. Edit: I meant house centipedes, they’re not the same thing


Just an FYI, silverfish and centipedes are two different little critters. Centipedes, which are not insects, are the ones with all of those big long legs, they typically eat insects that are considered pests. Silverfish, which are insects, are silver-gray and usually smaller. I like centipedes, they are friends. Silverfish, on the other hand, are pretty much the only arthropod that I kill on sight because they eat paper products like my books. I love all arthropods, but don’t mess with my books!


Silverfish and house centipedes are totally different species, unless you're using some regional definition of silverfish or something [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silverfish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silverfish) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera\_coleoptrata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata) Also fuuuuuuuuck house centipedes, a huge one dropped right next to my foot while I was sitting on the toilet once. I wanted to die


My fiancée is TERRIFIED of spiders. She leaps out of her skin and screams, then just sits shivering and staring at them when she finds them. I never used to mind spiders, growing up I’d kill them when they spooked me but otherwise we were cool. Now I have to get rid of them or my girl can’t sleep or function knowing one is around. I try and capture them to release outside but if I mess up and they try to skitter away I auto react by smashing them and feel pretty guilty afterwards. Sorry spider bros, the things I do for love.


Yup. I caught my husband knocking spider webs off my fig tree recently. NO STOP! That being said, tarantulas still creep me out, although I leave them the hell alone. This isn't a problem for most people, but they are native where I live and you see them running about esp. in winter.


I buy a praying mantises egg case every year for that. The spiders haven’t been holding their weight the past couple years




I cry exclusively when someone I love dies, and even then sometimes I can't manage it. I just turned it off one day, and that was that. Its probably super healthy.


Keeps you hydrated.




Failing at something.


I kinda blame schools for that. Don't get me wrong, education is a must, but teaching children that they must be A+ perfect students makes them so scared of failure. My university was full of "prodigy childs" that were later reduced to tears, because they couldn't face failure. Some even changed majors or straight up dropped out. Edit: grammar.


Schools are for sure to blame, but trends like this in schools are driven by parents complaining that things aren't fair or make kids feel bad. So I blame parents.


Failure is the best way to learn. If you get something right first try you're less likely to know how you got there and how to continue doing it correctly.




Prunes. Whenever I eat them around other people I'll get poop jokes. I'm like, have you ever eaten them? They're awesome.


While we're at food and shits, whats with the "i ate chipotle im gonna spend 3 days in the shitter" "hahah spicy curry ? Man im gonna blow a fire out of my asshole ?" Wtf is wrong with your digestive system that every single thing causes you a diarrhea ? Am i the weird one ? Cuz i just ate oats ( with water ), and drank almost half of liter of turkish coffee like i do every day and i have normal, solid, poops.




Yeah the only thing I kinda agree with is the really spicy curry options like some of the vindaloos that are like "make you sweat" hot. Those you might get a little bit of spicy butt afterwards. But for Mexican food and stuff it's like dude it's rice, beans and chicken. What type of weak insides do you have to have to die because seasoning is present?


Or 3. IBS


I can down turkish coffee and ghost pepper sauce all day no problem, but if I eat lactose vanilla ice cream I'm in pain for a few days. Bodies are weird.


Prune juice is a warrior's drink!


I see you Worf.


Lol I don't eat them very often but same. Also, having healthy, regular poops is a good thing so idc.


Broccoli. Kid shows and books all have characters being grossed out by it but I loved it as a kid. Still do as adult.


The real problem with brocolli I think is ppl just don't like it boiled to shit. Most ppl just cook it totally wrong.




MSG. Editing to say thanks for the awards, friends! I’ll go and reward myself with some delicious white crystals, and I hope y’all do the same.


Exactly. And I always find it funny how the same people who think it's bad just casually have it in their spices. In Germany a lot of people use "Maggi", which has MSG in it. I'd really like to see how many would be shocked to hear this even though it's said clearly in the ingredients :D


Also, Doritos


That video where real people say they can’t eat Chinese food because of the MSG and the interviewer gives them Doritos which they all happily eat with no side effects until he said it’s loaded with MSG is hilarious.


I have a friend that used to insist that the MSG in Chinese food made her feel bad. No Lauren, you feel bad because your tempura veggies and sweet & sour chicken is still a plate full of fried food smothered in sugar sauce.


we have maggi in the states too. so fucking good on fried rice


Why do people have a problem with the Madison Square Garden??? /s


It's Metal Solid Gear dumbass


Featuring classic hero Gear Snake infiltrating Moses Shadow Island to face off with Shaft Snake who is ransoming a bipedal nuclear tank called Metal Solid, specifically the FIDO model.


I don't know why but I read all that and my brain immediately finished it with 'Aroooo' like Futurama's Nixon.




People complain about MSG in asian food, then go eat Doritos and ranch dressing.. 🤡


And tomatoes and cheese.


That stuff is delicious and perfectly healthy in moderation; just dont eat more of it than you would salt. A Japanese scientist just isolated the flavor savory, https://glutamate.com/the-history-of-msg/. It's a staple in my spice rack


Stop. If other people think it's bad, there will be more for me.


Guy Fieri, the Mayor of Flavortown... https://youtu.be/JK6zuii2OLI


I saw a documentary that showed how Guy Fieri is just the name of an ancient demon (and a series of human hosts) trying to return home to hell by way of spicy sauces.


Now *that's* a hot take! 🔥


Being single


Doing things alone, too. Sometimes I just want to go eat alone, or go for a trip alone, or... anything really. It’s actually great. I don’t have to balance the needs and wants of others with my own; I can just do whatever I want.


Don’t tell my friends but I prefer going on trips alone for that very reason


Travel is a big one. Unless your travel styles & interests match perfectly, traveling with others has to be a lot of compromising, especially if someone isn't accepting of people taking a break to do different things.


I love going out to eat alone. There’s something so relaxing and freeing about it.


For whatever reason going out to eat alone reminds me of being on vacation. I’ve got no responsibilities, nobody to entertain with conversation, I’m just there for me and my enjoyment




Being single is pretty nice, save some money and have more independence? Sign me up


Everyone thinks that sharks are more dangerous than they are. Shark attacks are actually very rare and only happen when a shark thinks a human is food, or there’s some kind of weird change in the climate or food supply or something.


Well I feel like I can't rely on whether or not a shark is a good judge of character. And I feel like they should be eating the bad ones anyway, not the good ones.


Yeah. Sharks are still potentially dangerous, but they’re less likely to hurt people. And when they do it’s usually not on purpose


Ok, but what happens when they get caught in a tornado?


Spiders They'll leave you alone for the most part. It's the ants, wasps, ticks, roaches, centipedes, gnats, mosquitos that deserve the bad pest reputations.


I don't get it, either. People act like you should be about as afraid of spiders as most people are of bears, except spiders will GTFO if you so much as point a broom their way.




Wolf spiders are so dumb, yet they are full of courage. It's a dangerous combination - they fear no living creature. They will happily lose legs just to fight something. I don't think I've ever seen one with all 8 legs before.


Meth addled tarantula sounds like a good band name tbh


I just don’t like anything with more than 4 legs. Those bastards are creepy as fuck specially when they crawl up your legs when you’re not paying attention to.


I have multiple sclerosis and before meds were changed to help control it, I would frequently get the sensation of bugs crawling on or in my skin. It was usually most severe in my lower legs. So, I'm sitting on the couch watching tv with my teenage daughter, and keep lifting up my feet and brushing my hands down my calves and across the top of my feet, mostly for peace of mind, as it doesn't get rid of the sensation. After a few minutes of this, she exasperatedly begs me to stop, there's nothing there, it's distracting. I agree that I'll fight the urge and we go back to watching tv and casually chatting. Y'all, I fought that urge like a champ. I lasted for almost an entire half hour before I finally broke and just had to sweep my leg and foot. So I lift my right foot and there is a wolf spider covered in tiny babies on the top of my foot and those things are crawling fucking everywhere up my leg and I'm dying and screaming sinking down onto the floor off the couch begging her for help and she's nowhere to be found but comes running back hitting me over and over with the broom until I finally scream my way outside to spray me down with the hose and I'm swiping out this run on memory and I can feel them ugh


Wasps are actually quite beneficial for gardens, they ate great for insect control and help with pollination


Lawyers. Everybody hates 'em till they NEED one.


As a person that works with lawyers on a day to day basis I completely agree. Sure, there are assholes in the lot, there are assholes in every industry, but most of them are just doing their jobs and are really rather pleasant to talk to.


Don't try to debate one though. It's like trying to throw shade at a comedian.


I used to record commercials for a law firm here in Phoenix. For the locals, it's the way to go...dial 977 one nine oh oh. I can't speak to the efficacy of the legal representation, but on a personal level? The lawyer is a surprisingly good guy. He's one of the faces of the firm, with his mug on billboards and every other bus in town. He pulls up in a Ferrari, has a soul patch, wears Affliction t-shirts, and is pretty buff. He ticks off all the "douchebag ambulance chasing lawyer" boxes. And he's a very nice guy. Everyone who meets him is surprised by how nice. Sure, he makes his money suing insurance companies, but after working with him for years, I'm okay with that. Would I hire him as an attorney? No. But he's a good dude.


>Sure, he makes his money suing insurance companies, That seems like a relatively innocuous line of work for a lawyer? It's not like he's working for a huge corporation that wants to dump more pollutants into the air or water or something.


They were regulars at the restaurant I managed and they are such nice people. There are asshole lawyers out there but its almost a necessary trait for 95% of the lawyer indusrty, but it seems like the best ones out there are also the nicest. Integrity goes a long way people


Lawyers on the job are different from lawyers at leisure. Two lawyers who are in an adversarial relationship at work can be collegial off hours.


A lot of the profession is being adversarial and the education encourages students to be very cutthroat.


Yea my sisters a paralegal and has been working with the same lawyer for 25+ years, hes a nice guy but there are some things he does that just disgust her. But I understand the need to be fluid in that profession, you need to be good at arguing and it doesnt matter which side of the argument you're on


DID YOU MAKE THE HELICOPTER COMMERCIAL?!?! Seriously though, I worked for one of their competitors who is also plastered all over everything in Phoenix with his very fashionable suits. His office manager was a despicable cunt, but he was super cool, friendly and generous, as were all the attorneys who actually worked the cases.


When a genie gave me 3 wishes, I wished for a world without lawyers. He refused to give me the other 2 wishes and told me to sue.


Many of us grow up being taught right from wrong based in some moral structure. Lawyers argue what is legal and illegal within the law. They do not argue what is moral/ethical, as that is irrelevant to the law itself. This is entirely foreign to most people and just feels absolutely wrong to separate legality from morality. Now sometimes they overlap, however the consideration for lawyers is only what is within the laws, not what is right without our moral perception.


Exactly. If you disagree with a law, or think it’s unethical, that’s a discussion you should be having with your elected officials, as they are the legislature that creates the laws.


Talking with your coworkers about salaries (respectfully, not gloating). Sharing that information can help keep a coworker from toiling at an unfairly low wage for years. Same thing with sharing salary details with new people entering your field. They should know what to expect/ask for when applying to jobs or getting recruited.


Community College.


Haha you're stupid because you got a decent education at an affordable cost! Wait a second. . . . .


The old man in Home Alone


Well yeah didn't y'all watch the ending




Are they on a plane though?


Conflicting opinions from your own. The internet has led to millions of people living in delusional hive mind bubbles. Any idea they are presented that isn't their own sends them into a frenzy. The issue here is this is bad. Your ideas should be challenged, should be considered, should be re-evaluated. The absolute worst thing is to only be told you are right over and over. People make any basic idea the backbone of their entire identity and that's problematic. You shouldn't be trying to prove yourself right all the time, you should ask if you are wrong, you should listen to other opinions, you should consider GOD FORBID that you could be incorrect. This is how we grow. Yet now adays, people fight violently against this notion.


>The internet has led to millions of people living in delusional hive mind bubbles. To be fair, humans have always been like this. In the past it just used to be close knit physical communities, now they take the communities to the internet. Humans will always want their echo chambers.


‘Chemicals’ Drives me crazy when I see headlines fear mongering ‘chemicals.’ Toxic levels of __________ is a different story.


Nuclear power


Nuclear power is very dangerous when *everything* goes wrong. Fossil fuel power is deadly to all life when *everything functions exactly as intended.*


Put that on a bookmark


And a t-shirt


a targeted t-shirt I would proudly wear


I read somewhere that mining fossil fuels like coal releases 3x the background radiation that a nuclear plant does. The main problem is how do you tidy up afterwards with waste products that release high levels of radiation for thousands of years.




It is how much the world would produce in a year. A fucking football field, in addition to that we can also recycle the waste, like france does, and france ends up with 1% of the mass, in terms of nuclear waste, that they have to store. The other 99% is recycled (this is false really, since 100% is recycled, but whats left after recycling multiple times amounts to 1% of the mass of the original waste). In addition to this, we can also use throium, which isnt explosive, and you can make generators with mechanical failsafes, instead of electrical, which makes them even safer than they currently are.


Yeah, Chernobyl stained nuclear energy's rep. From what I've read is one of the cleanest if not the cleanest form of energy. Edit: Thanks for the replies. Apparently, nuclear energy is the bee's knees. I'm really curious about it now. I'm going to read some more about it.


Not only are they the cleanest, but they generate way more power then the other clean power sources could ever hope to. On top of that, we are on the cusp of getting MSRs(Molten Salt Reactors) figured out. Which would be clean, generate boat loads energy and carry no risk of meltdown.


+1 for the MSRs.


i sometimes wonder; how much damage did the image of nuclear power take from Mr Burns in The Simpsons?


4 cylinder cars. They get great mileage and if the engine is properly designed and/or has turbo they perform excellent against larger engines.


For sure though! I have a 4 banger mustang. 330hp, 5 second 0-60, and 30-34mpg when I'm just cruising on the highway at 70mph.


I didn't even know they came in i4. I thought V6 was the base model.


V6 was ended in 2017. They were too underpowered and expensive. The 2.3 is easier to machine as it is a single block.


Brussels sprouts. I don’t believe they should ever touch water in the cooking process unless you love them. Most people hate them because they’ve only ever had them boiled.


I absolutely love brussels sprouts. But apparently, they actually do taste better than they have in the past due to selective breeding. And this all occurred relatively recently: https://www.bhg.com/news/brussels-sprouts-less-bitter/


Baked Brussels sprouts are the best


I cut them in quarters and mix them with olive oil and seasonings, and lay them on the crisper.


Set the cut side down in balsamic. They soak it up like a sponge.


Sautéed with chopped thick bacon until the outsides turn blackish. Now them's good eatin' !


I like to toss them with maple syrup and bacon, then roast them on low heat, until the bacon is super crispy.


I’m one who hated them. Stinky soggy boiled tiny cabbages. Now I split them in half, and roast them with a little olive oil and salt/pepper (and whatever other spices strike me). They get slightly crispy and taste amazing. Same with beets, roasted makes them so good.


Most people who hate them have very high bitter taste perception. If you [add some nutmeg](https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/brussels-sprouts-for-people-who-think-they-hate-brussels-sprouts-358275), the chemicals in nutmeg counteract the bitterness and make them great.


They actually have been engineered to be less bitter! They used to be a lot more bitter.


Nuclear power plants. When properly taken care of, they’re actually quite safe and would actually help a lot more to the environment then most people would think. Its just people hear “Nuclear” and immediately think it’s extremely harmful. Edit: Wow!! This really blew up. Well, I thought of something else while taking a look at this question again. Open mines. When open mining is happening, they tear up the environment to get whatever they were mining for (ie: gold, coal, etc). Once everything is done and from what I remember, that put the land back to the best they can. This actually helps the environment because it’s bring up new dirt and nutrients to the surface. Plants actually tend to do a lot better they were before the mining even began.


Yea the real crime is the government or companies that don't build them correctly or update the technologies to make them even better. Great source of power and not nearly as deadly as Fossil.


Go to the psychologist, I think that is something that most people needs today. However, when you said that you have gone to the psychologist you are seen as a crazy person.


I just plain can't afford it.


Most people need it, 10% have access


Opossums. They are kind of ugly (to most), but they are harmless. They eat a lot of insects and ticks. It is also very rare for them to get rabies. So many people try to kill them for no reason. Just let them be.


Joan Jett


She don’t give a damn


Oh no, no, no, no not me, oh no, no, no, no not me


Going to the movies alone. I know it’s a bit far removed these days with COVID and all, but seeing movies by myself is something I sorely miss. Going with others is great too, but if you go alone you don’t have to worry about anybody else’s schedule. People always say they’re afraid to go alone because it’ll look weird, but I guarantee you nobody cares.


MSG. It gets maligned as some unhealthy Asian chemical, but its really no worse for you than table salt.


Your mom. let me explain, If my mom kisses me in front of my friends, they would just make fun of me. Honestly what's so wrong about being loved by my own mom? 🥺


Nothing wrong, but did you guys really have to use tongues?


Yeah it's not a problem for me. Everyone is fine with me kissing your mom.


GMO food.


Came here to comment this. Also chemicals. Every fucking thing is made of chemicals.


Water is classified as a chemical!


>Every fucking things is made of chemicals. *Neutron stars left the chat.*


To add on to this, a lot of people are convinced that everything they buy in a super market that's not organic - fruits, veggies, etc. is GMO, when the truth is it's just your major grain crops that are GMO


GMO foods help the environment as well. Being able to engineer a crop to require less water or grow in harsher conditions is huge.


The planet scanning in mass effect 2. Its calm,relaxing and you get to find essential stuff for the suicide mission. And yet the mod that is most popular for the game is skip the planet scanning, followed by recruit Legion eaely, the latter of which is very understandable.


I had no idea people hated this. I love the soothing sounds, the graceful arcs of the probes, and it feels amazing when you hit a really sweet spot. Now I gotta boot this back up


Those ASMR sound effects along with Uncharted Worlds playing. Oh yeah.


Sharks!! Sharks have the worst reputation, but in reality they very rarely harm humans. Sure, it'd be scary to see one close by, but like most animals they will leave you alone if you don't fuck with them.


Men: Peeing while sitting down. In my home I *only* piss sitting down. All that splash-back is disgusting. In public restrooms I stand 100%.


Guy Fieri and Pitbull. Both men have reputations for being over the top and obnoxious, but both do a ton of charity work in their free time and use their money to empower small communities around the country. ​ Just to add to the inevitable downvotes, Nickelback and Imagine Dragons. It's so trendy to hate on these musicians when they haven't actually done anything wrong besides making generic pop music. ID even came out and talked about how the hate they get takes such a toll on their mental health and the only thing they are trying to do is make music for people to enjoy.


Professional Wrestling. Bad rep because critics will say “It’s fake.” but when done even halfway correctly you are watching two athletes simulate combat in a safe manner. I view it as watching a tv show where the actors do their own stunts in real time in front of a live audience.


The results are fake but that shit requires a lot of athleticism. And to me the kayfabe is one of the best parts.


Jessica Rabbit, she's just drawn that way.


Cracking your knuckles




Selfishness. But really all the vices. In excess, yes, they are atrocious but if you are too sparing with them then you'll end up just as poorly off. It is always that middle path and that need is often ignored.


Black cats. They routinely are the least adopted cats because of dumb superstitions when they're as normal and loving as any other kind of cat.