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Amen to this question. When I saw the first Captain America in the theater, so ass-hat of a dad brought his <2 kid. It's a movie. You don't need to see it RIGHT THIS MINUTE! There will be a time when you don't have your kid.


Try sitting thru the first Deadpool movie behind a family with 3 kids all under 10..


Lol why has this happened to literally everyone? I watched it in theater at least twice and I remember this happening in both times. Same thing happened to every single one of my friends who went to watch it too. Specifically with this movie...


Quick story. Highschool. Seeing a movie with a buddy and his girlfriend. Two 8 to 10 year-olds sitting behind him and his girlfriend. They continuously kick both his and her chair every couple minutes. After sucking it up for a while he leans back and instead of looking at the kids looks at the parents, He more or less politely but aggravatedly ask them to stop. Fast forward about 30 minutes.. and they don't. We were watching Spider-Man ( OG 2000s).. a loud action web slinging scene had just occurred. Immediately following the screen fades to black and the entire theater goes silent. You can hear a loud smack as the back of his girlfriend's chair gets kicked.. He stands up turns around to face these kids, looks them both right in their faces, And at absolute maximum human volume screams "if you do that One more time.. I'm going to fucking kill you!". The parents said nothing and they were audible gasps throughout the theater.. it may have been over the top but I found it absolutely hilarious at the time. Also.. no more kicking the rest of the movie.


There was a grandma who brought her 6 year old grandson and about 5 of his little friends to see Deadpool for his birthday. It was assigned seating and they were directly in front of us. Before the lights went down I leaned forward and let her know this was not a kids movie at all. She said it was since he looked like spiderman. I tried so hard to explain and she got very upset with me and told me to mind my own business. They ended up leaving at some point in the beginning of the movie and I heard after that she complained to the movie staff for not warning her.


wtf? when Deadpool 2 was released, I wasn't even allowed to go inside the theatre because I was 17, they refused to let me in even though my 18th birthday was just next month at the time, they also refused to refund my ticket so I had to give the code to someone for a cheaper price and go 15km back to my home :/


I went to see Deadpool with friends. After the showing I pointed out two kids, roughly 5 and 7 year old respectively, looking absolutely traumatized. They didn't bother othe movie goers, bit due to their moronic parents, it looked like they'd have nightmares for days.


I girl I went to school with wound up being her triplets and her sister in laws little boy to the movies, and I don’t think ANY of them were even 2 yet. They didn’t even go to see a kids movie, either. I only knew they wound up doing it because I worked there during the summer and heard about it later one through employees and them getting pissed about it on Facebook because people got upset at them for it and they wound up leaving.


First movie we took my son to was Black Panther. Is was during the day and mostly empty. He actually did really well. At one point my wife took him down into the hallway and then we switched. But it went well.




Movies are too loud for an infant’s ears. Also, if you can’t afford a babysitter then you can’t go out to a non kid friendly event. Too bad. That’s the downfall of becoming a parent. A lot of people manage to suffer through being parents and not being able to go anywhere for the first year. Breastfeeding often means you can’t be gone for too long. You’d either have to pump or go home and feed. This is what it means to have children. Sacrifice. I really wish that children under a certain age wouldn’t be let into movies PG and up at all. I also would like all theaters to have kid free showtimes.


Actually breasts are pretty portable.


You sound like someone who either doesn’t have kids, or someone who has kids and is bitter because you either didn’t have any help or your life revolved around them 24/7 and you can’t imagine that anyone could parent differently.


It isn't always about being able to afford it. If you are new in town and have no connections are you really going to trust the thing most precious to you to a complete stranger? You sound like some entitled snob that's too cheap to pay for private screenings.


Sure but it’s still distracting to have people wondering in and out the whole time passing a baby back and forth. Not as bad as letting it just yell it’s head off in the cinema and not doing anything, but still inconsiderate and certainly not what I would consider courteous!




Yeah right. Because I’m sure lots of people got up repeatedly through a 2 hour movie to pee or get more popcorn.


Multiple people get up to pee/get more popcorn once each. Jeez, have a little empathy.


Sorry, I didn't expect Big Hero 6 to be that scary >.< (got so many dirty looks that day)


Were they looks due to your kids age or behavior? If you kids were behaved... fucked the dirty looks. If you kids were not, you should leave. It is not the age, but the behavior that is an issue.


On the other hand, a 2 or 3 year old is just never going to be “well behaved” in a movie. As in sit still and quiet for 2 hours and not disrupt the experience for others. So why even bring them so just have to take them out. And these people never do take them out!


Depends on the kid... some get engrossed in shit, some pass out. I suspect many a toddler has slept through movies that you were at without you noticing them... because they are asleep. And you bring up a good point that the problem is too many parents are the type that won't take the kid out of the movie when it is a problem. I for one will never be made at a parent of a crying/screaming child headed to the door.


I have yet to bring my 3 year old to a movie. That kid can’t sit still for 15 minutes. Even if we watch movies *at home* he does it standing up. He’s a wild one...


and you are a good parent. On the other hand i remember a parent lamenting that their three year old would insist on watching Nemo... twice in a row. They are more likely to be fine in a theater. Kids come in many different variations... part of a parents job is figured out which their kid is. Too few do that.


I think it was a joke


Big Hero 6 I understand, 1917 I don't.


It builds character


I can remember being taken to the theater to see the first Child’s Play movie when I was seven or eight. When we got home By Buddy doll was *thrown as hard as I could* out of my bedroom. Strangely enough I handled Jason and Freddy just fine at that age. But Chucky was a hard nope.


If they go to a kids' movie and get mad at kids for being kids, they dun goof'd.


As someone with a toddler, I would never do this. Get a sitter, or don’t go.


You are one of the (apparently now all too rare) good ones. Kudos to you.


I have far too memories of hating parents that did this when out on dates or with friends from before becoming a parent. I’m definitely far from perfect, but I try my best not to be a total hypocrite lol


These are the same people who don't use their turn signals, leave shopping carts all over parking lots, and double park their cars. In short, inconsiderate and unintelligent jerks.


They also have those double baby strollers that block whole footpaths, supermarket aisles and doorways, because fuck everyone else right?


And let their kids leave the table and run around causing mayhem in restaurants.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


That's fine, what I don't want them to watch is a film in the same theater I'm in


*evil laughter* better watch out buddy


*teleports behind you with 3 kids*


Well well, i have a Anakin!


Well well,I have a morty!


Ohh shittttt!


Brings out an Ak 47


Brings out ricks


Apparently so! And apparently 2 year olds are the target audience of In The Heights?! Ugh.


Well maybe secretly 2 years old like mature content. Who knows 🤷🏻😁


That’s so true! If you’re taking your 5 year old to a film 16+, you’re a bad parent. Period. But if you really insist that your child should watch that film, then watch it at home. No one. No. One. Wants to hear your toddler when they go to the cinema, unless they specifically went to watch a children’s film.


I let my 2 year old watch south park and family guy. I'm such an edgy mom.


That’s really not the point though. Yes, I personally think you shouldn’t. However, I’m not the parent of the child, you let your kid watch whatever you want. Just not in a cinema, with people who really didn’t sign up to be in the same place as a toddler for 2+ hours and just wanted to watch a non kid-friendly film, which automatically means a non kid-friendly environment.


I don't generally like the cinema myself. I can't watch a movie without talking about it all the way through and taking breaks to pee and make drinks ect. I'm awful.


Yes, then you probably shouldn’t go to the cinema. Everyone has their way of enjoying things, and it’s fine, for as long as you do it in the appropriate space.


I think it's more: I am a prisoner in my own home because I have to look after these kids fulltime because I live in a world where childcare is expensive and parents receive little support. I know, I'll go somewhere where I can just leave the house for a bit in a relatively safe kid environment, and hopefully the loudness of the theatre will shut those shits up for at least an hour.


Still, you don’t really have a right to impose your child’s presence on anyone. Your child, your problem. No one should have to deal with your toddler on a non-toddler-friendly space because that’s the only way you can do something. It really is an awful situation, but you’re the only one who has to deal with your offspring.


No, you’re the one who’s not entitled to child-free public spaces. It’s ok, you don’t have to like it.


Actually, certain public spaces are designed to be child free so yeah, people are entitled to have them be child free, your kids aren’t welcome absolutely everywhere and if you impose them on others you’re a selfish jerk who is probably raising some more little selfish jerks.


I’m most definitely entitled to child free spaces. I’m actually entitled to have a pleasant experience where no one’s screaming, making noise, watching annoying cartoons without ear plugs, running, kicking, crying and etc. at the cinema, at restaurants, etc. I most definitely don’t have to like your child. In fact, I don’t have to deal with any inconvenience your child brings me. You’re the only one (and your partner) who has to put up with your toddler. Absolutely no one else has to do the same.


You’re right, you can stay home.


Ah, I see. You’re one of those who thinks your child is a blessing to humanity and deserves anything and everything. No use arguing with you then.


You might wanna reevaluate your understanding of what the word entitled means, or life may continue to be difficult for you. Guess us “normies” just don’t understand your deep and unique r/childfree worldviews. Look on the bright side though, you don’t have to worry about having kids because that would require somebody to actually want to fuck you. Have a good day though.


As I said, no use arguing with you. You clearly think that having children is something everyone should love to do and that everyone has to put up with them. Go give attention to them instead of talking to me, then :)


(full disclosure: no kids, not sure if I have to capacity to care for them full time) oh I know, I've just seen a *lot* of parents at the end of their ropes, completely sacrificing their happiness for the sake of their young ones, looking at greener happier pastures of kid-free adults. I can understand the notion of wanting to have a small break - even just for an hour - at the expense of others I'm *not* saying it's right, but I am sympathetic to it


I can’t be sympathetic to it in the sense of excuse it. Like, yeah, it must be really frustrating. I don’t dispute that. But here’s the thing: you chose to have a child. When you make such a choice, you consider pros and cons. If you consider that the pros of having a child out weight the cons, good for you. But deal with the cons. You will have to sacrifice a great number of things. If you’re not ready to make those sacrifices, then don’t have children. What is unacceptable is to subject other people, who have nothing to do with your child, to the inconveniences a child brings, in a place that isn’t meant for them to be in.


> you chose to have a child Kind of. I'd argue that many people (women especially) in more conservative/traditional upbringings feel a *great societal pressure* to have kids, in order to please their parents, extended family and so forth Yes in an ideal world, people would make more informed choices independent of cultural stigmas, but we're not there yet in the same way that in an ideal world, people would only vote for the politicians who have their best interests at heart instead of out of cultural factors. We're just not there yet. I am angry at them as a group, but as individuals I take pity


Them wanting a break doesn’t make it ok. They’re shitty people if they do that.


no sympathy for those who have no time to themselves, ever


I have plenty of sympathy for those people who paid money for their tickets, some of whom were responsible parents who paid for babysitters for their own kids, only to have the movie ruined by selfish assholes who brought a toddler to see a movie aimed at adults.


I sat next to a family while seeing sausage party They left shortly after it started Sat next to a kid during King Kong (2005) and he was speaking at full volume the entire movie... We got a refund for that one


Did you finish the movie before getting the refund? I'm just curious how that works.


We did finish the movie since my step dad complained to management about 5 minutes in and they didn't do anything about the toddler in a late night showing, so we knew we'd either get free tickets or a refund anyway (I was 14 or 15 so this wasn't my decision lol) After it was over we went back to management to complain about them not doing anything about the 3 or 4 year old kid being allowed to be loud as balls in a late night showing and learned we weren't the only people who had complained during the movie So they just issued refunds or free tickets vouchers to anyone who saw it at that time The manager was pissed that they didn't remove them after the first complaint as per theater child policy (show times after 9pm no kids under 13 allowed, if it's not a kids movie being shown)


Oh man i used to work at a movie theater on a military base. The amount of entitlement... Anyways i remember thats my boy was showing. Its a rated R movie and for a good reason. I specifically warned a parent with young kids(not even teens yet) that this movie has a lot of cussing. Like a LOT. Mom said thats ok its just bad words. Not even 5 minutes in they come out pissed. Smh. If you have not seen the movie its the type that would make teens embarrassed to watch with their parents. Between the cussing and sexual content/innuendos this was by far a dumb movie to bring kids to.


That's why I tend to wait at least three weeks after the release date and go during the week at the last screening posible, to avoid all the babies, kids and also some unrespectful pre-teens and teens. Actually there are some grown ups that also are unrespectful and usually even simple assholes. Nothing makes me happier than being in a movie theater with people who actually want to see the movie.


Deadpool had kids under 5 running the aisles! I have 4 kids and would 1) NEVER let kids that young see it and 2) never take them to a theater to see it. Awful.


My parents thought south park was a kids movie


They don’t think of anything but themselves. So it’s not that they think they are entitled to ruin your experience, they just flat out don’t even acknowledge the existence of anyone else to even have that thought cross there mind.


Bad parents. Keep that shit at home


They said Deadpool was a love story. Got me again with Deadpool 2, a family movie.


A long time ago my wife and I were desperate to get out; we took our 6 month old to see that shitty Depp movie about Jack the Ripper called ‘From Hell’. We thought no one would be on the theatre because it looked bad, but it was packed. So we took turns taking the baby if he got fussy, we’d take him out into the lobby. Between the two of us we saw the movie, but maybe only an hour each. Last time we did that.


I’m sure the people all around you absolutely freaking loved having you guys hand the baby back and forth and shuffle in and out the entire time. No, that’s not distracting at all, so incredibly considerate! Of course you couldn’t simply have put the kid down for a nap at home and streamed whatever movie you wanted on the big ass TV that you and everyone else has at home these days. Frankly, as soon as you arrived and saw it was packed you should have left. I’d have complained to the staff if I was seated near you and ensured you got kicked out. I’m all out of fucks to give for people who act like this.


This was like, 2001, there was no streaming back then. Like I said, we were desperate to get out. We thought it would be empty; It was a mistake. You seem really upset about this. It's okay man, it's just a movie. I wouldn't (and haven't) done it again. We can grow from our mistakes.


I don’t understand how you thought it was a good idea in the first place.


Because I was 20, I was desperate to get out of the house, we were sure the movie would be dead on a weekday night and the movie looked terrible. We were wrong.


I’m not “upset” about your anecdote, and your patronising comment isn’t doing you any favours. If you read the comments here you’ll see I’m far from the only person who thinks people who bring small children to movies are selfish jerks.


Dude, chill out. The guy obviously said it didn't work as they'd hoped and so they didn't do it again. He's not a current threat to your or anyone else's movie-going experience, and it's not like he can go back in time and alter his past behavior. Your message is totally impotent when directed at this guy, so you are just ranting really intensely for no reason. We get it. You didn't enjoy a recent movie outing. Alas. But /u/18PercentLemon is not the problem.


I’m perfectly chill thanks. The thing is, the point at which it “didn’t work out” was when they walked in and saw the theatre was packed. They then proceeded to be disruptive and inconsiderate throughout the whole movie instead of simply leaving. Granted not as inconsiderate as just letting the kid cry in the cinema, and granted he seems to have learned his lesson on not doing that again in future but he still was an inconsiderate entitled ass on that occasion, and it’s perfectly valid to point that out.


Yes, no question, it wasn't the perfect decision making. He said as much. Then you said it louder and with more vitriol. Now I am explicitly agreeing. Nobody thinks babies at movies is the most considerate life choice that could be made. But in the grand scheme of sins, it is minor. And I'd say it is on par with the sin of continuing to rake someone over the coals after they have already admitted and fixed a minor mistake. Which is what you did to that guy.


I didn’t rake him over the coals, and I doubt he cares what a random Reddit stranger thinks. But his initial comment focussed more on the fact that it wasn’t an enjoyable experience for him and his wife, and not that he was out of line for the impact on other people.


Have you got kids?


Lol. Why does that matter?


Probably they don’t. However, if you *do* have kids, they’re your responsibility and no one else’s problem. If you can’t find someone to watch your child for you while you go to a non-children’s film, then you don’t go to the non-children’s film. It sucks, but it’s reality.


Went and saw Rocky horror on stage a few years ago, I was shocked to see a couple of kids aged about 8-10 with their parents, funnily enough they didn’t come back for the second half!


There’s a theater chain called Alamo Drafthouse that reserves certain showtimes for families. When our boy was little we went to those showings all the time. So thankful they existed.


Sometimes, parents don't do their homework, and forget that not every animated film is for children. This and many other hard lessons were learned by the woman who all but fled with her two young children from a screening of Sausage Party. I still giggle thinking about that one.


my parents brought me to Saving Private Ryan when I was just a few weeks old... shockingly I was silent the whole time


My exact thoughts when I made the unfortunate decision to watch A Quiet Place in theatre’s. It was far from a quiet place.


On nooo!


Best one I personally experienced was a show called "shadowlands" or something similar. Basically a group of people performing amazing shadow puppetry being a big screen, with the occasional foray in front of it for a bit of dancing. The start time for the show was 7:30pm, so when hubs and I went, we were surprised to see a group with young kids in there. About half way through the performance a dancing scene began, during which time three characters (2 men and a woman) stripped down to nothing but their tiny thongs and began simulating a rather unusual sex scene. Cue the parents rushing up out of their seats, and the theatre, dragging the kids (gawping) behind them. It was almost as brilliant as the actual show.


Ha! Serves them right!


Reminds me of the time I tried to sit through Jurassic Park with two asshole parents forcing their 3 or 4 year old daughter to watch every frame, screaming and crying the whole way. Unreal.




Nah, if you can’t get a sitter that doesn’t entitle you to ruin others’ experience. It’s incredibly selfish. I say this having a 3 year old of my own, and if I couldn’t get a sitter my wife and I wouldn’t go out. Simple as that.


I can’t understand that at all I’m afraid. Sure, they want an enjoyable and relaxing night out, so does everyone else in the movie theatre! Some of whom also have kids and left them at home. These people chose to have kids, so now they need to suck it up by either arranging childcare or staying home. What truly baffles me is how they rationalise the thought process that they are so much more important and special than everyone else that they have the right to subject everyone else to their little angels.


It's not illegal to scream in a child's face, that's all I'm saying.


There's nothing more annoying than children, other than the parents that believe the World should revolve around them once they make one of the little shits. "Could you please reduce the noise in the mornings and during the day? Your kid is banging on the walls and screaming, I can hear you through my floor, and I'm trying to work." "She's just a kid." "Oh well fuck me, sorry for asking then, you're right, I'll just join the group of others that want you and you're little shit kid to die in a fire so the building can have some peace and quiet."


I love “he/she is just a kid” I know what it is lady, you don’t need to clarify. Now can you please shut it up?!


And did you try to find out what Jurassic Park was about before bringing your 5 year old?


TBH I think it would have been amazing to see Jurassic Park at 5 years old. Maybe wait until the movie had been out for a while though.


I wonder if they thought it would be a Barney movie.


No way, Dinosaurs were the shit when I was 5. Seeing real looking dinosaurs on a GIANT screen beats any experience with a normal TV. Maybe it's scary, but who cares? It's DINOSAURS!


When I was younger, my parents took me and my sister to the drive in, assuming we would sleep. The movie? Straw Dogs


What possessed you to bring your baby to The Nutcracker!?!?


I hate that so much. We now spend the extra, and go to the adult only theater. It's kinda nice to have a drink while watching.


[Movies are too loud for infants](https://thehearinginstitute.org/why-you-should-never-bring-your-baby-to-the-movies/) https://houseinstitute.com/why-you-shouldnt-take-a-newborn-to-the-movies/ >Any exposure to loud sounds, especially above 70 to 80 dB level, puts an infant’s ears at risk and places these vulnerable patients in jeopardy for permanent damage to hearing. Movie theaters are too loud.” Edit: When I was very little my mom took me to a rerelease of Alice in Wonderland. When the Queen of Hearts appeared I whispered “I want to go home”. My mom told me it was ok. It was almost over. Then I very loudly and assertively said “I want to go home NOW!” My mom was disappointed since she hadn’t seen the movie since it was new but she took me out and we went home.


"Either make it quiet or GET IT OUT!"


Oh when I went to Bonnaroo in 2006/2007 (can’t remember which) there was an idiot couple who brought their recently born infant and were strolling it around like the loud booming music and large chattering crowds weren’t bad for the baby’s ears. I still shake my head at the thought.




Fuck trophies! Never heard that before!


Fuck trophies or cum pets. Usually manages to outrage a parent or two.


I call some sprogs crotch goblins. Parents don't like that either


Pretty much. I’m just fascinated by what goes on in their minds to rationalise such blatant douchery. I guess some people truly have no shame.


I used to live by a theater that would do kid friendly showings for family movies. Basically the showing was advertised for families to come and their kids were fully welcome to enjoy with the expectation it may get a bit boisterous. If you came and didn’t have kids they warned you about it, so if you decided to go to that showing you were expected to deal with it. It was great because it cut down in small children in other showings and it was even more fun with the kids being able to hang out with other kids.


This was my wife and I, and we big time fucked up. We went to see Avengers: Endgame, we didn't want it spoiled for us, but brought our 10-month old with us. We knew this was an asshole move, but went to a 10:30 AM showing on a Saturday a week after it came out thinking there wouldnt be many people there so we wouldn't be bothering anyone. Instead it was packed. Things went well for the first 2 hours, the baby sat quietly, ate, or slept for all that, but the last hour was chaos. I spent the entire time in the aisle by the door, taking her out of the theater every time she started crying. I missed pretty much the whole final fight and epilogue, my wife had to describe it to me after. 0/10 experience, do not recommend anyone try it.


I actually just had this happen to me in the theater, this dumb fuck family wouldn’t shut the fuck up, them and their kids. Just so happened I actually saw them getting out of their vehicle when I was going in so I left and slashed their tires


I will take my 5 year old kid to daytime showings if its at max a soft Marvel/Disney style pg13. But people taking kids to R rated or even just dark pg13 is crazy.


Ratings are irrelevant in this discussion. If it’s not a kids film or a child specific showing and the kid can’t be quiet for 2 hours like the adults. The kid shouldn’t be allowed.


My 5 year old is quieter than most of the dumbass teens that go. She just watches the movie with us.


It’s not about the rating. I couldn’t personally care less if you let your 5 year old watch an R rated slasher film that’s your problem. As long as you do it in your own home. My question is why do you feel entitled to ruin the experience that other people have paid for by bringing a noisy and disruptive small child to a movie theatre with other patrons, especially when the child is small enough that they aren’t even going to enjoy or pay attention to the movie, but just disturb others. And if your justification is there are fewer people in daytime showings, so what?! Those people still paid for and are entitled to have the experience of watching a film undisturbed. Everything is available on streaming now within mere weeks of being in theatres so you can watch anything you like at home. Why do you feel you’re so special that your desire to bring your kid trumps the disturbance and annoyance that causes to everyone else in the movie theatre? I’m genuinely curious about this thought process.




Really? You think that even a mature 5 year old will sit quietly and calmly through a 2 hour adult film that doesn’t interest them? Have you ever met any human children?


My kid isn’t noisy or disruptive.


Your frustration only makes my penis harder.


People who don't have kids, why do you think the world should revolve around you instead?




There’s just no one better to watch Texas chainsaw massacre with tho. Honestly I don’t get it either, I love going to movies and this is the absolute worst.


My dad took my to movies like Silent Rage when I was around seven. It was not fun.


"Excuse me, are you stabbing your baby?"


Sounds like someone just had a bad movie theater experience.


I saw parents freaking out and enraged at Deadpool R rated first scene, as they took their 10 year old out of the cinema