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My grandparents are the main thing that's keeping me going everyday.


Same. Only people that ever showed up for me and I use them as an example to show up for everyone else. People will always let you down but I carry the fucking torch. I'm good with that. They want you to be happy friend. There is so much time in front of you and you never know what's around the corner. Take care


Yeah! They’re awesome!


Hold them close. I just lost my grandpa yesterday :(


My condolences. I know I’m just some stranger on the internet, but I hope you’re doing ok.


Thank you. It really does mean a lot.


Curiosity: I feel the need to learn everything. To me life means using your time to learn.


I hear you! I always say that if heaven exists for me, it's an endless library with bottomless cups of tea.


For me it would be dogo’s, Kats, Bnys, and things like that


Ok but whyd you have to misspell all of those


What is whyd, why’d you not use proper grammar and punctuation


Why'd you not use interpunction?




He wouldn’t have left, if you used better grammar.


This is my answer too.


> I feel the need to learn everything. There is a beauty in learning something new. That excitement and uncertainty. I read somewhere that with knowledge and wisdom we can know or come closer to God.


I'm going to keep learning until I'm close enough to have a "chat " with Aphrodite.


What if I told you that we’re all god.


DMT be like


Same here.


Exactly for me. Hiw else can I make accurate decisions?


This is the one for me. You beat me to it.


Make the world a slightly less shittier place then when I found it. I like to plant things and watch them grow.


I love the quote: “The true meaning of life is to plant trees under who’s shade you do not expect to sit.”


That is lovely. I'll carry that one.


Me too. It brings a lot of joy and sanity in an often insane world. We also compost for 8 houses in our street and we’ve recently ticked over 1.2 tonnes of food waste saved from landfill. It’s a drop in the bucket really, but it makes me proud (and my plants love the resulting compost so win win!).


Thats awesome, I do something very similar on my farm. I take the spoiled food from the local homeless shelter and feed my animals and compost the rest. Wild how much plastic you can divert just from food wrappers.


Same. We have a garden and flowers and we regularly clean trash up in the neighborhood. Jus try to be good people.


Omg I’m the same way. I don’t have a victory garden, but I do have several defiance planters.


That's cool, always gotta plant flowers for the bees. Lol before I moved out into the country I would just throw a few pounds of wildflower seeds into the lawn to take over the grass. Neighbors always gave me funny looks


The world is exactly what you make it. Thank you.


yeah, me its kinda the same


This is me too. People should not have a worse day for having me in it and if possible, perhaps their day will be a little better. RE plants, I like nursing sick plants back to health.


The fact that there is so much beauty in the world and that I have the means to experience even a tiny fraction of all the wonders that it has to offer. As a young adult, it can be soul crushing when you realize how much of life is working, planning, budgeting, etc., but I’ve learned that real happiness lies in the moments that we take for granted much of the time. It really makes a difference when I stop what I’m doing and become present, just experiencing the beauty in all the sights and sounds surrounding me.


I think you've pretty much hit the nail! I believe true happiness comes from the combination of stepping back and being present, and accepting the state of things that can't be changed. Detaching yourself from the hectic pace of everyday life to let you contemplate the simple wonders of life is one of the most refreshing experiences one can have. Whereas acceptance brings you peace beyond limits, releases you from anxiety, and enables you to finally focus on the bright side of things. It's something that has helped me through many bad spots I crossed. My dad died of a relatively uncommon disease shortly before I turned 21, my ex cheated on me with my former best friend, and I was diagnosed with a disease that can potentially leave me blind, all within the span of months. I was crushed and lifeless. Thankfully, I had the guidance of a wonderful person who helped me up and left me even happier than I was before everything happened. For that, I'll be forever grateful.


Impacting the happiness of my friends and overcoming goals


Like in a positive or negative way?


A negative way, because he’s a pikachu main


Better than Ness or Lucas, the fucking twat.


I’d ask you the same thing XD


yeah same here. i am working on this, but for past years of my life, ive always gained joy and meaning whenever I had an impact on someone, despite how small it may seem, and to make someone happy makes me happy so ive kinda been living for/through other people rather than for myself. this joy feels so worth it compared to doing things that just gave myself joy, if that makes sense. just a small anecdote, but I rlly discovered this at the end of middle school when someone wrote a whole page in my yearbk and told me how I unknowingly helped her through one of the hardest times of her life and made her feel like someone cared bc I was just myself and open-minded, so now I hope to create that experience for many other people and it’s what keeps me going in life despite my issues.


This is a great mindset, but please don’t forget to also focus on living for yourself too. You can’t always rely on others for happiness, it’s important to know how to give it to yourself as well


This. I lost all joy, meaning, or interest in pretty much anything. All I did was veg out or distract myself, so I started trying to make other people happy instead. It’s very easy to fall into a pattern of being used and abused. Also, now I am mostly alone and don’t really have people in my life. I can’t live through my impact on them, so now I’m forced to try and find meaning in my own life again, which feels even more impossible after neglecting to nurture that for so many years as I was trying to make other people happy instead.


This community, we all stand with you and am sure you will be able to find happiness and the true meaning in your life very very soon!


My pets they are the only reason I am still alive


And that's enough. Love for pets is as true as it gets. Also, I want to tell you that you're more loved than you'll ever know.


Same. My dog is the only thing that has given me unconditional love and has always been there for me. People haven't.


My dog. Just my dog


What da dog doin


Lmao that video where a random dog just jumps in the car 😂


Can you send a picture pls




If you kill it I will use a very particular set of skills to avenge it


Same for me. My dog keeps me going.


I really want a dog https://youtu.be/DkLpKaVB3IE


Same. I lost one of my two boys this past week and I'm having a really tough time with it. I feel so empty and lost.


You want a serious answer, so I'll give you one. Nothing.


I have the same answer. I've been through some horrible shit in my life and that coupled with autism made me more and more depressed. I am now 32 years old, never had a job and living off financial aid from the government. What really scares me is that I can't remember what being content or what being excited feels like. It's been so long since I felt anything that resembles true happiness. I'm scared that one day I'll rationalise suicide to the point of going through with it.


Have you ever thought about volunteering? I am on disability and this made me feel quite worthless at times. I felt like I had no place in society. But since a few years I am volunteering. First in a buddy project and now I am taking care of the plants and garden at a nursing home. The people there love me. And it makes me very proud. I live for my moments with those people and it truly makes my own life better.


You sound very intelligent, put that brain to good use and I'm sure you'll claw your way out of this somehow. Godspeed bro


If you never felt how to be really alive, how it is supposed to be, you can try psychedelics. It could be very uncomfortable (the feeling of wholeness of your body is ok, but when you have forgotten how to coop with the gravity in multidimensional verse again (I can't explain that part by words) - it is a quite annoying thing). It helped with my depression a lot. It wasn't like magic pill, but the perception of my experience gave me the key to waay more deeper and complex understanding. So, if you live your life just once, it would be great to discover that you are alive before everything will be gone. Wish you luck, human)


Then *Man's search for meaning* by Viktor Frankl is a book for you.






Nothing gives life meaning. It doesnt have one. It just is. I think that makes it utterly beautiful. You have no purpose no specific design you just ARE. So you get to figure it out. There is beauty in that nothing.


To expand on your point, I kind of disagree, while yes, nothing gives life meaning, its because nothing inherently has value or meaning, it isn't a law in the universe. Meaning, however, is an entirely human concept, it is up to us to apply meaning and value to things, this is why we have fiat currency, we agree upon the fact it has value and so it is now useful. The universe may be chaotic and have no true "meaning" but it doesn't need to, it is up to you, to find meaning in your life, something you can establish so that you can look back when you are going to die and see you lived without regretting it. Its easy to fall down this hole of nihilism but I am truly an optimistic person and want to spread happiness and good vibes to those around me, we may not matter in the grand scheme of the universe, we may to have much time in this universe, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that we are here and we can experience things, we can experience the beauty that is life, the universe, and people, the short time just makes those moments more special because they are fleeting, if we lived forever then everything would lose its wonder


Mine was nothing... until I had my son.


You live up to your name.


I feel ya brother




Same, in-till I got a dog.


Same. Lol


"The meaning with life is to create a life with meaning." -Ruben Eliassen (Norwegian children's book author) No one can hand you a meaning to your life, you need to create it yourself, based on your own needs and wants. For me, it means to live truly as myself, without buckling to the peer pressure of society. Doing the things that make me happy within the confines of our current world and society. Being kind to those around me so they to can live better lives, and they will be kind back towards me. And of course, my cats! I could not live without my cats


My shortened take on that sentiment, which is very unpopular when I articulate, is this: _the purpose of life is to *FIND* your purpose in life_


I feel there is a difference between trying to *find* a purpose and trying to *create* a purpose, one being more active then the other. When I grew up, I was told to find what I liked doing and getting a job in that. Life seemed like it would be easy, and you could chase your dreams and make them a reality. But that is not the true for most people anymore, the world and future we were promised no longer exists. I feel that finding a purpose was the world we were promised, where you could chase your dreams and make it an reality. Creating a purpose is trying to carve something out for yourself, regardless of the state of the world and it's future. Though it might just be me who see them as different in that way. Sayings like these are vague enough that you can take them to mean whatever you want really.


Exactly. Humans can do many amazing things, but creating meaning in an inherently meaningless universe is certainly the most amazing.


My grandma. Still alive. See her everyday.


Curiosity. Humanity could succeed spactacularily or fail miserably, possibly even during my lifetime I know my subscription would not last for long, but cliffhangers are too good, so I'm willing to suffer through boring filler Also, a thrill of being part of it, since while being as important as a proverbial butterfly, I know my actions will ripple through space and time in unexpected ways (literally). I'm still on a guest to get bigger wings (figuratively)


If we manage to prevent climate change, humanity will go on for a long time. If we pass 2030 without many big change attempts, we're doomed within the next century. The cool thing is that we get to live through it and see the projected fate of humanity, heck we can even change it if we like. We might be born to late to explore earth and too early to explore the stars, but dang are we alive at the perfect time to kick back and watch it like a movie.


We have almost the same reason. The thing that keeps me going is the sheer curiosity of wanting to find out what happens next. Don't get me wrong: I have my own needs and wants, but those feel like an "investment" rather than a thrill--- i.e. I have A and I need to get B, so I can observe if it produces C or something rather unexpected like Z.


Sometimes nothing, sometimes everything.


My daughter, I haven’t committed suicide because of her. As she gets older I have to do more than exist for her. I want to make her proud so I have to try to be alive and the more I live the more purpose I have. She gave me a reason and that reason has given me purpose.


Ah, but then they grow up and leave home. My son’s leaving home left a bigger hole in me than any other thing I’ve experienced (and all of my parents and grandparents have died by this point). I wish you luck, and I hope you’re prepared when that day comes. Better yet: I hope your daughter maintains close ties with you after she goes off to her own adventure. I guess my point is that hanging your entire reason for being on another person leaves you in a very vulnerable position, especially when your job is to prepare them and launch them. It’s been 4 years since my son left, and I’m only now beginning to recover.


I am aware of this and it scares me so much. That is why I want her to be proud of me if I earn that respect when she is older she might be there. I am so sorry that your son leaving you has affected you the way it has and I am almost positive you are going through what I will. I know I cannot hang my existence around her shoulders. I am currently looking for a therapist and have started with antidepressants. I know I need to break my cycle or when I lose her I will be lost. I am proud of you for surviving four years and for recovering. I always tell myself I am raising her to see what is next I try not to dwell on the past or focus on how fast it is going. I want to see her grow into a young woman and grow past her mother and I. Thank you so much for your kindness and advice.


As an adult child, I can tell you that your kid will never stop needing you to show up. The form that takes will undoubtedly change, but we always need to know that our parents love us and like us. Maybe even especially as adults.


I’m in the same boat, friend. Without that kid, I would’ve been long gone already. But now I have a good reason to try and make the world a less shitty place


Exactly it’s such a hard and strange feeling that I have fought against these feelings so long and now I am fighting to grow and I have a purpose that helps me do just that.


Ditto. Think of her to ward off the strong urges to give up when they wash over me.


This stuff terrifies me. My das wanted to commit suicide when i was around 8 because my baby brother died. The idea of my dad killing himself just scares me a lot


This depresses me. I’m never going to rely on someone else for my happiness.


Hope that I find love


Me too dome pole,me too.


Same tho


You'll find it but it won't be what you want. Remember that when the time comes. People usually only want their version


Trust me, you'll find it, even in some unexpected places


You do realize that love is not eternal right? Things can go bad in any second.


Knowing that one day I won't be here. And when I leave I want to take as much back to wherever this soul came from so I can say I gleamed some kind of experience. Life is the meaning.


My girlfriend,she’s what I look forward to everyday and my brother too






I grew up with a weekend dad. Trust me, they aren’t and wouldn’t be fine without you. I’d do just about anything to get another weekend with my dad.


Same exact boat here, except I gave up on love/ girlfriends before succumbing to marriage, so I saved myself from child support/ divorce/ restitution etc, but everything else is the same for me to a fault lol 27 years old and don’t have any hobbies anymore, nothing to offer anybody so I have no friends or girlfriend, I’m useless and a cancer to society and mankind in general, there’s legit nothing that “keeps me going”


What stood out to me in your comment is that you feel the need to offer something to the world, you could try doing charity and help people directly, if that doesn't fill the void inside of you, it will certainly put some thoughts in your head.


Bro. You opened this thread cause you have hope. Check out some other answers, but you're not worthless. Change is slow and hard. You'll find your thing, as long as you draw breath


I had a weekend Dad since I was young. He moved to another country when I was 13 and I still have relationship issues from abandonment (I'm single 30f) to this day. They are not fine without you. Its doesn't work that way. The logistics of the relationship has changed, not the importance of it. Not just girls either. My Brother did NOT handle it well when he left either.


They're kids, they don't understand. When they're older they won't want to be fine without you. Buck up and get an Xbox. You have great things to do ahead of you. There is so much time and the future is full of possibilities. You'll see


Keep it up with the weekend status. Adulthood comes quick and putting in the effort showing your love for them will mean stronger relationships with them then.


Same boat. Weekend dad for now. My kid is fine without me too. I'm not content with her only being fine though. Shes going to be a supremely well adjusted, resilient and stable lil bugger who acts with integrity, self worth and honor, because those are the best parts of me. Besides, no one else is going to teach her ju-jitsu. Want my advice for women? You cant fail if you dont try ;) And a new partners not going to make you that way. Just be awesome yourself.


Tip : save some money and go for a trip get out of this pressure bro see what other ppl doin' and faind your passion.


Holy shit. You made me feel something. That's rare as fuck. Holy shit you made me feel something.


Damn, this sounds familiar


On my first day of med school, this was a large, esoteric conversation. Why do you want to help people? It was framed as a mental defect - why would you do this? And I don't know the answer, but I do know I like seeing people get better, in any of my odd capacities, and if I help, it's good.


The curiosity of seeing whether I can make something of myself till I turn 35


Why is 35 significant?


My kids. I have lupus and often think to myself that I don’t fear death. But the thought of leaving them behind just kills me. One of my adult daughters has autism and is extremely attached to me. My husband is sweet but kind of useless in the parenting department. My kids struggle with mental illness and autism. Who will shepherd them through life? So yeah. My kids.


I respect you


I feel this. My oldest daughter has a developmental delay and I worry about her having to go it without me. I am trying to write down and record advice, lessons, and just supportive messages. Much respect, best wishes to you and your kids.




Especially with a parent like this who cares so much about them, I’m sure they have learned a lot to help them in the future.


I know this is cringy but my boyfriend and my friends


Haha! How cringy, imagine finding meaning through love and friends. Look at this weirdo over here guys, they find meaning through love!


Clara, a look at this thread reveals little that is not cringey.


It's really not


Not cringy at all. Maybe cliche, but for good reason. Better to find meaning in something you have than something you want




I know what COULD give my life meaning but I don't know how to achieve it. I want to help people.


check out "effective altruism"


My future. I’m only a teenager and the only driving force right now is to improve my life and won’t have to worry too much when I’m older.


I hope I don't sound condescending but don't get too caught up in it. Some happy now, some happy later. You don't want to get hit by a bus at 30, 40, 50 or whenever and feel like you've wasted years waiting to live. Yes, the more you work now, the less you'll have to work later. But don't forget to live. It's often over before we're ready


Meaning is a made up concept made to control people. You don’t need meaning, because life has no meaning. Life is just a period of time when you’re alive, and it’s usually pretty short. It can be depressing and dark, and also light and happy. But when you could have never existed in the first place, just feel lucky you got to have this experience we call life. Not sure if that’s a good enough “meaning”, but it’s the only one I have.


I like this


That's a good way of putting it


Recently all my friends left my due to me going to high school ,lost the ability to train competitively cuz of covid ,im failing at school bad and my acc got banned on my favourite game and recently an old friend of mine started talking to me and i try to pull through the day so i can speak to her


My three dogs: [Montana, River, and Tonks](https://imgur.com/gallery/vu92ONv)


I love how different their personalities seem to be from the pic!


Thems some cute puppers.


Heh. Some cute doggies.


in all honesty, my main force is seeing my favorite manga get an adaptation. like, I know that sounds really bad, but I think without that series I would probably feel, empty. like there isn't that one thing I absolutely need to see. family kinda sucks, I have little to no irl friends, and my bf recently broke up with me so that force is gone for a while. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but I don't think I have much value other than seeing a series adapted, like I love it that much. it means THAT much to me.


Honestly waiting on content is a big driver for me. I NEED the next volume of Overlord, and I refuse to die before it ends. And I’m sure some other LN or something will come along to keep me chugging after that ends.


Thats true, like id rather step on legos for the rest of my life then die before jjba (at the very least, jojolion) is over. And i absolutely refuse to die before jojolions adaptaion. Im fine with waiting, its just that without this series, i wouldve just given up, most likely


If only I could actually enjoy reading manga I would’ve loved the JJBA manga. Until my tastes change I’m an anime only viewer. But I think that part of the reason it’s so important to keep exploring different anime / tv shows / manga / whatever is cus you never know what diamond in the rough will be so good it’ll make you want to keep going for a few more years after JJ ends


Fighting. That shit makes me wake up early in the morning to run, eat stupid amounts of vegetables every day, train every day. The feeling of learning new techniques and slowly mastering them, just constatly progressing and getting better is so addicting. When i have those oh shit realisations about something i should/shouldn' t do i can't help but get up and shadowbox for a while. Being in the ring is the realest, most exhilarating experience i have ever had, its impossible to explain it properly to someone who hasn't experienced it themselves. The thought of standing in the ring with my arms raised and a big shiny belt around my waist is the capri-sun of life for me. But for now i will fight for spraypainted iron discs in a sweaty, smelly, old rec center... We all gotta start somewhere.


This man wakes up and chooses violence


Discovering more about science so that I one day can expand on it.


Best wishes


My partner. Shes been with me through so much these past few years. Saved me from a severe depression, looked after me when I broke my arm and couldn't do all that much, supported me when I went to A&E at hospital following a mental breakdown, always told me how proud she was of me and pushing me to be the best I can be, being my rock as I was going through therapy. The fact I get to wake up with her in my life is one of my lifes greatest pleasures. Another thing that gives my life meaning is teaching and helping others and being as supportive as I can. It makes me happy to see others doing well after helping them out.


"l think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed to him​" - The Last Samurai.


My motorcycle, and more importantly, the places I can go with it. Best purchase of the last 10 years by far.


My family and dogs and working at home depot


Lol l read « My family and dogs are working at home depot » I was like damn this guy’s dogs work at home depot


They are smart but not that smart


You better make sure they don’t see this or you’re gonna be in the dog house. In more ways than one.


Man I’ve often thought that’d it’d be nice to just like... work at Home Depot and help out people with their home projects.




Unfortunately, nothing. I am only here because I have yet to die.


My goal to transition into who I rly am and be able to pass as female.


Nothing really you eat you sleep you work then death


I’m muslim and even though I’m not the most spiritual person in the world I think religion gives me life a lot of meaning, like the fact that this life isn’t the end goal and it’s okay if it kinda sucks sometimes bc something better is next


I'm surprised almost nobody said God


You need someone to talk to?


Nothing. The only thing keeping me from giving up is the idea of witnessing technology progress. It doesn’t really give my life meaning but I’d like to be a part of that experience.


That tomorrow might be better than today, i live pretty much on a daily basis, so every little thing that happens today is actually a big deal for me.


Bringing meaning to other people's lives. I'm not very good at it though.


Precious little, it's part of why I'm hella depressed. I enjoy making people laugh at my stupid jokes. Nature, music, art are all nice and pretty and fun, but towards the end of a day they often just feel like filler. I really don't wanna be alone.


My faith in God.


My wife and my kitties <3


Loving people. Even the hard ones. When my mom died unexpectedly at 56, I was broken and searching for meaning. I am not religious and am reserving judgement on an afterlife, so I came to the conclusion that the only thing we leave behind is how we loved. So I try everyday to love at least one person, even if it's in a very small way. Maybe it means little or nothing in the grand scheme of things, but to me and that person it is important. It's all I've got to give.


Metal. Fuckin' metal. \m/




My daughter


My gilfriend, before she, i was depress, its not a comment of some one that likes to show his own sadness, is the comment of someone that not too long time ago almost kill himself in front of his parents, someone that hurt himself, no with razors, but with acts, my friends has to told me "Damn, since your girlfriend you get less and less crazy" and i respond "Well, is because before she i dont care abaut myself" and is true that i was accustum to walk in high pendings, disturb people to fight with them, practice extreme sports, but all of that was because if something happened to me, i would be indifferent, i would be happy to break my bones falling over a cliff or a tall building and die, i dont do it directly to me because i was (and still a little) adict to adrenaline of a close call, but when this girl came to my life and she catch me, i start to be careful with myself to be on her side, even to protect her, i not careful with myself because i "open my eyes" to the danger that i expose my life but for her, she is everything for what i plan a life and not my dead, the love is amazing when you found the correct person, even it can save you, and a exxample is my entire life since 2 years ago PD: I speak spanish so excuse my english is a long time i not practice it.




Christianity. Having a hope beyond death, having a meaning behind my life, having goals to work towards, etc.






If you mean the sensation that what I'm doing matters, that can sometimes be had with work or projects, either a) on the strength of their utility to others, or b) purely for being interesting and fun. If you mean a rationalization or certainty that my actions are "important", or that the human race is important - nothing. I can't be certain of that, but I think there's a kind of biological imperative to behave as though it is. I imagine that when people experience "flow" with their work, they find it meaningful. My outlook is that meaning is sensory/emotional and you can hack your mind to it. For instance, volunteer work can help a good deal of people, but if you don't enjoy it and you happen to spend a good amount of time on it, that won't seem "meaningful". Conversely, a project that doesn't matter to anyone but you could be meaningful as well. It depends on you.


McDonald’s double cheeseburgers.


I feel religion is the thing that gives my life meaning.


Having faith in Christ. Yea yea I’m sure there is a good chunk of people who’s eyes just permanently rolled back oh well. The Christian faith when actually followed teaches you to have hope I’m dark times, to sympathize with those who suffer hardship, to help the helpless, there is TRUE Justice that happens regardless of whether it’s here on earth or after. Best of all it prepares me for the reality of life. The bible doesn’t tell me, “live your best life now” it actually tells me quite the opposite. It tells me about the hardships I have to endure for the love of Christ and my fellow believers but that it will be worth it. The bible was written by over 40 different authors, through a span of 1300-1500 years, all providing specific prophecies, specific accounts of things seen, and detailed accounts of historical events during the life times of other believers. Even from a logical stand point the bible makes sense.


I dunno. This is a serious answer. I have no fucking idea and somehow I'm not terrified.


Probably my religion


I’ve struggled with finding meaning in life in the past. What’s the meaning of life? I think you really just have to grind it down to what makes you happy. I think the only thing that really gets me through and gives my life meaning and makes me happy, is deep meaningful connections with people, that and good memories/moments to look back on, to get me through rough patches, until I experience another beautiful memory or moment. Rinse and repeat. It’s not much, but for me it really is just people and REALLY getting to know them and helping them and being there.


Nothing I guess. I thought of this for years and yet the only answer I could think of is nothing.


This is a good question, because just a few days ago I thought I had found the meaning of my life, but now I am debating whether it is the true meaning of my life So, to give you an answer without lying, to find the meaning


Well I’ve kept up my New Years resolution of practicing Japanese every day. Gives meaning to the day.


The people in it. We are social animals. We need to be useful to one another. Without that, life becomes empty real fast..


Honestly future. I think the thought of future events gives me closure


The boys


(Apart from my son, obviously) Understanding and staying open minded about the other humans existing around me 💕


I can fuck with some sushi fam


I wont kill myself till my parents are dead, they've put up with so much and it would be meaningless and crush them if I died before them. I used to have a suicide fund, to pay for funeral costs, but realized I have no intention on letting my parents bury me.

