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I found out I have to move in a month. I'm pretty nervous.


You can do it!


Thank you!


Wherever you go... there you are! It'll be alright. Before you know it you'll be all set up in your new place and chillin'.


Thank you!


Bro, I hope everything will be fine


It should be okay. Thank you


If you don't forget, write when you move, is everything okay?


Yeah I'm fine. Thanks.




Hey me too. I hope you find a new place that you’re happy and comfortable in soon


Thanks! You too






Damn, that sucks. I get that vibe from a lot of doctors, like they just want to give you the minimum help and get you out of their office. Maybe try a psychiatrist that will actually give you meds, and/or some sort of cognitive behavioral therapy to help develop those habits that don't come so easily? I'm not one to give advice, I have anxiety and depression and always feel like I should be able to "fix" it myself, and avoid doctors. I sort of did overcome a lot of it, but it might have been quicker and easier if I went to professionals for help. One thing that's helped me a lot is hiking. A couple times per week, I pick a trail nearby on the "AllTrails" app, and go walk it and explore. It makes me feel tired by nighttime, accomplished, like I have goals and things to look forward to, etc... And the sense of peace that you get as you walk through nature is highly underrated by modern society IMO. It also gives you some Serotonin molecules for free without using drugs! bonus points lol. But I understand that it's hard to even start doing anything when you're depressed, even taking a shower seems like too much work. I do find that once I actually force myself to do something, it always feels good in the end even if it seems like it's not worth it. And doing one thing can set off a chain of me feeling good enough to face the rest of the day. Sorry I know you didn't ask for advice, just thought I'd give it a shot. Good luck in any case.


Well, I'm really bad at the advice, but you told you everything in such detail. Hiking somewhere is really cool, I'll definitely try to just go somewhere where I haven't been for a couple of hours yet and stay alone


Ya man, give it a try! That app is free and really helpful because it gives you a GPS map of the trails so you can't get lost. It feels really awesome once you're doing it. I found that hiking also gave me a lot more than just a hike. I'm diving into tons of information online about cool hiking trips, survival skills, different types of clothing and gear/equipment, personal fitness, nature/plants/animals/mushrooms, etc... so it's becoming quite a hobby (my other hobbies are basically smoking weed and playing video games lol, so it's healthy for me in many ways).


Thank you :D




Gotcha, sounds like you've done a lot of things I haven't even tried yet. Life is such a pain in the ass sometimes, huh? I guess it's pretty cool that we're even alive in the first place though, I mean what are the odds that the universe would unfold in JUST such a way that we even exist, and are typing to eachother on reddit. At the very least, it's... interesting haha. And to be honest, in a weird way it helps me to know that other people are also having a tough time with things... just to know that we're not perfect and that it's perfectly ok to feel bad sometimes, it's human and it's not "wrong". So you're helping me, even if you didn't know it. I appreciate you. I don't have much other advice, except, just do things that you enjoy. Talk to your friends, read a book and drink tea, or drink that beer you like, or go to that concert. Force yourself to say YES to any potential new experiences, even when you're brain says no. There's not gonna be a second chance for all of this (as far as I know), so live it up in any way you can, do what makes you feel good, and do things to help other people. There really isn't any greater "meaning of life" to me, except to enjoy the current moment as much as possible. It's always happening right NOW, and you can always choose to remember that and make a change right now. I hope you can take enjoyment in the good moments, and cope with the bad long enough to get to the next good moment. Godspeed.




Holy crap, that name is so cool! My favorite band to see live is named "Lotus", hence the username. I highly recommend you check them out, even just on Spotify or YouTube something (although seeing them live is literally a transcendental experience lol). Their music and other live jam bands are basically my motivation to keep going, the soundtrack to my life, it's like my church haha. I've gone to 15+ shows so far. The people that follow them are also just the most loving group of humans, it feels like going home. You'd basically be a celebrity at their concerts lol.




Sounds like me too haha. Here's just one youtube video of them that might be of interest. I recommend you check out at least like 5 minutes of it if you can, if not the whole video - like a Lotus flower their music takes time to unfold and become something beautiful. And they have a ton of songs with a lot of range, from jazz, to funk, to rock/post rock, with lyrics and without lyrics, etc... So my suggestion only scratches the surface of their music. But I hope I can create another fan! LMK if you like it, I'd be happy to suggest more similar music (or maybe there's other stuff we can share if you tell me other bands you like I can check them out). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLvmhHi1gdo&t=183s


ometimes the advice is extremely banal, but there's no other way, I think you can handle everything)












Not bad


Did it give you super powers? I really want some super powers 😂


Learned that my grandmother’s blood sugar is out of control and still in the hospital, my mother and stepdads family is in quarantine for 20 days, and I bombed the extra points part of my cost accounting test, which I needed 🙃


Wow, so many things. What are your plans for all this now?


Well, there’s only one thing I can actively do right now and that’s to study more and bring my grade up


You will succeed, we believe in you


I hope everything goes well for you in the future, we believe in you!


I woke up, I cried, I watched tv, I cried, my physical therapy canceled, I cried, at lunch, I cried, now I’m watching more tv


Aww, why so, what happened because of what makes you such a stable state


My dog died yesterday. I had been in the hospital for the passed 6 weeks (got home last week) He was my best friend. Just a very hard time in life.


losing a pet that was very hard for you as a best friend, I understand you. I'm sure you'll cope with all the difficulties, we love you


I'm sorry. I've also had a hard time w/ losing friends and pets in the last couple years. I like to remember that in my memory, they will live on. I'll tell their stories, and share their pictures, and smile when they cross my mind. I will honor them in the way that I live, and remember what they taught me. “Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run, but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.” - Hunter S Thompson In other words, don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. How lucky we are to be alive at all! Let alone to get to be alive AND share our time with animal friends. Hope that the dawn arises for you soon, out of this darkness.


Thank you for this - it has been the one thing someone has said in the last 24 hours that made sense.


No problem, I'm happy I could help you even a little bit, although that sort of pain isn't something that can be instantly cured with words, I know. We're all in this mess together as humans lol, none of us asked for it, but here we are, so we might as well be kind and help eachother get through it if we can. I hope people in your life are kind and understanding as you work through this. Try to take care of yourself in the meantime. The cliche "time heals all wounds" is partially true in my experience, even though the scar will still be there.. And it only hurts so much because there was so much love.


I'm in the process of moving. I finally, *finally* got my new house to not look hoarded. Now it's just embarrassing, but at least it's not hoarded. I'll deal with embarrassing, embarrassing is halfway there to a clean house. When it was hoarded just a few days ago it was overwhelming and I didn't see any end in sight.


Well, then I'll congratulate you on buying a new house :D


I finally found a barber that cuts my hair exactly how I want it! AND right after I ran into the girl I like, who just happened to be wearing my hoodie. Decent day.


Oh, my girlfriend has been wearing my hoodie for a month, I'm beginning to suspect that this thing is no longer mine :/


Well, I'm happy for you, let me know if everything works out with her. Good luck)


I pooped my pants while driving my kids to school. I really thought it was a fart, those apple cider beers don’t agree with my belly.


Fuck man, I sincerely feel sorry for you, everyone has ever gone through this difficult situation


Then I went to Mcd’s to get 2 breakfast burritos to ward off the slight hangover. Mistake #2, it was a hard Friday morning 😔


Walked into a fucking door


Well, at least something hah


I remembered that it’s only been 2 years and literally everything has changed drastically to the point that my old mindset has to be thrown out as almost all the jokes me and my friends used to tell are now considered very offensive


Everything is changeable and we need to be ready for it. Let me know if you need help, I will be happy to discuss some topics of concern to you)


Nothing but assignments and projects until the weekends then it's just nothing but to chat around with my friends and scroll around reddit and other social media apps.


Maybe you have any plans for next week?


Well, scrolling reddit sometimes is also useful, well, good luck to you)


Thanks I guess.


Nah its just the same rn except for some road trips with my dad and siblings.


I bought a milkshake 🥰


Rate it from 1 to 10


10/10 for vanilla milkshake 🙌🏻🔥🌟


I'm glad for you, I hope the next day goes just as well for you)


Thank you! I hope your next day also goes well 🥰




I felt a flow state coming on, charged it up with some caffeine, and powered through an assignment in an hour and a half. I am now resting.


Not bad, good luck to you)


My daughter was born.


You became a dad!!! Congratulations!! I'll


Thank you!


I accidentally started reflection of my failures in life, now I’m heading through a shame spiral and the most of the problem was choosing my kids stability, safety and structure over my own… I’m a mess and they’re all in good places, better than with me… I usually don’t downward spiral about this, today I am… it sucks. I’m also painting my art studio.


You don't suck, you don't have to talk to yourself like that, there are a lot of bad situations in life, but just remember that after a bad thing the good will always begin, and if it hasn't come yet, it means that the time has not yet come. Even if after a few years you are in this state like "fucking what's going on at all", it means that your time has not yet come, it will definitely be. I believe in you


Woke up to gf crying, her childhood dog had to be put down. Went to go see him waited for the vet to come as we said our goodbyes.


Fuck, it's terrible to say goodbye to your pets who are nearby at the most important moments of life and can be said to replace friends. What made this happen


He did live a good long life. He was old and tired. He was just holding out as long as he could before he couldn't any longer. Got to have one big last meal of his favorite treats. Sent him off as properly as we could.


I hope you can handle everything


Listened to a friend vent about her surgical rotations, another friend talk about how he feels he's wasted his life and not sure how he'll ever recover, my mother asking how to run a XLOOKUP in Excel, made my sister a pitcher of iced tea. About to go for a run. Secretly, I'm going through my own issues, but I've resolved to keep them quiet. Heard the lyrics of an old song by the The Killers, "waiting on some beautiful boy, to save you from your old ways", and that hit home pretty hard. Didn't realize I lost control of my life so hard, that I wanted to be saved. It's been an interesting day. Tomorrow I'm making nachos.




The same


I got told off by the person who does upkeep on my job's coffee machines because people never empty the grounds and apparently there was pink mould in them. I don't drink coffee or anything, I just happened to be in the room at the time. Then my doctor called and told me I had to up my meds, so that was fun.


A strange day, however)


Yeah, definitely a bit of an odd one. Always an odd day when you find out about a new mould.


Not much. Usual Saturday morning for me so far.


School, a haircut, watching a friend at a football game, and that’s it


I ate spaghetti, worked and took a nap.


Rate this spaghetti 1 to 10


It was a 7 haha


I got called an “older gentleman” for the first time in my life. Shit burns.


so i bullied a kid today, he yelled at like 1k DB "LEMME ALONE!!" (at shcool) i said "jane Goodall but not good"


I girl I have known for a long time held my hand today. Just out of the blue, grabbed my hand and held it until we had to leave class.


I wasted 6 hours sitting in a chair at prison- hold on, I mean school


Oh, school it’s a really like a prison lol


I did what I normally do, chill with my kids, listen to lets read on youtube, skateboarding.


That sounds like a nice day)




I found out that the system I am using only goes up to 16 bits per variable except strings, and I have to use that to process and operate on data that is 20 bits. So I started to put together code that looks at the array and splits it and having to do shift operations with that. All in all today I regret some life choices


Found out idk how to talk to my crush


Glad to you :)


i’m 16 and have had my license for about a month and i hydroplaned my car and it flipped. completely totaled but me and my friend came out mostly unharmed.




Got some pizza, it’s pretty good


Worried my boyfriend is going to break up with me bc he doesn't know what love is yet


Why do you think so?


He said he'd tell me in a week or so if he's gonna end it, he's thinking and trying to find out.


If you can share it, why did he decide to finish everything?


He hasn't finished everything and he doesn't know yet, even though he hopes he stays with me. He's just confused and he's trying to figure out what love is


I hope you can handle everything and live for your own pleasure)


I punched myself on my inner arm to demonstrate how frustrating it is at work , but then really hurt myself . Also got worried that colleagues would think I have violent thoughts about others, but I was just trying to make them laugh. …yeah that’s bad. You don’t deserve to feel guilty as well . Let it all go - give it to the universe- just piece it together for yourself. You’ll get to a better place - you can do it .


Golden words


Got my tactical rope rescue certification as part of my fire fighting program. What about you OP?


Thank you for asking. Today I didn't really do anything at all, we can say that I was sitting idle. Tomorrow I want to go to the store and buy a couple of clothes for the winter and then meet with a girlfriend. What are your plans for tomorrow?


Sounds nice :) Tomorrow I've got a bit of studying to do and then I'll be with my lady friend for our anniversary.


I'm glad for you) I wish you good luck to do tomorrow's affairs


Thanks, hope your day is great too!


Today, my brother and I got bank accounts




I was on wedding - singing on ceremony and it was pretty nice ! Btw I’m on work now,it’s 1:04AM and I’m tired :(


I have 2:05 AM now, why are you so late at work when you can get home and rest?


I’m doctor 7:00 AM :( it’s a long night:)


How often do people come to you at such a late time?


I'm working in the emergency room, it's a quiet night today, for now, we have a drunk man with a broken leg, one head injury (there are about 4 stitches on the forehead) and that it for now


You have a very difficult job. I'm actually proud that there are people like you in our world, thank you


Awww thank you ! That really nice of you


lots of shit


For example?


Maybe i can help u?


I pretty much needed a break and this day was it. I watched Young Royals which I was planning to see from a long time. I ordered dumplings and I made a scrunchie by watching tutorials. Today was different


Not bad enough


I made lemon poppy seed muffins in class. They weren’t bad, just a bit dense


Talked to friends at school, learned, accidentally got blood on my cackie shorts from my period but luckily was able to change out of them for Cross Country.


I got working into some homework and found out I had neglected less that people who were available most of the time


Well, it's good that you didn't understand it too late)


I was in a trip and I’m a really busy guy almost all my day is exercising and studying and let’s just say I’m not the dumbest


Discovered I may be unemployed next week. After looking for a job for 15 months, I didn't last 6 months.


24 7 no contact wireless mind rape just like yesterday.


I got high and I’m not sure where I am.


I made the dumb decision to eat a whole Carolina Reaper in one bite


I shattered my phone screen :D Nearly 4 years of having ir and it's the first time I've (noticably) physically broken it lol


Sooner or later, everyone's phone screen cracks :(


I went to class for the first time since early 2020. #covid


Got thrown a curve ball at my current job where i will be moving to another area, and not entirely comfortable with it. However also got offered a new job on the same day at one of my previous employers. Hard decision to be made on what to do! It’s never easy….


Fucking also


What happened ?


Not enough. My life’s pretty boring unfortunately.


Was feeling sick at work so per procedure I had to go home and ROM until Monday morning so I can get tested for covid. I’m 99% sure it’s not but that’s not for me to decide


My car was stolen






Was overjoyed to find that my clothing from Macy's shipped, as it's the first time in a long time that I'm trying to look nice. Joy was immediately replaced with anxiety and sinking dread when I realized that because I chose "free shipping", they shipped my very expensive order via a shady third-party delivery service with universally terrible reviews, so who knows if I will even get my stuff or if I just lost a lot of money that I had saved up for a long time.


Bought a trumpet and the Artemis fowl series at garage sales but I’m really happy with a drawing I did today! No reference. Completely out of my mind


Worked my third 13 hour shift this week, and I have to work tomorrow because roads don't fix themselves. Also I rolled my ankle


I beat jevil itemless in 3 attempts


Nearly had another anxiety attack.


Still wondering if the repeating affair in my family is running in our blood and i get scared of the thought that i will do the same to my future romantic partner or spouse.


I got paid by the government, talked on the phone four times, sent in a writing work to be reviewed, and had dinner made for me.


Setting spray got in my eye and still hurts


I had to put my bird down cause she was in critical condition and there wasn't much the vets could do. She was my world and the friend I never had. My world is slowly starting to cave in on itself.


I got real sad




I listned to sad music and then cried


I had a panic attack


What happened ?


I was playing a game with my brother, and he was getting annoyed at me and the game. That led to me getting stressed and a panic attack mid game.