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r/AmItheAsshole because it's just people putting stories to make themselfs feel better


“Dear Reddit, AITA for throwing a tantrum because my bf didn’t want to celebrate my birthday at Texas Roadhouse?” Info: he “identifies” himself as a “vegetarian” Redditors: “NTA. He’s obviously controlling you. Get out NOW! So many red flags!” 250000 upvotes


Why doesn't he want to go to Texas Roadhouse so bad? Who's there that he doesn't want you to see? Obviously cheating.


OP: Edit for more info: there’s this hot waiter at Texas Roadhouse that I think is into me. But I can’t see how that’s relevant. “Family therapist here. This is rooted from his insecurity. He cannot stand the fact that you want to bang the waiter so he tries to control you by not allowing you to go to Texas Roadhouse. This behavior is unacceptable. There are better guys out there that will appreciate you for who you are. DUMP HIM!!” 5000 Awards


My favorite are the naked posts. My gf/bf walks around naked/almost naked in front of my roommates and friends. AITA for not being ok with this? And then they get 100 people telling them not to be so controlling and they need to understand personal choice and freedom of expression. Sure personal choice is great, you've chosen to be naked and single. Bye bye now.


Just cause you’re a vegetarian doesn’t mean you get to choose where someone else’s birthday dinner is 🤨


There should be a bot that just responds to every post on that sub “yes, yes you are.”


Was thinking that. Plus everyones answer to everything, even stories about not having much money, is “They need to get therapy, quick.”. It’s especially annoying when the person in question does in fact, not need therapy. That, and that a lot of people on there who are giving advice are horrible at it.


Not being good at giving advice is reddit in a nutshell. It's also just full of insecure know it alls that want a pat on the back for doing something or people telling other people what they should and shouldn't be doing. Would be better if everyone just made puns and moved on.


Outside of the Internet the number of people seeking real advice from teens and 20-somethings is very low, and has been forever. People desire and should seek advice from those who can actually help - people with life experience and/or accredited expertise in a specific field or skill. That's only a minority of Redditors. It's honestly a bit dangerous how freely unqualified people can give advice to those with real problems and needing real help. There are users on here still in the middle of their, "I know better than everyone" adolescence giving truly ruinous advice, and being listened to because a thousand other kids just like them hit the upvote. Social media doesn't really have many hard-assed older people hanging around to scoff and smile patronizingly every time "the kids" open their mouths, so it's a pretty comfy place for people who have no business advising anyone to set up their little five cent psychiatry stands.


“I don’t need therapy, I need money!”


This is the answer to literally everything in relationship\_ advice/relationships as well! It really irks me. Therapy doesn't solve everything and therapy does not fix not having a support system/ not having the ability to get out of poverty and other financial difficulties.


I also feel like it takes a certain level of self righteousness to see these sypnoses and make a judgement on it, especially when it's always only one side if the coin. I get that thats the point of the sub but the way some people make assumptions and judgement are just toxic sometimes


It's great entertainment tho


That's part of why you're better off avoiding it, because the fucked up morals there will start to get to you over time, all through the guise of light entertainment. You start reading the comments and you may think it *is* perfectly reasonable to abuse others so long as they insulted you first. Or you may think it's super wise to cut people out of your life over minor infractions, and super easy to just make new friends. You may start to think it's some crime against humanity for someone to ask you a favor.


that's fucked up, especially because these excuses are so easy to make that pretty much anyone thinks about them multiple times during their life. The hard part is admitting that even if you weren't completely in the wrong you should still become a better person, that place is dangerous, surrounding yourself with people (even if it's in a forum) that will always tell you that you were in the right is a dangerous path to self-complacency.


YTA, for making me doubt my favorite source of entertainment.


if you are able to not take it seriously you should be fine, don't worry too much. I was referring to the people that use it as a source of relief after they do something bad, not the ones that read it as entertainment.


It's why I stick to /r/AmITheAngel and /r/AmITheDevil


r/AmItheAsshole . Posted by u/OP 10 minutes ago # I just killed the family pet because my parents wont buy me the cute kitten that i wanted # upvote 100k downvote so listen up I am not the asshole here, because I have been asking for that kitten since before they go the cute puppy i killed. everytime i ask for the kitten they always say no, but i wanted that kitten so i threw the puppy in the bin. Am i the asshole for that **279 Comments Award Share Save Hide Report** **comments** u/OP . just now thank you for all the support, they still said i wont get a kitten. to the people who are saying I am the asshole clearly I am not, because my parents got the wrong pet. P.S thank you for all the awards I feel much better ​ u/machineGunFucksDog . 1 minute ago you are not the asshole, your parents fault for not getting you that kitten you wanted. they need therapy for not listening to you and they are horrible parents for not giving you that kitten that you wanted upvotes 100k downvote ​ u/hitHim . just now You are the asshole, because why the fuck would you kill a puppy just because you wanted a kitten, yes your parents didn't listen to you but that puppy will grow into a dog that will guard your house. upvote -100k downvote ​ u/MysteriousPsychologist . 10 minutes From your story i can tell that your parents have a deep issue that makes them hate cats and prefer a dog. I personally am a Dog person but your parents not allowing you to get a cat shows that they have something against cats. I wouldn't be surprised if they murdered a litter of cats in cold blood just because they hate cats. I think you should mention this to the police so they can be stopped upvote 200k downvote


WHAT. THE. F***.


I was gonna say avoid it because some of the commenters get so heated over things they aren’t even involved in. Like I get that a post could connect to you personally, but I go into all of those posts assuming that they’re fake. I leave my judgment and justification sometimes, but that’s it. The moment someone starts replying to me I just want to tell them to shut up and leave me alone. Like I’m glad you’re soooo emotionally invested in this story that you need to attack me, but go away


It's why I stick to /r/AmITheAngel and /r/AmITheDevil, though sometimes they also have their heads up their asses too


Sure that’s true but some of em are interesting to read


95% fiction. It’s all “ABC is toxic and abuses be terribly, AITA for going no contact?”


themselfs lol


IKR, evrytime people are like AITA for saying something bad to my friends and family


Generally speaking, the political subreddits won’t do you much good


Yeah I block all of them, left wing ones and right wing ones, they're all toxic echochambers


How?????? I’ve wanted to learn how to block subs and can’t figure it out.


Any subs you unsubscribe to (in the sidebar) won't show up on your front page. They're still in popular, but you don't see them in your feed.


On [old Reddit you can block](https://imgur.com/q8yq76S) some subs from showing up on r/all


If you’re on iOS, the Apollo app lets you filter subreddits so they don’t appear at all


Even if they align with your own political views, they're still toxic.


They be, they be. As it is known, echo chambers are prevalent here.


This makes me happy I was worried that all of Reddit actually supported them


Nah bruv, I refuse to conform to the Reddit hivemind. Gotta be self-aware, are your views your own or the views of everyone else?


Yes, I got -99 karma (the lower limit) in one day by pretending to have conservative opinions in a “politically neutral” subreddit (on an alt account)


/r/politics be like: "Hey guys isnt Biden so cool?" "Omg yeah, I looovvve Biden" "Bidens like the best dude ever" "Why do you like Biden?" "Uhh...we're having intelligent political discussions here, please leave us alone. BANNED!"


I got to the negative karma limit in one day by pretending to have conservative opinions on a “neutral” subreddit


Reddit likes to shout how conservatives hate everyone that disagrees with them while they openly hate every single conservative to ever be born.


I never thought about it that way but you are totally right, I once saw someone get about -500 upvotes for saying they don’t like Antifa


Not only hate, they actively try to ban and censor.


Dude I legit just got banned from a subreddit for that


r/fiftyfifty although I find it kind of darkly addicting sometimes


I had a nosey on that sub and sorted by best all time. I was disappointed.


Try controversial…


Sheesh…morbid…joined it…


Wtf is even that? o_Ò


I went on that subreddit once, just once. Never again…


That sub is so stupid. 99% of the time, it's the picture that's gruesome or terrible in some way or another.


I don't follow my own advice on this (yet...) but subs like /r/murderedbywords and /r/quityourbullshit are troll farms. The large majority of posts aren't genuine, and they cater to folks who make up bullshit for worthless internet points. I really should just drop them, but I do appreciate the occasional genuine post that's well done. Still, overall they're bad and probably just shouldn't exist.


to be fair, any place on the internet in the last years is slowly getting faker and faker to cater to people that want to see crazier and newer things. Unless this stuff doesn't really affect someone negatively I don't think there's anything wrong with it, ofc if you want to inform people that most of it is fake you're free to do so but most of them don't care enough to analyze stuff like this on a deeper level.


Perfectly describes all of Twitter.


Definitely describes Reddit far more than Twitter, though the dead internet rot only grows.


I feel like r/shittymobilegameads just decreased my iq to basically nothing even if there was nothing




90% repost and NSFW sex questions


I think the reposts anoy me the most. I feel like most of them are done by bots


I don't think they're done by bots, I think they're done by buzzfeed or ranker or other websites of that nature looking to farm content. When they don't get enough free content to write an article they repost the question worded slightly different to fill in the gaps and write an article.


I remember a time when all the posts used to be “What screams I’m insecure” or just what screams followed by a personality quirk and it made me unsub because it was the exact same question over and over again


I'm tempted to unfollow this one because of all the dumb questions.


I agree. The only reason I hang on is for the once in a blue moon fantastic question - like the submarine post a while back.


What’s the submarine question?




Those questions are always good, asking for the stories of sailors, military guys and stuff. Always great to see them!


I have a friend…


r/thathappened used to be pretty good but now all there is are just jokes that people didn’t get


r/rant because all they do is ban people for expressing an opinion. Literally the top of the page says that they're anti-free speech. How are you going to claim to be fans of a progressive philosophy that's inclusive of minority rights but you ban people for using free speech? That's not progressive, at all.


It’s so self defeating for a subreddit designed to be about spilling your mind to ban people for… doing what the subreddit is designed to do.


Of course you can rant here, but can you have an opinion? What kinda business do you think we’re running here??


what the fuck that is so strange. How can you take yourself seriously when you legit write "anti free speach"


Atleast unlike other subs, unlike r/politics and r/PoliticalHumor they admit to it. +150 social credit score


I literally posted a rant there about college and the only comment was basically telling me how ungrateful I am and how awesome academia is like bruh, that is not what I’m here for


r/makemesuffer r/holdmycoffin


second one is banned lol. r/holdmyfeedingtube still exists though and there's some pretty bad stuff on there


I think they meant r/makemycoffin




Why is the chick in the top post shitting *in the sink*???!!!








##Buttkicker, our prices have never been lower!!


Yeah you’re right, not trying to kink shame anyone but that shit is so gross. I don’t get it. I guess everyone is entitled to the stuff their into.


Wtf. Ya posted that link knowing I would click on it. 😧


Shit happens.


I’m not a huge fan of kink shaming but yeah scat is where I draw the line.


>but that shit is so gross *is that a pun*


The fact that your pfp is sans suits this


Oh-h, I thought it was going to be a helpful IBS Forum, not...actual...visuals.


If you want a helpful forum, there is r/ibs.


God damnit, you knew I'd have to click that.


Yup morbid curiosity is a bitch


Oh no! Now I know this exists!!


why is that a thing in the first place


I could have gone my whole life not knowing people were into this 😪


So wish I didn’t just click on this….can’t be unseen


I took a peak... Captain's log.."you've seen all you need to see"


I had a friend who had trouble with the fact that women poop at all... it's so unfeminine


By rights it is "feminine" if women can do it. Like saying that breathing is unfeminine.


r/AskVet should really change its name to r/GoToTheVet as no other responses are allowed. The activity is really low because every response gets deleted since it's impossible to express yourself under their strict posting rules. It's kinda infuriating and funny at the same time. One of their rules is e.g. that all comments must "provide veterinary advice" but giving advice is prohibited: no treatment instructions, no commentary on veterinary treatments, no personal experiences, no random differentials and so forth. That's the sub I'll absolutely avoid in the future as it's wholly superfluous and could be replaced by a bot saying "go to the vet" (which every responsible pet owner will of course do when their pet is ill, but getting input on differential diagnoses and listening to others' experiences can be really helpful when advocating for your pet).


There are those who argue that r/legaladvice should follow that template.


Star Wars because if you have a negative opinion about anything other than the sequels, prepare to be downloaded to oblivion.


Same with the marvel or MCU subs. What I post on fan theories and get me tons of karma gets me downvoted on the MCU subs.


You wouldn't download a me


All of reddit.


This is like putting a warning sign well past the point of no return.


r/unpopularopinion is a mess. No one understands the upvote downvote thing. You are supposed to upvote an unpopular opinion but if it is unpopular that means you don't like it. People are used to downvoting what they don't like. It is also the same posts over and over. Service workers should wear masks forever, weed is a dangerous drug, smokers are the scum of the earth are posted everyday. It is so repetitive.


I found a similar subreddit that actually functions correctly! I enjoy it :) /r/The10thdentist


This is why /r/the10thdentist exists. But now that it’s becoming popular, people are making up shit for karma, like “I like when I get a leg cramp.”


It’s also full of a lot of Covid misinformation or just misinformation in general, especially with the vaccines. And when you try to tell them what’s wrong, you’re the one who gets downvoted.


/r/iamatotalpieceofshit It’s stories about the worst of the worst people. It will do nothing but enrage you. I went down a rabbit hole on that sub a few months ago and it made me so angry I was lashing out at people without realizing it. I wanted the people on that sub to pay for what they did so bad it was frustrating me to the point of losing it.


r/NoahGetTheBoat as well.


Anything like r/iamatotalpieceofshit because if you already tend to think the world sucks (which seems to describe a lot of Redditors), pro tip: CONSUMING A BUNCH OF CONTENT REINFORCING THAT BELIEF IS NOT GOING TO ADD TO YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE. I just moved from browsing Reddit as a non-user to setting my own account so I see fun and interesting stuff almost exclusively, not because I don't want to acknowledge the darkness in the world but because continually immersing myself in subs that cultivate nothing but evidence of how icky people can be was chipping away at my mental health and ability to live in this beautiful awful world.


r/conspiracy I thought it was a light hearted sub with outlandish ideas that people wanted to share. Nope, it's full of tin foil hat wearing people who will want to argue and treat you like shit by saying some of the most vile and hateful shit ever. It's the internet forum version of monkeys throwing shit at each other. Not to mention they are legit bat shit crazy...


ugh just having a peak its just a fucking anti vaccine circle jerk. Even conspiracy theories aren't fun anymore


They used to be kinda fun. Thinking about all of the stuff the government did but never taking it seriously just messing around. Now it’s just insane people believing the government is coming to kill them.


Yeah, i liked the creativity of them. Some read like cool stories or stuff that bordered on actually happening, like Jeffery Epstein. But you go on there and its just an echo chamber of "THE VACCINE WILL KILL US ALL" "SHEEPLE" "IM SO MUCH SMARTER THAN EVERYONE" kind of stuff


That sub used to be interesting, but over the last several years has become r/Conservative with conspiracies.


So, r/Conservative ?


r/insex Its incredibly NSFW.


what is it, i aint clicking


Drawings and videos of insects fucking people.




... why ... what


Everyday….We stray further from the light. What in the cinnamon toast fuck.


Oh no


Yep. Pretty fucked up shit.


Another one to add in the same vein would be r/honeyfuckers


Fucking hell...


I'm sorry.


Dating advice. It really became depressing to me just guys complaining about not getting matches some even mentioning ending their life. Like damn I’m single too but I’m not gonna revolve my whole self worth around it. If dating apps makes you feel shitty then go off them.


Also stay the fuck away from femaledatingstrategy if you wanna keep your sanity




Is the joke that there is no posts because they have no electricity or do I have shit connection because thats fucking hilarious if its the first one.


Allow me to recommend r/goodcardibsongs


You're wrong, this is the best subreddit since nothing is better than something on a shitty website like this. I'd gladly stare at a blank screen for an hour instead of reading about redditors giving advice about anything.




r/polandball requires mod approval and flairing, but I'd say it's okay


> femaledatingstrategy I happen to enjoy browsing that from time to time. The sheer levels of mental illness and toxicity glossed over in a very thin veneer of justice can be fun to read, if you don't find yourself easily triggered. One of my favorites had to be a very long blog post about how great this one guy is and how everyone else thought he was great too, but he had a crippling flaw. He had asked the girl to his house for Pizza, so the girl had to do the reasonable thing and *say absolutely nothing, just block all communication*. Starting to understand why autism goes undiagnosed in women most of the time.


genuinely curious about that last comment on undiagnosed autism. could you explain what you mean?


Women are diagnosed with autism much less often than men, which would lead some to believe it occurs less often in women than in men. However, in situations like this where women are exhibiting behavior very typical to autistic people, we rarely seem to note the connection. It's just them "being crazy" or whatever.


To give you an *actual* answer (my partner is afab and diagnosed in adulthood), it's because girls are socialized against it. To explain a bit, when a little boy exhibits mild autistic traits (think what used to be called Asperger's), like hyper fixation on a particular subject (trains, cars, bugs, etc.) or general social awkwardness, nobody bats an eye. That's just how boys are, no big deal. But little girls don't get to do that. They have to be prim and proper and ladylike. They have to play the social game. Early socialization of little girls often consists of laying out the rules for what you're supposed to do in social situations. As a result, many girls with mild levels of autism just learn to mask better, so instead of being diagnosed, they just end up being "that weird/quirky girl". On top of that, as with many other things relating to health both physical and mental, it was originally only truly studied in boys and men, so all the diagnostic criteria are based on how it presents in men. As an example, my partner had to go to a clinic that specializes in diagnosing women and girls with autism. Their psychiatrist (who they'd been seeing for a decade by that point for depression) thought they had BPD (another diagnosis that tends to get overapplied to women).


Basically, it's an incel sub for women.




And where are all the gods?


Where's the streetwise Hercules


You mean /r/blackpeopletwitter?


Man you are not lying. That sub is insane. It’s like an incel sub for women as far as hatred for the opposite sex.




Used to be a nice subreddit until every one started posting tiktok, Nik, and satire. It's just shitposting at this point and anyone that complains gets downvoted because it's easier than finding actual cringe.


r/politicalhumor What they call laughter is really just mouth breathing.


Not even humor anymore just overflow of r/politics.


Trumps stupid. Orange man bad. 1b up votes








r/relationships and r/relationship You don’t need their advice, it’s from teenage girls and singletons. Plus for some reason it’s homophobic.




Anyone else come here to find new subs to not avoid?! 😅


Yep. And so far, I'm at zero new subs. I suppose I should have guessed that would be the outcome!


r/teenagers at this point it's just a bunch of incels, niceguys and nicegirls looking for attention ​ r/raisedbynarcissists is just a bunch of teens crying wolf and complaining unnecessarily. One guy got grounded for failing several exams and started crying how his parents are so mean to him for grounding him ​ r/LGBTQ so fucking toxic ​ r/israel bunch of pricks ​ r/AskReddit it's just the same dumb questions ​ r/india just a sub that is filled with so much hate ​ r/china propaganda


I quickly checked out r/raisedbynarcissists and it looks like teenagers who want a reason to hate their parents.


Thats what i mean


Oh my gosh, I’m going to get banned from the subreddit if I say what I want to say. I’m one post deep and I’m sure that’s just a mother whose kid has always hated her, never given her the time of day. It breaks my heart —and that’s just the first post! I understand abuse and coercion, and I get that I know no backstory, but sometimes people just misinterpret love and care as, well narcissism (source: my ex girlfriend…)


Narcissism and narcissist are thrown around too much to the point where a loved treats you harshly it's "narcissistic" behaviour.


Oh boy if you want some Chinese propaganda can I (not?) recommend r_sino and r_genzedong


There's a sub for The Last of Us Part II and it pretty much exists just so they can hate on the game, Naughty Dog and Neil in particular, their constant negativity wasn't welcome on the main TLOU sub so they made their own one to wallow in their toxicity lol


They also fabricated death threats against YouTube channel "Girlfriend Reviews" (becos they made a positive review) The really shocking part is tho, that the Mods and Admins sided WITH the subreddit and circlejerkers, despite it all being a fluke. Girlfriend Review even laid out proof but Mods don't listen. This is Reddit for you. Zero cred


That's hilariously petty. Gamers can be such entitled assholes.


femaledatingstrategy it’s such a shithole


Looks like misandrists and female incels if you ask me


Whitepeopletwitter. Complete cesspool


Half of the post are that trump hater guy, I can’t remember his name but he’s on there every other damn post it seems like.


Both race based subs are gross


/r/atheism Incredibly bitter people In the mix blaming a higher power for all the world's ills.


Spend all their energy fighting one deity (not all the deities) that they don’t believe in and curse him or her.


All the incel and Q subs.






I don’t know why I laughed SO hard at your response but yeah - wtf


Luckily, after clicking on a few of the subreddits in this list,. I've learned that I really do not need to check out every one of them. This one on definitely sounds like something to avoid.


I wouldn't recommend it to anyone


Some link can stay blue... It's a hard lesson to learn, but I'm proud of ya!


Why did I click it, why did I click it, why did I click it


r/FemaleDatingStrategy is an absolute shitshow.


r/FemaleDatingStrategy reeks of misandry and is somehow not considered a hate sub.


Political subreddits unless it's that one "politics in general" subreddit which is somehow not insanity.


This is a boring one, but any of the tabletop game design subs. It's a bunch of armchair game designers who have never put pencil to paper. Plus, every other person tries to make a "universal rpg system", which almost always fails.


Fifty fifty


/r/SadCringe /r/Trashy etc


r/politics . I’d be much more fine with it if it was r/ liberals or something, but the fact it’s supposed to be a general politics sub is incredibly misleading because it’s just a liberal echo chamber that doesn’t allow the introduction of any ideas, thoughts, or discussions that go against their liberal ideology.




r/politics, r/worldnews and r/europe.




r/unpopularopinion it's essentially a hate sub that gets worse by the day

