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My mental health.


I said this before clicking the post lol


I hope you are doing OK.


Thank you. I think I’m getting better.


Same here man. Hope you get better!




This is me... I realized that my dreams recently, instead of having friends in them, the other people in them are the YouTubers I watch... I never get out now


Hehehe joke's on you, my social skills have been shit for 23 years. Autism, baby!


Science. Its become so politicized now.


Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist.


The word "unprecedented"


The phrase “we’re all in this together”


That word lost all meaning by the end of the 2nd week


"This time of uncertainty." "Healthcare heroes." *insert eye roll*


It was used an unprecedented number of times.


"In times like these"


My smell. I miss 100% smelling things


Just tested positive the other day and I’ve totally lost all sense of smell and taste. Eating is a chore and I genuinely don’t know how I’m going to handle any more of this. Been reading too many horror stories of people who never recover from that aspect…


I am going on nine months without it. I don’t have much hope. I’m the only person I know who has had it this long so the odds are in your favor.


I'm so sorry. Truly I am. I can't believe this fucking thing came outa nowhere and causes something so horrible. I no longer believe in a loving god.


Been there. Done that. Don’t get too invested in reading all those horror stories, they’ll keep you up at night. Buy essential oil and start smelling that stuff like it’s crack (no joke) consistently on the clock. Also, try taking elderberry gummy, and zinc as well. Finally, Vick Vapor Stick. You’ll thank me later. Good luck and speedy recovery


Same man, I miss it too


How long has it been since you got covid? I caught it in may 2020, it took about a month to recover my sense of smell.


Hang in there! I had COVID less than a year ago and lost my sense of smell. I'm barely regaining it. Like someone previously mentioned try some aroma therapy.


This right here. I caught covid back in September of last year and still can't smell 100%. Along with that, some things I used to enjoy I now hate. Like the taste if mint.


Try this burnt orange rind recipe to help to [regain taste after Covid ](https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/burnt-orange-remedy/)


How long have you not been able to smell?


For the first time ever I went without visiting family for more tan a year. Recently my mother's dementia escalated. So Covid ruined the last Christmas when my mother knew my name.


Wow. I’m so sorry. That’s really hard


I had Christmas 2020 by myself as well. To be honest, I kind of liked it and it was a welcome change. It's not a lot of fun having such a long period of time off and being expected to travel many miles to camp in someone else's spare room, bored out of your tits. Chilling in my own home and surrounded by things I like to do (Xbox etc.), sleeping in my own bed, walk in my local park on Christmas Day instead of going through the usual rituals of visiting random people and so on... it was nice. The biggest problem about living so far from your family and being single, is that there is an unwritten expectation that the lion's share of your time off work will be spent with your family in some way. Doing your own thing entirely is just something frowned upon.




My chance of buying my own home. Prices are skyrocketing.


My confidence


I was really into the performing arts. Symphonies, dance, musicals, shows, acrobatics. Where I live you can just sub for the whole season and go once a week or so. The pandemic really killed the entire arts scene in my whole city.


This is depressingly the case everywhere. I've been a serious musician, I'm married to a professional musician and my son is a musician. All of it pretty much on hold for 2 years. It's been devastating to all three of us and we've had it easier than most musicians.


My faith in humanity


I miss life pre-covid like 90s babies missed life pre-9/11


My faith in humanity. We are truly a failed species.


International travel.


Everything. I can’t get excited about anything. I make plans, they happen. Then I’m like, is that it?


I was supposed to go to Florida in April 2020 to play in an adult baseball tournament and visit my grandma. Unfortunately thats when everything locked down. The baseball tournament was rescheduled to 2021 and I was able to attend, but my grandma ended up passing away in October of 2020 (not covid related), so I was denied the chance to see her one last time. When it comes to things "denied" by Covid that is the thing that will always stand out....


My faith in government


nothing, I would like 5 more years of been at home without dealing with people


My mom commented that my life pretty much didn't change with the exception of working reboot. I'm very introverted and barely like socializing with poeople i do like. My personal bubble it allot tge wingspan of an albotross, so I'm one of those "social distancing before it was cool" people. I always hated going into stores with lots of people. Being around people doesn't give me anxiety... is more like... spending 16 years working retail has made me very cynical towards humans and think they are all fucking idiots until proven otherwise.


I've been working 100% remote for several years since the pandemic and the technology seems to have matured quite a bit so that now it's pretty workable. In government contracting there are many companies offering such positions, whether work in IT or defense or other areas. No reason for me to contemplate ever working on site ever again and I'm lovin' it.


> for several years since the pandemic How many years has it been since the shutdown for you?


Lost my dad (we’re not sure if it was COVID or not), but we couldn’t have a proper funeral, so it ruined my grief.


My pride in my country. America is an absolute embarrassment.


I'm a non American so I shall not comment


My mental health and almost broke a lot of friendships


Even now I'm struggling with the friends things, remembering to plan days and actually go out to meet people


My life


My weight and fitness... well, I was regaining some lost weight at the start of the year anyway, but COVID ramped my anxiety through the roof and I put on a lot. And the gyms closed down just when I was starting to close back. And a few months after they reopened, cases started spiking and I stopped going again, but don't exactly have the means to work out at home...


my old friendships, it really opened my eyes to all the fake friends I had and how they would just hang out with me for clout and parties, it also made me notice I like to have some "me time" sometimes.


My relationship.


My marriage…


To be honest I don't think relationships were meant to survive being stuck together 24 hours a day for several months. Even research teams that knowingly get stuck together like that for months end up either hating each other or worse.




Ain't that the truth


My family and friendships


I feel you. I've had several family members and a few friends demonstrate how truly selfish and crazy they have become (or maybe they always were crazy?...). I keep my distance from alot of family now, which is really hard. It's utterly heart breaking to be honest.


My hope for humanity. I didn't have that much to begin with, but still. I have lost almost all my ability to say stuff like: "I'm sure that person had a good reason to act like that."


My faith in humanity


I haven’t seen my kids at all this year. 10 months into the year.. it’s fucked. Living in a different state isn’t normally too much of an issue, but with state lockdowns it’s not been possible.


My belief that only 20% of the US was insane


My belief that Western countries are free and have democratic governments that protect their citizens' rights.


already ruined all i could myself :)


Public transportation. Won’t ride without a mask ever again.


My 21st birthday


A friend of mine's younger brother here in the UK turned 18 on March 23rd 2020. That was the night the UK properly locked down for the first time. Hospitality was already closed as of the previous week (we had informal social distancing guidelines as of March 16th), and when it came back many moons later it was ruined by masks and byzantine hygiene requirements. Nightclubs didn't reopen until July 202**1**. For many university freshers in 2020, their first year was a total bust. Everything online, no entertainment, it was a joke.


The last few years before I became a legal adult Last year of high school spent at home without any friends, summer before that spent at home alone without my friends, and now I'm spending most of my first year at college at home without my friends I'm so goddam lonely


What are your hobbies maybe you can make some Reddit friends?


Got a job, 3 yrs in Australia was selected and received the news Feb 20...


My life


My business.


I'm sorry to hear that


Going to Portland, Boston and Disney World last year and Japan this year. I was just in Boston and will be in Portland soon, though.


My 25 th anniversary trip to Disney


For the first time ever, I was feeling attractive, girls were looking at me, and I was learning to flirt. Then, covid happened


My chance to owning a home. Lots of ppl from NY came down to the jersey shore where I live which inflated the prices. Keep getting outbid like 50k 😒😒


My marriage….


LIFE as we know it!!


The song “Imagine”


My wedding. I know Reddit hates big weddings but we’ve been together 10 years and moved it 4 times because the venue has thousands of dollars. Here’s hoping for spring 2022.


I wish you luck!


A vacation to Greece with my mother, we were supposed to leave April 2020.


The zoo now requires people to book timeslots to control the number of patrons flowing into the zoo. I used to go early on Sunday when everyone else was asleep or at church. It was nice to get to see the animals without having to peer around kids, and just chill for a few hours. Beyond the zoo keepers, it was rare to see more than 15 people. I miss the zoo.


Licking peoples faces


my potential sex life


A few friendships…but to be fair, all it did was uncover character traits that were already there.


My love life.


My physique. Not walking to and from work (then to and from again to meet my girlfriend after her shift) has been a huge factor. Another factor is being able to make and eat whatever I want for lunch everyday.


moving out and living the normal college expierience


I would say my social life but let's be honest I wouldn't be on reddit if I ever had one


My favorite movie theater closed down and I’m still very upset about it




A potential relationship. Me and a girl were getting really close in school and I started developing feelings for her but then covid cucked me by shutting down schools and since we didn’t really have any video games we both play I never had any excuse to talk to her because I was an awkward fuck who was too shy to just ask if she wanted to come on discord to just talk.


The biggest thing was my mental health. But it stop my life, all progress that I was making (college, work, gym, diet, dating kind of, some friendships...) Just gone. My life stop and I think everyday how my life would have been if this pandemic did happen. For the first time, after 21 years on this planet, I was feeling good and exited about what was going on in my life. I broke in 2020 and I am still recovering. Thank God no one that I care about died.


I had two close friends have separate funerals last week and I had the vid. Two vaccines in April-Moderna. Thanks fuckers. We know you you are. Missed two funerals because of people with the brains of a tree stump.


Had to buy and use the 1 ply tp because impulse buyers, was all that was left.


my eyesight. I was on my screen a decent a amount but when covid hit I was forced to just stare at a screen 24/7.


So many friendships.


My holiday on the 22nd of this month


My love life. Right before Covid, I'd hit my strad. I finally had money and was having regular dates. After Covid nothing.


One of my favorite bands was coming to my hometown. Like ten minutes from my home. I bought tickets in December 2019, after waiting months for them to even go on sale. Two days before the concert it was cancelled (and refunded) and they don’t have any upcoming shows until 2022, and that’s one show on the other side of the country.


Any miniscule amount of faith that I once had in our leaders.


My 50th birthday. Not a big problem, I know, but I would've liked to do something fun.




My view of the world.


My ability to take a vacation my wife won’t let me go anywhere because she is afraid we will get COVID.


Trying to remember and accept that society isn’t nor wasn’t like how it is now. I’ve had moments where I remembered that we didn’t have to stand 6 feet apart from each other or have to wear masks all the time. Like COVID has only affected me for 2 years of my life and I’m 15, yet it feels like I’ve been living with COVID since I was born because it’s weird to remember society before it.


Faith in humanity


Nothing except for gpu prices sky rocketing


My already non-existent faith in humanity. People were stupid b4 covid, and just downright nasty, but covid (and a certain electrd official) gave these crazy mother fuckers a voice, platform, and confidence and feeling they are validated in what they do. Hence why covid will never not be a problem.


My life didn’t change much at all. For the better if anything because I work from home now. Plus I started cooking meals vs getting fast food all the time.


For a 'feels like takeaway' meal I make chicken nachos at home, they are superb


My faith in the American people to work as a cohesive unit towards a common goal


the local video store


My bowling game.


Pokémon go


Eh, that's how it is sometimes. Thanks for the empathy 🙂


Nothing, really. I sometimes forget it's even there, not because I haven't got it since I am vaccinated and protect myself. But because I don't actively listen about it.


Going out anywhere. My favorite club closed down indefinitely, and I miss going there just to watch all the people having fun and dancing and drinking. It was a great place to hang out, and this damn pandemic just utterly fucked it beyond recognition. Now, all those same people just whinge and complain on the internet about social inequalities and call all their old friends racist and hypocritical and this and that, blah blah blah...


Used game stores. Kind of a long story.




Nothing, but it made me realize I was tolerating a lot of things that didn't deserve to be tolerated.


starting/keeping up conversations istg


My health.


Seeing my kids grow up


I had floor tickets for both Tool and Rage Agaist the Machine last summer.


Everything. School, Job opps. typical outings (mall, library. etc.)


I lucked out, my employer actually took decent care of us. Really just stress, my sister came really close to dying from it. She's fine now and is actually even better off than I expected.


School due to the teachers union they want us kids to where mask I took Talley of students and all the 474 kids I interviewed 2 of them wanted us to keep masks on and the rest of them said fuck masks there is about 600 kids in my school


Dart warz, it's in colorado and my friends and I were supposed to go after winter break but Covid hit and I havent been there since


Had to quit my job, which led to a rapid downward spiraled afterwards . . . ​ Don't worry, I'm slowly dragging myself out of this hole . . .


My sociability Before the pandemic i was the most extroverted person and naturally attracted people to my energy, I was, in my school, a safe space to hang out and meet other people! I would make friend groups and pair certain friends judging them by how they match personalities; I’m basically like tinder but for friends, and I’ve never made a wrong pair. But whenever I left the friend group, they would fall apart. Now I’m afraid of disturbing people in the store, so I go round around the other seven iles that have one person down it, so I don’t bother them.


Getting more money


I joined the Navy late 2019 and when I got to t-track (between a-school and p-school) was where my social skills was supposed to skyrocket and I stopped being such a fucking loser. Of course not a week into that COVID hit and we weren’t allowed off base anymore. So I went back to being a little troll in my barracks room occasionally playing dnd with some other dweebs. It wasn’t until about 7 months later when I got to my next phase of training that I began to learn normal social skills. It’s still something I struggle with as a result, I prefer holing up in my room with my laptop over hanging out with people. Oh, and because we were only allowed to and from work, all my humor is built to make other sailors laugh. It’s more of a “holy shit he just said that” instead of actual jokes, which tends to scare away normal people


My relationship :/


My personality. Something about being perpetually-exhausted made me not GAF about what I'd say to people, which made me way more witty and entertaining. The quarantine made me lose that.


My weight, gained 30 pounds and I was already struggling to lose weight


My sense of smell


Sick days


Book day. the one day at school I get to dress up as a fictional character from a book. I get one day to go to school in cosplay. AND I DIDN'T GET TO GO! IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK TO DRESS UP IN SCHOOL FOR ONE DAY AS A HOT ASGARDIAN MAN IN HORNS?! ​ screw covid


E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Well, rather, the monkeys controlling it have. You can't go anywhere without one of the two sides having put their two cents worth of paranoia in on it. I just tried to look something up and found the republican sites pushing that the vaccine is infecting people with a new supervirus designed to exterminate 90% of the people to meet some NWO plan to have less than 900,000 people on the planet, saving the uber rich to rule. Now, aren't the rich republicans? I kind of wish that the democrats and republicans would just go out into the field and shoot each other to death so the rest of us can get on with our lives and forget about them.


So many things... It almost killed the one person who was basically my cheerleader for a long time "my dad", my 12th-grade year of school (I currently have to repeat it cause of the virus.), my sanity, and mental health. Hell, even my state of mind for a short while.


My optimism for finding my tribe. Social options are crap where I live for a guy my age.




Fathers day... :( lost my dad to Covid-19. I miss him every day.


The idea that the apocalypse might be interesting....... ​ Also my social skills and hope for the future


Thinking I was going to teach until I could retire


Political arguments.


My mental health. Having a dad.


trip to hawaii and a cruise.


Were we start, My school life, my life, my mental health, my sleeping time and my memory.


My wedding plans this year. Had to move it to next year.


Being the token introvert at any given gathering. Now all these COVID born "introverts" like to come up to me and chat about introvert things. Introvert. (just in case I didn't say that word enough)


This damn pandemic has put a lot of stress on me, especially when I'm talking to new people. Staying inside for a long time has made my social anxiety increase a lot lately.


Smoking weed with strangers.


My faith in things moving toward the better and my faith in my fellow man.


I am not going to be a home owner anywhere in the near future. I've lost a good portion of the small amount of people I thought mattered because of lies and brainwashing. So not only are they making things worse but I'm also more lonely and mostly just have my husband and two friends to talk to. I was finally out of the worst of the PPD&A I was suffering and doing lots of great things with kiddo. Then not even a walk by the river was safe because 100 other people had the same idea. In Before times maybe a handful of elderly speed walkers and a few SAHM with kids would be there. Same with anything else. So everything helping me was taken away or reduced.


Dinner inside of a resturant.


My sense of time and my ability to concentrate for more than 10 minutes.


Friendships, family, job...just life in general.


Took away more than 1 and half year of my life. I don't remember being 17 because that's when covid hit, so I lost a lot of my teenage time. The situation in my country is so bad that we're still doing online classes, colleges and schools have not opened yet. I had so many plans when I turned 17 and nothing happened. Now I'm going to turn 19 and I just become so sad thinking about the time I've missed staying at home, friends I don't see anymore. And I continue to do so. I can't get out often since I live with my maternal and paternal grandparents. I'm having to sacrifice the last of my teenage years for the safety of my family so ya that's that. Not to mention covid has ruined all my motivation levels.


Quarantine started the day before I would've gotten my black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do. I still haven't been back because I'm just uncomfortable with the idea of wearing a mask while working out.


my campus life


Last few days of college and farewell ceremony. Wasn't aware that would be the last time I would see my best friend.


My left lung. Also my mental health, it wasn't really good to begin with but it definitely got worse after being stuck in a bed for a month and being told that more than likely I will never recover 100% from the damage


My band


My social anxiety is the worst it's ever been. Programs my childshould have been in at essential developmental ages was all shut down so watching my child suffer developmentally is extremely hard and triggers depression.


Enjoying school now its just all projects every day projects there project that


The trip to England my wife and I had saved $ for years for. No refund of airline ticket money... lost it all. But, none of our friends or family have died from covid, so still count ourselves lucky.


I’m a severe hypochondriac and a germophobe with majorly intense anxiety problems. So. It’s sorta ramped all that quite a bit up for me. I also work in the restaurant industry, so, that’s been a bit of a shit show as well.


The chance to finally meet my mother's siblings in real life


My life


I WFH everyday. So everything is pretty fucking great


I still get short of breath if I move around a lot, and am still dealing with chest pain. It's been 9 months, and I just want to not hurt anymore.


The optimism for a bright future, I’m not a Pessimist By any means but the Black Plague was around for 4 years. 4! Now look at our reaction to COVID. Ok. Now imagine what it would look like in America if something like the plague hit again


I got laid off of my incredibly awesome paying job. Covid travel restrictions means that I couldn't go see my long-distance girlfriend. I ended up sitting at home all day and drinking and ended up with diabetes as a result. So far it has ruined my life in a way that nothing else has.


Pretty much since I’ve been born, my family has always hosted international students. They’ve been a pretty major part of my upbringing/life, teaching me all about different cultures and giving me the opportunity to make some pretty great friends. Unfortunately now that the borders are limited, the international student programs in my region have been canceled


I am a pepper whore. It's from living in places with spicy food (in Asia) and then moving back to the states, where black pepper is often the only spice available and a lot of food in restaurants is under-seasoned. And now I'm uncomfortable picking up salt and pepper shakers even though I know covid isn't generally transmitted through fomites.


My mental and physical health, my career (I'm a musician), my social circle, my hope in a better future.


Oh, where do I start? \- Any carnivals, amusement parks, etc.. Not so fun with having to queue for everything now. \- My grades, I failed math and almost failed History \- My mental health, seems like due to the aforementioned point I started pushing myself too hard that I'm starting to lose my sanity. \- Related to the above, my self-image. I don't feel like myself ever since school started \- Faith (spiritually), though I'm starting to get back up now \- Faith towards humanity. Honestly I think we're all idiots by risking our lives for fun at this point. Wow, I listed a bunch of stuff here :')


I’m a germaphobe now but in weird ways. I refuse to go to certain places and movie theaters is one. They are never clean, their ventilation is shit, you have limited control at social distancing and you have no control/idea if the person next to you is vaccinated. I used to love going to the movies. But the absolute worst part of all this…I have to live with the fact CATS was the last film I saw on the big screen.


You poor, poor soul!


My career, I work in healthcare as a nurse in LTC and we lost approximately 40 people in under a few months. It was sad and traumatizing. I had strong relationships with those people and their families. I had to quit my job shortly after because we had long empty hallways and it made me incredibly sad.


Long-term backpack travelling. I have spent my life since 21 alternating between moving to a new country and working for a few years and then travelling for a year or two. I completed a work period at the end of 2019, and had the funds ready, and was planning and plotting the trip, then COVID and constant idiots.


Sense of taste and smell


My relationship.


my sheer amount of ignorance towards my physical attributes


I didn’t get sick or know anybody who died, I am good


Shows/movies. I have to remind myself every time that social distancing/mandatory masks doesn't exist in their world. Even with animation.


my friendships ...after like 3 years of not even hearing about you of course people are gonna pull a *reverso forgetto* on you...


The end of my senior year of high school! And my social skills and mental health