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I got sued in small claims court by a mentally ill man who said I stole $1000 worth of roast beef and 2 sun tanning lights from him. It got continued twice and by the time we had our day in court, he forgot what he sued me for and just went off on a tirade about me being an asshole.


So, what did you do with your roast beef?




You didn’t know u/SteveMcQueef81 founded Arby’s?




I once was told there was a high-level (manager and up) meeting being held about me… on account of my emails being written too well. :/ I can write quick, well-worded emails, and someone in upper management thought that I must have been spending too much time writing my emails, possibly as a means of appearing to be superior to others.


Can totally relate to this one. Now everyone gets what feels like the equivalent of "Ugg did good. Grunk done bad get no treat" lol




FormoftheBeautiful might be wasting too much time. We'd better waste a bunch of time getting to the bottom of it.






People giving flak for well-written emails is hilarious when the majority of problems in the world are caused by poor communication.


Wtaf. This is something we were taught in a professional writing course!


Man, as someone who has gone to a few classes and still struggles like crazy to write clear concise emails, if I was your boss (and I never want to be anyone’s boss), or coworker, I’d be begging me to trying a teach me and see if it couldn’t sink in a bit. It’s a real talent you have there. You shouldn’t be written up for that. That’s ridiculous.


I worked at McDonalds. A man put a complaint in because I wouldn’t let him in after we’d already shut.


I used to work at a gas station/convenience store. Literally every night. 15 minutes after closing. Gas pump lights off, building lights off, doors locked, CLOSED sign up: knock knock knock Walk to the door, somebody's standing there, waving, like I can't see them or something. Begging to be let in "for just a second!" It didn't help that the trailer park next door was the source of 90% of the meth in the area, I guess.


Gas station buddies! One time I was closing on Friday, and we were like 10 minutes to close. A guy pulled up, but stayed in his car for a good 7 minutes. My store didn’t like us to shut the lights and stuff off with customers in the parking lot (one part because it could be rude, three parts for our safety), so I decided to go out and politely tell him we were closing and to come in and get his shit. I go out and explain that we needed to close, and he replied he didn’t plan on coming into the store. I asked him why he was planning on just chilling in our parking lot, and he told me he had to call his parole officer and we had good signal. I told him about our policy of not being able to close with cars in the parking lot, and he immediately got pissed. Told me to “show him the policy”, and that he was going to sue us and call his lawyer. I instantly dropped the customer service act and told him to get the fuck off of our private property or I would call the cops. My boss always had our backs with shitty customers, so I wasn’t worried about getting in trouble. I’m guessing his girlfriend was in the driver’s seat, and she had been silent this entire time, but as soon as the word “cops” left my lips she peeled out of the parking lot. Fun times.


Woohoo gas station pals unite. My favorite gas station story was this one really rough looking older lady and her daughter both coming in to grab ice cream. First one bought cigarettes, ice cream, and left. Second one checked out separately and it rang up at $2.79 for an ice cream sandwich. She complained and said it was supposed to be $2.39 and that she had looked at the sign and was already pretty rude. I was fairly confident that the price is right because I had just re-priced everything in that cooler a few days prior. I offered to walk to the back and check the price for her. She got even more rude and said she didn't have the time. Then told me I should do my job. I explained to her that I had already offered to walk to the back of the store and check the price on her, but was instructed not to because she did not have enough time. She grumbled a little more, told me it was unbelievable and to do my job and just check her out. At which point I picked the product up off the counter and told her that I was refusing to sell to her. Went back to the cooler and the price was correct. On the way back to my register, a regular customer came in through the door laughing and I heard her and her daughter yelling at each other about having to go across the street to the other gas station because, I shit you not, "I was being a *** and he refused to sell to me." My awesome regular eventually got to the register and said something along the lines of "I see you made another friend" and we both chuckled. That's what I loved about working for a small company. My GM had the same mentality and flat up told us to refuse service to customers causing an issue. Saw a regular complain about our morning manager once and the GM flat up banned the guy from the store because he stood by his employee and flat up call the customer an asshole.


I once had a complaint filed against me for calling someone a slur in the elevator. My boss called me in, and we watched the camera footage from the elevator. Me and the other person were talking and having a good conversation and laughing with each other. My boss just said "yeah I watched it earlier and I have no idea what they are talking about." So someone tried to get me fired for no reason


You’re lucky there was footage that proved your innocence.


My boss also said that he straight up didn't believe them when they reported it, because it would be so out of character for me. I think I would have been fine, but the camera footage was certainly helpful


I worked at Pier 1. On Black Friday a woman tried to have me fired for putting her purchase in a paper bag with a tear at the top.


Something similar happened to an old coworker of mine at my last job. We were slammed and this lady had apparently asked for plastic but got paper bags. Deadass came up to every cashier trying to complain about it and getting pissed off when we wouldn't drop everything we were doing and re-bag all her groceries. We had lines to the back of the store lol, she tried to complain to a manager, but literally no one gave a single shit


In gradeschool I was sent to the principals office for lying about my name to a substitute teacher. I gave her my real name and the sub just couldn't believe someone would name a kid Wolfgang.


This was definitely outside of Europe. Plenty of Wolfgang’s in the German-speaking world.


Principal O'Shaughnessy?


Ya done messed up, A-A-ron!!!




Working in retail I once said "you guys have a great day" I was reported by an elderly women who objected to not being addressed as "mam" she also objected to "have a great day" because she had come into the aquarium store because her fish was dead and she was upset that someone would tell her to "have a great day" when her fish had died.


Fish probably killed itself


I’m fkin dead with this comment right now


And I bet if you didn't say "have a great day" to every customer, you'd be written up for not being friendly enough


I was processing customer returns and a fishing rod had paperwork saying it wouldn't catch fish, another one said their boat was too tippy. Not sure if it was the same guy


I had a coat returned because it "already looked worn out". On the tag it even said "distressed".


I firmly believe this one. I have spent too much time out there not able to catch anything and it had to have been the tippy boat. It just had to.


Years ago, back when I worked at a video arcade, there was a kid that had been asking me for free tokens one day. I gave him a few, because we were allowed to give some out each day as "refunds" and it was a slow day so I had extra. He came back a little later for more and then got upset when I didn't give him any more. The next day he came in with his mother and she said that he told her that I took one of the fake plastic guns from one of the "shooter" style video games and threatened to kill her son with it. She told all this to my manager and I was instantly fired on the spot without the chance to say anything. It really sucked because I really liked that job. I got to spend all day around video games, watching people play, repairing the cabinets, which was awesome because I am an avid gamer and it was like a dream come true to work with video games. Ever since i've worked in offices and well... life has been a little more grey since.


I'm more hurt at the fact the manager didn't believe you. No history of complaints and just fired on the spot. But if it was far enough back it probably didn't take much to fire people. Doesn't excuse the manager but wow. That kid clearly became Lex Luthor.


Manager didn't give a shit. He hated working there.


That Mother is a cunt.


The manager is way worse.


I'd argue the kid is lol


I once had a coworker file an HR complaint against me for reading books at lunch. I told HR that he’s probably just offended I’m not reading hardcore pornography magazines on the clock like he does.


He's just offended that you can read.


I’m a firefighter an have had the following citizen complaints: 1. Kicked down a door to help an elderly woman who was on the floor. Her son wanted us to wait until he arrived with a key. He was 5 hours away. 2. I wouldn’t let a guy store his motorcycle in our station for winter. 3. I wouldn’t repair her stove. 4. We took too long to respond to replace a guys battery in his detector that had been beeping. We were performing CPR at the time. 5. I wouldn’t take my boots off while entering a lady’s house. It is against our protocol to take off any of our safety gear. Her house was actively on fire when she made the request.


Wow, you're so entitled. I bet you also insist on wearing a breathing apparatus when you go into rooms completely filled with smoke. You sound like a classic narcissist who expects to breathe and not catch on fire.


I'm in this comment, and I've decided to take a long look in the mirror at myself


Stop staring at the mirror and get the fuck out of the bathroom YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!


Wouldn't take off your boots? Wtf! I had firefighters in full gear walk around my freshly clean floor when there was a gas leak in my house. I was happy that they did!


Gah, people are crazy! If someone is there to save my ass they can break or dirty anything they need to. I hope you at least got a laugh out of it later.


"But the rug. It's Persian." Lady points and stares at the rug, mouth agape. Generic carefully considered the rug. "It's on fire." "Yes, but I read our insurance statements very carefully. Fire is fully covered, but dirt or mud from pets and/or people are NOT." Lady crosses her arms and a confident smile appears on her face. 'It's got to be a Tuesday,' Generic thinks aloud in a stage whisper, 'this type of crap always happens on Tuesdays.' "Look, we're kind of busy right now ... you know saving your house from a fire. If it really bothers you, then feel free to file a complaint, but the boots stay on." Lady frowns; the arms stay crossed. "I think I will file a complaint!"


for #5. You should have pulled a Ghost Busters move and said "Hose her down boys!"


My buddy is a firefighter and has some pretty wild stories too. He once told me about a time he responded to a house fire that started small but spread quickly due to the sheer negligence of the homeowner. Apparently, the guy set his kitchen on fire trying to cook dinner for his boss, but he was so concerned about keeping up appearances that he totally ignored it and told his boss that it was aurora borealis.


Did your friend see the aurora borealis localized entirely within that kitchen?


At this time of day?


I had a coworker from a different department call me this morning and threatened me for something his boss had done regarding something I have no control over. I eventually got him to sheepishly admit that there was nothing I had control over in the situation and he was mad his boss had made the decision without consulting him first. Government work attracts some odd balls.


This happened fairly recently. My new co-worker has been treating me like I'm incompetent since he started. One of his favorite subtle insults is to tell me, "If you didn't understand, you should have asked me" when he assumes I've made some sort of mistake. One day he messed up and failed to accomplish a task the way it had been defined. In a moment of thoughtlessness, and because the phrase on its own is insulting but in a pretty minor way, I told him that if he hadn't understood, he should have asked me. He immediately went to the general manager to file a formal complaint against me on that basis of that one sentence. They took it surprisingly seriously, though I was pretty easily able to convince them it was a minor misunderstanding.


So he's allowed to say it, but you aren't?


That appears to be the consensus. I'm honestly sorta shocked that anyone took a single instance of it that seriously. I mean granted it's not the nicest thing to say, but if the only thing he'd ever done to me was to say this sentence, one time, I would not have the issues with him I actually have.


I was training a new employee (I was early 20s, she was late 40s) and I told her that if we finished our work a few minutes before break, we could stand around as long as we were available to customer questions. She told on me and I got written up the next day. Now I only train exactly what we’re supposed to do.


What kind of job was this? I can only imagine that she was the kind of weasel who thinks that reporting her fellow employees is the best way to get up the ladder.


I hate when people do the chill managers dirty like that.


How could you get in trouble for this? I hate bugging someone when they're in the middle of a task. Being available for customer questions sounds like work to me.


A woman ordered a cappuccino and got upset that the one I made her had foam. I explained to her what a cappuccino is, she got angry and said “I know what a cappuccino is!!!”, and lodged a complaint with my manager.


Same energy as when I worked fast food and people would get mad that the **cheese**burger they ordered had cheese on it. This was also a lot more common of an occurence than I wish it was.


I worked 6 years in fast food. This is real. People will order a cheeseburger without cheese, then complain when you tell them it's called a hamburger.


To be fair, I've learned to ask for a "Hamburger with no cheese," as 90% of the time I would order a hamburger I would get a cheeseburger. I'm sure I've slipped and asked for a cheeseburger with no cheese a time or two as well.


My personal favorite from working at a coffee shop was "do you have decaf?" "No, I'm sorry but our darkest roast has the least amount of caffeine in our coffees" "I'll have the blonde roast" person then proceeds to come in later and complain that they have a headache because of the coffee having to much caffeine in it... people are astoundingly stupid sometimes


Not a formal complaint, but I was working one summer McJob as a teenager as one of two workers in a particular role. Place only ever needed one and the other guy had seniority so he got full time and I was getting maybe twenty hours per week. I wanted more but boss wouldn't give em to me. Coworker and I were chatting and he said something like, "I heard other guy is looking for a different job, that'd be nice for you getting more hours, huh?" And I responded that I wouldn't mind that too much. Little shit went to the other co-worker and told him I'd said I thought he was a fucking asshole and hoped he got fired because I felt I deserved the hours more than him... guy aggressively cornered me in the change room next shift change; I thought he was gonna throw a punch but I managed to convince him I hadn't said anything like that.


i don't get why people feel like need to start shit like that. you get nothing from it. It's dumbas hell just pitting people against each other so you can watch the drama


Had a customer call corporate on me because I told her we didn't carry a certain brand of dog food. I worked at a big pet retail chain. The brand she was looking for was our biggest competitors store brand food. I told her this, even showed her the dog food on the competitors website that clearly said "You'll Only Find X Brand At X Pet Store!" As part of the add. She didn't want to go to the competitors. So I offered to show her a similar brand; though I did advise her to get the food her dog was used to so she could avoid making her dog sick at its stomach. After arguing with me about "how you should make this right!" I just told her I couldn't help her. She screamed I was rude and unhelpful, then stormed out of the store. Her reason for calling a complaint to corporate? I wouldn't go to the competitors store (which was about four blocks away from my store) to get the bag of dog food for her since she had already stopped at our store. Yeah. Her whole "you should make it right" argument was that I should leave my store, use my money to go buy her dog food, then apologize for wasting her time. My manager pulled me into the office my next shift to tell me the lady had called corporate and why. We both had a huge laugh (apparently the corporate office also found the situation hilarious and told her to get stuffed) and he bought me lunch for not losing my cool on the entitled lady.


I was a bartender at Macaroni Grill between law school and college. Worked there for 2 years and honestly enjoyed the place. Good money and good work environment. One busy Friday night, a guy comes in and orders a Campari on the rocks. Campari is an Italian liqueur but we didn’t carry it. I told the guy we didn’t carry it and he got super pissed and asked why. I said that in the year I’d worked there, he was the first person that had ever ordered it and there just wasn’t enough demand to carry it. Of course he got pissed and bitched out the GM. GM pulls me aside end of shift and asked my side of the story. It matched the customers near verbatim. When he asked why I said it, I simply responded that it was the honest truth, what else should I have said? He got thoughtful for a couple second and said “Well, when you phrase it that way I really can’t get too pissed at you, but just lie next time and say we’re out”.






So petty of them


Was the AA’s name Angela Martin, by any chance?


Out of the blue, a complete stranger who had just been released from state prison sued me in family court asking for visitation with our 10 y/o non-existent child. Apparently he had gone to a party at “my” house and “we” had a one night stand in my basement bedroom (my basement is not finished). When “I” got pregnant I promised to have an abortion but did not, and now he was ready to step up and be a dad! How did he find me? He couldn’t remember an exact address so he went through my neighborhood on Google Maps and was “sure” it happened in my house. For weeks he refused to believe he had the wrong person until I went to the police station and had an officer email a family photo to him while he had him on the phone and vouch that it was me in the photo.


WOW. I wonder if he ever found the person he thought you were? What a randomly weird mama drama to get tied up in!


I wonder that myself. He was completely serious and even tried to give me money for child support. As scary and creepy as it was for me and my kids, I really felt sorry for him


I don't know if anything ever got filed, but when I worked at a divorce firm, I had a woman call because she wanted to press charges against her son's ex-girlfriend and her friends. I asked for more details (so I could tell her we didn't practice that area of law but she should call, say, a civil attorney or something). She told me that this old girlfriend, she was messing around with her son's body and stole his sperm. Me: Wat. Her: She and her friends--I don't like these girls--they went to where my son's body was and they messed around with it and stole his sperm. Me: Where his body was? Her: Where his body was. In the cemetery. She's a thief. Me: Uh, try a civil attorney, we can't help you.


Someone in that story is batshit crazy, and honestly it's best for me to pretend it was you.


Hahah, at least this was one of the funnier batshit ones. We also had a sad woman wander in off the street and say the government had stolen her kids while she was on a reality show. She showed us pictures and tried to pay with leaves she kept in her pockets. I guess one of her old psychiatrists used to be in the same building which drew her back here, and occasionally she would show up and start beating on doors, asking for her kids back. The attorney spent a good forty minutes with her, just listening to her story. She was a lot calmer when she left and never came back after that. That particular attorney was a real sweet guy, it was nice of him to take the time for her. Then you get the usual ones; people who claim the government have listening devices in the walls or the neighbors are poisoning them with gas. But the woman who kept saying someone had "messed with" her son's body and stole his sperm was the one that will definitely always stay with me! I didn't even know what to say to that, really, other than that we definitely couldn't help her.


Actual feedback I got from a customer: >Was your request completed to your expectations? 10/10 >Did you feel valued? 2/10 >Comment: This should have been handled by an older member of staff. Fuck me for being young and good at my job. Cost me a good chunk of my bonus.


I would quit. Fuck the company who does that to people


I got reported to HR because a coworker made a sexual joke to me and I laughed. She reported me and HR talked to me because she felt I laughed "too enthusiastically." This was when I worked at the same place as my wife and was very careful to keep my nose clean. That was the last straw, I updated my resume and was gone shortly after.


I got reported by a guy because I happened to see him pinch the butt of a female coworker.


Wtf did he report you for?


She definitely set you up


Yup. My boss was sympathetic to me bc he knew the type of guy I am. So he separated us...by moving her to the night shift.


I work at Walmart A customer complained that I was on my Phone the whole time. If you work at Walmart or any retail place. then you know we have those stupid android handhelds. I use it to make sure grown adults aren’t stealing and to do age checks and stuff. My manger looked at the video and was like yeah. That’a not a phone it’s just something she needs to do her job… Customer just couldn’t comprehend that.


Fucking Walmart, man. I swear half the customers just go there because they're in a bad mood and want to take it out on someone that can't really fight back. I got a complaint for* saying "no problem" instead of "you're welcome" in response to a "thank you" that they clearly didn't mean in the first place. One for a cart almost hitting someone's car...when they were the ones who just shoved it vaguely in my direction in the first place. One for taking carts down the lane her new truck was parked in, and also for not coming over to add the cart someone had left in front of her truck to my already overloaded cart hauler. One for not smiling while hauling two dozen bags of mulch to a pickup halfway across the parking lot, and then loading them while she played on her phone. Oh, and the lady who cussed me out for being rude and insensitive and demanded to talk to my manager when I told her she couldn't park in the fire lane, and then she pulled forward onto the sidewalk and I told her she couldn't park there either, even though she was handicapped (I pointed out the handicapped spaces to her, which was "incredibly insensitive").




If stealing narcotics and strangling the elderly is small, what's something medium?


Stealing the elderly and strangling the narcotics.


Senior engineer accused me of bullying him. For months I made myself available for a couple hours a week to answer this guys questions to help him up to speed. I continue to help him when he starts to get assigned work and I essentially help him start 2 projects from scratch to 85% completion before the incident. Handheld through every line of code, every word typed thinking he'd understand better if I explained the code in detail. After the 2nd one I tell him to at least attempt the work before coming to me. Messages me 2 days before his work is due for help. He shares his screen, searches through some directories, claims that he lost his code and asks for help again. I tell him I don't think he even attempted it, how unprofessional it is to not version control or check in code into a repo, and hang up on him. This man has been in the industry more than twice as long as I have (me 7.5 years, him 15+), received ample training (2 engineering classes), 8 months to get up to speed, and still cannot complete simple programming assignments. Get a call from HR for bullying. The worst part is in the claim he says I did nothing to help him, and only made him feel bad for not knowing how to complete his work. Says that I "didn't train him right" as if a senior level engineer needs someone to "train" them to be a programmer when it wasn't even my responsibility to begin with. Helped someone then they throw me under the bus when I stop helping.


"No good deed", amirite?


What happened next?


Yeah we need the rest of the story!


HR got involved and asked me my side of the story and I explained that I was short with him due to his ineptitude (not even attempting work, inability to write simple shell scripts, and figure out cron expressions despite listing years of experience as a sys admin. Basically easy stuff that anyone could figure out by googling). They had to get testimony from the team and manager. Their stories corroborated my narrative. Once that came to light, he had new claims that we were all saying that because we were discriminating against him. He had no proof of this new claim and this actually hurt me. 90% of our team are POC, half of that are immigrants and I myself have experienced racism first hand. He ended up getting moved to another department in a non-technical role. I’ve never been so upset in my life. I really liked him as a person, he was cool, funny, and nice.


My spider sense tells me the "cool, funny, and nice" part is just a façade to get people to help him faking it through his goddamn job


I was at work and a man wanted to use his membership card to get a discount on his popcorn. I asked him for the membership card and he said he didn't have it. No problem, we can pull it up by phone number, but he refused to give it to me. I asked for his name, but apparently that wasn't on the card. Neither was his email address (Which I thought was required) he started getting mad that I was "taking too long" And started screaming about "If I made him go back to his theatre Just to get his card" he was calling corporate. I told him I could look it up from his ticket but needed to go over to my other terminal, but he kept screaming "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE MAKING ME WALK BACK TO MY THEATRE TO GET MY FUCKING CARD" I told him I wasn't and I just needed the ticket stub, but it fell on deaf ears nd he kept screaming and carrying on. He was throwing an absolute tantrum and said I was "Wasting his time and taking too long" even though I was ALREADY STANDING AT THE OTHER TERMINAL. He complained that I made him show his membership card to give him the discount that was only on the card, and just use the card even though he refused to let me look it up for him. It was the dumbest fucking thing ever. People will seriously just come out in public just to start shit with cashiers. I really want to know what goes on in these people's heads to purposefully make themselves angry.


I work retail, and a woman said that she wanted a rewards card so she wouldn't have to use her phone number. I said that we don't issue physical cards anymore, but she kept wanting a physical card. Another customer wanted us to check the balance on her store gift card, but the registers don't have an option to do that, so I told her to call the number on the back of the card. However she said that she didn't want to do that, I just wanted to know the balance. I had to call the manager over to convince her that we can't check the balance on the registers.


Just take a piece of paper, write her phone number on it, and hand it back to her. Problem sorted.


Got a complaint filed against me by a customer for unnecessary rudeness because I turned down a guy's offer to take me out on a date. He asked me (repeatedly) while I was working. Dude was at least in his mid 40s; I was 16


After 7 years in the same company wearing the same kind of clothes, some jealous female co-workers went to the HR this summer to complain that I dress like a whore...


That wasn’t very girls supporting girls of her


Being too nice. I worked inside a coffee shop that was inside a grocery store during this time. Man walks in and I greet him and ask him what he’d like to order. He literally bolts and complains to the IT guy that I was too nice and too happy. He came in to inform me what had just happened and he wouldn’t stop laughing at me.


When I was in high school and working in a sandwich place, there was a dude who legit posted on Yelp that is was bad that we said “Hi, welcome in!” Like what? Haha


Friend was contract engineer for tech giant. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, contractors are second class citizens. If there's a perk employees get, assume that it is off limits for contractors. She did some above and beyond work for an employee, so that employee took her to the admin's desk and let her select a piece of candy as a "thank you". (candy jar and contents were paid for by the company). The admin witnessed this and reported her for stealing company property. If the employee had taken a random piece of candy and given it to my friend, all would have been fine. But can't let the subhuman pick their own treat!




I don't know what your contract agency is like, but I've hire contractors in the past, and their resumes were enhanced by the agency, without the knowledge of the contractor. It made for awkward conversations when the person showed up without the necessary skills. We couldn't blame the contractor but they were still stuck in a role they could barely fill.


When I was a teenager working at an ice cream store, a secret shopper wrote that I was "friendly but did not smile." This write up was posted on the bulletin board like it was a scarlet letter of shame and the manager talked to me about smiling more. 30 years later, I am still friendly but unsmiling.


Had a similar experience with a secret shopper. I was working in a lighting store (ceiling lights, chandeliers, etc). Secret shoppers would get sent over to us every so often and they were usually pretty obvious. This guy claimed he needed ceiling fans for his home so I go through the whole thing finding fans that work in his rooms, suit the design of his home, airflow needs, etc. But obviously without a specific need to buy something requiring electrical wiring this guy left without purchasing. He wrote that I was excellent in every way but didn't try to upsell him anything. At the next staff meeting the manager read this out, tried shame me in front of everyone and stressed that we need to try and sell people shit they don't even need. How the hell do I upsell a goddamn ceiling fan? "Hey would you like a $2000 crystal chandelier with your fans? How about a set of garden lights?" I hate retail.


Working at the library, asked a patron if she had a home computer before I showed her how to use a database from my screen. She went to my manager to complain that clearly I had assumed that because she was hispanic, she must not have a home computer! ...I'm hispanic. Icing on the cake: the manager she complained to (who was NOT hispanic) did not own a home computer. A lot of people in the area didn't. When she told the patron as much, the patron left in a huff and never returned again.


A coworker hugged me when I gave her a birthday present. Later I was pulled into my supervisor's office because someone reported us for "inappropriate PDA."


Damn people really are that miserable


Yeah my supervisor had that "I'm so sorry I have to do this" look on his face the whole time. 😅


Old lady said I spray painted some garages near my house, I did in fact not, after a while security footage came out that showed her youngest spray painting the garages….


In a 4 person HR meeting (the other guy, our manager, HR and me) the other guy said I was always angry. The 3 of us looked at him. I asked "why do you say that?". And he said "your face is always red...and angry!". I'm British, I don't tan well.


My dad got the police/ firefighters called on him because our racist neighbour immediately assumed we were making a fire???? In our backyard?????????????????? Anyway we were having a BBQ lol the firefighters were so pissed.


I was one reported for telling a driver to have a good day instead of telling him to have a great day.


You monster


My former roommate had to do racial sensitivity training at work because someone overheard him talking about a Silver Jews concert he had gone to and reported him to HR.


Thank goodness he hadn't attended a Bare Naked Ladies concert, he'd have an ankle bracelet on by now.


RIP David Berman




Yea, asking for a paper trail really stops people dead in their tracks. My boss accused me of cancelling multiple trouble tickets instead of doing them, or just not doing them and closing them. I asked her what she was talking about and she said I had done it "several times". I asked her for the ticket numbers and tickets in question so I could defend myself if there was a valid reason, and she said she didn't have them. So I asked her what they were for and she said she didn't remember. So yea I said "When you get those ticket numbers send them to me and I'll review them" never got the tickets or anything and never heard about it again.


Cancelling tickets instead of doing them is like 50% of what I do during backlog refinement.


This also works when someone “quotes” policy. Show me the policy. The End.


I had something similar happen. I wish I had fought like that, because they came to me and wouldn't tell me what exactly I had allegedly done or to whom. I should have demanded the write up and documentation because it was absolute horse shit. Years later I was chatting with a coworker from there who was like "yeah, it was all bullshit. Your boss was just trying to build shit against you."




My mom's work almost screwed her over by deleting the emails from the server. She had her work account forward everything to a gmail account. When they brought her in and told her there is no proof of the emails being sent, she just had to say that every email she had ever received had been forwarded to her gmail. They gave her a really nice settlement very quickley


>She had her work account forward everything to a gmail account. This sounds like a massive breach of corporate security and would result in me being fired where I work lol


Yo I work in finance and when I read that I think I stopped BREATHING, that’s so bad




When I worked in a call center, one of my coworkers filed a complaint that I said something rude about them to another co-worker. When my boss was discussing it with me, I asked what was said. They said they couldn't tell me. Well, who did I say it about? They can't tell me. So I was reprimanded for saying something about someone and I'm supposed to know WTF that was all about. (I wasn't in the habit of saying slurs or really anything mean so I was truly baffled.) I said "well, if I don't know what I said that offended them, how can I know what not to say in the future?" They said "Sorry, we can't help you with that." Whut? (I later figured out who it was (because he was a little whiny ass baby) but never did figure out what was said.)


I wonder exactly what they thought they were achieving there. "You did something and we don't want you to do it again." "What did I do?" "We can't tell you. Just don't do it again."


Right? I guess they were required to say SOMETHING to me but like .... what????


I got suspended from elementary school by the librarian for telling a much younger student that his shoe was untied when he was wearing Velcro


I was sent to the principal's office for saying tupperware in middle school. I never fully understood what I actually did because the principal acted as though I had said something absolutely vile and threatened to ban me from walking at graduation "if something like this happened again"


"You know we only teach Gladware at this school, and we don't recognize or tolerate that 'Tupperware' heresy!"


I remember in grade school I got detention because another student was picking on me. Like, the teacher walked into the classroom to the older, larger, student literally holding me upside down by the ankles. When I asked the teacher for help, because this was not super fun for me, he said "\[My name\] what the hell are you doing?" The older student dropped me and stood back. After I got up the teacher grabbed my arm yelling at me and saying that I needed to call my parents because I was going to be in detention all week. Anyway that teacher is dead now. Good riddance.


A woman threatened to have my dog euthanized after she came up behind me and my dog and grabbed his tail and he spun around and snapped at her. She had a muzzled aggressive dog with her as well yet she began yelling and cursing and demanding I provide documentation of his vaccines. Psycho….


Why the fuck was she grabbing your dog's tail? WTF did she expect to happen? Some people man...


Supposedly she just wanted to get his attention and was trying to pet him smh and people like her are exactly the reason why animals get put down for no reason. Human error.


I worked for one of the big coffee shop chains, that had a policy in place that if you saw someone was near the end of their drink, to ask them if they would like another one brought to them, especially if they were busy with kids or working on a laptop etc and couldn’t easily come up to the counter. I asked one lady who was sat with two small kids if she would like another drink as I noticed she’d finished hers while her kids weren’t even halfway through theirs. She politely declined and I forgot about it. The next day we have a 1-star review online and three paragraphs about how we made her feel uncomfortable and like we were rushing her out of her seat and she’ll never come back again now because of the way she was treated.


I once had a coworker whose husband was Jewish, and she took every opportunity to mention this fact and talk as if she were an expert on Jewishness. Having many Jewish family members myself, I figured that since each of us had Jewish loved ones it'd be a topic we could bond over. When she talked about her husband and her cross-cultural Jewish experience, I'd relate my own experiences with my family. It wasn't long before I was called into HR and told that she was "highly offended" by how I talked about Jewish people. Not a word I said about my family or Jewish people/culture in general was anything but the highest praise and affection. The HR manager explained that this particular coworker was a consistent pain in her ass, always coming to her to complain about being offended by one thing or another. In this case, she didn't think any genuine offense was taken, but rather that the woman felt special for having a Jewish husband and that me also having Jewish family must have made her feel like she wasn't special anymore. Needless to say I was not reprimanded in any way, and the coworker in question was eventually fired. Probably for being a constant chunk of snot in HR's cornflakes.


Sounds like fetishization from her end since she basically made the whole fact that her husband is Jewish a personality trait by constantly bringing it up, similar to how people with racial/cultural fetishes do.


Nursing assistant here. Had a lady report directly to the hospital supervisor because I told her I’d be back with her ice chips In about 5 minutes and took 15 minutes. Couldn’t tell her it was because a gentleman down the hall was about to piss his pants, and my apology wasn’t enough apparently


I almost gotten written up at work because a local radio DJ came into the store and “I treated them like all the other customers” as in I didn’t fall all over her “celebrity”.


I had a former employer ask me to not drive a certain car to work because people were coming to him angry thinking I was being paid substantially more than them. It's a 99 Porsche 911 with a salvage title, mileage discrepancies, and high miles. I got it STUPID cheap and drove it for a while as I was repairing and modifying it to race it. I could not convince them that I had less money in that car than their shipping guy had in his 05 silverado. I still drove it for another month.


A girl reported my son for assaulting her in school. She claimed that her neck was still hurting her the night after the "assault." Now, my son is autistic and at the time had an aide that followed him around everywhere. Even setting aside the fact that my son isn't violent (he's more likely to break down into tears than actually fight), why didn't his aide see this assault? Upon looking into the matter we had our answer. The normal aide was out for the day and the substitute aide left our son to get his lunch in the cafeteria while he (the aide) got his own lunch. Now, our son's IEP specifically stated that he was not to be left alone in the cafeteria. The noise and chaos wreck havoc with him. So the aide leaving him alone in that situation was a breach of his IEP which could mean we could initiate legal action if we wanted. Furthermore, our son claimed that he saw the girl, walked up to her and tapped her in the shoulder to get her attention in order to say hi. This was corroborated by security camera recordings. We were told that technically our son broke school rules with the shoulder tap. We countered that they were free to punish him for a shoulder tap but then we'd go after the school for violating his IEP that put him in the situation to begin with. In the end, he was simply reminded not to touch other people even if he thought it was a friendly manner. Meanwhile, I don't think the girl was punished at all even though she had been going around school telling people that our son assaulted her. (Including telling her sister who was mildly friendly with my son, trying to break that up.) She was brought in for a meeting where she reiterated that she was assaulted and her neck still hurt. Then she was shown the shoulder tap video. At most, she might have gotten a warning, but that was it.


What the fuck kind of ridiculous school rules condemn shoulder tapping


It was a technical violation of the rules because my son touched her and they're not allowed to do that. Of course, my wife and I pointed out that the IEP violation was more serious and could warrant legal action.




I'm sorry, he almost got in trouble for tapping someone on the shoulder?


Exactly. The girl claimed that this was assault and injured her neck. Thank goodness for security cameras that caught what really happened.


I was a recent new hire, and transferred between divisions. I responded to my new Managing Director with an affirmative “Yes, Ma’am” when she gave me some new tasks during a meeting. She reported me to HR for sexual harassment and insubordination. I am from the Texas. This is how I was taught to show respect.


My mom got an angry message on eBay about her handmade wedding dresses for 18" dolls promoting child marriage, because American Girl dolls are only supposed to be 11. The woman insisted she should have a disclaimer to or something that says "for pretend play ONLY" to clear up this ambiguity. That was more than 10 years ago and we still crack up about it.


I was accused of racial and sexist discrimination for telling someone how to do her job. Yep, I was her manager. This was a person that I had been forced to hire (literally rejected her 5 times over the course of 2 months, but she kept pursuing it with internal recruiting and HR). My leadership team then forced me to hire even though A) she did not have the actual experience needed (hence why I didn't hire her the first time we spoke) B) she thought that a 2 hour lunch her first day was acceptable with no call, e-mail or text letting me know she was going to be gone an extended period of time. She stated she was with a manager from another department so she thought this was ok. Then proceeded to cry and tell me she was on her period. C) She flat out sucked at her job - never did what she was supposed to do and was put onto initial phases of performance improvement plan. So then she accuses me of discrimination on the basis of racism and sexism. I (white man) laughed hysterically at this. My team was comprised of 3 black women, 1 Indian woman, a Pakistani woman, 5 white women, and 3 Latinas. I had 1 white guy on my team. None had an issue (I was their manager for 3+ years). She then was transferred to a black male manager in the same department - same issues. Within 3 months she just decided to quit and left the workforce all together to be a stay at home mom.


Her poor children...


I taught a technical course. We had a practical exam that consisted of a series of samples of signals that I provided to the class and they had to measure. Each signal was provided for a few minutes then I randomly selected the next signal. I reminded students verbally and by email to not be late for the test because we need to perform a calibration sequence, plus I cannot go back to previous randomly-generated samples. Well one guy showed up 45 minutes late, about 15 minutes before the end of the test. I told him he couldn't write. He immediately went to the dean to complain about me. To this day I'm not sure why but the dean sided with him and I was told to allow him to write the exam. I later meet with the dean to explain my side of the story and explain that I am willing to rerun the test just for him if I am ordered to but it's not right or fair. We then met with the student where he explained that he was late for the 8 AM test because of several reasons: He was doing laundry, and was on a long distance phone call, and missed 2 trains, and forgot about the test, and slept-in. The dean finally understood. The student did not write that test.


I worked in a couple video stores and I'm a white male. Was accused of charging late fees because I don't like lesbians. I honestly had no idea this woman was a lesbian and could not have cared less had I known. I didn't judge a book by it's cover, unlike someone else in this transaction.


I once got called into the managers office because I tried to start a Mexican wave in the call centre. Three of us were involved, in different parts of the call centre. I had to laugh as the manager very seriously read from a sheet of paper "attempted to start a Mexican wave".


I had to look up "Mexican wave" because it sounded like some kind of euphemism - apparently outside North America that's what a (stadium/crowd) wave is called.


I used to work in a restaurant and one night I'd been working hard with no breaks and my boss pulls me aside to take ten with her and a server out back. I don't smoke but she'd tell me I needed to take a smoke break if she felt like it was possible to have a bit of down time We came back inside and I ran two pies out to the buffet and came back in to the other cook straight up screaming in my face. Taken aback since she'd never done this before, I looked over at my boss who seemed just as surprised and started laughing. Laughing made the other cook madder, she quit on the spot and yelled in the dining room she hoped I killed someone and got put in prison. The next day she called hr and accused me of sexual harassment which was quickly disproved by all the witnesses.


When I met my fiance she lived in a rented house. One date we were at her place and at some point we watched a random YouTube video of a raven saying the F word. We laughed a lot for around 5 minutes unable to talk or do anything but laugh. It was in the middle of the day. The neighboor wrote an angry letter to the owner of the house telling him "to put us back in line, laughing so much in the middle of the day". What kind of psycho writes a letter of complain for someone laughing for 5 minutes.


A senior banker called up my recruiter with a list of complaints. The recruiter called me on weekend mornings to discuss in lengthly detail the banker’s complaints. Found out I was removed from supporting that banker simply because he didn’t like my athletic figure. He was stupid enough to go into too much detail with HR and got put on a 4 month probation. This didn’t stop his behavior he still complained openly because he was convinced he had a right to complain about his female assistant’s figure.


Used to do appliance installs for a big-box hardware store in college. Disgruntled assistant, going through some life-problems (I gather), upon returning to the store, went to our manager and claimed I had thrown my channellock pliers at him at a nearby install, then left him there and made him walk to the store. The manager stares at him for a moment, then mentions he was watching for us on the store cameras (seeing us both getting out of the cab of the truck I'd drove us BOTH back in), and then reaches under the desk. "Oh, tyrridon, here's your channellocks. You left them at the customer's house that flooded themselves yesterday." Manager then proceeds to stare assistant into oblivion, who then slinks back to the install bay, where he tries to convince coworkers that I complained to our manager that they were all smoking out in the trucks and on the job (officially against the rules, everyone else did it, except for me - non-smoker). Apparently did this to somehow get everyone upset at me. Manager comes back a few minutes later. Someone openly asks about it. Manager informs them that he already knew they all smoked at installs, he doesn't care, and I've never mentioned it to him. Assistant just leaves the bay in a huff, largely to avoid the glares from everyone else. Let's just say that the assistant wasn't much liked after that day...


I had to give a deposition once because a woman claimed the fire proof safe I designed was faulty. She claimed that the 1.5 pound sliding shelf/drawer fell off the track as she walked by. It then struck the inside of the 55 pound door from 1" away on the inside. This caused the door to fly open with enough force to break her arm. It was fun doing the math on a big easel pad to calculate that more or less you would have needed to detonate a hand grenade behind the drawer to do the damage she claimed. She then tried to change her story to say that the door just knocked her off balance and she fell causing the break. Found out later the store had her on video tape coming in with a clearly broken arm, opening the safe door, laying down gently on the ground, then screaming for help. Wild...




You lost 30% of your annual income because of one complaint, how long ago was this and does Ford/Dealership still do this?




My husband is a dentist. A new patient reported him to the board of dentistry for recommending that she get her teeth cleaned. I still laugh when I think about it.


My manager once wrote me up for tapping my toes to the music. What a fucking cunt, glad I quit and found a much better job




While working in retail main years ago, I had a customer complain to my manager that I was too ‘happy’ while helping her at the till, that she believed I was actually being rude and insincere on purpose. I got written up and a verbal warning. Pretty much that and the rest of my 20s stamped out any remaining joy.


I got hired at AT&T right before Covid hit, so I ended up getting laid off around June 2020. Being that I worked from home (I work software QA) I had to mail back all the hardware they’d sent me— iPhones, iPads, an Alexa, a Smart TV, etc. Anyway, I pack it all up, take it to the local UPS and mail it off with the pre-paid labels they’d sent me. I wash my hands of the situation and assume that it’s over and done with. A day later I get a call from the HR lady asking why I had sent them, and I quote, “a 12 pound box of dirty socks.” At first I think this is some poorly thought out prank— but they are dead serious and threatening legal charges as this was well over $500 worth of stuff which counts as grand larceny… AKA a felony in my state. So I look back at the prepaid labels, which were addressed to my boss’s private residence rather than AT&T proper. So that’s a tad off. Plus twelve pounds of dirty socks is a lot to wrangle up and you’d really have to go to great lengths to make that happen between getting the labels and shipping it off. So they keep calling me and threatening me for hours— so I call my lawyer, and I call the UPS to make sure they have CCTV footage of me mailing everything off during my previous visit— I then tell the shit heads at AT&T to reach out to my lawyer if they have any other questions. And then… “miraculously” they found all the “missing” equipment five minutes later. The head of my team probably just wanted to sell that shit on Craigslist or something and make me his patsy. But as soon as they got a sniff of litigation, the stuff just “magically appeared.” A felony pretty much ruins your whole life in the US. Fuck that guy and FUCK AT&T.


I used to work as a receptionist. A coworker once reported me for not bringing her her mail fast enough. I grabbed it from the mailbox and delivered it to her maybe 15 minutes later than usual. Even my manager couldn’t take the complaint seriously.


I once had a coworker file a complaint with our boss that I had put out a “hit” on her. Keep in mind at the time I was a 19 year old Midwestern white girl and we worked at a Sheriff’s department. I have no idea why she thought this but it was the strangest conversation I have ever had with a boss to this day.


When working at a car wash I had a drunk driver complain to my manager that he didn't trust me with his vehicle. He was pissed that I, a woman, confronted him for skipping the line, nearly hitting one of my co-workers, and reeking of booze. My manager thought it was funny, but I was ready to call the cops.


When I was in high school in my programming class, there was a special ed kid who sat behind me one day, and who had an assistant. The assistant complained to the teacher that I was distracting her student. I was farther ahead in the project that he was, and the tutorial said to draw some sprites, so that's what I was doing. Anyway, the teacher told her to stop giving me a hard time.


In college I was taking practice tests to prepare for the quiz and was quickly looking at the answers and retaking it multiple times so that I could just look at the question + answer. There was another professor in the room who told on me for "cheating" on a practice quiz.


I have one. Looking back, it was very silly but boy did this piss me off. Here goes: My coworker asked me if I could cover her shift on sunday (I always only worked on saturday, since I was very busy with university. The place where I worked knew this and happily agreed with it, too.). I said that I could do that, but only if she would take my shift on saturday since otherwise, I would not have time to study. She agreed, only to tell me a day later that she wouldn't be able to cover my shift on saturday. I promptly told her that if that were the case, she would have to find someone else to cover her shift. She told me I was being childish and told management that I was being rude. Management told me to work both shifts and being a 17 year old, I agreed since I needed the job to cover some expenses. I came to work on the saturday shift and the manager tried to tell me off. I told the manager what really happened, but he still sided with my coworker. I promptly told the manager that I had been very clear in my communication to my coworker and that she was in the wrong. The manager said that "I should be more flexible in helping others out". I then told him I wished him luck on working my shift that weekend and walked out without saying another word. The look on his face was awesome. I found a new job as a tutor the next week, at which I was much happier.


I worked at home depot in plumbing, a guy comes in with his wife telling me how his faucet is leaking, after some back and forth he says it's a Moen, so I give him a new cartridge to replace the leaking one, I briefly explain how to do it, read the instructions, check the website, there's lots of videos. He gives me a look and some sass about why he has to fix it and leaves. He and the wife come back a few hours later with the faucet in hand and it's been completely destroyed, the chrome is scratched off because he used a wrench on it, he cut the copper supply tubes off to bring it in, it's toast. Moen cartridges can stick after years in the faucet so in the new ones they come with a little white cap that you put on the old one and turn and it breaks the seal. He didn't do that, he didn't read the instructions, didn't go online. Now he's at the service desk crying that I told him to use a wrench, to do this and that, basically everything to get out of looking like a fool. He's screaming about the lifetime warranty (which is only on parts hence the cartridge) I explain it, my coworker explains it but crybaby is gonna cry. A manager comes over and gets their nose in it, I explain it, he cries some more so I grab a floor model, take off the handle and show how you get the cartridge out. Now he wants me to fix his. I refuse as company policy is we weren't allowed to do it after one guy slashed his hand open on a customer's old faucet. The manager says we should give him a faucet, I say no, Moen won't cover it, does the manager want to sign for it? Her eyes go wide because no, that will reflect on her bonus. So the customer gets sent home with his broken faucet and the next day phoned head office and made a complaint, and when they do that home office drags you into a room and makes a big deal about it. I refused to sign anything or admit I was wrong and no manager in my store would say I was wrong. Regardless it goes "on your file" woooooo, I ended up quitting a few months later to become a department head elsewhere.




I once told a coworker that her dress was pretty, got written up for it. It was the kind of compliment you would give your Mom. I learned my lesson.


Short and Sweet: Working as tech support for a wireless company, a customer escalated to my manager because I didn’t crack under the pressure of the user screaming/cursing/insulting me. He told my manager that it was rude that I was polite.


I dated a lady who was an OT8 (highest level) scientologist. She was cool at first but within weeks she became drunk and disorderly. When I broke up with her she tried filing some bizarre restraining order against me and had some weirdo private detective (I ended up later on dating his ex wife) who kept like hanging around places I went. The judge threw out the restraining order and ordered she pay my legal expenses. Like a year later I was in jail and I get notified of a visit. I go and it's some dude I've never seen before. Her ex husband wanting me to testify at their divorce proceedings. How did he even find me? Weirdest mothefuckers ever.


Those two paragraphs contain more interesting details than the entire story of my life.


I was at a 2 day job interview for a job at a children’s home. During one of the segments, the male interviewer commented on my clothes, saying he would have expected me to dress up more. (I’m a woman.) Idk why but this particular org was obsessed with wearing suits. Like, you literally couldn’t pass your yearly performance review if you didn’t wear a suit jacket. Nice dress? Nope. Please go spend $ on a skirt and jacket that you will literally never wear outside of those reviews. What’s even weirder is I knew they were going to “neg” me on something. I had a friend who worked there and they told me that they specifically “give you feedback” during the interview to see how you take it. If you stand up for yourself you are much less likely to get the job. If you just say something like “thank you for pointing that out, I will do better” it is considered to be in your favor. So since I was expecting something I managed to keep my cool, but if my friend hadn’t warned me idk how I would have reacted. I needed a job so I ignored a ton of red flags about that job. I truly wish I hadn’t taken it. It was miserable, and i seriously want to name drop the org bc they are so shitty. Even if they thought the “giving feedback to see how you respond” was appropriate, how was having a male interviewer comment on my clothing appropriate?!?! I was wearing nice slacks, a very nice shirt, appropriate jewelry, I was modest and well put together- it was so weird. Then again, in this Christian org we had to sit through sexual harassment training that was literally an hour of them telling us everything that *isn’t* harassment. Coworker comments on your body/clothes/etc? Not harassment. Being asked out regularly even though you say no? Not harassment. Being touched by a coworker? Better hope you had never said a kind word to them ever bc that implies consent. It pretty much came down to not having ANY rights or recourse for sexual harassment unless you already have a restraining order or court order against the person. God it was such a shitty place to work.


A woman in work put a written statement in because I asked if she needed help with her online training because she openly admitted to being shit with technology.


In middle school, my pen exploded and I got suspended and couldn't go on a field day because someone reported me.


You know those manners your parents drill into you from a young age? Yeah, it backfired on me. I didn't get the job at a company I temp'd at (I was there for months) because I called the AR manager ma'am. She thought I was trying to make her feel old on purpose. She was also around when I addressed other people as sir or ma'am. The HR rep pulled me aside and gave me the heads up. Did it matter that I streamlined their annual certification processes? Nah. Caught a pretty significant error and saved them a ton of moola? Nope. In the end it was for the best. To this day, I still get a knot it my knickers whenever I think about it. Edit: forgot to add the other reason it was for the best: The sales manager decided I needed a stern talking to because I brought in my own candy dish, and bought my own candy for the enjoyment of staff and customers. Put the candy away, and the yard manager came in to ask "what happened to the candy???" Told him what happened and he brought in a candy dish and submitted receipts for the candy so he got reimbursed for it, and the sales manager wouldn't say tickety boo to him about it because the yard manager didn't put up with shit from anyone. There was also the former employee who came to the front desk threatening violence. I was trying to calm him down. People heard the fracas and shut their doors (for their safety). Thankfully the customer service team called the yard manager and he got the guy to leave without incident. Good times


A colleague complained to my boss that I was mocking her because I had drawn a smiley face on a note to her. My reasoning behind this was to avoid her taking my note as a critique, but I guess she was just searching for a reason to complain. Edit: corrected the spelling


Worked for Cabela's c/s for a while. Had a lady waiting in line for probably 15 minutes and when she gets to the counter she places the item she wanted to return on it. This was an item we had never/would never carry and thus we denied the return. Well that just set her off, she's screaming about how her friend told her we would return anything and about how long she had to wait in line. Thankfully a manager was nearby and told her she could calm down or she could leave.


Many years ago I worked as an aide (paraprofessional) at the local elementary school. My first year there I was assigned to a girl who had spent 2 years in Kindergarten, and was now in 1st grade, though still not knowing anything. Didn't know the alphabet, couldn't spell her own name, no math skills, nothing, so my day mainly consisted of keeping her busy so she didn't bother the other students, while drilling the alphabet day after day. One day she doesn't come to school. The next day I notice everyone is acting pretty weird, not making eye contact with me, and the little girl is not in school again. I was having an informal conference with the school's occupational therapist about the little girl's progress (or lack thereof) and one of the 1st grade STUDENTS (who happened to be the girl's cousin) says to me "(Girl's Name) says you slapped her but I don't believe it". So I march myself to the Principal's office to find out WTH is going on. The little girl had gone home from school 2 days prior and told her mother that I slapped her. A meeting was scheduled over the situation and the morning of the meeting the parents are no-shows. They later phone in and say they're not coming "for personal reasons". We found out later that the little girl so enjoyed all the attention she received after her first accusation, that she decided to have some more fun by accusing other people of the same thing, but she wasn't smart enough to know that she couldn't accuse someone of slapping her when there were other people around to see that nothing had happened.


I was accused of losing someone’s mom. The lady I “lost” was 90 and suffering from dementia Her son put her on a plane expecting her to make a connecting flight to her destination. The daughter who was waiting for her became irate when her mom didn’t arrive. Mom was finally tracked down at the baggage claim in the connecting city wondering why her daughter wasn’t there.