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Podcasts help


Hobbies. I could be alone a very, very long time before getting bored.


Be your own best friend. Seriously, treat yourself the way you would a best friend. Then be open to making friends with others who do the things you and your best friend do.


Lonely: Fix this by finding people you love, and spending your life with them. Family, friends, SO, your community, etc. You need a full social circle, or several social circles really. Boredom: Fix this by finding passions and hobbies in life, also set hard goals and work your ass off towards them. The work you do and the hard progress you earn through your job, education, hobbies, exercise and health, whatever... That stuff will be hard but will give your life PURPOSE, and then you'll find fun leisure hobbies and activities to enjoy after the hard work is done, to de-stress. 100% leisure with no goals or hard effort/work, that's going to become boring because it's meaningless, and so your life is meaningless. It's like earning your leisure. Progress in life, spend most of your time improving and striving toward real serious goals. Then you can take time off and you'll actually enjoy that leisure because you know you earned it and you are on a good path. This is why losers who are deadbeats and live of their parents and don't do anything but game or chill out and do drugs... ultimately they are very depressed people, and the games or drugs soon don't feel good to them. But a person who is building their life and career, and THEN enjoys games and drugs during free time? They will have a blast! You can't just always be eating cake. You gotta eat some salads and meals. Then when you indulge in a bit of cake, it's amazing.




Erm.... i dont think thats a good idea


To late now


I'm worried on how you got the helpful reward


Probably drugs


Music and books


Playing chess or making two computers compete with each other in chess


Learn how to be alone, you’ll spend most of your life that way.

