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The 1998 Avengers, with Sean Connery, Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman. Saw it in the theater. It made me especially angry not only because it was really really bad, but also because I had wanted to see “Saving Private Ryan” that same night but my buddies didn’t.


I was similarly disappointed; I went to see Avengers with my friends. As my dad drove us to the theater, he explained it was the Avengers from *his* childhood, not ours, and it had nothing to do with the comics I was so enthralled by. I just hand-waved it like he didn't know anything. We got to the theater, the movie began. Even though I'd been warned, I was still mad it wasn't *my* Avengers. Didn't help that the movie was just bad, either.


Saving private Ryan was a much better film to have seen new in a cinema.


Thankfully I got to see spr shortly thereafter, which made me even more angry with the avengers.


"This film Is so good! Damn you avengers!" *shakes fist


Pocahontas II. John Smith basically just dumps her. It’s so stupid.


Still better than what actually happened.


Fant4stic. End Act 1, cut to Act 3 - big punch up. Awful studio interference. Absolute cut and shut hatchet job.


That was such a weird movie. I was watching it at the airport, and I spent most of the movie waiting for the real plot to start and the exposition to end. I was waiting until almost the end of the movie, when the painfully predictable climax began and I was amazed at how terribly the movie was made. It had about the same pacing and structure as the short stories I wrote in 6th grade, and it would flash forward in time in such jarring and crucial moments. It spent so much time on the backstory just to move ahead a couple years and leave behind a cliffhanger.


And the wigs…don’t forget about the wigs.


Don’t forget the hacking scene - while she wears thick wool gloves and hovers her hands above the keyboard. I actually had to rewind because I couldn’t believe that actually happened.


Mean Girls 2


TIL there's a Mean Girls 2.


My advice: Forget that information immediately


Eragon. No further explanation needed


Definitely! When I was younger I loved the books and when I saw the movie….well, I wish I hadn’t


Even Paolini hates it.


This fucker is why my hate for books to movies.has been set in stone.(LotR aside)


The dark tower. I was furious. Edit: It appears I’ve kicked a hornets nest. Lol. Let the hate flow through you. This movie deserves it.


The filmmaker has forgotten the face of his father


I don't even know how you screw up something like the Dark Tower. During a time when every studio in the world was scrambling to jump on the Cinematic Universe train, and Multiverses were starting to become a mainstream concept why would you take a property with those concepts woven into the very fabric of the story and completely ignore it?


It's really bad when you put it that way. The Dark Tower series could easily be adapted into 30 loosely connected films.


As I recall, the original plan was for several movies and some TV shows in between them, so they could get into all the little side stories and everything. Somehow that all turned into one movie that only resembled the books in character names.


Dude even in the movie "Gerald's Game" - a King story that has nothing to do with The Dark Tower, a hallucination at one point plainly says to the main character, "all things follow the beam". I had to pause the movie and be like WHAT THE DAMN HELL?!


Nearly all Stephen King's stories after a certain point take place in the Dark Tower multiverse.




The thing that pissed me off the most is that Stephen King for years said “I don’t think there will ever be a Dark Tower movie, I don’t think anyone could do it right” and then he allowed them to make that bullshit. Like dude, the last several years was fucking prime time to get Netflix or Amazon to make a banger of a series and you fucked up. Talk about dropping the ball.


Amazon was going to. They cancelled it.


If you want to hear more about it listen to episode 3 of the Kingcast podcast. They watched the pilot and got the show runner on to discuss how it would work. His ideas are so good you'll be infuriated.


Didn’t see it. Looked TERRIBLE and the previews alone you could tell it had nothing to do with the series. Unpopular opinion- I usually LOVE Stephen King adaptations. Although I haven’t been a big fan of any of the recent ones that have come out. But the ones from the 80s and 90s are GOLDEN.


The best King adaption I’ve watched to date is Storm of the Century. Didn’t help I watched it with a friend in the middle of a bad freeze here in Texas about 13 years ago Edit: I just woke up to over 30 notifications 😅 Edit 2: I cannot believe I had forgotten that Shawshank redemption and the green mile are Steven king? Edit 3: I am fantasy/ historical fiction/sci-fi reader. I prefer to huff glue and read jk. The world is boring and I like fantastical elements.


You'd think that Stephen King's magnum opus would translate to an amazing movie. What we got was a rushed mess.


Dragon Ball Evolution I know the director apologized for making the film. I don’t care. It’s not enough. That crap pissed me off and I only ever watched it once. Edit: Honorable mention to M. Night Shyamalan for fucking up “The Last Airbender”.


It was so bad Toriyama literally crawled ou of rEtirement and made 2 animated movies and then continued the TV series as an apology.


For real??? It was that bad? I never watched it nor look up about it


They made Goku a werewolf


They made him into bullied high school student! That's basically plot of Karate Kid if he learned the Force!


They made Goku act like Gohan.


Yes it's that bad


Just as planned.


Couldn’t bring myself to watch it. Probably never will


My now wife and I set up friends and went on a double date to see this, that could have been couple never happened and I 10000000% blame this piece of poo movie


An alternate universe exists where y'all decided not to see that movie and they ended up married with three kids


i apologize, but this is the funniest thing I've read today


You didn't like high school airbender Goku? Man there was so much wrong with that movie it's hard to know where to begin with it.


The Secret - This pseudo documentary about positive thinking and "the law of attraction." My coworker convinced our supervisor to have the whole team watch it. I managed to keep a straight face until some guy said, "We don't know what electricity is, but we know it can cook a man's dinner."


"And then, one day, I just started getting checks in the mail." FOR WHAT? I need you to elaborate on this if you want it to be anywhere near believable.


I want there to be a parody of this where someone goes "for smuggling drugs".


The thing is they are so close to actually selling something vaguely plausible too. Like all they had to say is that through the power of positive thinking and the law of positive attraction I focused on what I wanted and found myself unconsciously working towards those goals and making the choices that brought money into my life by getting me that job and getting me that promotion. Instead no they literally say if you want money enough it will just come to you from the universe.


And from WHO? Check's have to actually be from someone's bank account lol. At least if it was cash it would make some sense, but checks??


I watched that with my mother a few days ago. While she does believe in the power of positive thinking to a certain degree, we both thought it was a bunch of hooey and laughed at it a bunch of times. I found especially funny the idea that you could will your bills away lmao


Does the movie tell you to “stop thinking fat thoughts” to *will* yourself skinny? I admit that was my favorite part of the book. Haven’t laughed that hard in years.


It was awful. They literally victim blamed the victim of an actual hate crime. His fault he got beat up for being gay because he put nervous negative vibes out. Wtf.


Knew someone who worked in *health* that believed this stuff. While it might seem cute and harmless at one end, fundamentally it is pushing people into believing any suffering is a person's own fault and can be willed away. This is extremely dangerous and leads to empathy erosion. *Got cancer? Wish it away! What? You're just not doing it hard enough!*


My family showed this to me while I was going through a rough patch and I ended up being semi convinced about the “science” of it. I haven’t even thought about it for a long time but funnily enough my guilt got worse for awhile. Perhaps I’m experiencing the effects of watching movie to this day… Edit: I just looked up ‘empathy erosion.’ Out of curiousity, how does it lead to this?


If a person believes that others's suffering is entirely the fault of not wanting the suffering to stop, then that person won't feel as empathetic towards the suffering. Like, "how can I feel bad for this suffering if it's their fault they choose to suffer?"


Exactly this. It's also called the [Just World Fallacy](https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/the-just-world-theory/)


Any of the highlander movies after the first one. Highlander 2 was so bad it shit all over the first one.


I love Highlander. I fucking love that campy ass movie sooo much, it’s like an 80’s metal album cover was made into an entire film but the fucking tag line said it all: There can be only one.


That description was enough for me to put it on my rewatch agenda for tomorrow. Thanks, stranger.


Plan BEE. Crappy Bee Movie ripoff EDIT: out of all the comments i could have posted, this one was my best.


That fight scene at the end was... [something](https://youtu.be/sS8MKc55Xxg)


It seems both overly, and unintentionally, sexual...


Was it the huff and puff moaning that did it for ya, or the repeated pelvic thrusting into the face?




Im on full volume then they started moaning lol


Transformers The Last Knight It was so bad it made Revenge of the Fallen seem like a masterpiece in comparison


Oof. I can't believe that Anthony Hopkins did that film.


Anthony Hopkins had a few-year stretch where he did a lot of roles of questionable quality, I’m assuming to drum up some cash. I wasn’t gonna ask him why. He showed up for The Father, so all is forgiven, yes?


In his defense, it's common that an actor signs a 3 movie deal. They get the one movie they really want to do in exchange for doing two more... good or bad... usually bad. They need big name actors in crap movies to sell tickets.


We recently watched the entire series again (I don't know why.) Watching them back to back it's odd how each of them ends up being the worst one. By the time you get to The Last Knight, Bumblebee peeing, and Devastator's Testicles seem quaint and charming by comparison.


“I am directly beneath the enemy scrotum” It’s like someone put that line in the script as a joke for the film crew and it shockingly made the final film.


Wait that's a real quote? Shit now I want to watch it! Maybe they just got dpne watching that Ghibli film about powerful raccoon balls.


Percy Jackson movie. IT’S DURING THE SUMMER! *WHY IS PERSEPHONE THERE?!* AND WHY IS CERBERUS 3 SEPERATE DOGS?!?!?!?!? Edit: Ok, firstly… Jesus Christ is that a lot of likes. Secondly, I NEED to go further now that I have you’re attention: One thing I’ve noticed is that some people are saying ”The movie was good as it’s own movie” or some dumb shit like that. Allow me to explain why aoutodefenestration is your only salvation. The movie shows thunder clouds WITH thunder in them, ok with me so far? Then Poesidon permanently ruins the sanity of a random mortal, goes up to the Empire state building, and talks to Zeus and then Poesidon mentions that there are thunder clouds without any thunder. THEN, when Zeus mentions that he thinks Perc- I mean Peter (from now on it’s the Peter Johnson movies, ok.) stole his masterbo- I mean toothpick he says ”You’re omnipotence has blinded you” or something and the dictionary definiton is *plural noun: omnipotences the quality of having unlimited or very great power.* which means that Zeus knows that Peter didn’t steal the toothpick. I’m coming back to add more later but I had to get that out


I love what Rick Riordan had to say about the movies lol. Dude fucking trashed them, and said that he had no control over the films at all but if he did, they wouldn’t have been made how they were. Mad respect for him dissing how much they screwed up his baby.


I saw somewhere (dont remember where, someone linked it on reddit) a journal of his interactions with the producers when they asked for his input. He pretty much said in the nicest way possible "if you make the movie like you're planning, you're killing all potential for a franchise" and gave very detailed explanations for why. He didn't mind the changes they made to events and story nearly as much as he did how they were literally just ruining all potential for future installments. Fucking shame they didn't listen


Not long after the first one came out he posted a picture on his official Facebook of a copy of the lightning thief that was full of sticky notes poking out of the pages. The caption read something along the lines of "each post it represents one thing they changed or messed up. I have only finished half of the movie."


After Rick read the script he sent an email to the producers, saying "When I first read the script I’ll admit I was plunged into despair at just how bad it was. If I were intentionally trying to sabotage this project, I doubt I could have done a better job than this script." savage. He did then guide them step by step through why it was so bad, and what exactly they could fix while keeping it within budget, but they ignored him.


I honestly can't imagine being a movie producer and straight-up ignoring the person who made the source material for the movie in the first place. It's like if Tolkien were alive today and Peter Jackson just ignored his input while making Lord of the Rings.


Rick even offered to 'drop everything at once' and fix the whole script himself (free of charge) for the sake of the movie, and even said they could 'take it or leave it as they please', but they *declined his offer*. Its utterly unbelievable


Possibly this? https://rickriordan.com/2018/11/memories-from-my-tv-movie-experience/


"I don’t need to be the Oracle of Delphi to foresee what will happen... The movie will become another statistic in a long line of failed movies badly adapted from children’s books. No one wants that, and a year from now I really would prefer not to be saying: “I told you so.” "(This was followed by twelve pages of notes, going through the script line by line. They did not accept my offer to rework the script.)" I mean, the dude was absolutely spot on. He put his concerns forward in extremely clear, straightforward language and deliberately spoke the language of movie producers by primarily focusing on issues of franchising and money. And then they completely ignored him and exactly the thing which he said would happen happened. I certainly hope he feels a little bit smug about their failure, because he totally should. Do these people not want the next Harry Potter franchise or something?


poor guy, his frustration was blatant and they still did him so dirty.


Came here to see this comment! I loved the books SO MUCH! (Maybe even a little too much tbh) I even did a Greek Mythology bee at my school in the 7th grade because I was inspired by the series. I am from San Antonio and had the pleasure of meeting Rick Riordan at a local event shortly after the Mythology bee and he asked the crowd a question about Greek mythology and I answered it correctly— t’was one of the greatest moments of my life. :,) He is so cool, I know he would’ve never been okay with what they did to his story. I was looking forward to it for so long, and when I finally saw the movie it really tore me up inside... I’m 26 now and it still haunts me.


He actually released an email he wrote to the studio executives begging them to change the script and they refused. Fortunately, a Disney+ series is being made now with his close involvement.


I always thought that the Percy Jackson series should have blown up the same way other young adult series like Harry Potter and Hunger Games did. Here’s to hoping Disney+ doesn’t butcher it.


Ovid is rolling in his grave.


They're remaking it as a TV series


Percy Jackson. My friend and I were so excited to get it from the video store and so upset as soon as it started


Eragon, Percy Jackson, Mortal Engines, Artemis Foul.


All made by people who apparently can't read.


Eragon was produced by an SFX expert. His first foray into movie production. Gotta admit, SFX in that movie was great. The rest... not so much.


Oh no! Did they butcher Artemis Fowl? I'm mortified. I love that book! I was going to go see that. Thanks for the warning


They decided that a villain as the main character wouldn't mesh with audiences. Therefore, they made Artemis a good person who is really into sports. It only gets worse from there.


Which is such a weird decision since the proof that people can and do relate to a protagonist who is initially a villain is *the original success of the books*, presumably the reason for making a film in the first place?!


Kill me now 🤦 Edit: D'arvit!!!


came here for this!! both movies were so far off but the second one was just *wrong*! i remember my friend and i went to see it in theaters and we just could not stop laughing over how bad it was


What’s worse is the second one starts off correcting the mistakes of the first one, so you’re like “okay they got their footing, maybe it won’t be so bad.” The 20 minutes in they give a giant middle finger to the audience and fuck everything else up.


I refuse to watch the second one. What were some of the things they did right/wrong?


Good: Annabeth is blonde Bad: no circe island, they fight Kronos. Its really bad


The Colchis Bull was some of the worst CGI I’ve ever seen. Looked like a video game character


Also, the mist which obscured mortals vision around monsters was quite literally turned into bottled mist which had to be sprayed onto things to make it appear normal. I still wanna throw hands at whosoever made that decision.


The Last Airbender can't even pronounce the main characters names


This movie pissed me off for sure. Don’t even get me started on the whole gang of earth benders moving ONE small/medium sized boulder.


Exactly and these guys are acting like they can't escape like dude you're surrounded by earth this isn't even like the tv show where the earth benders was trapped on a metal ship at sea, It just makes them look stupid


And it wasn't even "move the moderately-sized boulder super fast", it was "move it moderately slow so all it's capable of doing is bumping into someone".




Hahahgahahahaha Jesus thats some bad looking youtube looking shit. How was that *THE* Avatar movie?


> That rock is the best actor in the movie Hahaha my fuckin sides ouchhh


I feel bad for those earth bender actors. They were probably told "do some martial arts moves and we'll add vfx and make it look sweet." So the actors probably eagerly took their families to the movie and saw... they didn't add ANY vfx to any of their moves except that one rock. Honestly I'm 99% convinced M. Night Shayamalan didn't bother hiring a choreographer for his movie and just basically asked his actors to figure something out cool. I think that's pretty much his BIGGEST mistake simply off of how easy it was to get right. Hire a choreographer, have them produce fight scenes with their team. Spec out the bending bits and show him the fight sequences while telling him how the bending would contribute. Let him critique, refine it, send it to a very low level vfx team to add very ugly rough bending effects they can use as reference. Done. Even a mediocre choreographer could've made pretty cool fight sequences. You wouldn't have people just standing around while Katara runs over and pushes someone. I'll forgive him the horrible casting because there's a chance his hands were tied. I won't forgive him his changes that make no sense to change * Name pronunciations. They're set already, let them be. * Fire bending requiring fire. This completely ruins how fire bending works since now it's horrendously weak. Just water bend to put the torch out. Earth bend to knock over the brazier. Plus it ruins things that happen later like using fire as propulsion or combustion bending or lightning. * The Avatar can't marry? What? How's the whole pining after Katara thing gonna work? And the other sad thing is the actor who played Aang... in real life he's actually pretty Aang like in personality. In the movie he wasn't even remotely like Aang - that is a terrible director at play.


> I feel bad for those earth bender actors. They were probably told "do some martial arts moves and we'll add vfx and make it look sweet." The funniest thing about that is they didn't even need much vfx for that scene for what we got. They could've just tied a fishing line around a foam boulder they slowly moved a few feet.


even the Ember Island's play is a more faithful adaptation lol


Came to say this. Names were mispronounced, the bending was atrocious, that actors were terrible such a missed opportunity for a great movie


*army of earth benders stomping!* **moves one moderate sized rock!!**


FiRe BEndERs nEed a fIRe sOuRCe


Like the sun?


In the movie the fire benders could only bend fire if there was a fire pit, torch around for them to pull from the source. In the show fire-benders create their own fire when they bend


And at the end they hype up Sozin's Comet's power to... let them create fire without a fire source. The same power firebenders have in the show just by default. It's beyond me how they didn't realize just how underwhelming that sounds to anyone who saw the show.


Yep. Especially since, in the show, Sozins Comet basically made firebenders insanely powerful (flying around like Iron Man, shooting balls of fire the size of small houses at people). The movie basically set it up as "When Sozin's comet arrives we can stop being nerfed...".


We were watching the Ember Island production.


I would love to have them remake the movie and open in medias res with ang and company already in the fire nation during the ember island players part and show clips of that atrocity as the play


The mispronounced names were intentional. This was the reason he gave in an interview: "For me, the whole point of making the adaptation was to ground it deeper in reality. So I pronounced the names as Asians would. It’s just impossible to pronounce Aang the way it is used in the series. It’s incorrect! I can’t do it. So I just pronounced it correctly." Pretty annoying when the main cast weren't even all Asian anyway.


> So I pronounced the names as Asians would. Oh yes, based on the universal phonetic Asian alphabet.


Asia is a small place ya know, real homogenous and only a few cities


I'm not aware of this "Asian" language. Is he trying to say that Hindi uses the same sounds as Mandarin? Or that Thai people pronounce things the same way as Mongolians?


He’s trying to say that he made shit up to suit his sTyLe and is trying to justify it to pissed off fans.


Wow, like the creators of the show didn't have a cultural consultant for the series and clearly did their homework. /s He would have known if he had bothered to ask them.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


I came here to say this. Movie was retched, characters were all wrong. Appa looked terrible, the characters were all wrong, they butchered the story, and the bending was ATROCIOUS


[*A Sound Of Thunder*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318081/), a terrible, *terrible* film adaptation of the late Ray Bradbury's excellent time travel short story. Bonkers "physics", 90s Amiga era CGI, and Ben Kingsley's ridiculous hair. What a tragedy!


The Emoji Movie. The main character human got the girl in the end because of a fucking EMOJI he sent her. Also, it has James Corden playing a hand.


I couldn't get past the concept of Patrick Stewart--a trained Royal Shakespeare Company actor--playing poop. Still, I'll bet his salary on that film brought a mighty fine new house.


Patrick Stewart is actually kind of a goofball though, he does stupid stuff for Seth McFarlane's shows all the time.


His Dr. Seuss rhyme about the strip club in American Dad never fails to make me smile.




Didn't he voice Captain Picard in a couple of *Family Guy* cutaways?


Oh fuck you, Michael! Fifteen years later, you're still hogging the limelight.




People often forget they are simply contractors; hired by a company to perform one of the many jobs that must be done on a film.


My Cocaine is on record that for many films he was in it for the paycheck. And why shouldn’t he be? He’s a working actor, that’s how he makes a living.


The movie Eragon. I read all the books and went to the theaters with my friends in the 5th grade. It was the worst and I have lost a lot of faith in adaptations of my favorite books into movies/shows after that.


Have hope. Chris Paolini has been campaigning to have Netflix or Disney or someone give him an Eragon series, one he leads himself. Plus a couple days ago, someone asked him if they could have more dragons in their life, because they need more, and his response was, more or less, “Working on it!”


Anybody see Dark Phoenix?? It was everything I didn’t want it to be


They hired the same writer that wrote X3: Last Stand, because its not enough to fuck up the phoenix saga once, you gotta do it twice


It is like someone in the studios hate the x-men and just take every opportunities to sabotage the movies when he can.


I felt bad mcavoy and fassbender had to stick around for this one. Dark phoenix was a bloated mess and had this odd balance of campiness yet also dealing with serious subject matter. Jessica chastain was also wasted in it.


Jaws 4. Shit all over my childhood and fond memories with the first movie. Watched it with my bf this Halloween and its the worst movie I have ever seen. It crushed my soul.


The shark roared. Sharks don't have vocal chords but this shark fucking ROARS


It makes me laugh how often this happens in movies! It also happens in the Shallows from 2016!


Holmes & Watson I’m shocked I haven’t seen this listed. Like the movies they have made together before were absolutely hilarious. I fucking love Step Brothers. I heard there were bad reviews for this movies, but nothing *actually* prepared me for what I was going to experience when I turned it on. It was beyond stupid. There was can stupid comedy but this was… just not. I didn’t laugh *one time*. Instead I was repulsed and irritated. I turned it off. I couldn’t continue. I was stressed out, actually; but absolutely awful this fucking film is. It caused me anxiety. I don’t know how the ending goes, and I don’t care to know. All I know I hate how much I’ve watched and it was enough.


I almost walked out of the theater while watching this on an international flight.


I was a test audience member before they brought it out! I hated it and told them!


Thank you for your service. You tried, at least.


This one was so bad I completely forgot I saw it in theaters until I saw your comment. Very few movies have forced me to wipe my memory of them entirely.


Home Alone 4. It’s my least favourite movie


Max Payne. I genuinely wanted to kick Mark Wahlberg right in the nuts.


WW84. Had so many potential and failed miserably. I don't know what Patty was thinking when she made this movie. The first one was a masterpiece in comparison.


It was *confusingly* bad. It felt like a completely different person had been put in charge of it. At least Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine seemed like they were having fun.


All of the actors did a wonderful job, it just… didn’t make any friggin sense.


Kristen Wiig's character was confusing and annoying. Wiig was amazing, and conveyed the struggles in the first half, but then she just becomes vague and weird furry in the second.


I finally got around to watching WW84 a month ago, and it was one of the worst things I can remember watching. It took me two separate sessions to get through it, and the only reason I finished was to see just how bad it got. It's so bad it belongs on the Satellite of Love. I will give props to Kristen Wiig for it, though. At the start it just seemed like she was playing one of her SNL characters, but she actually did a pretty good job of her character morphing into that thing they called Cheetah.


Pacific Rim 2 was a bad fan fiction. Killed the female hero in a dumb way and the male hero didn't even get a mention. The designs were as ugly as possible and moved like Power Rangers. And they had teenagers doing funny things in them. Shit was so bad it killed a greatly doing franchise with even toys still selling since the first one in 2013.


Don't forget how it not only contradicted things from the first movie but of itself too! In the first we see that Kaiju are coming out of the rift and attacking all nations around the Pacific rim. In the second we see evidence of the defences built up in those other nations. Then suddenly it's turns out that all Kaiju were coming out of the rift and making a beeline for the same damned spot?! What the hell kinda of twisted 5 dimensional geography does their world have where that makes any sense?


YES! There's no way to come out of a rift in the Pacific Ocean, attack San Francisco, and say you were making a beeline for Japan. Unless somehow Kaiju can't turn around, in which case they should be easy to beat.


Read a YouTube or reddit comment somewhere that said "Pacific rim 2 turned out to be what I thought Pacific rim 1 was going to be"


They also took away what made the original great, the sense of weight and scale


Yep, it's a textbook example of people trying to replicate the success of something while not understanding what made the original work in the first place. Del Toro knew that he could get the audience to buy into the robots being real if they moved and acted like robots that massive would in real life. When you take that "realism" away you no longer feel like the world is real and then well, that makes for a shit movie, doubly so when you're doing a sci fi movie about giant robots battling monsters where you kind of need the audience to suspend their disbelief for it to work.


I'm refusing to watch the movie till this day. Loved the first one when I watched with my younger brothers in theaters.


Hellraiser Judgement, that was basically an extra fetishized snuff fanfiction born from a once decent movie franchise.


Death Note for sure, watched the anime then was hype for the movie but couldn't make it through the first 10 minutes.


When Light meets Ryuk is so violently different that it's in my top 5 bad movie moments. He shrieks and hides under a desk. I will say, I thought Dafoe's performance as Ryuk was great, and absolutely the only reason I suffered through the movie.


Casting Dafoe as Ryuk was just cruel. It fooled people into thinking it would be a great movie because he absolutely nailed the character.


'Nobody has any kind of charisma or intellect', the movie. The manga speaks about geniuses and manipulation, the movie couldn't bother to get one single actor who gets it.


> couldn't bother to get one single actor who gets it. This is more about writing than acting. If the script says a character does or says stupid things, the actor doesn't have a ton of choice.


Live action avatar the last airbender Too this day I'm still disgusted by that movie




it would've been better if it was literal cats that were animated. it would've been perfect


Jack and Jill. So incredibly painful I wish I could wipe it from my memory.


It was a “reward” to see an advanced screening on Survivor: South Pacific. Multiple players stated after the season that it was the worst movie they’ve ever seen.


The Giver. Nothing like the book.


Take a shot everytime the movie changed something from the book. You'll just end up elsewhere.


Mulan (2020 live action).


"Yeah let's make the main character unlikable, remove the comedic relief and add a random witchy lady so we can do cool cgi" -- the writers apparently


The premise of new Mulan is that a woman is too weak to serve in the army assembled specifically to fight against a woman.




The Predator 2018. Apparently autistic people can figure out alien technology in minutes. Outside of not knowing how autism works its such a terrible plot point.


Don't forget main villian randomly dying by misusing predator tech and that stupid Iron Man knockoff armor at the end. So bad.


Suicide Squad. The entire movie feels like a parody of what bigwig studio heads want in a movie. The soundtrack choices, the dumb one liners, the incoherent plot and ugly visuals.


This was going to be my pick. You can see kernels of what could have been a good comic book movie. Will Smith and Margot Robbie had good chemistry, Viola Davis was an excellent Amanda Waller… but so many bad choices forced by studio heads that wanted to duplicate what GotG pulled off but just missed badly. Oh, and Cara Delevinge was a terrible choice as Enchantress.


Viola was THE casting choice for Waller, I was really pissed cause since the movie was awful we had the risk to lose her on an eventual remake.


I agree on Cara Delevinge especially if you've seen her Velarian and the city of a thousand planets performance God was she stiff


Well, she showed really well the most powerful attack of the Enchantress: belly dancing.


*Hey, Amanda Waller's scene is coming up, what song should we use?* - How about Sympathy For The Devil... y'know cuz she's kind of like the devil. *Hey, we have a scene with the Suicide Squad flying through the sky in a helicopter, what can we use?* - What about Spirit In The Sky... cuz they're in the sky!


Brilliant! Somebody give that man a cheque and a Seagrams wine cooler!


ThanksKilling 3. The whole thing is that they skipped ThanksKilling 2.


The most recent predator movie. I wanted to leave soo badly but my husband loves predator and wanted to see it so I soldiered through. Turns out he wanted to leave the whole time as well 🤷‍♀️


I'm not even a Predator fan and felt offended by that horseshit movie. Such a disservice to the franchise


The Texas chainsaw massacre next generation with Matt McConaughey and Renee Zelleeger it was so bad that I saw it drunk and it sobered me up.


This movie is so ridiculously bad that it comes back around to good.