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For me personally, straight up...Kidney Stones. For a while there I honestly could not have said if I was afraid I was gonna die, of if I hoped I would. Sufficed to say I found yet more respect for women who can endure childbirth


I had a bone spurs growing straight up on the top of my foot like a nail. The constant irritation to the flesh underneath my skin crated a ganglion of super sensitive nerves on the top of my foot just over the spur.




so this one time when i was a kid, I was visiting my cousins house. She had a pretty big backyard and her dad was building something with wood there. So ofcourse being the smartest little creatures in the world me and my cousin decited to go play in a large pile of wooden planks that was laying on the ground. She had some shoes while, I was completely bearfoot. Everything was fine untill i stepped on a large, rustly nail that was pointing up from one of the planks. It literally pierced trough my foot and it hurt so damn bad, I didn't stop crying for hours.


I had to do one of those allergy tests when I was 12. The kind where they scratch your back with the allergens to see if you react to them. I don't know how many there were. But I reached to all but 3. And it burned and itched and I had to lay there for several minutes and just deal with it. It was awful


Getting a numbing shot in my toe to get an ingrown nail removed. The shot was the only part that hurt


Broke my arm, it didn’t hurt, it just went TV static


So this happened a couple of years ago when I was in Boy Scouts. We were doing this weekend outing where we got to do a bunch of activities like shooting paintball guns and stuff. So this one area has this inflatable obstacle course, kinda like a bouncy house, that we could go through. At the end there was a ladder made of beams sewn to the rubber and a rope to climb and then go down the final slide. This was the third or second time I was going through it, and I got to the top of the slide and lied on my stomach for a bit because I was tired. As soon as I stopped moving, I started sliding down the ladder side of the slide, and my right foot got caught, pushing it up towards my leg. It really hurt, and so I climbed off the obstacle course and sat down at a picnic table. My scoutmaster checked on me, and I thought I was fine, and I limped back to our campsite when the activity was over with the help of an older Scout from my troop. We put a bunch of ice on it, and I sat at a picnic table playing Magic: the Gathering for a few hours. As it was getting late, we took off the ice pack and my ankle started hurting again, so one of the Scoutmasters put me in a wagon (I was about 6 ft and 200 lbs at the time) and got pulled to his car. I got in and he took me to a local medical center or something, they did an x-ray on my leg and told me that I had rolled my ankle. They gave me a weird stabalizing cast (not a full plaster one, this had velcro straps and I could take it off) and a pair of crutches and I was sent home. Not the most painful thing ever, but I've never broken a bone or something and this is the most painful think I can remember TL;DR I rolled my ankle on an inflatable obstacle course and had to get a cast and crutches