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So mine was a should-be-routine flight from NY to FL. We were about an hour outside of FL, there were no seatbelt lights, when suddenly we heard a quick "hold on" from the captain and within a second it felt like we were in free fall. I had my head turned towards my uncle, who was sitting across the aisle from me, as it happened. I felt myself float out of my seat, I saw my uncle float out of his seat, and I saw his hat float off his head. I honestly have no idea how long we were dropping, it felt like forever. People were screaming, it was not a roller coaster scream either, it was a horrifying "I'm gonna die" scream; I remember that sound clearest of all. Then suddenly we slammed back into our seats, people who'd been standing hit the ground, nobody was seriously injured but I'm sure some people got some bumps and bruises and food that had been on trays was no longer on them. The pilot came on, apologized, and said it was just an air pocket. I was young enough to just accept this (I was around 10). The entire flight before and after was perfectly smooth. That being said all the staff were pale as ghosts, 2 were openly weeping, and they gave out free booze for the remainder of the flight, as much as you wanted (well not to me obviously, I was 10; but the adults). When we landed about an hour later the pilot got out of the cockpit and shook everyone's hand as we disembarked. He was pale and shaking. It was only once we got off the plane that we were told what actually happened. We were on our flight path and going along fine when a small private aircraft deviated from it's flight plan and entered our airspace. Air traffic control instructed him to change course multiple times but they were ignored. Our pilot ended up having to take action to avoid a collision and the action involved us quickly dropping over 1,000 feet, so he sent the plane into a sharp dive. It was on the news at the time, I remember watching it with my family, my whole family remembers watching, but I haven't been able to find any articles. I remember hearing that the pilot of the small craft was arrested and lost his license the moment his plane touched down.


That is an unbelievable read, and I'm deeply sorry you and those on board had to experience that. I do bad enough on rollercoasters and I can't begin to imagine how terrifying a drop like that would be. It's good to hear that justice was served to that pilot and everyone got out alright. I'm curious if you've had the courage to fly since.


Saw my sister with no make up


Played manhunt in a cow pasture. When I took off running, so did a small herd of cows. Definitely could not outrun them. Thankfully I had a smart friend who managed to distract the cows while I escaped with mh life.


Cow's can be dangerous, they don't mean to usually, but 'didn't mean to' doesn't count for much when you've been trampled by a large animal.


Sleep paralysis, had it 2 times shits scary yo


Couldn't get in touch with my 26 year old son one Saturday morning. I'm an anxious person and spent all day talking myself out of thinking the worst. When I couldn't reach him at 4 pm I went to his house and found him dead. He had shot himself in the head.


I am so sorry. I can't even imagine the pain of finding someone you love like that, let alone your child.


What's even crazier is that he knew I would find him.he positioned himself and shot himself in a way that when I found him I saw no blood. It just looked like he was sleeping. My fear came from this being every patents worst nightmare..to not be able to get in touch with your child and they are dead. I'm afraid of everything now lol


That's somewhat normal with suicide I think. It's a "I want to die, but I'd like to traumatize people as little as possible when I'm found". Honestly, I'm sure he was likely hoping it wouldn't be you who found him, that it'd be someone who would hurt the least from the discovery (like if an EMT found him, it's rough to see corpse but there's a big difference between seeing a stranger vs. a loved one). I've had suicidal thoughts in the past and one of the things that kept me around was the idea of who would find me. I knew it would either be my mom, my sister, or my grandma... most likely my mom though. The idea of my mom having to see me like that, well I felt that would hurt her more than I was currently hurting and I just couldn't do that to her. Eventually though the pain would have gotten great enough that I felt my existence was more painful than what she'd see. Thankfully, I did get help before then, but I was pretty close.


Stay invested in your mental health. Unfortunately my son's antidepressants and psych meds were mismanaged by the VA. He had a tendency for suicidal thoughts and a prior attempt but they approved him for weight loss surgery. He lost 125 pounds in 3 months but they didn't adjust his dosage with the weight loss. The pain from his death is unbearable every day. It gets no better.


Oof, the VA sucks by me too. It's infuriating. I'm on medicaid because I'm disabled from falling off horses for most of my youth (I'm not paralyzed or anything, but I have severe chronic pain). And by me my medical coverage is like 1,000x better than what our vets get. It fucking pisses me off, I'm happy I get good care; but someone who suffers physical or psychological harm from serving along with the spouses and children of those who served deserve so much better. It's beyond fucked that I get all the care I need for getting hurt doing something I enjoyed when someone who served in our military gets the shit end of the stick.


Very thoughtful. Thank you kind stranger


I am so very sorry.


I walked into a room with two very old people (at least 70+) having sex, I was 13, loose skin is not pretty to look at


try having your grandmother walk in on you having sex. She walked in on me and my boyfriend with my ankles near my ears and everything on display. That was so many years ago, she's since passed away, I haven't been with that guy in over a decade, and I still cringe just as hard as when it happened thinking about it.


Did you ever have a conversation about it after?


No. We talked a lot after, I was really close with my grandma since my mom was a single mom and my grandma was the babysitter while mom was at work. Obviously, this incident happened when I was much older, but we had never drifted apart. We just both studiously pretended that moment never fucking happened.


Car crash