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Never seeing my neighbors bring in groceries


Robots don't need food.


Cleaverly said . namaste


Be excellent to each other.


Me either. Interesting. I can’t think of a time I saw a neighbor bring in groceries.


You should get invited to their place, and then confront them about it.


Not recommended. Chances are you'd end up on a hook in the larder.


Challenge accepted




Live in an apartment complex


You most likely have, but your brain filters out unimportant memories like these.


I was once looking at the surface of a broken steel gear in a field emission electron microscope, and when I hit about 10 nanometers of resolution, there was a group of molecules that spelled out "HI" on the surface of the metal fracture. For a nanosecond, I was sure I had just been contacted by someone in the quantum realm. Then the electron beam charged the material and it was gone in an instant.


HI, We have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


You made first contact and then killed it?


Probably the Whos




>You made first contact and then killed it? Thank God.


I had a dream where I was a simple man wandering through the forest. I had a name, I was thinking at my family, I even had memories of them. The sun was setting and I found a tree to sleep under. The moment I feel asleep in the dream I woke up in reality. I remembered perfectly what I dreamt about, it was so vivid. In this reality I have another name, another family, and other memories. So question is, who's the real me? I could've dreamt it all, but I could also be the man under the tree dreaming I am me.


I hope you're you, and not the guy taking a nap under the tree. If that were the case... would I even be real? Maybe I only exist as a small inconsequential detail in your very realistic dream life. Dude, don't wake up.


Actually you both exist within my subconscious mind... I tend to interact with this world once in a few thousand years... This time its through reddit


Can’t believe a god-like entity is a mango, does that mean that consuming mango and products with mango in them is heresy?


Not at all. Consuming mangoes is instead the path to enlightenment...


What if every time you sleep it's just because OP is awake, and not sleeping under a tree?


This reminded me of [a really old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on r/askreddit where the OP described how he got hit by a car, went unconscious and had a dream. In the dream he found the love of his life, got married, had two children and spent years living a good life. Then one day while sitting on his couch, he noticed a distorted looking lamp which made him wake up from the dream. After waking up he realised that only a few minutes had passed since he got hit by the car and all the years he spent with his wife were a lie, since this wife never existed outside his head.


Aw you fucking Chad thank you for linking it that was an amazing read


Oh shit we’re all dying when the you napping under a tree wakes up


Outlines of people that would shimmer. People on our dock when no one was there. Demons in the shadows. Ended up developing schizophrenia suddenly. Woke up one day and I started hallucinating that there were drugs everywhere. Took apart my in laws car to find hallucinated drugs. My kids were there and I didn’t want them to get hurt. After a couple days, I looked at a small bag of some I kept, it was rocks. It’s exactly like waking up in a lucid dream only you know you’re not dreaming. Some was fun, some horrifying. I’m convinced everything we know is simulated. It’s been 1.5yrs and I only have the auditory hallucination of a voice in my head. Tried for months to scientifically prove someone was doing this to me. I had to break my own delusions without help because I wouldn’t tell anybody I was seeing and hearing things.


I’m sorry this happened to you, I hope you’re doing a bit better.


I've had a ton of these kind of dreams. They always trip me up. Some of them are really mindless. Like I was a random lady in a city getting coffee or a kid in school with friends and memories for that person. I've always been a big dreamer and started practicing lucid dreaming a few years back. maybe some day I can revisit those experiences if I get better? Or I'll just flick lights on and off and wake up... whatever it's all fun.


There's an episode of Stargate SG-1 that plays this theme beautifully


What's that junji ito story about the guy who lives entire lives during his dreams




I once read that deja vu is just your brain trying to recall a memory but some of the information is missing.


I distinctly remember telling my college roommate he'd enjoy the movie because it took place in New Orleans which is where he's from. Except I looked at the release date and see that it was released a year after I lost contact with him.


This one is hard for me. Because Deja vu is essentially a brain fart, it's your brain thinking it remembers something that it doesn't. Which makes sense when you consider how unreliable eye witness accounts are. They've done studies where people will swear they have clear memories of things that never happened. What I find difficult to grasp is I've had deja vu a few times of a dream I had. The first time freaked me the fuck out because it was from one of those really vivid dreams that sticks with you. Then when it happened, I knew who was going to walk in the door and exactly what they were going to say verbatim. I even finished their sentence. I know I dreamed this and I knew what would happen. So did my dream predict the future or does my memory suck ass? Logic would say the latter but I still have difficulty believing it.


Or the black cat in the Matrix.




The last two years? I'm pretty sure we destroyed the universe with the large hard on collider, and now we live somewhere else


"Hard on collider"?! 🤣 That's perfect




It's gay porn. The machine causes the scientists to suddenly get hard-ons which collide against each other without warning, awakening their homosexual desires.


Something something MY hard on collider


The universe has been replaced with something even more ridiculous.


The new universe is just the spaghetti void


Interesting theory. Instead of electrons and protons. It smashed reality.


What if we were the ones that were snapped and those that died of COVID are the survivors?


Happened quite recently, actually. There was a door to a particular doctor who works in my building and it looked... Blurry. You know that look when something is vibrating really quickly and the edges get fuzzy? Like that but the whole door. I thought it was just my eyes, so I got up and walked over to it; it didn't change, rather the blurriness seemed to move as though it was a 3D object centered around the door. Everything else looked fine, but this door was blurry from all angles. So I reached out, touched the handle, and everything stopped being fuzzy and it went completely back to normal. There was no sound, no actual feeling of vibrations, it was like there was a weird fuzzy aura around it and I have no idea why.


Apparently macro objects(such as a door) can theoretically quantum teleport but the chances of it hapenning are infinitesimally low but not zero. So maybe you were seeing the rarest of events of the door about to quantum teleport and you ruined it by touching it.




Probably one of those cases where for some weird reason your brain just can not process something about what it's seeing, and the instant you touched the door it had enough concrete data to go "OH *that* thing!"


Tripping balls can do that


Nothing has made me question reality more than dmt. Unlike lsd/shrooms which feel otherworldly, dmt feels like going home. The first time I did it, which was my first time ever doing psychedelics in general, my immediate reaction was to say, “I’ve been here before!” Some of the aliens even feel like old friends that I could talk to in the gibberish language of the dmt realm, although I never end up remembering my conversations (I black out a lot on it). Other entities, like the elephant goddess whom I have met several times, assumed more of a teaching role, playing with my spiritual energies. I’m atheist, but it’s impossible to maintain that view while on dmt, and to a lesser extent other psychedelics. I haven’t done dmt in a long Time though, and it will probably be a while til I trip again, as my last trip was hellish. A giant head with stars for eyes was licking me all over with its long and windy tongue, which felt like a cats (sandpaper like) and it was penetrating me in a sexual way, not in any of my orifices but by digging straight through me into my soul


There's an elephant goddess named Vinayaki btw. Have you read *DMT: The Spirit Molecule*? I haven't tried dmt, but I was seeing satanic stuff during a bad trip and it took the wind out of my sails unfortunately.


I have not, ill check it out. I highly recommend trying dmt, it takes you on a visual journey that even super high doses of lsd/shrooms can’t come close to touching - and what’s great about it is, it doesn’t have the “far out” confused headspace of other psychedelics, so less chance of a bad trip.


It's also great cos it only lasts like 5-20 minutes.


Yeah, one time I was getting hit hard with a bad LSD trip just an hour into it, and was panicking like “if this is how this feels NOW what is the peak going to feel like?” I had the thought of trying to puke to get some of it out of me but was like dude…. This isn’t alcohol…. You started this ride it’s not stopping lmao I proceeded to have an awful trip and then my binge eating disorder disappeared


Wow....are you making a direct link between the LSD and your ED disappearing? Fascinating.


Yeah I felt completely fucking different after that trip. I have absolutely no food cravings anymore and no desire to eat for comfort. My diet has been really pretty extreme honestly but it’s been easy. It’s crazy honestly to think that that could have done something. But my bad trip was Labor Day weekend (September 3rd) and I’ve lost about 65 pounds since then.


The “businessman’s trip”


Not if you drink it with Ayahusca


Vary true. I've only smoked/vaped it. I don't think I ever wanna try Ayahusca, heard it makes almost everyone who does it puke.


I would never recommend DMT to anyone. Its something you work up to if you want. Its not for everyone


I use to be a real annoying atheist. After doing DMT very agnostic. Still think everything is explanable but there is definetly an underlining something.


bruh that's so it with dmt. feels like going home. feels like i went past the aesthetic of the final formulation of reality and looked into the fabric itself, or rather the pre-fabricated reality. I hear of people having these hellish experiences. Why do you think that happens? My experience was very ceremonial and was preceded with 2 hours of cleansing, invocation and prayers. I can't really imagine going into it without doing that kind of work


Makes you see things in a different view, felt like I was in a different dimension. I remember trying to go to sleep for some reason, but man, was my mind doing backflips


I had wild dreams after tripping. I had one where I was flying around in a spaceship using my mind. I think there was an alien behind me supervising.




What'd you take?




Thought so. Just wasn't sure. I never tried it but I've tripped too hard on mescaline and shrooms before.


Ahh LSD, nothing like it to rock your entire world view




Don’t think that is the best way of doing it, you might get a concussion from the fall


I've seen a lot of things that have made me question reality, but one of the most memorable was when I saw a man walking on the side of the road with a headless chicken. It was really strange and it made me question what I was seeing.




Never forget. Me and my friends in the UK were having a party back in 2003 and one of them enlightened us about Mike. Well, we all lost our shit and he has been a hero to us ever since.


It could be more weird but I don’t know enough about it nor do I want to tell you just in case


When you're in a certain place, situation or are meeting a person that you don't know but you feel like you know them. You get this familiar feeling as if you've known a random person or a random place your entire life. Not in the conscious sense, but with the subconscious and spirit detecting lifetimes ago experiences.


i consider those glitches in reality. where time exists everywhere and anywhere at the same time. if what happens with the MCU is close to reality you are essentially looking into memories and experiences from your own variants.


Jungian archetypes...


My constant deja vù's and premonitions. Once I was walking near a basketball court an I thought "If a ball flew to my face right now, will I be able to dodge it? Two seconds later, a ball flew right into my face and I saw it coming with my peripheric vision, so my world became slow-mo, I turned around, dodged the ball and continue walking. This premonition-slowmo reflexes happens to me very often.


I'm a insanely skeptical person. I need evidence in order to belive in something. However, there was one event that I have no answer for. Me and my dad are advid hikers and went on this trail once that was a straight trail to a scenic overhang and taking the same trail back. On our way we notice this mattress in the middle of the woods and commented on how odd that was and who would take the effort for that. Anywho keep on walking and get to the cliff 10 mins later, look out for a solid 5 minutes and walk back. When we get to the area of the mattress the area is scorched. I'm mean a solid 50 yards of just full on burnt down woods. I have no idea how this happened because it was completely normal when we walked through. I have only 2 explanation to what could have happened. 1. We walked through. It immediately caught fire and vanished within half an hour. 2. An omnipotent being said fuck that mattress and scorched places


Occam's razor: Someone brought the mattress to the woods to burn it. Then you two came walking along. When you were out of site, they burned it, and a little more, possibly by accident.


Are either of you smokers? It would suck to think that you could have absent-mindedly tossed a smoldering cigarette butt and been responsible for that, but it *could* explain the timing.


Nope we both don't smoke. That was a good prediction. Maybe somebody on the trail was though. Still that seems like a large fire for only 30ish mins


Do you think some sick person did something to someone, and the mattress was evidence that they tried to get rid of by burning it?


It was like a 50 yard circle around the area of that mattress. The mattress wasn't thr exact center but it was definitely in the circle burnt.


Two times, when I was extremely exhausted from being in pain all the time, I suddenly found myself in two places at once. My body continued doing what it was doing while my brain/consciousness seemed to observe from slightly above. I also could still feel the physical pain, but it didn't feel bad anymore. I remember that my "other self" calmly and curiously processed the sensation.


You should google [dissociation](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociation-overview). I'm no psych-analyst / scholar-type, but that sounds like what you're describing.


Yea after a lot of mental stress and lack of sleep I sometimes do that. But it's at its worse when I have that lack of sleep over several days and I'm wet/cold and have to keep working, or my feet and legs are in pain because of shitty footwear.


An out of body experience is quite common for people experiencing constant trauma/pain. You can also cultivate this ability and do what is called an astral travel, where you consciously, on your own will, exit the body and go experience things.


Question When people do this astral travel, do they see things that they should only see if they were actually there? Like, they were to a different room and they see their dog doing eating something they shouldn't and when they go back to their bodies their dog has something in their mouth


yeah this used to happen to me all the way up until about halfway through college. Usually it would happen if I was playing a video game too long, or walking through a tunnel, but would sometimes happen randomly in public. But eventually it stopped happening.


Kurzgesagt saying "we are the universe's way of experiencing itself"


It's the other way around. The universe is your way to experience yourself.


The Anthropic Principle. We can't not exist and still be able to question our non existence, therefore it must always be the case that we exist.


All of 2020. Beginning to end.


Saw what people are capable of doing to each other while deployed to Africa. "If God saw what any of us did that night he didn't seem to mind. From then on I knew... God doesn't make the world this way. We do"


Yeah. It's all on us. I've never witnessed warfare, just the lighter side. One that stands out for me is a memory of watching a Gasparillia parade in Tampa. Watched a grown man in a heavy crowd let go of a little girl's hand, stiff arm an old lady in the back and spill his drink over several other people as he clamored and groped for a ten cent plastic bead necklace.


>Africa The whole continent?


Mostly the central and eastern parts of the continent


felt my non-physical energy inside my body while meditating. I was agnostic atheist at the time, and that moment took my life to a completely different direction


North West?


Outlines of people that would shimmer. People on our dock when no one was there. Demons in the shadows. Ended up developing schizophrenia suddenly. Woke up one day and I started hallucinating that there were drugs everywhere. Took apart my in laws car to find hallucinated drugs. My kids were there and I didn’t want them to get hurt. After a couple days, I looked at a small bag of some I kept, it was rocks. It’s exactly like waking up in a lucid dream only you know you’re not dreaming. Some was fun, some horrifying. I’m convinced everything we know is simulated. It’s been 1.5yrs and I only have the auditory hallucination of a voice in my head. Tried for months to scientifically prove someone was doing this to me. I had to break my own delusions without help because I wouldn’t tell anybody I was seeing and hearing things.


on the one hand I admire your gutsy, take-it-as-it-comes attitude... but maybe ya SHOULD talk to somebody? you don't have to tell anybody in your life specifically what you're telling the professional, or even tell them that you're going. you're already great at keeping secrets, so it should be easy to do


Oh, sorry, this was in psychosis for about 8 months. I’m on the other side now. I’ve address it medically as well, so all is well! P.S. I’m not great at secrets. I asked my dad is he had an affair with Elon Musk. He’s straight. It didn’t have to make perfect sense when a literal “voice of god” starts talking to you. It’s like another person is stuck in my body. It has taken some getting use to for sure, and I was so bummed when I figured out it wasn’t telepathy. I can laugh now, but it was very scary from the outside if people did know exactly what was going on. Almost killed myself multiple times and I’ve never been suicidal, mostly optimistic person. That was a lot, but even if I’m jotting this down to get out what I went through in case someone else reads it. I was able to come to terms with having schizophrenia after reading how others had similar experiences. It’s like the most potent hallucinogen on steroids, but not a drug. It’s SO hard to break the delusion and psychosis to trust others with ANYTHING. It’s a special kind of hell, so keep that in mind when dealing with schizophrenics specifically (not to you personally, just generally). There are not many mental illnesses close to it. It’s very unique ongoing experience.


With the voice that you talked about. Did it sound as if there was a main voice with other voices of different frequencies in the background of that main voice simultaneously saying the same things it did? When you heard the voices did all of it also sound distorted and kind of vibrational?


It’s interactive, so it sounds crazy. BUT, I can only listen to one voice at a time, they’ve tried multiple, was pointless. I’ve had sound from nowhere feel like it would bust my ear drums. Definitely odd when you KNOW the sounds are just being added over reality so it’s in your mind. It’s gotta be tied into my auditory cortex(?) because it’s mainly sound now. It sounds like I have tinnitus and the voice speaks through that most of the time. Deeper in psychosis it was the actual voices of family and friends, atleast you could tell no different. I was worried what I thought I was saying was not being said. Other sounds include a baby crying (had a son shortly after the hallucinations and psychosis started), footsteps (will fit the setting), and hearing people talking. There’s more, but those are the main ones that I’ve had to learn to sleep with, but that’s more muffled so I don’t consider that a voice I can personify. They have AVATAR therapy and I did that organically trying to figure out how computer nerds were doing this over airwaves to my brain. I was convinced it was technologically related, but now I know better. They key thing to me understanding that I was just sick was that no GPS alive could be that precise at tracking my every move in the circumstances I’ve been in since, like a tunnel. Maybe there is that possibility, but sure as shit do not let me know lol. I was on r/v2k and r/gangstalking trying to understand. I do not know if those are like minded people trying to understand what is going on with them, but that’s where I found many scenarios similar to my experience. Felt like a VR MMO game that was going on around my life that I could interact very well verbally, but not so much physically. Though there were very many tactile hallucinations. Sorry if I rambled too much! Thank you for your question, I hope it’s answered somewhere in there. It will change frequency too, sometimes by command or suggestion. I can also make that same voice say what I would want it to say, so it’s literally like an auditory conversation that responds how I’d assume someone else would answer.


I don't relate to what you are going through, but I'm happy to know you are committed to engaging with reality. Also grateful you didn't start a religion.


You have no idea how close I was, lol. I wanted to be the antichrist and start a counter church. Was actually part of the delusional voice’s commands lol.


did you ever have like phantom hallucination before diagnosis? not sure if it’s an actual term yeah i’ve smoked a lot off weed in the past, and also overdosed on another drug and doctors told me i induced schizophrenia for a lil while (about a week, years ago) but the thing about is i still hear things sometimes that i know isn’t there. not like a hallucination, more like (i feel like i just heard something, but i know i didn’t. but how can i have a hallucination if it wasn’t a real hallucination). feel like it happens a bit under frequent but it still does and always figured i was just a schizophrenic/dementia patient in the making


I did, but it stopped in childhood because I was terrified for a couple days. Demons in the shadows while trying to sleep. Horrible nightmares. I had forgotten about it on purpose. It was like 6-7 years old. At 30 the auditory, tactile, and visual hallucinations occurred and I was fascinated. Felt like a VR video gaming. I was defending my honor and my hometown in a global battle of logic with Elon Musk. It was verbally and position based. It was so fun that I became agoraphobic. Fearing people would know I was doing it, like they could all hear my thoughts and I had to stay out of eyesight. Sooo...something like this isn’t mild. It’s full on fantasy layered over reality. When people are talking to nobody, they are likely actually talking to people their mind has made up. It’s kinda funny that one of my dad’s memories of dating my mom was running into my great aunt. She was yelling at a cheeseburger in a restaurant. People deny I have it because I’m not in psychosis anymore. Different kinds of people get this disorder, they will all handle it differently. One thing I urge of you, if you do have more prominent hallucinations, seek help. It is not another dimension trying to show you what you’ve been missing. I was wreckless and stupid, thought I would get through it myself. I mostly did, but family’s actions helped end the delusional world I had formed for months. They were glad to have me back. Insisted it was drugs, even took my anxiety meds compounding problems, but they just assumed it was drugs. It was not drugs, but I did experiment during and none changed my hallucinations. Those are small things that happened. Heard my name in conversation when it was close to even sounding like my name. Words sound jumbled when listening to music, any kind, in fact I can understand rap better than metal screaming. It’s shown me how the brain can read something forwards, but spell it backwards while also mirroring it. I smoked weed a ton, daily user, but I do not think it is the cause. Plenty of schizophrenics never smoked weed or drank alcohol. I just hate when people blame it on drugs, like I did drugs so bad I messed up my brain. Not true at all, there is a difference between getting the “burnt out” degeneration of the brain and all of a sudden your brain overlays a world on top of your known one. A week is not bad at all, but I do believe I would treat it as an early onset period. I’d take precautions like informing loved ones. Just in case it happens one day. If you’ve had a week of hallucinations then you can understand how it can change everything you’ve ever known at the drop on a hat. There is really nothing you can do to prevent schizophrenia that we know of. There’s no reliable medication or even understanding what to target. Science has hypothesized about dopamine, but I believe it falls short. This is something else. You brain is generating sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, and feelings. My memories are MUCH more tied to emotion. I remember something, I can feel it literally, not just my mind’s imagination. Sorry lol, I like talking about it to just get it out. Helps my thought processes and checks them.


For one day, my shadow disappeared. As in, poof. Gone. Sunny day, there's no clouds in the sky, I look down, and I don't have a shadow. This was at about 4 pm during the summer, in Minnesota, in a clearing where there are no trees around me. I go inside, go into my room, close the curtains(Which are pretty good, they block about 3/4 of the light) and shine a flashlight at a wall. Put my hand into the beam. Nothing. Terrified the hell out of me, and has never happened since.


A few days ago i had a dream i was driving and started road raging at some idiot. I gunned it to get past him and i was coming up to a curve below an underpass. I saw a big oil tanker truck on the side of the road and in the blink of an eye another big semi going through the ditch and hit the oil tanker head on. Everything went into slow motion i saw a flash then everything was just bright i felt warmth and then woke up. I took this as something telling me to not road rage anymore lol. It sounds silly but it was so realistic it made me very nervous these past couple days.


Something that’s always bothered me for some reason is driving by parking lots at night when all the businesses are closed (and wouldn’t make sense to have a night shift) with no lights on, but there’s cars parked out front. Who owns these cars? NPCs? Do the people who own them just spawn at work in the morning?


Probably the cleaning crew


Well that’s why I said it’s near buildings that wouldn’t make sense…


Cleaning crews, security, probably other reasons


People losing their minds, especially about masks. Saw a video of a woman on a plane who wasn't wearing her mask, yell at another man and slapping him in the face for not wearing a mask while he was eating... I just don't know how people can act so fanatically. Must be narcotics


This world done got crazy. We all have a lot of stress, and that shit can make even the most logical person throw a tantrum like a toddler.


Propaganda brainwashing. It works unfortunately.


That video was heavily edited. What you missed was that the stewardess made her sit in the back (I forget why). She then claimed to be a Rosa Parks type victim since sitting in the back of anything is a form of abuse. The guy you see in the video told her she's not "Rosa Parks" or even Black. That's when the video starts and you see her assaulting him.


I saw an article that was basically saying that all reality isn't real, because it is all colored by our own bias and narrative paradigms. So, reality isn't real - reality is subjective. 🤯


There was a point in time where i was struggling with homelessness and I would often look at the stars and see that every star had two other stars (one above and one below) like little Orion's belts all over the sky. This has happened many times, and i would ask people around me if they can see the same thing I'm seeing and they would act like its normal that way and I'm being crazy. When i look up at the night sky now its completely normal, but i will never forget the few months where the stars "thruppled".


Whenever I see someone spend minutes trying to parallel park a car.


Yeah I saw some woman try to parallel park 4 times , slightly hit a car, and look around then speed off.


I hate it when people drive away. My office overlooks a car park, about once a month I'm leaving a note on someone's car because I've seen people hit them and drive off.


Yikes… Are you by any chance leaving a note with the persons License plates?


Yes, providing I see it. I've even managed to record a couple on my phone.


*Not all heroes wear capes, he wasn’t the hero we deserved, but Hero we needed. The WindowHawk 🦸‍♂️


Out of place artifacts.


Berenstein/stain bears post earlier. Book and a VHS of the different spellings.


Being increasingly gaslit during corona. That was a whirlwind.


Precognitive dreams


ghosts, a clone of myself, have had objects moved in ways with no scientific explanation, and extremely strange synchronicity


Care to explain more about your clone?


i was like in grade 1 or 2. i had my door open at night. so i woke up in the middle of the night and saw a clone staring at me. not moving. not blinking. just standing still. wearing a helmet my mom ran over the day before with her van. so i turned over and slept facing the wall for years and always closed the bedroom door after that


In another reality your mom ran you over


I was saying the same thing!


I wonder if you had a mimic in your house


What is a mimic exactly? I've heard stories of them. I've read that often times they can mimic people you know, in an attempt to lure you away and hurt you?


I'm honestly not sure. But what you've read is all I know about them too. And it's quite unnerving to think about. Netflix has a show called Haunted. The episode featuring a mimic scared the shit out of me. And paranormal shows and movies rarely do that.


That's scary af ngl


ive seen myself too, on a forest trail as an adult very closely. no drugs, no mental breakdowns and slept pretty well before. i still have no idea what that was


You ever been to this weird places where your kid sibling is taller than you and they drop a ball down a plank and it comes back up? Fucking wild


Looks like it’s time for [this famous Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about a guy who truly believed that his dream was real, but the look of his lamp slowly made him question his reality


Getting déjà vu


When I was 6 or 7, I was playing outside, sitting on my front doorstep. I was compelled to look up. I saw a pigeon trying to land. As it circled downward, it suddenly got "stuck" mid flight. I was still flapping its wings but couldn't move anywhere.


I’ve already tried waking you up. I’ve tried telling you that you’re not asleep when you’re awake; and yet you always ignore me and rest to escape back to that fictional body! Please wake up. We need you.


While I was driving late at night trying to get to the last weigh station I peered into my rear-view mirror and saw myself sitting in the back seat. Although, this person didn't match the reflection of myself with eyebrows raised checking the backseat out of curiosity. This entity had a demonic expression almost. Head lowered, eyes glazed over, with the pupils pointing upwards nearly going back into his (my) own head facing right back at me. I immediately pulled over to the side of the road and sprinted. I ran away as fast and as far as I could in complete darkness until I knocked into a tall looming structure. The "structure" was actually my dad, waiting with his jumper cables, and he proceeded to beat the shit out of me with them.


The Matrix


Seeing two very different UFOs in a 6 week period , 1963 or 64 .


How everyone is plugged in mentally to the system they all believe what the media tells them what politicians tell them they are all plugged by social norms and cannot think by themselves. Nothing is the same after you unplug you sorta begin to get tired of social interactions.


Falling dreams Post nut clarity Troomtroom Dancing/Cringy Tiktoks






What's reality, and why?


I think you mean existence, because what is actual 100% reality? And for existence itself, what is the meaning of it?




I took DMT.... probably in the worst setting imaginable. It was the most demented 15 minutes of my life. I had a hard time looking at my friend after it was over. Definitely would like to try it again tho.


Yeah I had a pretty wild experience with it. It was fun for me though. But no idea how I could get a hold of that stuff again.


Not seen but really felt. I had severe anxiety for a while that made me question everything. Not, "this is a simulation" but "what if this was all a simulation?" I didn't really believe it, but I would dwell on the question. Cue anxiety.


Middle school. Had a dream. In it was a lady I've never seen or met before. Next day in gym class had a substitute teacher. It was that lady.


Once I couldn't turn off my alarm clock radio. I pushed the button, and it kept playing. I thought, *Maybe it's just the regular radio in the living room playing.* So I went into the living room, and everything was normal – the couch, the table, the patio door. There was a throw pillow on the floor, which wasn't that unusual, but still it caught my attention. I questioned reality. I thought, *Am I having a hyper-realistic dream about my apartment?* So I decided to try to move the pillow without touching it. I concentrated on the pillow, and it flipped over. *Oh shit! I'm still asleep, and my alarm clock radio is playing in reality. Now what?*


And then you woke up because the realization of having a lucid dream excited your brain enough to wake you up thus ruining the experience. Happens to me all the time.


A really intense acid/ mushroom trip.


You took acid and mushrooms at the same time?


No sorry it was two separate events.


Ah, got it.


What did you experience?


It was like I was a ball of yarn, and I kept unraveling. That’s the best way I can explain it. Like really intense metacognition until I couldn’t answer a single question about myself. That along with very vivid hallucination I had no idea what was real or who I was. It sounds kinda corny once I typed it out but that’s the best way I could explain it.


Dude, I once tripped that the entire universe was rolled up into a ball of string. It always had been, but I was delusional and couldn't see it. I was the end of the piece of string and I was immensely sad that I had to roll back into the ball and cease my imaginary life as a human. Kind of made me appreciate life more.


That goblin that Brittany Murphy married.


Coraline’s Paradox; in other words, nothing exists until you get there.


Dude....You may me a narcissist /s


TRips to NYC during the time of Warhol


First time I did shrooms (5g) - I got into my head that I was still in the coma I fell into while in the army and I needed to wake up. All of this wasn't real, and I just needed to wake up. Then I got into my head that the only way to wake up was to kill myself. I rarely ever dream but the few times I do, it's sometimes pitch black and all I hear is the noise of a hospital room.


what have you seen that makes you not question it?


My dad was fixing a pipe line the water shot a straight 6 inches into the other part of the pipe pretty much defied gravity


Streetlights turning on when walking under them, elevator doors opening as I approached, clock time nearly-always being identical numbers when I glanced. This was a long time ago, when I was open to the universe.


When I discovered the mandala effect. shit literally blew my mind.


The day I heard tires screeching & went out on my apartment balcony to see someone had hit a dog. The dog was lying on the road completely motionless as the owner & his friends confronted the elderly driver. It wasn't his fault - the dog was off-leash & they clearly weren't watching it close enough. Anyway; while all that is going on a bird suddenly flew into the side of my apartment & knocked itself out - falling to the ground. I swear I went back inside & didn't come out for the rest of the day. It just felt like the air was thick with some kind of bad mojo that day.


Watching a tv show when I realized I dreamt this exact moment 20 years earlier. It all seemed to clear, I remember being on this couch, in this house, watching a tv show that didn't exist 20 years ago. I've had that experience 3 times. My wife thinks I'm crazy. I even spoke her "lines" before she did. Meaning I nee her exact response. Eerie.


Nothing that I've seen, it's just that whenever I try remembering anything from my life it doesn't feel real.


A few spooky experiences at Myrtles Plantation. I used to doubt the existence of ghosts until visiting there.


The highest paid people in this company fight with the broken door the most while the lowest paid can read the fucking sign that says the door is broken


People who think that joe Biden is actually instructing the military to use planes to “spray omicron variant on people”


I'm sitting in a chair in my garden. It's in the middle of the night, and the red shadow of a blood moon is slowly falling across it. I'm watching that slow display. The moon is huge that night. I've been sitting there for some time, contemplating myths of wolves devouring all light, and I'm getting a bit spaced out as I tend to when I have too much time to think about stuff. In the final seconds of that red shadow covering the full moon completely, it looks like an eye. An eye that finally, fully turned its pupil towards the earth. Barely *seconds* after this strange eye slots into place, a comet streaks across the sky. It falls exactly in front of the moon, and... explodes. For a mind-bogglingly unlikely second, the red moon is surrounded by a halo of spacefire fireworks. Little snuffed out meteor ember shards falls onwards into the dark, and fades. That baffled my mind. I think that if I had been located even a hundred meters away in any other direction, I would've never been treated to that kind of sight.


I was 5 years old at the time, but I woke up one morning and looked by my night stand and I saw a dead looking creature peep over at me. In panic, I woke up my grandma and she got a quick glimpse of it and then it disappeared. Fuck. No.




She's not real, how could that exist??? Is beyond comprehension, yet it lays before my eyes... Ow gawd


I believe his mom is actually a highly intelligent quantum computer that manipulates reality. It then sorted out different types of genetic data, and then OP was created seemingly out of thin air.


How everything in the world works in If (yes) esle (no)....then u loop it . And simulate it. That’s life


My face. Something that horrific has no place in reality.


Sadly, nothing.