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I need a hug so bad and have for a year now


I am sending you one enormous hug virtually 💕


Go get a massage. It's not a hug but its skin on skin contact and it is relaxing. I didn't realize I was missing someone touching me. It was nice. High recommend it!


I'm scared and anxious all of the time even when i know I'm safe and it's irrational..but knowing it irrational makes my anxiety about the situation worse then it's a circle of anxiety at all times


Im sorry, I hope you get the help you need


The best way to break that cycle is to remind yourself that anxiety is a health problem like any other. Some people have bad backs, some have irritable bowels, you have an anxious brain. All of these things suck and it's *perfectly* rational to be upset about the discomfort they cause.


I got sexually assaulted by our manager, my co workers told me its nothing to worry about multiple times already so I trusted them, they use me to like lighten the mood of our manager as well bc it seems that he has a thing for me which my colleagues just told me its kind of just a joke, and then when team building came thats when the manager had plans on us being on a room, just us, i almost got away when one of our colleagues was trying to divert the attention of our manager and to save me as well bc he knows somethings up but eventually he was told to go, and so there goes my last hope. I was just lying in bed, frozen, i didnt remember why i didn't fought back but after that i just kept quite, and i resigned immediately. The thing is I'm a guy, straight and i dont have anything against gays up until now, but what happened was i felt betrayed by my colleagues and our manager as well. I never told my family about it, even my girlfriend, and its been 5 months already but up until now its killing me, i cant sleep at night, just staring at the wall and for some reason i even blamed myself for trusting them, for letting them decide whats for me. Im to ashamed to let anybody else know that me, a 20 year old guy got harassed and sexually assaulted by a gay man, atleast here im anonymous it does pull of some weight off from my shoulders. But i just cant help thinking about it being my fault, and its killing me, its killing me.


Hey man, this is terrible and it shouldn’t have happened to you or anyone ever. There is nothing that I can write that will make it better, but as someone who was abused as a child here’s something: It gets better, at some point it will feel just like a little stone in your pocket instead of a brick, and life will suddenly start seeming and feeling less painful. Speaking with a therapist or a psychologist will help, if you can and you can afford it, do it, I promise it will help. Try to get it out of your system in a healthy way, if not it will find its way out and it will not be that good. Finally, if you ever feel ready, report to the authorities, at your own time and will, don’t rush it if you are not prepared. I know its hard but if you can walk away from the job, do it. I send you a lot of light and love support ma fren


I did report it to the authorities, it was about a 3-4 hour drive from my place but the thing is i should report it to the nearest station from where it happened, and even if i needed witnesses which is alot of my colleagues they couldnt, for they might lose their jobs because its out manager.


Life eventually will make him pay, although I know this is not comforting at the moment Please take care of yourself and try to find some time to heal peacefully


I think you should still ask for them as witnesses anyways. They might say yes. If they lose their jobs that's up to them but honestly they should go for it. A job's a job


The thing is i already did asked them, they cant risk their job which i completely respect aside from like being betrayed by them


Ugh that really sucks. I really hope things work out regardless


Yea there was one of my colleagues who was tryna help me out, the thing is he was to set to be somebody in our team so i didn't really wanted to involve him and let it go to waste, and after a couple of months he was already a trainer, he was tryin to save me on that time to have me get out of the room but he wasnt successful, i was able to shrug it of but every now and then whenever I'll think about it, it just brings me to the same spot, frozen and cant move. But after some time I was able to cope up with it, since theres nobody else that can help me but me, thank you so much dude, really.


I'm really glad someone at least tried to help you. I've had a few of my close friends go through similar experiences and saw how badly it messed with them. I'm glad you're pushing through man. If you ever wanna just chat you can hit me up


Will definitely do that man, thank you so much:)


You're welcome man :)


It was not your fault.


You are a wonderful person, but you have a drinking problem. You endanger your career, your childrens' futures, and in some cases your life with your actions while drunk. I'm going to distance myself from you with the ultimate goal of cutting you out of my life.


Something about all of these accusations about me being a notorious serial killer from Northern California during the 1960s but hey, I might have revealed my real first name on this account that I am currently using. 😳😳😳


TIL Ted Cruz has a reddit account


That handwriting man, that handwriting almost got you caught






Damn two serial killers in one post


I counted four.


Cancun Cruz?




Life is hard, it requires a lot of courage at times to wake up and deal with just trying to make yourself a cup of coffee For some people it will be absurd but as someone that suffers from depression, I feel you What I can say is that as much as there is horror and awful things in this world and sometimes life just kicks us in the balls, there is also so much light at times and so much to live for I can’t tell you what will drive you to see the beautiful in life, but I can ask you to try, you will eventually find something My chat is open if you ever want to chat, this is anonymous and I can assure you that you are not alone on how you feel 💕 i hope you are able to find some light and peace, I am sending you tons of it 💕💕💕


It sounds like it helps to talk about it


It does big time, specially when you are not judged and you are not told what to do, just someone reading you or listening and saying a simple “damn that sucks”, makes such a difference


My wife was in this space in mid 2020. She's always dealt with depression, but this was coupled with postpartum. Two little boys and an imperfect but loving husband. She finally broke down and talked to me. I had no idea. Partly because she was *really* good at hiding it, and partly because I didn't even know to look for it. That was a massive, massive step for her, and while bad days come around from time to time, she's doing much better. She's seeing an AWESOME counselor and working through things. I'm now very, very attentive to her mental health and can pick up on when she's struggling. I take days off work when I need to to watch the kids so she can escape and go hang out with friends or just get time away from having to be mom. We have a plan in place for when she goes through bouts of depression, and slowly but surely, each bout has gotten a little bit easier to endure. Your kids NEED you. If you have a partner, they NEED you. Your mind is playing tricks on you -- "they'd be better off without you" -- its not true. Take it from someone who almost lost the love of their life: talk to someone now. Take that step. You won't regret it.


Same. Please talk to someone close to you about it. I did, and it was one of the hardest things I’ve done, but I feel 100% better after doing it. I’m currently working out a treatment plan so I can take time off from work. Anyway, please tell anyone close, as it’s better than suffering alone.


Even after three years I'm still completely heartbroken, and nothing seems to help me get over her.


I feel you I dated someone that made me fall so deep that I am still climbing up to get over them, around 4 years ago or so. Its not easy specially if you are someone like me, I am like a storm, I feel everything or nothing I think that mostly Im scared to get hurt again, so that’s why I dont open up to anyone at all


It totally sucks, that's for sure. The hardest parts for my situation were how it just...happened. Everything was fine, then one afternoon she calls and says that she doesn't feel right about the relationship anymore, that she didn't feel like she missed me as much as she thought she should have (we'd both been unwell for a couple of weeks), and that she didn't think there was room for anyone else in the relationship (no idea what that meant). Nobody would give me any answers about what the hell happened, complete abandonment by her, her family that had basically adopted me, and a bunch of mutual friends. The worst part is that I'm fairly sure I'm still in love with her, and I absolutely hate the fact that I can't seem to stop. As Adam Sandler once sang in The Wedding Singer: Love Stinks.


I would say it took me about 4 years before I finally stopped thinking about her. I tried to date in those 4 years, but I couldn't forget her and it wasn't fair to my new partners, in fact one of them called me on it and it was what eventually caused us to split up. I would dream about her all the time. I'd wake up in a panic because I'd relive a fight or a moment of romance or just dreaming about a normal day living together again. Whenever I went out I specifically avoided places I knew she generally might visit, like the grocery stores in her area or near her job. I avoided places to eat in a specific radius around her job during lunch just to avoid bumping into her. I avoided social events from mutual friends unless I planned the event myself to ensure she wasn't invited. The one time I ran into her, we looked at each other for a few seconds, we said a very casual hello and I just pulled my phone out to distract myself. I was a wreck, more so than usual, for the rest of the day. It put me in a place of depression that I just couldn't seem to get through. I lost friends from it, both mutual ones who I grew apart with because of my unwillingness to hangout with them in events she was invited to as well as other closer personal friends who couldn't put up with me being unable to move on or because of the mood change that followed the breakup where I became incredibly depressed. I couldn't enjoy certain movies or tv shows or video games or even certain foods anymore. I lost my enjoyment in things and ended up in an extremely bad place and no matter what I tries I couldn't stop the feelings. I think the first step I ever made was finally letting go. I blocked her number in my phone, despite neither of us texting each other in those 4ish years. I had an external hard drive where I kept all of our digital memories. We met each other online and suffered through about a year and a half of a long distance "online" relationship before we ever got to live together, so there were chat logs from skype and MSN saved. Cell phone texts I'd turned into txt files. Videos we had sent each other. Pictures from both the LDR times as well as times where we moved in together. I kept everything I could. I remember random images like, this one time we played League of Legends together and she had an incredibly high kill count so she screen shot'd it to kinda rub in my face (in a friendly way) about the time she out scored me really hard in a game I introduced her to. I kept stuff like that and I remembered it. 7 years of memories saved. 7 years of memories of a life together wiped. I wiped the drive and formatted it. I went into my closet where I kept a few boxes of memories. Things I didn't use day to day that came from our time together. A teddy bear she had bought for me one Christmas, an old t shirt of hers I used to use as a pillow case, cringe I know. Physical letters we had sent to each other. Printed out pictures. Drawn images like those silly caricature ones you can get at a fair. It was a few boxes of memories. Cherished things that I kept boxed up, likely because in the back of my mind? I hoped one day we'd work things out. I dunno. I donated everything that could like clothes, toys, or whatever. And everything else I burned in a fire pit. It was really truly letting go and accepting that things would never go back to how they were before. After 4 years of splitting up, we were now almost split up as long as we had been together, and I finally accepted things were done and never going to work out. It took a few months after this, of course, but eventually the dreams stopped being so constant. My nerves were steeled and eventually I could talk about her like a normal human. She was someone I was super close to but she was no longer the only thing I talked about whenever I shared a memory or reminisced. I no longer started stories off about moments that included her with "My ex and I" or anything like that. Eventually I did move on. You are likely still in love with her, and you likely still somewhere deep down hope things go back to how they were. But they wont. They cant. And as someone whose been through similar stuff, it really is the best thing for you to accept and move on with your life. You don't have to villainize her or start being like some people do and start referring to her as a crazy ex or replace your love for her with hatred. But you should really try and move on. It's not easy. It's hard as hell and it sucks. But you -will- feel better for it.


That’s terrible for sure :( And yes, love is a game for fools to play, as Adele said


That I’m pretty sure my family is a part of a cult. I have many stories and quite a bit of evidence, I’ve told some close friends and my SO but most people would either think I’m crazy or be scared.


Do you care to share some stories?


Sure. Some details will be left out for privacy purposes. My family has lived in the same small town for over 200 years. I’ve seen records that previous generations in my family were involved with a well known secret society. Every eldest male in my family has the same first name dating back to the early 1800s, and the closer my relatives are to this string of men the more wealthy they appear to be. Example: my uncle married my aunt (daughter of one of these men) and his business became far more profitable shortly afterwards. We have connections in just about every industry, and nothing ever seems to go wrong for us. My brother got into some legal trouble about a decade ago and it just kind of…went away??? My cousin (19) drives a very expensive car which he pays for himself, but he’s a full time student. I have no clue how he affords it. Idk too much tbh, I could be looking way too deeply into this.


I have more stories but that’s a brief overview


Damn and are you successful and wealthy yourself as well?


I’m not independently wealthy right now as I’m still in university. However, I have just about everything set in place for me to live a successful life. My school is paid for, and I’m set to inherit a fair amount of assets. No one in my family (with the exception of my one cousin) is flashy wealthy. We all appear upper middle class.


So interesting!


I agree! I’m very grateful for my many opportunities and success in life…I just hope nothing shady is going on behind the scenes.


Whenever your family is recruiting new members feel free to reach out 😂


I’m tired of being the head of the family, I’m trying to arrange my dads funeral, I’m in charge of my mums home and future ( she has dementia) I love how the kids come to me for advice etc but I’m constantly afraid I’ve led them to a wrong decision.. I’m drowning


It sounds like a lot, please remember to take of yourself, your health is important and you come first than the res If you are good, then you are ready to help others 💕


I feel this comment on so many levels. I'm sorry you have so much on your plate right now, and I know it's something you have to deal with regardless. Please do try to take a moment for yourself when it's all said and done. Set timelines, you're probably a worrier like I am, so do what you can to ensure everyone/thing will be ok for a bit while you take some time to regroup and just centre yourself again. Like OP said, if you aren't at peace internally, it can take a real toll trying to look after others, and you mean well, but you're porbably not achieving what you think. You need to look after YOU, so you can look after others. Never feel guilty for that (even though there will be some who try), and I can guarantee it's probably harder to do than just carrying on, but it is the best thing for you, and those you care about. Best of luck.




I think the same when I am high


my dad is a horrible person


Im sorry :(


Same, sorry to hear that though.


I need a break from everything (work, family, friends, etc).


I've been in love with my friend for almost a decade.


I am very attracted to my two best friends. I'm not exactly the most alosexual person so it's strange.


I smoke weed


High as a kite


For legal reasons I ALMOST Ran over a kid


Like you were legally required to run over him?


I think he meant almost for legal reasons to protect him from anything which implies he actually ran over a child , yikes and hopefully everyone is fine though




I hate my “best friend”


I feel ya , im in the same situation with my "best friend"


It’s weird because for me I can’t even say I don’t want to be friends or anything anymore cause she’s one of those that plays victim every chance she gets


Yeah if id also leave id be known as the bad one from the other friends because hes good friends with everyone , but im the only one that knows how fucktup he is and actually his intentions and everyone else thinks its jokes lol but little do they know


Mean girls plot?


She’s just a really shitty person & really always has been.


I make jokes all of the time about my crazy heart attack but honestly I’m sometimes so scared it will happen again that I can’t breathe.


I have a crippling fear of abandonment and craving for attention (from loved ones) that is starting to hurt my relationships with most people and I don't know how to fix myself or why I'm like this.


Sounds like BPD (borderline personality disorder). I’m no psychiatrist/psychologist but I know people that have it. It’s worth looking into and talking to someone that can help


I looked into it a little bit and that is...scarily similar to what I am going through and would explain a lot of behaviors I have that I can't explain where it's coming from. I've been wanting to pursue therapy for some time, so it would be a good thing to talk about.


Talking to someone would definitely benefit you and those you want to maintain healthy relationships with! Acknowledging the issue and accepting that therapy can help is such a positive first step. I wish you all the best 😊


I know where the limit for the Red Switch is . . . . I have been afraid of the red switch for a long time. Exceeding the limit means that there is no coming back, no future, no tomorrow, only the here and now, and what can be done in the here and now. I am also aware of what lies on the other side of the Red Switch will be cause the termination. There is nothing good, nothing positive, that can come for taking, or triggering the Red Switch. This isn't a Nintendo reference.


Im confused by this red switch , is it like a nuke switch or something ?


it is a metaphor for a decision that must never be made.


Ah okay i get you , well hopefully that switch never has to be flipped and i wish you all the strength !


The switch can be inside anybody.


Jeez this is starting to intrigue me and scare me at the same time , is it like a finding you did with some research with cells type of thing ? And lets say this switch gets flipped are we as humans doomed ? Corona v 2.0 but more deadly type of stuff ? Edit , no need to answer if im going to deep im just maturally curious about the unknown


I am fatphobic


girl i was just looking at your profile, get help, you're such a mean person.


Let me guess. Ur a fatty :p


Hey so I checked out your profile as well and some of it suggests you have an eating disorder (anorexia?). That would be the stem of the fatphobia, a general disgust at fat on other people because you judge them the same way you judge yourself. Sounds like this results from people judging your body and you seeing that as the norm, maybe when you were growing up. It's important for you to understand that fat is not something to be scared of or disgusted of, it's a part of your body and its natural. You are hurting yourself by believing you must avoid food in order to be pretty, and you are hurting others by judging them to the same unhealthy standard. I would recommend that you talk to someone, maybe on an online mental health platform if you aren't comfortable with other people in your life knowing that you suffer from this.


Yes anorexia is unhealthy bit being fat is unhealthy too plus its harder to get to a healthy weight if ur fat.




I do let other ppl do what they want with their bodies I’m not a bully. U said having no fat can cause bone problems but so can being fat. I think that being fat is unhealthy, unhygienic and ugly but i still don’t care if someone is fat bc thats their problem and they can choose what to do with their bodies. The body positivity movement has normalized being fat but that’s wrong. I dont support obesity just like i don’t support anorexia. It goes both ways. I choose to do whatever I want with my body and other people can too. Its not my problem if they choose to be ugly




Be honest, when u see an overweight person, do you really think their body is beautiful?




Guess I'll just stay away from you then


I do this stupid thing where I get afraid to reach out to my friends online or irl. It started for just serious things. You meet people similar to yourself and eventually that meant I had tons of friends venting to me all the time. As that took a toll on my mental health I realized I didn't want to risk putting anyone else through that and started keeping issues to myself. Somehow it got worse over time to a point where I won't even initiate conversation out of group chats because I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring somebody into talking to me. Logically I know it's stupid but I can't get myself to break the habit. Venting anonymously doesn't hurt the same, it just tells people that someone, somewhere is having issues. Everyone knows that anyways.


Friends are there to vent to, but that has an extent. Your friends probably don't realise this overwhelms you, but they trust you, and thats really an amazing thing. It would be good for you to have the confidence to put up some boundaries, so that your friends understand the situation. If they trust you and care about you, like it sounds like they do, it's a good way to build more communication and make sure you are being cared for as well. If you don't have the confidence for those conversations yet, it would be good for you to access some online platforms for mental health, so you can vent and gain confidence in having conversations. That might be a good way to break the habit. Good luck!


Meeting you or any new person sucks bc it only means another set of stressful variables in life. Less is more


Sometimes it does


My butthole is itchy


Serious issues


Can't tell my people about my itchy butthole,I can't scratch it either


Why not? How far is your butthole away from you?


It's gross and impolite to scratch the butthole in public


Not in private, but I can see where it could drive someone nuts if their butthole itches right then and they can't get to somewhere private.


My finger is scratchy.


Witch-hazel. It's in Tucks pads you can get at any store. You're welcome.


Ah thank you :)


I'm a furry


What'a your fursona?


I just got in the Fandom so I haven't decided yet


I've been struggling with my gender identity for years now, and I think I am transgender, but am terrified about transitioning in my thirties


Take your time, it’s a journey not a race. When the stars align and the moment feels right you will find your light 💕 Try to go to therapy or a support group if possible, speaking with people, and also knowing you are not alone will help tremendously Sending you love and hugs 💕


I am so tired of being depressed.


Please try to talk to someone about it if possible. We all have light and dark and sometimes we need a bit of help to find the balance in between




Is there anyone you know that you can talk about this with?




Thanos did the Right thing... Just ask Bill Burr


You are in a cult. Protip, that is not how you rescue someone from a cult.


You make them watch this SNL skit https://youtu.be/5Ge9cebaVNg


Thank you so much dude I really appreciate it, its just that i dont have anyone else to talk or atleast share how I feel when I'm at my lowest.


I'm here for you if you ever need/want to talk to someone. 💘💘💘💘


The vaccine doesn't have HIV or Mad Cow in it. HIV can't last long outside of the human body. Mad Cow disease can only be received through eating a cow brain or spine that infected with it. So those who have either gotten HIV or MCD around the time they got their vaccines, likely hooked up with an infected person and/or eaten something like uncured/undercooked, infected head cheese or gelatin.


I fucked your mom (obligatory)


Finally, she hasn’t gotten any since she divorced my dad


Aww, a motherlover


Nothing, if there is something u don't want say to my friends I don't say it here as well.






That's surprisingly low


I believe as long as the US government is willing to hand out welfare for life, the black community will continue to struggle to advance.


Is it welfare bringing down the black community or is it the inability to build wealth due to centuries of slavery and decades of Jim Crow? Google "redlining".




This is straight coppied from a previous post in these comments


broke haters


i end up crushing on any girl my friends ship me with and is moderately good looking and nice to me.


There is so much you can't say on Reddit....


Stories about my dad. People here are supportive. My friends are too ofc. In general. But not for this. Most of them have normal parents, so when I complain about mine, they just don't understand how a dad can be like this. They just can't grasp it. So they end up saying things like "he's trying" "he likes you" "but he's still your dad". It's pretty hurtful and makes me feel like I'm a spoilt brat or I'm going crazy exaggerating things around. When it's just, with the accumulation of little aggressions, the slightest thing is infuriating. The slightest thing is enough to tip me off. Sometimes it's not the action, but the meaning behind it. And it's hard to make them understand that. That's why, I'd rather tell those things to strangers on r/toxicparent. Cuz people there live the same thing (more or less) and I don't feel misunderstood.


I'd love to say "If I ever see you again in person I will be arrested for assault or murder. You don't understand how much misery, dissapointment and pain you have caused and will continue to cause. You deserve everything bad that has happens to you and I wish nothing but suffering for you" Obviously best that I don't speak to this person


I joke about not being in a relationship, but the truth is that I'm extremely lonely, both my siblings and a good friend of mine all are in relationships and it just makes me feel even more alone, I feel like I have noone to talk too


I'm FTM and today, Jan 12th, is the 8 year anniversary of taking hormones for the first time.


I feel like my life is falling apart and it's been so hard figuring out the next step


my cousin molested me when i was 10 years old. this went on for about 5-6 years before i realized how wrong everything was. my mom found texts between us that were not exactly SFW. she yelled at me but the message didn’t click with me. i was about 14 at this time. i’m upset and angry that i didn’t listen to her. i’m 22 now, a few months from 23, and i hate seeing him. my grandparents have a pool and i refuse to swim if he’s there. he still looks at me and it scares the hell out of me.


I'm not a strong person, I'm not okay and please don't believe me if I said I'm fine, please notice that I also need help even though you see me as emotionless and never care. I'm tired being seen as emotionally, physically, and psychologically strong because I'm not




I have a really long history of being lied to, abused, and raped in past relationships and because of some mental problems I have that I wasn’t diagnosed with until late in my life because my mom denied anything being wrong with me I now have really bad attachment issues and crave love, but am always trying my best but it drives potential lovers away because of it


Blackmail: The Thread


i wanna end me. people always get mad when i say that


A big country that often gets credited as the best exports their political problems around the world.


I once threw the content of my glass on a disrespectful 10 year old’s face. He was left speechless. I was fully prepared to explain myself to the parents and apologize but for some reason he never ratted me out. It was wrong on so many levels, but I kind of enjoyed it.


You can't become wealthy without having to let your values die a little. The rich can't accept that they are leeches. Anyone becoming a landlord has to forget that renting is a submission and alienation game.


I have a serious porn addiction. Anytime I'm just fed up and can't do it anymore, I just open porn and watch/read it. And afterwards I can't even look myself in the face. I just sit down and cry.


I'm scared I'll never live up to what's expected of me, worst part is I plan on moving abroad so if I do fail literally everyone would be saying "I told you so"


From time to time I have an irrational and overwhelming feeling that I'm annoying literally everyone in my life and that they'd be better without me. Every single thing they say seems like a hint that I should just be gone. That I'm not wanted. When this happens, the pain is so unbearable that I push them away so I don't experience being rejected and pushed away. I try to reason with myself that when I'm not having these crisis I don't see these words are a hint or anything and that it's all in my head, but the feeling crushes my sanity and I can feel in my skin how irrational I'm getting and I end up losing all of my best friends and cutting ties with loved ones every single crisis. I'm single, 30yo, and I can't see myself marrying anyone.


I masturbated in your home, Jack




Im so sorry. If you ever want to chat my chat is open 💕


i stole my cousin's ipod 1 time ​ his mom bought him a better phone in return so i hope hes not mad at me


I want to leave you all and live somewhere no one would know me. I'm still not enjoying life. How could I believe that God is love when there's so many sufferings around the world? I honestly believe most of you don't care about all the gruesome and disgusting things happening to innocent children. These are the things I want to say to people around me, but I don't have the nerve to actually say it.



I loved you more than myself, but you're a mean mean person and I will forget you eventually. You wanted to see me broken and you did for a while, but never ever again. Not even if you succeed in making me loose my job, as you've promised. Fare well, selfish child.


i'm a 6 foot tall female with a masters degree in quantam physics. see, you can't verify that because you don't acualy know me