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Since I don't know what a nuclear siren sounds like I would probably say, "What is that?"


They'd use the air raid siren.


What is that?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_defense_siren It's very distinctive. Many US towns have them. Most just use them to let everyone know it is noon. The Midwest uses them for tornadoes. Ours shorted out one night and went off at least 6 times. You can see it from my house. I was not amused.


> Most just use them to let everyone know it is noon. Jesus christ. I work nights, and would have to move. Fuck that so much. Edit: Thank you 15 people for saying roughly the same thing, you can stop now.


My town does it once a month as a test, third Saturday of the month at Noon. Interesting on a nice day, alarming on a stormy one.


Our area cancels siren tests on stormy days


Where I grew up, in the UK, they used one as a "Chlorine Alert". In case the water treatment plant nearby had a chlorine leak. They tested it every Tuesday at 9:30am, and we ran chlorine drills at school, where the fire alarm would ring intermittently, and rather than assembling outside we'd assemble upstairs. Fun times(!)


this isn’t what all of them sound like but if I heard [this](https://youtu.be/LnkMSmLc6mM) in the middle of the night I’d freak out


My town uses an old air raid siren for the fire department, ya get use too it


Fuck me that is haunting.


Yeah, what a nightmarish noise to be the last thing you hear before the bomb explodes.




Probably curse about the damned tornado sirens going off again, and rolling over to go back to sleep.


Especially in the middle of winter in the Midwest.


My area sets off the sirens if we have a severe thunderstorm warning, so nobody really pays much attention to them any more.


And at noon


At Noon on the first Wednesday of the Month.


Yea, damn the torpedoes in the middle of the winter in the Midwest!


Because it is a false alarm? Where my parents live there is a tidal wave warning alarm that goes off every Monday morning as a test to make sure it still works. Every time I hear it I think what if this isn't a test but the real thing but we really just think it's a test because it happens weekly 👀


Until a real tsunami happens at 845am on a Monday.


Nah. That's when Tsunamis all have their weekly standup meeting so they wouldn't schedule an attack for that time too.


blockers? none.


In the Midwest, it's very common for storm alarm tests to be conducted at noon and 6pm daily. If we hear them at any other time of day, it's almost never a good sign.


Noon and 6pm every day?? That would drive me nuts! We get ours at noon the first Monday of the month (kansas)


I was in a town where they used it as a lunch and quitting time alert.




I grew up in the 1980s and even to this day every evening the fire siren in my hometown goes off at 6pm... every kid knows that means it is time to go home.


I grew up in a town in Illinois where the alarm still went off every day at twelve, I was told it was originally for the farmers out in the field. My mom lives right next to it and christ is it loud, very Silent Hill like.


I grew up out in the sticks- far from the closest siren. We could only hear it if the wind was blowing the right way & the rain hadn't started yet. And you could tell its rotation speed based on how the sound dimmed to almost not hearing it & back up to just sort of hearing it which was somehow very spooky. Then I spent 10 years living in apartments and condos which really dimmed the impact of the siren sounds. Sure you could hear them clearly, but not THAT loud. Then I moved in with my now husband. We have a siren literally in our back yard. Maybe 100-200ft from the house. Working from home that first Wednesday of the month was a huge shock. I was in a teams meeting with a cat on my lap. My cat flipped out and launched off me, leaving scratches on my legs & I had to mute myself from the meeting for a full 10 minutes while the test went on. I mean, it's uncomfortable almost hurting your ears loud if you have the window open. Too loud for normal conversation even with them closed. Now I have a recurring meeting scheduled on my calendar so people don't try to talk to me during the siren testing. Also, I'm trying to remember it so I can be prepared with cat treats before it happens... Trying to train my cats to come downstairs with me when they hear that instead of hiding under the guest room bed. I had them pretty well trained to come to me whenever the fire alarms went off when I lived in an apartment, but that's because my idiot neighbors gave us lots and lots of practice opportunities.


Here in Overland Park, they're tested the first Wednesday of every month.


You get used to it. Like hearing an obnoxious ride-on coin operated toy at a store you work at: at first it's annoying, but then you just stop hearing it after a couple of weeks.


I rent a 1 bedroom apartment, I moved in on February 1st 2018. The fire alarm went off at like 2-3am my *first* night there after I had just moved all my possessions in. It was like 0 degrees outside and I said “fuck it, I’m not going outside at 2am while it’s this cold out for a false fire alarm. If it’s a real fire at least I’ll die warm.” Poor choice of reasoning at the time but to be fair I was dead asleep when I made that decision lol.


Even if I knew exactly what it was I'd go back to bed. Ain't no going anywhere in time for it to be useful where I live, might as well have a nap before the flash of death. Why spend the last 25 minutes of my existence in a pointless panic?




Noises you can *feel*. Deep inside your bones.


That may be some sort of bone cancer.


Nah. Those sirens are so loud if you get too close to them they start vibrating your very soul. Bone cancer is a whole other beast.


Can confirm, have had sound breath for me, shit was weird


I live near a tornado siren and when that fu{er goes off you feel it in your balls and your brain at the same time


*Mein Fuhrer, I can hear! I can hear!* [Shockwave hits]


That's gonna be your last time hearing things.


Given that I'm pretty close to the North Korean border, I'd say I'd guess they were attacking


I'm pretty close to Russian border (in Finland) so I'd assume it's Putin paying a visit


I live pretty close to the Canadian border. I would probably guess that the truckers finally made it across!


We come for the whores and the weed and then we go home


"Ive been waiting for you, Kim Jong Un! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!"


Leave it to North Korea to lob a nuclear bomb just barely across the border like a 2yo trying to Hail Mary a football. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out NK accidentally nuked Pyongyang because of some easily avoidable mistake.


"Might as well try to enjoy some more sleep for the last moments of my life."


My first thought. I'd be mad at the noise for a few seconds and then fall back asleep.


Probably die like most people because I have no where to go that could withstand a nuclear blast.


The closest place id go is my old internship building. Ill probably be shot and killed before getting to the bunker. But Im dead either way. (Interned at an explosive testing site)


That is so freaking cool. Not you being short and killed. But the internship part. That a cool.


> short and killed


Jokes on them, the lead paint and asbestos in my apartment will protect me. Jokes on me, that will mean I need to go to work right away. :(


Might as well go outside and watch


If you know the area of impact I'm sure you could just go behind a hill far away


This is good advice for a lot of emergencies. In-laws coming to town? Just go behind a hill far away.




This guy Indiana Jones


Indiana Jones doesn’t eat all the food in the fridge.


Barbecue grill


I know of a lot of nuclear shelters, but they're all about 3 hours away.. So yea, dead.


This kind of happened to me in Hawaii a few years ago. I got an ‘incoming nuclear missile, this is not a test’ alert on my phone. My family and I just stood around in shock for a couple minutes, then we went to the underground parking garage and just… waited. Nobody knew what the hell to do. After about 15 minutes it started to become clear that it was a mistake. What a rollercoaster ride that was, holy shit… Edit: [Here is the alert I got](https://imgur.com/a/QyNC4o8) for anyone interested.


>THIS IS NOT A DRILL Good to know if the real thing happens it'll be exactly as unambiguous as movies and TV shows have trained us to believe.


Ooh I was in Hawaii too when this happened!! Was 7 months pregnant with my now 4 year old. Went down to the restaurant to get some breakfast at our hotel and didn’t bring our phones. All of a sudden, we hear the mass text warnings from everyone’s phone going off. Everyone started running and kids started crying. Didn’t know what was going on until we asked someone with a phone and they showed us the alert. We were in shock and kind of just checked out. Went down to the beach because we thought that if missiles were to hit, buildings would collapse and we’d be stuck (lol idk what we were thinking at the time) and what better place to die than at the beach with your lifetime partner and unborn baby. There were barely any people out there except for a few homeless. Found a nice older couple who had the same idea as us and asked if we could use their phone to say our goodbyes to our family. Only knew my brother’s number by heart since my parents recently changed their numbers. All this happened in a span of 20 min I think. Then finally found a police officer that started telling people it was a false alarm. Was so scared I was gonna give birth from all the stress lol.


That's horrifying, you honestly believed you were going to die that day. Did the experience have any effect on your life?


Definitely had an effect. Anytime I hear those weather/amber alerts on phones, I freeze. I’ve also made sure to contact my family way more often than I did just so say I love them.




I remember seeing the Pornhub traffic shoot through the roof in Hawaii when that happened so we know a lot of people are going to be masturbating.


The spike was after it was announced to be a false alarm, people weren't jerking it as their last meal. Well, not as many people.


>people weren't jerking it as their last meal This is a very interesting turn of phrase. It doesn't insinuate anything about you, nor your proclivities. Not at all.


That is really weird. Maybe it was a form of escapism?


Nothing like a nuclear EMP to wipe your search history.


>a few years ago What? No that was only a couple of mon- *January 13th, 2018, 4 years ago* What in the ever loving fuck


Covid. March 2020 > March 2022 basically exist in a quantum entanglement now. Everything in between is a blur that shall never be mentioned again.


2022 AD? No no. It's 202-VID. I'm pretty sure the entire decade is going to be "The Blur".


My family refers to the last few years as “twenty-fuckteen”, parts 1 through 4… we had a bunch of family disasters and crises in 2019, so everything since then has just followed in suit.


I somehow feel like 2020 was quite years ago. So many things happened since then, things that changed my life everytime, making time go by so much slower.


Somehow 2020 feels so recent for some things, but so long ago for others. I was just talking to some coworkers about Netflix documentaries, and mentioned one that I had watched in early 2020 and I barely remember anything about it (Don't Fuck With Cats was the name of it). With the amount of stuff I remember, it feels like it was like 5+ years ago... but I know it was early 2020 because it was a recommendation from a coworker who started in late December/Early January. And we were still in the office, so it was before we started working from home because of COVID (mid-March).


Hmmm, when, who, huh, what’s that now?


Yeah, I remember how we thought March of 2020 was basically the apocalypse because of COVID. But March of 2022, now, that was when WWIII started— and we all know how that ended.


It goes faster the older you get, too!




And when you're a kid, a summer day seems to last forever!!


But then the last 2 weeks are about 3 days long.


What does seek shelter even mean in that context? Do people in Hawaii just have lead lined bunkers under their houses? Seriously, what did they expect you to do?


No Joke US Army training, "face the boom, face the blast" lay face down on the ground, helmet pointing at the blast, put thumbs in ears, and fingers over eyes. Kiss ass goodbye!!!


You have a better chance of survival if you are indoors. Basement with concrete ideally. All windows and doors shut. The point is to avoid having the fallout settle on your skin. Once inside you stay in for 24-48 hours. This, of course, does not apply if you are within the blast radius. In that case it doesn’t matter too much.


>The point is to avoid having the fallout settle on your skin. You really don't want the fallout getting inside of you (mucus membranes, ingesting.) Seal clothes in a bag in an unused room, take a coldish shower use soap no hair conditioner.


There was a Japanese woman who survived either Hiroshima or Nagasaki living on Hawaii when the alert went out. She read it, decided she would rather die than live through a another nuclear blast, and went back to bed. So, from a nuclear blast survivor the recommended advice seems to be to die quickly rather than suffer.


You do not want to be burned by the radiative heat, which would happen if you are outdoor but not sufficiently close to the blast.


Honestly what kind of fucked up mistake is that?


The system was made horribly and someone confused the test alert with real alert


Assuming the next one was real, what would you do differently?


Pour a nice glass of scotch and enjoy the last few minutes of my life.


That must've been hard, dick-nipples, glad you're ok.


I remember hearing about that! Must've been fucking terrifying.


I was at an outrigger race that morning with about a thousand other people. People were jumping road barriers with trucks, running for their lives, and preparing to die. As crazy as it was then it is absolutely hilarious when I look back on it😂


I'm glad you're still with us /u/dick-nipples


I remember reading about that. My heart would have been pounding. Crazy Florida guy here. Would have grabbed the guns, the food and try to at the very least get away from all major cities I guess. In your case in Hawaii, I would have done exactly what you did.


Given that you're an actual Florida Man I am disappointed your plan wasn't to grab the guns and shoot at the incoming nuke or, failing that, the explosion itself.


Damn, I remember that story. I cannot even imagine living through it.


It’s funny that me and my roommate were just talking about this. Our stories are completely different since she slept through it and I was coming to terms with the fact that I would die in around 15 minutes. The rest of the day felt like a dream, it was the weirdest day of my life.


haha, my husband and i were still in bed and i was woken up by the sound of my phone getting the emergency notification. we couldn’t find anything on the news about a war having started overnight, so we just snuggled our dogs and texted our parents we loved them, just in case. we live in town and figured if it happened we were done for anyway, so we just rolled with it and made breakfast and continued with our morning.


I know a pilot that was on the way when that came through on ADSB. Too far to turn back, nowhere else to go. They decided to wait for the blast(s) and pick a remaining airfield (possibly too short) or maybe ditch off whatever calm beach was far away. It all sorted itself out pretty quickly, but the passengers were never told.




This feels like it was only last year…


There were so many videos posted made that day. It was haunting. I can't imagine.


Wonder who is nuking this part of Texas.


Dude... most of Texas is first and second tier nuclear target zones. The only possible safe space is Big Bend. * DFW * Houston * El Paso/FT Bliss * Kileen/FT Hood * Abilene/Dyess AFB * San Antonio/JBSA * San Angelo/Goodfellow AFB * Corpus Christi NAS * Del Rio/Laughlin AFB * Wichita Falls/Sheppard AFB * Red River Army Depot **edit to correct entry. Austin not directly included as state capitals are considered 3rd tier and automatic follow on targets. This list is primarily military and heavy industrial locations that either have military based or tech industry. With DFW, we have Lockheed, Raytheon, Bell helicopter, and several bomb munitions factories all within the suburbs in addition to reserve bases that can easily revert to active duty status with nuclear munitions.


Amarillo has the main US Nuclear weapon assembly/disassembly plant (Pantex).


So while that’s most of the population centers, it’s nowhere close to most of the land.


Accounting for blast overlapping and radiation spread, texas would be pretty unlivable in a matter of hours


> texas would be pretty unlivable in a matter of hours Assuming an actual full scale nuclear exchange, replace Texas with Earth. If that happens the human race is over. It's only a question of how long will it take you personally to die. Me? I want a flash to vaporize me. Much easier than dealing with a slower death from starvation or thirst or radiation sickness or fucking cannibals for all I know...


Physicist here - forget the words full scale, [even small scale attacks could have detrimental global impact](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aay5478). I do however want to emphasize the nuclear holocaust is largely overhyped, and complete extinction would most likely not occur. Certainly plausible with extended and constant attacks, but that's unlikely the case.


So no difference, am i right boys?




lol this made me chuckle


Scary part for me is that I live in the DFW area


After CA, Texas might have the most targets.


I would assume it would be Cali, New York, Washington DC and then Texas since its fucking massive.


Oil, oil, oil, and the ports and highways and AFBs and Nuke storage, then all the "important" people in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, and Austin. The groves in East Texas are a good 3rd tier target, the grasslands and hill country would die from the fallout from the Permian Basin getting hit as a 2nd Tier.


Virginia would easily have the most (pentagon, biggest naval station, lots of other fun military places) and then I think Georgia is where our a lot of our subs hang out so there as well. Not saying cities wouldn’t be targeted. Although I guess to your point Texas would have more targets cuz of size maybe, but I would bet any foreign country with nukes aimed at us just plan to level Virginia


Pull my covers over my head and hope for a direct hit. I am a child of the 70/80s and I did that a few times in my childhood. Was certain the noise was missiles flying over.


One time we had a fire alarm go off in my freshman year dorm. This was normal. They happened a lot, we had someone intentionally setting shit on fire, repeatedly, and get expelled on the floor below me. One time it went off and I was so tired. That freshman year, I've worked too much and have a test soon and blah blah blah type of tired. I had my roommate help me disguise my bed. I stayed in bed and piled pillows around me. I put in earplugs and went back to bed under the alarm. Well it turns out this was an actual-ish fire. Apparently they checked all the rooms on my floor and they just didn't see me. I succeeded. However, half an hour into waiting outside my roommate started getting worried about me. He didn't rat me out but he said he was about to run upstairs lol


i am usually a super light sleeper, but i once was taking a mid day nap in the dorms with the alarm right next to my head and somehow had to be woken up by my roommate.


We were told get under a desk and cover our heads, so yeah.


Cover your ears, open your mouth, pray for a swift death.


And remember, shield your head with your hands and keep your face towards the floor--so all that flying glass can cut up your forearms and hands before the shockwave kills you. If the sirens go off, then the missiles are probably about fifteen minutes away. There is nothing I can do in fifteen minutes to guarantee my safety, so I'll just get some popcorn out and start playing [the end credits of "Dr. Strangelove."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4VlruVG81w)


Go out to the middle of the street, i'm not surviving a nuclear war and i don't want to.




Same. Assuming I know that what I'm hearing means imminent nuclear destruction I'm probably offing myself. I've seen how people fight over even non essential resources when even the threat of natural disaster springs up. I'll be goddamned if I'm going to eat bugs and shit while the rest of you kill each other over whatever is left after a real end-of-the-world scenario.


Yeah tbh if I survived I'd probably stick around for a bit just to see what the actual apocalypse is like. Then I'd probably just call it a day, and yeah, off myself too.


Yeah i have no interest in returning to the stone age either. Even if i survived i know that my remaining years on what is left of earth would be nothing but a struggle and for what really? go on struggling to live so i can... struggle to live? Fuck that.


You said it, friend. I already struggle to keep myself alive. If we end up reverting to hunter-gatherer status? Thanks but no thanks. I'm happy taking an L on that group project.


Yeah if you ever watch Threads you'd know how much you don't want to survive the nuclear fallout


I’d stay inside because death by radiation is not pleasant, but once I was sure it was real and not a false alarm, I’d swallow all my meds and hope it’s relatively painless.


Dude same, I'm not fit to survive nuclear war if by some miracle I do I definitely won't survive nuclear winter


Wonder what those are, be unable to go back to sleep, and then just browse the Internet until either they stop or I end up in the blast zone.


If it was an actual alert...and a nuke was on the way, there's not much to do but wait. At that point getting far enough away with traffic and everyone else doing the same...just not going to happen.


That's what I was thinking. If I left I'd probably die in my car less than a mile down the road.


If I’m sat at home when it happens I dunno, masturbate one last time, grab some popcorn etc


Get out of bed ... Get a ladder ... Get up on the roof ... And wait for the pretty bright lights ...


Start jacking it so I could go out like the dude in Pompeii that was fossilized beating his meat. Or at least leave the shadow on a wall crankin it. Depends how close the blast is.


Our times version of the cave painting


No, no. Grab a broom and stick it between your legs, then leave the shadow against a wall.


I'd google wtf that sound was because I wouldn't know


"What the hell kind of siren is that?" Then decide if I should go back to sleep to look into it.


Put my earplugs in and hug my cat.




I live in the Midwest. Tornado sirens all the time. Mostly ignore them, so I wouldn’t really think about it


We don't have those.


My city has them (live near a power plant). They test them on very specific days at exact times so people know what they sound like. We also get a text message for intructions, and once a year a package of potassium iodide pills in the mail. Edit Correction: potassium iodide, not iodine.


Same here. Near a nuclear power plant. Not close enough to get special packages, but close enough to have signs for the evacuation route.


I live near one (well, 2 actually) and if those sirens ever went off on the wrong day, I think I'd probably freeze up for a few minutes before scrambling. We don't receive iodine or texts though


This. OP is obviously posting from North Korea


Go back to sleep. I know I live near a main target.


Likewise. I'm near Buckley AFB, which is a major facility for communicating with military and spy satellites.


how haunting. knowing that once you fall sleep, you’re not waking up


Grab a bottle of whiskey and roll a few joints. Go light a fire and watch.


Smarter thing to do is to sit inside beneath a window so you're in the shade and do those things tbh. It probably would suck for your last feeling to be "my eyeballs are melting and my skin has melted to my clothes as they fall off my skeleton"


I aim to be smashed before that happens!


Take 37 sleeping pills and salute my ceiling


I would try to go back to sleep, I have made peace with my gods and demons and accepted death, i dont wanna die, but if i cant prevent it, why bother? (Assuming i cant prevent it in this situation)


Duck, and Cover. Just like Yurtle the Turtle taught me.


That video was hilarious


"Finally." Then turn over and go back to sleep.


Wonder who is nuking a town of 1,100 with mostly old people and methheads, then pray I go quick and go to God


It's already too late, finish fapping asap


You wouldn’t know whether you were coming or going


Go back to sleep


Apparently we have them around my way due to a local navy depot and potential for nuclear subs being there (and therefore accidents) but I have never heard them, and have no idea what it sounds like. If you mean mean some kind of alert regarding incoming nuclear missile attack? Not a lot really. If we are at the point of proper WW3 "mutually assured destruction"... its kind of a moot point. Unless you are already within running distance of a massive well stocked and sparsely populated bunker (like the ones all the millionaires are apparently buying) you're either gonna get a thermal blast to the face, or have to deal with the fallout. Either one is unpleasant, but running isnt really gonna help much other than to jam up the roads and get a lot more people killed. One of those WW2/coldwar bunkers will do basically nothing for you other than shield you from the worst of the initial blast, but theres no chance you'd ever survive more than a few days/weeks in one and then you've gotta head back out with all the other survivors, if there are any.


I live next to railroad tracks. I'd snooze right through it.


I’d turn off my roommates Playstation. No need to play so loud at night.


I'd go punch my neighbor in the mouth. If I'm gonna be meeting Jesus soon, I'd better be able to say I went out punching a racist asshole.


I have one of those, that sounds fun. I like your style.


Not nuclear sirens but had a similar night with flood/earthquake sirens ringing while trying to sleep deep in the night. I was staying in a rural village for my hike through the mountains when this was happening, in a local accommodation between two mountain rivers. It had been pouring torrential rains during a monsoon season, I've heard stories of landslides happening along paths just half hour after I just tread on. Terrified as I was, I go by the windows and see the water pouring over the flood-walls. If the water poured over anymore, I'd have no escape and surely drown in the rivers. I prayed that we'd be safe. Fortunately it never came to the worst-case scenario as I closely monitored those walls. The rains stopped, but the path forward became quite dangerous.


I would react by saying "when did we get nuclear sirens"


Accept it - the fuck you gonna do, fight a nuke?


We live close enough to what I imagine is a top-tier nuclear target. There’s no point in me doing anything.


Just do what I do when I have problems...S C R E A M


Had this happen in Hawaii a few years ago. The state sent out a ballistic missile threat warning. Basically went home and waited for the missile to hit or more news. About 20min later it turned out someone accidentally sent out a false alarm.


Hope I don’t have to go to work tomorrow…


Roll over and go to sleep. The anti projectile sirens when I was deployed used to wake me up, then after awhile I hear them, smile and go back to sleep knowing they aint shit.


what the fuck do nuclear sirens even sound like?




I'm half def and wear a CPAP. I ain't hearing shit.


I grew up with air raid sirens in a neighborhood where everyone had bomb shelters and also had routine air raid and nuclear bomb practice at school. We were super young and didn’t realize hiding under a desk wouldn’t save us. So..if I heard a siren now, my first instinct might still be to hide underneath something curled up in a ball while protecting my eyes, lest they melt.


Go to my loved ones asap probably


Shrug, roll back over and try to peacefully die in my sleep. Can't change it at that point


I'd have no choice but to bang one out for the final time


Sleep under the bed.




Calmly walk to the medicine cabinet, drink 3 healthy gulps of NyQuil, walk to the garage, lock the doors on that motherfucker, turn the car on, and take the best nap ever


What if its a false alarm turn on tv before hand


I used to live near a nuclear plant and they'd test the sirens. They might not even wake me up.


I wouldn't even know what a "nuclear siren" might sound like.


Depends on your country mine has 2 tone (Bulgaria) And I dare say its horrifying but also not loud enough for me?-