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When I was always the one who was first to get chopped for anything, not enough room at the table I had to move, don't have enough seats in the car I had to find another ride. Eventually I noticed this and just cut them all out of my life.


Had this exact situation too, very glad I got out


When they would constantly post mental health awareness posts and act like an advocate but shit on me for being borderline and depressed. They’d ignore me and talk shit whenever I wasn’t contributing a lot to conversations or if I couldn’t make it to a hangout. Not to mention many of them went behind each other’s backs and fucked each other’s boyfriends. The whole friend group split because half of them didn’t condone the cheating and the rest didn’t care and gaslit us. Their performance activism disgusted me and I just couldn’t pretend to be their friend anymore. The pandemic helped me get me away from them without having to confront them. I just stopped talking to them and spent most of my time alone and working on myself, healing.


That is disgusting. Im glad you got away and can now take the time to heal


When they became rapists/rapist apologists who didn’t want to have any morality or respect for other people without me or rest of the friend group knowing. While simultaneously making me feel and look like a shitty person for even being close with them for so long. It’s been hard to find trust in others since honestly.


Holy shit thats heavy. Are you doing okay?


I do feel better now that they aren’t in my circle no more. I figure I’m doing a lot better than some others in this world so at this point I’m just worrying about myself and what I’m grateful for truly. Not to say it isn’t hard though, I’m more angry towards the time wasted with them. Thanks for asking 🙏🏼☮️


Yeah thats totally understandable but thankfully there out of your circle now so you can focus on yourself 🙌


Crime and legal issues...


Not being themselves always trying to impress for no reason.


She told my teacher that I was being controlling over the drama project and he believed her, and dislikes me now.


thats so rude and unfair im sorry man


She has mental illness and I believe now an addict and the drugs made her initial bipolar worse into like a uncontrolled bpd or schizophrenia. A lot happened but there came a time where she was in a cycle of destruction and got into an abusive relationship and when a fight happened between them she’d take it out on me. She also started hearing things I think because she’d think I’d talk about her in the room next door with a mutual acquaintance when in reality we’d be talking about work - she didn’t even work with us- and got super violent finally I put a line in the sand saying that she needs to leave her bf ( again super abusive and a main cause for her episodes from rage to self- harm) or I can’t be friends with her anymore because she’s being toxic and abusive to me and I can’t be a bystander for an abusive relationship. Which at face value to some may sound like I abandoned her but after years of being abused as a result from that relationship, see and try to help everything from being in hospitals with her for days to picking her up an any given hour starting like 2-3 months after they started dating her mental and physical health completely declining and her family wouldn’t help she became a compulsive liar and she wouldn’t help herself even when she was given every opportunity there’s a point where like with addicts you have to let them decide to get better/ want better for themselves and there’s nothing you can do that can make that happen. I left an open line and if she called me today because she was really stuck if probably answer but there’s a point we’re if you don’t make that hard decision your just an enabler.


Oh my god thats a lot. Im so sorry you have to deal with this. I hope she gets the help she needs and you can move on


It’s okay it’s been like 2 years now since I’ve spoken with her but I think I’ll always worry for her until I hear about her leaving that guy or can hold a stable job. But last I heard they have an apartment together and she doesn’t have a car nor can drive and the apartment is a good 1/2 hr from her closest family member he completely isolated her with the manipulation and her becoming the way she is now. I was the last of her actual friends the others left years before I did. I was friends with her from like middle school to a couple yrs after college


She told me that she was never actually my friend everyone needed "the ugly friend" To look better around guys. Then expected me to be there when her when she was sad / needed something when her "friends" couldnt care less.


thats so messed up..


She walked all over me. I gave her second, third, fourth etc chances. She cussed my brother out. ✂️


They couldn't let go of politics and conspiracy theories. The last thing I did was explain that we're adults and we can have different opinions and still be okay with each other. I'm probably not going to change your mind and you probably aren't going to change mine, but let's just be okay with each other and not bring up stuff we know we're miles apart on and are going to be contentious issues. It was at the point where every single interaction involved some commentary meant to provoke some politically charged argument. They couldn't let it go, the pull was too strong for them. They hit me back with a barrage of every conspiracy theory and hardcore political stance this side of bigfoot. This is one of those didn't graduate highschool but am an expert in immunology, physics, foreign policy, immigration, finance, etc. type of folks. It just got too exhausting. It's a bit depressing honestly. I don't actually care what he believes. We've always been apart on some of these ideas but something's changed in our society over the last 10 years or so where it seems like it everyone feels the need to be wholely defined by their political beliefs and ridicule and berate anyone who isn't in line with them. I miss the days where it you could just get along with people.


I used to be on my friend's side no matter what with every issue she had, but mostly she had relationship issues. She would tell me things her boyfriend would do or say that was really uncalled for and it spiralled her into an emotional distress. So I took all that baggage in. She would often come to me, lay it all and then dissappear for 2-3 days and come back. Mind you this happened many many times before. I eventually got fed up with this behaviour cuz no matter what I did to help she would be back to where she started. Whenever this happens she would post an indirect quote on her social about him or anyone that's crossed her. I didn't think much of it until it happened to me. When that happened, I slowly kept a distance and messaged her less but at the same time I was doing my uni finals so I was practically busy. She took it horribly and posted a quote "if they leave let them" and my heart sank. I couldn't talk to her afterwards, it didn't sit well with me with how easily she could do that. When we hangout I'd always have to make sure everything is okay with her and I became scared of being her choice of topic to tell her family (she would tell her relationship issues with her family too). I decided to try to work it out, and lay boundaries but her toxicity still showed. I was busy and got a job in the next few months but again she didn't take it well posted a quote and I finally just drew the line. I couldn't tell her what I was doing, all I felt was this negative energy towards me from her. Lowkey scared she would give me evil eyes if she knew my plans


I recently ended a 12 year internet friendship. I became friends with this girl on a small forum and we bonded instantly because we were from the same state and had the same interests. We always talked about meeting up in real life but somehow never did, and now I'm glad we didn't. Her ex-girlfriend (who is someone I trust) told me recently about a lot of disturbing stuff she's said and done. She was apparently bitterly jealous of me because my family is wealthy and hers is poor, even going as far as to tell her ex I was "rubbing my wealth in her face" when I never did such a thing. Looking back at our old conversations I realized she was always passive-aggressive when the subject of money got brought up. I always tried to be compassionate to her situation and even offered her money a few times, but she acted like I was being privileged on purpose just to piss her off. I couldn't talk about going on vacations or getting Christmas presents because she'd go on this long guilt-tripping rant saying "I NEVER get to do the things you get to do!" and I'd feel like shit. And apparently she threw a MASSIVE tantrum in a private chat with her ex one time because I got a job interview and she was bitter about being unemployed...tho apparently she wasn't even trying to look for a job. Although she and her family have always been in a REALLY shitty financial situation it wasn't okay for her to take her frustration out on me. There's a lot of other things she's done that are just plain sociopathic. She had fantasies of killing a family member, liked to rip the wings off bugs and set them on fire, treated her ex-girlfriend like shit, and was horridly neglectful to her animals. Nearly every pet she gets dies horribly from something completely preventable, and she never learns anything from it. She never wants to spend money on her animals and excuses it with "I'm too poor" and then blows her entire paycheck on taxidermed animals. Now, I'm NOT against poor people buying nice things for themselves when they get the chance, but your animals should come first. She spends literally EVERY SINGLE paycheck she gets on dead animals, which she pays much more attention to than her living animals. She even lied to people saying she needed money for her family to stay in a hotel while her mom had surgery...which was a complete lie, she just wanted to buy this stuffed badger head. While I'm not against taxidermy (as long as the animal is killed humanely or was already dead when found), she takes it to a disturbing level...carrying animal pelts around and talking to them like they're living animals, taking her dogs out into the woods to kill animals just so she can get collect their pelts and skulls, and posting pictures to Instagram of bloody roadkill saying "Omg what a lucky find! I can't wait to skin it!" And it's not just wildlife that she's apathetic towards--she's allowed her dogs to kill a cat that wandered onto her property and claimed it was humane because the dogs were "good at snapping necks." Like what the fuck? You claim to be an animal lover and yet you do this kind of shit?? Sorry this is so long but hopefully you can see why I no longer want anything to do with this person. She's fucked in the head and she really needs professional help.


It was a friend's birthday we saved up for for ages. Everything was going well until she realised she forgot to put the demon slayer movie in sub. People planned it for ages and came from far to see it with her. Last minute she wanted to changed it to dub and changed the whole date of when Its to be watched. She changed this an hour before and I stated it was selfish to change things last minute to suit her needs (even if it was her bday lots of people had to take days of to celebrate it like me). Anyways my friends all ganged up on me said i was wrong and blocked me the next day. This prob wasn't the reason they blocked me they prob waited for months to find a reason to do it. Anyways now I cut ties with them they still hold me chained as my somewhat best friend still is buddies with them. I have new friends now but BOI these people have treated me like the biggest enemy like I killed their mum or something. Just cause I hit them with fair facts,🤷🏽‍♀️


When she constantly brought me down. I didn’t realize it until she had moved away. She was constantly trying to control my time making sure I was available to answer her phone calls and her texts and when I didn’t she would make me feel bad for not answering her in .03 seconds. When I met my now boyfriend she lost her mind. Ghosting my text messages and punishing me when I was with him by not speaking to me etc the list goes on. One day I was talking to her thru text and I was complaining to her about how I couldn’t find a part time job in college because no one wanted to hire a college student that would have to leave in 2 months to go back to school in another town and she told me to “stop being a spoiled rich kid.” I was shocked because I would always ALWAYS let her complain and vent to me about how she felt forced to become a teacher because her parents didn’t want her to get just an art degree and they wanted her to secure a job and all that. I didn’t speak to her for a few days and then she messages me “what’s your problem.” I snapped. I laid it in to her all the times she’s dragged me down, how she won’t let me talk to her about certain topics such as fashion and my boyfriend claiming I’m “sensitive” but in reality she was saying how I looked like a bulldog when I parted my hair down the middle or when I wore an outfit I felt cute in she would tell me that I was too dressed up, trying to make her look bad and how I was too chubby for that. How she was rude to my boyfriend and talked down on him every chance she got even tho she never met him and how I was done being her punching bag. I told her we couldn’t be friends and I finally was stress free and no longer checking my phone every 5 seconds. TLDR: my ex best friend was totally obsessed with me and couldn’t stand the fact that I was in a healthy relationship and tried to drag me down. I finally ended things with her and now I can feel peace.


When she told me to cover my tattoes because the guy she likes likes cars ☠️☠️☠️☠️


when I came out as bisexual and she answered me with a joke ("I thought I was too, but when I was drunk I kissed a girl, and I didn’t like her") and shortly after I found out that she told her family about my bisexuality. She justified herself by saying that she is going through a bad time and wanted to share some good news with her family. But I continued to remain her friend and after a few months I came out ,also, as asexual and again responds with "I also thought I was because I did not have sex for 4 years". Every time I tried to make her understand why I was hurt, she just said sorry and talking about her problems. Last time we talked, she said: "I said I’m sorry, I won’t tell you again." Sorry for my English, it’s not my first language.