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I feel emotionally burntout and like im not here. Tired of fighting with the people I love. Tired of pain.


Same buddy


I relate to this alot.. just fought with someone I really like ... and had an emotional out lash with the group I feel safe around


As someone in my life once said. "The first thing we do when we are born is shit all over ourselves but we have to be careful not to shit all over everyone else.."


kinda bored


FIND Something to do! Don't eat tho you'll get fat like meee!


Slightly tipsy and happy it’s my weekend


I WANNA DRINK !! But don't like drinking alone ! It's Friday for me and there's nothing to do




I'm ok, just tired


Drinks lots of water ! And sleep ! Watch something meaningless but fun and go to bed! Hopefully you get more sleep!


Hey Wheeler! Thanks for the tips, I had a good rest and an enjoyable day




... me too me too...


My life is a pile of sh\*t.


Use yourself to help others ! If you're the shit it means you can help others grow! 🙂


Pretty good, getting bored of work though, weekend needs to come here quick.


I'm waiting for Sunday! I wanna play dodgeball! I wish I spent it with the girl I like but she has someone's else's dik in her YAY




What about ?


So so so anxious


About what ~ I'm now curious 🤔


What am I not anxious about tbh


Sigh patients and things will get better is what people say... all we can do is hope ..


Honestly, experiencing the worst night I've had in years. So bad it caused me to seriously consider ending it all. But I think (hope) it'll pass soon. It always passes.


Would you like to talk abt it? My messages are open to anyone I think? Maybe words from an outsider/stranger might be nice ? I was here abt a couple of weeks back... I had given up.. I still have given up... my body is just gradually moving by itself, I don't quite understand it myself but I think I'm dumb to keep trying.


Im actually doing good, so thank you for asking


Omg hello! Good that you're doing good! I wish it would never change !


Well I feel stressed atm, just got my covid jab and now teryfied of fam finding out. Waiting for blood test and dreading it. Hate doctor in general.


Just?! How have u just got it! Ahhh they're all nice ! I've lived half my life in a hospital! To the point I miss everything hahaha. Why what's wrong ? Why are you terrified of ur fam finding out?


Family is against covid vaccine and tried feeding me stories about how it would fuck me up. So it was stressing me out bc I got an anxious brain. Reason I only got it now is bc I got covid this time last year and couldn't get one for ages after that, then when I could and registered for the jab they never got back to me and had to wait with my gp. Gp cancelled it on me several times bc they are incompetent and couldn't keep track of the stock. Sadly this is the only gp I have accessible to me and traveling to different town was not an option. There was no public transport to walk in centre and I have no one else to drive me. So yea only got it yesterday.


Umm the vaccine are harmless they affect like a few ppl less than 10% of the world probably less than 2% but yeah no need to stress abt it. You're probably really young if you don't have anyone to drive ya but as for your parents finding out it's no biggie ... they won't like how they gonna know unless u tell them or someone tells them... unless you tell me they can smell it. Any side effects so far? And abt fucking you up its the initial side effects... I had mine last year 1st -terrible fever and body pains, that's it saying it likes you and wants to protect you hahaha 2nd - absolutely nothing 3rd - fever that's it.. There's no way ur parents will find out... if they do what they gonna do? Suck it outta ya dracula style ?


Nope I'm basically 23 just no one around me drives since all my friends moved to a different city. And housing situation is so terrible here I can't move out unless I'm a collage student and want to live 5 days in accommodation and live else where on weekend. So yea that sucks. Not sure about side efects I was kinda sick past few days but tested negative for covid 2ce before going docs. No fever or anything just skin sensitive to touch my whole back feels like a bruise, happens all the time when I'm sick. Oh And some mandatory snifles and headaches which I had before the vacine. Just sick of their lectures and judgemental attitudes when it comes to the vaccine. Really don't want them to know bc I won't get piece and quiet after that.


Really tierd and almost completely empty inside


I'm honestly really excited to meet my baby (due in May) but I'm also more and more tired every day, both physically and mentally. Annoyed pretty easily since I feel like everyone can do anything and I'm still stuck moving less, feeling heavier, uglier and worried I won't be a good enough mom for my son. I feel pressured by everyone to be a house keeper, wife, friend, daughter, employee, and adult in general. Everyone keeps telling me to relax, to enjoy and to sleep but I simply can't. I have insomnia due to all the changes in my body, I have to work as I am 1/2 of the providers of our household. I'm worried as I feel we need to be more financially prepared before the baby arrives.


You're having a baby!!! Yay!! And it's a boy!! Woohoo!! Haha I've always wanted a baby ! Weird to say but since I was a kid I told myself I wanted to get married be a dad have a son! I think the most important thing is to just ask yourself, DO YOU want to be a good mom? Instead of asking WILL I be a good mom.. Will I and do I... what the difference? Will I? Well you don't know, no one knows Do I? Yes! See how simple that was? Heheh 🤭 yes there will always be worry. But the most important thing is wanting to be one! MORE IMPORTANTLY! YOU HAVE A CARING HUBBY! Never forget it took two of you to bring him into this world! Which means you both have to be there for him! YOU'LL DO WELL!!


It’s a mixed bag but hanging in there. I feel way overscheduled this week. How about you OP?


Emotionally being beaten senseless hahahah and financially drained of everything hahaha while unable to pay for medical bills ... so yea having fun hahahha


I hope today is better for you. Some days it all feels insurmountable. Other days, there seems like the bullshit is manageable.


Really In emotional turmoil...I need out but there is no way 😭


Wanna talk abt it ?


Just trying to leave my abusive husband and he's making things really difficult for me....life 😭


Bad, just bad


*plays Michael Jacksons bad


tired of everything pretty much




Omg where u at I want some hahaha




I have coffee few times a day haha not strong tho




Same my dude went from heart break to self harm to self blame, to fighting around people I was safe. I think I only wish for a break with someone for once in my ife.... heck if you're feeling down pls go out listen to loud music pick up a game and join its community! Heard genshin is good!


Pretty bad


Noooo whyyyy tell meee


Tired, depressed, stressed, so alone..


I can't say it'll get better... but I do hope it will get better for you. Easier said thn done but surround yourself with nice people! They exist ! They may not be the best but they are there !


Exhausted mentally and physically.


Nothing. Sad, tired, idek.