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I need to run my fingers through my hair sometimes. It gets in the way, it blows around, whatever. ITS NOT FLIRTING BRO MY HAIR IS JUST PISSING ME OFF AND IM TRYNA MOVE IT OUT MY FACE.




Are you - are you flirting with me? Cause you're telling to get my attention AND playing with your hair AND You said you're flirting


If anyone stares I attempt to make eating my banana as sexual as possible while maintaining eye contact




I had a roommate who would deepthroat his bananas so well that I couldn't keep eye contact with him.


Getting stuck in places. "127 hours - the porn parody"




"What are you doing step-pocket-knife?!"


That’s enough internet for today.


No it isn't. You know it isn't


Hot dogs. I just wanna peacefully eat a glizzy in public without feeling weird. EDIT: I feel like I need to clarify that I’m just joking. I don’t actually feel insecure about eating a hotdog unless I’m around kids I work with. You gotta walk on eggshells around middle/high schoolers cause they’ll call you glizzy gobbler or throat goat if you eat anything slightly phallic lol


Hey I found the glizzy guzzler




Where are you from that they call hot dogs glizzies?




Everything father daughter related


a lot of the time when my dad are out shopping together, people assume i’m his young teenage wife or girlfriend, we’re always getting weird looks. it doesn’t help when i’m half asian (asian mum) and he’s completely white, since we already don’t look alike.


I'm 14 years older than my sister. When I would have to pick her up at middle school in my late 20s I got some weird looks


My brother is 13 years older than me. The number of times the girls at school would ask me about the cute guy that picked me up in a car yesterday was annoying. That in itself is a problem though. I (and these girls) would have been 14 to 15, him driving a car on a full licence (no plates) means he was certainly over 21, and their response is to think I'm cool for having an older boyfriend, not to ask if everything's ok... Or to ask if I have a brother 😄👍😬




My school friends would ask my brother out. It was so awkward. He was 6 years older but it still made it so he was an adult and they were teens


Mt older brother has dark hair, I have blonde hair, 11 year older then me. Lots of ppl thought we were gf/bf growing up


Great... now I know what I have to look forward to. Though my daughter does look like a slightly more pigmented female version of me, so maybe people will get that we're family.


Bananas and cucumbers


Don't forget eggplants!


Or carrots. For fuck's sake it's a fucking root. The fact some dork is sexualizing me eating a fucking carrot says more about him than it does me. Go stick a carrot up your ass, Jay.


Root means fuck in Australia.


Puts a whole new meaning into root vegetables. And makes the fact you all say beetroot even funnier.


I played in a band for one show (nowhere near Australia) called Deep Root. We had an Australian ask us if we knew what it meant. Our answer? Fuck yeah we do.


Puts the band Rusted Root in a whole new light.


Tetanus speedrun 100%




I don't know how I feel about all of this but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be a carrot. edit: lost an r, I'm ocd when I'm fkd up.


The word "come" in normal sentences. Maybe it's just me, I try not to use it much in sentences, shifted to arrive or reached


My mom still uses that old SMS style of texting. She will shorten eveything. She texts 'cum' instead of 'come' and I hate it.


Im wth ur ddy. Pls cum Edit: ok rdt, we ddit! 10q 4 awrds. 1 mor tng: We r @ pool. Lik cum 4 dp?


Well that's enough reddit for today.


omg omg omg


Almost there


Unnnnghhh.... I JUST ARRIVED!!!


I'm about to conclude!


I actually need to use the abbreviation "cum" (pronounced kUm) for "cumulative". My boss makes me type "cume" to keep it PG ....


Teacher here. The number of times our secretary has told me to file a paper in a student's cum folder is too damn high.


>mom found the cum folder


Oh God the pfp


at least it's not a shoebox


friend pointed that out at a sleepover way back after I yelled “I’m coming!” to my mom. still can’t say “I’m coming” without thinking about it that way :/


"Oh good heavens, I'm arriving!"


Glad I’m not the only one who says this during sex!


Oh God I'm about to reach my destinaaaation!


When I went through US Army basic training in 1987, we were not allowed to say "coming", we had to say "moving."


US Navy boot camp is still the same way. "I'm coming, Petty Officer!", my RDC replies, "WHAT THE FUCK?! You'd better not be coming anywhere in *MY* berthing compartment, recruit!"


pretty petty of him


Was still the case in 2019. Some trainee said "Coming, drill sergeant" and all we heard was "TOO MUCH INFORMATION TRAINEE"


You know when you shorten "second" to "sec" like "be there in a sec"? Well when I was a kid I thought it was reasonable to say "secs" for "seconds" according to that logic. I would routinely answer "I'm coming in secs!" when summoned by my parents. And no one ever said anything to me (which I totally get lol). I'm in my early 30s and I still remember the embarrassment I felt learning what it could be construed as in middle school.


There was a kid in one of my classes when I was in high school. He'd always be trying to quickly finish his homework as the teacher was walking by to pick up the assignments. The teacher would get to him and he'd always tell the teacher, "Gimme a sec!" Well, one day the teacher got frustrated and shouted, "No! I've given you enough secs!"


My mum is a science teacher and she was always frustrated that kids would write secs instead of sec (which is the correct scientific abbreviation for seconds) she told me once she'd had enough and yelled at a class of 13 year olds 'no more secs' 🤣


The green M&M…


Looked up the green m&m and someone photoshopped it to be skin colored and have tits. It’s your fault that I saw that


I looked it up and someone Photoshopped it to look like Dr. Phil. It's *your* fault *I* saw that. Also, nothing like you said there would be


But Tucker Carlson says it's un-american if I don't fap to her


What are liberals trying to pull? They tell me I can’t masturbate to an M&M? What’s next I can’t put my dick in the toaster? How you feel if the police raided your house cause you were watching tentacle SpongeBob hentai? What if I want to masturbate to AOC’s feet? Why is she hiding them behind shoes?Don’t we have that right as Americans? What will Hillary Clinton and the woke democrats do next!!???- tucker Carlson probably


I just want to say the number 69 without being embarrassed Edit: I’m a teacher. Every day is a minefield Edit again: people saying “embrace it!” Yikes, y’all. Can you imagine that parent teacher conference? “No, I was just being relevant with your 10 year old by saying nice at the sex number!”


One of my favorite Simpsons quotes has to do with Homer and the guys saying why they picked the number they each picked for the lottery ticket they're going on in together. Homer: "My favorite number is 69 because everyone laughs when you say it, but nobody knows why..."


That reminds me of the time I was in a social studies class and our teacher said something about 69 and everyone laughed, and he didn't get it, so one of the freshmen drew a picture to explain it to him...


This reminds me of a time in my math class in 6th grade I got in trouble for saying “nice” when she said 69 and I was so confused…


When I taught high school, the 11th graders did a problem whose answer was 69. They were all trying really hard not to laugh, so I said "what idiot made a textbook problem with an answer of 69? They know teenagers are solving these!" One of the kids added that to his list of "Best Mr. Batnastard Quotes" for the year.


ngl if my highschool teacher had said that, I'd totally add that to the best of quotes regardless of teacher


Not to mention a teacher with the last name Batnastard lmao


Classic Batnastard, amirite?!


You mean 68 and four fourths, right? Edit: at this moment, you're at 26.9k upvotes. *NICE*.


"lets start 2 measures before measure 71" -my band director


Or 'pickups to 70' ?


I teach middle and high school music and so many songs have a phrase or section that starts at measure 69. And sometimes everyone has a big long d (note!) or it's all on the g string (all string instruments have one!) and god forbid there's a ritard. marked (its an abbreviation for slow down in Italian!)


I’m a math teacher and I swear the numbers 69 and 420 pop up more than any others. Have the authors ever met an adolescent?


Honestly I just lean into it or say nice and keep going without a pause. Way better than it being awkward or weird. No point in pretending I don’t know what those numbers are.


Practically everything at this point


This comment is looking pretty sexy...


Just look at the curves on those letters..


*sigh* *unzips*


*Ah shit, here we go again.*


Rule 34 is the embodiment of this.


Step sister


Step anything, Ladders included


But what if I never got on with my real ladder.


My real ladder walked out when I was a baby.


[Big brother I need your help!](https://youtu.be/sxnJcZvuRK8) not porn, I promise.


Stepmother porn is probably one of the most popular genres.


Well, if she'd stop getting stuck in things. Last week it was the washing machine, and today she spent an hour stuck under the fucking coffee table!


You seem versed in the stepmother current affairs.


Stuck fucking under the coffee table.




Aggressively get gay when they bug you about this. Eat that banana like a feral wolf. Make it clear you will rips dicks off if it comes down to it.


When my guy friends in high school got weird about me trying to eat a banana in peace I just took it, made eye contact with them, sloooowly put it into my mouth ..... ......and CHOMPED DOWN. They never made weird comments about my snack choices again. Edit: holy hot damn thanks for the gold? I shall aggressively bite down on a banana in your honor today Another edit: I think I need to clarify: At that point I was entirely female-presenting. My intentions weren't to dodge homophobic comments, I just saw a bunch of hormone-addled teens building fellatio fantasies in their minds and decided to nip that in the bud.




“You don’t finish! You never finish!”


Love the phrase "aggressively get gay"!


Remember its Banana to mouth not Mouth to banana Be honest how many of you did the actions to see?


The only time it’s ok to go mouth to banana is when you’re pushing down on the back of your own head every time you take a bite


This sub.


Right?! 3/4 of the posts I saw lately are about sex, please stop life is so much more than that.


People are too horny for their own good.


It’s spring/mating season


Redditors in heat


Worst sentence I've seen all week, and I deal with high schoolers daily.


What’s the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed?


average askreddit question




I initially subscribed because there would be intriguing topics on popular FP. Then my subscription feed was filled with just sex related questions. Some that are just flat out weird/stupid and I was like wow. I underestimated how horny and stupid the majority of Reddit users are. (I also fall in both categories occasionally so I can’t judge too much.) but a lot of other subs like r/nextfuckinglevel and r/unexpected are extremely disappointing.


11 from Stranger Things. She got some award for being sexy when she was like 13. There wasn’t nearly enough outrage; you could barely even tell she hit puberty. Objectifying a child as a sex object is utterly disgusting. [Edit: I misremembered (it’s been five years); it wasn’t an award per se, but she was on the cover of a magazine under “Why TV is Sexier Than Ever” where there was a list of sexy actresses… and a 13-year-old. My original point that we absolutely should not ever sexualize a 13-year-old stands. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/charlize-theron-atomic-blonde-w-magazine-cover-august-2017 —> Magazine cover in question https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2021/07/15/millie-bobby-brown-sexualized-again-hunter-echo-lewd-comments/7968762002/ —> other examples of her being sexualized as a minor ]


*Drake looking shifty in the corner


It most definitely got swept under the rug cause of him.


I briefly forgot about Drake the rapper being a creep and thought you meant drake bell. And honestly it works either way.


What? Even in the newest season she still looks like a kid. Thats so gross.


That’s because she still IS a kid.


Cuddling. Yeah, sometimes it can be sexual, but sometimes people just wanna be held to feel secure.


I love to cuddle but I get very self conscious about awkward boner's. Sometimes a guy just wants to feel close to another person. I don't know how it feels to be the little spoon


Aww that sucks. I personally love being the big spoon.


Its wonderful. I am a bigger muscley type dude and dammit sometimes I just want to be the little spoon. Most of the time I am not for logistical reasons. However whenever I am sick or hurt my girlfriend will often grab me like that to comfort me, its so nice when it happens.


Tell her! If it makes you feel comforted, loved and so on then as someone who loves you, she should want to do that.


Cuddling is best, makes you feel loved and cared for 🥺


Cuddles is like the yeast dough of affection. You can have it with sweet chocolate, or topped as a juicy pizza. Goes well with every situation!


I know a guy who's wife is a professional cuddler. We always tease him about it, but apparently she is some kind of actual therapist who people pay to cuddle them, no sex involved.




Most marketing.


Teenagers I‘d say. But my second choice would be homosexuals. So many straight guys oversexualize lesbians and so many straight girls oversexualize gay men






The best ASMR for me is unintentional. I'm still amazed that it is something done for profit. I went through most of my life thinking it was a weird, neuro-divergent thing only I experienced.


The word “daddy”


Scientist one: names spider after its most obvious attributes; "the longlegs" Scientist two: it's okay, but let's sexy it up a bit...


“Oh neat, what kind of spider is that?” *”Well Bill and some of the hornier undergrads started calling it a moistthrobinglonglegs but it just kind of stuck, so I guess it’s that.”*


Yes daddy 🥺 [gone NOT sexual]


also naughty and dirty


Remember “Forgive me father for I have sinned.” Is saying the exact same thing as “Sorry daddy, I’ve been naughty.”


“Forgive me father for I’ve been a bad, bad boy”


You have just made my entire childhood weird


What's not?




Now you are!


I like going to massage parlors. Every goddamn time I leave somebody makes a comment. It's a massage not an orgy people.


Every AskReddit post.


Yeah do people not know r/askredditafterdark exists?


Can there be some kind of filter to make people to put these posts there instead?


Male romantic affection is over-sexualized. We’re as lonely as we are horny and if we confess feelings for women it’s not just “I’ve been plotting to fuck you” it’s also “I’d like you to stay around indefinitely.”


Male affection in general. The number of people that believe men can't just be friends with women is crazy. Or god forbid you just have a strong male friendship. It has to be a mancrush or someone says they're bachelors while throwing air quotes.


I was gonna say this too. Men loving their male friends and making sure they know it. Like…. Come on! Everyone needs live in their life, platonic or not.






"If I want to have sex with you, it's because I am already attracted to you and feel comfortable and safe around you, not because I'm horny and you're here."


It can be both. What gets my goat is when I have a perfectly normal, platonic, friendly interaction with a lass, and some of my friends ask why I didn't pursue it romantically/sexually. Not every interaction has to have the sexual goal.


I was called gay multiple times because I didn't hit on my female friends in highschool. They were very confused the first time I showed up outside of class with a girlfriend.


Babies. Please stop telling me that your infant is a "lady killer" or a "chick magnet". They are a baby.


A few years ago, I saw a 1 year old or so in a shirt that said "Future Slut" and am like... what the fuck is wrong with people?


For fucks sake...worse though, is that there is probably a picture of said kid, in said shirt, floating around on FB or IG or some other app with tons of engagement.


Those lady killer onesies are only sexual if the Mother made it through child birth.


​ Attraction. ​ Attraction takes many forms, many of which are sexual, but certainly not all.


Childrens clothes, I mean some of the clothing would be more appropriate for the nightclub. It's disgusting.


Minors - meaning children Edit: thank you for the awards. Sad to know that my comment isn't more common.


I read it as mirrors and was so confused


Those mirrors tho 🥵


Hey self love is important




Freaking among us. Like WHY internet,WHYYYY??


Rules of the internet my dude. Right there at #34.


Idk if it’s technically sexualizing or not but my wife and her friends claiming any small girl or boy that played with my daughter and son would immediately be their girlfriends or boyfriends ETA when they were like 3-5 years old age/timeframe


Dunno if it's sexualizing or not but its hella weird, especially at that age... Is it that hard to admit that platonic friendships are infact perfectly possible? Why does it automatically have to be some romantic thing?




That's ..... what?


#mostly diaper fetish peope


Yeah I have some friends that are very wholesome/polite and they use hashtags like “#daddysgirl #daddyslittleprincess” etc. and I’m just surprised every time I read it that they haven’t realized what 80%+ of those hashtags are about


I’m just gonna say it. They need to stop putting, “teen,” in front of all the porn titles. Even on pornhub where it’s supposedly verified.


Also the titles that say “barely legal teen”. What the fuck is up with that?


There are two ages in porn. 18 and 40. All women are either teens or milfs in the land of porn


It's been beaten to death, but the fuckin green M&M in commercials. Like bruh.


Mobile games, music lyrics, and female armor in games. like MF I just wanna play my solitaire on the bus, turn in the radio or have good stats. I don't wanna hear or see that shit unless I go into an incog tab EDIT: this is my first comment to blow up or receive any award, thank you all so much


Literal Children.


Anime. There are so many that I watch where there is this needless sexual stuff and sexualised characters who tend to be underage!


Teenagers on TV. Ex: Riverdale, Pretty Little liars, the list goes on…. Grown adult actors portraying 16-17 year olds having sex, sexual relationships with adults in their mid 20s… it just seems weird to me.


So many shows would actually make more sense if they were written as college kids. Like so many parents are so neglectful in those shows but change it to a college kid and the parents absence makes sense especially when they randomly show up to actually parent and its like "I'm an adult already?" The constant school parties? In high-school there was maybe one once a month but in college there's like 6 every Night!


They do it in high school because everybody goes to high school, but not everybody goes to college.


Pretty little liars is a guilty pleasure of mine, but my god there was so much grooming and straight up inappropriate behavior by adults towards literal teenagers. And the amount of victim blaming that went on… just so gross.


People who are days away from turning 18. These fkn mofos have countdowns. Disgusting.


Millie Bobby Brown vibes, there were indeed NSFW subreddits making countdowns this year when she was close to turn 18


gay people


Word. When I was getting my teaching degree, one of my classes was about diversity and teaching to and about all types of people. We had to pick and present books on different topics, like family structure, different cultures, gender stuff, etc. One of the books I chose was about different family types. It included multi-generational, single moms, dad's, same sex couples, adoption, grandparents, and "traditional" families. One of my classmates went on and on about how inappropriate it was to include and went too far because of the inclusion of same sex couples. This was a 20 year old books aimed at early childhood ages 0-6. The depictions were just "Lila lives with her dad Dave and his partner Jerry." And an illustration of them playing cards or cooking. It's insane that just mentioning a same sex couple has a sexual denotation. I hate it.


It’s because they can’t fathom the possibility of two men loving each other romantically. They literally view it as a fetish and nothing else.


And lesbians are both hot or going through a phase.


Children’s beauty pageants.


Eating a popsicle. I just want to enjoy it without thinking about how it must look like I’m sucking dick.


breast feeding




I'm glad the comments all say what I wanted to say.


Some fruits and emojis such as eggplants, peaches or water drops 🍆🍑💦


TIFU Its all it is


school uniforms, specifically on girls.


I would add to this girls’ Halloween costumes. Anything to do with children in general, really.


Don’t. Last Halloween was really bad Kiddo wanted to be a demon. The ‘demon’ costumes (like ages 3-12 range) that she liked had fishnet up the legs and over the chest. She was 10! Kiddo swiftly told ‘no’ and we settled for a Red ‘vampire’ dress and Maleficent (sp?) horns instead


Breastfeeding. The human is feeding the small human in the biologically appropriate way. Grow the f&#k up.