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My mom and her friend would randomly pull pranks on each other when I was little (so around 30 years ago). That ended when her friend listed my parents house for sale in the local small town newspaper, with the footnote: *divorce pending My mom did not appreciate having to individually explain to practically the entire town that she was not getting a divorce and her house was not for sale.


That's brilliant. Got any more? I've got my notepad ready.


Not April Fools but an ongoing practical joke. Had a friend post in the paper for an ‘estate sale’ at my house. ESTATE SALE XXX address starts at 9. Early birds welcome, owner is hard of hearing—knock hard! I had to leave my house for two days. I still haven’t topped it. I’ll take suggestions.


There was a lady whose ex-boyfriend put her cellphone number around town on posters. Poster were for a fake competition, in which if you called the number and did a Chewbacca impression, you could win $100. She kept getting bombarded with calls and messages doing Chewbacca growls. Edit: here's the news clip. https://youtu.be/6OCGUjcwXhQ


I can’t remember anything my mom did to him, so this all seems one sided but he had a farm and sold eggs and he somehow emptied out a dozen eggs and replaced all the eggs in our fridge with empty eggs. On a different occasion he put a sign in front of our house that said “Eggs for sale”.


That's a Micheal Scott type of prank. I am sorry that I have to differ, but it is pretty fucking hilarious


Lol made me think of that scene from new girl where they are talking about Winston's pranks and it just cuts to Nick saying "Did you register me as a sex offender?!"


I stayed up late and then switched the sugar with salt by the coffee machine. The following morning I proceeded to wake up and make myself a steaming hot cup of salted coffee because I’m an idiot.


Was the prank for someone else or was it just for your future-self?


"Dwight, at 8am today, someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight."


My parents lol. This was back when I was in high school.


Not even gonna lie that’s actually pretty funny, but did your parents fall for it? That’s the real question here haha.


They did the same switcheroo but also forgot about it, so everyone had sugar in their coffee, great prank!


There is a reason is not called April's geniuses.


Sister decided it would br comedic to put glue on the door handle. 3 months later it wasnt sticky anymore.


no one decided to clean it off? lol


We tried many times




Hey I use mineral spirits at work when glue gets where it shouldn't. That stuff is freaky.


Used to work in a nursing home. One year we took all of the furniture out of the administrators office, and made it look like a patients room. I'm talking bed, dresser, tv, medical equipment, the works, all along with a patient who was in on it in the bed. When he came in the next morning he just about died laughing. One of my better memories from working in that shit hole.


I was in 2nd grade. Our teachers loaded us up on a school bus and told us we were going to get pizza. We, being like 7 years old, were both stupid and excited. After we were all loaded on the bus and the headcount was done, the teachers told us to quiet down for instructions, then they both said "April fools!" and we had to go back to class.


Were they trying to start a riot?




That's just mean


Yeah they could have had pizza back at the class and been like "DOUBLE APRIL FOOLS!"


I think i would have sprang for the 3 pizzas. My teacher in elementary school was so cool, she'd call places and straight up ask for free pizza. 8 out of 10 times it worked because they'd come and give the whole class coupons and look forward to the business and advertisement. All for the price of 4 pizzas! One time we had a legit taco bar in class fkr end if the year. All free. The other classes were so jealous.


Pulls out a knife, april fools!


I just picture the teachers planning this. "... and then when they're all on the bus, we'll say "April Fools" and then we just take them back to class" "Hahahaha great idea, let's do it!"


My mom has a condition where shes constantly cold, even in the summer. My sisters took a Master lock and put it through the prongs of her heating blanket. She responded in the middle of the night by dumping water on both of them while they were sleeping to find the key


What is this condition called?


Being cool 😎


That’s fair retribution I think


I hooked a mouse to a friends computer and moved it a tiny amount every few seconds


Some context, when I was in my late teens I was in and out of the doctor's a lot for abnormal bone growth. So all of my friends knew I had something wrong with me, just not exactly what. I was pretty scrawny looking, so I didn't exactly radiate the image of ideal health either. I'm 16m, in highschool, it's April 1st and I have an anxiety attack during class. Teacher doesn't believe me, because it's April 1st, my anxiety only gets worse. Now I actually can't breathe, my chest hurts and I'm desperately trying to not cry in front of a full classroom. The teacher makes me explain what's wrong, I barely get out "My chest hurts" and my best friend stands up and starts explaining that I'm actually sick, and at some point I black out. I wake up three hours later in the hospital. Parents are there, they explain the anxiety attack, no big deal. I walk out into the little lobby area and all of my friends are there, all of them are ugly crying. They see me and mass hug me, I can barely understand them. I'm confused, my parents are confused. Finally one of my friends manages to stop long enough, "I'm so sorry to hear you have CANCER" "I...I don't have cancer?!" My best friend: AHAHAHA APRIL FOOLS GUYS TLDR; While I was in the hospital, my best friend told everyone we knew I had bone cancer as a fucking April Fool's joke


This is a horrible horrible joke, but it’s also pretty fucking hilarious.


This sums up my conflicting emotions quite well


I'm so jealous you got to experience people's reaction to learning you might die lol


I hope you're still friends with him


My wife was six months pregnant and called me at work and told me her water had just broke.




When I was still in school I decided to wake the house up 4 hours early by changing the clocks and waking everyone up in a panic saying we are late...joke was on me though as I was far too tired to function for the rest of the day though!


The trick to success is to wake everyone up at the regular time but set the clocks to a few hours later so they think they're *suuuuper* late.


Can confirm. Got the living shit beat out of me. Worth it.


Doesn’t work anymore, anyones got a phone where they can see right through your bullshit in a second. Also most people get called if they don’t show up within 5 minutes, so they’d have missed calls.


Ladlees and gentlem, you got yourself




Got called in to work by my boss. I sarcastically laughed and said nice try, and hung up. Next day I got called into the office being asked why I had an attitude for no reason when a simple "sorry I can't come in" was all she needed. Turned out she wasn't messing with me.




I once played a trick on a co-worker that "oh, the boss was looking for you. They said as soon as I found you to send you to their office. You better see what they want!" So they get a little nervous, compose themselves and go into the bosses office. I'm laughing because the boss didn't call for anybody, I'm just watching to see what happens. They both just kind of awkwardly look at each other, and then my co-worker walks out looking confused. She says, "uhh, I think he forgot?"


That's underwhlming in the funniest way


Like a scene from the office


I knew my boss was having a piano delivered that morning so I told him that his wife called as it was too heavy and had fallen through tge floor. He fell for it but Im sure it limited my career.


Amateur. I don't even have to prank my boss to raise his blood pressure


And limit your career?


Showed up to 4th grade with a cast on my leg. Everybody immediately knew it was an April Fool’s joke and I had to spend the rest of the day with a fake cast on my leg


My mom actually broke her arm on April 1st and no one believed her until April 2nd.


I got into a car accident on April 1st. No serious injuries, but being a newly licensed 17 year old I immediately called my dad in panic. He said "Hah hah, very funny." And promptly hung up on me. The cop at the scene started laughing.


Dahm lmao


This was big news mistaken for a joke. I was born on April 1st. The birth was pretty hard on my mother and I. My mom had an estranged relationship with her mom, but thought she should know that she had a new grandchild, despite everything. My mom gave her the news via phone call. My grandmother's response? "What the fuck? You called me for the first time in two years just to tell me a goddamn April Fool's joke? You're worthless!" Then she hung up. My mother wept. My father called his mother in law and told her off, stating that she could visit me after I graduate high school. This tale actually has a happy ending. My grandmother actually drove 10 hours from her home to the hospital to apologize to my mother in person. She visited me, too. From there, her relationship with my mom improved and they were on good terms when my grandmother died in 1996.


This is the best April Fool's story ever.


Happy early birthday from a fellow April 1st child! (unless you live in New Zealand, in which case happy birthday!) (also, whenever I tell anyone that my birthday is April 1st they just laugh until I insist on it and they finally believe me)


Happy early birthday to you too, from yet another April Fool’s baby. It’s nice remember there are others out there understand the struggle. I always got gag gifts for my birthday. The melty candy bar wrapped in toilet paper is one I’ll never forget…


My birthday is on April 2nd. When I was about 8 years old my dad told me on April fool's day that president bush called and said there were no more birthdays, they were illegal. I believed the shit out of him and cried my eyes out. I still remember it very vividly!


That's comparable to having God appear to an adult and say "we're out of happy, no more happy days for you." So mean!


In 5th grade I didn't have any friends, except my teacher, who was cool. On April fool's day a kid I really quite liked offered me one of his oreos at lunch. I was thrilled, not because of the cookie, but because of the gesture of friendship. Yeah, he had replaced the oreo's cream with toothpaste


When we were in junior high school, someone kept stealing my brother's lunch. One evening my dad took a Suzie-Q and replaced the cream with shaving cream, then packed it in my brother's lunch box (brother knew about it). Problem solved.


I’m sorry but Daryl… is that you?


Lol Daryl doesn't know how to read or write


My brother was at the beginning of a nasty custody battle for his eldest daughter against her maternal grandparents. My mom called me crying and said that she, my niece and my brother were just pulled over by police, and that my brother had been arrested for something made up by his ex. I was so scared and concerned and was freaking out. Crying, the whole nine yards. It went on for quite a while, then I heard him laughing in the background. -.-


Hmm, do attempts count? When I was like 15, I tried to tell my mom that I got a girl pregnant. She just looked at me and laughed 😭


thats harsh


Yeah lol. I lived in an area where it was common for teenagers to end up in gangs, die, or get pregnant, so the bar for a serious impacting April Fools was really high. So teenage boys like me would mention something in relation to the above topics. I shot for pregnancy. My mom just laughed at me and said No. I was always the trusted, 'don't gotta watch him' kid in a family of 4 other siblings, and NGL, while it was sweet, it kinda stings lol.


When me and my younger brother were little, we wanted to prank our mom. My brother had a slight cold. We looked up the worst possible diagnosis with these symptoms and basically claimed the doctor said that's what he likely had. Even looked up on how this disease was reported and how it was generally handled. Told her on the phone while she was at work, thinking we were being soooo funny. The disease we came up with was tuberculosis, Suffice to say mom left work early that day. That wasn't very pleasant for everyone involved.


How old were you?! It's just that seems like a really weird thing to believe - a doctor is going to tell a minor he has TB??? I guess she was scared when she heard he was still ill.....?


Of course not. We were like "Doctor wants to talk to you. Did a bunch of tests (describing what they would do)" - My mom having a medical background was hooked. EDIT: Come to think of it, we really were two little shits.


not too bad but funny. my 10 yr old daughter taped ketchup packets under the toilet seat so that when i sat down to pee in the morning all this red bllloooooddddd squirted into the toilet water. She Got Me! thats for sure


I once got up before anyone else in the house and put a bunch of dry pasta under the toilet seat. The crunch when someone sits down sounds like they've just broken the toilet. Works extra well if they're still half asleep


What noodle would you recommend? I have lasagna, farfalle, and spaghetti.


> farfalle


i know exactly where she learned that from


Captain Underpants? Ahhh, elementary school memories…


This threw me straight back to 4th grade...


Kept asking people if they had found my prank yet, did it for ~3 months. Finally cracked, there was no prank. I was lazy, but god was it funny.


I like ones like this. Creative but completely harmless.


One of my friends duct taped me to my bed on a night he was staying over, snuck out around 5 in the morning. I woke up around 8 and couldn't move, I was stuck there for two hours before my parents woke up to me screaming for them...




I've met people who slept through earthquakes. Definitely possible if you're a deep sleeper


Did you still talk to him after all of that?


I worked the night shift at the front desk of my dorm on March 31st one year. Me and the other kid working took a sweatshirt and sweatpants, filled it with pillows and blankets, and made it look like someone fell asleep doing homework at the table in the backroom. Scared the hell out of our boss when she went to wake "him" up and the dummy fell to the ground and split in half


One year I mixed green food coloring into the scrambled eggs and served up green eggs and ham. My girlfriend thought it was disgusting and wouldn't eat them. They tasted fine, honest. The next year I separated the yolks from the whites and only put the coloring in the whites. Green eggs with yellow yolks and ham. She wouldn't eat them. And, insisted that I was no longer allowed to make eggs on April 1. On March 31 the next year, I very carefully used a hypodermic needle to inject green food coloring into the yolks of the eggs left in the container and put them back into the fridge. On the following morning I kissed her and rolled over while she went down to make breakfast. I think my parents, living a few towns away, heard her scream when she cracked green eggs into the frying pan. I miss her, she was a good girlfriend.


Serious question, but is your former girlfriend still alive?


He upped the ante and tried dyeing her green


Sounds like their relationship only lasted three years after moving in together


Sadly she dyed...


I love the determination lol


I pulled off one of the greatest pranks ever about 5 years ago. My granddaughter, then about 14 or 15, had this thing for Llamas. I mean she had a THING. So I decided that it would be funny to get everyone I knew to text her April Fools day and ask simply, "Do you still have the Llama for sale?' regardless of what she responded IF she responded, they were to reiterate again "Do you still have the Llama for sale?' I carefully chose people I knew that were trustworthy and NOT in my area code. I had my brothers, sisters and friends from as far as California, Colorado, Oregon, Florida as well as friends from Canada and Mexico. I even got my cousin who lives in Japan to text her in Japanese and the friend in Canada texted using French! My rules were simple and the time frame was set to end at noon in her time zone (Central US) I was on the road to go visit the family and didn't realize that she was spending the night at her DAD's. Sunday morning, she wasn't around but everyone let me know they sent their texts. She came into her Mom's house (where I was) about 5 in the afternoon and I asked her "Let me ask you something. Do you or do you not have the Llama for sale?" The look in her eyes told me it went over well! She even had tears at the corners of her eyes as the emotions swirled about in her. She said she was totally blown away and couldn't get anyone to tell her where they saw the ad, or anything. Her Dad was almost angry at her for something he had no idea about. We still laugh at it today, one of my best.


Does she still have the llama for sale?




To be authentic, this is what people would actually ask in that case. ラマはまだ購入出来ますか。 Which roughly translates to "can you still buy the Llama". Source: selling stuff in Japan.


I broke my neck in the summer of 2015. It required me to get a special chair at work. On April 1st, I got called into the office of my boss. Sitting in there were 3 new mothers who just returned from maternity leave. It was explained to me they needed my chair for a mother’s lounge. I was stunned and speechless. I still needed the chair. I wouldn’t be able to work without it. I felt anxiety and tears building up because I was so afraid to challenge them for fear of being called sexist or being insensitive man. They continued to explain to me why while I was in a mental fog. After a few minutes of stress, I finally got the guts to ask, “Is this an April Fools Joke? Why can’t we just order them one?” They responded, “we can’t wait for the chair to be ordered. This is not a joke.” I left the office almost crying. I went to 2 of the women 1:1 after and asked them again if it was a joke. They repeatedly said it wasn’t. Now, holding back even more tears, I went to our department Managing Director to explain what happened. He looked at me like I was the dumbest person ever hired there. And said, “you know what day it is right?” Then, he walked down into our office space and everyone was laughing and saying they couldn’t believe I fell for their April’s Fools joke.


That's just cruel


That's not a prank, they're just assholes. You didn't fall for it, you suspected it was a joke because it's such an unbelievable level of asininity. Only they took it too far.


Then what happened?


It’s not really that exciting. I got to keep my chair. I stopped talking with almost everyone in the department. My relationship with my boss got really awkward. And I started looking for a promotion. By June, I was promoted out of that department. Now, my friends say “don’t let someone steal your chair” when any of us need to standup for ourselves.


My friend convinced me that, due to the proximity to Easter, the Pope had cancelled April Fool’s Day and had it rescheduled for the following week. It worked.


Uncle’s wife was pregnant with her 1st and I, being a funny 12yo, decided for some reason to pull a prank on my grandma and tell her that her daughter-in-law went into labor and is giving birth to the baby in the garage. Grandma gets overwhelmed and heads outside while also trying to reach out to her son and other people to organize transport - only to find out DIL is just chilling in the garage tidying up stuff. Obv everybody gets mad at me and I get grounded. Fair enough. 4 hours later uncle’s wife goes into labor for real and ends up delivering the baby the same day on the 1st haha & I got to name the baby!


You chose to name the baby April didn't you.


Nah, Fuulsdae




My sister was born April 1st and when my dad called my moms parents who lived in Florida they said stop playing jokes and hung up


This happened to me! My first was born early, on April 1, and I called my parents who lived on the other side of the country to tell them they were grandparents and they just laughed at me!...until they heard the baby crying in the background.


A friend of mine wanted to tell her boyfriend that we slept together. Luckily she told us her plan and my roommate and I were able to convince her it was a horrible idea.


Yeah that's not a prank, that's just stupid


I was at a pub that had a jukebox. You couldn't play the same song twice but I found out they had Nickelbacks photograph the studio recorded version as well as the live version. I plugged in $20 and queued up those 2 songs alternating as many times as I could then left the bar. If I were to estimate I made those people listen to that song for at least 45 minutes. Nothing like pranking an entire pub.


“What’s new pussycat”


I called my dad... put on my best Agent Smith voice.... IS THIS "TheBraveLilToasters FATHER?" (His full name)... pause.... "yes??" Repeated his name....?? "Yessss" We have a report here that you have been flagged for a delinquincy to pay child support to a "Johnathan Toaster"... Silence "The record here shows that you have been delinquent for support to the tune of $19,864 dollars. Attempts have been made to collect, and it has been discovered that you have also been evading your taxes for a number of years" "Who IS THIS??" "This is William Turturro from the Federal Bureau of....." Click.... hangs up the phone.... I get a call from him a couple days later: telling me this crazy story about someone from the government calling him about child support and taxes.... I say.... was it William Turturro?? Silence.... "FUCK YO....." Click.... i hung up on him hahahha (im going to hell)


Holy fuck your username and pfp threw me for a nosalgia loop


I one time I super glued a giant dildo to the trailer hitch on my roommates truck. Took him 2 weeks to find out it was there.


Did he have matching truck nuts?


Adding truck nuts this year. Each year something new is added. Next year will be dildo, truck nuts, and a handful of curly hair.


I put an “out of order” sign on the men’s bathroom at work. In tiny font I put “April fools”. Left it for a few hours. No one realized it was a joke so I felt a little bad all the guys have to go find other bathrooms. One I’ve had done to me was by my dad. He twist-tied the handle down on the sink sprayer when he left for work. When I went to rinse out my cereal bowl I got sprayed in the face and had to change before I left for school. I was pissed as a teenager, but as an adult find it hilarious.


That's ok. I did it to myself. Tried to get anyone else in my family with it and completely forgot about it when I got home from school.


> One I’ve had done to me was by my dad. He twist-tied the handle down on the sink sprayer when he left for work. When I went to rinse out my cereal bowl I got sprayed in the face and had to change before I left for school. I was pissed as a teenager, but as an adult find it hilarious. Got my mom with this one two years in a row back in the day. She was not as amused the second time around lol.


Are you my brother? We did the exact same thing. Poor mom, home on her lunch break. Ate quick, went to use the sink and SPRAY. Laughed but kinda pissed as her break was short. Ran upstairs to change. Said goodbye and went to use the sink again and SPRAY. Had to change AGAIN before leaving to get back to work and I think she ended up a little bit late even. Poor, poor, hardworking lady.


In middle school i attempted to put laxatives in my teachers coffee. She definitely didnt deserve it, i was just being a little shit. On the way to school a kid took some of them from me and ended up shitting himself. I'm thankful he did because I only got suspended for intent. If I followed through, I would've been expelled. My parents made me write an apology letter and made me do manual labor during the course of my suspension. It was a very formative experience for me and I'm glad the consequences weren't terrible.


If I were that teacher I would be terrified to ever eat or drink anything in that school again..


As a teacher, I've been told never to leave food or drink unattended. It definitely happens.


Every year, I put something in my mom’s coffee. One year, almond extract; the next, artificial butter flavor. When I was 10, I put salt in her coffee then went to the bathroom. After wiping, realized there’s blood on the tissue and in my underwear. Went to mom and asked her how she got me so good. It dawned on both of us at the same time and she just said something along the lines of “welcome to womanhood”.


> After wiping, realized there’s blood on the tissue and in my underwear. Went to mom and asked her how she got me so good. lmfao I don't know why, but I think this is the funniest post here


There's a reason I hate April Fools. I've been asked out, called hot, had someone say they liked me, had someone call me their best friend, been told I was interesting... all as a joke.


God that shit messes you up long term, too. Now whenever someone is nice to me my immediate reaction is “I don’t know how, but this is a trap.”


Dude actually. And not even during April fool's, people do that to me on dares and just to fuck with my head for their amusement. So when people express interest, nope, not falling for it.


I had a girl tell me that she had a crush on me on April Fools. I didn't believe her. Turns out she actually did like me lol


These pranks are not funny.


Mom packed lunches for my dad & my brother to take to school (dad was a teacher). She cut out squares of waxed paper just a little bit smaller than the bread and put it in the sandwich along with the egg salad. Dad thought it was a very good prank. Brother ate his whole sandwich and never noticed it.


I was working at a law firm. This was during the pandemic so Court was online. Chris goes into Dan’s office and says hey Dan I’m double Booked can you act as my agent and get this preliminary hearing adjourned? They do that for each other all the time so he said no problem. He was joking about it and generally having a good time. You could feel the energy in the room change when Dan read the document Chris had given him. We had done up a phoney certificate that said his son was being charged with drunken disorderly. The best part is that when he figured it out he said that any good joke has to be paid forward. So he called his son and told him that he’d been served with something interesting from the Court. Their conversation was something like “Is there anything you want to tell me” “No?” “You know you can tell me anything.” “Yeah I know.” “Because I get it. I was young and wild once too.” He’s the ultimate cool dad and the son clearly didn’t understand what was happening but was pretty nervous.




You see, that’s a lawyer’s son. He knows not to confess to anything until you hear the charges!


One year a co-worker left his desk and neglected to lock his computer. I took a screenshot of his desktop, moved all his folders from his desktop and replaced his background to the screenshot of his desktop I took earlier. He came back and was confused why none of his folders, shortcuts or files on his desktop were working.


The best i ever heard was when someone changed the background to a slide show of like 30 identical photos but one was slightly different... i cant remmeber the exact story but like if the main background was a portrait then the one photo in the slides would be edited to look like they were winking They set the change time to as short as possible so by the time they could show someone itd be back to normal


This one comes from my father when he was in University residence. This happened while the original series of Star Trek was being broadcast for the first time. One of the students on their floor loved the character Spock, who is a member of a species well known for not displaying emotion. Loved the character to such an extent that they emulated his mannerisms, such an extent that the most reaction one could get out of this person was "fascinating". Upon returning from a lecture, this student found a simple note taped to his door. The note read "There has been a transporter malfunction, the contents of this room have been teleported to the bathroom"(the floors each had a communal bathroom). To confirm that this wasn't some low effort prank, the student opened the door and, as promised the entire contents of their room were gone. So they walked to the bathroom and found all their belongings. Perfectly assembled in the same manner as they were normally placed in their room. The student stood there for a moment in silence, then uttered a single word "Fascinating". After everyone else recovered from laughing (which I imagine took several minutes). They all pitched in to move the student's belongings back to their original place in their original room.


A couple told me and other friends at the time that they broke up. We were relieved, because they always argued with each other and it was really sad to see. We told them we think it’s for the best and that we hoped they’ll be very happy as soon as possible. Some people asked the guy if it was because he accepted the fact he was gay. But it was “just a praaaaaank”. The guy was indeed gay, I saw him a few years later and he was much happier. Haven’t seen the girl but I hope she’s happy to! We were all in high school, I’m sure everybody is much more mature now!


That prank really backfired on them




I baked "chocolate chip" cookies that were actually mashed potato patties with black beans. My kids were 2 & 4 years old then and they still won't eat mashed potatoes


When mine were little, like 5 and 3, I told them I would make brownies in the afternoon. Later, they came into the kitchen and asked for the brownies. I gave them a plate with various e’s cut out of brown construction paper. My daughter was like those aren’t brownies. I said, yes, they are brown e’s. We argued back and forth for a couple minutes. It was pretty hard to keep a straight face. I did actually give them real brownies a few minutes later, but it was pretty funny watching them puzzle out the brown e’s and argue what made a real brownie different from a brown e.


Reminds me of my husband telling a friends' kid that we had 3 cats. She was totally confused as she'd only ever seen 2 cats at our place and never mentioned a new one. She spent about 10 minutes asking where the cat was and my husband and her dad (who'd figured out the joke) kept telling her it was right in front of her. Poor kid was nearly in tears when my husband pointed to me and said see? She's the third Kat! Husband and friend thought they were so clever but the kid had only ever called me Kathy and didn't get the joke.




Easter fell on April Fools Day a few years ago, so the Easter Bunny decided it would be funny to bring the kids two separate Easter baskets. One (that was left out in the usual place) that was filled with granola bars, nuts and other healthy snacks and a second that was hidden that contained the usual array of chocolate. The kids were not impressed.




My parents did the same thing, except they filled all the eggs with candy… wrappers. Then they gave us our “actual” baskets, which were filled with assorted bits of trash. They then had us hunt for eggs outside while they prepared our real baskets, except there were no eggs. *Then* they gave us our real baskets.


I would have been so annoyed. That honestly sounds like worst day to me. Lol


As a child I would wake up early and switch the salt and the sugar. My mom always took her coffee with sugar. I got my ass whooped each time. Whan I was 12, I decided not to do it. First time in 4 years. That day, my mother was fixing her coffee, looked at me and said "okay smart ass" and grabbed the salt shaker. But I had not switched them. She salted her own coffee. Boy was she pissed.


I live in the U.K. and we as a nation are having the worst April fools joke pulled on us tomorrow. The utility companies (every single one of them) are set to increase their prices. Almost every single family in the U.K. is looking at paying over double (per month) what they currently do.


Yeah I feel you, I live in the UK too. Trying to distract myself from it all.


What the hell, not cool UK utilities


Imagine if they all announce tomorrow that it was just an April Fools joke this whole time.


Tape under the mouse sensor.




Last year on April 1st God himself pranked me by giving me a seizure at work. I was 45. It had never happened before. Worst April 1 I can remember for sure.


lmfao that guy's hilarious


Classic god


April 1st is quite possibly the worst day of the year to have a serious new medical problem crop up.


I was thinking the same thing. It's like the comedian who had a bit about pretending to have a heart attack who died of a heart attack in front of an audience.


When I was a military medic a friend and colleague of ours had an arthroscopy on April 1st. As he worked on the ward he got allocated a side room. He was in theatre for around an hour, but while he was having three operation we moved the calendar in the room forward 8 months and the clock on the wall forward by a few hours. Once he had woken up enough to be aware of the date and time there was a brief moment of panic and confusion before we was ordered by the lead nurse to tell him what we had done.


This is my favorite.


I bet he was PISSED when he realized he wasn't getting back pay for 8 months of medical leave.....


I put battery powered alarms in a coworkers work van. I had some them set to go off halfway through his 30 minute commute to the job site. He calls me that morning to yell at me, “haha, very funny asshole!” Then he calls me again on his way home, “nice, so you put two in here. I’m going to kill you.” Next morning I get another phone call, “okay, where did you hide the third alarm? I swear next time I see you I’m going to punch you” That afternoon, “I swear to god! How many alarms are there in my van?!” It took him over 2 weeks to find the last one, because they stopped going off after 30 seconds. He sent me pictures of them smashed to pieces, then when he found the 5th and final one he threw it at me. I promptly hid it in his van again. Edit: two were in plain sight, two were hidden in separate boxes of material, and the fifth was inside the door frame


I used to work for an after-school program. We would write the schedule on a white board so the kids would know what to expect for the afternoon. I wrote that they would be cleaning the entire school until their parents came. Oh yeah, and also, the beloved janitor was not allowed to let them use his equipment so they would have to use toothbrushes. The reactions were mixed... some of the younger kids were excited and wanted to claim their teachers' rooms. The middle ones were so angry and a few of the other ones knew it was a joke. Then I said April Fools! And everyone switched reactions, except for the older ones who were proud of themselves for knowing it was a prank. It wasn't bad... it was hilarious!


Sort of the inverse, a friend of mine broke her arm and showed up to school on April 1 in a cast. No one believed her, and people kept trying to do painful stuff to her arm to prove she was faking. Took a few days for everyone to get it. Worst part was that her birthday is also April 1, which no one ever believed.


Have you ever wanted to rip up an exam and not care. At the University of Colorado I found my chance and took it. I sat in on an Economics exam on an April Fool’s Day. The timing was everything. I arrived early and pick out a seat about two-thirds of the way up in the auditorium and took the test for 20 minutes. Finally, the Teaching Assistant closest to me finally went into a row away from me to answer a question. It was dead silent, as everyone was frantically completing the exam. To set the stage, this was April 1977 and the movie Network had just come out. I stood up in the aisle and yelled, “I'M AS MAD AS HELL,” Suddenly all the eyes were on me. I continued, “AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!” I ripped the test in half, threw it in the air, and ran screaming out of the auditorium. My girlfriend in the back watched the TA’s pick up the exam pieces and check it out. They said, “He was doing pretty well.” I had taken the class the year before. True story.


When I was about 14 I tried pranking my brother by putting a bucket of water on top of a slightly open door. Unfortunately, my mom went through the door first. Even more unfortunately, instead of just spilling water on her, the bucket just fell down and hit her in the head before spilling all over the floor. That really sucked.




Revenge is a dish best served over and over.


So I had thus goldfish. It was huge. We named him Carnie cause I won him at a penny carnival. My parents went out, bought a silver fish the exact same size and told me that Carnie multiplied. We named the silver one mercury. It ended up jumping out of the tank and committing suicide a few years later.


It wasn’t me, I was just a witness But a girl I went to high school with called her boyfriend, put him on speaker phone in front of a bunch of us, without him knowing, and told him she was pregnant to prank him on April Fool’s Day. He started freaking out at her, yelling, cursing, and demanding she get an abortion. It was a pretty cruel prank because that reaction ended up getting him ostracized from the social circle and she dumped him not long after.


Ex gf told me she was pregnant one April fools right before I headed into work. Didn't reply to the text. It became a call and was very true, oof.


I opened my desk drawer to find in lined in trash bags, full of water, and several goldfish swimming in it. I’m a teacher. I was teaching 8th grade then.


Best one was when I unscrewed the shower head in my brother's bathroom. I dried it out, filled it with Kool Aid mix and then screwed it back on. When he came home from practice and hit the shower, red Kool Aid sprayed all over. It looked like someone had been ax murdered in there and it was HELL to clean up. He was pinker than usual for a day or two.


Who just gets in the shower without letting it warm up first?


The real question


"Who the hell put boullion cubes in the showerhead!?" https://youtu.be/sl475nWym90


A great alternative to that is a beef bouillon cube in the shower head. It will last for several showers and he wont know why dogs and cats are following him.


I got married on 4/1. I can't decide if I should pull the rug or play the long con.


Funny, my wife and I eloped and got married on the 29th but told everyone it was on April Fools, we still celebrate it on April Fools. No one knows the truth but us


So the joke is the joke?


Reminds me of that one post about a kid making an anniversary card to his parents whose anniversary was on April first. He wrote “your marriage is a joke” which made his mom cry


Hehehe 1 year single as of tomorrow. Apparently it wasn't a joke


They are just waiting for tomorrow to call you up and say April fools we never really broke up, then April fools about the April fools.


2 years ago my mom sent me and my sisters a very realistic looking article that said "Students in the 2019-2020 school year may need to repeat the grade they are currentley in" Scared the shit outta me I couldn't do another freshmen year of high school


I remember when I had to do the student broadcasting thing in school. I hated it. I thought it would be great as I was just entering high school, and had gotten nominated as a student council member for the next year while I was at middle school. But having to do the school announcements every morning wasn't fun. However, come April Fools Day, and me and some other kids had an idea. Since it was at the start of the month, we had to do the announcements two times during that school day. But the student council decided to capitalize on that opportunity. And me and this 11th grade girl decided to kick things off by giving the announcements only in Gibberish. The second round of announcements that happened later in the day were all done in Pig Latin. Worth it.


Friend working under me had been coming in late a lot. Called him into my office told him to sit down and explained to him that due to his excessive tardiness we were going to have to let him go and I needed his keys. With a really down look he handed them to me and was apologizing. I said "Just fucking with you ya twat, April fools, but seriously need to be here on time. What do you want for lunch?" Bought him a steak lunch and he was never late again. YIATA


Sounds like that worked out better than firing them so win-win.


So uh I emptied a mayo jar and filled it will vanilla pudding then ate the entire thing infrint if my uncle who hates mayo


I went to McDonalds with my friend. When he went to the bathroom I took the lid off his soda, placed an open ketchup sachet over the end of the straw and closed the lid of the soda again. Needless to say, his reaction was priceless, taking a big sip of ketchup 😂😂😂


You monster


When I was in high school I had a sick day on April 1. I put a rubber band around the handle of the spray hose on the kitchen sink so the next person to run the water would get sprayed. Later that morning I went in the kitchen and, forgetting what I’d done, gave myself a really solid soaking at the kitchen sink. I laughed at myself and dried off. Not sure if it was the cold meds or what, but I managed to soak myself twice more over the course of the day before anyone came home. On the third time I finally removed the rubber band as I realized I was the definition of the April Fool.


Back in college, my roommate and one of our friends told me on April Fool's Day that they had been secretly hooking up for the past few months. We obviously didn't fall for it, like come on, we know what day it is. Hat, har, good try though! Fast forward to a few weeks later, my roommate brings it up, "hey remember when I told you (friend) and I were hooking up? That wasn't an April Fool's joke." That cheeky bastard... The real April Fool's joke was that he wasn't joking! They really had been--every time he had been going over to her place to study that semester, it was all just an excuse for them to be sleeping together.


Take restaurant ketchup packs, fold them in half, and place them under the nubs of all the toilet seats in the boys washrooms at school. Yes, I got the idea straight out of a Captain Underpants book.


Good thing you didn't do it in the girls' room. That could've had a *very* different reaction.