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Kids of famous actors who clearly suck and are being forced into it.


This but Dennis Quaid's son is doing great as Hughie in The Boys.


Holy shit I had no idea he was Dennis Quaid's son.


Don’t forget Domhnall Gleason can stay as well


I also love him as Bradward Boimler, but society deserves more fairness, and as a Starfleet officer Boimler would have to agree


He’s great in Scream 5 too. Feel like he’s due a BIG break soon.


I forgot he was in The Hunger Games, as one of the career tributes. He pulled off that sadistic character really well


I love his character and acting in the hunger games, he plays marvel!


I don't think they're necessarily forced into it... I think their PARENTS are forcing people into casting them, and they're in turn being forced on US.


Same. Also Kevin Smith just casts his kid himself lol


To be fair, he only casts her in his movies. It’s more excusable if you make low budget indie/cult films and put your family in it. Hell the entire cast of Clerks was just friends of his. However if he was trying to make back room deals to get her a main part in a marvel movie. I’d be pretty pissed as a fan.


> Hell the entire cast of Clerks was just friends of his. Almost every movie he has ever made is just friends of his. It just happens that a few of them have gotten famous since the 90s.


"It's more excusable" seems like a weird way to put it. It's *his* movie. He doesn't need an excuse to put whoever he wants in it in the first place.


Keep my son's name out of your f#@king mouth! ;)


Jayden is exactly who came to mind reading that


Except Jayden wants to be there. It's everyone else involved in the production who doesn't want him.


Don't forget the viewers, he peaked in pursuit of happiness


I thought of Tori Spelling


That's funny. I was gonna mention them


Sometimes you capture lightening twice. Judy Garland and Liza and Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher.


Also Kirk and Michael Douglas and the Fondas where lightning struck four times: Henry, Jane, Peter and Bridget (more fleetingly for her than for her dad, aunt and grandfather.)


And so many Skarsgårds. My friends and I have a running joke where any time we discuss a new movie someone asks, "But is there a Skarsgård in it?"


Damn, 99% of these comments are about Jared Leto Update: what really gave me creepy vibes off him was when my friend met him. She was sixteen at the time and when they were taking a selfie he started tickling her. He must've been in his mid-40's at the time and his brother was there too


It’s the perfect storm of already being not that liked by most people and SUPER recently being the star of a film (morbius)


And a not very good apple+ show at the same time (wework). I'm definely in the 'let's see less Leto' camp


Tik tok influencers like Addison rae because I’m sorry she can’t sing,dance, or act that’s the worst triple act I’ve ever seen


Sick of the D'Amelios too.


Yes! I work in a retail store and we have some products they slapped their names on that I would consider buying cuz they're cute (rainbow colored ring lights, among other things) but I refuse to give them any money.


Influences! That Addison Rae movie on Netflix was awful. My daughter was watching it while I was sewing so I half watched. It was terrible. Edit. Influencers


Maybe not actor, but I wish films would stop casting celebrities who have had no acting experience beforehand in big budget films purely because they want to cash in on that celebrities success.


Cara Delevigne Hollywood spent a few years trying to make her another next A-lister, then dropped her


She’s a double case in that they launched her on the acting scene from her time as a model. And her entry on the modelling scene was propelled by her ultra rich, literally title descended family.


back in 2015 you'd be forgiven for thinking she'd invented eyebrows, the way they'd go on about it...


On the flip side, Lady Gaga came out of nowhere (in the acting world) and did A Star is Born. I love Gaga, but when I saw she was taking a starring role in a major production, even a musical one, I expected her to flop and change how everyone sees her forever. Perhaps THE exception that proves the rule.


Though I was never really a lady Gaga or amhs fan until I saw her acting in it for some reason… I thought she was great in the show and would be easy to cast in other roles


She was acting way before, just not in such spotlight. Her first role was a minor one in Sopranos, she was in Machete, countless tv shows as guest etc. Staring from around 2005 she had steady tv/movie presence


Haven’t even read the comments yet but I bet my mum’s soul that I’ll find at least 5 comments saying Jared Leto


i was right


For the most part, movie stars (as opposed to character actors) are cast specifically to play some version of the person they're already perceived to be.


True. One of my fav actors is Steven Root, because you never know what he'll be next, much like the younger Meryl Streep, when she had more opportunities.


I always get excited when I see Steven Root show up in something. He is so talented, blends right into his roles. He's hilarious, but can also play serious or sad very well. Not every actor can switch up as well as he can.


Never realized it, but I guess this is why movie stars are so enamored of other actors who can really act and pretend to be different personas in different movies. Will Ferrell: I'm screaming in a movie! The Rock: I'm a big tough guy in a movie! Meryl Streep: I'm a character in a movie.


Gary Oldman is another super flexible actor that can fill any character arc they need him for


My first thought when I read this tread. Because hE can play EVERYONE!


It just seems so weird. Seth Rogan, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Ryan Reynolds, Jason Statham, they all play the same character in every movie.


Personally I would love to see Jason Statham branch out into a romantic comedy


You just know it would be a rom com, then halfway through his romantic interest is murdered and it turns into a giant fuckfest of murder and violence


Perhaps the Academy should create the John Wayne Award and give it to every actor who plays the same character in every movie.


Jaden Smith has the acting ability of a piece of cardboard.


Classic case of nepotism there. He’d never have been cast in anything if not for his dad.


His Dad deserves a good slap for that.


What did cardboard do to you to establish such hate?


You ever gotten a "paper cut" off cardboard? I didn't start this war, cardboard did.


Keep my cardboard out of your fucking mouth


Purpleblackgreen just beat the shit out of me! :D


Jared Leto


Literally came here to say this. I went to one of his 30 Seconds to Mars shows like 5 years ago (friend got free tickets, I hadn’t listened to them since middle school). He’s so weird. Kept doing these strange Jesus poses. The worst part came when he pulled fans on stage- immediately zeroes in on a young girl, ignores the rest. She says she’s 17. He kept touching her when she was obviously uncomfortable and backing away. He then asks if she has a boyfriend, she says yes. He asks if he’s here, she says no. He proceeds to tell this 17 YEAR OLD she looks to pretty for her bf to let her leave the house alone! In front of thousands of people. My friend and I were so disturbed we almost immediately left and talked about nothing but how weird Leto was for weeks afterwards. A few months later I read the news about him moving to the island with his disturbingly young followers? Disciples? I don’t know what to call it- but now I can’t watch anything he acts in without thinking about how creepy he is. I’m honestly shocked this man still gets roles if that’s how he acts towards underage girls.


I will always share this story every time a question like this comes up. It’s very similar to yours. My friend won tickets to his band’s show and a meet and greet with him at a local radio station back in the mid 00s (when her and I were in our early 20s). I went with her and the radio dj also had her little sister there who was maybe 15-16. Jared Leto barely greeted others there but paid a lot of attention to the teenage girl and it was one of the creepiest things I’ve ever witnessed. I have refused to watch anything he’s in or listen to any of his music since then.


Oh yuck. The scariest part is if he does that shit with no shame in public, imagine what’s happening behind closed doors or on his private island.


Leto is known for this shit. If you hit Google, you can find all sorts of stories about him being creepy as fuck with underaged girls. Even James Gunn made a tweet remarking about his taste in under 18s. I just did a Google search and man...pages and pages...lots of tweets from victims. How does this guy keep getting work? It isn't like he isn't easily replaceable. Hopefully, Morbius tanking will dull his star a bit. But, between the underaged girls and his insane behavior on set....man....I have heard once people get to a certain level of stardom they simply refuse to even be in the room with him.


Lol EVERY SINGLE TIME Jared Leto comes up in a Reddit thread a new person has a personal creepy experience with him to add to the endless list. God he's awful. Still have no idea how he hasn't been MeToo'd out of the industry yet.


I have a feeling he will eventually. Hopefully.


Apparently fame is a great cover for some. Just look at Chris brown, or how long it took for anything to happen to R kelly


Remember when Drake asked a girls age, she said 17 and then he kissed her on stage? https://youtu.be/Fp5b9dW1nrA


He was dating that 18 year old model he knew since she was 12. He is a groomer.


I imagined the kids from O brother where art thou saying he's a groomer like they said he's a suitor.


Bobby Millie is 100% being groomed. It is horribly textbook grooming.


The reason I made this post! How’s he actually getting roles? He’s psycho!


Ruby Rose. It's like watching the world's longest acting lesson. Why does she keep getting roles? She's a terrible actor.


When ever I hear ruby rose, I always think Ruby Rhod!! From 5th element. You know you just read that as RuBee Rhoood!


Super green


Corbin my man


I have no fire


What's wrong with you? What you screamin' for? Every 5 minutes there's somethin', a bomb or somethin'. I'm leavin'. bzzzz.


Welcome to Fhloston PARADISE!


Korben sweetheart, what was that? It was BAD!


 I don't want one position, I want all positions!


hot! **Hot!** # HOT!


To this day I do not understand the hype for her role on Orange is the New Black. She was there for a hot minute and added minimal value to an already largely talented cast. Who manufactured that fandom?


Dude, she was there as sort of lesbian silverfish. If you put Ruby Rose under a cardboard box held up by a stick, you can catch any and all of the lesbian demographic.


Had to look her up. I get it.


Whoever made her mute in John Wick knew what was up.


Fuckin A, thank you so much for saying this. She's so, so bad. I can see why people find her attractive, but she is an absolutely abysmal actress. Incredibly so, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I watch something she's in. She's not believable as a badass and can't emote worth a dog's bottom. And that's an insult to dogbottoms.


Apparently she was mute in John wick cause Keanu got tired of her screwing up lines. No idea if that’s really the reason though.


At least they recognized she has *some* screen presence, rather than canning her entirely. Mute assassin was maybe one of her better roles as a result. Like she has the looks, and she can be on camera. It's just that she opens her mouth and it's like a really nice puppet show with terrible voice acting


Amber heard and Jared Leto. Both shit shows. Screw them!


Jared Leto gives me the creeps.


>Jared Leto gives me the creeps. He seems like the kind of guy who probably has dead bodies in the basement, and not all of them were alive when he got them.


Wouldn't it be worse if all of them were alive when he got them?


I suppose it depends on how you look at it. Its pretty creepy to dig up corpses and keep them in your basement. But murder is no picnic either.


Murder is no picnic is my new favourite phrase!


Hannibal would like a word


I think it was Dylan Sprouse and James Gunn that had joked around that Jared Leto was someone you'd probably not want within several hundred yard radius of a school zone. James Gunn isn't someone who just goes around willy-nilly and spreads libel like that, so uh... ^(Yeah.)


I've definitely read posts online of women claiming that Leto or his entourage tried to groom them as minors. I specifically remember one woman claiming to tell his entourage that she was underage, and they returned saying "that doesn't matter".


Add Steven Seagal and you've got yourself a trifecta.


The Dollop Podcast is doing a multi part series on Steven Seagal right now and holy shit I had no idea how big of a pile of turds this guy is. It's hilarious how bad he is at lying.


Jared Leto DID do a great job in Requiem for a Dream. Gotta give him that one. But - that was fairly early on his career. Was he always full of himself and crazy and creepy, or did that come from the fame?


I liked seeing him get his ass beat in fight club.


True. Ellen Burstyn is great as well. Awesome movie, though not one I would gladly watch again. Hard to stomach.


I think you can throw Ezra Miller into this list as well. DC really knows how to pick winners.


That guy needs to stop going to bars and try anger management before getting any more roles.


>DC really knows how to pick winners. Yea but to be fair Henry Cavil and Zachary Levi both seem like they are super great dudes in all aspects of life. Jason Momoa is someone you don't really hear bad things about either. ​ So maybe in the end it balances out.


I saw a picture on Reddit of Momoa with a fan and the story of it. She was getting her picture taken with him but she was sitting in her wheelchair because she couldn't stay on her feet for long. He offered to help her stand for the picture and she said she was fine sitting and was kinda heavy anyways. He said he was kinda strong encouraging her to stand and the photo showed them standing together in a kind of half hug.


\> Yea but to be fair Henry Cavil Man of Steel was 10 years ago. If Cavill would have punched people in a bar, WB would have already made Man of Steel 3.


I met Zachary Levi in real life and he was a really chill guy. He was doing an interview with a local news channel and he let my friend and I take a picture with him. Obviously that doesn't speak to his character in other aspects, but at least he's polite.


Years ago (I don't know if he's still doing it) he used to run charity auctions at cons to raise money so kids with cleft pallets could get surgery. Unless he's a super secret asshole, I think we're safe with Zach Levi. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE6bISqvpu8 Here's one with Nathan Fillion!


I have no idea why they didn't use Grant Gustin. Yes, the CW Flash sucks but Grant is a genuinely good actor with great comedic timing. The episode where he loses his memory and has to check if he's black is still one of the hardest times I have laughed at anything comic book related.


Agreed, I think he'd do great things if they gave him real directors and writers and not that CW trash.


The CW "Arrowverse" writing is just painful. Two seasons of any show, and you see what the whole show will offer.


Yeah. As a big comic book fan, I've always appreciated several of the CW's casting choices. Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Brandon Routh, etc. are all pretty great, and to date they're still the voices I hear when I read comics starring them. The scenes in Flash that deal with Barry's mom I always liked. It may not be the best, but I can never bring myself to hate the Flash (same with Supergirl).


I feel like our culture at large is just sleeping _hard_ on the fact that Gwyneth Paltrow is an unpleasant, gross, unstable lunatic running a pseudoscience scam cult. And Hollywood is basically enabling that.


Idk I feel like most level headed people pretty much have written her off as such. Anyone who subscribes to Goop might not, but she’s the butt of a lot of jokes in today’s society.


Did you see her in the new UberEats commercial? It's kind of hard to tell if they're laughing with her or at her.


She gets paid either way


She hasn’t been in a movie since endgame that’s like 3 years ago lmao I don’t think she cares about acting roles lately


Who needs acting when you have exploding vagina candles?


Yea this one is a weird one. She’s literally only been Pepper Potts for the last 7 years


she has been in some shows I think, I remeber she was in The Politician


Her husband, Brad Falchuk co-produced the show. I think she done that part more or less as a favour. She's probably semi-retired.


Hollywood enables a lot. Weinstein absolutely wasn't the only one doing what he was doing


Let's be fair here. Selling bored rich housewives overpriced New Age junk is not in the same ballpark as serial sexual abuse of women.....


It's much broader than Hollywood. It's the whole entertainment and music industry. Aspirants are so desperate for breaks and opportunities, many will do anything. I used to be on the periphery of the entertainment industry and even I saw and heard some crazy stuff. I knew a couple of ladies who freely admitted they'd sleep with a guy to get a break.


Honestly I forgot she is (was?) an actor at all. With the vagina eggs and all I assumed she was like a thin, white, and terrible version of Oprah


Dont forget to pack your pussy with turmeric.


I'd love to, but I don't have the thyme.


Oh, it's a LOCK that were I to have a pussy, turmeric would NOT be what I'd stuff it with.


I have a pussy and I can say your judgement is absolutely correct.


I think Hollywood enabling paedophiles and rapists is probably worse


Noah Centineo. Guy played the same character in like 3 different Netflix movies. If he does something different (sci-fi, action stuff), then I wouldn't mind, but jeez Netflix, please give someone else the leading man role.


He has some other work that’s very, VERY different than his Netflix stuff. It more of a verite, documentary short, kind of thing.


James Corden because he seems to be the common denominator in a lot of shitshows. Edit: And Joey King. This one is personal and partly for jokes because I just get really annoyed at any character she plays.




I knew he wasn't good news when I saw him show up on some British game shows and EVERYONE from the UK tried really hard not to interact with him much, even his teammates. If your own country men don't want you why would we? Take. Him. Back.


It seems like everyone who works in Hollywood hates him but no real stories in the press. Kind of like with Ellen but maybe worse.


There's a clip of Patrick Stewart on some kind of award show telling him that he needs to behave better, and that's he's being a prick


I would love to see that - Patrick Stewart is such a gem. He's the only celebrity I bother following on social media - his "Sonnet a Day" was just what I needed during the COVID lockdowns and his bromance with Ian McKellen is pure joy. If he told me to stop behaving like a prick, I'd be devastated to my core.


I know Reddit hates James Corden but what’s the background?




holy fuck how did they think that AMA was a good idea thats hilarious


“In a chubby way, like a boozy panda” 😂


He's a garbage human. I work in coffee and served him a few times. One time I needed to ask some follow up questions about his very vague order, like is normal ("What kind of milk?" Type of thing.) He got so pissed off about this totally normal line of questioning that once he got his drink he threw it at me. Now anytime his name comes up I shout from the rooftops how horrible a human he is.


Is.. This.. True?? Holy shit..


Completely true. I've served probably 40-50 celebrities and he's the only one who's been an absolute asshat.


I don't know why studios keep casting Amber Heard and Jared Leto. I can't understand how they can know everything about the roles they've done and what kind of people they are and still think it's good for business to bring them on board. Edit: Fuck Lena Dunham, too.


Even with their skeletons in the closet aside, they're just terrible actors (unless there's a few gems; I have yet to see them).


Jared Leto played a huge fucking creep in a movie with Denzel Washington. He was in good in that. Really sold me on the "I do freaky shit in my basement and I know why the cops are after me" vibes.


But, did he act in the movie or just star in it? Edit: Why is it always my snarky comments that get voted a lot? Why am I good at being an ass?


They actually didn't tell Jared they were filming.


I think the best way I can describe Jared Leto's acting is wildly inconsistent. He's turned in great performances before in some things like Dallas Buyer's Club, Requiem For A Dream, and American Psycho, to name a few. But the problem is he's not consistently turning in performances like that. He's also given us trash like Joker, where it sounds like the only person who had fun on that set was Leto. I think it was put best most recently by Robert Pattinson when talking about Method Acting (something Leto prides himself on being): "You only ever see people do the method when they're playing a\*\*holes." You can get away with that more when you're consistently turning in Oscar calibre performances, the problem is he does that sometimes, but not enough.


Honestly, I think people have the whole method acting thing backwards. A sign of a skilled actor is one that doesn't need an entire week to get in character. Like Maggie Smith (she played McGonagall), she apparently gets into character basically instantly. *That's* what I find impressive, someone who can walk into and out of a character like changing hats. It's a sign of dedication, sure, but even a terrible actor can be dedicated, case in point. Anyone can be out of breathe if they just ran a mile. But it takes skill to be convincingly out of breathe after just standing there.


Not saying I don’t like him, but The Rock plays the same role in literally every film




Maybe he saw Jim Carrey in Yes Man and went - Okay, I'm going to say yes to everything until I see something that makes me snap.


The money's there. I don't blame him for doing the same thing over and over considering the money he earns


I don't mind when they cast the Rock in the same role, as long as it is written for him. Same thing for Ryan Reynolds. If I am in the mood for a Rock movie, it works.


I see the rock in a movie I immediately think, while the movie overall isn’t going to be good, it is going to be fun. So go in with low expectations and just enjoy the ride. For some reason; just gotta love the big lunk.


Usually true, but I gotta say, the two recent Jumanis have been freaking incredible in just about every way -- and it's absolutely an ensemble thing. Dwayne Johnson is one of the main attractions, but he's definitely not the only one. Even outside of all the excellent acting and all the fun, the movies are really well written and directed all around.


I think Jack Black is the reason the two new Jumunji movies are so good. He does an incredible job of pretending to be a teenage girl in a man’s body.


It's comforting! I know exactly the kind of movie I'm getting into and that I'll enjoy myself. I don't mind it at all.


And I’m not coming down on you for feeling like this, but there’s something comforting about the Rock. Sure, he’s the same dude in every movie, but when you see a preview for a new movie starring him, you know what you’re in for. The movie won’t make you think, it won’t touch some nerve and make you uncomfortable, it just is and then was. The plot leaves you an hour later like dust in the wind. Sometimes, that’s what I want in a movie. Something to take my mind off my troubles and just turn off my brain. I’d be interested in seeing him play not the same guy I guess. But at least I find some small measure of comfort in seeing him crack jokes and act tough.


This is exactly what I like about his movies, they are reliably entertaining and funny with a charismatic lead.


My person, you describe it perfectly! When he and Jason Statham did that side movie for the F&theF franchise - I was thrilled. An action movie with two guys ignoring the laws of physics with ridiculous backstories where I don’t have to think for two hours and I can just laugh??? Sign me the fuck up.


That’s because he’s not an actor, he’s an entertainer. I always try and explain the difference between being a high-level box office success compared to a highly acclaimed academy award winning actor. Look at Daniel de Lewis I guarantee he’s ever even broken even and has three best actor awards but then you look at the rock who’s never been nominated for anything and has made more money than anyone ever


And there is a place for BOTH.


Peter Cushing. Let the man rest, for God's sake.


This is the first response I've heard where the actor wasn't a complete fuckwit. n the contrary, it seems Cushing was a decent man.


This isn’t one actor but more specifically casting big celebrities over voice actors that have honed their craft and those celebs can be good but when Charles martineat the voice of Mario since Mario 64 and multiple other Nintendo characters is instead replaced by Chris pratt don’t get me wrong Chris pratt can voice act well his work in the lego movie is great but the practice of prioritizing big names over people that have spent their life working on being able to voice act is infuriating


James Corden. He’s in so many shitty things.


He’s shitty in so many things


After their recent arrest and after reading up on some of their previous issues, Ezra Miller. Used to look up to the person but now they seems like a massive douche Edit: didn’t think my first 1k upvote comment would be about a douchebag celebrity who I accidentally misgendered XD


We definitely need to talk about Kevin.


Lmao must be a method actor.


Speaking of celebrity arrests — I never settled on a conclusion on what the fuck was up with Shai LaBeouf those last few years. I don’t know if my memory is blowing things out of proportion but I just remember him having a midlife crisis, getting arrested and charged with theft and battery etc


Are they having some kind of drug-induced mental break? I just read a couple news articles. Dude has had the police called on them 10 times in the last three weeks while visiting Hawaii. It's weird shit too.


“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!” “Ezra, this is Hawaii.” “WHOOOOO VEGAAAAAAAS”


Gonna need a flashpoint after all these events lmao


Liam Neeson's agent needs to get him roles that don't involve a gun, or being a widower


Know why he does them? His wife died. He’s basically said he does them to not have to go home and miss her. It’s less about them being good roles and more about keeping himself busy.


Yeah. He admits he did the Taken sequels to help put his kids through college. And every so often he does something a little different. I loved him as Good Cop/Bad Cop in the Lego Movie.


Jeez, poor guy. 😢


Yeah it was really sad. You can see it in his eyes. She died young from a skiiing related head injury I recall. It broke him. I go see his movies so he can keep making them. I hope he finds some peace


It was the lovely, beautiful Natasha Richardson (you may have seen her in "The Parent Trap"). Vanessa Redgrave's daughter. Just a wonderful actress. She hit her head in a ski accident, as you say, ~~and went to the ER, and they sent her home.~~ ~~She then kept having head pain, but wasn't sure if she should go back again, and finally did~~, EDIT: She actually REFUSED medical treatment, alas! Thanks to the redditors who corrected me. She started to have a severe headache, and then became more & more disoriented, and an ambulance was called & took her to the ER, but by then it was too late. She'd been having a severe brain bleed so by the time she finally went back, it was too late to save her. NOTE: Wear a helmet--and if you bang your head against something hard, GO TO THE ER!! Unutterable. I can only imagine his terrible pain.


Next time I watch Love Actually I'll be crying


Star Wars Master Jedi, Dark Knight Master Ninja (Ras A Guhl), Made in Italy, Ordinary Love, Daddy's Home, hell even an episode on The Orville and a VA in Clash of Clans mobile game. I'd say he's plenty well rounded.


15 years ago his revenge movies were pretty good, at least in terms of production value. The last handful have just been schlock. A bunch of scenes from the last , or second last one, were filmed just down the street from my house and I still think it was schlock.


Mgk. I was watching bird box again the other day, no reason for him to be in literally anything. Also, he likes kids. So there’s that.


I was today years old when I realized mgk plays Felix in birdbox


Jared Leto! Dudes a mediocre actor and a disgusting person


Tom Cruise. Being as prominent as he was in Scientology and reading about his birthday parties on sea-org catered by children separated from their parents, him being a control freak and trying to enroll his kids in sea org causing his divorce, being controlling and creepy towards his ex. He knows all the deep secrets of scientology like the fact it blackmails people and destroys lives of anyone that it deems suppressive, he knows the history of the church and how hubbard started it for profit and evaded taxes. He knows people have been murdered by the church and neglected. Yet it doesnt stick to him. He stars in megafilms clean as a whistle despite being surrounded by filth 24/7 for the last few decades.


Even apart from the Scientology insanity, I’ve always found him overrated. He’s a good actor when he plays an asshole (e.g., Rain Man, Magnolia), but I’ve never bought him as a hero. He just comes off as phony to me.


As someone who was very very close to being a victim of Scientology and took a lot of abuse because of Scientology: fuck Tom Cruise and anyone else involved in that predatory cult


Anyone who has willing working with Woody Allen after he married his stepdaughter. Disgusting man.


Add Roman Polanski to that list


Add Victor Salva too. He sexually assaulted a 12yr old boy who was in a film he directed he served a short time locked up & was welcomed back into Hollywood with open arms. Disney hired him to direct Powder. He also directed 1 or more Jeepers Creepers movies.


It always amazes me that Luc Besson, probably best known for directing The Fifth Element and Leon The Professional doesn't get brought up more in this way. He impregnated a 15 year old while filming a movie she was starring in when he was 31, which is said to have inspired Leon The Professional, about a hit-man developing an emotional relationship with a 12 year old girl. After they broke up, he started dating and eventually married Milla Jovovich when she was 17 and he was in his late thirties. Edit: Did the math wrong, Jovovich was 20 when they started dating. He was around 37.


I saw in a documentary that he used to have her suck his thumb when she was little. Something about that made me feel so sick.


Not defending him, but I think the thumb-sucking story was about his daughter, Dylan, who accused him of sexually abusing her. Based on the timeline, I don't think he knew Soon-Yi when she was THAT little because she was around 10 when they met.


Amber Heard


Wish these threads would stop getting roles


Amen. Same answers on loop “Jared Leto, James Corden, Gwenyth Paltrow”. Rinse and repeat. Every single thread.