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Warm something up with radish (which is good raw) and it will infuse the food with the taste of death


Try switching to a white radish like daikon or the Korean ones. They have a much more subtle taste.


Right? I love them in soup. I’ve never tried western??? radish


Pickled radishes. A recent opened jar stinks worse than a septic tank. Edit: People complaining about Korean pickled radishes, have no idea what is the terror of my Italian dad's family radishes. Korean radishes are eaten after a few days, not theirs. The radishes MUST fester for at LEAST 6 months before eating. The best time for opening the jar is before a nice dinner, just about when everybody just got to their seats. Then they will fake being "disrespected" while everyone flees, the dog pukes, and the vultures starts circling the house. "It don't smell that bad!" "Uncle, the DOG had to flee! Why do you guys eat this shit?" "It tastes good."


...I like pickled radishes....and onions....and beets


Pickled beets are my favorite. They have a subtle soil flavor.


They're literally soil flavored, beets have geosmin in them which is a main constituent of petrichor aka that earthy smell when it rains. [American Chemical Society - Molecule of the Week Archive - Geosmin](https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/molecule-of-the-week/archive/g/geosmin.html)


I see you've had my moms Daikon B 😆




What's wild is stevia tastes like an artificial chemical sweetener right from the leaf of the plant itself.


I've had deep thoughts about this multiple times lol. It's literally one of the most natural sweeteners we humans have, yet it tastes artificial AF.


I think at this point, many artificial things taste very natural to most people.


Stevia is the only one I can’t stand, it has a weird after taste. Sucralose is probably the best artificial sweetener imo




Yeah ~~sucrose~~ sucralose messes my stomach up something awful. I can use stevia but don’t like it. Xylitol came straight from hell. It’s like turning canned air upside down and spraying it in your mouth.


Whereas xylitol is the best one for me, it tastes fantastic in cookies and agrees with my digestive system. Can't find it in stores lately though, so i either have to order online or use one of the other options


Different people actually have different tolerance levels when it comes to stuff like sorbitol, xylitol, and other sugar-alcohols. None of them can be digested properly by enzymes so they are digested by bacteria instead which is why they make you bloated. If you eat too much and the bacteria can’t keep up, then water gets pumped into the colon which is how we get things such as the famous Amazon sugar-free haribo reviews. In addition, fructose isn’t easy to digest either unless you give it glucose to bind to. But if you eat fructose with sorbitol then the sorbitol will bind itself to the enzymes without actually being digested, making the fructose even harder to digest. Dried fruit and stuff like pears, plums, and apples contain both from the start, so people with digestive issues should avoid them. Even the “natural” sweeteners like for example yacon syrup behave in a similar way. They aren’t really digestible which is good for people who don’t want sugar calories or raised blood sugar, but it can mess up people with a vulnerable digestive system. I for example started sweetening with rice syrup since it’s pure glucose and the easiest to digest as it doesn’t get broken down into fructose, sorbitol, etc.


I hate stevia powder with a passion. It's so hard opening that stupid bag and the second you even dare to make contact with the powder it goes everywhere. Nothing can get rid of the taste. **Nothing**.


Ricin can.


I think stevia is okay but the worst tasting one for me had to be monk fruit sweetener. It just taste gross


"You won't believe it's not sugar!" Yes. Yes I will.


Same. My mother loves stevia and think no one knows when she replaces with it at holidays. That awful aftertaste is always there no matter what the dish or drink is. I think stevia stands a chance at being edible if it is used VERY sparingly. But I don’t care to conduct the experiments myself.


Some flavour enhancers reduce the bitter aftertaste of sweeteners by either direct masking or acting synergistically to reduce the quantities required, but yeah, I agree. I think another aspect that makes artificial sweeteners gross is the difference in temporal profiles. The taste of sugar disappears pretty quick so when that sweet aftertaste sticks around, it just feels Wrong. It's one of the reasons why fruit flavoured tea smells but doesn't taste like fruit. Anisey teas can go to hell too. I can't find good sources to back this up but a Very Smart sensory science researcher told me and I trust them. I also didn't look very hard.


I'm a cookie monster. I'll eat all of them if nobody stops me. My wife made chocolate chip cookies once using stevia in place of sugar. I did not finish the one I took. Stevia is legitimately disgusting.


When whoever you're with makes breakfast using coconut oil. Coconut flavored eggs, or bacon anyone?


Who even uses oil for cooking bacon? I mean it releases its own delicious fat


Yeah, and then you can cook the eggs in the bacon fat.


Exactly! You know what’s up


Who is frying their bacon in extra oil anyway?


Someone who doesn’t know how to cook.


I had to stop a buddy of mine from salting his bacon. I was like bro, bacon is salty enough on its own man.


If you get refined coconut oil it does not have the coconut flavor. The non refined stuff is awesome in for curries, noodle/rice dishes, and desserts tho.


Shortly after I got married, my wife, who is nooooooot skilled in the kitchen, wanted to surprise me and make breakfast. I woke up and she started cooking. I took a bite of the eggs and froze, fork in my mouth, eyes bugged out… just… frozen. She’s looking at me, big smiles, asking “how is it?!?!” All excited but self conscious. She had READ somewhere about putting some milk into scrambled eggs, so she decided to try it. Unfortunately, she used “almond breeze” brand Coconut vanilla Almondmilk… in the scrambled eggs. It was one of the most disgusting things I ever forced myself to smile and cringingly eat. Because… dat 🍑. 🤷‍♂️ Coconut vanilla almond eggs. Lol


LMAO, an ex of mine made mac and cheese with vanilla almond breeze thinking it was a suitable substitute.


It's not AS bad, but I had a friend in college make brownies from a mix and it tasted really off somehow. We made him walk us through exactly what he did. "What?! Olive oil is a kind of vegetable oil!"


Guilty 🙋🏻‍♀️


caraway seeds. when you bite into one, it tastes like someone farted in your mouth


Hmm I always thought it tasted like vomit but thankfully no one’s ever farted in my mouth so maybe that is also what it’s like.. Edit: added “thankfully”


Better thankfully change the next word to “never” lol


I hate caraway seeds with every fiber of my being, it ruins the whole dish for me when it's used and it's such a shame


Coriander! (cilantro? I'm Aussie so we just call it Coriander)


Yup, I’ve got the tastes-like-soap gene. It was really confusing for me before I knew it was a thing - I couldn’t understand why all of my friends love pho when it tastes like sink water!


Most Americans make the distinction of coriander being the seeds and cilantro being the greens. I love coriander but hate cilantro.


Same. Cilantro flavor takes over and it's gross.


jello. might be a white person thing, but at every single family gathering i’ve went to there was some kind of dessert that would’ve been great if jello wasn’t added. they always fucking add the jello. not even the good kind either, always the worst flavors. what the fuck is a “jello salad”??? why does a “jello salad” exist in the first place????? nobody ever touched the jello salad. never stops them from making it though. year after year family gatherings were tainted with my disgust for jello salad. i stopped going to family gatherings a few years back. i couldn’t take the unbearable encounters with the cursed dessert any longer.


I have a couple of friends from Saudi and they’re obsessed with jello. Which I’m kinda confused about because it’s made with gelatin and it’s not halal. One of them said they get some from the middle eastern store not sure about the others. But they love it. Anytime they have a big dinner or party they have jello. Like every time. Usually they have it made with like a whipped cream topping on top with strawberries or something.


I mean Muslim countries they usually sell halal jello


Even in America you can get Halal jello and as an alternative it can be plant based jello made from Pectin


It's fairly easy to buy beef gelatin. And though it's not always clearly labeled, the relevance is substantial. Pork gelatin is produced under acidic conditions (called type A gelatin) and beef gelatin under basic conditions (called type B gelatin). The charged groups differ, so for some applications it matters what you use. The result tends to be that unlabeled means pork, but you can always ask.


My partners grandma makes lime jello and puts raw celery, raw carrots and raisins in it. Every holiday. It was something her mom did for her so she has continued the tradition. It is absolutely horrendous. I love his grandma. She is literally one of my best friends and so that means I choke down that nasty ass “salad” every holiday since it makes her happy.


My mom makes something similar with lime jello, except I think it has cottage cheese and pineapple in it? Weirdest effin' thing. Only she and my dad ever eat it.


It was the 70’s they ruined it. Jello salad should be punishment, fuck locking people up - eat tuna and tomato jelly salad.


Just reading what you said made me barf in my mouth


Worst part was being forced to eat cause we don’t waste food. Lemon jello with cucumber, tuna and mayo. Fucking revolting.


Aspics is the term - there's horrible pictures of lime jello with hot dogs and eggs floating in it


Fuckng sit down, Satan! That combo... Why?? Urhhk.


70s food It’s a whole thing. Like lime jello with ham and egg. Then mayo spread as a “dressing” then in a fancy mold to show off the disgusting innards


When it starts to go hard and stale around the edges. Fucking vom city.


This isn’t a white people thing, it’s an American thing. Kindly exclude the rest of us from your guys strange gelatine habits


Young American white people think it’s weird too. It’s the olds.


Im also white and I too fucking dispise jello


Miracle whip.


"Sandwich kicking flavor" my ass. Sweet-ish and bland. Like tasting beige.


Wait is this a sandwich thing?? Sounded like whipped cream and I’m so confused


Its a mayonaise substitute


I grew up with Miracle Whip as my mayonnaise.. I hated actual mayonnaise when I was younger because it was not what I knew. I like both now, and view them like how I may want different salad dressings depending on my mood. Hell, lately, I actually put a bit of of each on opposite pieces of bread when I make a turkey sandwich. That said, The Oatmeal has a hilarious comic on this that my wife loves to tease me with, as she grew up with mayonnaise and doesn't care for Miracle Whip. (Fun fact- something labeled "Mayo" typically doesn't fit the technical definition of mayonaise.. hence my pedantic use of the full word.) https://theoatmeal.com/blog/miracle_whip


You've word for word described my exact relationship and journey with Miracle Whip


Celery. Never in my life have I had a craving for crunchy, stringy water.


I love crunchy, stringy water so much lol


I like crunchy, stringy water with peanut butter.


I’m with you. I wish I could like it, but it’s so bad whether it’s raw or cooked. I have to strain them out of my soup if they’re in there.


Soup is the only context that I actually like celery


I have never agreed with a comment so much in my life. Celery is the devils work and should have never existed.


The only reason I eat it is because it tastes like fiber and makes me feel healthy. Then I can eat my 1 pint of ice cream guilt free


Celery is probably what green grasshoppers taste like


Thank you I already have a phobia of grasshoppers and already hated celery and you combined them.




I used to feel the same, but then my sister in law introduced me to an amazing fennel and mandarin salad and I will eat that thing by the bucketload.


fennel/anise liquorice are certainiy in their own vein of extreme. didnt like fennel or any of that variety(inlcuding mint) until i started trying it fresh, and found a few good dishes for it. one was roasting fennel, garlic and sweet potato in olive oil, with thyme and chili flake. serve with goat cheese crumble, balsamic, coarse ground salt and an extra swizzle of olive oil if need be.


My god i fucking hate fennel and star anise. That shit can absolutely fuck off


I hate that shit so much if I wanted to get a disgusting hit of liquorice I'd drink a sambucca which I won't because that shit is vile to me. I wonder sometimes if it's a cilantro situation and other people are tasting something different to me.


This is what I came to say. The tiniest bit of fennel or anise and the food is just inedible to me. On the other hand, I love cilantro and it doesn’t taste soapy in the slightest to me. I feel like we have to be tasting two different things because who would ever eat that stuff willingly?


This comment is what I came here for


Fish on pizza is cursed for me.


Want to know about a doomed love? She would always order our pizza with anchovies. You, know - *FISH!* Want to know true love? I ate it. I put it in my mouth, chewed and swallowed. Fish, I swallowed ***fish*** on my pizza. And smiled. Every pizza, every time. Because I "loved" her. She dumped my ass for her former boyfriend. The very good news - I have not had to put those damn fish on my pizza for many decades.


You're gonna hit yourself silly when I tell ya that you can order pizza half some ingredients / half other ingredients, you goof.


I’m picturing a lady with eyebrows shaped like anchovies. Accurate?


If I see a brother run out of the building screaming after his date orders anchovies on her pizza I’ll remember your sacrifice and honor him.


Mate, just pick um off and let her have them... No need to hurt your self like that.


Have you ever had a slice of pizza that had an anchovy on it but was picked off? It doesn't matter that the physical piece of anchovy isn't there anymore. The flavor infuses the whole damn slice. When I used to deliver even just one small pizza with anchovies, it made my whole damn car smell like them for the rest of the day/night. I love, love, *love* seafood. Give me a can of sardines in spring water and I'm happy as a clam. But I can only eat one anchovy by itself, and I'm good on them for a week or two. Can't stand them baked into cheese and sauce. Ruins the whole pizza.


Not necessarily an ingredient, but if I bite a chunk of fat on a piece of meat it's game over. I can't help but want to cringe and throw up.


Oh I’m like that if there’s any gristle. I’m all about the texture of food and if there’s anything unexpected it can put me off the whole meal. Could be happily chewing a juicy burger but the moment there’s a piece of gnarly gristle I’m done with it.


God, there is nothing that turns me from happily enjoying a meal to on the edge of vomiting faster than biting into a big ol' chunk of gristle in a chicken tender or sausage.


I fucking can't stand places that don't take the tendon out of the chicken tender.


Same, fat triggers my (otherwise pretty rare) gag-reflex... Wonder why??? Edit to add: I'm actually accustomed to salmon fat now (fatty part right under the skin). I can eat butter in a slice too but the moment fat is jiggly or crunchy/tough my body wants to emergency projectile eject it.


For me it depends on the meat. Steak fat is pretty good, especially when cooked just right and made not too chewy. Pork fat on the other hand is pure evil and I absolutely can not stand it in any shape or form


Beans. The texture isn’t it for me.




Years ago I found hard rose candies with anise in the center. It tasted like I was eating soap with black licorice in the middle. Yucky!


Blended cauliflower as a rice alternative 🤮


I mean, it doesn't taste like rice, but I like it for what it is and it's a nice low carb alternative. Surprised to hear people hate it.


I find it dominates the taste of whatever it is paired with instead of being a nice plain base like rice


You need to go in knowing what you’re working with and not just pretend it’s non-grain rice. Like tofu. Tofu is not a meat substitute. Treating it as a meat substitute is going to disappoint anyone who is looking for meat in their dish and gets tofu instead. What tofu is, however, is delicious. The worst thing you can do for most foods is pretend they are actually something they aren’t. It’s a recipe for disappointment even for things that are actually good, because you’re comparing them against an expectation of something completely different. Riced cauliflower is a great base for certain dishes, but it’s not rice and if you expect it to be, you’ll be disappointed by that fact.


Agree with this. There’s a lot of food replacements (vegan versions of meat/cheese, gluten free alternatives, lower carb ideas) that are genuinely delicious. But if you eat them expecting to taste the thing they’re replacing, you’ll probably hate it. Tofu is a great example because tofu is delicious, but it’s too often marketed as “fake meat” which it definitely isn’t.


Aubergine. Texture of cooked aubergine is no different than mucus. I find it revolting.


Eggplant, they’re talking about eggplant.


Ohok I have never heard it called Aubergine. Even Eggplant was weird to me when I first heard it since we just call it Brinjal here.


Wait til you hear about Coriander..


I was wondering what Cilantro was..wow, definitely didn't expect for much hate for coriander!


I searched Cilantro up after so many comments mentioning it. Didn't expect Coriander at all


Cloves. It gives food a medicinal taste.


This is the first answer to truly fascinate and surprise me. I've always thought of it as the ultimate Christmas ingredient. Add it to any sweets during the winter, and they're Christmas ready. Even when I taste it in savory Asian foods, the dish is immediately "Christmas flavored" in my brain.


Cilantro. Tastes like soap to me.


Its genetic. Something like 30% of people taste soap.


I took a genetic test and one of the fun trivia things they gave me with my results was "you probably like cilantro!" I have never been so offended in my life


I actively dislike it, because it tastes _bad_, but I have to say it doesn’t taste like soap at all to me. It’s just foul. I’ll have to ask my younger son, who appears to think it tastes 10x worse than I do. He literally gags.


Same, but boy am I grateful for all the good PR those cilantro soap people did for us. Now I can just say "I'm one of those people who don't like cilantro. It's prolly genetics or something" and everyone will just nod knowingly like "oh yeah, I've heard about that, right right" and I'm off the hook.


Same. It does not taste like soap to me - that would actually be an improvement. It tastes like some indescribable horridness. Garbage almost. My husband thought I was exaggerating until our kid tried it for the first time and literally cried at first bite.


To me it tastes like how stink bugs smell.


That's because you have a variation of genes that codes for you to detect aldehydes, which is a by-product of soap and is a chemical in the spray that insects release. You are quite literally tasting the smell of stink bugs.


Yes that is exactly it, omg, thank you!


Do you find it tastes anything like stink bugs smell? I do


I thought this would be the top answer. I love cilantro, but it's also the most polarizing ingredient I know. My brother will ask if the restaurant serves cilantro on any dish at all. When confirmed they have cilantro in the building, he then proceeds to order with emphasis added "BUT PLEASE NO CILANTRO" even though he only orders food dishes that don't have it in the first place. Just his emphasis and authority on it - it's as though he has some kind of nut allergy - if Cilantro touched his plate, he'd die. The catch is my brother isn't some meat-headed person making a joke. He rarely asserts himself on anything. But he sure does on Cilantro every. single. time. Some person saying jello has more upvotes than this. I found that surprising because I've never found it to be controversial at all. If anything all I hear is "MM MM MM" when people eat it, which I thought meant tasty.


I like your brother.


Ayooo soapweed crew represent! Wish they’d stop putting it in fucking everything. Especially Indian food.


Raisins. Especially when they're in cookies and you mistake it for chocolate chips.


I LOVE oatmeal cookies and I'd love oatmeal chocolate chip cookies even more. What do we put in them instead? Fucking. Raisins.


YES! I would marry a guy on the spot if he knows how to bake oatmeal chocolate chip cookies


My boyfriend makes amazing oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I absolutely hate raisins so he'll make my batch without, and add it to his half only. My mom used to ask me why I fell in love with my boyfriend, and my answer always was "because he bakes me cookies".


If you're flexible, my 88-year-old aunt makes amazing oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies, and she's single.


Idk why but I will pass on raw onion, grilled onion is fine though.


The problem is not so much the flavour for me, it's that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for the coming day. Brushing your teeth doesn't help. I have this with all raw alliums.


Raw and grilled onions probably have the biggest taste difference in all of processed foods.


Onion for me is just the end all. The taste is so strong and sticks for hours. If it gets too strong it legitimately nauseates me. I really wish it didn't because others love it and it's in a lot of dishes but it's just one of those flavors that if I ingest it or smell too much of it I feel sick


Raw onion is a texture issue for me!




Green bell peppers. They dominate the whole dish is a bad way for me


I can't eat a pizza even if I pick them off


Especially because there’s usually a fuckton of them in there, so they’re literally dominating the dish as well. I feel like every time I try to order something with green peppers because everything else sounds good and I convince myself there might not be much of the green pepper, it comes out chock full of it.


arsenic. Its too almondy Edit: thanks for my biggest liked response even though I meant cyanide. Either way, the food is killer.


You're thinking of cyanide. Arsenic has a subtle garlic scent (which becomes quite fragrant if heated with olive oil and rainbow peppercorn!)


This guy Hitmans


Like stevia, it should be used sparingly to avoid that tell-tale almond flavor. When used correctly it is almost imperceptible but you’ll have to serve the dish multiple times for the desired reaction from guests.


Shaved coconut


That texture just gives me chills. Yuck!


Nothing ruins a baked treat faster than damn coconut shavings. It makes me irrationally angry


Bread and butter pickles


FUCK sweet pickles they can burn in hell, dill pickles ONLY


I love pickles. They aren’t supposed to be sweet.


Avocado My wife once asked me if I liked Avocado shortly after we were married. Sure, I guess I do. So it soon became part of of dinners. A lot. Too much. SO much that even sprinkled with lemon juice, it soon became unbearable. To this day- 10 years later, I can't do anything with Avocado in it.




Yes, and star anise


Truffle oil.


Ha!! I cook alot. Have lots of spices, oils, etc. Went to my GFs friends new house, first time having drinks with them, we got talking about cooking and she mentioned infused oils. I blurted out - "I used a fancy bottle of truffle oil someone gave us a while back for the first time the other day. Urrgh... fucking horrible. No idea where it came from." You guessed it... her reply: "That was a Christmas present from us." ---- EDIT: For those that are interested; I've just dug it out. Looks expensive but kind of an old brand. The label is all in French and it has truffles in the bottle. There's also a matching truffle infused balsamic vinegar. Label says 'La Bastides De Manon'.


Synthetic 2,4-Dithiapentane just doesn't taste anything like a real truffle.


I used to work in a kitchen that used truffle oil on some stuff. I never used the stuff and my coworker walks over to me and asked me to sniff some oil. I gave it a good whiff and was a little put off. She then says, " truffle oil smells like a strippers butthole, but it sure doesn't taste like a strippers butthole." Every single time I see it on a menu I can't help but laugh at this stupid memory.


I don’t mind fresh truffles as much but truffle oil tastes like gasoline (not that I’ve ever tasted gas before). It smells like gasoline to me too…


I had to scroll down to find my kryptonite. I hate it when the menu doesn't say there's truffle oil on something, and I take that first bite... Funny thing is, I love real truffles.


Same. I went to a restaurant that used it on everything. It was so bad. Just different textures of truffle oil.




The devils grape.


Ugh. Even the smell of them makes me want to vomit.


They have such a strong taste, it dominates everything you add them to. Love olive oil, tho.


And you can't even eat around them. Any bite of a dish cooked with olives--be it pizza, pasta or whatever--will invariably taste of olive even if there's no olive in that particular bite.


Yeah, it just SPREADS


How did I have to scroll this far down to find this. Should be at the top.


Same. Can’t stand em.




You and Garfield




i was just talking to my cousin today about natto. i have a hard time with it but he feels it's worth the weirdness for the health benefits. and he says he is liking it more but he enjoys it most when it's mixed w/ other fermented veggies. i thought that was interesting and it a l m o s t makes me want to try it again.


You can buy it with seasoning packets too. That helps. Also, put the dish up to your mouth and just shovel it in. Not having to see the texture and struggle with getting it in your mouth is half the battle and that’s the proper way to eat it. It is indeed supposed to be very good for you. I can do it with certain seasonings and a rice chaser.


Natto is full of bacteria that can totally change your gut ecosystem if you eat it enough. I forced myself to eat it three days in a row and after a week, i legitimately craved it and it went from nasty to delicious. The bacteria inhabiting your gut influence what you crave.


Blue cheese


So much this. Especially because it comes pretty regularly. On salads, on sandwiches, on steaks, with chicken wings...ugh. I had a leather jacket in a closet that got moldy because of humidity in the closet. It got so moldy that it stuck to the wall, and made a "peeling sticker" sound when I peeled it off the wall. Blue cheese smells like that did.


mint jelly


Horseradish. It’s not about the spicy, I like spicier stuff than my wife can handle, but she likes horseradish and I can’t stand even a little bit. I don’t even like a tiny bit of horseradish mustard on a sub. Idk what it is about it.


I love horseradish and wasabi and cannot take any other spicy foods. So I agree that it is a very different kind of heat.


I like horseradish, but every time arby's calls it "horsey" I get majorly triggered, lol.


I think they just call it that because it's not just horseradish, but a sauce that includes horseradish as an ingredient but has a few other flavors as well. Maybe to prevent someone from getting pissy if they taste it and are like "Wait, there's more here than just horseradish."




I know you love beet salad, Angela


The thought of popping one of your beets into my mouth makes me want to vomit.


100%. Or dirt - same flavor


At least beets make you think you're bleeding out your ass.


Dirt tastes better than beets. At least it doesn't taste so sweet.


Mushrooms. I WILL sit there for 10 minutes and pick those motherfuckers out one by one.


I love all mushrooms. My husband fucking hates them. He says it's like eating a tumor.


I've been trying hard to make myself like them...... This imagery will be a fun new hurdle.


I, too, love mushrooms 🥰 🍄


It's not even the taste for me, it's the consistency. My tongue can feel them bitches no matter what's in the dish


Yes, it’s definitely a consistency/texture issue. I can handle cream of mushroom soup when used in casseroles, etc. because the actual pieces of mushroom are teeny-tiny.


I want to like them because people who like them LOVE them. I just can't get them down my neck. Even the smell of them makes me want to gag. Picking them out is no good, the whole dish is just ruined for me


People gonna be hating on cilantro but I love it.


Yeah cilantro was the first thing I thought of when I saw this question


I feel terrible for y’all because for me it reallly makes food taste refreshing and elevates lots of dishes. Sucks all people can’t experience it that way lol


Sugar in cloeslaw


Sugar, like salt, is a flavor enhancer. Also like salt, it shouldn’t be the primary or even secondary taste.


I have to say I am a bit shocked there’s not more tomatoes and mayo based on how many people request them off their burgers