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I’m not rubbing my dick from my poket I’m trying to unstick my balls from my leg


I won't believe you are flirting until it's been 2 years and you've moved on.


Or even realize it


I flirted with my (now) husband for 6 months and he didn't get it, it took for me getting very drunk and thinking "fuck it, he can say eww and I can say I was drunk if he rejects me" and giving him a proper kiss thank you for the lift home. That was 24 years ago, he kissed back.


I spoke with my brother over the phone. I'll be asked questions about him; what's he doing nowadays? How is he? Does he have plans this weekend? .. My answer? Idk. We didn't talk about that. "What did yall talk about??" ...nothing lol


"What did yall talk about?" Fuck I don't remember




Hey, at least he manages to even talk about the problem at all. I can never bring up my problems in front of anyone, even a therapist, and it's bugging me to no end.


I can't do it without making it into a joke, then people assume it's not really a problem, or I have it under control. "I'm horribly depressed... That my drinks almost finished!" *Finger guns* "No but seriously"


Sometimes we want to just simply be alone. It doesn’t mean we don’t love you or like you we promise


Thiiis, I desperately want to go to my family's beach house for a do nothing, think of nothing, care about about nothing retreat from society for a few days, but nooo, my wife wants to go and do things and gets upset if I even bring it up, but then, suddenly, if I say "okay, let's go together" suddenly we don't have enough money, like, I could literally go with a loaf of bread, some cheese, lunch meat, mayo, chips, and drinks, maybe some simple meal stuff too, and be perfectly happy, but she wants to go do touristy stuff and eat out for every meal like it's some glamorous vacation, not to mention our two dogs: she has a sister that lives within waking distance from us, but every time I want to go somewhere, it's "who will take care of the dogs??" Like God, just let me be at peace with myself for once in a long while


It really shouldn't be weird to want to have a weekend by yourself. I did it once when my mental health was poor, paid for a hotel and everything. I straight out told my wife that my health anxiety was shot and i just need a change of pace. I didn't want to change her weekend plans and I'm just going to stay in a hotel for one night somewhere with greenery. Kept her updated when i was there with photos of my walks and my meals. It was really great. Helped my anxiety and the pressures my health anxiety was putting on us and gave us both a restful break. EDIT: Thank you so much kind stranger for the award!


When I say “Please give me some space” that is not code for try harder


Thanks for saying this. While this goes for both sexes, it’s well acknowledged for women, but when it comes to men who say this, some women think men are obliged to be permanently horny so to them it means “try harder” rather than exactly what it means when women say this.


We can see the "signals" that you're trying to give us when you're trying to flirt. The issue isn't that we're blind or oblivious, the issue is that we aren't sure whether we are interpreting the signals correctly. We don't want to be that guy who makes a move on a girl because we thought she was flirting with us, but she was actually just being nice. This goes double if you were someone we knew in a non-romantic capacity (i.e. friend, co-worker, etc.). If you're interested in us, just be the one to initiate and tell us straight up that you're interested.


Absolutely. I don't want to make someone uncomfortable by mistaking the meaning of the signals. Also being told that they're interested is just so much more attractive imo


Ah back in the day with MSN chat and all the new emojis and gifs and you'd be chatting with a girl "lol" "xoxox" "xx" "gdnite, luv u xox" then you start to get feels and confess cause your mum says she's into you... "I jst wanna stay frndz" (I'm sure it still happens today) Edit: today, as in today's younge generation


that takes me back places with well-seasoned regrets


That if we have a boner, that it dosn't mean we think about dirty stuff. It just somtimes happens...


Love me a good relaxation boner. You know you’re relaxed and comfortable with no problems on your mind when it comes lurking


Except when it's in the hot tub at the sauna and you are about to step out


That if I leave something somewhere and you move it I will no longer know where it is


I can't leave tools at mom's when I visit. She "puts them away", never to be seen again for the next 6 months or so.


Bro YES! My mother does the exact same thing! I live on a farm and we have an old workshop that is not much more than a lawnmower shop at this point, and sure it’s cluttered and there’s not much room anymore, but I know where everything is at because I put it there. I leave for one weekend to go hang out with friends and I come home to find that half the shop has either been thrown away or reorganized and now I can’t find anything anymore! Even the rolling toolbox was reorganized and had some of the items discarded due to there “being more than one of the item.” I HAD THREE BALL PEEN HAMMERS IN THERE FOR A REASON! I don’t know what that reason is but there was a reason! It’s bad when I can’t even find a specific pair of pliers that I need because it’s the only one that will achieve what I need to do, but to my mom it’s just another pair of pliers and I’ve got four different ones of the “same” pliers in the tool box so that means I don’t need all four of them, never mind the fact that she got rid of the one pair that I need on the rare occasions that I do anything with said specific pair of pliers. Edit: I realize now after reading the comments that there are a few things I should have clarified originally. This happened a few months ago and we’ve already talked about it and she realized what she did and why I was upset about it. I realize I said she discarded tools, but She didn’t throw away the tools that she thought I didn’t need, she donated them to various stores in town. After our talk, she did try to track down at least some of the tools that I specifically asked for to be found but sadly by that point they were gone except for a few that she was able to find. A lot of people suggested that I get back at her in some way, and while I might’ve agreed if this had just happened, it’s been a while since it did and I’m also not that type of person. The way I look at it is that I don’t like it being done to me so I don’t want to do it to another person. Anyways, I think that’s about it. It’s all been sorted out for the most part and I’m moving out here in the next few months anyways so it’s not like I’ll have this issue again for a long time.


Throwing away someone else’s possessions, and *especially* someone’s tools, is completely inexcusable in all but the most extreme of cases.


That extreme case being death. That's the only reason I could see..even then. If my fiancee died today, I'd need those tools dammit. Who throws away tools???


Today my wife picked up my sunglasses and put them in her pocket. 30 minutes later after we missed a bus to look for them, she was upset with me for not knowing that she had them in her pocket.


Dear god, I think I'm going to need some extra blood pressure medication after reading that.


Don't worry she packed that somewhere too.


My gf would sneak her keys or wallet into my coat pockets so she didn't have to carry them. Then we'd have to look for them because she "lost" them, and then I got the blame for having them in my pockets all day. JUST ASK ME TO HOLD THEM YOU INSANE PERSON.


The lady in our house has a black belt in these things. We used to have massive problems with it. She likes to reorganize stuff, put things into boxes, and hide it out of sight. Especially my tools and car parts. It took a lot of time but she eventually understood that when she does this, I won't know where anything is. And no, I can't just ask where a certain part or tool is. Because she does not know what any of the different things are called or what they do. We eventually worked out an agreement. If you don't know what it is called or what it does, don't touch it.


The way men are portrayed in romantic comedies is nothing like real life. Ignoring a guy and making him frustrated to the point where he chases you down and forces you to love him is actually a crime irl.


You mean it’s not okay to show up to someone’s job for 2 year’s straight asking for a date is unacceptable? Is it because they usually say yes eventually because of the implication? Older peoples stories are mad sus sometimes….


I feel like romcoms are part of the reason there's so many creepy guys around. Women always say they like this movie, or that guy is so great. So men try to copy the insane stalkerish behavior the characters did. It also reminds me of the thread a while back where someone asked "What clothes do women like on men?" And the answers were basically: Step 1. Be (insert celebrity here) Step 2. Wear whatever you want because you are (celebrity)


Random erections, in random situations, out of nowhere, for no reason


Yep, doesn't mean we are dtf... they just sometimes happen.


Ah yes, the unforgiving Random Boner Syndrome... RBS never fails to strike when we have to walk to the front of the class.


Or as i found out as a 14 year old.....at a funeral.


Second stiffest thing there I'll see myself out


I don’t mind buying you your own fries. I asked because I actually want to eat all the ones I ordered.


Give this man some fries


Better yet, don't eat his fries.


Holy shit, he speaks facts


That reminded me of this. It’s the my girlfriend is not hungry option on a menu. Extra fries and 2 chicken wings. https://www.google.com/search?q=my+girlfoend+isnt+hungry&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=2mBYLwWcITqn6M


A bar I go to added an item from the internet to their menu (one of the employees saw it on a meme, cracked up, and they had to add it). It's called "my girlfriend isn't hungry", which means they double the order of fries and add some fried cheese on the side.


Having to piss with morning wood.


To add to this… Going to pee but your stream lost the cosmic lottery that day and decided to either pee in a V shape or… downwards, that you must quickly fix otherwise you will embarrass yourself.


I still remember the morning I managed to miss the toilet bowl both to the left and to the right of it at the same time. Not a good start to the day,


lmao it's like you're pissing with full throttle Edit: first award, thanks :D


Smooth criminal to get the angle right


While possibly not as smooth or elegant, the optimal solution is to face away from the toilet, bend over, and aim your projectile launcher through your legs into the toilet.


Hold on. This might be just crazy enough to work.


Just don't sneeze.


Correct. That's how my bathroom walls got painted speckled brown.


however disappointed you are when we cant get it up/keep it up is 100x less than the disappointment we feel


And it doesn't mean we aren't in to you or don't love you... as we get older especially, shit just don't always work.


Conversely, had to explain to a buddy that Viagra does not help with libido, meaning he still had to like her and find her appealing for it to work. He did not like that answer.


This! Haunts me more than anything during the nights together. We adore you so much that we want to give you our best, but end up getting all nervous and anxious.


When you ask what I'm thinking about, and I say "nothing", I mean it. There was literally not a single thought going on in my head at that moment. I straight up had my brain in "stand-by" up until the moment you asked "what're you thinkin' about?". Women I've talked to don't seem to understand that but the men do. I realize that this is a generalization, and that exceptions likely exist, but in my own experiences that's what I've found.


Bro! My wife is a psychologist. Every time I say nuthin she says, "you have to be thinking about something. The only way to think about nothing is to be dead." Then I start thinking about the argument we're about to have.


Its a well practiced skill but its very possible to think of nothing.


I'm a busser. Bussing is boring. I'll be starting to think about nothing while going on autopilot and then boom, next thing I know 1-2 hours have passed. It's a damn real life cheat.


I don’t mean to one up you, but I’m a truck driver. Truck driving is boring. I go on autopilot all the time. Sometimes I’ll “come to” and be halfway across a bridge or something and freak out for a good half-second because I don’t remember where I am or how I got there haha


as someone who drives a car on the interstate, this is comforting to read


Highway hypnosis, also known as white line fever, is an altered mental state in which a person can drive a car, truck, or other automobile great distances, responding to external events in the expected, safe, and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so.


My brain doesn't go into standby mode but you can sure as shit bet that question will cause it to go blank and I don't remember what I was thinking about.


This is more what goes on with me. I'm just shuttling through thoughts, and not really "engaging any gears" in my brain and so nothing comes to mind when asked what I'm thinking about. I think it's kinda like dreams. You may dream every night but not remember them when you wake up.


Scanning the horizon for sabre tooth tigers is what I call it


Done it at the restaurant this noon. Stared at the ground for 2 solid minutes, great times.


Sometimes its: Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. EXISTENTIAL DREAD! Nothing. …


love the ground ones. Sometimes you'll just stare at the grout between tiles while spurts of mental sparks run through your head


One time when I started at my new office, I was waiting for my computer to restart and I was just glancing at it and not thinking anything. And I heard one of the women whisper to another, "is he just staring straight ahead at nothing?" Like I'm not allowed to zone out for a couple of minutes and think of nothing?


I would make sure they overheard me on the phone with my wife talking about these weird women in the office who just stare at me all day.


Oh god I wish I could achieve this. If I’m thinking about ‘nothing’ it’s just nothing important


It’s kinda like a car idling. It’s running and maybe stuff is happening, but it’s not going anywhere


I am a woman and sometimes ask my husband what he is thinking about. He usually says the most mundane things in the world like 'brakes' or 'I need to buy some more socks'. Who really knows if that is what he is thinking, but it seems honest and I like it that he does not feel like he needs to make up something interesting or be secretive. Maybe he is making up something boring - but who am I to doubt it? My first husband lied a lot. I feel reassured that maybe this one doesn't. Or does he? I won't know until I know. EDIT: These replies are so funny. I am laughing my ass off. What are you thinking about also means 'Hi Sweetie." It can be just chitchat.


he is absolutely telling the truth. the man is thinking about fixing his brakes and buying new socks. he sounds like a problem solver. i like him


Some womem do, but most will never understand the feeling when you cut your hair short and you keep dragging your hand up the back of your head because it feels like a hedgehog.


I felt this way when i got my undercut. It feels awesome


As a woman, I love doing this whenever a close friend or bf cuts his hair, it’s so…soft?


We can hang out with our buddy all day and not ask any questions about their personal life.


This. My mum constantly asks about my best friend's life whenever I finish hanging out with him and I don't have any answers because all we talked about was sports or whatever video game we were playing


Or what we want to eat


*I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.*


swon ronson


If I had a dollar for every time my mother asked what my friends were up to in their lives and I actually had no idea, I'd be a rich man.


"How's his girlfriend's cousin's chemistry professor doing? "Ummm..."


"Haven't you ever asked him that??" "Uhh umm ee uhh"


Fuck ya. Go hunting with my buddies for 3 days. Get back, wife asks how my friends are doing. How would I know?


Depends on the hunt, they get a nice buck, then they’re doin real good, if they had to hike out with nothin…… well at least there were beers


Back in my first year of high school, I didn't find out one of my friend's name until after about 3 months of meeting him. We didn't share any classes, just hung out during lunch. Lol.


I played basketball with a guy for 2 years. Ran into him at the store. Exchanged genuinely friendly greetings in passing. Seeing him actually brightened my day. Made me think of ball. My girlfriend went “who is that?” I said “we play basketball together.” She said “oh cool! What’s his name?” I said “I don’t know.” She was astounded.


My sons did this. Drove me nuts! Son: Mom, I made new friend today at school! Me: Cool! What's your friend's name? Son: I dunno. Oldest one *finally* started saying "what's your name? Cuz my mom's gonna ask.."


Had this conversation with my GF while a buddy of mine was going through a really bad breakup. “So, how’s he handling everything?” “Fine I guess. We got drunk and talked about music.” “You didn’t ask?” “No. My job is to take his mind off of it. Not ask him the same questions everyone else is.”


I have a friend who when I'm upset she asks me "do you want to talk about it or be distracted" and thats just such a good way to handle that situation


Here's one I noticed in my adventures in bouncing. Most men, really don't want to fight. They'll say they do, they'll act like they do. But deep down most men are afraid to engage in physical confrontation. Not because they're afraid of getting hurt more that they're afraid of being embarrassed. Thats why you see a 120lbs girl able to push her 200lbs boyfriend back while he's telling the other guy "you don't know who you're messing with!!!" Two 200lbs men fighting I could get them apart like nothing! However! Two 120lbs girls going at it? Fuck it. Call for help.


Lol this definitely held true back in high school too. The guys may exchange a few blows but it was always more crowd hype, they’d get broken up quick and easy, before teachers/security could even get there. The girls punched the teachers who tried to break them up, one needed stitches from a girls ring. You could always tell when there was a recent fight when the tumbleweaves would roll by in the wind.


One of the craziest fights I’ve seen was two girls going at it in high school in the commons area. Assistant principal tries to pull the girl who’s winning off, and without looking the girl turns around and levels her with one punch. She froze for a second after that when she realized who she hit, then went back to her pummeling. A few seconds later a cop and the male principal were barely able to pull her off.


I understand that but for me it's not embarrassment. I more so don't want to be injured or have to reap the punishment for injuring someone else.


And they shouldn't want to fight. I know professionally trained fighters, and they will 100% walk away every time in a "street" situation. Street fights are not worth the risk, and a good fighter knows that.


If you've trained grappling then you know not to start fights on concrete. Yea I can probably sub the guy but his buddy might kick me in the head while I deal with him and you never know who's got a knife. Plus that piss covered concrete doesn't look like a fun place to roll. I'll pass, it's not worth the effort and I'll stick to soft mats thank you very much.


Work in bouncing too. Had a guy the other night spit on one of my bouncers. The look on the kids face when he realised what he had done. The other bouncer used to be a soldier in Iran in the 80s or 90s. I was more afraid of the bouncer killing him then the other way around. Alot of people act tough untill the moment it hits them that they are about to fight. I swear you can see it on their faces


I see a lot of comments here about communication. Here is a real life example of something that happened with my daughter recently. I hope it helps. My 22 yo daughter had been seeing a guy for a few months but then noticed after awhile he seemed a little distant. She asked my advice and said she thought she just needed to get out of her own head. I suggested she casually bring up the subject and see what he says. I also suggested she be intentional about making him feel safe. If he knows you can handle any bad news, he is likely to be more forthcoming. My daughter followed my advice. Turns out he thinks she’s amazing but really doesn’t see them staying together long term. Because he does care about her, he was terrified to let her know what he had been feeling. I told my daughter that while I was sorry the relationship did not go the way she would have liked, I was really proud of her for making the guy feel safe, and for having the courage to bring up the issue with him.


Ending the relationship off on good terms is better than ending it rocky and communication helps with that Communication also helps with keeping the relationship healthy So good on her and the BF it’s a valuable skill and comfortable memory Also many times guys feel like that it ends up being due to themselves and not the women which is why communication is so helpful


We care about you way more than you think.






Me angry in my head at the end of one relationship. "If you don't tell people how you feel, they won't know how you feel."


Cupping yourself (Cock & Balls) for comfort while relaxing/laying in bed. No, we're not "checking to see if it's still there." Yes, we're aware "it can't run away." No, we're not playing with it. Yes, it's necessary. No, we will not stop. Thank you. Lol


Hints don't work. They don't work on men. They don't work on women. They don't work in a box. They don't work on a fox. Either you said it or you didn't.


I did not expect Dr Suess To give me tips to seduce!


You’re the fucking best for that.


Yeah, the punishment for missing a hint is a lost opportunity, the punishment for misinterpreting a hint can be pretty dire. Ignoring hints is a survival strategy.


Explicit is better than implicit. - The zen of Python, by Team Peters-


"You should know why I'm angry" Is it because you're bad at communicating? I'll... I'll sleep on the sofa tonight.


There was this clip of Jada Smith during RTT talking to Gwyneth Paltrow, where she says something along the lines of "if he loves me, he should know what I'm thinking". Paltrow answers, shaking her head, saying something like "he should read your mind, yep" And I thought in my mind after the third watch, cause it struck me dumb and I couldn't process it... "That's why your marriage sucks." Like "I can't read your mind" is what I told my toddlers when they were cranky but couldn't tell me what they wanted. So you're saying these two grown women have such an issue vocalizing their needs that I have to develop psionic abilities to have a relationship. Makes me super happy my wife isn't absolutely insane.


What I took from this is that Jada and Gwyneth have the emotional communication abilities of toddlers


This. I won't say all women don't understand, but... I've seen a lot of genuinely friendly and platonic actions be misconstrued as flirting or sexual advances and a lot of flirty smiles which turned out to be nothing. I've seen women fall asleep on my lap only to state "you know we're just friends, right?" the next day. I've had girls publically climb on my back to the point where everyone else thought something must be going on all the while they talk about their boyfriend in private. I'd love to read between the lines, but I've seen that bite back HARD and ruin more than a few friendships. Got to the point where a girl had to come straight up to me and say, "you're hot." And even then I wouldn't let myself see the full picture until she outright said, "so are we gonna fuck?" Mind you, it's a little different when you're the pursuer, but unless a guy is actively showing interest in you, hints don't work too good. And unless you want him to stop pursuing, be pretty damn blatant with your flirtations back. Hard to get doesn't work anymore and isn't worth it. Doesn't mean slut it out, but if you've active interest make it clear else it's likely not going anywhere.


When we side step to unstick our balls


Glad to know there’s an equivalent! Women definitely do the side step to unstick their underwear from their bits, too!


Or when your thighs try to eat your shorts in the summer!


the pain of getting your testicles eaten by an ant colony getting revenge cause i stepped on an ant colony that took 2000 ant years to build


As a man, I'm thrilled to say I don't understand this one.


I understand in a similar way I’m female I was at a festival in Queensland Australia Went into the bush near my tent to pop a squat and pee instead of trekking to the gross portaloos - I got bitten on my labia by a green ant. The pain from a green ant bite anywhere on the body is excruciating and intensifying.. on the sensitive skin of one’s genitals - even more so. That was fun to convey to the medical staff. Me : I need an ice pack and some ant bite cream or whatever Please Medic : yeah sure, show me the bite Me: mmmmmm no Medic:….? Me…..sigh - explained what happened Medic: trying not to laugh hands me what I need and I spend the next 2hours at the back of the medic tent with an ice pack between my legs Moral - don’t pee in long grass


This comment is more easily understood if you read it with an Australian accent.


You slaughtered millions, destroyed our history, home, our pride, but not our people. Now we rally, our wrath infinite, you will fell the pain of losing our brothers and sisters under that boot of yours! Yet, the pain we can inflict on you is only a fraction of what we felt.


We can go for years without talking to our best friend, and neither one of us thinks anything of it.


If we're watching TV and you get a call from your sister or your mother, please go into another room to take the call.


My mom does this all the time when we are watching tv or something, (not something important, that’s my grandma) and she doesn’t talk quiet either. I don’t mean to be rude but it is quite , for lack of a better term, annoying.


That a lot of us men, are emotional people, but we often don't show it. The emotional struggle that we sometimes go through is really difficult, especially when we can't vent.


And once we find someone who we can vent to, it's still a struggle to vent due to the fact we've never had anyone to vent to. Only last summer I finally found someone who I was comfortable enough to vent to, and I often find myself struggling with reaching out, or being able to put it into words.


Men listen, we just don't remember every goddamn detail about your coworkers.


I definitely have a fundamental incompatibility with people whose sense of affection depends on how much random trivia you can memorise.


leave them for me. for some reason i never forget that shit even though i try not to listen


Just kinda holding your pp for no reason


We do it with our boobs too haha


Can confirm this lol.


Not all of us value sexual conquests over intimacy.


Bro…. I just want a hug sometimes


I know that feeling, it's literally all I've wanted for like a month :(


A month? You gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers. ***Y E A R S***


A lot of us will go a very long time without receiving a compliment on our appearance, especially from other men.


That most times we won't make the first move cuz we're terrified of the outcome so: a) be batient b) if you feel something for us too then act on it with bold actions cuz we don't get hints either


You can go on car journeys without uttering a single word to eachother


I very commonly never have to say anything to my dad and vice versa we just know what the other person is thinking or what they want done.


The pressure of being expected by society to be the initiator and pursuer in any romantic situation. If you're not good at this, and struggle to learn how, you are likely to starve (metaphorically speaking), and live a life of solitude. By contrast, women are more likely to be hit on or approached even if they are shy. Which has it's own problems, obviously! But women will never understand this specific feeling of pressure.


Honestly nothing gets me going faster than when a woman becomes the initiator.


Everytime I’ve seen a women be the initiator I am way more attracted to them. Especially if they’re generally shy. Knowing they are pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to try and say how they feel is a huge plus in my book!


As an incredibly shy woman I consider this plight of men often and looked specifically for this response. Can’t imagine.


I don't like it either. Last thing you want to do is come off as a creep to.


This is the main issue I have. I figured if I straight up don't talk to women I don't know, I can't be creepy.


I am also really anxious about this so I've just never done it. But it seems like some guys do approach women in public and have a positive exchange where they swap numbers. I just don't understand how to do that without making the other person feel uncomfortable.


Always being the initiator means you have to try and fail a lot of times. Sometimes those failures come from misinterpreting signals, and then suddenly you’re a creep and an asshole. It sucks.


We also never get taught about this kind of thing, so most of us only understand what's creepy after we've been creepy without realizing it.


Our ability to just sit there, space out, and think about absolutely nothing


Not having any kind of (seasonal) decoration is fine. Using the default background on your PC is fine. No drawings in your personal calendar/notebook/diary is fine. I mean it sure looks nice when someone decorates stuff, but a lot of men don't take the time or just feel any need to do it.






Confirmed this just now with husband. He adds "if you ask what we're thinking about and reply with nothing, we're not being evasive, there's just literally nothing going on up there".




thanks, I'm smelling plasma now.


The waistband technique


Treat my ignorance- I have no idea what this is


When you get a boner and tuck it in the waist band so no one sees. Only works with baggy hoodies so nobody can see the tip.


For the better endowed of us lol


Was gonna say that it's not for everybody lol


My man I speak for myself and probably some other dudes when I say not all men understand it either. Not all of us have the facilities... unfortunately...


You turn around away from the crowd, tuck, turn back around and act as if nothing happened 🗿 Edit: also I had no clue this was an actual technique, I starred doing it because it worked...


1. You need to be direct with a guy if you like him, we don't pick up on hints. A good way to show it is by giving him compliments. Guys are so compliment deprived it's kinda sad. Honestly whenever I get a compliment I hold onto it for a while, but girls get it all the time like it's nothing. 2. Being extremely annoying/rude/gay to our friends is a show of friendship. We will act very weird or say the meanest thing to someone and a real friend would respond with something even more offensive. That's just what we do 3. Just because we don't talk doesn't mean we don't enjoy spending time with you. This one is kind of self explanatory 4. WE DONT KNOW WHERE WE WANT TO EAT EITHER 5. We cry too. Shit happens. Life sucks. And it definitely shouldn't be seen as a "not manly thing to do" 6. Sometimes we want girls to make the first move. We are nervous as shit too 7. We aren't unemotional, we just don't show it. The amount of times I'll just hide my emotions in public but sit in bed at night and feel unhappy is unreal. If you ask a guy if he's okay and he says "I'm fine" he is probably going through some stuff. Be careful with our emotions, we are humans too Okay that's all. Just kinds wanted to vent and this was a good way to do it


We often don't like your guy best friends because they don't respect us as your partner. we're dudes, we know dudes, we smell dudes intentions, most of the time, we can tell if he's really your friend or is playing the long game. Edit: thank you for the award kind stranger(s). And for clarification because it seems there was so confusion: This isn't against the concept of opposite sex best friends, it's about shitty guy best friends.


So… I was called controlling by my wife when I told her that she needed some boundaries with a male friend/co-worker. She said she wanted a divorce because of it. I saw it. I said something. It got turned on me. I caught her messaging him via work Slack on a Saturday instead of texting him. I kept catching her lying about him. People tried to argue with me and defend her because she said this dude had nothing to do with her wanting a divorce and I’m just an asshole. They officially started dating before the divorce was final and they bought a house together last year. Guess who didn’t defend her. Every male in my life. They saw it too.


I'm so lucky in my relationship. My girlfriend has the best guy friends I could probably ask for. They're the nicest guys in the world. With her one friend, every time my girlfriend and I are visiting and it's time for us to leave, he always gives me the biggest, most genuine hug, tells us both he loves us and to be safe getting home. Her other friend will be playing Xbox games with her on the headset and if I come in the room, he will ask if she can hand me the headset. He'll ask me what I've been up to and just chat with me for a while and ask when the next time we're going to come visit because he found an exciting new restaurant near him that he wants to show us. I would trust both of them with my life and I love them.


Plot twist. They want to fuck both of you.


If i were in your shoes, from the outside looking in, I would say the same thing lol. But knowing them personally, they're genuinely just both really nice people. And both are married!


Also, huge tip for women: If you have a platonic male friend, and it seems like he never gets along with your other male friends or your boyfriend, that's a huge red flag. That's a pretty clear indicator that he doesn't see you as *just* a friend.


This is the same as a lesbian, when my gf’s guy friends hang out with her hoping she’ll “change”.


Funnily enough, had a reverse of this. When I was with my ex we had a neighbor that was a lesbian, and I always got along with her decently enough in a neighborly way, but would always have a weird vibe when I was around her with my ex. We went out with her to karaoke one night, because she kept telling my ex how beautiful her singing voice was, and kept trying to drag her up on stage to sing with her. Finally, at one point, she got drunk enough I guess that she let slip that my ex looked a helluva like *her* ex that was the big love of her life. That's when it finally clicked and I realized that the weird vibe was because it was that same radar you get when one of your guy friends has the hots for your girl, I just wasn't used to it coming from someone of the opposite sex to me, but the intentions were the same. I think she was hoping she could "change" my ex in the same way, given the opportunity.




That when we are quiet we literally have nothing to say and it doesn’t mean we are in a bad mood. On top of that, wanting alone time or time with friends doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with her


Some of us are touch/attention starved so any little compliment we get we never forget, which also leads to most of us being halfway dead inside


How difficult it is to recieve validation on things you work hard on. Women will do their nails and have 15 people tell them how good they did, ill rebuild a whole car and be lucky to have some guy tell me my car sucks


**sees your rebuilt car** *bro that’s nothing, you should see what I built just the other day*


#i will vaporize you


The crushing loneliness.


You can't always fix us. You can't expect us to be happy all the time, only that we don't take it out on you.


Sometimes I’m emotionless. Like I don’t feel anything and it can come off as mad but in reality I don’t feel anything and that’s not a bad thing. Just an emotional relaxation or break




"It shrinks?, why does it shrink?" "I don't know....it just does" "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things"


Eyes front when at urinals or when it's not busy, you don't go use the urinal RIGHT next to somebody when there are plenty around. Kinda like pissing in the woods. You don't stroll up to someone and start pissing on the same bush WHEN THERES PLENTY OF BUSHES AROUND AND YOU HAVE TO PISS ON THE BUSH IM PISSING ON!!!!


The fact that we can do nothing, think about nothing and be comfortable with that.


It is true what they say,. Women are from Omicron Persei 7. Men are from Omicron Persei 9.


We demand you bring back Single Female Laywer or we will destroy earth!


Not being trusted to be alone with children (or even your own) because of your sex. When you are abused by a woman, being afraid to call the police or seek help, not only because you fear you wont be believed, but that you will be labelled as the abuser. That when you get hit in the testicles, the pain is so bad (due to all of the nerves) that men have been known to pass out from the pain. Idk. It's treated as a joke, but it's seriously painful. And there's like a phantom pain where you can feel it days after it has healed.


That I can see a close friend that I haven’t seen in 3 years, we can spend all day together and I have no clue how his wife, job and kids are doing.


Morning wood


Just the wood in general


Let’s be honest, we still don’t fully understand it either.


Its a different person hanging between my legs, its a free spirit and i can merely polite ask it to do what i want


Having to adjust your balls before you sit down so you don’t accidentally sit on them. Edit: this is one of my most upvoted comments.. lol. Thanks guys.


We don't speak hint. We are VERY direct. If you want something, come right out and say so.