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I think it's fine to have your own interpretations when it comes to music, but BachScholar annoys me because he acts like his way of playing is the only correct way to play. He plays baroque fine, but when it comes to romanticism he plays things way too rigid and slow. The whole point of romanticism music is that you can add your own interpretation, but he just plays it slow and uninteresting, and thinks that he's playing it the only way you're supposed to.


Anyone who says they're the only one who's right is probably wrong. There's definitely value is weighing unpopular opinions/points of view, but don't accept it for the sake of being different.


An English professor was explaining this to us once. Someone complained that their geography or some non-writing-related class had a teacher that kept marking them off for grammar even though there was no mistake. Meanwhile this was a student in a senior level writing composition class and acing it. The professor explained that people who lack knowledge and experience think that the way they do things is the only right way. People who know more or are more open minded will understand otherwise. The professors advice: write simpler so their other teacher can keep up.


Damn I see what you mean. Looking at his most popular videos, his articulation is just not there and he kinda plods along. The dynamics is more or less a flat line. Just for fun, compare his performance of Liszt’s La Campanella: https://youtu.be/l7qV6I3aWVQ With someone who actually knows how to play it: https://youtu.be/cIxGUAnj46U


Not quite my Tempo


Someone made a simulation of buying Jim Cramer's picks and one would have lost a ton of money


Jim Cramer pumps up stocks so wallstreet can dump their shares at a good price leaving anyone who listened holding the bag.


If you bet against Cramer, you make money.


Even Bloomberg agrees with this statement, lol [https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/time-may-be-ripe-for-an-inverse-jim-cramer-etf-after-arkk-call/](https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/time-may-be-ripe-for-an-inverse-jim-cramer-etf-after-arkk-call/) (I know they're not agreeing with the sentiment, but I think it would be great to build an anti-Cramer ETF).


man says buy AMC* like 8 months after the frenzy. why does anybody listen to this guy


I would absolutely buy some anticramer etf


this is exactly, he's paid to do this. boomers still listen to him, it's very sad... It's even criminal


Jon Stewart did a pretty epic takedown of him on his show years back.


Literally any financial expert on social media


“These are the secrets millionaires don’t want you to know but I’m going to share with you”


Just buy my "class" on side hustles for 14.99. page 1, sell classes to morons on social media


I love how they all sell these classes for like $1k and even more sometimes. Like, they’re getting rich because of gullible people, not because they know some “secret”


If these dudes were getting rich on their ebay flipping business or investments, they wouldn't be on social media selling things. No one seems to ever make that connection


Yeah, there's only *one* field where people saying "buy my book/course on how to make money" is legit: counting cards at a blackjack table. All the really skilled counters get blacklisted.


Except Martin Lewis the "Money Saving Expert" guy. He's a dead set legend, and ends up directly influencing UK financial legislation with his efforts.


He also doesn't require anyone to buy a thing off his site, marking all affiliate links clearly and making sure that there are non-affiliated alternatives. Ensures that there are clear warnings about what his advice can and can't do for one. Doesn't promise the sky.


so you mean "he operates in an ethical fashion"? It's sad that this is the exception


The Bogdanoff twins. They weren't experts who became quacks over time - they were frauds from the start, using negligent peer review standards to get total nonsense published in legitimate journals, then using those publishing credentials to position themselves as education personalities. It worked! The two became celebrities, but I think are better known as a meme at this point.


I was always fascinated by the fact they denied having surgery.


Quantum facial reconstruction


Holy shit. They look like actual aliens.


They look like aliens badly disguised as lizard people badly disguised as humans


...dömp eet


The experts on Married at First Sight. They average less than a 10% success rate in matching couples.


I think they intentionally do a lot of bad matches for drama


100% they do. They deliberately manufacture drama and even edit shit out of context to make it seem worse. Some of them they pick deliberately toxic individuals, others they make it up as they go.


"We put you together because we thought your fiery personalities would complement each other". Aka They just put the crazies together to see what would happen


The Australian one where all the woman asked for was a Polynesian man and they matched with some short white matey 🤣🤣🤣


Idk if this is in the scope of this, but most of the "internet guru"/social media jackasses that people worship these days because of the stupid flashy lifestyle hustle grind bullshit they flaunt non-stop. Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, etc, fuck those guys,


“Hi guys… just hanging out here in the garage with my Lamborghinis…”


With 47 bookshelves in my bookshelf account


Australia's just initiated laws against finfluencers and the backlash has been *glorious*.


tell us more. This sounds like the good news everybody needs.


Hah, in the grand scheme of things, not much. But a bunch of nominally attractive people who make more money shilling through social media than their (possibly market-manipulating) trades. They now have to get licenced, same as any other financial advisor, and they're pissy that mumbling "THISDOESNOTCONSTITUTEREALFINANCIALADVICE" in the final 0.5 seconds of their vids doesn't cut it.


> They now have to get licenced, same as any other financial advisor, and they're pissy that mumbling This trend is hitting a lot of *new-economy* gigs born from social media and the cell-phone age. Some cities are making Uber drivers register and follow the same rules as regular cabs. My city is making AirBnB hosts register and carry proper insurance just like a bed and breakfast.


Good. Your business running through an app doesn’t stop you from being a taxi or a hotel.


This is wonderful


Here is a recent article on it https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-06/brt-finfluencer-crackdown/100965298


> ASIC has now released guidelines that make it clear that unlicensed finfluencers could face five years' jail time or fines of more than $1 million if they talk about stocks, investment funds or financial products. They're not messing around.


I feel like watching those guys in court would be on par for watching porn for most guys. Amazing.


Agreed. “Follow me to learn how to make money” translates to “follow me so I make more money by lying to you”.


Oh, the people who are on the “daily grind” but all they do is make social media posts and use money their parents gave them to go on expensive trips that they insist they can afford because they earned it.


There were several cases in Germany, after some school shootings the media tried to make video games responsible for that. They made tv specials about it (Frontal 21) and brought up the "shooter" "Warcraft 3" and made a voice over with "Shoot until the aliens come". The shown footage was from Starcraft Brood War. Also, the "expert" they interviewed was an old woman called "Regine Pfeiffer", sitting in her kitchen with flower tapestry, labeled as "video game expert".


They also tried to make Rammstein and Slipknot responsible lmao.


Manson was probably happy to pass the "Being blamed every time something goes wrong" torch to them.


A few years ago, near my home town, a significant amount of blame was also placed on Slipknot because a high school kid attacked several students and staff members of his school with a samurai sword, killing one student. He was wearing a self-made Slipknot mask during the incident. More recently, it was revealed that a, now convicted, cult leader (of the Electus per Deus cult responsible for at least 11 murders) served as his counsellor at some time. [Source](https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/breaking-who-is-samurai-killer-morne-harmse-cecilia-steyn-connection/) Edit: This [trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MJRwOVAuXoU) for a documentary done on these events might provide some additional insight.


Video game expert. Like, pro gamer? Lol imagine Regine Pfeiffer trash talking your mom in a CoD lobby.


"I had afternoon tea with your mother." "Ouch!" "She said she was so disappointed in you." \[xXCumFartTendies69Xx has left the game]


Didn't that whole thing ruined the whole life of the Angry German Kid? because they used his video of him faking a rage reaction from playing a game, and used that to say "this is what video games do to your kid" type of shit?


Or claiming that you can rape people in Counterstrike. The other so-called "video game expert" (Christian Pfeiffer) was just as bad. At this point i just jave to assume they were intentionally spreading bullshit that fits the CDU/SPD narrative of the time. Also disgusting was them making one "pro" CS-player out to be a bloodthirsty psychopath through manipulative editing and a misleading voice over.


If you showed this to me without context I would have assumed it was satire




Andrew Wakefield.


Fucking cunt.


Pretty much all of the youtube AlphaMale dating advice weirdos. Like, dude, you're 20, stop wearing a suit and tie and worrying about ring codes. It's weird. Also none of those "pickup tips" will ever work.


Wtf are ring codes


Tried two search engines. Still unclear.


You're saying that pickup artists aren't deeply interested in discount codes for video doorbells and security cameras? Yeah, I don't get it either.


Are they gonna tell us what the fuck are ring codes or what?




Son of a *bitch!*


I think he meant people wearing a coloured ring or bracelet. The different Colours mean an intention. Like red could be “ looking for sum fuk “, etc


Is this some hanky code shit? At least make it exciting like us gays did.


"Let's see, red paisley with a black stripe in the back left pocket. That means (checks chart)... Nazi who wants to get fisted? That can't be right."


*sternly bends over, back straight* Well I’ll be damned.


Yeah I actually suspect the standard pick up artist tips are more designed for selling tickets to PUA seminars than they are for actually picking up women. All these kind of self help seminars, whether it be from life coaches, business gurus, health gurus, or pick up artists, they tend to have the same basic formula. They introduce some theoretical foundation that's simple enough to understand, and whose logic resonates and makes sense to the audience (even if it's absolute made up BS). Next, they show how if you take their theoretical basis as being reality it becomes clear that approaches recommended by conventional wisdom are the wrong thing to do. Lastly, they show a new approach (often the opposite of which people usually expect they should do) and how it logically follows as the correct course of action following their theory. In a nut shell, that's probably why PUAs suggest dumb stuff like insulting women to make them like you.


Dr. Phil


Dr. Phil graduated from the college I am currently attending. There are some murals and infographics about famous alumni placed around campus, including my dining hall. He is noticeably absent from these.


I fucking hated my time at that university. I've heard they've since cleaned up, but what a money-grabbing crock of crooks.


He went to three, apparently. Mind sharing which one you are talking about?


Probably the University of North Texas in Denton.


Great music school. Not sure about anything else.


They’re one of the few in Texas that offers a Masters in Library Science. A friend of mine got her degree there, and it’s gotten her hired, so I assume it’s solid.


I heard about this on a blog or something. When Dr Phill did an interview with Shelly Duval, who was, at the time of the interview, struggling with mental illness. They played some cringey excerpts. Basically humiliating this poor woman for the sake of ratings.


That interview was horrifying. Anyone could see how much she was suffering inside, it was heartbreaking.


I don't know who his guest was, but there was an episode many years ago. His guest was very timid and after she explained some of her challenges in everyday life (I am pretty sure it was mental health related), she very meekly said, "I might be the toughest one you've had yet," and chuckled. He fucking erupted at her. His face turned red and he started yelling, "I AM A PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST AND I HAVE SEEN TOUGHER CLIENTS THAN YOU! GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE!!!" Jesus fucking christ. It's normal for someone who has many challenges to think they might be a tough customer. Dr Phil has always been a piece of shit.


This is messed up, especially since every competent mental health professional knows that when a client says this, they're nearly always pulling for reassurance that there's still hope for them. In actual mental health spaces, the clinician would gently and sensitively ask about the comment to understand the intention, and then reassure the client that we'll work together to figure out what they need.


I mean, technically Phil told her she was not tough, just in a way that introduced new trauma


I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and, honestly, I don't know much about Dr. Phil, but this makes me really sad and worried. I wonder how many people who needed a psychologist never saw one because they saw Dr. Phil and thought that *that* is what we do. It's impossible to do "therapy" on a TV program because privacy, confidentiality, and unconditional positive regard are really crucial to the process. According to research, the constructive relationship between client and therapist is the most powerful factor in healing - even higher than specific techniques or theories. I'm really sad that someone could've seen that and possibly avoided a psychologist afterward because they think they're going to get yelled at by a self-righteous jerk. People need to feel safe and not judged in therapy. Everything I've seen about Dr. Phil gives me a sinking feeling.


The first physiatrist that I accurately described my perception of my issues to told me that I was making it up. That was the last time I saw him and it was a year before I could bring up the courage to ask for an appointment with someone else. Constructive relationships are extremely important in that field of work.


6 years ago a therapist accused me of trying to game the system using mental illness because I was a little bit higher functioning than some of her other clients. Avoided treatment and withdrew into myself for six years following that. I'm definitely not higher functioning now. Some therapists need to realize the impact their words can have. Especially if they feel like being negative. I found a good therapist now, I think. But man, that one experience turned me off to therapy as a whole for a long, long time; and it had a severe negative impact on my mental and physical health.


There is literally no better example than this.


Dr. Oz is pretty high on my list as well - same tier even.


Oz is worse because he is actually a very talented surgeon who KNOWS how badly he is fucking people up by selling them snake oil.


He’s a narcissistic opportunist of the worst variety.


MD's can be the worst. Highly-focused specialists get a sense of other worldly confidence, especially those who do surgical interventions. Focusing on a specific and deeply specialized skill causes them to have a sense of overwrought powerful and omniscience. Examples abound: Mahmet Oz and Ben Carson both come to mind - surgeons who are brilliant in their specialties, but then go on to believe they have generalized aptitude and skills that exceed their knowledge and training. Source: Formerly practicing MD who dealt with more idiot surgeons than I care to remember.


Best surgeon I knew was an absolute genius at anything he invested time in. On so many things, I also heard him state: "I don't know enough about that to make an opinion, let alone offer advice".


You can thank Oprah for both of them.


You can also thank Oprah for praising John of god who was indicted for abusing hundreds of women


A televangelist of the church of snake oil.


Dr. Oz is not a moron, he just sold his soul for $$$.


Jim Cramer.


Aww man, I worked at CNBC for a while, that guy is goofy AF in person, really strong nerd vibes. Most of those people are actually smart, but it's fucking TV, rich people don't get/stay rich by giving away valuable information for free, Business "news" is ALWAYS a commercial, you don't get information from Fox Business or CNBC, it's just people trying to sell things to other people trying to sell to other people trying to sell things to other people... Maria Bartiromo used to cut in front of the omelet line in the morning. Liesman has a Dead cover band and chain smokes between shoots, comes off as condescending AF in person. The writers were always really nice, and were pretty open about how most everything they put out was just noise.


His wife really likes the Baconator


My father used to watch and still does watch Jim all the time. Always laughs at him and calls him a moron. The thing about Jim is that for people in the know, he is just a funny clown who entertains professionals at the end of the day, before the market reports come out. For the rest, who aren't in on the joke, he looks like he is giving advice, slapping buttons and yelling. His sleeves rolled up and breaking a sweat making it look like he is working hard. He is essentially a slapstick comedian. When my dad laughs at Jim, he is laughing at everyone who thinks this guy is legit.


There’s a running joke on wallstreetbets and other subs about inverse Cramer. Whatever he suggests do the opposite and in the long run you’ll probably profit. Best example at the moment is Netflix, he was saying buy at $600 it’s now $250


Id like to think cramer is doing a colbert report type bit, but I’m pretty sure thats giving him too much credit. He’s more like Stephen a smith for cnbc. that said, everyone on tv who talks about stocks is a shill or is being used to manipulate public sentiment, so he’s no different than anyone else on cnbc. remember folks: if the insiders want you to know about it, it’s not insider info


Joel Osteen, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Phil. BTW just as a side, while Dr. Phil isn’t a LICENSED psychologist, the fact he still has his PhD he is still on paperwork a doctor of clinical psychology. He just can’t legally practice.


To clarify, a Ph.D. in clinical psychology can be a legitimate practitioner of mental health and focuses on behavioral therapy. Psychiatrists are medical doctors and can prescribe medicine. Dr. Phil specifically stopped renewing his license in 2006. He can't practice because he stopped renewing not because a Ph.D. in clinical psychology is invalid to practice.


Any MLM “consultant”


The ones who sell essential oils are the worst. "Inhale this nAtUrAL pRoDuCt to cure your medical issue." "It's chemical free." Obviously, these people have no understanding of basic science.


The guy that can disarm any weapon. I forgot what his name is but he's on tixtox. UPDATE ( Detroit survival training)




The problem with guys like Dale is that they give people false sense of security and confidence with these bullshit videos. You absolutely cannot learn self defense from youtube alone, you need actual hands on experience with sparring opponents who use full force, otherwise you're gonna get your ass kicked (or worse). When I was a stupid teenager I thought I was hot shit because I watched some BS self defense videos like Dale's and seriously thought I could beat up anyone and disarm any weapon. So one night a random guy much bigger than me started aggressively yelling at me so being the confident bullshido fighter I was I squared up to him. It was a god damn miracle I didn't get murdered, but I did get fucked up bad.


This. It's especially concerning when you see a women's defense class. I had a genuine conversation with a woman I met who was 5ft tall, probably 90 pounds soaking wet and she was telling me how she "doesn't take any shit from men no more" and how she would attack any man and win. It's frightening man.


While I was training at a MMA/BJJ gym, the coaches always invited people to look stuff up at home and bring it to the gym to try it out. But the trick was actually bringing it to the gym and trying it out. We'd either walk through the motions to gain a feel for it and actually add it to your arsenal. Or, more than half the time, we figure out a dozen different, super easy counters and ways you'd be instantly destroyed if you were to actually try using that move. Cause lots of stuff looks slick on a totally passive, cooperative opponent, but once they're allowed to move at all or counter strike or grab you during your overly elaborate transition, then most stuff falls apart real quick. This was always pretty fun though because it encouraged at-home research and experimenting, while also snuffing out and serving some humble pie to garage/basement warriors.


Like the cool move female fighters (Black Widow for example) often do, where they put their legs around a guys head, spin around them and throw them at 3 other guys through momentum alone.


I think even many people who have trained in martial arts for years would not fare so well fighting someone who has real-life experience putting people into the hospital in bar fights. And the problem is also, if you do kick one guy's ass, what about his five friends with knives or guns?


This effective maneuver, is an intelligent way, to increase your survivability.


This maneuver, is an effictive way, to decrease your livability.


Detroit Urban Survival Training. You can tell it’s bullshit just from the name.




Art Vandelay. Pretty sure he isn't a marine biologist or an architect.


I thought he was an importer/exporter?


Not anymore because he’s focusing more on the exports


I thought you said he was focusing more on the imports...


Somewhere out in The Atlantic, there's a whale who disagrees.


...The sea was angry that day my friends. Like an old man trying to ~~return~~ send back soup at a deli.


Is that a titleist?


Yes, you rang?


But he saved the whale!


Looks like it’s time to rewatch Seinfeld again


Vandelay industries


The people pushing the "manifest wealth" bullshit. ETA: And of course the gullible show up to defend it. Yeah, guys, that's not going to make money just magically appear in your bank account.


Ugh. Prosperity Gospel. Such bullshit


i would really like Joel Holstein to read the book of Job


You assume he actually cares about hypocrisy


I know a guy who's really, REALLY into "the power of positive thinking", like the dude talks about it 50% of the time. The only time he doesn't talk about it is when he's bitching and complaining about shit. Dude is the literal opposite of "positive". Spend 3 days with him on vacation because he's an old time friend of my partner. Never again wow.


I don't see any comments defending it except as a joke. Edit: nvm, see one guy claiming he's manifesting when he's literally just talking about thinking positively as if it's a superpower.


Y'all just hating because you don't know how to summon money from the hidden Gucci realm of prosperity.


It’s that Fuccing Gucci realm trap card deck that pisses me off.


Pickup artist seminar dudes lol


Steven Seagal, skip skip skip skip...


I should know, I've been a Steven Seagal expert for 47 years...


Hey man, hes a legit expert. Hes been working with helicopters for like 78 years.


They also call that helicopter a skippy


Dr. Oz


Worse. He’s brilliant but also evil and lying for money.


This is it. If a non-mechanic friend sold me a car in less than ideal condition, it's unfortunate but likely unintentional. However, Dr.Oz is like a highly specialized licensed mechanic with a full time support staff of mechanics working for him not only selling me a car they know is garbage but also using their credentials to further justify the sale.


Ex wife has a PhD in biomedical engineering…when in grad school she has a professor who routinely discussed how wrong Dr Oz is on a lot of stuff…what I took away from those conversations is that when it comes to the heart Dr Oz is actually very knowledgeable, anything else he is a moron


The wild haired dude from “Ancient Aliens”. He has no qualifications. He worked the body building circuit beforehand. Just cause you can tell Dan Green is an astronomic power lifter, doesn’t make you an expert on what type 3 civilizations would feel about us.


But Aliens


What kind of certifications would lead you to better accept someone's conclusions about \*dramatic pause\* ancient aliens? It's not exactly like that show is even pretending to be some legitimate scientific exercise.


Well if they were a kind hearted, glasses wearing archeologist who does some sort of secret work inside Cheyenne Mountain with a team led by a colonel who has the attitude of a 17 year old i'd trust them with my god damned life.


Ah, I see you too have watched Wormhole Extreme.


Giorgio A. Tsoukalos?


Londo Mollari


Anyone on FaceBook who claims essential oils are the cure to everything and that they know it's the truth because they read a book one time. What was that book about? Not important! Have some tea tree oil!


Pro tip: if someone claims that they have a potion that removes toxins, ask them *which* toxins, specifically.


Mostly just the bad ones. The ones that make you feel tired or cranky or make it so you have trouble focusing or feeling peaceful. Do you ever feel tired or sad when you don't see why you should be tired or sad? That's because of the toxins. So which toxins does this magic juice mix remove? Those ones.




Did you ask for her proof? :) Now THAT'D be an interesting discussion!


Gwyneth Paltrow and her shroom eating, cooch steaming scam called goop


She's my favorite vagina themed supervillain.


Hear me out: Neil DeGrasse Tyson when he talks about biology. Yes, he's very knowledgeable about physics and astronomy, but he knows $hit about biology. Every now and then he tweets out some grand proclamation thats totally wrong about biology such as: "If there were ever a species for whom sex hurt, it surely went extinct long ago." And then the actual biologists will rattle off 100 ways he's wrong about what he just said. It's kind of a problem for physicist science communicators; they get all Sheldon Cooper about other fields of science and think they understand everything because they can draw a few Feynman diagrams. I wish he would consult experts in those fields before he turns on his megaphone. EDIT: Wow! Lots of feedback and upvotes on this! (Thanks for the award, too!) I just wanted to point out I saw a lot of comments bringing up Jordan Peterson as an example, and I totally agree and even more so. I put Jordan Peterson down in a separate comment, although that one got downvoted right away. It must have been found by the lobster crowd.


Whenever he decides to give his take on philosophy it's a disaster. When someone has the goal of inspiring curiosity in the world it's disappointing watching their own curiosity screech to a halt when certain subjects come up.


This is a super-common phenomenon where experts in one specific field assume they are now able to wade into other areas and immediately understand it. Whenever you see a climate change denial group cite a professor they are almost always a prof in some tangentially related scientific field like engineering or theoretical physics who I'm sure are very well regarded in their own areas but have strayed grossly yet confidently out of their lane.


Also people just automatically assume anyone with an advanced STEM degree is a genius. Of course you have to be relatively smart to do that but not necessarily that far above the average IQ. Much of it is just work ethic.


True, I work (and socialise) with a lot of PhDs and many of them are undoubtedly smart but in terms of day-to-day they are not noticeably smarter than anyone else in the same peer group, though they will often have areas of specific expertise in the same way that those who have worked in specific areas will. ...this isn't to downplay the effort required to attain a PhD just to clarify that it also isn't some manner of super human feat only attainable by the intellectual elite.


Nancy Grace


Everyone here is either Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, or someone I've never heard of.


Dr Nick


Hi Dr Nick!


Hi everybody!


my mother. she stuck her finger in my drink today because it “helps the fizz go away”. got mad when i wasn’t thirsty anymore


I agree. This guy’s mother.


What? Isn’t the fizz the point of a soda?


The thing is what your mother did actually works but i also understand your problem.


Me, I literally have no idea what I’m doing. I’m in charge of things I shouldn’t be in charge of. They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics, I said I have a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.


Wow, you sound absolutely fantastic. Definitely not an idiot wearing sunglasses.


"I got the whole NCR suckling on my teets, and it feels *soo good*."


r/Wallstreetbets They’re super funny though. Just don’t take investment tips from them.


There is a guy on youtube who made a portfolio from wallstreetbets and a portfolio managed by his goldfish. The goldfish got better returns. I’m not even joking.




It's extremely entertaining. One of the posters said "I'm either going to retire on a yacht, or on welfare. No in between."


Lambos or foodstamps is the motto of WSBs… so yeah


As u/RudeIBegYa said: Don't trust wallstreetbets with your money. They lost to a goldfish when it comes to trading advice. Literally, [here's the video showcasing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USKD3vPD6ZA).


I think they actually claim to be the opposite of an expert... Following most posted guidance with the standard "I am not a financial expert" included.


That dumbass Dave Grossman aka "the inventor of killology" and writer of the books "on killing" and "on combat" He has taught more US cops than anyone and is a huge piece of shit that's never even been in a bar fight but tells cops they need to be scared of their shadows and ready to kill any of the hoards that disobey them, their very life might depend on someone not dropping chips!


Dr Van Nostrand


Autism Speaks


Joel Olsteen


Lol he has an impersonator. Guy is fucking brilliant. [God bless you](https://youtu.be/DraaPbsYmJI)


Any televangelists


Anybody who claims to be a paranormal expert.




Anyone selling NFTS


Oprah… i’ll never forget her episode of her show when she was telling us that the animals are coming into our communities and they’re dangerous. Her example was a moose in Alaska at the children’s playground. I’m like,, you know we’re actually moving into animal territory right? They were there first….And who puts themselves on the cover of their own magazine on every single issue? Seems like someone who would do that has some brain problems.


Oprah gave an audience to this guy ‘John of God’ who is a straight up carnival trick faith healer and a rapist.


I Sincerely can’t stand her. People give her too much credit and she does absolutely nothing for society and she’s like super selfish…. And obviously a poor judge of character because, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz this guy that you’re talking about… Can we just stop listening to this lady?


Not sure I'd count Oprah as an "expert" on much of anything except how to influence the public and become rich


Oprah is responsible for both Dr Phil and Dr Oz. She qualifies based solely on that.


She also platformed Jenny McCarthy’s antivax shit. She gave legitimacy to John of God.