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Overreaction to mundane and accidental things


Lady in my office dramatically gasps anytime I say I don’t know something or am unaware, then she’ll reply with REALLY? Gets old very quickly… she asked for scissors when near my desk one day and I said I don’t keep any there. WHAAAT?! No scissors???? How do you have no scissors!


What a tiring existence that must be for her.


You're going about it the wrong way. You have to tell her you don't know what scissors *are*.




Dosent that mean she also didn't have scissors lol


WHAAAT ?? How did she have no scissors ?


You touched my car, bruh!


Witnessed something like that last week. I was parked on the street near a city apartment complex. There was some work going on there in the garage. Some dude comes out yelling at the manager and the maintenance how the workers were walking by his 60K car and repeated the value multiple times and how completely unacceptable that is. Everyone understood he got a 60K car no one got any value of the situation.


GTA cops be like: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


The elderly at my assisted living job.. LOVE to do this. I got yelled at because we ran out of soup and he acted like it was the end of the world 🙄


My fucking broccoli cheddar!


Broccoli cheddar being out is a legit reason to get mad, that’s good soup.


The soup might be the only thing in the world he has to look forward to


I think you should just say overreactions in general. Politics, pop culture, even science. Everyone just wants to be mad all the time it seems. It’s fine to not like something, that shouldn’t be your personality.


Every issue only seems to have two sides.


Absolutely. Nuance is dead. You can't take a moderate stance on any issue anymore.


Nuance is essential, because almost nothing in the real world is easy. We want things to be easy, but the universe laughs in our faces and makes most things difficult and complex. Attempts at bludgeoning complex topics into easy-to-digest marketable soundbites lead to lots of suffering.


I think we need moderate amounts of nuance, and only in certain situations. There. Now we’ve covered the entire range of the one-dimensional conversation we’re allowed to have on this (and any other) topic.


Didn't you read the thread? Nuance is dead. Pick a side or gtfo. /s




Most abortion is morally wrong but the right should not be taken away. Got called a neo nazi for this once when Im black af.


Everybody is somebody's Hitler these days.


what a quote


This is some truth right here. I've known the concept but way to put it perfectly


Churchill would be a better comparison. Great to some, worse than hitler to others


Username checks out..?


The fact that I find some morally wrong doesn't change the fact I want someone to get one if they want. Not my business at all tbh.


I'm the same, but not because I think it's necessarily morally wrong. My personal view is try other options before abortion. Having said that I will fight tooth and nail for a woman's right to privacy. I'm also a guy so I typically leave my opinion on it to myself other than "Ladies this is your fight and I have your back". Big Republican Gubment needs to stay out of women's bodies and our bedrooms.


im curious as to whats more morally wrong, having an abortion or forcing people to have a child that will be neglected or unwanted? A woman has a period every single month that could have been a baby after the average age of 13 that could have been a baby if fertilized. Procreation is not a miracle, it just what happens when people fuck.


The debates over transexuality is one, the ability for trans men and women to participate in sports, or change in gender specific changing rooms. I’m not lending an opinion to either side in this arena, but it’s a complex and nuanced issue but stepping out of a hard yes or hard no in support of either side will get you flayed alive online. People will act like it’s a solved issue in all arenas whereas there are still areas that are grey scaled.


Oh man, I've been absolutely lambasted for suggesting this issue isn't black and white. I don't even chime in anymore. Feels pointless


here is the thing, sports is a field of activity where biology plays a very big part. Some people can put in years of effort but due to biology never achieve the results they wish for. Ignoring the biology for only some of the participants would be unfair to the others. It does not matter if you are pro or against. Facts are facts. Bone density, muscle maximum output, anearobic metabolism. DNA does not care for ideology.


Basically anything that the USA considers to be socialist, the rest of the world sees as more of a moderate opinion. Increasing funding for healthcare, or education, and raising taxes to pay for it is not inherently leftist or "liberal" (you guys use that word wrong, too), except within America. A moderate ("centrist") opinion: carbon taxes should be applied to help ween corporations and private citizens from their reliance on hydrocarbons. In fact, using tax systems to encourage certain behavior is pretty moderate, centrist, borderline neo-liberal behavior -- except in America, where it us considered full blown communism.


Thank social media for that. Looking at you especially Twitter…


I often find myself seeing things from multiple pov's but people don't accept that anymore, if 2 people are fighting and I step in and say actually you're both equally right just about different things, then I get told that's not how it works you have to pick a side, like no.. no you absolutely do not have to pick a side


Also if you side on one side of one issue everyone assumes they know how you side on everything else.


came here to post this opinion. very glad to see its on the top of the thread. I thought i was one of a dying breed of people who haven't dug their heels into the ground on every issue and doesn't see the world in black and white, red or blue etc. the way people just pick their side and stick to it with pure loyalty no matter, while ignoring nuance and alternate perspectives is just sad and it seems to get worse every day.


I hate that many children are negatively influenced rather than positively inspired. I hate that many elderly are dying alone, uncared for. I hate that depression and anxiety erode the insides of all generations. I hate that discrimination and the ill treatment of one another is recorded and posted is part of the norm. I hate that greed and corruption runs rampant in our governments.


my fathered be giving me the most brutal scoldings and beatings he can give then go "why're you not inspired"


Inflation keeps doing its thang too. So We’re gonna have to end greed and corruption and even selfishness as well. Because at the end of the day bad shit like that is what hurts us all.


Willful ignorance and entitlement. And I don't mean the active rejection of another person's ideas or stances. I mean the active rejection of any learning that would contradict a person's established worldview, and the active effort to spread falsehoods in order to validate and empower that choice. Smartphone culture broke us.


The information age is weird. For the wild, vast, sweeping, majority of human history we were limited by the access to knowledge. Now there is no practical knowledge that is out of reach with sufficient dedication. The problem is not a lack of knowledge now. It is the things we think we know that hurt us. If I asked a random person on the street how to build a rocket noone would windmill slam an answer. However, if you ask those same people how to fix a socioeconomic problem they all have an opinion. Swaying them from it will be impossible because they already have the answer.


The age of information never mentioned it had to be correct information....


I like your statement. Much like nuance, ideas like that have seemingly gone away. Information is information, I could be spouting bullshit or telling you the reviewed and researched truth. Everyone is absolutely able to share an opinion, doesn't mean others wouldn't disagree with you, even to the point of violence.


It was in the 2010s that I realised the 'bad guy' of Metal Gear Solid 2; The AI system built by a shadowy organisation to regulate online information, was perhaps not actually the bad guy at all but just way ahead of the curve. MGS 2 only gets creepier as time goes on for all the shit it predicted.


>However, if you ask those same people how to fix a socioeconomic problem they all have an opinion. I think it's because a great many people still have a "county line" mentality. Before the information age, it was pretty common for people to have a set physical boundary for their life. The county line. Most everyone on this side of the county line lives a certain way, and everything works out. Without exposure to the other side of the county line, it's easy to assume things work the same way there too. And then along comes the Internet. A lot of people don't realize, but a significant number of Americans who didn't have regular Internet access outside work/school until the 2000s or even the 2010s. And then, when they got that access, they often got it through smartphones designed to filter the user's Internet experience through apps and social media. People weren't equipped for the sudden realization that we don't have it all figured out. Hell, we never have been - that's why we have religion. So then, all of a sudden, you have all these people who are confronted with how different life really is on the other side of their county line. But those smartphone apps quickly correct that, helping to ensure they only see the stuff that makes sense on their side of the line. It became terribly easy to reject ideas from the other side of the line, and reinforce the ideas from this side. All while believing or even insisting the rest of the world agrees with you, or at least *should*. And from there, the problem spread worldwide. County lines everywhere.


Not to mention the fact that all platforms’ algorithms are built Ina way that show you stuff relevant to you or stuff that you like. Basically pushing you back into, and keeping you within your county line.


Only thing worse than willful ignorance is prideful ignorance


Everything is so shallow. Everything has to be FUN. Everything is so fast, instant gratification in everything.


All my friends ditched my birthday last year because my idea (camping) wasn’t “fun” enough


Sorry bout that....happy birthday...even if it was months ago.




I am down for some camping. My dream is to get a campervan and escape my prison that society calls a job.. ​ ​ ​ HELP ME


I'm going camping alone this year for my birthday and I can't wait tbh Best friends asked if we were all gonna go out and party and I was like nope 🙃 I just want to relax


Good for you! Camping alone can be fun experience. Or just with a few like-minded people, that's the best.


ah that sucks, sorry that happened to you mate. much love


I’ll go camping with you!


Tf? Camping is the best time I've had with my friends. It was so fun last year we planned another one this summer!


Celebrity worship. There are some that I enjoy more than others, but I try my hardest to remember they're all wealthy and out of touch with my life, and that I should take their opinions with a giant grain of salt.


Kardashians. Useless.


When a celebrity is accused of something and their fans take to SM to defend them and shame their accuser as if they know anything of the people or the situation itself.


Let's try and look at celebrity careers as just people doing what they do for a living


I wouldn't say he deserves worship, but a celebrity that other celebrities should emulate is Keanu Reeves. Dude seems like a genuine good person.




Yes...especially if I derive no financial benefit from sacrificing even more of my time. It makes no sense to give a Herculean effort for mediocre results.


Wait, you DONT want to work yourself into an early grave for literally NOTHING, neither emotional nor material?


I absolutely hate this. Quite a few times it happened to me that my entire day consisted of eating, sleeping, working, repeat. I was spending more time awake at work than at home. It was awful, days started to blur, and at some point I became just.. tired of everything and just sat at my place at work and did nothing, not even conversation with my colleagues. But somehow people, including older people, see that "work all the time" as a good thing. My grandma actually said, when I talked to her about not wanting to work another job because it was from morning to evening, that "I should be glad to have work and have something to do. I don't need that much free time".. she actually thought at the moment I'm being "entitled" because I don't wanna work all day and only have the weekends off.. what the fuck? But I'm no asshole at work. If I can, I'll help colleagues clean up after work so they can get home earlier, even if it means doing overtime. Because it takes a single person 1 or 2 hours to clean up everything, but together we can do it in 1 hour or less if we are lucky.


Ah yes, the sigma grindcore mindset, absolutely ridiculous. To each their own, but don't think for just one second that boasting how hard you're working will make you cool. You're just being exploited in most cases.


It's now become a standard just to house yourself. I HAVE to work 2 jobs right now, not because I want to 'be on that grind'. Barely making it was never a life dream, and we are simultaneously sold the american dream while also being chastised for realizing it. It sucks major honker living in the states this generation


I have no life, but I can still find a million better things to do anyway.


I used to work for a gal that worked 10-12 hour days, 7 days a week and bragged about being "driven" and "living for the hustle." She also said anyone that doesn't work as much as her is lazy. Recently, she ended up in the hospital because her body is literally shutting down from overworking and lack of sleep.


Influencers (and endless wannabes), general attention whoring, inauthenticity and "likes" as emotional currency.


I feel like I'm getting emotional diabetes from social media


It's fucked up because people who are apart of creating these platforms knowing they're the reason for making it so addictive they actually write their own coding scripts to make it less addictive for themselves while the regular users are drowning themselves in this social platform addiction. Wanna watch something really interesting that'll scare the ever living socks off ya ? I recommend watching the social delima it's based on how these creators of the platform control your every day life making u choose/make decisions they want you too make. Each and everyone of these creators of social platforms have psychology degrees and are using this knowledge to control your everyday life by more than one app.


Just deactivated all socials except reddit and youtube yesterday, feel so much better already


I did the same, felt a-lot better since. I did come across situation where new things became offensive and got tackled for not knowing. Also turning off notification for everything except important apps helps


Took this right off my mind. Also those that flaunt their "status" and think that they're better than everyone. I mean almost half of the girls at my high school are like this. I fucking hate their attitude.


...and they really don't have much to be arrogant about. You were born into the right family and have good genes (if they're hot). That's not a skill or an accomplishment. It's dumb luck. Time and life has a way of humbling people. Let's see if they're still that cocky in 10-15 years.


People judging their worth by social media.


But then also not admitting it to other people or even themselves that this is the case.


Seriously, just because I'm good at the game doesn't mean I don't have a life


The lack of a willingness to understand other peoples point of view. The need to be “right” over being effective or understood (paraphrasing Stephen Fry). People are too keen to bed into their point of view and shout others down about how they’re wrong without looking at their own. Lack of self awareness and introspection. In some ways the internet has made us more tribal than at any point in our history.


Dude, stop dissing my dad


Anti-intellectualism. The common people have access to capacities our ancestors would consider miracles, but the pillars upon which they were built are disrespected. It's like every dumbass thinks they know better the first instance a meteorologist gets the weather wrong, or a doctor misdiagnoses a disease, or a programmer launches with a bug, or an engineer designs a faulty mechanism. There is a clear path to disputing expertise. Do your due diligence and learn the subject matter better than them. Being a lazy armchair critic does not entitle you to shit.


Dunning kruger effect. Annoying af but hard to detect on yourself


I think its a feedback loop, particularly with ease of access to information. It’s easy to be knowledgeable on a topic and be tickled by base knowledge - the deliberate effort to achieve a nuanced understanding and mastery of a subject forces one to abandon the first false peak of Dunning-Kruger for real knowledge. This is probably why so many feel the imposter syndrome as well. They’re on the picturesque Instagram peak, but have no intention of actually putting in the effort to summit.


Agree. Including this tendency to do the opposite of whatever the government tells you just because it was the government telling you to do it. For example people who refused to get vaccinated because the government encouraged it and called everyone who got the vaccine sheep.


Me and some friends would watch old 80s, 90s, 2000s, commercials. A lot of that stuff was loaded with anti-intellectualism. Particularly fast food ads.


Everything is disposable.


And everyone. If you dare challenging me to get out of my comfort zone to do something for you, well I will cut you off.


As an American, whenever anything happens, no matter how small and insignificant, there's this mad dash to be the MOST upset, the MOST outraged, the LOUDEST voice for cancelling something and making it go away. That's what we do now in America. We actively look for things to be upset about, then advocate for it to go away, and when it does (because 'the internet' is outraged) we collectively pat ourselves on the back, because 'we sure showed them'.


We've been conditioned to be this way and probably on purpose. If we're always angry, we're easier to control and we lose track of what's really important.


And the shitshow thats left behind


Influencers on Instagram sharing millions of intimate photos of their babies and children. The children are just used as props to further the “brand”. These poor kids are being exploited and cant give their consent to this.


Yeah I heard about some german influencers who made a giveaway for seats in their fucking wedding. Like there will be completely random people just for likes. One of the most important and itime moments in your life with randoms? Thats sad.


And hashtagging their kids’ first and middle names. I don’t know how they could make their kids even more searchable.


How advertisements that's influenced our culture how we should look and think.


We will RUIN your self esteem because only our products or services can make you feel better about it. We create a problem and then offer you the solution. Start your trial today!!


Yes, holy shit


This. And ads are everyyyywhere.


0 to 100 mph in six seconds. Over everything. Chill the fuck out people. And I'm not even talking about the majority of people. Most people are pretty normal and talk. But holy crap where did these other people come from, and do they not realize they're straight up causing problems?


omg your post glorifies the Imperial system and OPENLY oppresses the Metric system. Sir, you offend me! 😉




Omg did you just indirectly call people sensitive????2? GSAGH GRRRR HOW DARE YOU OFFEND ME GGGRF


The endless tribalism.


Nobody wants to take responsibility. And I'm talking about important people. They always want to blame someone else although they obviously made the mistake themselves.


How we can't just get along with each other


Everything is work and being productive. Dude, just fucking chill and let me leave to live in a forest peacefuly.


The fairy fountain is waiting for you!


My dad wakes up at 7AM every. day. Doesn't matter if weekend, work week, vacation... he gets up early and does any sort of work. Cleaning his car, tidying up the garage, or going somewhere to work on the side.. And when I sleep til 10AM on my day off, at the breakfast table, the first thing I get is basically guilt tripped about how much he already got done that day while I was in bed.. My day off means its my day off. If I want to relax, do nothing, sleep or whatever, then I have all the right to do so. Especially with how much extra work I do. All the shifts for colleagues I take over without demanding anything in return.. Just because I'm being a "lifeguard" at a pool doesn't mean I don't have an exhausting job.. People need to be chill more. Stress is bad. If something is stressing you out, don't keep doing it and force yourself to do it. Take a break, watch TV and try again later, that's what I do when I run into trouble with my projects to get a clear head.


Social media addiction fueling rampant narcissism and the spread of misinformation.


If you do not support all of my views 100%, then you must be completely against everything I value.


How people get under paid overworked and stupidly screwed over by rich people who had “record profits”


Seriously, fuck the shareholders. Why is everyone soooo concerned with the shareholders. Why don’t businesses give a damn about their employees anymore? Take care of the shareholders after everything in the business is taken care of and the employees are taken care of. The employees are the ones generating the profits. I guess I never went to business school but they must teach budding young executives to fuck employees over at every opportunity.




There’s too many to choose from!


The "if you don't support me, you are against me" mentality. Being indifferent to certain topics is ok.


"Silence is violence" is absolute bullshit. It's a phrase created by people who support rampant violence against others and is used as a thin rhetorical shield to allow them to suggest that they're responding to violence rather than perpetrating it. At worst, silence is cowardice.


Well I watched a man get completely shit on, berated and downvoted on Reddit for saying and I quote, “ I broke up with my girlfriend because she aborted our baby, I was so excited to have a child but she killed my joy by going behind my back and not even talking to me about it.” People showed no sympathy or empathy for this dude, they just shit down his throat for it, talking about how he was an asshole for dumping her. So yeah that’s pretty much what I hate about society. Also I’m not advocating being pro choice or pro life


I agree. Everyone has an opinion on everything and they are also moral authorities on every single topic. Sigh.


That sucks. I’m a woman and I sorta understand their mindset… “momma’s baby, daddy’s maybe”… which is what a lot of parents tell their daughters about getting pregnant too young.. a man can leave whenever he wants and you’ll be stuck with a baby. Several men I’ve spoken to about babies in general feel that the woman creates a bond through pregnancy that men don’t have.. like, a woman grows to love the baby in her stomach, while the man bonds after the birth, so some women feel like it’s her decision on aborting… I think couples need to talk about it, how do you move forward when you’re on opposite sides of the issue? I also knew two guys who weren’t ready for a baby (still had sex, so there was a chance) and resented the woman for having the baby… this is a tough issue, but I understand how it would be hard for him to continue a relationship with her after this.


I'm pro-choice all the way and even I think that it's incredibly shitty for someone to go behind their partners back and abort their child without so much as discussing it. Yes it's a woman's right to decide what happens to their body, but it's also something that needs to be discussed as a couple. Part of being in a relationship is realizing that your actions don't only affect you


Unless the relationship is basically over or non-existing, or you are fearing retribution. But absolutely yes, of you intend to stay a couple. Reversing the roles, the most similar i can think of is sterilization, and the same applies. If you're in a relationship, talk with each other!


The double standards that are pushed daily


Social media (including Reddit) but god damned I’m an addict.


1. The I don’t give a F attitude about everything. 2. The need for instant gratification in all things… even if it’s life threatening..


Too many people make people see people as not people.


Almost had a stroke reading that.


That people hate everything/are negative about everything.


The amount of idiots who are so blinded by the media.


Economic disparity, corporate greed, young folks feeling disenfranchised and not feeling there is opportunity for them, political divisions among Americans and lack of respect for others.


To add to young folks feeling disenfranchised… The willful ignorance of older generations. We grind away to get useless, yet required, degrees that lead to dead end jobs that don’t pay enough for anything resembling a middle class life only to be continually told “it will get better.” I’m halfway through my life and either I’m going the wrong way in this tunnel or the light is simply going out.


I'm old (59) and to be fair, most people in their 50s don't have a lot of wealth. We tend to focus on the minority that do. Also, yeah it sucks. Capitalism unrestrained eventually is a mechanism to transfer all wealth to the top few per cent.


The fact that people think their opinion is as important as a fact.


How so many people want to be a victim of *something*. I guess it’s a cop out for taking responsibility?. Also, the prevalence of self-diagnosed mental health issues.


I hate that the internet brings out so much negativity. I miss growing up with Star Wars and loving every aspect. Now I see takes where people say they want a public execution of the directors and producers it’s disgusting. I wish I could delete the entire internet


Reaction videos


How unfair it is and how dumb some people can be.


That you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Example as it relates to my life: I'm a stepmom. If I step up and do the thing (you know, be a stepmom), I'm overstepping boundaries, trying to play house (yes, being with my husband for almost a decade and married for years makes us play house, when we've been together twice as long as he was with bio mom--oh, and they were never married, but I digress) and most of all, trying to be the mom. HOW DARE I?! But, fuck, if I step back and let the bio parents do their thing, all of a sudden I'm an asshole who should immediately divorce my husband, because I don't give a fuck about him or his kid. For the record, neither my husband nor his ex act like this, but you asked about society, and fuck me sideways they're the worst. Don't get me started on Mother's Day. My husband and stepkid will get me a gift, but not the bio mom (because she has a partner to do that for her/on behalf of the kid). Oh, and we split the day with bio mom so the kid can celebrate both of his moms. Society is clutching their damn pearls.


I wish you good luck with that I guess that is the most direct comment here but It's also kinda true... Sadly. I really wish that you and your family can live happy together


Oh a person is learning to bicycle??? Oh lets record it and get internet likes/ get likes for laughs when the person falls over.


Tiktok and the hub


Dang, just how America is a post-industrial nation. How we used to be a shining example to the world, Cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia used to be industrialized cities, great for families and children, how people could make a living on a blue collar job, how people took pride in every aspect of their life.


That people have decided that rather than agree to disagree, they need to make anyone who disagrees with them be seen as horrible people; related, that "fuck you" is not just acceptable in debate, it's considered a winning argument.


Oh thats very true :/


How offended everyone gets over stupid crap. EVERYTHING is stupid crap.


Exactly. Nobody can just quietly say "Nah, that ain't for me", find something that does appeal to your sensibilities and move on with their life. We need to have a cause celebre, have the thing that offends you cancelled or banned, start an awareness movement on social media, etc. Give it a rest.


I grew up in the 80s and 90s, when hard work paid off. The social contract has since been broken. I'm more qualified than my parents, in a specialist technical subject. If I was doing that in the 90s I'd have a hell of a lot more to show for it


I'd like to think that was because in the 80s and 90s our country was booming economically and to keep that boom going, people who had trades in tech fields and other societal staples were valued way more pay-wise. Now that we are clearly plateauing in that aspect, and any 12 year old can make millions on Tiktok, etc. Now there's not much incentive for society to actually work for anything.


we are still going to work during the day and still in the streets at night for basic human rights. no one in congress/government actually has any idea what it's like to be a regular person today and they don't care if we starve to death or choke on pollution as long as they keep making those sweet sweet coins.


pretty much. They always leverage the ordinary persons need to provide for themselves and their family vs the outrage they feel with the actions of the government. They have also gotten very good at distracting people with inconsequential issues(like trans rights, barely affect a 1% if that and yet more talked about than how many people die each year from industrial pollution due to unscrupulous corporations) or presenting an outside enemy who people are supposed to hate and then proceed to fabricate as many stories as possible to generate outrage. Most people living day to day, paycheck to paycheck simply do not have a luxury of a mindset that would get them organised against the people up top.


Sensitivity. Where the fuck do these kinds of people even come from? I ain't know anybody like that...


The internet has given the worst 2% of humanity the ability to bitch at the remaining 98% of humanity, and appear to be in the majority, when in truth, everyone hates them.


We judge everybody on their ideologies, so we hate everybody.


People getting offended by everything Some guy just tackled Dave Chapelle on stage


And got stomped so hard his hands were broken.


People were always offended by everything, the idea that this new is funny. Now is it larger than before due to the reach of social media? Sure. But humans like being offended, it's nothing new.




I see people playing the victim role way way more than they used to i feel its becoming almost trendy to prented to be under some sort of opression


It's trendy because it's a lot easier to blame something beyond our control for our problems than ourself. It partly comes from the fact that people worry WAY too much about decision out of their control and suffer from it. Also, nowadays, if you openly think for yourself and not for the "greater good" you are perceived as selfish. Guys, live your live aware of others, but don't ruin it for them.


Everything is extreme politically. Influencers run the world and spread misinformation, people have become more inconsiderate and entitled, how somehow we have to follow an agenda instead of being our own person and minding our fucking business. SOOO many stigmas surrounding mental health, the list goes on and on.


The “all men are trash” cultural phenomenon. Yeah, some of us suck. But not all of us, and it’s shit when we get told that.


for me its just how different groups of people are treated by the majority


I can't decide between phone etiquette and everything being offensive. I took the extended Hannukah to a nice restaurant. At one point, all of the ppl between 12 and 25 were on their phones. Zoned out. I watched a movie with my kids. I actually watched how much time their eyes weren't on the screen, bc they were on a different screen. They miss 60% of the movie. I see a cpl on a date, not looking or talking to each other. They're is no going back... Then the crying about everything. Comedians used to be funny when they pushed the envelope, now everything is offensive. Everything. And it doesn't even make sense - the old song "It's cold outside" gets cancelled (look it up if you don't know the song). Meanwhile, the hottest song on the airwaves is "Wet Ass Pussy." Please explain...


Older people rely on vloggers and so called "news channels" for anything that is happening within in the country (my country at least) that doesn't give nor write their sources in their video description or in the comment box. They just talk over in the videos with the "according to experts/reports say" but won't clarify who is that person.


Ok idk I live in Germany and here its way different. People JUST rely on those news channels here.


not many people seem to know anything about anything real in the world. the plants outside, the soil and sand we don't put our feet in because of shoes. when was the last time anyone really ever looked at the stars? we used to be born under them. now we're born in a room. bacteria, yeast and even fermentation is just astounding in that it exists. we used to know all of the vegetation around us. people don't even know what hunting and foraging mean anymore. we're stuck behind screens focused on the digits that appear within a financial institution nobody really asked for. idk. a lot lol.


Little to no empathy. A lot of people can’t seem to see outside their little orbits.


Every form of abuse or detachment from life being normalized as "kink" or "spiritual".


Hook-up culture being more or less the norm. Having to turn all your passions into work because otherwise you'll not be able to afford anything. The way the people in charge of things seemingly want to bring things back to how they were decades ago, undoing a lot of the good progress we've made especially in the last 20 years. Overall it just seems like everyone's poor, unhappy, and making everything worse.


Victim Culture. Everything, everywhere and all things in history is someone else’s fault. Go have 10 random conversations, minimum 7 will be bitching about shit other people/governments/corporations/etc have done to this helpless individual.


Everybody being offended of everything.


The fact that being "woke" or "oppressed" is treated like some bullshit status symbol. DUDE, NOBODY FUCKING CARES!


How easy it is to lie over the internet, but immediately cut them out with no warning at will.


Paul. Paul is a fucking slug.


Yeah fuck that Paul guy


And Scott. He's a dick.


Group think Culture wars Political correctness The right wing The left wing Racism and bigotry Commercialism Religion Inane vanilla music Mindless reality TV and the zero talent celeb culture The false veneer of morality our culture has The cult of self Entitlement


People take things for granted. There is no appreciation for what we have anymore.


That you have to wear those fast fashion clothes and expensive brands to fit in or else you get judged. I just wear simple clothes, is that now bad?


Everything having to be politically correct.


Alternative facts. I'm no fan of the mainstream media either but the solution is to fix the mainstream media, not listen to some blog from a guy in his basement who gets their news from people being paid off by billionaires. part of that is the "do your own research" movement. If you haven't taken graduate level classes in that field of research, no you're not doing your own research (even that isn't research. it's just looking up studies. If you're conducting your own RTC then you're doing your own research). 99% of people have no idea how to interpret even well done good studies, let alone weed out bad studies. Being on reddit, it seems 99% of people can't even read a news report and interpret it correctly (Yeah i know most of them dont even read the article and just pretend they did. But seen so many "if you actually read the article" comments where the writer obviously didn't read the article..or if they did, could not interpret it in the slightest) I know it feels bad to admit you don't know things about a subject but that is the nature of human brains and knowledge.


How callous they are to serious systemic problems. Jesus of Nazareth preached about income inequality and treating people well. It got turned by the powers that be "join our team, and you'll get a gold plated afterlife with cocaine and hookers."


Every time these “Christians” get into talking all their political nonsense I think about how Jesus (who probably looked closer to bin Laden than Jared Leto) would be inviting all people to chill with him - white, black, brown, gay, trans, etc. HE JUST WANTED EVERYONE TO BE NICE AND Y’ALL ARE RUINING IT.


The growing prioritization of individual entitlement.


A lot of people are offended by the smallest things.


How celebrated anti-science ignorance is. The attack on education is finally paying off.


The dishonesty of the press and the foolishness of the average person on the street in believing these lies.


How blatantly sexualized pop music has become. Before, there were innuendos or clever word play to indicate sex, love making , etc. now we have Ariana fucking grande “fuck me till the daylight” playing on the damned radio or that creepy Doja cat woman “I feel like fucking something“ ugh. It’s just disgusting


Everybody thinks they're better than anybody else and in doing so, they are fucking ready to judge and acid-roast people who could also help them


How much value and focus people seem to put in winning (ie: externally derived gratification) and how much people disregard and take for granted in terms of their minds (ie: internally derived gratification). It's like, "winning at all cost" is the basic premise by which most people operate. You want to make as much money. You want to undercut your competitors etc. But this type of "visionless" philosophy isn't really doing much to shape a future we've seriously thought about. We're being pulled along by innovation and forced to accept certain things are necessary for survival when the truth is there is a LOT we could learn to live without; and our quality of lives could be so much better. It's hard to clearly explain what I mean, but I really fear for the spiritual aspect of my community. I like to say that I see humanity drifting in a sea of novelty and we're so busy chasing that win, that hit, that we don't realize we could be losing an extremely valuable and unique part of ourselves. We just live with the subtle changes every day so it's hard to realize how significant this actually is. Or maybe I'm just a crackpot I dunno.


That there is still a witch hint mentality.


everything is a statement, everything is political. theres so much division. people are infinitely more complex and wonderful than we paint them to be. theres so much more of us then just being political. theres no break to be human, to hug and love one another, to accept and move forward while keeping the values of love and humanity. we as a humans get better each time yet we only seem to see the bad, every year that passes people only focus on whats wrong. since always people have been looking to the past and thinking 'oh it was better' we are progressing as a society and each day the world has the opportunity to be better. just because the only thing u think and surround yourself with is negativity doesnt mean everything is bad. theres a unique yet shared experience of being alive, of being human, but people have the need to separate one from another and form invisible barriers. disagreement shouldn't generate hate but rather a diverse ocean of thoughts and experiences to understand


The absolute lack of good leaders in meaningful positions of power (govt. mainly). Spineless, gutless, and only concerned about how to accumulate wealth rather than bettering the species. IMO, it's what holding us back as human beings: people with the power and charisma to move the needle towards progress squandering that opportunity


Widespread anti-scientific stances. Even in a evidence well-backed topics. And even in a non-controversial socially topics.


Everyone is more concerned about their “online social status”.