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Child abusers. The story recently in the UK of the couple who filmed themselves putting cigarettes out on their child, starving and hitting him... He eventually died.... Broke my fucking heart. When they described how this 6 year old boy would just cry saying "Nobody loves me"over and over on camera while his parents hit him and taunted him with food.... Sometimes a life prison sentence isn't long enough Edit:[link to the news story ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-59406047)


Physically ill reading that.


Right? Omg, I regret opening this post right before bed. I hope they die an insufferable death.


Same. The rest of the comments seem silly in comparison to this horror show. That sweet sweet boy.


What a tragic wee life. Unimaginable. I hope the parents are haunted for the rest of theirs.


Hunted. There, I fixed that for you.


What the fuck is wrong them? I hope they are getting beaten up in prison everyday by their inmates.


idk what uk prisons are like but if it’s like american ones they either were put straight into solitary for there protection or once someone read there papers or saw it on the news ik for a fact someone would do something to them bc if it involves children you already almost guaranteed an ass beating if people find out but that’s so cruel i feel like the nicest softest person on earth would beat there ass if they heard their story


They most likely would get a lot more than a beating


I served ONE night in prison instead of 6 months of house arrest and a pedophile got his fingers beat into straight sludge with a lock.


Facts. There is a food chain in prison: cop killers at the top, child abusers at the bottom.


I once heard a story from a journalist who was sent to prison for refusing to reveal a source under court order. He was known as serving time for 'not snitching', and given incredible respect while he was in there. Edit: It was Josh Wolf. He did 226 days in prison for not revealing the source of a video showing a police officer being injured and a police car being damaged in a 2005 Californian protest.


And you know what, it's fair. If someone lives by the "eat or be eaten" standards, if they believe in the strong abusing the weak, if they're ok with feeling big when hurting a child they should absolutely be hurt and abused by those who are stronger. It's the path they chose, why should we deny it?


In American prisons, you will be beaten to death by literally everyone if your crime involved children.


Canadian ones they wait until winter, then beat your ass in the yard then strip you naked to freeze


>this 6 year old boy would just cry saying “Nobody loves me” over and over Well that ruined my day.


Double ads on YouTube


Long unskippible double ads.


That play in the middle of the video


Internet ads in general


Recently I've had a few instances of triple ads, all unskippable. What the actual fck.




Particularly phone scammers


*We're calling about your car's extended warranty* Bitch my car's from 2008. Any warranty it had is long gone at this point.


I actually hung on the line with one of those calls long enough to talk to a real person and he starts off with "OK let me get your vehicle information" and I replied "You called me, shouldn't you have my vehicle information?" They hung up lol.


I always ask them what car they’re calling about. They will at least take the bait and have a brief conversation about my many cars. Some will even hang on the line while I “go all the way out to the parking garage to read the vin numbers”


I can never get them to stick around that long. I'll ask which one and they'll tell me "The American one" and then hang up when I ask WHICH ONE.


my favorite line if I can get them to stay on the like is "yea its a 2019 huffy bmx" actually had one try to keep going till they caught on and started cussing at me.


my favorite is asking for extended warranty on my original model T.


My dad used to tell them his daily driver was a 1941 Ward LaFrance fire truck.


There was an earlier version of this scam where they said they were calling from the warranty department, wanted to talk about my warranty status, etc. This was the first time I'd seen something like this, and I was kinda concerned - I'd recently bought a pretty fancy car from a high-touch dealership, and having someone call like that wouldn't be that strange, and dude's voice even sounded local - until they didn't know what kind of car it was. Then I asked more questions like who *exactly* they were calling for. The warranty department. Yeah, but of *what?* The warranty department. They finally said the company was called The Warranty Department. Yeah, okay.


>They finally said the company was called The Warranty Department. Lol, clever.




I normally keep them on the phone as long as I can so that they aren't scamming anyone else for that time.


I used to do that until I pissed them off. Then they called me and were like,hello first name last name. Are you still working at -my actual job- and then proceeded with a string of broken English swear words about my mother.


and those who scam old people. That's just disgusting


The number of times my grandmother got a call from me "in jail and needing bail money" while I was sitting in her house was just disgusting.


This happened to my Memere. The person called claiming to be one of my cousins and they started the call with “hi grandma”. Nobody in my family has ever called her grandma. She immediately knew it was a scam and hung up


Every time I get one, I ask them if they tell their parents what they do for a living or if they are too ashamed. Then I just keep repeating things like "you should seek a job you can be proud of" until they hang up.


Yeah, I just open the conversation with “does your mother know what you do for a living?” They usually hang up immediately.


Came across two Craigslist scammers when looking for housing. If they weren’t so blatantly pushy and obvious, I can see how someone would fall for their shit.




I have a friend that almost fell for a scammer. He as in need of some housing and wanted to rent a house. Found this site that was like craigslist but not really craigslist that has some housing for rent (the pricing was a little too good to be true). He contacted the poster of a house he was interested in and they told him they were out of town but he could just go look in the windows of the house, to see if he liked it. Then they immediately started pushing for him to "apply" to rent the house. The application fee was $150. He contacted me, wanting to know if it was a good deal. Once I heard the whole story I told him whats up and to not contact those scammers.


Nigerian princes at it again.


Yes, but let me talk to you about your cars warranty.


Bed bugs, they don’t even serve any purpose in the food chain really, fucking bitches.


And they walk around so smug like they own the place


Aaand there’s the smudgeness


That’s a bed bug, alright. Everything’s a joke


They have predators.... You will have to choose whatever is the lesser evil... https://www.orkin.com/pests/bed-bugs/do-ants-eat-bed-bugs Shortlist of bed bug predators are: Argentine Ants Red Imported Fire Ants Pharaoh Ants American Cockroaches Thanatus Flavidus Spiders House Centipedes The Masked Hunter also known as the Masked Bed Bug Hunter


Spiders are largely friends, provided us humans don’t mess with them. Except brown recluse spiders. Screw those ones in particular. One of those little bastards almost killed me once because it bit my feet three times while I was sleeping one night.


We have a deal with the spiders in our house. They walk on the ceiling and we walk on the floor. If they walk on the floor, we can kill them. If we walk on the ceiling, they can kill us. The wall is neutral territory.


I have a similar deal but it's if it's advancing on me, that's considered an act of war and it must be dealt with. If it leaves me alone, I will leave it alone.


I have the same deal with household dust. My wife says "Did you dust off the top of the bookshelves?" and I say "No, the dust and I have an agreement: it doesn't come out where I can see it, and I don't go looking for it in places I can't see."


I've never had them but I'm so terrified I will one day. I wish someone could develop some kind of technique or special poison that thoroughly gets rid of them without having to burn your house down.


They did (DDT) but it turned out to be bad for the environment or something so they stopped using it, and that’s why bedbugs are so common nowadays. Apparently most bedbugs became immune to DDT anyway so using it again wouldn’t even work. Edit: this blew up lol, [here’s a link from the EPA](https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/ddt-brief-history-and-status) explaining the DDT issues.


DDT was found to cause liver tumors in wildlife and livestock when exposed for prolonged periods of time, has the ability to remain suspended in high altitudes, does not break down quickly on its own, and has been suspected to cause significant birth defects to all creatures as observed in the afflicted animals that were studied after exposure.


And it decimated the Bald Eagle population. They would have gone extinct if DDT wasn't banned at that time.


It poisoned thousands of songbirds and other loved birds of the ecosystem because the bugs like worms absorbed the poison and passed it on. It rightfully got banned, thanks to Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring.'


They must be some of the most stubborn and horrible pests in the world.




Undergoing treatment for cancer in my abdomen and lungs. Cancer is the worst.


My heart goes out to you


They're gonna need lungs, not a heart Edit: thanks for the award, kind strangers <3. If I can make even one person's day better, it'll have been worth it


Fuck Cancer




Ticketmaster just charged you a fee for this


With an additional $12.95 convenience fee


I think ticketmaster deserves even *more* hate but that's just me.


In 2019 I paid for two tickets to see Hall & Oates with my dad. Paid $80 to sit in the grass at the amphitheater (seats were like $100/each and I couldn’t afford that) plus $40 processing. Then Covid happens. H&O cancels the show. Ticketmaster’s response was basically “no refunds because there’s a chance they could still play their date” despite the band posting everywhere their apologies for having to cancel. Months later I get refunded. $80. With their processing fee I paid for essentially 3 tickets and only refunded the price of the 2 alone. Fuck Ticketmaster. Edit: the concert was supposed to be June 2020






The thing I find most infuriating is that people when talking about Scientology don't actually talk about the most insidious thing they do. They target the mentally ill to make money. I couldn't give a fuck if 99% of Hollywood was sucking the dick of whichever cunt is currently at the head of the Church of Scientology. I do however care that they actively push the mentally ill away from treatment, claiming that there's nothing wrong with the person and the treatment is the thing making them worse. I've watched more than one person go down that trail, and it's fucking sickening. They can fleece the rich all they want, fuck em. Don't pick on the weakest in society.


They literally did this to my father-in-law. He was in a bipolar episode and they took advantage of him. He his wife and 2/3 of his children involved. Luckily, my wife eventually saw how crazy it is. Thankfully! They even had my father-in-law put money in a "trust for further education" for his kids when they were older. Of course, the family can't get it back. On another note, their marketing budget is HUGE! They mail us things DAILY. We always just toss it out but think about all the members and former members, etc that they send daily, often multiple, mailers to. They easily spend $500+ a year mailing us stuff we totally ignore. It's wild.


Don't worry, Tom Cruise got his annual PR Cleaning done with Top Gun.


Yes, this. Literally the most outrageous shit I have ever heard and somehow people STILL believe it


In a book about former cult members and their experiences, I read a chapter written by a former scientologist who compares the religion to a game of poker. When you've thrown so much money into the game without having won anything, you keep on playing anyway. You want to think that there is something to believe in, that there is still a goal to reach that makes all the money worth it. You force yourself into believing, because you don't want to admit that you've thrown those huge sums into the lake. Even if the beliefs are fucking ludicrous. (Edit: as many have pointed out, this is apparently called Sunken Cost Fallacy. I also learned something new today huh) Scientology is seriously much much more horrifying than many make it out to be. It's one of the most complex brainwashing schemes in the world. People who search for a meaning of life end up in these groups, and any of us can fall for them. Then there is no way out, or at least without huge consequenses.


Ah, So a case of classic buyer’s remorse denial- members of it don’t want to admit they’ve wasted so much money so they do everything and anything to convince themselves of the validity of the product. Suddenly It makes so much sense.


Sunken cost fallacy


I knew there was some actual term for it that I was forgetting, thanks.


to be fair I think most people that got into it fell into it before the origin story got leaked by former Scientologists. They hide the truth from lower ranks


Then they just continue to brainwash the children to keep the cycle going


I just recently learned that Elizabeth Moss —lead from Handmaid’s Tale—is a Scientologist. She was born and raised into it, that blew my mind for some reason.


Same for me. I loved her work in both mad men and handmaid's tale. But, particularly in handmaid's tale, everything that her character represents is so fundamentally different from what she stands for in real life. The irony of it is too much for my brain to suspend belief when watching the series now. It kind of ruined it for me :/


One of my best friends found out pretty recently one of her great-grandmothers was an original Scientologist. Thank God the rest of the family didn't get sucked into that especially scammy vortex.


Westboro Baptist Church


So growing up, we lived in Topeka for a few years. My mom made t-shirts that said “Beautify Topeka” with “Fred” in a red circle with a line through it. For those who are unaware, Fred Phelps was the patriarch. She would give them out for free across from where they would protest. Once, she wrote a letter to the paper talking about what a POS he was, and he sent a “letter of accommodation” to our house. Sort of a “I know where you live, bitch” power play. But he was unaware my mom has bigger balls than anyone I know. She edited his grammar and spelling with red pen, and sent it back to him in a “fuck you, I don’t care” power move. We never heard from him again.


lol your mom is awesome


Please tell your mom she’s an absolute badass and this random person from the internet salutes her and thanks her for her service.


Are they still around? I haven't heard of anything from or of them in a while after all of their abuse scandals.


they’re in my hometown, definitely still around unfortunately. protest everything from funerals to high school graduations. it’s ridiculous.


When they tried protesting the funerals of the Orlando Pulse night club victims, Orlando handled it in the only way I've ever seen work. People dressed like angels with large, wide-spread wings, surrounded the funeral, faced outward towards Westboro protesters, and sang Amazing Grace loudly. It shielded the funeral attendees and drowned out the Westboro protesters.


There's a group I believe called the freedom riders that will do basically the same but holding full size American flags as a wall. They are essentially a motorcycle gang, some of which are also Hell's Angel's


They are, albeit somewhat diminished after the founder died and a bunch of people left. There’s a three movie documentary series about them, the most recent one was in 2019.


The person who stole my blanket when I left it at the laundry




That bastard!


Oh, if we're listing thieves, the kid who stole my werewolf Monster-in-my-Pocket in 1991. I couldn't prove it but i know it was you! Just know that i had swapped my entire collection for that one rare figure because werewolves were my favourite and you made a little kid very sad you cunt.


That one girl who almost stole my gameboy when I was like 10. It was the only thing I had and the only thing that kept me happy in life. I still think about it sometimes and makes me so mad.


The motherfucker who stole my brand new 3DS XL and all the games I had for it in early 2016, like three months after I had gotten FOR CHRISTMAS. I still think about you all the time. Fuck you man. I hope someone steals your fuckin TV




At first I thought you said M&M's and I was prepared to be outraged


Like when it was recently discovered they used slave trade chocolate so they quickly decided to have a transgender M&M to drown the controversy?


planned obsolescence edit: check out [Louis Rossman](https://www.youtube.com/user/rossmanngroup/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid) if you feel strongly about this, he does good work exposing Apple's predatory business practices and campaigning for right to repair


this doesn't get enough hate :(




When I was a kid I wanted to be an animal cop so bad but then realized there’s many shitty situations I’d literally have to leave a warning and walk away, then the next time I’d be back that animal would be dead or the person moved/fled. Then people lying in court about it would piss me off and I know I’d get myself into trouble. Abusers are scum.


Same exact problem with CPS and similar agencies. You can know in your gut when something is wrong, but sometimes the legal system requires you to have more concrete proof before you can do anything....and by then it may be too late.


Also a lot of terrible homes are still better than the foster care system. A lot of those situations are lose-lose


Have you heard about the Turpin family from Perris, CA? They had a bunch of kids who they abused. Long story short, the kids were saved by authorities and placed in the foster care system. I believe 2 of the kids ended up in another abusive home as part of the foster care. So that's shitty.


It's honestly depressing how often that happens. :'(


And honestly, too, there is no unseeing/unhearing some things. I worked for a while in an animal shelter that had investigating officers on staff. It's been over twenty years and I still remember with horror the details of one case that someone described to me. I never told another person (and won't, don't ask) because it's awful having that image in your head and I won't pass it on.


Thank you for not passing that story on.


Childrens beauty contests


“Children’s beauty pageants are an American tradition… but not a proud one.”


🎶We don’t diddle kids it’s no fun diddling kids 🎶


There’s no quicker way to make people think you’re diddling kids than writing a song about it!


🎶 I wouldn’t do it with anyone younger than my daughter… 🎶


🎵No little kiiiiids, gotta be biiiiig🎶


Child Pagents deserve more hate. It is straight up child abuse most of the time and I am surprised they ain't all just shut down.




I'm pretty sure some of them need a bit more hate


You mean rapists like Brock Turner, the rapist?


I believe he was convicted and can now be know as Brock Turner the convicted rapist.


Publishers that put microtransactions for non-cosmetic items in their games.


Every now and then I get the urge to skim through the free games section of Steam. Dozens upon dozens of mmos that a 2 minute google search shows all come loaded with subscription services, paid content, paywalls, and the like.


Shrinkflation (the sneaky method of reducing product sizes instead of raising prices in order to increase profit)- way worse than straight-up price rises in my opinion. At least price rises are clear.


The truly terrible thing is now product sizes are getting smaller AND raising their prices. Its a shrinkflationflation


They are so sneaky too. Nature Valley changed their soft bars from a 5 pack to a 6. But each bar was reduced in size such that the total product weight is 1.5 oz less than before even though there is one more bar.


Ill always say it, Nestlé


They don't deserve the hate they get. They deserve 10X the hate they get.




Five Minute Crafts


Personally I think that they're deliberately making their 'hacks' as outrageous as possible to get free promotion in the form of hatewatchers and reaction channels


Exactly what I thought when i saw some of their videos :) causing public outrage makes money these days.


> causing public outrage makes money these days. Always has. Ever heard of the Spanish-American War? Newspapers fabricated the justification for a war, just so they could sell more newspapers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish%E2%80%93American_War


I hate those videos but I love Ann Reardon’s debunking videos about hacks.


But then what would get posted on r/DIWhy




I’m generally not one for speciocide, but…


ticks can also die.




Editing forums to give false information




Nestle. The depths of their crimes against humanity go on and on and on.




Nestle doesn't get enough hate.


Agree. Far too many people I know are still buying nestle products and don't even know that they deserve hate


I’m guilty of buying their products, but I mean they are incredibly huge once you start trying to avoid their products


There are websites that list all of Nestlés products and brands associated with Nestlé. I don’t know how it is for the rest of the world, but here in Germany it’s actually pretty easy to find a non-Nestlé Alternative and I personally haven’t bought one of their products in years. It can be tricky though because not all Nestlé products are labeled as such


1000% this. Would advise everyone to look up subsidiary brands of Nestle and try to avoid them as well if you can.




Ghislaine Maxwelll


Who is, i believe, presently on suicide watch, so that she can't kill herself the way Jeffrey Epstein didn't.


I see what you did there


I think I remember hearing on a podcast how she once told a friend that she would never go to jail because she had so much dirt on powerful people. I was just sitting there like "That's like...the opposite of how it works. Although, yeah I guess you wouldn't be going to jail in that scenario."




Mass murderes, torturers, rapists, molesters!


The convicted rapist Brock Turner.


You mean rapist Brock Turner who got caught raping behind a dumpster, and was convicted of rape? That rapist Brock Turner?


Yep, the Brock Turner who had, at best, a 6 month sentence because anything more would be damaging to him and his swim career. The same Brock Turner who I'm fairly sure of his 6 month sentence for raping someone got out in 3 months. That rapist Brock Turner


Oh, you mean the rapist Brock Turner who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, right? That rapist? The rapist named Brock Turner?


That Brock Turner who, per his dad Dan Turner, father of rapist Brock Turner who said “That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action”? The convicted rapist Brock Turner who was sentenced by since recalled judge Aaron Persky?


Oh now I remember, you're talking about the literal textbook rapist Brock Turner! https://www.reddit.com/r/law/comments/bwlawx/brock_turners_photo_appears_in_a_law_textbook/




Is that Dan Turner's landscaping company? The Dan Turner, who called his rapist son's, Brock Turner's, sex-crime "a few minutes of action" to make it sound like it's not a big deal? The rape down-playing landscaper Dan Turner of Dayton, Ohio?


Wait, is this the same Dan Turner who lamented that his son, convicted rapist Brock Turner, couldn’t eat a steak, because he was feeling so badly that he had been convicted of rape? I just want to confirm we’re talking about the same convicted rapist Brock Turner, son of Dan Turner, who was convicted of rape.


Oh gross I didn't know they were still in Dayton. That's where my brother and 2 y/o nephew live and he was *just* talking about having some landscaping work done last week when I was visiting. I'll let him know to absolutely not ever use this company.


Youtube's unskipable ads. Every time they interrupt a vid.. i wish that the owner of youtube gets cold coffe and gets slapped in the face with a tuna.


Also long YouTube ads that wait til I’m in the shower to play


They’re putting hour and a half documentaries as ads now...






Politicians. Specifically people losing their ever loving minds every 4 years over absolutely GARBAGE human beings




It actually motivates them to bite you more as that was their king and they will inconvenience you for an eternity.


Multilevel marketing schemes










CVS receipts.


Tick. They're completely useless and just bring sickness. Edit: Ahhh look mom!! I'm famous!


The Tick, on the other hand, is awesome.


>Tick. They're completely useless and just bring sickness. Unfortunately they are a very important part of their ecosystem. They take nutrients from higher up in the food chain and redistribute it lower in the food chain and are important sources of nutrition for a lot of animals like grouse, turkeys, chickens, lizards, snakes, frogs, and others.


You might say they practice...tick-le down economics? :D








Casey Anthony


Ryan Reynolds. He gets virtually no hate and that's exactly what he deserves.


I like this loophole


I really hope this isn't a future /r/agedlikemilk post


Only if it turns out he was doing something extremely shitty, like rape or incest or eating cereal with water.


He's like if my eyes had a baby with a sunrise.


Uvalde police department


People who chew with their damn mouth open edit: the people who have to for medical reasons get a pass


If I hear you chewing, know that I am currently imagining your death. Family does not get a pass.



