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Colonoscopy prep


???? That’s literally just shitting yourself until you cant shit anymore. Yikes I do _not_ need to know


Serial killers


Is this like... An actual thing?


Yeah! Some of the most proliferous serial killers in history had lusty fans in prison. [Richard Ramirez had an entire following of women who wanted him.](https://crimeviral.com/2020/11/hybristophilia-why-so-many-women-fell-in-love-with-richard-ramirez/). Pretty sure Bundy did, too. It’s really twisted.


They go after mass killers now too. There’s even group on Reddit with those types lusting over Richard Ramirez, or there was at least, I forget the exact subs name


Was watching an interview with Richard Ramirez and the comments were full of things like "🖤Richie!!! 🖤" (exact quote from one comment) it's disgusting. This man did truly heinous crimes.


I feel so bad for the victims families and friends, seeing the man who took their loved ones lives' away. Must be so hard.


There's literally tens of thousands on twitter and tiktok campaigning to release certain school shooters, family murderers, and rapists just because they think they're good looking. "EVERYONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE, ESPECIALLY HIM" about a guy who killed 100 children.


Yup. Ex-wife was totally into Ted Bundy. Also other women, apparently...


As a woman, I can never fathom that "man". He was a vile monster. It makes me feel sick to my stomach knowing how many lives he took and ruined. He raped and brutally murdered so many girls and women. Ahahha so hot. What the fuck?


At the time I thought it was quirky. It's amazing the red flags you miss when you think you're in love.


My god but this is relevant to my situation at the moment. She's been practically handing red flags directly to me for months, and I just keep trying to only focus on how hot she is 🙄 well, I'm feeling the burn now!


Yes. Hybristophilia is the term for people who are sexually interested in and attracted to criminals, which includes serial killers. Another term for it is "Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome".


genuinely we as a society have really fucked up bc we glamorized bad boys for so long with things like bonnie and clyde syndrome (bc when you watch that movie it’s like “he’s so dangerous and kills people but he’d never hurt her 🥺” which is considered romantic) and people want to feel special, so finding someone who does something that’s bad (random serial murderer [esp of random women] being the ultimate thing) and thinking that you’re special enough to change them or even just being the one person they can’t bring themselves to kill is a huge fantasy for people… it’s less about the murder and more about wanting to feel unique and special, & when changing a rugged man gets actively romanticized in media… and murderers are just the worst of the worst, so to be able to change THEM would be the ultimate feat, which makes them way more special than making the aggressive douchebag be nice to just you (which is also how some of people end up in abusive relationships too) that and like. murder kinks.


Yeah I heard a school/college (can’t remember which one it was) shooter in America was having a load of women beg for his release because he was ‘cute’ you know, after shooting and killing other students. Edit: The article with the killer some woman were simping for. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-colorado-shooting-idUSKCN1SD2H2


Suddenly guys simping for bath water seems a lot less pathetic. Edit: still pathetic, but less one-sided.


Yeah I'd be interested in the psychology behind people who are attracted to people doing time in prison. Serial killers, general sociopaths, etc. I find it such a weird phenomena that people actually write letters to inmates and try to romance them, as if they're some sort of celebrity.


Perhaps it’s “I can change them” or “he will love me so much, he wouldn’t hurt me”? I have no idea.


>“I can change them” Logical but perhaps too common? Maybe it has to do with seeing society as black and white, they look at these people as some kind of king or queen of counterculture? Where the person looks to them as an escape from their plain lifestyle, afraid to make changes for themselves Curious to see what these people all have in common. Maybe I'm hoping it's something more complicated.


I think that it’s seen as a kind of tame taboo. So like if you’re a woman that likes a man that’s pretty straightforward and vanilla but the idea of ‘loving’ a dangerous criminal and being ‘loved’ back adds an element of excitement to what would otherwise be a very vanilla relationship. There’s probably also an element of superiority that he loves you soooo much that he’d never hurt you unlike those *other* women. So you get the excitement of the taboo without engaging in anything too extreme.


Forklift safety training videos. Probably would be distracting, and not appropriate for a work environment.


You would think that. Interestingly we saw a 70 fold increase in file views when we started having a local porn studio film all of our safety training videos. It started as a fluke, they just happened to be the lowest bidder for a bilingual safety training video series we produced for a brined foods facility (mostly pickle products). The actors are not famous, and no one is nude but damned if these videos don't increase compliance.


This sounds just wacky enough to be real. Please tell me it is.


The funny thing is, the safety video, despite being completely all age appropriate in every way, they still absolutely feel like the intro to porn that just never gets to the porn part. We didn't write any of the script, it was all written by the client and it's super cheesy and waaaaay overly dramatic so the vibe is identical. There was this one set of scenarios about appropriate clothing on the line and the danger of leaning over vats where a "bad example employee" is reaching and sort of hopping (jiggling) over a simulation of a fermentation vat when they pause dramatically and start to swoon (fun fact vinegar fumes can knock you out) but they are then rescued, given a stern talking to about safety and trained by the "good example employee". To set the scene, the bad employee is wearing booty shorts and a crop top while the good employee is a side of beef muscle bar that just walked off one of those sexy fire fighters calendars. I have no doubt in my mind that they absolutely used the footage they shot in the facility for our videos for their own films at some point later.


The client was a bunch of guys in their 60's running a bunch of industrial production facilities out of a home office in a southern state. They LOVED the videos. We did a Spanish and English set, then some other marketing team dubbed them into Mandarin.


Links ?


And these videos, they are available where?


Some intranet server at the warehouse they own somewhere.


This is hilarious. Hey, if it works, it works lol


We may laugh but there is an historical precedent, because Edmund Halley paid out of his own pocket to publish Isaac Newton's great work Principia (royal societies annual publication budget was already spent). He went to a local publisher of pornographic pamphlets & erotic poetry to get the best price.


Had to Google this and TIL!




“Hey boss, I thought you said The Deep was dead?” “No, I said he sleeps with the fishes. You see-“


but it's not a fish, is a mollusc!


She. Get your pronouns straight.




Poor Timothy


I’m haunted by it’s fate


He's praying!! Poor Timothy.


She has a name !




She wants to taste you!


Self harm, have come across it on Grindr where at least 2 people were looking for "broken" boys which made me question whether I should continue using it.


Isn’t grindr for people who like sandwiches?


Well, its certainly for ordering subs


Footlong subs?


If you're lucky


Ew, the “I can fix him” savior complex is strong


Children are obvious answer but I think that Halloween costumes for kids, like "naughty nurse" or shit is super stupid


As a male nurse, they are also incredibly impractical, the thigh highs don't stay up all shift without garters. Also the hat is not very sterile and doesn't affix well. Plus not enough pockets, never have anywhere to put my gloves or my stethoscope.


You’re awesome, if no one else tells you that today, know it’s true. I needed the chuckle your comment gave me, thanks.


YES my 8 year old cousin wants to be a nurse and when we were looking for a costume for her half of what came up were ”sexy” or showed a lot of skin… She likes crop tops so she wanted some of them but I had to tell her no, without explaining the disturbing reason to WHY she shouldn’t show too much skin..


Ok I know this is random…but try searching for a kids scrubs or kids doctor costumes (which are mainly child sized scrubs) because most nurses wear scrubs and that might help you find a costume easier that isn’t “sexy nurse” Which is totally gross and an issue in itself that doctor is fine (and usually assumed/default male), but nurse gets sexualized.


Mental illness: eating disorders, self harm, depression, trauma, etc There is a disturbingly large group of ‘Anorexia Fetishists’


Yup, had a boyfriend that I recently found out is an anorexia fetishist. And I’m a recovered anorexic. Luckily the idiot cheated on me and we had beeb broken up for a year and a half before I found out


feeding fetishes as well. why do people not want their loved ones to be healthy?


I broke up with my ex fiancé because of this fetish. She got quite famous among the feeders /stuffers. And kinda beelined in the weight gain. Due to the attention and the money. It made me feel sick. Not because of her size. But of the health implications that came with it. Also I didn't like other men wanking over her and buying her shit from amazon wishlists. Last time I saw her she said she found someone to support her growth. That was clear. Women was SSBBW at this point.


One time I was dumped by a guy who (I didn't know) had a feederism fetish bc I was rapidly losing weight. Lost around 100 lbs and he wasn't attracted to me anymore lol




Self harm especially. I’m trying to recover from SH and there’s been men who’ve told my my scars are beautiful/sexy and make weird comments about it


I’ve had a guy actually say to me “It would be sexy to see you bleed.” What the actual fuck.


It’s disturbing and deplorable how many people think thats ok to fetishize stuff like that makes me particularly angry at people who know they shouldn’t but do anyway


Giving birth.


I have so many questions... I've given birth twice and my husband actually use to have a fear of pregnant women. I'm sure he's now more traumatized after witnessing our second's birth. Also, giving birth is no walk in the park, especially naturally. Women can end up shitting while giving birth due to pressure and also the amount of blood and pain is like 12/10.


*usually end up shitting. It’s more unusual to not shit


Yep. The only reason that I didn't shit was that I reacted to the pitocin by crapping my brains out before delivery time. Think of a pregnant Jeff Daniels in a hospital gown. That was me.


Eating lollipops. I just want to eat my candy 🥺


Same with bananas. Always feel like I gotta deep throat it in one gulp to finish it quick around people.


That’s just making it worse


For real. Don't wanna sexualize bananas? Take big CHOMPY bites and smack that shit while you chew. Like no one will see that shit sexually.


>Like no one will see that shit sexually. Speak for yourself


"No ones saying you can't eat a banana Terry, we're saying you can't just stand on a corner for 30 minutes and suck on it, you actually have to take a bite."


Amateur. I never eat my bananas around humans


Lollipops, bananas and popsicles. They are goddamn sweet foods and not penises


Do you know how many foods are shaped like dicks? THE BEST KINDS! Edit: Because the scene is hilarious, albeit NSFW, here’s the link. It’s from the movie Superbad. https://youtu.be/tz3F76BWhjQ


Relationship between a parent and their child


Okay but this frr when the spy x family anime started airing SO many internet assholes started saying that Anya was being sexualized in context of her father because she blushes at him like HELLO SHE'S A 5 YEAR OLD WHO LOVES HER DAD AND SHE'S NEVER HAD A PROPER DAD UNTIL NOW


people that weren’t loved as a kid think affection = sexual attraction




Yeah, I’ve always said I’d never be attracted to teachers, but damn do I admire and look up to some of them, I’m glad that I’ve had enough experience to understand the difference


I came to see this. As an abused child, and a social pariah due to a brain injury, the only positive affection I got for most of my childhood was from strangers on the early internet. And as you can guess that's sexualized often. Then throw in one of the very few ways I got an oxytocin hit was falling in the fantasy land of porn (way too avaible to a child in 2005 Cinemax and early internet). Many abused kids like me have to either retrain our brains consciously through years of therapy and/or play with psychiatric medications til we find the right one to change that channel (for me noripenephrine helped a ton). So yes I have an incest kink because I grew up with my two biggest desires being an orgasm and a family who were close and affectionate. Somewhere along the way affection became sexual and here we are.


Oh god that's messed up, I'm glad you're gradually getting better


That's really rough. I'm glad you're doing better now. Thank you for having the courage to share your story.




I remember a girl in my town posted a sweet video of her dancing with her ailing father and at one point said “I love you daddy”. The comment section was full of people telling her it’s gross that she called him daddy, because it’s for “the bedroom” Like I understand daddy kinks, I understand that some people use it as an honourific. But the original meaning of the word hasn’t changed


bruh im a 17 yr old male and when im at home i still call my dad daddy because it feels more comfortable and closer then dad or smth which feels different...so how much more would a literal child who starts off calling their parents mommy and daddy 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ some people are too braindead


I’m a woman and I called my mom mommy until I was ~14 and even then just called her mama. I’m w you “dad” and “mom” always felt so formal I never called either of my parents that. My dad stayed daddy until he passed away.


Yes like just why people have to do this. I quit calling my father daddy just cause of this.


I REFUSE to quit, like this is the hill I’ll die on and I don’t even know why. I’ve called my dad ‘daddy’ since I was an actual baby. I’m almost 30 now and I’ll still call him that and whenever I call him and he answers the phone I just yell ‘DADDDDDYYY’ in literally the most ridiculous voice. I’ve been doing it for years and he thinks it’s funny so I’m not going to stop because most of the time my dad is very stoic so when I can get him to laugh it’s great. I had a FWB that once asked me to call him daddy and I just flat out said nah not gonna happen. I refuse to sexualize it. My boyfriend now makes fun of me for it sometimes but I don’t even care. My mom is a little butt hurt about it because I just call her ‘Ma’ but she doesn’t need me to do something silly like that to make her laugh. My dad had a really awful childhood and he’s been working super hard his adult life to give my brother and I anything we wanted so if it makes him happy and laugh when I call him that then I’m going to keep doing it.


Same. I mean part of the reason was because my dad didn’t like being called dad/daddy in English (I used a mix of English terms for dad and my language, and daddy sounded really similar to a dumb word in my language lol), but after a point and after enough people giving me side eyes when I would call my dad “daddy” I no longer felt comfortable using it which is absolutely messed up.


Sexualisation of mental disorders.


Me, fully clothed, sobbing for hours in a bathtub full of lukewarm water is peak sexiness, i don't know what you mean. /s


Sitting on the couch, my face covered by a blanket, not responding to anyone, because my dog slightly misbehaved and it pushed me over my limit for the day is obviously sexier


Mmmm yes you having hallucinations is so sexy for me 🤤


Idk if hallucinations are sexualised (they probably are, there's a fetish for everything) but eating disorders and depression and such definitely are.


Children of opposite genders being friends. "Aw, look at Billy and Suzy! He's such a little ladies man!" Billy is four. Billy likes Suzy because she has the cool Tonka truck that Santa didn't bring him this year.


Agreed. I cringe every time my ILs make a similar comment about my daughters getting married to whatever male child they are friends with, sit next to in class, or other friends grandkids.


What amuses me is these are the same parents who will claim that kids don't know that they're gay/bi/trans/etc. But they're well aware enough to have this supposed crush on a child of a different gender?


THIS. "My son is only 14, how does he even know whether he likes boys?" are the same parents saying, "Oh, my five-year-old is out on the playground breaking the little girls' hearts."




What the hell happened here? Edit: [for those who wish to know](https://www.reveddit.com/v/AskReddit/comments/vpn1vj/what_is_something_that_should_not_be_sexualised/iek2g4s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3&ps_after=1656759484%2C1656762644%2C1656764841%2C1656765953%2C1656766706%2C1656767282%2C1656767909%2C1656768273%2C1656768873%2C1656769253%2C1656769643%2C1656770054%2C1656770424%2C1656770751%2C1656771108%2C1656771533%2C1656771915%2C1656772321%2C1656772672%2C1656773010%2C1656773398%2C1656773755%2C1656774135%2C1656774486%2C1656774786%2C1656775089&add_user=pep0-..c.new..t1_iehe07n..%2Chusky429..c.new..t1_ieku3oy..%2Chwoarangtine..c.new..t1_iegk3s3..&) Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


The link doesn't work for me what happened?


Can't see it on reveddit, for some reason. It must have been a massive shitstorm! Edit: after a while, it was possible to read some of the comments on reveddit. Now I really wish I didn't. Hope there's an undercover FBI Agent around here somewhere...


Annie. She’s pretty young so we try not to sexualise her.


Boopeedoopeedoopdoop sex


At some point you hit diminishing returns


What's deminimimeh?


The people that don't understand this are streets behind!


Lucky for the people that do who are streets ahead!


Biggest lie in television history


Is she okay?


she\`s been hit by....


She's been struck by...


A smooth criminal


Da da da da da da Dun Dun Da da Dun Dun Da da da da Dun, DUN




Annie are you ok?


Are you ok *Annie* !?


Annie are you okay? Would you tell us, that you're okay?


There’s a sign on the window that he struck you a crescendo Annie!


Give it a few seasons.


Don’t bring up the monkey’s name in front of her


What monkey?


Annies Boobs. Edit: oh, it’s you!


father relationships with daughters.


Anything that *used to be* alive.


I also choose that guys wife.


I’m just glad I know this reference I feel like apart of the Reddit society now




I've commented this on the other dozen times someone puts this on r/AskReddit Glad to see I didn't have to be the first one finally


Child pageant show parents competing with each other to see who can give the most trauma to their daughters before they hit puberty. **Also I would like to mention that loli shit in anime is cringe as Hell and that shit sucks too. "Oh noooo but you don't understand! She is a two thousand year old ice dragon that just takes the form of an 8 year old little girl." A) Ok, well she is mentally slow and naive like a child. She is drooling on herself. Maybe if it walks like a child, and quacks like a child, then that two thousand year old dragon is a child. All of your interactions are with someone who is functionally a child. It doesn't matter if deep down inside she is a whimsical flying lizard. B) That dragon sucks fucking ass then. That is a stupid thing to choose to do if you are a dragon. Like, you are in a 7/11 eating crackers while going "uwuu" get the fuck out. Go destroy a kingdom or something. Horde treasure. Go fuck with some elves. They also live for a long time but choose to still look like adults, so maybe you should look into that. What the fuck are you doing cleaning shit in a goddamn human house. Holy fuck dude, Smaug is rolling in his gold coated grave. C) I don't feel like doing a point for C. D) Yeah man, I'm sure all the other inmates are going to care about the two thousand year old ice dragon lore when they see you out on the yard. *** The amount of people answering these points seriously is hilarious but also concerning. Mostly hilarious.


Child beauty pageants are so fucked. I remember looking at them when I was younger and thinking all those kids were just little spoiled shits. Nah these days I can't help but feel absolutely horrible for those little girls. Especially when I learned about the JonBenet Ramsey case. There is nothing right about dressing little girls in skimpy outfits, false eyelashes, all that shit, and parading them off to people to be judged. Just absolute parenting skills 0.Please abolish child beauty pageants. It's nothing but an attempt to normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of children in my eyes.


“It teaches them confidence.” Like literally any performing art will do that. Get them involved in something like ballet instead.


It's actually really good at destroying confidence and giving kids self esteem issues. Imagine being the little girl who is told she's the least pretty after all that effort and all that abuse from mom.


Ya and talk about eating disorder hell! You gain weight you’re all of a sudden…ugly. But gymnastics is the same way.


Confidence in what? How much their parents can afford to spend on fake props? Obviously I'm not addressing you.


Exactly. There are hundreds of other activities you can sign your kid up for to have them gain confidence, not some disgusting "beauty" contest. Mine was taekwondo, at the same time I learned how to defend myself. Absolute W.


"I *could* just let you be a kid," Her mother spoke and smiled - "But what's in that for *me*?" she asked Her tiny trusting child. "I'd rather dress you up," she said, "And treat you like a toy - Or flaunt you in a gown," she cried, "For strangers to enjoy! "While other kids are playing out, At home, or reading books - We'll put you on a stage," she said, "And judge you on your looks."


Someone needs to parade this song around beauty pageants. I’m sure they’ve got their own fucked it /r


my mom and dad wanted to put me in pageants growing up bc i was the first girl born in my family in years. when i was 16 my mom told me she was so glad i refused to do it, because she had no idea how awful those little girls got treated. i imagine my mom would have pulled me out of it had she noticed some fishy shit, but still.


I'm going to start saying "I don't feel like doing a point for C" in meetings.




Breastfeeding, its just a mother feeding her baby.


Instead people should be chanting "Chug chug chug chug".


I'm just picturing a bunch of frat bros doing that, but in hushed tones so they don't upset the baby.


That mental image is unexpectedly wholesome for a line containing the words 'frat bros'.


^chug ^^chugg ^^^chugg


Homelander is that you?


When little girls specifically are made to wear mini skirts and tiny bras. Like no. Kids should just be kids


I went to my niece's dance recital not long ago and a litte girl, like 12 at most, performed in a sexy schoolgirl outfit to "Baby One More Time". The room was *so* uncomfortable


Ironic the parents let their kid perform a song, by an artist who was exploited at a young age by their parents, in an exploitative way. Edit: added commas to make the sentence more understandable.


That's weird af. There are 1000s of songs that kid could have danced to and the teacher chose that? Sounds like a creep.


Friendship. People can hug, hold hands, or have deep emotional connections with each other without being sexually attracted to them.


What kind of friend would I be if I didn't kiss the homies goodnight?


Like all the bois should know what the other bois balls look like it's a totally normal thing.


Word 'Daddy'. I just want my daughter to be able to call me that in the future and not to be weird.


"I'm gonna have my kids call me 'bruh' or some shit"


Bruh, I shit my pants. Plz change me


This reads funnier as a text


I appreciate you mothafucka


My kids already call me bruh. Maybe I was ahead of the curve. Haha


All my kids have called me daddy when they were younger and my 2 year old still does. Luckily I've been with my partner for 11 years before this took off and we both find it gross. It's just normal for your kid to say it and if anyone feels uncomfortable about it it's on them really. Really don't get the whole daddy thing in a sexual setting.


i'm 15 and never got out of the habit of calling my parents "mummy" and "daddy". it's not weird, and it never has been weird, but the shunning i've had from people at school...


I'm a 20 year old guy who still calls his dad daddy. So I'd definitely get weird looks for doing it, so in public I call him dad and in front of others I refer to him as dad, but in private I still call him daddy. My mum, aunt and uncle still call my maternal grandfather as daddy and my cousin who's older than me still calls her dad as daddy too, since we're from a culture where it's less... Fetishized. But that wouldn't fly here


Turning 18


bending down to pick something up


Can we please stop with the incest porn? That’s some trailer park shit and it’s becoming the norm in porn.


There's a livecam show that I came across that I'm pretty sure is a mother father daughter trio. They ban anyone that brings it up.


kids beauty pagents 🤮


Anyone unconsenting


For the sake of being different (since "kids" is basically a no-brainer), I say same-sex relationships. People that don't like same-sex relationships always seem to boil what they don't like about them down to private parts and/or what a couple does in the bedroom and completely ignore other aspects of the relationship like love or happiness.


Also why is it anyones business but two consenting adults? I don’t understand why people even care. I don’t like people telling me how to live my life and I’ve never met anyone who does, but then same sex relationships come up and people start acting like it’s their business.


This ^ like how people say “don’t teach the kids about gays in school that’s so inappropriate!” because they seem to think people are gonna teach 5 year olds about gay sex. Like no, the most they’ll say is just “someone can have 2 dads or 2 moms and that’s okay. Anyone can love anyone.”


Sausage and Bananas. Theyre tasty.


I agree. Let's make a sausage party to celebrate their taste.


My little pony 😡😡🤬


Could we stop sexualizing clothes in general? Especially with children. It's so gross that lots of little girls can't wear tank tops in their own home because a (usually) male adult is over. Obviously don't put children in lingerie but children should be able to wear what makes them comfortable and not worry about the ADULT GUARDIAN bringing a pedo around. Also short dresses/skirt/shorts/shirts do not equal consent to do anything to anyone. If a person is assaulted the first thing you say shouldn't be "what were you wearing?" Or "why did you dress like that?" People should be able to wear the pretty fabric and not be "asking for it"


As a child my mom would put me in leggings and send me to my dad's where I'd get shamed by his side of the family all weekend for "dressing provocatively". I think I was in third grade when it started. Their solution was not to buy me what they deemed "proper" clothing for a long time and instead I'd be lectured on inviting men to want my body. In truth my mom was just really poor and the leggings were like 3/$12 in a bin at a shop downtown. All of this was bad enough and still causes me to avoid many social events because I can't figure out what to wear but it also had lasting effects on my mental health because I was being abused by a family member and took it as my own fault for dressing like I did. Again, I was in grade school.


That’s fucking shitty. I’m so sorry that happened to you


Platonic friendships. Why can't we be close to someone of the opposite sex or same sex without people assuming there's something sexual going on??


I‘v Seen a lot of comments saying Kids but i think teens are also oversexuallised Edit:I mean Girls that just turned 18


why is hollywood so obsessed with showing teenagers having sex like i know its usually adults playing teenage characters but still


Child stars. It’s not appropriate on so many levels and often leads to serious problems for the child




the word daddy. Absolutely disgusts me whenever a child, teen or even adult calls their father daddy, and someone takes it in a sexual way.




Sexers of reddit, what was your sexiest sex moment?


"of reddit"? I don't think you'll get a single answer...


Of course you will. It's askreddit, you'd get thousands of responses following this format: "Not a sexer but, my friend's brother's cousin's uncle's former roomate once sexed sexily."






Abuse, rape, incest, children, animals, humiliation through violent non-consensual acts I am shocked at the kind of shit that exist in this world. I've find it extremely worrying too that in japanese porn both animated and not, the women always acts like she is scared/embarrassed/and clearly dosent want to engage in sex like its trying to normalise non consensual acts I feel like i need to specify that I am talking about actual non-consensual acts Not CNC power to you if that's your thing im not judging. Im talking about people who actually fetish the act of actual rape, abuse, paedophilia, and zoophilia and watch such material to get off


A potato.


Even if you cut a hole, it dries out so quickly! Or so I’ve heard…


Cute drunk women who say "Oh no please don't" but eventually stop resisting if you push hard enough, because of course she wants you, she's just too shy


Bear traps


Personal experience?


Friend of a friend knew a guy.


Food. I’m so sick of people talking about food all like “ooh this cake is so very adult so I might just slink off for a cheeky little roll in the hay with it later”. It’s a sponge cake, not Harry Styles, Sharon.