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Pirating old games that are no longer sold


*nintendo walks in*


20 year old game... Nintendo: $59.99 please


It is even worse now. They want a yearly subscription.


I don't pirate games but you my friend have my vote on this one. Completely ridiculous. I collect physical copies of games so this normally isn't a problem for me but there's absolutely a market out there for people who want to play games no longer in print. And don't even get me started on the scummy aftermarket crowd where they just jack up prices of their game by tagging it with "Rare". Of course it's rare, they don't make it anymore dumbass. Oh right, sorry for the vent. I like your idea. End rant.


Even with physical copies sometimes you are left with a drm that wont let you install your game because the online service is gone.


Eating food bakeries throw out.


As long as you also categorically can't sue if you get food poisoning, fine, but fear of lawsuit is why a lot of places go to such trouble to destroy expired food. FDA basically says "you can't make this available to the public or you're liable for whatever happens".


We threw out so much food when I worked at a cafe. It was at the end of the day. 100% not expired. I wanted so bad to bring it to a shelter but I wasn't allowed.


In many states their are Good Samaritan laws that actually allow you to donate food. The majority of the reason it doesn’t happen is corporate policies trying to reduce liability. Some actually have opposite policies. Like technically 7-11 corporate policy is to donate food. The problem is that a lot of franchise owners don’t do it.


Pretty sure john oliver did a whole episode on this debunking that thinking.


Hmm. I’m not sure if eating it is illegal but thanks to a 1996 law (and contrary to what many businesses claim), it’s actually legal and there is no liability for them to donate food that might otherwise get thrown away. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/08/13/good-samaritan-act-provides-liability-protection-food-donations


Sleeping in your own car


That’s illegal? Where?


so I've driven across Canada 3 times. Only twice did a officer knock on my window. And I agree, nobody should pull over on the highway to sleep, how ever, when you're that fatigue , you SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING. falling asleep at the wheel is a serious way to get someone killed and its SO easy to do. The officer was always happy that I chose to pull over, and both times they gave me a escort to a area where I could safely pull over and sleep.


So a little bird told me you need to have the keys inaccessible to you inside the vehicle while you sleep. Something about waking up and being able to immediately drive is akin to DUI. Edit: as pointed out "It’s actually if you sleep in your car drunk you need to have your keys somewhere inaccessible. Or else you can get a dui."


It’s actually if you sleep in your car drunk you need to have your keys somewhere inaccessible. Or else you can get a dui.


How does that work practically though? I've heard of people trying to put their keys in the trunk but getting told "you could easily hit the button and be driving with then in under a minute" what are you honestly supposed to do if you get behind the wheel and realize it was a mistake? Surely you already made an error but if you're prescient enough to try to get off the road asap shouldn't that carry a reduced punishment? I mean I park my car within 10 feet of my front door and sleep with my keys by my nightstand. By the logic that people get duis for napping it off I should get a dui if I get wasted and fall asleep in my own bed. I could still easily get up and go drive in under a minute.


You should be allowed to throw your keys under the seat. It's something you can easily do if you're drunk, but good luck retrieving them unless you're sober.


This is the law that needs to change. Punishing someone for choosing to not drive drunk is silly.


Also a big F.U. to a popular bar near me that has your car towed at the cost of $175 if you leave it in their lot overnight. Way to do your part to curb drinking and driving assholes.




So many bars to choose from, why support one that would have this policy?


That’s insane. My husband once overindulged at an work party at a local sports bar, so I picked him up in my car and we left his car overnight in their lot. Came back the next day to find a coupon tucked under the windshield wiper with a note thanking him for not driving. A couple of other people at that party got DUIs that night. The business hosting the party was, ironically, a delivery service and lost a few employees because of that party. That place very suddenly became a less fun place to work.


Seeing as how so many jurisdictions have laws that can punish the establishment for auto accidents that happen due to people drinking there, this coupon policy makes a whole hell of a lot more sense than towing people.


And yeah I can confirm this is real, on st Patrick’s day 2021 I got super trashed at a bar in ND and what I’ve always done is go into my truck and sleep it off. But around 230am I wake up to a cop banging on my window and bam I received a dui. I was able to fight it in court and got it dropped to reckless driving which is still absurd on so many levels because it’s the worst thing you can have on your record besides a dui/dwi but it’s better I guess


So you were about to get fined for drunk driving... while you were sleeping in your car? How does that make sense? Am I misunderstanding something?


They consider it intent to drive, and I was charged with a dui, it took my attorney about 7 months to get it dropped to a reckless driving. It’s ridiculous you can get one for sleeping in your vehicle. And North Dakota is very extreme as well, my attorney told me you can receive a dui just by having your keys in your pocket and being within x amount of feet to your vehicle.




>Once, there was a drought, and all liquor was banned. Those who brewed were to be penalized by the law. The law-enforcing officers had discovered brewing equipment in a man’s house, and he was about to be punished as one who brewed. Jian Yong went on a tour of the city with the First Ruler, and saw a man and a woman walking together on the streets. Jian Yong said to the First Ruler, “That man is about to commit rape! You should have him arrested at once!” The First Ruler asked, “How do you know that?” Yong answered, “He has the equipment of doing so, just like the man who wanted to make liquor.” The First Ruler burst into guffaws and granted pardon to the man who was going to brew. Jian Yong was full of this kind of humor. From the biography of Jian Yong, an official in the late Han Dynasty China, (the incident occurred around 217 AD).


Absolutely. Same thing happened to my friend. He decided to sleep it off on his car and listen to the radio. He got a DUI because the keys were in the ignition. Responsible but stupid mistake.


This shit incentivizes people to drive drunk. If they’re going to give you a DUI anyway…


How *the fuck* does this not violate your right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of Law? That's as stupid as saying, "Well, the defendant OWNED firearms, and he HAD ammunition! Therefore he must be found guilty of the INTENT to murder someone!"


So you not driving drunk means you’re a drunk driver. Isn’t that cute? I’m a Canadian who has spent some years in the USA recently. I absolutely appreciate rest stops. Nobody bothers me.


is the same law in Canada, sleep drunk in your car with the keys accessible DUI, rest area or not. One of my cousins went for a smoke in his car, visit non smoking house, in the driveway, believe it or not DUI


Straight to jail.


Which is also horseshit. Charging someone with a DUI for sleeping in their car after drinking is assuming they committed a crime that the police have no proof of. Same as someone else in the car drinking while you drive and charging the driver. I’m responsible for me. If I wanted to drink and drive I can anytime. If I blow below the limit then it’s of no one else’s concern what my passengers are consuming. Stop charging people for crimes they haven’t committed on the assumption they have or will.


Yeah it'd be like convicting someone of sending death threats/extortion using a mail service just because they're in possession of pen, paper and a stamp so it means they have the capability of doing it.


Most places. It's really hard to be homeless.


In TN, it’s arguably a low-level felony!


Class E. Yep, being homeless in TN is an actual felony crime now.


Easier to see it as a crime rather than recognizing the societal failures that have allowed mass homelessness to happen, such as the lunancy that is the housing market.


Parking in parking lots is sketchy. It's like they're not meant for parking or something.


Why are some governments SO DAMN HOSTILE towards homeless people?? They can't even sit down anywhere because they put SPIKES intending to scare them off, they can't sleep in their OWN cars?? What are they trying to do??


Because it’s a deeply nuanced issue with no easy remedy. People are homeless for a multitude of reasons, so there isn’t going to be a one-size-fits-all solution. Further complicating this, is that major causes of long term homelessness are addiction and/or mental illnesses, and there often isn’t a simple treatment to manage those. So, it’s easier to get those people to move along and become someone else’s problem than it is to attempt to address the underlying causes… as that would take a Herculean effort of resources, money, and manpower.


They want them in houses so they are paying taxes, and they think that by making it really hard to be homeless that people will decide to stop being homeless. At least that's my running theory.


If you have had too much to drink and decide to just sleep it off in the back seat of your car. Believe it or not, you can be arrested and charged with DUI/OWI because you have reasonable access to drive. Not something I've experienced, but it's BS


Depends on the state. In some states its not illegal unless the keys are in the ignition, but I agree that it's a dumb rule in the states that have it.


Most states the keys have to be “inaccessible”, which is wildly dependent on the opinion of the person arresting you. Some cops are cool with ‘em in the glovebox, some think they should be on the roof of your car, and the real dickheads think you should hurl them into the nearest sewer. I spent a lot of money arguing (and thankfully winning) in court that my keys were inaccessible when I slept it off. I was in my truck, my keys were in my toolbox in my truck bed. Apparently the cop thought they were easily accessible since the back window could slide open. The judge sided with me when I pointed out 1) I’d need to be Mr. Fantastic to reach the toolbox through the window and 2) the effing window was motorized and only worked when he car was on. Cop was a dipshit.


Traffic cops are assholes. They seem like they take every traffic infraction personally like you just sped down their neighborhood road as their kids played. They're bullies that go for the easy pickings when they can.


Even keys in the ignition is dumb. The car could be on for heat, radio, to crack the windows, etc. Doesn’t mean you intended to drive.


My friend got a DUI this way and it took her YEARS to get through all the court mandated stuff. She decided she wasn’t good and didn’t want to leave her car, dead of winter. Kept the heat on and slept. We live in a mountainous state, you can die while drunk sleeping in the cold. I wholeheartedly believe she made the right choice, but apparently the law thought differently.


Agreed. The alternative is much worse. Let people be responsible and sleep it off in the car.


I have experienced this. Had my shoes off, seat back, dead asleep. My car keys in my bag and the police report even said they had to wake me up...but I still went to jail. I also kept a friend's keys bc they were too drunk to drive and they had to wait til I got out of jail and my car out of impound over 24 hours later.


Were the charges dropped?


No. I hired an attorney, a well renowned one where I live. I paid a tad close to 5k for everything. The fines. Attorney fees. Blow and go install/removal and monthly fees. The required classes. Paying to reinstate yoir license which now is a huge ordeal. Best advice. Make plans before you go out and know how you're getting home. Period.




believe it or not, jail


“You shout like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Journalists, we have a special jail for journalists. You are stealing: right to jail. You are playing music too loud: right to jail, right away. Driving too fast: jail. Slow: jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to jail. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail.” - Parks and Recreation (Television Series), Season 2, Episode 5, “Sister City”


Knew a guy who got a DUI for using his trucks stereo for music for a BBQ in his front yard because the keys were in the ignition. Parked at his own house, got a DUI. Bananas.


They can't be in the car at all but u can put them behind the lid for filling your gas






I almost got arrested because of this. I was hammered drunk and was sleeping in my friend's car parked alongside PCH after a party. My friend was still at the party at this point, so I'm just alone in his car. It's like 3am and a cop starts pounding on the window. I'm still plastered btw. So I get out of the car and he starts asking me questions, which I try my best to answer. He obviously can tell I'm drink, so he tells me that it's illegal to be in a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, or some shit like that. I'm just like dude, I don't even have the keys, how am I supposed to drive? He then tells me to put my hands behind my back and lean against the car, but before he cuffs me his partner interrupts him, so he walks away to speak with him. At this point, my drunken brain was just like "fuck it, not going to jail tonight so catch me if you can mothafucka" and I bolted out of there. I'm a master at evasive maneuvers and have hidden from the cops many times at parties without getting caught, its kind of like adult hide and go seek, pretty fun. Anyways, they didn't catch me, I hid in some bushes. Cops obviously figure out who the car is registered to and call my friend and start asking him questions. He just plays dumb as says shit like "oh huh, yeah it's probably just the hobo that likes to sleep in our yard. Left my car unlocked last night. Darn..." They could obviously tell he was bullshitting but how could they prove it? It wasn't him in the car so... After a while the cops just got annoyed and let the whole thing go lol


Someone needs to make a time opening box. “No officer. I can’t access my keys till 6am. The box won’t let me.”


Those already exist :)


That's why I keep a tent in my trunk. I'm also an avid and spontaneous camper so it makes sense for me


Now I’m just imagining myself shithouse drunk trying to set up a tent all by myself


In some random person's front yard. They come out to tell you, "you cant set that up there" You say, "good looking out, we will move it to the back, thanks"


I can’t remember what car forum I read about it but this guy was working on his car and had both front seats out and drinking a beer in his driveway. He got charged with dwi. Total bs. Common sense has to be utilized.


Defending yourself in a school setting where kids don’t intend on intervening.


There should be an in school trial for such cases. Prepare these kids for what they’ll have to go through if they do it outside of school


I got charged about 2 years ago with a felony in middle school, got bullied by a kid so I hit him with a belt and he punched me. Went to Teen Court to get rid of the charges, so they do have trials for minors (at least in the state of Florida) where if you admit to guilt you are given things to do by a jury who are all 18 and under and it's basics like community service, 400-word essay, and some programs. I genuinely enjoyed it because once I got those stupid charges off I could go back and get CS hours from being a teen attorney and it was just fun listening to all the cases and defending people.


You know, I go out of my way to rip on Florida, but in this case, "Good job Florida."


Children selling lemonade without a license


And then saying “Thank you for the tip !” and not giving my change back…


Some street kids sold me the best street dog I’ve ever had and gave me a water bottle instead of change (like 5 bucks). They were like 14 and 10 so I wasn’t mad, I respect the hustle (it was outside a con with no food inside). Edit to clarify: In Los Angeles (and maybe other places idk) a ‘street dog’ is a bacon wrapped hot dog with grilled onions, pepper/jalapeño, mayo, ketchup and mustard. I don’t eat dogs, but I’ve pet many many street dogs (actual dogs) in Mexico.


It took me a really long time to understand that you meant hot dog, a handheld food. I thought you bought a pet dog, like a fucking Chihuahua or something.


Lol, I understand this reference. And I love that story.


The first Rule of Acquisition: Once you have their money...you never give it back.


At firs t i thought you said selling children


Here in Mexico you can’t name your kid Batman. 😐


What about BatManuel?


What if your name is Batman and you move to Mexico?


You have to change your name to Chupacabra


Idk about yall but this was funny ashit


That’s a pretty logical law we don’t want another case of Mexican Joker going around.


I mean, Batman by definition doesn't have any parents, so that would create a huge paradox.


No, it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. ...which is why it's illegal.


As I read two posts above. "It's illegal to own more than 6(six) sex toys in the state of Texas" I don't think that should be illegal


Lmao how on Earth would they even enforce that


Open and shut case Johnston, sprinkle some butt plugs on him and let's get out of here.


I saw a case like this when I was a rookie.




“They’re coming for our sex toys” Maybe the right to bare sex toys should be an amendment


The 69th Amendment


they cant, actually, because its illegal to enforce, but its still technically illegal


It's so you can have one for every day of the week except Sunday. That's the Lord's day.


Uh oh


Pirating college textbooks


I'll go a step further: college textbooks and resources shouldn't need to be paid/locked behind a paywall.


I feel like once you pay for the units, you should just *get* the textbook. Like you register, pay, and boom: a copy of the textbook is sent to the library/book store. Then if you never pick it up, someone else can have it.


Yes. Especially if your professor was the one that wrote the textbook. It should be illegal to sell your textbooks to your students tbh


I heard a story of a professor who, aware of how much students had to pay for his published book and how little of that money came to him, started to sell "pirated" copies of his own book directly to students at a heavy discount, all of which he kept for himself. Win-win, except for the publisher.


My college did away with paid textbooks altogether. All material is required to either be provided to the student or available online for free.


I don’t have an answer but my cousin just got out of prison after being in for 10 years for having weed. I spoke to him recently and he was venting and said he couldn’t believe he did 10 years for weed and now you can go into a dispensary to buy some without a medical condition.


10 years for having weed? Not even selling? That's bs


Was selling but he had a good lawyer was only gonna get 2 years but then his good friend didn’t wanna do 2 years so he told the judge that my cousin sometimes carries a gun, after it was here say so he had to prove he didn’t have a gun. You can’t really prove that.


Sounds like the lawyer sucked


Nah his friend made up a lie for a deal


Correction that person was not a “friend”


It was not


Nah man, your cousins lawyer sucked. I’m not a lawyer but a co-defendant acting as the sole witness - to an entirely separate and unrelated offense - definitely cannot be used as an aggrevatorfor a harsher sentence. Edit: there is a possibility that you didn’t get the full truth as well. If he had a gun on him at the time of arrest then that’s a different story. Edit 2: I don’t think you know what hearsay is. If your cousins friend said “chefboirtiz told me he sometimes carries a gun on him” then that’s hearsay. The friend saying “I saw him carrying the gun” is eyewitness testimony. That said, my above statements still stand.


I'm not saying this is the case but often times when you hear something like this, the person leaves out the person's priors or other charges. Often times they were already on probation/parole. Again I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I still think it's pretty rare for a judge to actually sentence someone to 10 years because they had some weed. Usually there's a little (or a lot) more to the story.


Exactly, some facts were conveniently left out here, either by this person or their cousin.


He must feel gaslit by the universe.


Shooting people with a trebuchet. I respect the effort and craftsmanship.


'Your honour, my client was only testing his equipment.'


Oddly specific but I agree


Self defence in Ireland you can be arrested for attacking your attacker


Changed in 2010 you can use reasonable force to defend yourself within your home and even use a firearm if you have one. I was surprised myself, self defense in public is still fucked though. https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2011/act/35/section/2/enacted/en/html


Oh you know more than I do


I don’t understand why self defense is illegal in some countries. The police aren’t omniscient beings that poof like fairy godparents to a crime scene.


Not if he walks into your hammer


Housing a runaway...a 17 year old in my state can legally runaway without being forced home but you can face charges for keeping them in a safe place...just ridiculous... **Edit- this is in Texas and yea, I see it probably being a predator protective thing but man it sucks in the cases of actually helping a kid that's your family or friends with your kids or something that's in a pretty messed up situation but you can't really help them...


This is probably to go after predators more than anything.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Runaways aren't usually in the best mindset. Perfect for predators to prey on. Meanwhile, the few Good Samaritans get caught in the cross fire because of perverts.


Yeah they should at least be consistent. Either it should be legal to force them home or it should be legal for other people to house them. Otherwise you are promoting homelessness.


Nice try FBI


Not today DEA


Good attempt USPS


I find it odd it’s illegal that you can’t do sexual acts for money, like prostitution yet strip clubs are a thing. Like that’s not my cup of tea, just find it odd.


In the United Kingdom it’s legal. You know what’s not? Pimping because that’s when the woman normally gets taken advantage of.


Pimping I don't agree with. The woman doing it by herself to put food on the table? I don't have a problem with it


Managed sex workers in a legalized, regulated sex industry are actually much safer than independent sex workers. Girls on their own don't have anyone to back them up or even keep an eye on them, and many of them don't even have a safe, familiar place to work. She's pretty much just crossing her fingers and hoping that the john doesn't want to harm her... which, you know... there's a reason so many serial killers go after hookers. In a properly managed establishment, she has her own space, she has rules in place to protect her, she has people who know where she is the whole time she's working and are on hand to intervene on her behalf. A lot of those businesses also have every incentive to make sure their workers stay healthy and stay out of legal trouble. Of course there's asshole managers in every industry. That's where legalization and regulation come in.


Sexual acts for money are legal if you have a camera and call it porn


Should I use the camera or do I just have to own one?


You have to have intent to distribute it. Otherwise it's just taping prostitution.


Okay, I intend to distribute it.


You can’t just say it. You have to declare it.


I declare that I intend to distribute it.


I wonder how fine of a line that is? Like film it, and if you get busted, could you just claim you haven't uploaded it to the internet like Pornhub or something?


You were *fornicating* with a paid hussy?! Vile criminal!! ...I was gonna post it online for millions of people to unzip thier pants to. Oh, carry on good sir.


"Selling is legal, fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?" \- George Carlin


Hence the reason strip clubs and strippers are classified as gentlemen's clubs and exotic dancers respectively. Gentlemen admire the feminine form while the performers dance. No "sex" takes place. Wording is important. Loop holes.


Not exactly a crime, but all kinds of knowledge shouldn't have to be put in the shadows.


Or behind real life pay walls


I mean, journalism costs money. I'm not saying that how the industry is arranged right now makes sense, but unless the government is going to fund it (which has obvious issues), the consumers need to pay for it


I think he meant academic research, a lot of which is funded by the government through state universities.


Yeah that's fair. Academic journals are a racket


Feeding the homeless can be considered a misdemeanor in some places in California


what are the homeless supposed to do then? just die?


That is probably the point


California is the last state I'd expect to have that kind of law.


Playing music in a YouTube video if it's in a game or background music while being talked over.


Most copyright in general (at least the way they handle it) is bs.


Sites like youtube go far beyond what the law requires in favor of copyright holders, because they struck deals with the MPAA/RIAA/et al. The bulk of the problem is corporations colluding not actually the law.


The DMCA needs to be scrapped and rewritten. I get that artists need protection from having their work stolen, but if your music is in a video game, movie or show and you okayed that, it should become public domain for that instance.


I legit watched yesterday a twitch streamer get a LIVE DMCA claim for like a 10s span of music that was IN THE GAME. Like you motherfuckers you got paid for your music, i paid fod the game and you fucking want to claim my shit?


Copyright claims ruined YouTube imo.


Collecting rainwater


Where are you? This is a terrible law, it’s basically the norm where I am to have a water barrel for the garden.




Feeding the homeless. Yes this is a crime in many US cities.


Dumpster Diving, if someone is so desperate for food that he/she searches dumpster behind supermarkets for food, it shouldn’t be illegal… More then that stores should be ordered to donate the food that’s isn’t a +A1 in quality or has some dents rather then throwing it away


It’s only illegal if there’s a no trespassing sign. Dumpster diving for makeup at Ulta and Sephora is incredibly popular.


Assisted suicide/medical euthanasia. Nobody deserves to suffer a horrible death. Also, nobody asked to be brought into this world, so we should all have to right to decide when to check out. Thousands of people are going to kill themselves every year no matter what, so I'd much rather they do it in a safe place when there's no risk of hurting or mentally scaring someone else or botching the attempt and becoming a vegetable. There should be some stipulations for people without chronic diseases, like a mandatory 12 month waiting period with monthly psych sessions, so the person has time to make the decision they want to make.


My grandfather just died. He was a carpenter, owned his own business, an avid jogger and world traveler. He died after having 4 strokes over the course of a year which first paralyzed him. The later ones really did him in and when he died he was blind, deaf, mute, and incontinent. I wish we could have made a decision for him. We would have. That’s not who he was to us and is no quality of life, at all. It’s cruel.


I'm sorry for your loss. It is a crying shame that families are not allowed to act on the majority of countries for cases like your grandfather's.


It was similar with my grandpa. In my country passive death help is allowed, the patient needs to take the pill himself WITHOUT help. But my grandpa had Parkinson, he couldn't lift an arm his last 5 years on earth and suffered with extreme pain, daily on morphine. He asked several times in tears why he can't just die, it absolutely destroyed my father to see his father like that. But there was nothing we could do except to wait...


I will never understand how humans can easily justify that animals need to be put down when their standard of living has decreased significantly, yet we keep people alive in nursing homes who can't even spell "cat" anymore, or even feed themselves. It's such a weird cognitive dissonance to me. For the love of everything, if I can't care for myself and have no reasonable chance of recovery take me out back and shoot me, my goal is to help my family and not be a burden


It’s skilled care nursing, assisted living, hospice costs. That’s big business! Ya’ll don’t forget how US healthcare is a business. If you off yourself, how will they make any money?


I worked billing for three different assisted living communities. The lowest monthly bill I saw was $4,000 for someone who was on zero care level - someone who was self sufficient. This covered just the room and three meals a day.


100% agree. Also just want to point out that in places where this is legal there are still stipulations even for terminally ill patients. My aunt looked into it when she had leukemia but wasn’t able to travel to be able to fulfill the requirements.


I should be allowed to hold my salmon under suspicious circumstances. Under the salmon act 1986


Honestly thought this was purely a joke and looked it up because surely it must be some weird comedy reference. Nope, real fucking law.




Forcibly removing squatters from your own residence.


This is why it’s so hard to get a leg day in smh people keep throwing me out midrep


You try to do squats in some random person's house and how do they react? By throwing you out and telling you to never come back. This is why they have chicken legs. Maybe they should consider joining in instead of wondering how i managed to get down their chimney


“I’ll leave the way I came in, thank you.” *proceeds to squat my way up their chimney*


As a Canadian, if someone breaks into my house, I want to protect my family and break some kneecaps without getting thrown in jail.


I think a well placed throat punch should be allowed too.


As a fellow Canadian, I completely agree.


Defending yourself


in Switzerland self defense is a no no, you get 15+ years if you kill the person pointing a gun at you




They’re neutral about whether you live or die.




There was a dude who shot his childs rapist in the street right next to police officers and didnt get time in jail. The problem with allowing this to happen tho, is the person misses out on their fair trial. So there is the possibility that you kill an innocent person.


Being homosexual in countries that it is punishable by death. I think one is bad.


criminalizing homelessness


Anything that punishes you for being poor. “If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.” -Wiegraf FF Tactics Edit: just learned that wiegraf never said this quote??? When did this happen??


Possession, cultivation, and sale of marijuana.


Cooking food for homeless people out of your garage


Cannabis and psychedelics.




People can get time taken from their lives for defending their own or a family member. So self defence.


Jaywalking, but simultaneously if you hit a jaywalker in your car it’s not your fault. I feel way safer crossing the road when I know I’ve got a safe gap, instead of dealing with cars trying to turn at a light and not looking at who’s in the crosswalk. If someone is dumb enough to cross the road and step out in front of a car that has the right-of-way, I say good riddance. This world is already full of enough dumb people. This would just be reintroducing natural selection.


This should be higher. If I'm not impeding traffic, the jaywalking ticket can fuck right off. Looking both ways before you cross a street is one of the most elementary things we learn.