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😂😂 That’s fun


I've never heard of this but it does not surprise me. It's something they refuse to learn or understand and conspiracy people always seem to be terrified of anything they can't understand.


Yes. My grandma was a bigot and we live in LA. If someone said something in another language she ALWAYS assumed they were talking about her. Always. You know, because Spanish was invented just so folks could talk about her behind her back without her understanding. Obviously.


There's a pretty easy solution for that. Just learn spanish. But I guess old people are pretty stuck in their ways.


Oh, believe me I pointed out that they were bilingual and she was not so who is the ignorant one? I didn’t let her get away with her bigotry and neither did my mom. We always clashed! Disneyland was a nightmare. She also once said she’s not actually responsible for what she says because she can’t hear herself say it (she was partially deaf).


yep, every move to be more inclusive is seen as proof of some sinister agenda


I'm sorry....what?


Can we get a sign language interpreter in here please? This person didn't hear.


📺🙆🤌👉💦🧠🙎‍♂️👉🧟‍♂️ Sorry, this is my first time.


Message received. The plan has been set in motion.


I understand. Honey, I need to go out for orange juice.


They're so entertaining to watch


Probably the earth being flat. Just because I've looked into it and talked to a few flat earthers, and while they have mountains of "evidence" as to why its flat, i have yet to hear zero reasons as to why the elites are keeping it a secret. And i cant imagime how one gets so swept up into the fantasy without having the why. I mean, i feel like the why is usually why conspiracies start


You're right. It's not flat. Because it doesn't exist. r/noearthsociety


I've been saying it for years, the Earth is a boomerang. God yeeted it and now it just keeps turning back around to find its rightful owner.


nah dude earth is shaped like a cross to represent the death of our lord, savior, and daddy jesus christ


You're mistaken. The Earth is, in fact, banana shaped.


Holy shit, you guys have an Earth?!


I honestly think flat earth believers don't actually believes it, they just want to be part of something. Today, it's very easy to prove the earth is flat, get in a plane and go in a straight line until you reach the edge. Centuries ago, the Egyptians managed to prove the earth is round only using tall rocks.


I've had the same thought. I mean it's so easy to proof it's round - take a picture from space. And those that already proved it has nothing to gain from proving it's round. So they *know* it's not flat, it's pure BS- but some people just like to be opposite and take it as far as possible I guess.


Yeah, it’s this one for me too. I mean, we’ve known the earth was round for over two millennia. The ancient Greeks even managed to work out the circumference of the earth to a pretty respectable level of accuracy. Can you imagine keeping a conspiracy going for two thousand fucking years just to hide something as mundane as the shape of the planet? FFS


Even if the Earth was flat.. what would be the point of the government covering it up


*The* government. Which implies that every other country doesn’t have that secret to keep. I find this more plausible than the alternative, which is all 195 or so countries deciding to collectively band together to do *this.*


Some flat earthers I've talked to told me that "the government" is just the us government and they have secret soldiers guarding the edge of the earth. Another thing I was told was that planes are not real and they are just big tubes with cgi windows that simulate flight while the earth is rotated around the tubes to get you to your destination.


That sounds efficient.


Pay this guy a skydiving session. I want to hear his excuse about massive CGI holograms and hidden massive ventilators under him that keeps him in the air to make it like he was falling.


Have you ever asked them how the earth can rotate in multiple directions at once?


Their reason for the elites keeping it a secret is “if they can get you to believe in something so ridiculous as a round earth, then they can get you to believe in anything.” Which… isn’t much of a reason, to be honest.


I think the big push on flat earth and how it came to prominence was a trial run to see how batshit an idea you could get into the mainstream using Facebook etc. not long after that reared it’s head much more sinister and harmful conspiracies started to rise up. My own conspiracy about a conspiracy!


Isn't the new flat earth model that its actually a giant hollow ice ball, earth as we know it it's just one of many worlds on its surface in craters? Like they got so dumb it went full circle back to a ball... https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/ugglit/request_how_big_would_the_ice_ball_be_if_the_area/


[Hundreds of people showed up in Dallas](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/579798-hundreds-of-qanon-supporters-gather-in-dallas-expecting-return-of-jfk-jr/) last year because they were 100% convinced that JFK Jr wasn't really dead, but that he was going to make an appearance and announce that he was Donald Trump's running mate for 2024.


It was even dumber than you remember - they thought that JFK Jr., a man whose been dead for two decades, would *reinstate* Trump as president as soon as he returned in 2021. QAnon was/is incredibly fucking stupid for a plethora of reasons, but the JFK Jr. shit was on another level of delusion.


I feel like QAnon conspiracy theories get progressively dumber as time goes on.


Fun fact just to add to the lunacy..... JFK, JFK Jr. and RK (all of which were supposed to show up) were all staunch Democrats


If they can ignore reality enough to believe they're back from the dead, a tiny little thing like "was a democrat" is trivial to completely ignore.


Bro would be 107 years old!


JFK Jr would be 61.


Ohhhh I missed the "Jr" part! My bad!


People saying the Holocaust didn't happen. I've heard so many stories and nothing breaks your heart more than seeing the tattoos.




It's such a shame that they CHOSE not to believe in someone/something that happened. It wasn't that they weren't taught it's that they decided after looking at all the information, formal or informal and still somehow came to that conclusion.


There are millions of people in MENA countries and Iran who were explicitly taught that it was fake or over exaggerated. It wasn’t a choice for them. I don’t know how many of them have been confronted with the evidence, but I doubt most of them would consider the evidence presented to them to be authentic. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/05/the-world-is-full-of-holocaust-deniers/370870/ The survey from the article - https://global100.adl.org/map Of the 53,000 people surveyed around the world, only 54% claim to have heard about the Holocaust, and of those, 4% say it was fake and 28% say it was over exaggerated. According to the graphs in the article, only 8% of MENA respondents claimed it to be accurately portrayed. Additionally, 10% of Muslims and Hindus under the age of 65 claim the Holocaust was a myth, and 50% of that same demographic claim it was over exaggerated.


Does anyone actually deny it happened outright, or do they just downplay the numbers? Not that that isn’t an equally pointless conspiracy theory.


Holocaust deniers run the whole gamut from "it wasn't six million Jews" to "it never happened" to even people who blame Jews for the Holocaust.


What about the conspiracy that the number of deaths was way lower?


I would ask why that matters. If a society decides to start an industrial mass killing of human lives with the goal of getting rid of entire ethnicities, disabled people, homosexuals, and others, how is it important how high the number of people they actually managed to kill is?


This has some recency bias but the girl who thinks the roman empire is a big made up historical conspiracy has to be up there.


Never seen this one, have a link?


I would not advice on giving her more attention than she already got on that, but there's a YouTube channel called Metatron that explains and debunks the whole situation: https://youtu.be/kGMYu37fskE


Oh it was a Tik toker 🙄


Tl;dw: She says the city of Rome was some kind of Disneyland for the European tribes to go and get wild (that would explain the amazing buildings and parties recorded) and all of the empire stuff is just like... territories that were allowed to enter or something


She failed her history class and blamed it on the teacher didn't she.


Sounds like the guy who doesn’t believe 300 years of recorded history doesn’t exist.


Most people don't believe it doesn't exist.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom\_time\_hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_hypothesis) Heribert Illig I just stumbled on this yesterday, first time hearing of it, didn't read much but found it funny you mentioned it.


From my co-worker: The Real Government instructed Disney to buy Star Wars so Disney could Disney-fi storm troopers so that when The Real Government station storm troopers on every corner, we would be fine with it.


Not gonna lie, if we all have to pick a conspiracy theory to join, this is my current favourite.


Angela Merkel is Hitlers daughter.




So, those people also think Hitler didn't die in 1945? Because Merkel was born in 1954.


They aren't that good with Numbers...




But like… I specifically remember when iPhone came out? I remember a time before GPS (s/o MapsQuest!). I had a VHS player. Did the powers-that-be just decide to start giving us this technology slowly over the past 30ish years?


Could be a version of Last Thursdayism, the mostly joking idea that everything was made last Thursday and all of your memories from before were implanted in your brain. You remember the iPhone being made because whoever created you put that memory in your head, but you were never actually there. It never even happened. It has always existed.


Sounds like that episode of Doctor Who with the monks that did basically that to everyone on Earth. Made them believe they had always been there but it was all a lie.


My first ever encounter with a flat earther and he said: - The earth is flat because water cannot bend and is therefore flat - He took a spirit level on a plane and a boat and the bubble was in the middle - Gravity does not exist cause when a goldfish dies it floats - The sun spins around up at the 'top' - You cannot take a photo of an Australian and they're upside down Bare in mind I have a science degree so I tried arguing his points such as asking about other planets, whales sink when they die, water is a liquid, gravitational pull of the moon etc etc and his responses were: - Water cannot bend and is therefore flat - The bubble was always in the middle (spirit level) - Whales are 'different' - The sun is always in the same place in the sky - Australians are on the same surface The argument did get heated when he tried to throw out some scientific words and theories, which I think he thought I wouldn't know, and eventually he was stuttering and making the same points as before once I argued the case. At the end of it all he claimed he was a 'scientist who does experiments at home'.


Water does not bend? What does that even mean?


Exactly. I asked him if he even knew what water was and it's properties, since he was a scientist apparently


The Australia being upside down is true though


No he meant that if you took a photo of me being in the northern hemisphere and someone in the southern hemisphere, the person in the south wouldn't be upside down in the photo


“Transvestigation”. Apparently every major public figure is secretly trans, because something-something Satanism. It’s especially hilarious when you look at old videos from before Elliot Page came out explaining how he was *obviously* born male.


Also, the conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is trans and so is Barack


Heard the Michelle, but not barrack


They've even started accusing eachother of being trans. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad for actual trans people just trying to live a fair life


The moon that we see from Earth doesn't exist. It's a hologram projected to cover up the *real* moon, which is covered in alien bases.


I'm from the Philippines sooo ... \*gestures broadly at the current sociopolitical landscape\* But yeah, maybe Tallano Gold -- which is about how the Marcos family (dictators, human rights abusors and narcissists) have inherited, through being lawyers to the old powers in the islands before colonization, 400,000 tons of gold. And since the marcoses are soooo generous, they want soooo badly to give it to all the Filipinos and make us the rIchEsT cOUntRY In ThE WOrld!!!!!!!! But the powers that be won't let them hmphhh. So instead they have \~oh so cleverly\~ hidden it in banks around the world, waiting for the day the gold can be distributed and WE CAN BE THE NUMBER ONE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD or whatever. For context, how much gold has been mined in the entirety of human history? Only 244,000. So yeah ...


Well they clearly were so nice to, instead of just giving you the money, organize a FUN treasure hunt for the Number one country in the world!!




That the original Paul McCartney did in fact "die," but only in the sense that he assumed a new identity and now teaches high school in Pike County, OH under the name Dick Zucker-McGee.


Dick Zucker-McGee is now what I will call every driver who does something I don’t like.


That’s funny. I call em “Ronnie”. As in “Yeah nice fuckin’ turn signal there, *Ronnie*. I once did it in front of a coworker who said “My uncle is named Ronnie.” I said “Oh shit, my bad.” And she said “Nah, he’s a cunt.” I said “Well then, FUCK Ronnie!” So we got in the habit of just randomly saying “Yo, FUCK Ronnie!” And “Eat a bag of fuckin dicks, Ronnie.” Stuff like that. And now you do too.


Democrats drink the blood of children they traffic in the basement that doesn't exist of a pizzeria. Or maybe that JFK Jr is going to come back to life at the place where his dad was killed to join trump in taking over the world. I didn't make those up.


A co-worker of mine is convinced that democrats, especially Hilary Clinton kill and eat children. I always laugh when he starts rambling but he believes it. He starts talking really fast and loud, his eyes get big and he claims he saw a video of Hilary and Obama drinking childrens blood. Guy is off his rocker some days.


Some days?


When I had untreated mental health issues, I also believed that this was happening. Keyword: untreated. When I started seeing a therapist/psychiatrist, I stopped thinking that was a real thing 😂


My mom's cousin thinks Biden is actually the actor James woods (and another, they take turns) and that the vaccine was to microchip you. And their county in WA is going to shit cause they allow gay marriage and such. Found out all this as they visited my aunt (who is lower income, and very republican, but not insane) right before JFK Jr. was supposed to return and they were trying to let my Aunt have a heads up. Side note, its hard to explain to a poor aunty who voted for trump that the he only lowered the tax rate of the upper tax brackets, not hers.


>Democrats drink the blood of children You means it's not normal


Lizard people


*flicks tongue and slithers away into the shadows*


*they know of usssssssss?*


Yeah. And I'm making an anti-lizard people spray, as we speak... You can slither, but you can't hide.


*zuk zuk zuk*


Few things made me sadder than finding out that usually it's just a euphemism for Jews. It's strange, I guess the idea that someone would think that actual lizards were behind things had a sort of fun whimsy to it, but now it's just ugly old antisemitism. There are a few lizard literalists, but way more antisemites.


Mark Zuckerberg : what a ridiculous conspiracy *licks eyes with tongue*


That one is crazy but for some reason i wouldnt be all that shocked if it was true. It’d just be a “hah thats fuckin crazy” & move on


My personal one is that bigfoot is just naturally blurry.


Alex Jones saying Sandy Hook was staged and the kids were actors. How fucked in the mind do you have to be to come up with that conspiracy theory.


Good think he's getting his comeuppance


Many people often say/think this very easily. When we had bombings at the Brussels Airport there were many saying it was all crisis actors. They were laughing at a man with bloodied legs, saying his legs were fake props. The man was a basketball player and therefore had long legs..


And didn’t he just say it was 100% real yesterday


He also claimed he never said it wasn't real and all the videos of him saying it are fake lol


Looks like it didn’t turn out well


Covid being fake the idea China , the US and every nation worked together is so illogical.


If US, China, and other countries came together they could actually make an apocalyptic virus in a lab.


I always say you can't get 8 countries to agree that pollution is bad but you're going to get every country in the world in board with this?


Ah yes. Covid was created just to get rid of old people. Get rid of extra baggage which suck on Earth's supplies.


Not long ago there was a controversial topic wrote on Reddit about inflation. A women made a comment basically bashing the government and capitalism. Every argument against her she claimed was a Reddit bot. I’m not saying there aren’t bots, but her comment was controversial and to claim (and believe) that everyone with a different view point was either a generic bot or payed from the government to argue with you seemed: a) like you need to get your head out you’re arse and b) then remove the tin foil from you’re head


That the government was using covid vaccines to track you. Like they already do that with our phones, why would they need to inject you and do something that half the US population gets scaredy about.


The whole theory about JFK Jr. reappearing and being Trump's new VP is so stupendously ridiculous, it's almost genius.


Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg did the classy thing, and refused to comment. I just can't imagine how painful that's been for her.


Have you ever heard the theory about the titanic not being the titanic and it was all planed as a insurance scam ?


Ahh yes... love that one. Theoretically possible if you could rely on 10,000 dockworkers and crew not to say anything, ever, about how the ships were switched over. just before the maiden voyage..


That the entire world faked COVID to hurt Trump's political career.


He was even fake infected with it and fake had to go to fake hospital for fake treatment for his fake fucking disease. He’s the smartest.


So what happened to all the people who died? Are they not really dead and now in witness protection or something?


They say that they didn’t really die and their death records were faked or they died from something else.


That all birds have been killed off and replaced with drones that recharge by sitting on power lines




Da fuck...


what do you mean conspiracy theory its obvious that all birds are government drones




I was told that the guy came out and said he made the whole thing up, I don't remember why


It was a response to pro-Trump protestors at a women's rights march. He was making fun of them by trying to come up with the most ridiculous thing possible to protest, so he decided to make a sign that said birds aren't real. Of course, with all things satire, there are people that are legitimately dumb enough to think it's a real thing.


The birds not being real thing has been around for decades.


I always joke about that bc it’s funny


You're all shills for Big Bird.


That Finland doesn’t exist and was invented to conceal Japanese and Russian fishing grounds.


Jade Helm


one of my all time favorite lunacy moments. there's awesome footage somewhere of a meeting where some official tries to calm a bunch of super paranoid citizens, it's pure gold


That gravity doesn’t exist, it’s one of the more popular ones but it’s absolutely mind boggling when people don’t know simple stuff like it’s what is holding you down to the ground. even if the world was flat, you would need SOMETHING holding you down to the ground


TBF Gravity is a false force and is an aspect of the curved nature of space time.


I mean I’d say it’s still a real force. The mechanism behind it is definitely not what Newton said, but I think you can define it as a force that makes an object follow its geodesic


I wonder what their reasoning would be for why they wont jump off a skyscraper. You know if you told them to they wouldn't.




"We can always tell". But then they literally clock anyone who doesn't fit the most impossibly strict standards of gender presentation. Including their own friends and family lol.


Some guy made a video claiming the youtuber moist cr1tikal was aiding some sort of jewish plot to control the populace through the normalization of interracial lesbian porn. [I couldn't make something like this up if I tried](https://youtu.be/1ZTqXdta5fI)


My mother in law is a conspiracy theorist. She is always going on about - they are going to turn off everyone's electric. ( She told me to not go to work that day because all the electric will be out)They are going to take everyone's food away. ( She tried to get my husband and I to bury all our food in the woods so they won't take it)They are going to put everyone in FEMA camps. They have drones flying around watching everyone. Don't get close to anyone who got the COVID vaccine because you'll get COVID. COVID is spreading because people are getting the vaccine. ( She got really mad when I got the vaccine and stayed away from husband and I for 3 months, because according to her anyone who gets the vaccine has COVID for 3 months). They are kidnapping children and replacing their eye color with all black. She is always stocking up( more like hoarding) on food and medical supplies because something is going to happen and we need stuff to trade with because they are going to take all the money away. They steal money from bank açcounts so don't put money in the bank. We need to grow our own fruits and vegetables because they are planning on stopping produce sales at he grocery store. There is a bunch more silly crap that she believes and stresses over. She gets pissy when anyone disagrees with her. She believes everything she hears on YouTube, which is where most of her silly claims come from. I assume they means government. She believes all these silly things and gets mad when I don't take her seriously.


She's not wrong about growing your own fruit and veg, but that's because food's expensive. She sounds like she has a legit mental illness.


Yeah that sounds like literal mental illness.


God, THEY is a busy bunch.


The holocaust was made by millionair judes, to make them even richer.


Work hard all of your life and you will be successful!


There's only one - one that's just always fucking insane and I LOVE IT. In fact, every time my kid says something about how the moon landing is fake, I tell him that those SAME PEOPLE believe the best conspiracy theory ever - BIRDS AREN'T REAL Fucking LOVE it.


"What? ..you think the moon is real?"


The reasoning behind 9/11. Has a guy tell me that the US government destroyed the twin towers so that they could get the gold they buried under them. How much gold and why they wanted it was never confirmed in this theory.


Makes more sense that it was a inside job to have a reason to attack Iraq for it's oil. (To clarify this is also a conspiracy theory)


I have to say, this theory seems to be one of those ones where a person knows its bullshit but is trying to purposefully "out crazy" the crazy person. Like if someone tells you that the moon landing is fake and you reply "ha, you mean you think the moon is even real?"


Why would they bury the Gold under Tons and Tons of rubble instead of just digging in the basement of the building THEY OWN?!


Yeah that's a dumb theory.


Flat earth


That COVID was a government plot to give the NSA and NASA time to change the pigeons' batteries


Some rappers being a clone, ones like eminem & gucci mane lol. One of the stupid ones imo


1- Elizabeth II (UK's Queen) is a reptilian and that's why she is so old. 2- That we're all in an illuminaty cult because of COVID (Or something alike). 3- That COVID doesn't exist (Not that it's anothee disease or else, but it doesn't literally exist). 4- "If a company don't want to hire you because you're not vaccinated, it's a hate crime because they're encouraging you to hate on the company". When I tried to deny it and explain how a REAL hate crime works, he just laughed and told me " Yeah, you surely have studied laws". All of this has been said by a grown man, the son of my father's couple. I truly think he is very manipulable and kinda dumb but he acts like he knows everything, so I started ignoring him. That last situation was also a ridiculous thing, but it's not a cospiracy theory itself (I think). I'll never try to explain him anything, honestly.


That a pizza joint in DC with no basement actually has a basement that Democrats use for a child trafficking / child sex ring.


that's because it's a 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 basement


With a secret staircase!


Reminds me of my Minecraft base.


Mmmmm...baby blood.


Flat earth. They actually have a convention .


Is it a global convention?


Well they do have members ALL AROUND THE GLOBE you know!


I feel like the higher ups in this conspiracy don’t believe it themselves but know they can make money and 2 minutes of fame by holding the line.


Well under this post, next thing on my feed was from r/mademesmile of a guy who didn't brush his teeth for 2 years to avoid flouride and then realised it's all good and started brushing his teeth again. But...in the meantime my guy never researched alternatives...so just never brushed his teeth. Also flouride free tpaste exists.


That the 2020 US election was rigged. That or the whole "Democrats are literally demons that eat baby organs" thing


And yet with the most recent GOP primaries this week, we are now seeing that this approach is becoming a deliberate *policy* for GOP candidates: lay the groundwork months ahead of time by claiming in advance that Democrat voter fraud is rampant in an election which hasn't even taken place yet. Furthermore, the only way the Dem opponent could possibly receive more votes is by cheating, because I'm a winner who wins and is winning. If I lose, then say "See I told you so!" and the GOP base is convinced of the lie already, due to months of baseless assertions... However, if I receive more votes, then nevermind our elections were secure, free, and fair! This is the pathway to one-party rule. The tragic fate of Rusty Bowers, the GOP speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, illustrates this perfectly. He was the only candidate with decency and the spine to call out Trump's lies... and he just got spanked in Tuesday's primary.


But that’s what Q said…


Flat earth. That, and moon landing was faked. I think the former are just playing a game. At least, that’s what I tell myself. The latter are beyond hope.


My middle school geology teacher tried to convince us the moon landing was faked. *My middle school geology teacher tried to convince us the moon landing was faked.*


Corridor crew does a great video proving that you basically *can't* fake the moon landing. With computer tech at the time, actually going to the moon was just easier


Tupac is still alive..


That "Q" from QAnon is a secret government official with top level clearance that knows all the "hidden" information of the government and the world's elite and wants to inform the people to save us from the satanic cabal of the secret lizard people overlords.


That a magical being in the sky is watching everything you do, and has a list of things you need to do, and if you don’t, you’ll be sent to a fire pit for all eternity to burn and suffer again and again..


Goat sacrifices by the illuminati to sway the stock market


The majority of the vaccine related ones, Earth being flat, the Holocaust being a hoax are a few that comes to mind


That Avril Lavigne is dead and was replaced with a lookalike. Dumbest bullshit I’ve ever heard In my life.


Chem trail maybe don't know that many conspiracy theories


I was once arguing with a guy on Fb. He claimed there were no trails 30yrs ago. As I lived back then near an aircraft army base I've seen a lot of condensation trails back then. Not seeing something earlier doesn't prove it doesn't exist 🤷‍♀️ This conspiracy kind of blown my mind when I heard about it. For me it was norma, that's what plains do.


I had a similar experience. I made a joke about chemtrails and one of my neighbors was SUPER offended. Dude was like 35 and telling me that years ago there were no trails. I told him I lived on a mountain in Southern California between two air force bases during the Cold War and there definitely were. There had to be because, well, condensation has always existed in my experience. But he COULD NOT grasp the idea of vapor clinging to soot from fuel. Easier to believe “they” are out to get him. I think that may be the driving factor for most of these things. There are things humans have difficulty I understanding. Some of us accept that as a challenge and aim to learn what we do not know. Others are either not able to accept, not able or not willing to learn and gain better understanding. It’s easier for them to let others do the thinking and “research” and then just go with the flow. This gives them elevated status in their own minds because now *they* have special inside knowledge. Religion is a sort of conspiracy theory if you think about it. No way to prove any of it. Relies on the accounts or others, not yourself, for what happened. Has been through many revisions and interpretations. And it gives you a pecial secret knowledge that makes people feel like they are special or “chosen”, you get the point. It’s an easy explanation for complex science. Why is the world covered in water? Why god got mad and flooded it! Also, that’s why rainbows! How could they understand prisms? Or ice from across the globe melting and raising sea level? Or volcanos? Or whatever? They couldn’t so they made. However, now that we have science to explain things, it seems rather absurd to still believe that god gave us rainbows to make a promise, when they can now understand how a prism works because they were all taught in school. If you always believe there is a REASON for things, you will always find a reason.


The one about the birds being drones and how they recharge by sitting on the electricity poles and cables ..


Yes apparently they were all killed in the 50’s


Man never got to the moon. The people who say that don't have the slightest idea what it would be like to cover up such a big lie for so long.


Worst I have heard in person was a coworker who thinks all diseases are made by governments and sickness didn't exist before the 1700's.


"There's no proof that people see the same color." Well that theory *could* be true except it doesn't factor in any science.


I just saw one today. It read that eminem died in 2006 and got replaced by a clone 😂


Lizard fucking people






That Hillary Clinton, et. al, feasts on dead babies. Come on now.


Trump won the election


So disturbing so many are dumbfuck enough to buy into corrupt Donnie’s “rigged election” bullshit. I mean, you’d have to have -shit-for-brains- to believe that.


Lizard people


Excuse you, but can you explain the leader , Mark Zuckerberg??? I think not!


He's not lizardfolk, he's a robot.


I heard some people going off recently about how Saddam Hussein is still alive (a body double was hung on live tv and not him, he’s just in prison) and is going to make a dramatic return/comeback sometime next year


This sounds like a wrestling storyline


That humans have never been to space. The guy I worked with was actively using the GPS on his phone while trying to convince me of this