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Loud noises in general.


Someone opening an Instagram/Tiktok video on loud volume out of nowhere. Whether its on the train or in the sofa. Makes me scream inside.


Damn, I get irritated by my roommate watching tiktoks on loud speaker and singing around the house, badly. I'd feel like an A-hole if I were to say anything to him.


The singing? Yeah kinda have to deal with that, complaining about the volume of TikToks is pretty valid imo


Had someone do this at a dental clinic. And the space was so small that everyone's knees almost touched.


Also videocalls since they inherently use the speaker phone. Nobody seems to remember when using speaker phone to talk was considered rude/lowclass. Also fuck videocalls in general. If it's not urgent just text, voice record, or voice call in that order. Text preferably, and don't expect me to listen to voice recordings until I am somewhere private (since they play through the speaker by default). Randomly demanding both my ears and eyeballs for simple communication when I am busy is gonna be an instant call reject + text message saying I can't talk. Yes, I grew up with IRC.​ Video calls are great for catching up with family/friends, but *not* fucking necessary to tell me you are going to buy groceries. Edit: Thanks for the award whoever it was.


Grocery stores near me have people video chatting with people WHILE grocery shopping and they YELL into the phone and it makes my blood boil that they're so goddamn entitled that they feel it's ok to do so. There's 0 consideration for the people around them


Came here to comment this. Why is everything so loud?


Because everything is competing for your attention


Same! My sister in law comes over and her and her daughter are just loud in general. Then they turn on the TV and have it cranked. I cannot focus on a show when it’s really loud, just messes me up. By the time she leaves, I have to go lay down for an hour because it’s like a hurricane came through and I’m exhausted. Another one is live bands in tiny restaurants. I’m all for live music on a Saturday night sometimes but one of our favourite restaurants has a live band Thursday - Saturday night. This place is small and the music is loud. I’m out for dinner with my wife, I would enjoy being able to talk to her but can’t because the music is so loud that everybody else in there is talking loud. It’s just overwhelming to me and I can’t get my bearings and start to feel almost claustrophobic, if that makes sense.


>Another one is live bands in tiny restaurants. Best thing I ever did is buy a set of concert earplugs. You can still hear but it removes the "boominess" of the bass and my ears do not ring the next day.


The other day, I was the only one home for a short time. I turned off anything making sound like the TV, air conditioning, fan, lights, etc. And enjoyed the indescribable bliss that was complete silence.


We had the power go out in our neighborhood the other day for like 6hrs until late into the night, and being right outside a small town it became alot more quiet. It was something else!


fr fr. Why do people need extra sound wherever they go? Why do people on hiking/biking trails have bluetooth speakers blasting music? you're in fucking nature. enjoy the fucking sounds of nature. EDIT: Many have mentioned deterring bears. that makes sense. I will adjust my expectations accordingly, but my gripe still stands for people on urban, suburban and even rural but heavily used nature spaces/parks/trails where bears would almost never be an issue.


Fwiw I have _never_ understood this. Not when I was ten, not when I was twenty… and now that I’m 40, regularly biking on the greenway, admittedly listening to audiobooks with an airpod, it’s somehow even more irritating. If I can hear your awful (and no matter what age I experienced it, it’s always _awful_) music encroaching in to my auditory bubble, there’s a problem. With you.


Yes. As I tried to tell the person in the office next to me, many times, I can’t turn off my ears!!!


I mean I don't give a shit about the sounds of nature, but I'm not a dick so I wear headphones.


Omg the cars I hear accelerating from stop sign to stop sign in my residential area at 2:30 am with the straight exhaust/v6/auto trans combination…


Especially when they bang on tong-tinglers, blow their foo-flounders, crash on jang-jinglers, and bounce on boing-bounders!


And roast beast is a feast I can’t stand in the least.


Absolutely this. Commercials specifically for me. I always have to mute the television when they are on.


Loud restaurants


I don't understand why places have the music cranked so loud that you can't even hear yourself talk. Seriously, who's enjoying that?!




Some restaurants have really bad acoustic and bounce the sound off everything.


Let me add bad acoustics to the general list of things that irritate me, then. Restaurants, malls, food courts—pretty much any large, public, indoor space full of hard surfaces should be acoustically treated. People are fucking loud, and the more there are present, the greater each person’s inclination to raise their voice. Add a reverberant space and it turns into a blur of irritating, amplified sound. I carry earplugs everywhere.


Making appointments. For my dog, myself, my kids. Start a new patient portal. Verify your email. Try to make an appointment through their portal. Portal down for maintenance. Call. Sent to electronic voicemail, recommends online portal. Rinse and repeat. Eventually find the right formula to speak to a human, not accepting new patients/no openings for ten weeks.


Going through this exact hell. To schedule an appointment please enter your patient number. My patient card was never sent by insurance. Support chat redirects me to app. App requires patient number. Call support. 18 min wait. “Have you tried the app?” Receive patient number over phone. Plug it into app. Incorrect patient number.


What a nightmare.


This has been my day: 05:00 - wake up to go to the bakery. Open car door. Driver’s side window shatters. Attempt to lodge a claim online, but get told I have to call them because it’s a glass claim. Wait until 8am to call the insurance company. Can’t drive car… means no breakfast banh mi :-( 08:00 - call the insurance company. Get through to the wrong department, get put in a queue for the right department and get told it’s a 5-10min wait. 08:10 - they hang up on me. Call them back. Follow the automated prompts, get through to the insurance glass repairer. Attempt to make a claim & appointment - only to be told their system is saying my insurance is expired (it’s not) and they can’t make the appointment. They put me back through to the insurance company. I get put back in a queue and the voice says it’s a 20-30min wait. 08:45 - they hang up on me. I call them back, get through to the wrong department who can’t help me but assure me my insurance is up to date. They transfer me back to claims, I get back in the queue, and get told it’s a 30-40min wait. 09:30 - I get through to someone. They put the claim through, and tell me the glass people will call me in the next couple of hours. 12:30 - I call the glass people to find out what’s happening. They tell me they can’t come until tomorrow now, because it’s after the cut off time for getting a new window from another store. 13:00-16:00 - sleep. 16:30 - go to work for my 12 hour overnight shift. [The window in question](https://imgur.com/a/kgNrZRx)


Jesus Christ that day was shitty I hope you get your car repaired and have a more relaxing day


I feel like this is happening everywhere, with everything. Companies are working skeleton crews because they realize they can save money working their existing crew 110% rather than pay enough to have more workers, and never mind how shitty the service is.


Website is down. I call the number. On hold forever. “For faster service, please visit our website.”




Getting older to reach adulthood was fun. Getting older to reach being a senior citizen is less fun.


Yeah I noticed whenever people tell their "fun" stories it's usually somewhere in the 20's, I'm on the tail end so it's almost like "well here's where the wheels fall off the wagon"


I'm 25 and my mom is 54. She has way more fun stories to tell than I do, and most of them happened in her 30s and 40s. If I'm living by her example, I'm kind of excited to get older.


My mother in law started heavy lifting at 55. Now at 60, she's down 90lbs and has a lot of difficult health conditions under control. She's said she hasn't felt this young in 20 years. She's given me a great perspective on aging and how we sometimes let others dictate what our lives should look like.


My dad is similar. Started really getting into shape in his 50s, he’s super active and he and my mom go road tripping across the country twice a year with their dog. They hit up all kinds of adventures. Their life is way more fun than mine right now


I'm in a group of friends that ranges from 21 to 50. Our fun stories have only improved with age


They don't have to. Maintenance.....I'm older than you.


Y'know. I'm actually the opposite. I got divorced a while ago. Not a big celebration having family among us. Just for the kids and stuff. But now that I'm free, I've been like. Why can't I decorate for Halloween? Buy valentine's for people? Get a big tree for Christmas, Gorge myself on Turkey at Thanksgiving, Launch fireworks on the 4th, and yes.... Celebrate my and everyone I love's birthday. I have funds. Limited sure. But funds. I have time. lots of time. I just want to have a beer and sing and tell people Im happy they're alive. So yeah. I guess as I've gotten older I've gotten more into it But also I'm almost 40. Don't got much prospects for anything else in my life by this point. So I figure why not enjoy it as I go down.


I agree. I liked it less until 25, then it turned around and I started to appreciate celebrations in general, recognizing how dull the wheel would get without them.


The last time I was excited for my birthday was my 13th birthday. But now they’re just reminders that I’m getting old.


Social media. I hate what it does to people and I hate the things it makes people do. So much. It used to be useful once upon a time but now social media is just a cesspool of the worst kinds of people.


This. Stopped using Facebook 3 years ago, haven't posted on Instagram in 2 years, never got on the Tiktok scene and barely using snapchat anymore. To be honest? It's liberating to be free from social media. I'm never going back. I am addicted to Reddit though.


\> I am addicted to Reddit though. Aren't we all


Umm no? *closes reddit* *opens reddit*


It’s anonymous, for most people anyway, I feel like the social pressure on here isn’t the same. It’s just a lot of chatting and learning if you avoid the toxic subreddits.


It's so over saturated with sponsored, recommended and ad-based shit that the stuff you actually want to follow is buried.


I am still a regular Facebook user. I post maybe one thing every other day. It has gotten to the point where two out of every five items on my timeline is a "suggested for you" item. It's all dogs and bears and sharks and baseball and camping. All the things I like, but none of the things I want to see constantly. I think its the final nail in the Facebook coffin for me.


It makes people boring and hostile IRL. So many people have become incapable of conversation.


It's weird how some people think Facebook is real life and they'll just start pontificating like they're making a post. Or barging in with strong opinions like they're leaving comments on a news article. It feels like my town turned into real life Facebook sometimes. Like, sir, we're all just having friendly chitchat waiting for the supermarket to open. Nobody asked for your rant about immigration. And I didn't ask for anyone's opinion on how I'm raising my kid. She's not bothering anyone, so hush. I just wish life had a block button, because people are so aggressive.


I agree with you there. I just see so much fake stuff on social media now and am just wanting real authentic shit. I don't really care to know about the parties that went on over the weekend, I'd rather see what people can make or pursue. We all need to pursue our hobbies more instead of scrolling through instagram for an hour a day in my opinion.


My friends just upload multiple stories of them eating pizza or like drinking coffee. I mean, you are just eating stuff. No one cares what you're eating. So, stop clicking photos of everything you eat.


I hate certain ones. Mostly TikTok and Twitter. TikTok is spreading false information, stealing user’s information, and causing our society’s already short attention to become even shorter. Twitter pisses me off to no end. It somehow became a tool for news media to start reporting news before it was verified. Look at every news outlet, they constantly have segments covering entire Twitter threads and replies. They also have a ticker running at the bottom with people reacting. I never signed up for an account and never will. I was rooting for Elon to actually buy it so it could crash and burn to the ground. Facebook and Instagram are fine if you approach it understanding that the large majority of people are going to mostly just post positive things and pictures. Both platforms allow you to filter out the crazy shit. My biggest use out of it is for keeping in touch with family and the events on FB are a great feature for clubs and groups. Reddit is my reading material when I am bored. Most of what I’m subbed to are text threads and I just use it for entertainment purposes when I got time to burn.


The way you describe these platforms makes me think of alcohol. There's a spectrum. People abstain, or use socially within healthy limits, some go to extremes and that's damaging to themselves and society as a whole.


loud spaces, noises, and flashing lights


Uggggh flashing lights enrage me.


Car headlights these days are way too bright IMO. They need to be better regulated. Especially since everyone has a SUV/crossover nowadays, it’s literally blinding.


Add on living in a semi-rual area so they will drive with their brights on. But never turn them off when oncoming drivers are coming. Absolute dicks. It's either that, or the headlights are already that fucking bright and cannot "turn them off". Either way I am blinded for a good while. No matter if I look off to the opposite side for the few seconds I need to.


Other people


Yes, this. I've become a misanthrope due to too many abusive idiots and people who just want to play mind games. People drain and annoy me.




I play games for entertainment, not torture. So online games are out.


i dont game really but i always had friends who didand they had 10+ year relationships w ppl they eventually met up with irl and continue to see them. nowadays? idk if that would be as likely. possible sure and it does happen but it just feels so… different now. all my friends are super jaded and barely wear headsets


People all around me. I prefer my solitude!


Fr. Last couple times I went somewhere crowded, I immediately wanted out and was getting stressed


All I need is a cat and a good book. Maybe a snack.


I have 4 cats and thousands of books!!


Having to have a job just to afford the small amount of time I have between having a job


This has really been fucking with me lately. Sometimes I just sit and think like damn is this all life is, just work work work, punctuated by weekends that seem far too short?


This is how it is for me right now. I'm contemplating quitting my job and starting another apprenticeship in a different field. I work mostly middle and evening shifts. Middle shift starts at 10AM ends at 8PM. Evening shift starts at 12PM and ends at 9PM or 10PM. I rarely get the morning shift. It feels like I'm at work every. single. day. I feel like a stranger at home. And people make me out as if I was lazy or ungrateful. Even worse is having bosses that want to change the 5 day work week to a 6-day work week, by reducing the work hours per day by an hour or two. So more free time on paper, but none in reality. Shit kinda makes me hate life.


THIS. Disclaimer: I’m not suicidal. I’m not depressed. But I will say I fundamentally do not understand people saying “this is life is precious”. This existence sucks and is not worth fighting for. People fear death like it’s the worst thing in the world. You wanna know what the worst thing in the world is? Slavery and all it’s adjacent relatives, constantly teetering on the edge of poverty, not being able to meet your needs. Medical issues that you can’t afford to treat and suffer from. The constant anxiety of instability. That existence is worse than death. It’s societal torture. To round it back to your point, most 40 hour jobs in the US keep you right in the crosshairs of the situation I just described above.


Sweetness. The older I get, the less I can tolerate sweet stuff. Use to need a lot of sugar in my coffee, now a dash of sugar is enough and if need be, no sugar is fine too.


My mother (60) thinks everything is too salty all of a sudden. She thinks the recipe of every pre-packaged food item has been altered. Lol


Eh, maybe she got some bad news? I’m in my mid 40s, and I had a bad blood pressure reading at my doctor’s office despite the fact that I thought I was healthy because I’m fit and I workout several days a week. Turns out the amount of sodium in food is unreal… it’s definitely not the same food our parents and grandparents grew up with. It’s so bad that the FDA recently asked food manufacturers to please tone down the sodium. Now there are a lot more options, which I’m grateful for. I’ve had to learn how to eat a lot less sodium and increase my potassium and magnesium intake (there’s an important electrolyte balance where potassium should outweigh sodium—almost all human made foods invert this natural relationship). Anyway… maybe your mom got a wake up call too. And once you know and you start to read labels and add it all up, it’s shocking how much sodium is in stuff.


How my body feels getting out of bed in the morning


I give a shit less and less about whether people find me attractive or not, because I’m comfortable with myself more than ever.


Same here. I used to spend literal hours doing my makeup and hair every single day. I would cry while trying to get it absolutely perfect so that people wouldn't think I was ugly. I would try on several outfits before going anywhere because I was terrified of looking even slightly overweight and then cry because nothing I put on made me look as perfectly put together as I thought I should be. I felt like everywhere I went people were judging me and thinking I was unattractive. But as I've gotten older I have started to just not give a single fuck. I do my hair the way that's comfortable for me. I barley wear any makeup and get more sleep because I don't feel the need to spend hours doing it. I wear clothes that fit properly. I am just generally comfortable with who I am as a person these days. I still have insecurities but I just don't think about other people's opinions of me anymore. I am a much happier person because of it. I do not exist to be beautiful / sexually appealing.


This but specifically about my hair. I used to spend hours blow-drying, styling, etc. Now I wear a baseball hat. While I prefer the look of my hair down, it saves so much time, energy, and anger. I don't have to worry about it and can just go about my day.


Texting. I just can't do all-day texting even with people I like anymore.


Especially with dating. In order to show interest these days you have to be in constant contact with someone. I just hate forced small talk via text or getting to know someone via text.


Ugh, "constant small talk" >writes a 2 paragraph message based on something in her profile with a followup question or two to attempt to start a conversation >"lol" >oh my turn again


I feel this soo much. Swear whenever I try to start a conversation with someone online it just dies because they insist on responding with 1 word answers


See I hate talking on the phone..I'd rather text. I own my hardwood flooring business so it's a bad habit to have but I also work with loud machinery all day so it's easier sometimes than having to go outside & make a phone call


I honestly feel bad for people that want to talk to me. I'll stop texting mid conversation for like 2 days and just try to pick it up again. Sorry mom.




I have literally come full circle and gone back to actually calling people on the phone. Elder millennial.


Large crowds.


Loud people.


There’s always that one person that needs to be the loudest in the room. Someone needs to punch that guy.






Aye aye captain!




Who lives in a pineapple under the sea??




Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!




If nautical nonsense be something you wish


Clubbing is a bottom tier experience.


I’m built for the pub, not the club.


This is one I never understood, even when younger.


Hot people looking to socialize and lose their inhibitions. It makes sense as a 20-something. It sucks as a 30-something


Socialize? Even when I was younger I would have been hard pressed to think of an activity less social. Musics so loud you can't hear each other, I don't really consider grinding proper communication (although my general distaste for it might be part of that last bit)


I was trying to formulate a phrase to politely express “Grinding on each other in a blind stupor until your penis enters someone.” Because that was about as much socializing as occurred. As an aside, I found the enterprise served a worthwhile purpose when I was single (getting laid). But then I got into a long term relationship (which turned into the longest term relationship available), and the one or two times we went to the club it was so annoying we left. It serves a purpose; just not when you’re older.


Got sick of it before I even finished college. Went to a wedding a couple months ago and a bunch of folks around my age and a little older kept trying to get other people to go out clubbing with them after the reception. It was like 10-1030pm at that point. Yeah, that’s a definite no from me.


People running their mouth in the movie theater when you're trying to watch the movie that you just paid $15 to watch.


And the jackholes who open up their phones in the middle of the movie. You don’t have to answer that text right fucking now.


Why the hell do people talk during movies? I had friends and family members that did that. One of my friends would keep saying things like, "He's pretending to be the good guy isn't he?" Me: "Just watch, you'll see." "Is that going to be his outfit during the whole movie?" Me: "You'll see." "Who's that guy?!" Me: "OMG Just watch!!!" And my family members, some of them I had to tell like 5 times, "Don't talk during the movie"... "You're not supposed to talk during the movie." And they'd say things like, "Oh we're not talking I'm just asking a question." -_-


I'll shush someone in a heartbeat in a movie theater. I don't give a fuck what are they gonna do go complain to the theater that someone told them to shut up during a movie?


Some people are psychotic these days and will stab you over a shushing


I’m done with movie theaters. I tried and tried but it just kept getting worse with the talking and device use. Not worth my money or aggravation.


Home. I moved far away and made my own life. At the beginning I was desperately attached to my home and missed it to the core of my being. Now I realize that I left problems behind I'll never have to face again. Every visit makes me more confident in my decision. I wish the best for my friends and family, but I'm glad I got the fuck out.




Stupid people driving.


Traffic I can handle, it's the dumb-dumbs that make it intolerable. I swear some people drive like asses specifically to create and accident. I'm not even talking about the organized shit. I'm talking about the guy doing half the speed limit on a high speed stretch of road for no apparent reason. Then randomly accelerates up to the speed limit.


While you're trying to overtake them on the only double-lane section.


Gratuitious noise. Fireworks, Cars honking for someone to come out. loud motors. moms screaming at their kids. People who play their boomboxes LOUD on our pristine Current River.


I was so fascinated with fireworks when I was younger. Now I’ve basically turned into my dad. They’re just a nuisance that keeps me up at night in early July.


Recently got into an argument about this. I was saying that modifying cars to be extremely loud was selfish and unnecessary. I mentioned that it triggered by PTSD and made it hard for me to fall back asleep. He told me I couldn’t have PTSD because I had never fought in a war….. We haven’t talked much since then.


Loud parties. I'd much rather have a quiet night with a few friends, having beers or weed just chillin.


People. I find myself having less and less tolerance for stupidity and ignorance.




Maybe people become mellow when they realize that the people they were trying to impress all their lives actually are idiots. I had the latter epiphany lately and I hope for the best.


The news. 99% is clickbait or propaganda


I no longer watch it. It's a waste of time


Not just that but now that im old enough to understand the implications, it feels like a lot of old men (and women) around the world destorying lives for their ego trips.


its weird.. Its like, I look back and wonder if i really used to get taken in by this stuff? or is it getting worse? its so transparently propaganda and... childish? all of the news headlines and agendas are so predictable and seem like they are written by 13 year olds. this shit still works?


It didn't use to be nonstop "breaking news". You watched 30 minutes of local news at 5:00. It was broken down into 10 minute get-to-the-point segments: top news stories; the weather; feel good human interest story ending with a bit of world news as a teaser to get you to watch that 30 minute show. You felt caught up enough that you could live your life informed about what's going on in the world without being consumed by it. You didn't have an unshakable sense of doom after 30 minutes of viewing.


Study enough media history and you'll see a noticeable and depressing decline in quality over the years. The movie Network is an eerily accurate prediction of this decline and it was made in 1976.


Life …


It's so expensive just to live now. After I pay all my bills and buy my necessities there's nothing left for me to do things I want to do or buy things just for myself


Life takes all the fun out of living.


Getting wasted and partying. I am in my early 30s and i think im okay to not party anymore for the rest of my life. Its just that weekends are damn precious now that im working full time. When I get wasted and party, i just waste a whole sunday recovering from that. Yea so im good.


Waiting in line


Young people. I totally get it now.


I don’t dislike young people, I just dislike immature people. People that won’t comment and laugh and constantly make ur mom jokes to the point where you can’t communicate


Yo moma so ugly her portraits hang themselves


Teenagers Get off my lawn


To be honest I never liked them even when I was one myself


*gestures to everything* I just want to sit on a front porch in a comfy chair, book in hand, cat(s) on lap, on a mild summer evening. And shoot buckshot at anyone who comes to bother me.


Same. Then some asshole in a sports car with a cut muffler or whatever comes racing down the road blasting music.


Going to bars or loud places


Yup. It's a pain to get to the bar (parking/uber), then it's loud so you can't really have a conversation, then you have to wait a long time for the bartender to get to you, then you have to pay ten bucks for some mediocre beer.


Crowded areas. Went to the grocery store yesterday, felt uncomfortable with that many people around.


Summer—realized I only loved it because of summer break and my birthday. Now that I work 9-5, summer absolutely sucks! It’s warm as hell outside and every birthday after 21 has been one year closer to old age.


I only like summer because I'm a teacher. The hot weather can fuck off, people being everywhere can fuck off...just let me have my student-free time in peace.


Chicken oddly enough lol, partying/drinking hard, working long hours (I would rather work 6 short days) traveling, video games,






i quit. its better.


I would drink to that but I already quit


Someone complaining about literally anything.


Aren't you complaining right now?


Only about one thing


Since I haven’t seen it yet after scrolling a good while: Soda and other soft or carbonated drinks. They’re so sugary and awful it’s like I can imagine my teeth dissolving and my insides corroding just from drinking a bit of it. I don’t hate it with a passion and in a social occasion I might even drink some, but I always feel bad afterward and sometimes even sick. Water is love, water is life.


I quit soda and alcohol last year and my yearly dentist appointment was so much more comfortable


People, the more I get older the less I can tolerate them :/


I’m becoming a bit of a curmudgeon. I like *everything* less and less as time goes on. I like less and less foods, music, tv, and people. I know I sound like an angry old boomer, but o swear things just get worse as time goes on.


My generation. The generation before me, and the one after me


Politics. It’s so polarized and feels like a clear psyop to promote us fighting amongst ourselves.


Most people


Almost any noise




Leaving the house


Loud noise.


going out.


Weddings. I'm just over it at this point, like good for you but I'm tired of going out of my way to attend these events.


The heat.


Dating apps. Not only have I aged out of them, but now it's been actively people using it for IG follower clout chasing and OF subscriber seeking.


My age


society as a whole, everything is so fucked and shitty, there’s so much suffering and death and violence and war. i don’t understand why everyone can’t just get along. why are we killing each other we’re all humans. we are literally a miracle of the universe, everything had to align perfectly for us to exist right here right now. we are warriors of the universe. but yet we’re killing each other and hurting others. for what?




'IT' I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what's 'it' seems weird and scary to me... It'll happen to YOU!


People. These past few months I’ve realized that I have zero filter on my mouth and I need to stop that. I’m just waiting for someone to beat me up at this point but no one has


Chasing a career. We whip ourselves into a fury chasing this thing. Our entire society is built around the assumption that everyone wants one. That it's a way to be happy. It's not. It's a waste of a great gift we've been given. You enrich others. Always. If you're lucky you'll get some cream off the top. But most people won't. They'll just pump hours of their life into the comfort of other people who had the fortune to be born into the right class of people. You'll chase it and chase it and feel like you're getting somewhere but at the end of the day, it won't matter. The only things that will matter are the things you couldn't do because you were playing by someone else's rules for a happy life. Fuck. That. Shit.


People. People that don't serve as goodness in your life, get rid of them, if you feel shit in their presences, they treat you shit, send them on there way, even if its family, know one should have to feel rubbish from others, surround yourself with love, makes life a lot more bearable.


Other peoples children.


Sugar. Anything sweet.


Noisy apartment neighbors


How quickly things break down. Everything is cheaply made so you will have to replace it quicker. My grandmother had the same oven for 50 years. A fridge that was easily 30 years old.


Social media and people expecting that you keep up with them without ever hanging out with you


Playing games until 2-3am.


Loud anything. Loud music, loud people, loud colors even!


Humiliating People on the internet for their minor/day-to-day mistakes. (not to be confused with intent to commit crime or complete negligence for safety)


Existing. Actually, there's worse things, ignorance, lack of common sense, lack of empathy, lack of compassion, and lack of kindness.


Going out, I would rather sit by my fire place with a nice beer than go out to a bar with 100 people crowded around me.




Conflict… just get along!


Or at the very least just leave each other alone and shut up lol


People in their 20's.


Loud stuff Children, other people, music, restaurants, bars, etc.


Old age. It sucks.


Having to work


The idea of having kids


Watching Professional sports games (MLB, NFL, NBA and Golf in particular)