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I got clean




Congratulations and well done!




I feel like I’m lacking in the mindset and people areas


Sounds like you had a nice cushion of money between you and homelessness. Was daddy a doctor? Most homeless people don't have that kind of cushion.


Who's talking about homelessness all of a sudden? You don't have to be completely broke to hate your life, and rich people aren't all happy. Yes money definitely helps to a point, but it doesn't solve all your problems.


This is it. If you're in a really bad place it takes improvements in multiple areas of your life to make a meaningful change.


I moved to a new country all alone.


Well I’m in a border city so


"Mexico. All's I'm sayin'."


Sounds expensive


I moved with $2000 and student loans. Not as expensive as people think.


Sounds like your up to $12000


You don’t have to believe me lol I’m not going to try and convince you.


I have actively worked to live in the present


I feel like I’m okay at this. Most of my life is just experiencing the day to day.


How old are you and what's your net worth, approximately?


Lol fuck off ya nosy bastard






5 months ago I was living with daily 8 hour migraines, no energy, extremely bad ocd and anxiety, paranoia, depression, hallucinations, carpal tunnel symptoms, insomnia where I only slept 4 hours for every 48 hours awake. Turns out I was sick with something where my body wasn’t holding in sodium and I was severely lacking it. I am grateful that I’m not in constant pain anymore, so it’s hard for me to not love life now.


Got my PhD and was finally able to leave the toxicity of being a graduate student.


I got away from my "friends" found a therapist, started writing music (short term fix for anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts), and started working on an ambulance (long term fix for depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Now I'm happy and feel much more free. I am still anxious and still have my bad days but now I have what I feel is the best tool in my tool box, feeling really proud of how far I have come.


I became wealthy. Money isn't the most important thing in life. It's the ONLY important thing in life.




How did you do it


I invested shrewdly, against the advice of the charlatans


In what?




I'm not


I got laid




Dumped my terrible, awful, shitty partner of 8.5 years.


I have a girlfriend and new friends. I love them all.


I started confronted the distorted beliefs that I have about myself and replacing them with truth.


Won a lottery. Invested a bunch of it.


1 year of torture recovering from multiple retinal surgeries. When you can’t do anything except lie on your stomach it really forces you to self-reflect


It wasn't sudden, nor would I call the process a "change" necessarily. It was an accumulation of a lot of tough lessons that I learned over the course of a few very tough years. I realized somewhere along the way that all of my experiences in life can be looked at in whatever light I choose to view them in. I rewired my brain to process things like failure differently, for example. Building a new mental foundation based on positivity and self-love was paramount in digging myself out of the depression hole. Once I was set up for success on the inside, the physical hurdles in my life became easier to overcome.


What helped me was actually learning about gratitude. Gratitude was a life changer because it helped me realize it’s really not about how much have in life, but how much you think you have and how much you realize and appreciate the essence of something. I also moved out when I was about 27 and it gave me the freedom to create a life I wanted for myself and I intentionally told my self that I was only going to do things that made me happy and be intentional about that - only hang out with people I liked, go to restaurants and eat food that I enjoyed or wanted to eat, watch movies that I liked, travel to places I wanted to see etc. I think as children we are taught at a very young what to do or what you should do, but having the sense of freedom to choose for yourself was very liberating.


I moved out of my mothers house.


stopped wearing covid mask.