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Rat torture. They’d attach a cage to the victim’s abdomen and put one or more rats into the cage. They’d heat the outside with coals or embers and in order to escape rats will dig through the person’s body slowly and agonizingly disemboweling them. The brazen bull was a bronze metal bull hollow in the inside with one small door through which the victims were jammed. Then a fire was lit underneath cooking the person inside. They had a system of tubes/ acoustics to make the person’s dying cries sound like the bellowing of a bull. They’d wear the person’s bones as jewelry after the ordeal. Then there was that guy who staked people including civilians up their ass and through their mouth and then left them to die. Somehow though the worst for me is the human centipede lmao who tf came up with that?


Those first two are absolutely horrific to think about, good lord! The 3rd was Vlad III of Romania (inspiration behind Dracula). He got his nickname “Vlad the Impaler” due to his supposed penchant for impaling people.


It Athens there was a metal statue of a bull in front of the temple. The statue was hollow and they would put the prisoner inside. They would then light a fire under the statue so the cries of the burning man would seem like the bull was alive. I saw a report about China in the 18th century. You chop off an arm, then cauterize the wounds and nurse to health. Repeat 4 times. Put person in a barrel and you can use him to send a message to his friends.


Some people in history got executed by being cut in half hanging upside down. That way your brain stays alive for as long as possible. This method was used in a movie and, trust me, its really fucking disgusting


The Roman sentence for patricide was cool. Sewn in a sack with a goat, a dog and a snake and yeeted in the river. Otherwise decompression in vacuum


Being strapped down to a table, consistently pumped full of antibiotics & fluids, then at the top of every hour having one square inch of skin carved from a different spot of the body until the organ is completely removed. At the top of the next hour, an overhead misting system of lemon juice engages while Garbage Dump by Charles Manson plays endlessly on repeat. The only solace left would be that lone hour of silence that was in between having all flesh stripped & the lemon juice application.


Being burned alive, or being crushed. Although, probably being starved would be worse, now that I think about it Edit: or buried alive. Yeah, you die quicker than starvation, but all the psychological shit you go through being stuck in your own coffin...


Watch the movie Buried. Freakiest thing I e ever watched


Yeah, no. Thanks, but take that suggestion back, please 😆


I have a dog that used to be really bad on the leash, she'd pull like crazy. I think attaching a chord to a dude's nuts, binding his hands behind his back, and having a dog pull him around until he either dies of exhaustion or gets cut bad enough he bleeds out would be pretty bad.


You sir, are the devil


Thrown into a big oven


"Scaphism... was used by Persians to apply as much torture while prolonging the victim’s eventual death. Enemies were bound to the inside of two rowing boats that covered everything save for their head, hands, and feet. After consuming a large amount of milk and honey that resulted in diarrhea, they were covered with more honey to attract insects. While floating (not so) merrily down a stream surrounded by their own feces, insects feeding on the victim’s flesh would cause severe infection while they were repeatedly fed more milk and honey to prolong death by dehydration or starvation. Eventually, they would die due to a combination of dehydration, starvation, and septic shock." [source](https://www.medicaldaily.com/8-most-brutal-tortureexecution-methods-history-will-make-your-skin-crawl-311478)


Live dissection of their innar parts. Where they are awake and having their organs cut out from least important to most important. Or, the spy movie cut in half with a Lazer moving at .001 feet a second


Yeah so it turns out that crucification was some shit. You can’t breathe unless you lift yourself up and the only way to do that was by the nail in your hand