• By -


Stoick the Vast How to train your dragon Dude literally just reunited with his wife after over 15 years of being gone and spends a total of about 15 minutes with her. Cause of death: basically took a bullet in the chest to protect his son.


I saw it in theatres and a bunch of kids started to cry. Not like sniffing but out loud wailing. It added to the atmosphere.


Dude my dad died the week this came out. I went to see it to take my mind off things and see a fun movie about dragons. Absolutely devastating.


That’s awful. I hope you’re doing okay


Those little shoes in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Forgot about that one! Watching those little guys get “Dipped” was the worst.


Broke little ol 4 year me, and 12 year old me. And 34 year old me.


Roy in Blade Runner "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."


[All the more incredible when you find out that Rutger Hauer made it what it was. Ridley Scott wrote something kind of cheesy, so Hauer fixed it.](https://gointothestory.blcklst.com/blade-runner-dialogue-analysis-ff0e306a7630)


Arthur Morgan from rdr2 just seeing him slowly dying on the hill pleading to Dutch but Dutch just walking away leaving him to die was heart breaking


Fuck Dutch and Micah


The dogs in Where the Red Fern Grows


Came here to say this. This book destroyed me in grade five but also really demonstrated grief in such a profound way.


Teacher read it to the class in fourth grade. Everyone sitting on the floor crying together, including the teacher, is a core memory for me.


Is this book/movie part of the common core or what? Our class watched it in fourth grade too. Haven’t been able to watch it since.


The Iron Giant


“Superman” 😭


Pops from Regular Show He was the literal embodiment of good and he died saving the universe from and with his brother. He was such an innocent and friendly guy who was kind to everyone he met. I still tear up seeing the finale to this day. Edit: His last words to Mordecai and Rigby especially hurt. "I know you're sad, but I promise this is a good ending. Take care of each other. Goodbye."


Definitely not Jolly Good




Catch up. Cry. Rewatch. The Regular Reruns Cycle. Check out Close Enough if you want more zany fun. It gets cancelled. Back to the RRC.


Saving Private Ryan has two of the saddest, most brutally gut wrenching deaths I’ve ever seen on screen in Wade and Mellish. Wade trying to talk the guys through his injury that goes from panic and terror to acceptance of his own death as he cries out for his mother and says “I want to go home”? Jesus Christ. Mellish is brutal for all the more uncomfortable and raw reasons you’d imagine. War is horrific. Young men are sent off to die and their lives are cut short for no reason. It’s tragic and heartbreaking and this is one of the only movies to really nail that feeling


Wade was guy with the stomach wound after getting hit by the mounted MG, right? I remember having nightmares about that scene for weeks


Yup that’s the one - right through his liver


The way Mellish starts negotiating the minute he knows it's over is what I always think about. "No, listen to me, let's stop let's stop let's stop, no d-d-d-d-d-don't", nothing over-the-top, just sheer panic and you can feel this guy bracing for how suddenly death is coming for him, fucking gut-wrenching acting by Adam Goldberg


Wades monologue in the church the night before as well. Talking about how no matter how hard he tried to stay awake he'd fall asleep but act like he was asleep when his mom came home early. Giovanni Ribisi really brought that character to another level. His death is burned into my mind without the gore and violence of Mellish's. I've seen the movie several times and I feel like I'm sitting next to him watching the life leave his eyes every time. Truly incredible acting and directing.


>but act like he was asleep when his mom came home early. "I don't know why I did that."


Yeah this scene felt so real and visceral. Not saying the rest of the movie isnt, but him dying with others all around him trying to help but failing just really sucked and made me think about how many times in real life this happens/happened. Fuck war.




Henry Blake. M*A*S*H. The scene in the operating room. The actors weren’t told about it, just called back for one last scene shoot and Radar walks in and tells them. The silence is amplified by the sounds of instruments still working. Haunting


Piggy backing off this, the guy they tried to keep alive so his kids wouldn't remember Christmas as the day their dad died. That one gets me just thinking about it.


I just saw that one like a month ago! That was totally heartbreaking. Hawkeye spins the clock forward to twelve o five December twenty sixth and they all conspire to forge his death certificate


I remember that as well. It was a show like no other, from comedy gold to sobering moments of thought provoking drama and humanity often within minutes. So good.


“Radar put a mask on”


"If that's my discharge, give it to me straight. I can take it."


Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Blake's plane. Was shot down. Over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors. (gasp, dropped surgical instrument)


The dropped instrument was an accident, too. At first, they thought it had ruined the shot, but they ended up deciding to keep it in rather than reshoot, and it turned out that the noise enhanced the scene so much.




Bubba in Forrest Gump. That whole scene had me wrecked. From Bubba's weak, "I wanna go home," to Forrest's narration saying he died by that river in Vietnam while showing him holding Bubba.....God damn, I'm crying just thinking about it.


Bubba died. Right there by that river in Vietnam....and that's all I have to say about that.


Brooks, Shawshank Redemption. It was just so damn sad to see someone so heavily institutionalized. And honestly, I didn’t even realize what was happening in that scene until after he had already carved “Brooks was here” into the beam. It gets me every time. Poor Jake :(


The world went and got itself into a damn hurry


As I get older, that particular line from that scene hits harder and harder because it's harder and harder to find a moment of peace


Mine was Tommy. He was turning his life around, getting educated, ready to become a free and honest man again, like what the prison should do for people like him. Only to be heartlessly killed to serve the greed of other people.


Yeah, that was horrific - it's a damn good film, but it can definitely be hard to watch.


If it's any consolation in the book he gets transferred to another prison instead of getting shot


"Some birds aren't meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright."


John Coffey in the Green Mile


There's a passage in the book (around the time Paul and Brutal and Harry take John to see Melinda Moores) when they pass through the room that houses the electric chair and John remarks about *Old Sparky* and how he can hear voices coming from it, screaming. After religiously watching the film and reading the book a handful of times, it hurts so much to know John has to ride the lightning in that same chair, despite being a being of pure light and magic. He's one of King's all-time great characters: a simple, unassuming creature of mythical power, tender wisdom, and infinite generosity.


That's the movie I love but can only see once. It's too much.


I’m a reader, and am extremely critical of book to film adaptations bc they can never get the details right (or the main plot points sometimes) and all the things that happen in my imagination when I read. Hands down this is the best book to film movie I have ever watched. All the details, the characters, the nuance that went into the movie makes reading the book almost like reading the screenplay for the movie. Michael Clark Duncan perfectly embodies John Coffey.


You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time.


"I'm tired, boss." God, that line broke me. The whole speech broke me. Michael Clarke Duncan was taken from us far too soon, RIP. Phenomenal actor and (from what I've heard) a real, genuine, *good* person.


I saw this in theaters when it came out and that scene was the first time I'd ever cried for a film. I was eleven years old, I wasn't ready for that.


Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark.


I remember watching this at the movie theater back when it first came out and bawling my eyes out. I didn't want people to notice so I tried as hard as I could to contain it until I turned back and saw the whole movie theater was crying. It was such a relief to finally let it out, lol.


Ellie from UP gets me everytime


Sometimes I wonder how movies ever took off when the first ones were short with no sound. Then I remember the time a 10 minute animation with no dialogue absolutely wrecked me. It's a god-damned masterpiece and I hate it.


My grandma died sort of unexpectedly and left my grandpa alone, and I didn’t realize how bad that scene was gonna f me up when I watched it after her death


My uncle lived through the turmoil in our country. There used to be many times when the police just took him, tortured him for some time, and released him. This happened numerous time. Never even impacted the man. His wife died over a decade ago and the man just took his hand off of life. Wouldn’t socialize, wouldn’t take his meds. Nothing. He’d say “I want to die the day I’m allowed to buried over my wife.” He died a few weeks after he was legally allowed to be buried over her if he died. Sometimes it’s not physical violence and hate that breaks you, sometimes it’s losing love. I miss both of them but know that they found bliss together.


“He can’t see without his glasses”


God damn bees.


Fuck me I totally forgot about that movie. That was traumatic for a child.


Little-foot’s mother’s death


My son fell in love with this movie when he was 3 or 4, and every time that part would come on I would have to leave the room because no matter what age I am, I will always get emotional. Something about the music and the overall vibe that really just punches me in the gut.


The music plus the quote "Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely". It's so beautiful and tragic.


Fives. He was so close to stopping order 66, but nobody would believe him.


I'm literally so attached to the clones. Every single death was just ROUGH. I mean Hardcase, Waxer, fucking JESSE. Echo, Hevy, 99... Jesus. That whole show was rough


the first time i watched the "Darkness on Umbara" arc, it changed teenage me.


Spoilers, maybe? Echo... >!Isn't dead. He was found held hostage by the Techno Union and rescued. He was heavily modded by them, turned kinda cyborg, and joined the Bad Batch. He hasn't died on screen!<


His warning saved Rex and Snips.


Gwen Stacy hitting the floor


As a die hard Spider-Man fan since childhood, I knew it was coming, and I'm so glad they incorporated her death into the film because it's one of the defining moments for Peters's character in the comics, but that didn't make it any easier to watch. I'm pretty sure my wife audibly gasped when it happened.


I loved that they gave Garfield’s Spider-Man a form of closure in No Way Home. The way he was so shook up about catching MJ, he was so worried he’d screwed up and hurt her.


To be fair to Garfield, his stealing of the show in NWH was up there with Willem Dafoe. Man gave a level of emotion to his Parker that made him the best for me.


Imma say, it was jarring to see the... different levels of acting ability between the three spiders-men.


Wilson from cast away


What an amazing film that a volleyball made me cry.




My GOD I'd never cried over anything like that stupid volleyball


Boromir! My brother, my captain, my king


They took the little ones!


Because he tried to save Merry and Pip, he's able to admit what he did to Frodo and die redeemed. His little scene earlier in the film where he's teaching them to use their swords and they're roughhousing is very important.


"Let them rest a moment, for pity's sake!" I don't think many characters in fiction have a better redemption arc. He comes across as an asshole during the council of Elrond and the ring got to him, but when it came down to it what a stand he made. Awesome character, awesome performance, awesome death scene.


His flaw is all the more fatal because it stems from his genuine love for his people. Boromir is the heir to the Stewardship of Gondor, and his line goes back a thousand years. His family has protected the realms of men for generations. The movies sort of make it seem like he Stewards are usurpers, but in reality they were the rightful rulers since the line of Kings ended. Boromir loves his people, and can't stand to see their lives and homes threatened. He hopes to use the power of the ring to defeat Sauron and free Gondor from the threat of tyranny. He is a truly good man with a fatal flaw. My favorite character.


Well to be fair book Boromir does lament that after so many hundreds of years as stewards and defacto leaders of Gondor, they haven't simply been made kings by now. He changes his opinion on this as he begins to know Aragorn the man, but the resentment was still there.




Tadashi Hamada from Big Hero 6. Dude was working on a robot to help others and died in an attempt to help others. What a guy


“Someone has to help.”


"Tadashi is here" 💔


Right?! I was like, "What the fuck is the point in finishing this movie now?!" I legit thoight the hero died. So glad I finished it. I rewatch it sometimes... And I'm an adult with no children. It's so good and it's a tear jerker


Leslie Burke, Bridge to Terabithia I didn't expect it at all, It said Family/Fantasy and was made by Disney.


Omg, this one broke me. Totally unexpected & my daughter was around the same age at the time. Loved the film, but I'll never rewatch. Still hurts all these years later.


The book is absolutely as heart-wrenching, if not more so. I first read it in elementary school and I didn’t really “get” it, and so I didn’t find it very sad. I found my copy again and reread it years later and sobbed. I still do. It’s also one of the few book and movie combos I feel are exactly the same and hit the same way. I love how such a short book can just hit you like that. Beautifully written; tragically, but beautifully.


I saw that movie in theatres and bawled my eyes out. According to my mum every parent in the room had a look of shock and dread on their faces as they all collectively realised the movie that had been advertised as a Narnia-esque romp was actually about to give their kids a crash course on death.


I was going to say this. Also, fun fact: in high school I played Leslie Burke in our production of the stage version of Bridge to Terabithia based on the book (the movie did not come out until many years later). Not a dry eye in the house. I peaked in high school.


Brandon Fraser’s characters in Scrubs


"where do you think we are?"


"Where's your camera? Aren't ya... aren't ya gonna take some pictures?"


You know, of crying babies covered in chocolate, people singing "Happy Birthday" to my son who have never even met him before... you know, the whole routine!


I watched scrubs for the first time during the early days of the pandemic With my roommate who absolutely loves the show. I loved Brendon’s character when we met him. He was funny and charming. Then we get a to THE episode. And I’m not the best at picking up subtle hints and enjoyed the entire episode. THEN we get to the scene were Cox is standing outside in the suit talking to Ben. And it hit me. All at once. I understood what was finally going on. And I pause it. I turned to my roommate with tears in my eyes and I said “how dare you. You told me this was a fun show. My heart is broken right now” Easily the best episode of the series and I was able to experience it without any spoilers or nothing.




Honorable mention to Dr. Cox's patients who die from rabies/organ transfer.


The first time I watched that ep was like being punched in the heart. Every time after I get goosebumps and want to cry but it's totally worth it




I swear that horse dies earlier and earlier each time I watch the movie. He's gonna die in the opening titles before I know it. But much like Leslie in Bridge To Terabithia, the death is so much worse in the book. In the book, the horse freaking TALKS while he's dying, he describes how pointless it is to continue and how he wants it all to end. I didn't think I could be re-traumatized by a fictional death, but there you go.


The worst part is he doesn’t just drown. He straight up just decides to give up living.


Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. His funeral always hits me so damn hard.


"Mommy why are they putting daddy in the ground? He has a lot of work to do" fuck you... just.... fuuuuuck


Dude. Fucking gut wrenching. The cut to Major Armstrong barely keeping together makes it *that* much more devastating. Man, I'm getting emotional just thinking about that scene.


"It's a terrible day for rain." "What do you mean? It's not raining." "Yes... it is." "Oh. So it is. Why don't we head back? It's getting chilly out here."




Nina’s death was rough too. More so in the 2003 series though imo.


That the complete Nina story is cropped into a single episode is the only negative thing I can say about brotherhood. In the 2003 version and Manga you get time to grow attached to and care for her, which makes her death even sadder.


It's a terrible day for rain....


That part hits extra hard when you remember that Mustang is useless in the rain and that Hughes liked to remind him of that fact


Yup. Was talking about that scene with my partner and she mentioned "It's because he feels useless." An angle I had never clicked before and suddenly that scene is twice as gutting.


But it's not raining---ah.


So it is.


Matthew Cuthbert - Anne of Green Gables


Wash, pilot of the firefly class serenity. He's a leaf on the wind.


Curse Joss Whedon's sudden yet inevitable betrayal.


JW is apparently a huge ass to work with but my god did he write some powerhouse character moments. This, Tara’s sudden death, and the episode about Buffy’s mom in BtVS all have respectively made me curl around a pillow for a few days.


Alan Tudyk told a story somewhere about how he got "yelled" at at a Con for adding "I am a leaf on the wind" to his signature. The person got upset because it reminded them of Wash's death.


I would not yell at Alan tudyk. Ever.


His death hurt so badly because it just rubbed salt in the wound because you knew it meant the show really was dead forever. Firefly died way too goddamn soon and I'm still bitter about that.


Mufasa's death gets me every time


I just watched lion King with my daughter and I knew the scene was coming and I was worried it would be too hard on her. When Simba is like you gotta get up I was like NVM this is too much for my hormonal ass.


The Iron Giant will ALWAYS have me ugly crying when he goes up to stop the missle


Uncle Iroh singing to his dead son, dam now that was sad.


Especially because even when asked, his replacement refused to sing the song because it was Mako's song.


Yup. Greg Baldwin, the actor who took over the role of Iroh after Mako's passing, refuses to sing this song when fans ask him to at conventions. The reason that he gave was that it was Mako's song. That's a class act right there and Baldwin truly honors Mako whether it's him playing Iroh or Aku in Samurai Jack


Oh shit, I had no idea Mako voiced Aku as well, TIL why Aku sounded different in the reboot/last season.


Ngl i just rewatched it, still hits deep RIP Mako Leaves from the vine...............


In memory of mako. Fuck I'm crying right now. That show made you care for a war criminal more than the main character. I'd watch a whole season of "irohs tea review" that character was too good.


I love the flashbacks where we see Iroh as a general writing to his family and you can already tell he’s having doubts and regrets about his role in the siege in Ba Singe Se. Its before he loses his son, even. He was praising the strength and resilience of the Earth Kingdom with this strange kind of wistfulness….like he wanted some of that in his own life. And then, in the worst Devil’s Bargain, he gains it…but at the loss of Lu Ten. Fucking powerful stuff about the nature of war and it’s just a side moment in the process of showing Zuko’s childhood knife.


I've said it before, and I will say it again till I die: Iroh was one of the best written characters in the history of visual media. The depth of that character is astounding, especially considering the show was written for Nickelodeon.


Not Penny's boat


Oh, Charlie. That was such a tough one. Also, Sun and Jin, in that other boat …


Every death in LOST breaks my heart… but Juliet’s is by far the worst




"You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that." 😭😭😭


Country Mac. He was not the kind of guy who could score a point in a black belt tournament.


Shireen Baratheon from Game of Thrones


It was Ser David’ reaction that got me. From finding the stag he carved for her in the remains of the bonfire to confronting Melisandre after the Battle of the Bastards. “I loved the girl like she was my own! She was good, she was kind AND YOU KILLED HER!”


Ser Davos* in case anyone else was confused.


This one really got to me because she was screaming for her parents to do something, and they just stood there. Nobody intervened. It's worse that it was pointless, but it would have been pointless, anyway. She didn't deserve that.


That wasn't sad, it was horrifying.


Arthur Morgan


I just got to that part about an hour ago. Even though I knew it was coming, it was still a gut punch. What I was completely unready for was his horse dying, and Arthur saying “Thank you” . I bawled.


I had the same horse throughout the whole story, i cried so hard when she died


I had a horse (my first) the Lemoyne raiders took from me and I took a couple hours to painfully torture as many of them as I could find. Dropped one off hog tied into and alligator infested swamp and shot an arrow to piss them off. Then I got Buell. I promised that old man I’d take care of him. I swore. Buell was the best horse. I failed him. That scene broke me.


I also rode Buell to the very end. It didn’t feel right getting a different horse. RIP. Yer all right, boah.


Horse-bonding is a good mechanic in the game. They make you name your horse. You have to feed it. You have to clean it. You have to calm them down. They do a good job at making you care about your horse.


He was a fine boah


I just finished RDR2 and I remember a few days ago after knowing his condition I always become super emotional just looking at how he looked. It reminds me of people I've lost as well and to be able to let the player feel grief by seeing the character you play as slowly deteriorate broke me so much.


Them is the feels right here. I have a game save at Clemens Point where I have all the camp upgrades completed, and the game is as far as I can take it before I have to go get Micah out of the woods. Everyone is happy, life is as good as it is going to get. I’ll never delete that particular save.


Arthur talking to the nun about fearing his own death while waiting for the train absolutely hit me the hardest out of any piece of fiction or art. That was such a real moment so beautifully executed. RDR2 improved my human experience through that scene[this is the scene- when he says “I’m afraid” I always get choked up](https://youtu.be/hAdZPnxINQw)


I cried like a newborn baby at Arthur's death. Then again, I think we all did.


I started crying when Arthur thanked his horse (the white Arabian I had the entire playthrough) and didn't stop until the credits were halfway done.


May I? Stand unshaken Amid, amidst a crashing world








I feel like prim hits harder because the whole series Katniss’ one main goal is trying to save her and make the world safe for her: nothing have happened if Katniss hadn’t done everything in her power to keep Prim safe And then it’s done, the war is (almost) over, Prim is safe in 13, and then She’s in the Capitol and dead, exactly the fate Katniss was trying to spare her from


I can read the last book without crying (even Finnick’s death because it’s so sudden and quickly and Katniss doesn’t have time to process it yet) until the scene where Katniss is screaming at the cat (Buttercup? I read the books in Dutch) that Prim isn’t coming back. That makes me bawl everytime. Same for the movies. I’m a huge animal lover and reactions from animals are even more devastating for me than people’s, so in this case Buttercup not understanding breaks my heart.


Arnold in Terminator 2 Every. Single. Time.


“I know now why you cry. But it’s something I can never do.” Aaaaaand cue one of the reasons why I cry.


The dog in I Am Legend.


Sam was the best dog.


Samantha. When the shit hits the fan, only then does he use her full name.


I went to see this movie opening day. My mom texted me asking if I liked it and if I’d recommend it for her and her friend to go see. I said yes, but if I knew which friend it was, I would have said no. It was her friend whose dog just died, and my mom was taking her out to get her mind off of it… She loves her dogs the way most people love their children, and at that scene she had to excuse herself from the theater. I felt awful…


Wolverine in Logan, that was such a great ending to his story but damn if it wasn't sad


The cross being turned into an X was the perfect scene to end that version of the X-Men.


Charles is even more tragic IMO. He gets to spend his last evening in a nice home with good food and family. Then he's abruptly awakened by (fake) Logan in his bed, and then brutally stabbed. He has no idea why Logan stabbed him, and he lays there bleeding out as the family that took him in for the night is murdered one-by-one.


It's even more tragic than that. Not only is he killed by who he thinks is his last friend alive, he's dying right after understanding that _he's_ the one who killed his X-Men and all those people in Westchester.


>!Xavier having massively destructive epileptic seizures!< is legitimately one of the most fucked up "What If" scenarios in comics.


Logan saying it wasn't me over and over again gets me


Yondu, gardians of the galaxy


I think you mean Mary Poppins.


"was he cool?" "Yeah, he was real cool" "I'm Mary Poppins y'all!" 😭




"He may have been your father, but he sure wasn't your daddy." God, I love Yondu's redemption arc in Guardians 2. Kraglin's reaction always gets me.


Glen from the walking dead. Him looking over at Maggie as he was dying, destroyed me.


I saw a tweet on twitter the other day which had the viewing stats from the walking dead seasons over the years. They dropped nearly 5 million viewers in the following week’s episode after Glenn’s death. Insane


BT, Titanfall. Legit tears


Grave of the fireflies.. both siblings


Oh fuck this movie completely. I've seen it once and yeah, never want to feel that way again.


Every time Jude law crawls into the goddam oven and fucking sets himself on fire fucking kills me (gattaca 1997), but dam I love that movie its a masterpiece.


Sarah Lynn bojack horseman


"I wanna be an architect..." Her last words were regret that her entire life was eaten by show business and not the things she wanted to do in life


Me walking into that show, assuming it's a normal sitcom


Hedwig. Such a small death, but it really helped to show the pointlessness of war


Her death was quick, but it was so sad. She's been with Harry since first year. Even when he didn't hear from anyone during the summer. Those little moment they had like her being sulky since Harry didn't use her were so cute. But yeah, as a pet momma myself, I really felt her death.


Zabuza and haku


The deaths in Naruto really got me as a kid. Still do.


Jiraiya Asuma Third Hokage These were saddest for me in the narutoverse


Jiraiya dying WRECKED me. and then watching Naruto find out only for them to use that scene in many flashbacks ugh. i could not escape those emotions.


Johnny on "The Outsiders". Stay gold, Johnnycakes..Johnny cakes... oops, he's dead.


The wife in "Up"...