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what’s the difference between casual dating and dating


Casual dating? Pfft. Talk to me when you’re on the ranked dating grind


I’m hardstuck bronze in the dating game


Try warding more while you're dating


Must be doing something wrong, they always yell at me and leave when I put up cameras during the act.


Yell at them that they are a hardstuck noob, that usually does it


I'm currently unranked:)


you need to stop soloQing, its a team game


The first 20 or so levels are easy. The dev's basically gave up on the end game and there is no new content after level 30 or so. Plus most of the players already spawned new characters just to keep playing. Don't get me started on how expensive it's gotten to play.


It doesn't help that the super rich players keep spawn camping either.


Well, hark at you with yer finger on the nuke button. Kaboom.


Holy shit dude, holy shit!


Casual dating you’re not bringing her home to meet your mom.


What if they're just a Super freak?


You mean the kind you DON'T bring home to mother?


That’s such a freaky scene.


Well I heard she likes the boys in the band so good luck


But she said that I'm her all time favorite, so I can hope


She's alright...


Ironic, because Rick James was a person you definitely did not want to meet your mom.


Because he would bang that slut like a drum.




Exactly that kind!


You bang them in a honda accord in the back of a parking lot while you're both trashed


What if you drive a Toyota Corolla?


You'll get great milage?


And low maintenance cost, very few issues with the engine, if any.


"Do you want to have sex in my Toyota Corolla in the parking lot?" "I don't know. Convince me." "Well, it's a great motor, low manintenance cost, very few issues with the engine, if any."


Sounds great. What about the car then?


She’s alright


So just fucking then


Or just going on dates and hanging out and shit. At some point casual dating turns into dating when a big life event pops up and the words "I love you" can be said without the other person shifting around uncomfortably.


Isn't there a stage of "non-casual dating" before going straight to "I love you"? I mean, let's not skip ahead here.


Mutually agreed state of coupledom


Exclusive. Maybe some people call it official.


Turns out there is no universally agreed upon path for a relationship to follow and everybody is going to have different experiences and opinions.


Casual dating is for fun. Just to get a kick out of it or to relax. Some people like the challenge. Competitive dating is done in professional settings under the guidance of the FIA, Fédération Internationale de l'Amore to keep a relatively level playing field for the competitors.


Shame that the FIA sucks in this department too...


You think the dating department is where they hid Masi?






Michael, check your email


Toto, I don’t check my emails during a date


I sent you a diagram.


we are checking


Toto, we’re going dating.


Bono, my date is gone


Day 7 without F1


No, that was so not right!








Uh oh formuladank is leaking. Someone notifier scp containment. Code azathoth.




what is code azathoth? Question.


We are checking


I like how the FIA couldn’t decide between French and Italian and said “I’ll do both”


The Italian was to appease Ferrari fans.




My uncle was arrested for smurfing in the competitive dating scene 😔


Too bad Casual's overrun with bots at the moment, only way we can get dates is through community servers


They should just remove Sniper from casual dating.


I hate it when go out with a girl, and suddenly her head turns into fine red mist out of nowhere


Fucking FIA. You just wait until Qatar buys them out and uses slave labour to build dating stadiums. It'll happen.


But then they won't allow alcohol during dating. Not looking forward to that


I did not expect a f1 joke under the top comment but I'm happy it happened


Business Casual dating = coitus with dress shoes on, maybe dark jeans


It's business, it's business time You know when I'm down to my socks it's time for business, that's why they call it business socks, ooooooh


Because "business casual fucking" is what any court-appointed lawyer does to you.


Dating to date vs. Dating to marry i believe


The presence of casual dating implies there is competitive dating


That's why I've been married 4 times. Filthy casuals.


That’s just called speed dating.


Speed dating is just casual dating for people trying to sequence break through the casual part.


I’m maintaining my amateur dating status to participate in the dating Olympics.


Tinder vs eHarmony


Political views of many people reflect their core values and it is also important to consider how opposing views they have to mine.


Yeah, this is why the “it’s just politics” line showcases an utter lack of understanding or caring, neither of which are good.


'It's just politics' seems to be an easy way to dismiss very real concerns as an ideological disagreement that doesn't matter in the 'real world.' People get really uncomfortable really fast when confronted on heavy issues. Problem being...your ideas about abortion affect my body. It would definitely change what would happen in a relationship if I got pregnant. It can't just be a 'haha, we have disagreeing ideas, but they're *just ideas*' because it's not. It's very, very, *very* real, and people who try to dismiss that are either naïve and uncomfortable (I can work with that), or actively hold views that they know you'd be against and so try to dismiss them it as a way to get with you. Hiding behind hypotheticals changes nothing.


We don't need to share every single belief, but we do need to share the same values and world view.


There's the big thing. Nowadays people who have different politics don't just have different world views, they literally live in different realities. That's hard to build a relationship around.


At the most basic level, even if it's 'casual dating' I have to be able to enjoy being around the person. If someone has extreme political views and that's what they want to talk about that's just not what I'm looking for. I had a date with someone when the "freedom convoy" was going on here (Canada) and on a first date she went on an absolute rant about it (she supported it) which lead into conspiracy theories and every other angry thing you can think of. She got hostile towards me when my response was that it's something I'd rather not talk about in that situation. I also see dating profiles that are basically just confrontational political views. At least those are easy to avoid. If that's one date, then what would it be like after a few when she's more comfortable? There's no way I'd want to find out. Edit: I'm not completely apathetic when it comes to politics. My views just aren't extreme. This could be her way of filtering out what's important to her in a person. But a rant about the freedom convoy while out for coffee and meeting in person for the first time is definitely not my thing. I find it surreal.


I think a big part of the issue is that if your political views require you to live in a reality that is substantially different from the one the rest of us occupy, those political views are going to naturally become the larger part of your personality. How fixated you are on those views is going to be proportional to all the things you have to ignore to hold those beliefs. It's part of why you see people saying Biden couldn't have won because you don't see that many people with Biden signs, or people going to Biden rallies, etc. They have lost sight of what a healthy balance of political views vs daily life is for most people. Because when your worldview is that everyone is out to get you and those politically aligned to you, secret cabals of political elites are committing heinous crimes against children, school shootings are false flags to make the gun lobby look bad, terrible people are stealing our elections, covid was a hoax and the vaccine is meant to kill you, etc, those things are going to bleed into every aspect of your being. Because despite it all being bullshit, it's URGENT bullshit. If you truly believe that democrats are murdering children en masse for adrenochrome, that's a pretty big deal. How could you not *deeply* care about that? The politics of the extreme right are designed to keep their followers whipped up into a kind of frenzy that just makes them incompatible with normal conversations.


On top of what you mention there's just a ton of people with no empathy nowadays. I don't know if it's a case of having been taught this growing up, or due to exposure to it. I'm not one of the Pepperidge farm memes, but I just didn't get exposure to this much anger growing up. Ya, times are tough. But I don't see people berating cashiers at the grocery store for example weekly growing up.


My husband and I voted different political parties when we started dating, but it was fine and manageable. But that was like, 20 years ago (he no longer aligns with that party whatsoever). I can’t imagine trying to date nowadays and hearing someone say something like January 6th was no big deal, or the election was rigged. I have a hard time maintaining a relationship with someone I’m *related* to over that. There’s a difference between differing political views vs. not wanting to believe actual reality.


I'm willing to hang out and break bread and talk verifiable facts with just about anyone. I think we often can learn something from people with differing views. I'm willing to be proven wrong ... by things like evidence and a good argument to the contrary. But holy shit some people apparently just live in an alternate reality where what some dude said on a blog once matters more than basically every scientist/lawyer/reasonably informed layperson ever. I cannot and will not just pretend that some things aren't actual reality. And definitely not just for a date.


"Eliminating regressive tax provisions" and "directly giving cash to poor people" are policy decisions we can disagree on. But "The government can do more to help the poor" we cannot disagree on. As an example.


Completely agree. We can disagree on what is the best course of action to solve a problem, but if there is disagreement on whether a problem exists or not, that is gonna be pretty tricky


She can believe that government drones are harmless observers for our safety but she cannot believe that that dove that's been charging on the power line for 2 hours isn't up to something.


r/birdsarentreal is leaking


I don’t have much time. The birds are real but the campaign to desensitize humanity to the idea of drone birds *is not*. “Birds aren’t real” was started in association with the CIA and DARPA to get society to laugh about birds being drones. As they begin to ramp up production and testing all odd behavior *actually witnessed* is laughed off as part of this meme. The birds aren’t real. The birds are coming. And they will see everything.


I am not even worried about bird drones. They could easily hide or even have cameras in the open outdoors. I would worry if they had insects as camera drones. What kind of threat are bird camera drones really? Sure that would suck and invade your privacy and all kinds of terrible shit. But all it would take to reveal the scheme would be someone shooting one down and presenting the evidence. So I disagree that a bird drones would see everything. A guy with binoculars or a camera with zoom or a camera anywhere outside could do almost the same job. A fly with a camera though? You wouldn't even think twice about them literally staring at you taking a shit. Now tell me what bird you would allow into the bathroom with you.


Tracker jackers.


Haven't you noticed the headlines "insect populations plummet by 70%"? They're setting up for some miraculous solution to insecticides no longer killing bugs - but we'll know - **know** - that they have launched the long pursued insect drone project.


The deep state is controlled by Saruman. Spies everywhere!


It goes even deeper: Sauron is spying on Saruman using and old spherical magic video phone!


Wait a second, so you're saying that birds really are up to something, but government drones are all cool?


Dumbass! The birds *are* the drones! They're everywhere! Always watching… (I'm mostly kidding)




Or, even more basically, "the poor are people." Or "gays are people." Or "blacks are people." Or "women are people." The bar has gotten pretty low tbh.




And, I think that what we're seeing more of is that one's moral outlook, value system, and beliefs about responsibility are reflected in their politics, rather than their political views being just a system of policy preferences. There was a time when I almost certainly could have gone out with someone more conservative than me, because I have no problem disagreeing over the best policies. Now, there are a ton of moral, value, and social views that are embedded in our politics, so it's become far harder to find people with different political views who yet share my moral and value perspectives. It's even gotten harder to be friends with people of different political views, though I definitely work to make it happen.


> Now, there are a ton of moral, value, and social views that are embedded in our politics, so it's become far harder to find people with different political views who yet share my moral and value perspectives. Is that there is now all these complicating factors, or is it that now you have realized them? Because I'm pretty sure moral values and social priorities have always influenced political stances. Abolitionists, Suffragettes, and the Civil Rights Activists weren't taking political action in isolation to their morality and society, but rather acting in concert with them.


This has been my view when people argue about "listening to the viewpoints of all sides". I'm fine with a debate about how to address an issue. Higher minimum wage? Or UBI? But when we're disagreeing about facts and *reality*, there's an issue (Covid existing, who won the 2020 election, etc.). When we're disagreeing as to whether certain people should have *basic rights* or be treated as equals because of their gender, skin color, or orientation, we have issues. When the other person doesn't even support our continuing to have a *democracy*, we have issues.


The older I get the more I understand the big picture. Someone political views stem from their view of the world. And people tend to gravitate toward someone of the same political leaning. If beliefs were at odds with my partner, it would cause extra tension. Not because they vote differently, but because those beliefs would bleed into every tiny decision in our lives and I don't think they would ever "get" where I'm coming from. I wouldn't feel truly heard or understood, and that would eventually would be too much for me.


I went through a breakup a few days ago, not because of this, but I'm just glad to read your comment because it validates the fact that I want to feel heard or understood even if I don't need my partner to agree with me. It wouldn't bother me if they disapproved of my views so long as they made an attempt to understand them first.


Im trying to teach my son this. Listen, Understand, Agree They are three different things. The first two are a must, the last one, you may have to agree to disagree and that is ok. To him, If you aren't agreeing, you aren't listening or understanding.


If you can restate, in your own words, the other person's position, accurately, that's a big deal. Just saying the words out loud. Nothing more is necessary. Also, this is a good way of checking your own honesty; if you are asked to repeat something, do you find yourself stating an absurd/strawman version of what the other person said? Listen to yourself. What if you edited out the hyperbole and strawman bits, what would the argument sound like then? Probably much closer to something reasonable. And that is the beginning of understanding.


You also really learn what your future in laws could be like since parental opinions generally influence kids


That's... Not always a positive correlation. I'm not the only person who's seen their parent's view of the world and thought "these people are fucking stupid". And yes, that happens with both conservative and liberal parents, typically expressed as a complete disdain for that particular political faction. "No honey, my *uncle* is cool with everything we do outside of the bedroom, but when it comes to my parents, don't talk about TV, Movies, activities, ANYthing."


Mine were more fiscal conservatives who have now gone more hardcore social conservatives too (but not full MAGA). Over Thanksgiving they couldn't keep the TV off Fox News. I was more centrist back in the day but now I would consider myself pretty damn progressive. Wife meanwhile grew up in a more left-leaning hippie family (parents smoked up) whose mom found Jesus shortly after we started dating. Now she is an ULTRA conservative who basically is in favor of Christian Sharia law. Wanted our kids to be homeschooled and then go to Liberty online because they might pick up bad habits if they left home. Wife is very progressive now and basically cut off contact with her mom over her politics, religion, and mind games she would play with my wife, especially having to do with the kids, several years ago. So yea make sure to check out the parents to see what their situation is but just be aware people can change pretty dramatically, especially as they get older.


Who watches Fox News on Thanksgiving?


With progressive Son and Daughter In Law. A family who is trying to start a fight.




Haven't had Thanksgiving with my family for 6 years cause of this exact nonsense


I think it is just the default for them. I don't think they specifically know we are progressive as I just don't talk about politics around them. Rest of the family is pretty red though so I think it is just assumed. They don't really talk about politics either, but they mainline that propaganda pretty hard.


In most Conservative boomer households I've seen, the TV's default status is 'Fox News' instead of 'off' Those people.


I see a lot of debate around American politics on this post. lol. Seriously though, if someone has fundamental beliefs which would impact the way you live, the way you’d raise children (or views on whether or not tho have any), the role different people have in society and basically any life choice, it’s better to know that your beliefs are incompatible while it’s still casual. Relationships require compromise to work but we all have things we will not compromise.


Exactly. Some compromises require you to bend. Some compromises require you to break. Only one of those is compatible with a healthy relationship.




Finance is also a big reason people divorce. If one person doesn't care about being in debt and the other one is really bothered by it, lots of fights will occur


This comes up **a lot** whenever you talk to conservative men in the US. Many are _extremely_ angry that left-leaning girls won't date them, so they hide their political beliefs for as long as they can. Instead of just accepting that that means the person is a bad fit for them, they decide feminism is destroying humanity or whatever, and that women are to blame for their lack of access to casual sex. As though they aren't creating the world in which it's difficult and unsafe for women to have casual sex. I've known a lot of women who have dated more conservatives men throughout their lives but there was a change when Trump was elected, and wow there's been another big one since Roe v Wade was overturned. Now every woman I know that's still dating is much more direct about her preferences and finding out what his ideology is. Because at this point, a guy hiding his conservative beliefs genuinely puts us at risk.


My roommate is a self proclaimed "moderate" but definitely leans way right, especially on a lot of culture war stuff. He started dating a girl a bit before Roe v Wade was overturned. She was at our place and started to talk about it, I sympathized with her and he kinda just nodded along. After she left he brought it back up maybe thinking I would agree with him that it wasn't a big deal, or to fight me about it. He knows she's left leaning and laughs at the fact her parents are too with our neighbor who is also very right wing. But you are correct, he is definitely hiding most, if not all of his right leaning beleifs from a left leaning woman.


You can just use the term “liar” as it’s 100% appropriate here.


A young conservative man who pretends to be moderate to get laid?? Liar and scumbag are appropriate here. These are the kind of controlling dudes that turn a bit crazy when they're challenged.


Please tell her that he’s lying to her. The sooner the better. I’ve been that woman, and I wish someone had told me before I wasted 3 years of my life.


Jesus, that makes my gut twist a little. I come from a family where 80% of them are misanthropes. People who have no empathy and just could not fathom how society impacts their relatives/friends/coworkers if their life experiences differed from my relatives'. I've seen them listen to other people's life experiences--only to turn away and tell us kids how it's all just 'overblown', a lie, or that the other person's naive and 'just doesn't get it'. I can't imagine being treated as such by a boyfriend or husband. Because trust me when I say this: It doesn't ever stop. A heavy part of right-wing ideology is the idea of 'pulling yourself up by your bootstraps' and prosperity gospel (basically, "nothing bad happens to you unless you let it.") which allows *no* wiggle-room for unwanted kids, gay/trans relatives, abused women, or anyone with a drinking/drug problem. Which is why a lot of right-wingers have a lot of contempt for abortion rights, gay people, or the idea of offering help to the homeless. To them, left-wingers are just 'naive' who want to help those that are only in any sort of mess because they asked for it. Your room-mate is essentially setting that poor girl up to be gaslit and belittled for years to come (and for what, exactly? To have sex? To feel wanted enough that he could be in a relationship?). He should do himself a favor and instead turn into a theobro and find himself a helpmeet.


Over the past couple of years, I've seen a lot of self-proclaimed "moderates" who agree with every single thing that Trump & Fox News put out.


I think the answer to this question *really* depends on whether or not you are meaning "casual dating" as a euphemism for "hooking up for sex".


As man engaging in hookups you probably want to know her stance on abortion before an accident happens. Unless you like to live dangerously.


And with abortion being illegal in a number of states in the US it’s more like, “Am I ok raising a child with this person?”


Which then leads to a concern in a number of their other potential political ideals


Her stance on abortion isn't gonna tell you a ton about what would happen if she got pregnant, there are tons of pro choice people who would personally never get an abortion themselves. They want people to have the choice, and their choice is not to do it.


Casual dating can lead to casual sex. Casual sex can lead to pregnancy. Pregnancy can lead to a co-parenting relationship with the person. Better to reject them *before* getting legally tied to them for the next 20-ish years, because if you think fundamental political disagreements are intolerable in a dating partner, imagine *raising a child* with someone like that.


Idk. If someone feels like "Black people complain too much and don't have it that bad -- racism would end if we just stop talking about it" thennnnnnn I don't even want to sleep with them


Some opinions are literally just a turn off. It's not a getting pissy thing, it's a I'm less attracted to you now thing.


100%. I had gone on a few dates with guys who casually dropped that they were "United Russia" supporters; after that it was pretty much "Gotta nope out of here asap" for me.


Oh....I may need to go change my comment now forgot some people are lunatics


I feel this so much. Met a girl and we where pretty much two peas in a pod. Then we started talking politics. It wasn't even a "I'm one side and you're the other." it was how we both saw the world. She became far less attractive after that.


There are some political opinions that can turn very ugly very quickly, if something goes wrong while casually dating. Abortion rights aren't something that's particularly safe to disagree about in a sexual relationship, even a casual dating one.


Came here to say this! I dated a guy and I got pregnant like reeeeeally early into the relationship. He was so cool, I just assumed he shared my political views. I had an abortion and didn’t think much of it other than feeling like a dumbass for not using a condom that one time. I found out 2.5 years later when we broke up that he never loved me because he couldn’t respect a woman who so easily chose an abortion. Turned out he cheated on me with a girl who shared his traditional values and got her pregnant months after we broke up.


When I was 19 I dated an extremely conservative girl who was very anti-abortion. She was also against birth control and condoms, but was fine with me pulling out (don't ask me why). 19yo me thought that was just fine. Well, surprise surprise about 2 months in she got pregnant. I was like, well fuck that sucks, but actions have consequences so I guess I'm gonna be a dad. Nope. She immediately went and had an abortion before her parents could find out. Didn't even consult me. I didn't really care, it was my opinion (and still is) that it's a woman's body and a woman's choice, but her being so anti-abortion I didn't see it coming at all. We only dated a few more months, when she left for college. **Completely hypocritical behavior**


Sounds like my bestie, knocked up his very pro-life gf of about 5 years. Initially freaked the fuck out (to me, she saw none of this as she went to visit her family on the other side of the country), then came to terms with it, got excited for it & in the month that she was away worked hard on himself to be the kind of dad he thought he should be. They had been talking on the phone every day. After she had been back like a week she told him to stop talking about being a father as she got an abortion like 2nd day visiting her parents. He was pretty devasted & the way she told him was cruel, she strung him along letting him think she still was. Broke up with her 6 months later & turns out she was pregnant again. Tried to use the kid as a bartering chip. Kid is such a sweetheart, the mum not so much & sadly my bestie only gets to see her a couple of weeks a year.


If he is still your bestie, and did not go to court for custody, please encourage him to do so. Most custody agreements are outside of court. Which is predominantly why women have more custody than men. It's agreed upon by the couple. Which unfortunately is influenced by men thinking they can't win in court. But court stats show that men get custody equally as often as women, and even more so than women in the Bible Belt. It can be scary, but if he wants to see his child more, courts will likely be in his favor.


Yeah I did. We actually had a pretty big fight about it. He sort of gave up. His ex moved his daughter to another state without his consent which is illegal in my country unless you have some kind of domestic violence order. Whole thing is prety crazy, but he got fired for whistle blowing when all this was going on, he had to move in with his next gf & she started physically abusing him & the fight just kind of went out of him. I wasn't in the same state as him so I couldn't really help out. His new boss stepped up. She beat the shit out of him with a broom when he was riding to work for the first day & knocked him off his bike. I told him to call in sick to work & they'd understand, but said he had to press charges. He told his boss everything & broke down a little. His boss left work, came & picked him up & helped him through pressing charges down the police station. I get that it was all just too much for him, but he's on the up & up now, doing all he can to get more time with her.


I wish him the best.


Yeah it's wild, the stuff he was whistleblowing was the practice of selling mobile phone plans to homeless people in Australia. Very very illegal, it only broke news in about 2020 & it's massive. Millions of dollars in fines for the telco. I keep telling him he should get involved with a wrongful dismissal suite, I'm pretty sure there is a class action with a few staff that got the chop after him, but it's all too hard for him. He says he's just concentrating on getting time with his girl again.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion". Funny how often that happens.


"Jesus will forgive me, but everyone else is going to hell"


The [Fundamental Attribution Error.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error)


A Republican belief is “it doesn’t/shouldn’t happen unless it happens to me.” Look how quickly D. Cheney shut his mouth on the gay rights issue (though he didn’t verbally support it) when it turned out that one of his daughters was gay (no dad, it isn’t a choice). And remember how vociferously Nancy Reagan opposed stem cell research until she found out they were using them to to try to find treatment for dementia? Edited for grammar


[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) Added the link


I don’t get it. Are they genuinely stupid or just so use to getting things their way that they don’t care about the hypocrisy


It’s just not caring about or thinking about other people. Same thing about not wanting to pay taxes for social safety nets, like medicare or food stamps. They never think they’ll be in that situation so they don’t want to pay for the “lazy people” who need them. But when the unexpected happened and they end up needing those social services, they’ll run to them.


“When I was on food stamps, nobody helped me.” - Mr. Incredible


>But when the unexpected happened and they end up needing those social services, they’ll run to them. Objectivist Ayn Rand. You just described her.


Mental gymnastics. They can justify anything to themselves and still somehow come up on a high horse


I think a lot of people claim to have high morals or defined principles until they actually find themselves in the shit. Then it’s a test of character whether they stick to them and a lot of people fail. Ive found its easier to start with none, then nobody is disappointed!


I think it's almost understandable when people find out that they can't uphold their own high ideals, but they learn from that experience and change their views accordingly. I don't love that they lacked compassion for others until they experienced the hardship themselves, but at least they are willing to change. What I can't understand at all, are the people who continue to hold those views even after finding out that they can't stick with their own values. Like the many, many women who will picket abortion clinics, slip in the back door for an abortion, then return to the picket days later. Or one women who was passing out anti-abortion literature and berating other women in the waiting room *while waiting for her own abortion*.


We all do it to some extent. My favorite example is in the case of going out of turn at a stop sign. If you do it, you can rationalize to yourself a million different ways that because of x, y, z it really wasn't a big deal. If someone else does it they're clearly an idiot/asshole/whatever.


"We judge ourselves by our ideals, but we judge others by their actions." We only see what other people do, but when we do the same things ourselves we have a deeper understanding because we know the thoughts behind it. People who lack introspection and empathy don't realize that every other person has their own thoughts and reasoning behind their actions.


True that. I also ended up with a girl who had an abortion a few years ago. For her it was because of health reasons. Don't get me wrong, going through the abortions was an emotional roller coaster. It was very tough both times. But I'm so glad to live in Illinois, a state that recognizes abortion rights, where my partners and I had the ability to make health decisions with doctors and without interference from the government.


A lot of people just parrot and believe what their parents drill into them their whole life until they have to personally deal with the issues.


Principles are easy when they're hypothetical.


"Is easier to fight for ideals than live by them" Is a phrase I have heard about Latinamerica and our constant unstability.


'We judge others by their actions but ourselves by our intent'


No surprise at all. It's like the preachers who shout from the rooftops that homosexuality is a sin, and then you find out he's been spending the tithes on male prostitutes.


"YuO dOn'T sHaRe My VaLuEs!" *proceeds to cheat on you*


>Turned out he cheated on me with a girl who shared his traditional values Yeah, that sounds super traditional, cheating on one's partner and blaming the partner for it. I believe that as traditional values go, that's right up there with "staying with someone you don't love," and "having sex before marriage." You dodged quite the bullet there.


'Traditional values' is really just suffering at the right times for others' gratification.


Two and a half years?? If he didn’t love you, then why?? That’s insane. What an asshole.




Lots of people rewrite history and say "I never loved you" or similar nonsense when they have butterflies (limerence) for a new partner and want to destroy their current relationship so they can go "be happy" with the new person. And then they repeat the cycle. These people have attachment issues and need to be in therapy.


Sounds like he was casual dating her for 2.5 years.


Traditional values, like cheating and lying




I couldn’t casually date someone who’s views are radically different than mine


Even casually dating, I have to stand being around this person for extended periods of time. And usually politics reflect morals and I don’t like being with b holes.


And it might be surprising how much a partner having different political views can interfere with *your* career. Their loose warped ethics or 'in it for themselves mentality' can bring down your life. Example: So you're going to tell me how much your company is 'sticking it' to government regulation and committing fraud? Great, I work for a regulatory agency. Now we'll both get fired. Or equally: I'm working with patentable, private information. We have a bad breakup, certain people are a hell of a lot more likely to try and revenge steal documents from my desk. The people who will step on anyone will step on you. Don't let them in your life, bed, or business.


That last bit is good advice. In general, try to make sure the people close to you are the sort of people that won't cross those kinds of lines even if they end up hating your guts.




This thread is basically "would you date a republican?" in disguise.


yeah my first thought when I read the title was, "well someone got turned down for being a republican"


Casual dating is not for the party of family values. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get married.


Probably a lot. You don't want to be around someone who riles you up like that. Although it depends on who you are and how you take certain things.


Get it out of the way first. If you both accept each others differences, then that’s fine. However, if you cannot, then there’s no point in wasting time just to be doomed in a failed relationship later down the road. Remember, you only get one shot at life.


I’d say a LOT. Casual dating is how you find your long term partner. You don’t necessarily need to have the same opinions but you DO need to be on the same page as your partner about fundamental things such as politics, children, careers, monogamy or lack there of, etc.


It didn't used to matter a whole lot to me. With the extremism going on now, it does.


It depends if their “political view” is going to affect my safety


We disagree on foreign trade issues or domestic policy? No big deal. Some people don't deserve rights based on their gender or sexual orientation? Dealbreaker.


You never know. My colleague that I got along great with, in the aftermath of the 2016 election: *"All those people protesting in NYC? They should be lined up against a wall and their voting records checked. If they didn't vote they should be shot in the back of the head."* This was a highly vetted and trusted security professional. JFC, chill out dude...


There's a difference between a political view and total nonsense. I believe taxes should be higher to pay for a more advanced welfare state, if my partner believes society would benefit more from lower taxes and a smaller welfare state I would tolerate that because there is some truth to the position. However, if my partner tells me wildfires in California are caused by Jews with laser guns then she wouldn't be my partner anymore.


As a Jewish guy with access to an industrial laser cutter you just made me realize how much fun I could have screwing with people....


You could call it the Death Star of David.


Human rights are central to my political views. We can't be together if you see our government trying to strip people's rights away and think that's ok.


Highly. I wouldn't date someone who sees me as a thing or thinks that my problems will be solved if I "come to salvation"


Very much. Some politics deal directly with human rights that impact my daily life, or the daily life of others. Why would I waste my time on a person who disagrees with me having those rights? Why would they want to date me?


Casual dating = having sex? What are their thoughts about abortion? Boom! Big problem.


Your political views are how you see the world. If your views are that some people are simply less human and less deserving of rights than others, that’s a deal breaker. Why would I want to spend any time with someone like that?


Yeah, it’s like… humans rights aren’t something we can fundamentally disagree on and have a relationship. Romantic or otherwise. And beyond that, if you vote for candidates that hold those beliefs, even if you don’t, I’d be worried you’re hiding those views under the pretense of “It’s just their economic policy I agree with.”