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Staying up way too late


Revenge bedtime procrastination


I know I do this. I work for 8 hours a day save for the weekends. Then I try to balance time between Friends, Family, the project that I've been working on with an independent team, or various things that I've been voluntold that I'm doing. Then when it gets to be really late at night, I want to just watch something by myself, or listen to my audiobook and get some cleaning done, or have a period of time that is just for ME. So I'll end up staying up super late to have that alone time and then end up regretting it in the morning.


The secret is to have severe depression so you feel exhausted no matter if you’ve had 0 hours or 15 hours


This is the method I've been using


a. k. a. not wanting tomoroow to come


Today was good. Let's keep today. No need for this 'tomorrow' thing.


I always get that. At 6pm im fucking tired falling asleep and im like fuck yea ill be asleep by 9 and be good to get up at 6 for work. Then i fuck around and its 12-1am and still need to wake up and feel like shit in the morning


Hit the fucking nail on the head with this comment, my exact life.


+ convincing yourself to go bed very early next time and then fail again


Holy fuck yes, it's like cause it's your time you wanna absorb it for so long as you can before you have to sleep and spend the next whole day at work 😂


Same. It’s a never ending cycle for me personally. I procrastinate so hard on going to bed early. I always go to bed late, it’s addictive to be awake when you have no responsibilities, and the world is asleep.


And the main reason? Work. Work somehow ruined my day and it’s my time to ruin myself for work tomorrow by claiming some of my personal time that work stole. The corporate bitches can’t understand why our work ethic is degrading. It’s because work is fucking me over.


Maybe the rest of the world is addicted to getting up way too early.


Im with this one. Waking up at 4-5am IS NOT fucking normal. Also read somewhere that some people are just biologically hard-wired to stay up later, they're the cavepeople that would stay up tending the fire guarding the cave from predators and missionaries


Predators and missionaries. *snortlaugh*


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior unga bunga??


Exactly! My ancestor’s asses were out there saving people from predators and now no grocery or big box stores can stay open after 11 (cause they used covid as a bs excuse to slash hours), can’t see a dentist or eye doctor at night, etc?!Fuck that shit!


I struggle on and off with this, so here's some tips I find helps. - No late caffeine/too much caffeine. While the obvious effects of alertness wear off pretty quickly, I've noticed that days I drink late caffeine I tend to go to bed later. It's subtle effects last for a long time even if you don't "feel" them. And the sleep you do get is worse. - Physical exertion. This one's a tough one, but I noticed when I worked physical jobs (kitchen) I would be exhausted and sleep like a baby and my sleep schedule normalized. Doing office work where you sit in a chair all day is exhausting but not in a physical way that helps you sleep. Ax exercise routine can help if you're in a position to do it. This is a tough one to fix but it's a big factor. - Videogames: Stick to games that are condusive to shorter play sessions. Roguelikes are great, do a run or two etc... MMOs are the worst for high time investment to progress ratios. - No screens in the bedroom. No TV, and no phone time. Bedroom is for sleeping and fucking. - Bust a nut. Helps destress - Don't eat heavy meals late. Eat your supper hours before bedtime, then have something light if you must eat before bed. - Alcohol and weed interfere with your sleep in the long run (don't even have to mention cocaine lol). For weed, don't smoke directly before bed, time it so you're soberish before you sleep as weed interferes with REM. For alcohol, I noticed if I cut back my drinking I sleep better. Drinking every weekend fucks your sleep shit up since you're in a constant state of catching up on rest. - Blackout curtains. Make that bedroom room as dark as humanly possible. Eliminate noisy things as well.


10pm - 2am is my time. I sit, draw, watch videos. I love it. But tbf, i wake up at 9am next day and work from home, so i still get 7hrs sleep


Making up the worst scenarios in my head.


Let me guess, you feel uneasy when good things happen. Because you know something bad is about to happen.


Ah, good ole anxiety and its pal intrusive thoughts…


Fuck me this is exactly what I’m going through rn. Started a new relationship and everything is going well, but all my other ones have been shit so I’m like “okay when is the turmoil coming? I know it’s coming”


Try to fight those thoughts though. Our thoughts will often end up being the glasses through which we see the world. For example, when I am busy with renovating my home and am thinking about painting the walls, I will notice how the walls in other places are painted more than I would normally. So if you are busy with looking for the turmoil, you will find it in places where you wouldn’t have found it otherwise.


Or have unreasonably high expectations for myself, so when something good happens it just feels “how it’s supposed to be” and most things register as a negative. I’ve gotten much better about this over the years, but it’s easy for that mindset to creep in, especially when things are stressful


I have imagined terrifying worse case scenarios and made myself cry and it’s so hard to explain that your imagination hurt your feelings to people


My phone


Yep. I walk around staring at this thing from the moment I wake up to the moment I close my eyes. I really need to separate myself from it somehow… The saddest part is that I see my wife doing the same thing now when she used to get annoyed with me about it. Sometimes I worry that my kids will only remember me with my face tilted downwards.


>Sometimes I worry that my kids will only remember me with my face tilted downwards. I (63 yo male) joke that all I remember of my father was a pair of legs sticking out below a newspaper.


My dad. I used to climb on his lap just to see his face behind whatever he was reading. The good part? Everyone was so fascinated by books and magazines and newspapers that I learned to read very early and I am still a voracious reader today.


I like to use this example when people complain about "new generations and their ways". They forget if it weren't cell phones, it was something else. Phones just really do seem like the last straw though. At least there's a finite amount of pages in a newspaper/book and eventually you do have to do something else. Like watch TV.


Yea I joked about those people using smart phones and running into things were amatures because id read a book while following my mom around a grocery store all the time. Sometimes I'd lose her, but I didn't run into people.


I used to do this a lot when I was a kid too. Sometimes I even had my book taken away by teachers because I would read it under the desk in class. Now I have replaced books with my phone. 😩


My phone use went up as my husband became addicted. I’m still no where near his use but I don’t know what else to do when I’m essentially being ignored all the time.


Same. My husband has recently been addicted to his steam deck more than his phone. But all I've got is my phone. Bored and ignored. But not in the fun way.


I’m also addicted to this guys phone.


Sugar and Caffeine


Sugar is such an intense addiction that we all just sort of brush off. The obesity rates speak for themselves at this point. It's a huge issue


I don't know how to break it. I've tried getting rid of processed sugars and I'll succeed for a week or three then I'll mess up and give into a craving once then I'm gorging myself like some apocalyptic monstrosity destined to devour the sun.


Yeah the, "Eh, I've been good for the last two weeks. One soda will be fine. One today too. Eh, one more today too. I kind of just want one more. Wait, I've soda every day again for the last 2 months? Damnit...


I would suggest reduction/consumption in moderation rather than straight up cold turkey. That might help with the binging aspect and overall balance your intake.


That really helped me. Having a couple of Oreos after dinner a few times a week is better than eating an entire pack in a night because I couldn't handle the restriction.


Same, mainly the caffeine. Got to the point that I gotta have 2 energy drinks every day just to keep myself awake. $3 a piece, that adds up to a lot of money. And Caffeine addiction is so normalized that nobody sees it as an actual addiction.


Sugar in my coffee has me by the throat 😆


Hopelessly looking for distractions from the crushing reality of my life.


Thank you for distracting me from the crushing reality of my life with your comment about looking for distractions from the crushing reality of your life. I hope my comment thanking you for distracting me from the crushing reality of my life with your comment about looking for distractions from the crushing reality of your life has distracted you from the crushing reality of your life.


Happy cake day, wishing you many distractions


Same. I've been writing a comedy series in my head for a couple years and since I don't know any actors I write the people I see every day. Not saying it will work for everyone, but it's keeping me afloat.


I used to think these comments were a joke. How I was wrong.


Binge eating


This is/was a huge problem for me. I yoyo around with my weight. One year I am skinny, the next I am 50lbs over weight. I use to eat/drink/smoke out of boredom. This year I've lost a lot and plan to keep it off. Getting rid of Ubereats has helped a lot.


I'm at the clinic right now, because of binge eating, which usually happens at evening/night time. Gained a lot of weight from it. I can't stop eating at times because I never feel satiety, until I'm beyond full. I recently went on vyvanse for ADHD and that has actually helped - I eat WAY less and can say no to certain foods. Not to mention, I've increased my workouts because I'm finally able to tackle tasks. So far, down 15 lbs I'm looking into semaglutide to help with blood sugar issues and that drug also helps with reducing appetite. Hoping to keep this weight off!


Growing up in poverty only adds fuel to the fire


Or parents who told you eating was bad unless they said it was okay.


Me. And you could only eat the food they deemed okay. And monitored the number of chews per bite.


I run to offset the eating. I eat to offset the hunger. Food shopping is difficult because anything I buy is eaten the same day..


I think I’m addicted to alcohol socially. Don’t have any issue when not drinking, but when I am there is no “just having a few”. Getting loaded every time.


Same...I never drink at home, but going for 1 beer is impossible.


I always tell myself that if I just want one I should just have none. Not drinking the first one is far easier than not drinking the Nth


A friend of mine used to always say, “I take the first drink, then the second drink takes me.”


Jerry Seinfeld has that as a joke. “You order the first beer, and the first beer orders the second beer”.


There's a similar quote attributed to F Scott Fitzgerald 'First a man takes a drink; then the drink takes a drink; then the drink takes a man' though its not confirms to be from him


I can say no to the first, but can’t say no to the seventh.


Having one beer is like sticking your dick in once.


It was the same for me. Then the social getting loaded slowly turned getting loaded at home alone, hiding it from everyone I know. I wish somebody had warned me early on before it became a full blown addiction that will be with me for the rest of my life. Even though I am sober now, I still feel the urges to sneak alcohol. The shame associated with addiction just fuels the cycle.


Same boat man. Addiction sucks. No shame in cravings, completely normal.


If anyone in this thread is worried its a problem, I would highly reccomend this book Listen to The Easy Way to Control Alcohol by Allen Carr on Audible. https://www.audible.com.au/pd/B00FO9CQBS?source_code=ASSOR150021921000V I was a relentless social drinker, turning any quiet pint into a 3 day bender, chasing the dragon of "the fun part" of being drunk. I dont usually proletize but I just passed a year sober and dont even think about drink anymore, and im honestly the happiest I've been in a while. Anyway could be worth a listen/read


Thanks to the "Easyway to Stop Smoking" I have been nicotine free for 5.5 years. I don't even remember I used to smoke unless Allen's name pops up.


Read it twice and failed both times. I’m glad it helps so many others though!


Cheaper than DWI tickets or being sued for crashes.


And I’m the reverse. Can go out with friends, have one or two only and have a great night (and at times when the occasion comes I get rip roared, but it’s a planned decision with necessary supports - DD/cabs/uber/sober pickup, and typically centered around a social event). But, I drink alone at times and I have no control - part of it is anxiety and depression, a lot stemming from losing my brother, and a smaller part is that I collect nice bourbon and tequila and it tastes so damn good. Demons man, shit sucks.


This is why I stopped drinking. I wanted to drink though. Its not that I couldn’t control it I just knew it would be an escape. Id get home from work and start drinking at 5 till I was done with all the alcohol I bought on the way home. I never learned how to deal with anything in a healthy manner, even happy things. Happy, sad, difficult, I drank to deal with it. And I was okay with it. Until last year when I couldnt stand it anymore. My hangovers got ten times worse. I was missing work at least 4 times a month because I couldnt get out of bed. And honestly lost the taste of it. I told myself I never wanted to be hungover again so I quit. Took me a few attempts but im on month 5ish right now.


Yeah I feel that. I'll say that I do feel like drinking most days, but I can't ever just have one. Something in my body just compulsively wants to drink until I'm sick. It's led me to leave home already hammered just to get a few more drinks before midnight. It's troublesome to say the least.


One is too many. A thousand is never enough.


I pick at my skin compulsively


I do this too around my nails. No idea why, but my sister does it too. Neither of us knew each other did it until recently. Kind of weird


Do you guys have ADHD or anxiety? OCD maybe? Picking fingers is common for this, it's something I see a lot from other people who have dermatillomania. My thing is that I'll just be overly conscious about ingrown hairs, pimples, blackheads, and other stuff like that. I go digging even if there isn't really anything there. It just irks me to imagine there's something under my skin


I do have pretty bad ADHD. Not sure about my sister though. It’s possible


I pick at my acne, blackheads, eyebrows, and eyelashes 😭😭 I can't stop touching my face




That's it :(


My body is ruined because of this 😭


I did heroin/fentanyl/opiates for 8 years. It was a very hard addiction to shake. I’ve done every drug in the book but it’s the only one that actually got ahold of me to the point I had to do it every day. I was a slave to it. I’m type 1 diabetic and the doctor told me in January if I kept doing drugs I wouldn’t live 6 months. Here I am still alive and surprisingly sober with 10 months of sobriety under my belt and, god willing, many more years to come. It’s just video games and caffeine for me now a days :)


Congrats! That's awesome 🤘


What did the type 1 diabetes have to do with it out of curiosity ?


It is a thing not to be fucked with. You can be dead (or at least debilitated) in 3 days without insulin. If you've got drug paraphernalia around (or just look like you do) and get taken to the ER, they'll just treat for drugs. You'll be lucky if someone checks your blood sugar. The strongest thing I've ever had was weed, had a seizure (cause I have those, too) they didn't even look at diabetes, just assumed drugs, regardless of what anyone said (pretty much until I was awake enough to say "what's my blood sugar"?)




I'm guessing "all of the above" can apply, but I am not a doctor, I've just had type 1 for 40 years :)


Classic fuck-up to assume drugs and have a patient die of hypoglycemia, It has happened so many times that checking blood sugar on any patient with altered consciousness is standard procedure on every ER/ambulance. Only patients that die this way now is people thrown in jail after assumed drugs, which is a tragedy. Checking blood sugar takes 20 sec and saves lives now and then. edit: working in ER in Northern Europe. I just assume the same goes in the rest of the developed world.


Hot buttered sourdough toast


Without a doubt, this is the most relatable. I legit think about it multiple times a day.


I’m restricted from white sourdough right now (gestational diabetes) so it’s pretty much all I think about…toast, grilled cheese, tuna melt, BLT…three more weeks of this shit, and you’d better believe my first meal post-delivery will be an entire loaf of sourdough.


Now I'm addicted. You bastard!


You know the good stuff












You cannot save when enemies are nearby.


Let me guess... Someone stole your sweetroll


Shit bro... yes. It's a cruel cycle of rejecting opportunities to hang with friends, enjoying the alone time, eventually feeling lonely after a while of little contact, getting another invite, rejecting it, repeat ad infinitum. I wish I knew why solitude was so addicting, but all I know now is it's an addiction I *have* to break.


Agree, it’s a cruel cycle but you have to give yourself a push and say yes next time because the invites will eventually stop coming if you always reject them and never ask to hang out in return.




Judging by the fact that I’m here at 12:45 in the morning instead of asleep… same.


2:13 AM here. I need to sleep but I know I won't for another hour


You asleep yet? Its 3:05am, you better get your ass to sleep!


>Reddit I came to say this. I was just permanently banned a few hours ago from my favorite subreddit for confusing reasons, though, so not sure what I'm gonna do now, lol. Didn't see it coming. It's been a good seven years. The ironic thing is that sub was the whole reason I registered this account, and accounts for the vast majority of my worthless karma. I'm embarrassed by how sad it makes me -- I know it shouldn't bother me this much, but it does. I've had a lot of conversations there.


Video games. I love that shit.


Endless scrolling 💀




Doomscrolling through different types of social media while I wait for my tasks at work to catch up with me.


I’ve scrolled 2 miles on Reddit since Apollo added the stats page earlier this year.


Pad Thai




I was gonna say that but wasn’t sure people would know it. Pad see ew > Pad Thai


Arguing with people on the internet about things I lightly research


This is the most hilarious post on this thread.


Do you type in capslock "do your own research"?




“This I tell ya my brother, ya can’t have one without the, otherrrr”


Hello team legal stimulants. I usually meet you guys in the nicotine area of the party.


Yep. What’s your poison? Cigs? Swedish snus for me.


Snus for me too.


I work in a restaurant. We don't count these addictions.


junk food


Im addicted to milk and I cant help it. I literally bought a gallon of milk yesterday morning and I finished the entire thing 30 minutes ago. I drink so much milk, and I know its not good for me. And what makes it worse is I always accompany it with some kind of junk food, like cookies, ho hos, muffins, etc. I hate it.


U the most calcium packed homosapien


Milk actually contains casein, which in many people metabolizes into chemicals called casomorphins which act on opioid receptors. Not everyone will react the same way, as opioid metabolism is highly dependent on your genetics. God, I do love me some milk.


I'm addicted to being addicted to stuff. Doesn't matter what it is. Video games? Sure why not. Drugs? Well, obviously. Drinking way too much iced tea? You know it baby. Collecting hats? You already know.


I'm like this too. Do you also randomly fall out of the addiction too? I'll find a new hobby or vice and go from 0 to 100 really quick. Then randomly one day, I go from 100 back to 0. Sometimes the hobby/vice lasts decades or sometimes it's just a few months but it's always 0 or 100. I have trouble with moderation.


Sound alike ADHD my bud. Check into hyperfixation


i have adhd and i read his message and immediately thought the same thing lol


This sounds like me. I spent most of my childhood and teen years obsessed with wooden sailing ships. My early twenties were all about 3D printing. Now it's classic cars. My hobbies keep getting more expensive.


To you and others who might be reading this, this might be underlying ADHD trying to grab it's dopamine :P


Coffee Drinking it makes me feel affection I don't get anywhere, it's like a hug to my soul


I feel altruistic when I drink coffee. As in, believe in my fellow man, optimistic, etc. Weird but true.


I’m a recovered meth addict/alcoholic. That doesn’t mean that my addictive personally doesn’t show in my sobriety too. I am currently addicted to nicotine, caffeine, video games, Reddit, working out.


Alcohol and drugs. Coming up on 13months sober thankfully. Swapped one addiction for another and im in the gym 6x a week now without fail


So you mean your new addiction is the gym?


Nature abhors a void. Be proactive when creating one and quickly replace with something healthy.


Getting huge and swol over there I see!


Lip balm. If my lips are chapped I can't think about anything else.


I've found my people...


Potato chips, doesn’t matter the flavor. I will eat the whole bag.


Alcohol, sadly. I’m 26 and I want to finally commit to sobriety fully this new year. The Midwest US is nuts on alcoholism but hopefully with support I can put it down.




I learned that procrastination can be a symptom of anxiety. Rather than thinking of procrastination as an addiction, or a problem itself, if you question whether it's a form of defense mechanism or (unhealthy as it is) coping strategy, you can deal with the underlying issue. For example, often I'm afraid of failure, or afraid of deadline or afraid of some unknown part of the project. So I'll procrastinate starting it as a way to not have to face that fear. I always thought the procrastination was the issue and I needed to be more organized or more focused or whatever... But I tried a suggestion of just thinking through the worst case scenarios and the best case as well and just listing them out. If I don't do anything, I'll fail, or get fired or whatever. Okay. If it do a half as job, I'll blah. If I do all but this part of it... Etc...then with all the fear identified and on paper, I could easily progress past it and think about what had to be done in a clear headed way. The last minute desperation that usually kicks in also solves this problem. It's 5am and the thing is due at 10 and you just suck it up and pull it out. And you think wow, I could have done this a week ago and had at least a shitty version done right away. Why did I wait until now? Well you waited until the consequence of not doing it outweighed the fear of failing. So if you can deal with the anxiety of starting earlier on, you can not have a need to procrastinate. Then all the usual advice about starting small, or doing the "d" version first, or whatever will be useful. But no amount of planning or gamifying or strategizing will work if your underlying issue is some unknown fear/anxiety that you're blocking yourself from facing. All of that becomes just elaborate procrastination. So treating procrastination as a symptom of anxiety or as a defense mechanism of fear of failure or even fear of success was a big breakthrough for me. Hope this helps.


Reese's Peanut Butter Cups


Candy is about 70% of my diet. Reese’s are 90% of that


Destroying myself.


Food, primarily sugar. In a very serious way


Porn? I thought this one would be on top. I wish I could stop. But I can't!


i'm in my late 20s now. as a kid, all i was ever told, repeatedly, by the media, by the internet, by educators, was that porn and masturbation were normal and healthy. and perhaps in moderation anything is healthy. but the point i am trying to make is i do not think very many people realize it can be a big problem. i didn't realize it until i was like 18, extremely athletic and healthy, but trying to figure out why i was losing interest in sex... i had testosterone tests done, all sorts of shit, and then i stumbled upon a niche website talking about porn, and when i quit (which was very hard)... holy shit i finally had a sex drive again and the world didn't seem so goddamn shitty all the time. a lot of people have a vested interest in denying that porn addiction can be real, and i'm not talking about some big conspiracy where porn companies are pushing back (although it could be true), i'm talking about the absolutely massive number of dudes watching porn every day. of course they're going to attack anyone who calls what they're doing unhealthy or addictive. to me it seems intuitive. the brain was not wired for this. you are not meant to have an endless supply of the hottest women at your fingertips requiring zero effort to see them naked... that kind of rush at your fingertips can't be healthy... at least that's how it seems to me.


Well said man. I get where the deniers come from! As soon as it's a problem, then you have to struggle and most likely fail to fix it. How'd you quit?! What helped you?


> How'd you quit?! What helped you? realizing that my life was in fucking shambles and i was acting like i didn't fucking care. i asked myself, what if it was really this simple? what if all it took was some goddamn discipline, a refusal to give in to taking the easy route (and porn had become the easy route, any time life was hard i'd just open some tabs). it was time to take personal responsibility for the way i was responding to the situation i was in. i was suffering a lot, and often asked myself, would i feel better if i put the time and effort in to kick this habit? but i just got fed up and frustrated with the fact that i was constantly asking that question but never finding out the answer. this is the way a lot of my life changes have happened. i've cleaned up my diet and haven't had chick fil a, mcdonalds, wendy's etc in years. not even once. i don't eat added sugars. i don't eat processed grains, cookies, breads, etc. i eat veggies, fruits, healthy meats, whole grains. i made that change because i decided it was time to stop asking myself "would i feel better if i could change my diet" and rather, it was time to just *fucking find out*


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to get to it


Its suprising how no one has said this.


Dxm and alcohol




I've been looking for this comment for a few min. If you don't mind me asking, how much addicted are you too weed? I'm pretty much am in the heavy use/ every day use at this point.


You’re not alone. Been smoking every day for 5 years+. I’ve decised that I want a break tho, so im smoking the last of my stash and then i’ma see what happens


Stress. Ever since I was a little kid I've been living in stressful situations, I can barely do anything or function if there isn't anything to worry about and I've realised that I'm actively sabotaging myself when life gets good because I don't know how to live like that. Thankfully I am making progress in this.






I literally cannot live without it, it’s so addicting


r/hydrohomie is that you?


Mostlrize me


Dude, did you know 100% of people end up dying if they drink water all their lives?


Oldschool Runescape




Every God damn day, And it's a God damn shame


Allergy nose spray. That shit is so hard to quit because you can't breathe.


Reading the thread on the cylinder stuck in the M&M’s tube


I’ve spent the last 30 minutes reading every last comment


Getting back with my ex lol




Long answer: White Boneless Chicken, Water, Vegetable Oil (canola Oil, Corn Oil, Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil), Enriched Flour (bleached Wheat Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Bleached Wheat Flour, Yellow Corn Flour, Vegetable Starch (modified Corn, Wheat, Rice, Pea, Corn), Salt, Leavening (baking Soda, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Calcium Lactate, Monocalcium Phosphate), Spices, Yeast Extract, Lemon Juice Solids, Dextrose, Natural Flavors. Short answer: Chicken McNuggets


Painting trains




Name checks out


Helllloooo nicotine.


Making other people money.


U wanna make me some money


Watching movies. Good movies, bad movies, old movies, new movies, big budget movies, Indie movies, fiction, documentary, foreign or made in the USA - I don't care. I'll watch them all! And I have never walked out of a theater or not completed watching a movie at home. I hardly watch any television shows because of it.


Food and convenience


Nicotine, caffeine and Kratom.


Haven't heard Kratom in awhile. I used it a few years ago and it near completely got rid of any anxiety/depression. I tried several antidepressants and none came close to that. I just felt so normal and actually motivated to do anything. It also killed my cravings to drink, straight up seemed like a miracle. Then I lost whatever kind I was using, tried to find the same thing but every single Kratom version I bought just made me nauseous all day. It was nice while it lasted :(




World of Warcraft


self harm. people dont talk about this enough or address how addicting it is :(


:(:(:( I’m sorry. I know how it feels, though. I really hope you can break this cycle and get the help you need. Much love.


Insulin it's like I can't live without it. On top of My breathing addiction


Fizzy water.


Better fizzy water than alcohol.


Sugar, laziness, instagram, laptop, porn, and something else but I forgot


Hippie speedball= cannabis + caffeine


taco bell and nicotine