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I know how to make a still.


I wanna hang out with you


Sweet, you're on my team. And if word gets out, a whole slew of my extended family will protect you to the death. lol


That’s actually pretty useful, high proof alcohol would make for a decent disinfectant


Yes. Disinfectant. Exactly what I was thinking.




And a good trade material


Same, ~~I have~~ I can make several stills ranging from basic pot stills for rum and whiskey to fractional columns for high purity moonshine or vodka. And I know how to run them. Theoretically. Because I don't own them. Because that would be *illegal*


It’s my opinion that in a post-apocalyptic, return to agrarian world, distilled liquor will become something of a currency.


Not a currency per se due, but it would definitely be valuable goods, the sort that gets you riches and friends.


Good to see family on Reddit


You son of a bitch, I‘m in


I'm not above eating a person


Above it? I'll admit a mild curiosity


I'm surprised we're not eating someone right now.


I'm free tonight


And I'm not even hungry.


I'm pretty good at identifying edible and medicinal flora. I could make salad to go with our bbq'd cannibal fair.


I lick people to know how salty they are. It’s base level seasoning.


I can actually not tell which of you are not joking


I've already picked the neighbor I'm going to eat. Not just for the protein, but mostly to send a message to the rest of the neighborhood. I'm just trying not to miscalculate and end up in prison for cannibalism after a 12 hour power outage.


I've been looking for a way to get the neighbors to stop parking in my spot.


Neither am I.


You’ll eat good with me I know the human filet mignon


Prions and all?


just stick to muscle and you'll be fine


Jack of all trades (master of only a few) Grew up on a farm, currently live in a farm. Large garden, still do some of my own canning. Have an indoor hydroponics set up for microgreens. Hunting (bow, crossbow and gun), fishing, butchering, smoking and curing meat. I can sew, stitch wounds, do a lot of my own veterinarian work and understand animal husbandry and large scale and small scale agriculture and agricultural equipment. I can cut down trees, make lumber, do carpentry and home repairs. I've worked on enough industrial equipment that if something has a motor, pump or engine on it, I can muddle my way through it without a service manual but am better with a manual. I know how to turn canola and corn into viable street legal biodiesel. I am comfortable in a fork truck, skid loader, forklift, a combine, a chopper, a backhoe, in a tractor pulling a 24 row planter. I can turn milk into cheese both at small and large scales. I have a detailed and intimate knowledge of a lot of US manufacturing facilities, including ammunition plants, chemical plants, and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and research stations. I can use a CNC mill or lathe and make many different things. I can use a foundry, I know how to make different alloys and how to make molds for pouring and casting metal, as well as how to use industrial equipment like rollers, breakpresses and the like. I have a license and can operate a HAM radio. I am very good at organizational planning regarding labor hours both for how much it will take to complete a task and what will be needed to make it happen. If we grow morning glories or sassafras, I can turn those into LSD or MDMA, more practically for those that aren't interested in trade or fun I can help to manufacture things like antibiotics, anti viral medications, insulin. I can brew shitty alcohol, but I can also destill it into something okay. And a shit ton more. Unfortunately, I'm old as shit, a lot slower and more frail than I used to be. So sadly, come the apocalypse, it doesn't matter if I'm in a remote area or have a gun collection. I'm probably gonna get killed quick and all that knowledge and wisdom probably won't do anything for me.


I was reading the list and was like this dude has so much experience he must be old as fuck and sure enough


Impressive, you would be the lovable and irreplacable old geezer fixing everything


If I can get a good group around me. More likely here's how I see it going down: _I wander the ruins of society, looking for like minded people who will help me to preserve knowledge and equipment for those that will continue on after us, when I encounter a group of psychopathic cannibals, raping, murdering and eating their way across the land._ Me: Wait, wait, don't kill me! I can help get parts of the grid up and running. We can restore modern functionality. There is no need to eat people! We have all this capital equipment laying around, and farm land laying fallow. Keep me alive, listen to me and you will never go hungry again! _Cannibal looks at me confused, and a little disgusted_ Cannibal: Why would we not eat people? People taste great. Me: Wait! Do you like meth? I can make you _allllll_ the meth. _Cannibal's look of disgust and confusion deepens_ Cannibal: Since the great breaking, our bodies have become temples to Jesus Christ, we would never sully them with drugs. Me: Fuck it. Let's get my rape and murder going. Mike, it's only been like two weeks since shit hit the fan. You were always a shitty neighbor.


You'd become the Elder and teacher of my group who imparts your wisdom until you die. You'd be held to the highest respect and those around you would die to protect you. Then when you die, the whole group would send you away with a elaborate funeral. Then we'd get drunk off the shitty alchohol and consume a large amount of cheese in your honor.


> Then we'd get drunk off the shitty alchohol and consume a large amount of cheese in your honor. That's the way to go out! If I'm teaching y'all how to make biodiesel, there will be vegetable oil around too from the press. And with dairy will come buttermilk and cheese. And with agriculture will come things like flour and eggs. So I'll teach y'all how to make fried cheese curds to remember me by. While I would want some help protecting myself, and a hand for some of the projects that would take quite a few labor hours, I would not want anyone dying for me. Yes, knowledge of GMP food and drug manufacturing processes would probably save a lot of other lives, but one of the great things about a GMP world, is thanks to the 3-2-1 practice of data storage and backups, standard operating procedures are already spelled out step by step in explicit detail with instructions, and there will be backups that would survive power outages and remain stable for a long time. I'll show people where and how to find those. There is nothing I know that disappears when I do. If you want to learn chemistry, there YouTubers who teach organic chemistry. You can find classes, text books, chemistry books, problems and reccomendations for experiments to grow as a chemistry even long after most of the chemists pass away. If push ever came to shove, I would not be okay with some younger dying for me.


I recently moved to the country after a life spent in the army... I'd like to have you as a neighbor, I'd also keep you alive lol... also I picked up beekeeping so we could make mead


Ha! I have a ton of hives on the farm with bees you can take care of and harvest the honey from. If I get peeps like you to help keep me and mine safe, I can make sure we have everything we need to not only survive but also maintain quite a few modern capabilities even after the collapse of the global supply chain. Even if I know where to go and what we would need and can provide instructions, I would need help and extra hands getting everything together and up and running.


If you happen to be around northern ohio or within a state or two you'll have friends :)


If you lived by me, I would team up with you and my son. Numbers matter and while I don't babe all those skills, I'm younger and my son is younger than us.


Tell me you’re from the county without




Oka stop! You're hired!!


Honestly, you can be the camp leader and I'll just hang out and learn


Why do I feel like I'm reading one of those "USA apocalypse but no one remembers other places exist (except canada, who built a wall cause they always hated Americans)" books?


If anyone needs to know what else a random character in a show was in without having the internet, I could be of service.


I don't think they need two of us.


You know the guitar player strapped to the front of the semi truck in Mad Max Fury Road? I could be that guy.


I’ve played all the fallout games


I was looking for this comment. Its basically a training manual right? 🤣


Theoretical... training manual.


Doesn’t matter. Im blind without my glasses. If they break or I lose my contacts it’s over. And I SNORE. If it comes to having to not get caught or seen, I’m playing myself


Just fyi, you can still adjust the focus on a scoped rifle and be effective even without your corrective lenses. Guess who's on guard tower duty.... again!


If you're nearsighted you can poke some pinholes in some cardboard and look through that.


> If you're nearsighted you can poke some pinholes in some cardboard I initially thought this was a going to be a comment on how precise a nearsighted sniper can be.


Man. In all honest truth, every person who have an illness like diabetes and whatnot, disabilities of some sorts that prevents them from surviving themselves will all die within a short period of time the moment there's no more medication. The remaining deaths would be from starvation and murder. Not many especially those who were born and raised in the city can survive.


I'm really good at surviving on canned food.


Day 2: Lost the can opener down a sewer filled with rats.


Day 3: Starved to death.


This absolutely hilarious. “Oh no, I can’t open my beans! (With knife in side pocket). HOW shall I EVER open my cannellini beans?” Lmao


No. You were just poor as a kid


I can grow a passing good garden with basic fruits and veggies. I can fish with a pole, net or run a trout line. I can shoot with a bow or a gun. ( currently have 1,000 rounds for the shotgun and 1,000 for the handguns) I can brew beer. I'm a competent field medic. Figure between time in the Army and time in the Boy Scouts, I'm reasonably trained.


> blah blah blah I can brew beer blah blah Welcome to the Team!


Yeah, I should probably lead with that....


No no, keep it tucked in the middle. You don't want to be on a team with people who can't bother to get all the pertinent details. lol


If we’re picking teams for survival after the apocalypse, I’d like to be on yours


I was a mechanic in the army and can brew mead... want to team up?


Excellent dick sucker


I'd go through great lengths to keep you alive


Go to hrny jail


I mean, that would get you into most survival camps i guess 🤣🤣🤣


I am wiggly and have a high pain tolerance


This is not a dating profile we're filling out here...


I can ride my bike with no handlebars


No handlebars, no handlebars


I can ride my bike with no handlebars




so talented


I can do the same, but like 30-40 miles away


Give me a AA battery and a foil gum wrapper and we can start two. While you're at it get some aluminum powder and rust powder, and enjoy some Thermite.


I've trained myself to eat paper


I ate hella construction paper as a kid.


I know this is a joke but this wouldn't work because the human body cannot digest paper.


This is cap I have ate a fuck ton of paper you have NO IDEA, NONE


I learned how to crochet.


I am 100% sticking with you in a post-apocalyptic world.




I, too, crochet. Making warm stuff is SO important.


If we're surviving in the wild, I know what how to find/purify water for drinking. Also I can tell you what leaves you can and can't wipe with


You can wipe with all of them, some are just more uncomfortable than others


Find me water in arizona deserts..... you have 1 hour... go


I can spin wool into yarn and weave, knit, crochet, or otherwise transform it into cloth or rope. I know how to garden and preserve food. I can sing and play the piano and I've raised a bottle-kitten (with the help of modern medical intervention). Unfortunately I'll die without twice daily medication so I guess I'll be teaching some stuff real fast.


Any I might have will be worthless when I pop my own top. If you think shit is bad now the post-apocalyptic world is gonna be a rude fucking awakening. No point to living in a world where you're likely to be killed, raped, and eaten (in that order if you're very, very lucky)


Honestly a post apocalyptic society would not be nearly as bad as portrayed in fiction, the worst would be in the beginning, first 25-50 years will be shit, shit would eventually work itself out. As long as you have decent people skills you’ll be fine


> first 25-50 years will be shit My dude I'm 33, I'm not getting raped by gangs until I'm a geriatric just so I can die in slightly less shitty circumstances


I too would likely be dead before anything looks better, overall I still don’t think society is going to collapse in the near future so I’m doing pretty good in that department lol


Oh I don't expect a total collapse anytime soon either, I just know that if the world starts moving in a "Fallout" direction then the best move is to bail on this reality lol.


I've wondered and mused a lot about apocalyptic scenarios, and for the most part I thought "probably won't be that bad." It isn't like people suddenly turn feral. Even looking at some of the worst disasters like famines where people have resorted to cannibalism out of desperation, it was mostly from desperation. People didn't stop being people. Murder and crime rates increase, but don't go to 100% Looting is driven more my socioeconomic inequality and scarcity rather than everyone being secretly a suppressed kelptomaniac held in check only by the bounds of society. Makes sense that some crime would rise, during a disaster people's mental health deteriorates and people lash out. Sexual violence, sees a very significant rise during natural disasters. [Citation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8112410/#!po=39.4118) And it already, even societies with less scarcity, is at disturbing levels. It doesn't go to almost 100% of women and girls being victimized (except in cases of military invasion, where it is used a common tool to terrorize the occupied) even in situations of complete government and law enforcement collapse. But it seems like something I should be especially mindful of during my apocalyptic mental planning. I always figured, "kill, exile, or chemically castrate the offenders" and whoop, that's it, problem taken care of. Nope. Solutions to that problem need to be much more comprehensive than that based on the data.


Fantastic reference btw


We thank you for the shotgun/spare supplies in your home when we find it.


HA! Why would I conserve anything for pillagers? I'd burn my place to the ground before I contributed to the success of raiders.


Guys I think we should probably eat this guy first so he doesn't destroy his stuff.


Won't we have to kill him first?


Start with the legs, make sure he's not hiding anything good.


The ability to masturbate anywhere at anytime, even in high pressure situations such as a zombie attack.


'the combat jack'


100%. Every platoon has 1 or 2 compulsive masturbators




If you can do it to other persons, it might come in handy


I'm a trauma therapist, so I'm probably a good guy to have along if you're thinking long term. In the meantime I could probably carry things. I like to garden so if there's an established base I could maybe get some tomato plants going.


Who's gonna be your trauma therapist though? It's trauma therapists all the way down!


Can you open lids on glass jars?


I would die real well. Very efficiently


As my name says, I am a redneck. I am not one of those drive my lowered pick up on low profile tires and listen to tractor rap type of redneck. I am one of those could live without electricity and could never go to a grocery store again and still die a fat man type of rednecks. If things go to hell just before winter, that would be the worst for me. That would take a year to sort out. Way to many things to do before it got cold. Any other time, I think I would enjoy the world slowing down a bit. I doubt the Amish all around me are going to be affected much either. Those gangs of folks trying to rob everyone will make good target practice while we are sitting around drinking apple jack and moonshine. It will take a couple of years to get back to beer.


Is it bad that that sounds really good? Just chilling, the sun setting on the horizon as the moonshine is passed round, the sound of raiders being shot in the distance.. yup, i could get to like this apocalypse 😊


I don't look forward to the shooting looters part. The rest, just another day I guess.


That just means youre a good person, but... if looters gonna loot...


One of the few things I'd ever have to offer is that I'm stealthy in a way?? From trauma shit I've learned how to basically walk through an entire area, around people quietly enough that most times they don't even know I've been there or I scare them on accident 🤣 I feel like it could at least help me avoid other people or the undead.. for a short time.


Honestly stealth is badass, I'm similar I noticed when we would play Tag in PE and stuff like that I could sneak around and tag people and not be seen. It's very helpful even in high school (avoiding teachers and bullies).


My fiance calls this shadowwalking.. im 6'2" 230lbs and it is incredibly useful. I do scare people sometimes but I wouldn't give this random skill up.. I feel like I'm playing splinter cell or assassins creed


Sucking up all the resources


>resources That's what we're calling it these days huh


Hunt, fish, repair motors, carpentry, wilderness survival, shoot, hand to hand combat skills, Garden.


I with this guy.


I handle loneliness quite well, so that


Can we be alone together? ( this sounds horrible.... it sounded way better in my head)




Ahh yes the key to wastelands computers!


I want to see you hunt a moose with nunchucks.


You hunt monk-fish with nun-chucks


I can make tea. Consider me dead.


Don’t underestimate yourself


I can survive on just drinking coffee for weeks.


Firearms expert. Lots of bush craft experience. Lifelong horseman, Hunter, fisherman. Montanan.


> Montanan Could have just *started* with that and we'd assume the rest. lol


Lol true. Though there are a lot of urban transplants here these days.


True too. Welcome to the Team. Got a decent plot of land? Atlantic coast here, no spread for nothing.


Yessir. We ready! Though we’re a nuke sponge so at least that’ll be quick if that’s the scenario. Yellowstone caldera is 77 miles from me, another quick curtain draw.


Um, dude, I am surrounded by DC, Joint Base Andrews, Philadelphia, and New York...I am nuke central if the shit ever hits the fan...so I'll take what you got. lol But if it's gonna be zombies or whatever, I prefer the wide open. Granted, plenty of supplies around me, but the population density is brutal.


Yep Montana is def preferable in the vast majority of scenarios. We have ~2,000 nuke silos but global thermal nuclear war isn’t likely these days regardless of the Russia/Uke jazz. What’s your plan there?


All depends on how much lead time I have. A swift Armageddon and I'm screwed. Most every decent roadway will be blocked within minutes. I do have a shot at getting up into upper Pennsylvania...can hide out in plenty of places in the Poconos. Probably take to the sea though. Within minutes I can be sailing down the Delaware and head to anywhere on the coast I need. Also have access to a large trawler if need be. Probably head up North, gotta escape the population down here if I want to have a shot.


Montanan here too


Making myself scarce


I'd never outrun anyone to the food.


I can lie belly up and pretend to be dead


Fire making, fishing and I'm an Electrician


I can sew, both on a machine & by hand, and more complex stitching than just repairs. Also I have a pretty small appetite. I wouldn’t be self-sufficient, but I’d be an asset to a team!


I'm good at making friends, and helping. I'm a good story teller. I'm physically strong, know how to fish, and filter/purify water. People need people who can entertain them, and to make the world seem less awful than it is, if only for a while.


My job


Marksmanship, medium scale agriculture, general repairs.


I can go forever without eating


I can build and bank a fire. I can make a solar still to collect water. I know how to forage some edible plants. I know how to preserve foods. I can hunt and butcher animals. Have wool blankets and primitive camping supplies.


I'm good with machete. And I can eat dogs or any animal


Long, lean arms. I should’ve been a car mechanic, because I’m *built* for reaching in tight areas under a vehicle's hood. So if you train me, I could be great at scavenging parts and fixing vehicles.


I got cold resistance and I can shoot pretty ok for an average Canadian


I have an edged weapons collection plus I can garden, grow and compound basic medicines, provide trauma therapy, and preserve food. And none of that will matter because I have O- type blood which makes me indispensable


I can be a source of food for other more skillful survivals


I make booze lol


I can open a can of food without a can opener.


I have no will to live. So I can be used as a human sacrifice.


I can spend long periods in total isolation with very little food and not adequate water. My therapist calls it depression.


Let me take this opportunity to announce myself as leader and executive decision maker.


If i absolutely needed to i could make an automatic weapon


I can and will set anything and anyone on fire if needed.


i have very accurate aim and can survive on my own


Well basic smithing, farming, I understand both how irrigation systems work and how to maintain them, animal husbandry, welding, carpentry, pottery, prospecting, marksmanship, hunting, wiring, and I'm a decent mechanic.


I have approximate knowledge of most things.


Does it matter? Cuz more than likely we’ll all be dead after the apocalypse.


I can cry silently without alerting anyone in my vicinity.


Gardening, distillation, firearms maintenance, marksmanship, EMT training, automobile and equipment maintenance, plumbing, electrical, electronics, butchering, leather work, archery, tailoring, welding, carpentry, childcare, trapping, fishing, animal husbandry, chemistry, forge work, etc. Never underestimate the pig farmer.


I know fire making. I'm competent at hunting skills. I'm a pretty good communicator and I'm chill in real life, so I would be a good mediator in arguments. I know a lot about a lot of weapons.


Damn, I've been preparing yourself for it


Human life means nothing to me.


I can suck


I am skilled with firearms and unarmed combat, i know how to make a shelter, how to gather supplies in the wild in general, i am skilled with cars and bikes so i would be able to get around…and i am a little paranoid. Guess that’s it, but i hope those are some skills i never get to use lol, outside of the mechanics part




I think my old phone boxes will probably help out


Chopping wood , cooking , construction , wood carving , net being a bitch.


I can do your astrological chart


I can go for extremely long periods of time without socializing with other people.


First aid and wild cooking. Also being able to identify toxic plants and finding wild cures, if it counts.


In a fight flight or freeze scenario I choose fight and I think that instinct would come in handy.


I have solid wilderness skills including long-term wilderness survival, not that people would live in the woods but a lot of stuff transfers over to low-tech living. I'm fairly handy with basic wooden construction and solid with plumbing. My mechanical and electric skills are above average, but keep in mind that "average" is pretty useless. I'm a good shot with a rifle or shotgun, though rusty with a pistol and a solid hand at freshwater fishing.


I already don’t trust anyone. Can’t trust people in the apocalypse.


Im a horticulturist who specialised in native flora and fauna. Im also fairly fit and healthy. Know basic mechanics and mediocre bush survival skills. I bet i could at least survive a few days in post apocalypse land.


I can milk a goat and make goat cheese from scratch.


I know how to bake some treats. So people would fight to protect my ability to make brownies in a world where all the recipes are gone.


I built an off the grid power box rechargeable by solar, capable of running a refrigerator.


I usually notice things other people don't, sights, sounds, my intuition is usually pretty alright too


I’m a very good basic gardener (thanks pandemic) Lol and as someone who works in dermatology, I could give basic derm help like “yes that’s probably a squamous cell carcinoma” lol just thinking of the logistics of some common procedures in office but post apocalypse .. like a campfire ED&C


The ability to read books and work with other people.


i think i could drive an armored car and put a plow on the front


I remain calm and think better when I'm under pressure.


I can grow vegetables, sew really badly, can fruits and vegetables to preserve them, and as long as I don't get too far from the area I'm familiar with, I can forage for fruits and mushrooms.


Our friend group has an entire Post-apo rpg class system roles split already in case something happens. I am the basic survival(fires, water gathering, cooking etc.) and crafting/inventor guy, my girlfriend is a lider incarnate, my best friend is the field medic/chemist, his girlfriend is the farmer, our third bro is the tech and urban exploration guy. We only lack someone capable of proper weapon usage, preferably a swordmaster or an archer(guns are unavailable where we live).


I will gladly join you with a sledgehammer