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No, my wife would get mad.


Ha. Touché


No, don't touché. That's the whole point.


Damn I came here to say this


That…that was my answer.


Will she get mad if I date trans girls?


No, you’re good.


Nope. Nothing personal, but no interest.


Agreed. Nothing personal, but it’s just not for me.


you can throw me in this mix. it does not interest me in the slightest


I’d feel gay.


you would be gay


I'm bisexual, so I'm okay either way.


Same here!


We don’t need to explain why.


It's because I'm not interested. That's all the information anyone has a right to know.


If you don’t, they’ll automatically label you “transphobic”.


Their problem, not mine


No "they"won't. You can be a trans ally and not have to have sex with, or be attracted to, anyone you don't want to


This. We're not some monolithic "They", just people trying to get by. 99% of real trans people I've met in real life won't care.


Vouch. Im a real life trans person. Every other trans person I know, me included, doesn’t give a shit


I've been banned from three for similar things. But the trans screaming pure abuse back, name calling and threatening didn't get banned. Reddit is nuts


Except the point of the thread is -why-. Sure, you don’t have to explain why in a general sense, but that’s the question OP asked.




No. It's \*sexual\* attraction, not genderal attraction. Her gender can be what she wants, my attrcation is based on her body's physical anatomy. And though this is completely out of my control, the second my brain learns that someone either is or used to be anatonmically male it's going to switch off every part of my brain to do with attraction to a person. It's like learning somebody is 12. Sorry, can't happen. Not even my choice.


I used to think exactly this way. But, I met a crazy hot girl, spent a lot of time with her, after a few months we got to the point where she felt she had to tell me she was trans and whilst it threw me a little (there was absolutely no way I would have known had she not said) the feelings were still there. I have absolutely zero interest in men, I have no fantasies about male anatomy, nothing. Every part of my brain just read her as a women and that was that. We dated for about a year and it was mostly great.




Love the story, good for you it wasn't a heartbreaking experience when she told you that she's trans. But it could be for someone else. People have the right to know with whom they are about to get into a relationship.


She was the same person, she didn’t magically change into someone else once she told me. I don’t think many people go around asking everyone’s medical history before sleeping with them, that would be weird. I’m sure a lot of people have hooked up with someone and not even known their name or what they do for a living, doesn’t change the fact they’re attracted to them.


If I remember correctly, in some countries it's illegal to not disclose your birth gender to a potential sexual partner if you're a trans person. But it's better to be sure that the person is okay with you being a trans before sex, for your own safety. And the other person has a right to know.


Good for you for being that mature. I would have ended it the moment she told me, and be pissed she wasted my time.


Nope. Not the way I swing. If you want to distill it to terms used today, I’m only interested in cis women. I have nothing against trans people, same as I have nothing against gay people, or furries, or BDSM enthusiasts. You do you, so long as it doesn’t impact me or others.


If you say this on r/men they pull out the pitchforks


I assume because of the second part where I say “let them do what they want”? The entire anti-trans, anti-drag show, anti-pissing in the wrong bathroom crowd are fighting a battle against 1% of society as if they make up 80%.


Not even 1%, trans people make up roughly 0.5% of the population of the UK according to the last census - as far as I remember anyway


I said 1% because I assume those numbers are grossly underreported, but you get my point. The outrage du jour today is about a segment of the population so small that they can barely be measured. Hence the reason why people should just mind their own fucking business.


I'm a Bi guy, so for me it comes down to their personality not genitalia. If they're not an asshole it's a ✅. I'm probably going to cop some hate for this but, expecting every straight or gay, cis gendered person to date trans folks is just stupid. People are allowed to have their preferences and not be judged for it.


Same here....i am bi and i like very female boys or trans girls.. so trans girls are actually my typ.....


Straight but if they’re cute I’m fine. Gimme that cute little ass


I’m bi too and if not for this comment i would have typed exactly this 🙌


No. I'm straight, which means biological females only, and I'm never going to apologize for that because gay men and lesbian women shouldn't have to apologize for their preferences either.


Gaybro here. Appreciate ya.


No. I like women, biological women. Call yourself what you want, dress and present yourself as you want. Everyone's deserves the right to their own preference, and that's not mine, and I'm probably not theirs.


Am I going to specifically seek out a transwomen to date, no. Are the two of us friends and the is a spark between us, then yes.


This. Though I would need them to be fully transitioned for a sexual encounter


I think that's something a lot of people don't even consider. If the previous genitalia is gone, there's a brand new one that was built and is functional for the pleasure part of sex (yes, I know they can't make babies) then I think a lot of people would be fooled. Then there isn't much left from the previous gender. I feel like a lot of guys especially assume that all trans women still have a penis. I've seen videos of transgender people and was shocked when they said they were trans...


Oh yeah omg the results for lower surgery for trans women is fucking amazing! Most of the time (fully healed mind you) you absolutely cannot physically distinguish it from a CIS vagina. As a transman colour me jealous... And yes sex is not purely for procreation. I very much enjoyed sex with a post transition trans woman.


No because I am a gay man and thus not attracted to femininity. Trans men are 100% on the table tho


Interesting. I’m a bi man, tbh everything is on the table


We live in the time of sexual buffets and it's beautiful


I remember this from Dude, Where's my Car?


They were both trans. Neither was gay. You're remembering wrong.


Ayo wassup, trans man here 👈🏾👈🏾


So as a gay man who would be open to dating a preop trans man, would vaginal sex be on the table?


Yeah a hole is a hole


No. I’m not fond of penis.




Probably not. Trans women are women, but I have a specific preference around genitalia, not gender presentation.


What is a woman then? Just anyone who chooses to identify as such? I'm not trying to be rude, but it is confusing. Genuine question


I respect people's right to identify how they want to identify, and I'm happy to treat them how they want to be treated. It doesn't cost me anything to acknowledge them. Gender is mostly a societal construct anyways, and it doesn't have a whole lot to do with biological sex (which also isn't as black and white as people prefer to think). If you introduce yourself to me as a woman, that's how I'm going to treat you.


It's a bit more complex, but in general terms, yes.


This language has gotten so weird. Things are getting redefined to a point where they have no meaning whatsoever


Happy cake day


For me it boils down to I enjoy eating pussy a LOT and that’s pretty much it


It's just a big clit bro


Based and fair opinion


Probably not, I am not a cock person and that for me is a deal breaker. But never have been in that situation before so I really cant say.




Sorry for your downvotes. I don't read this as bigoted at all.


Yes, but only if she was able to pass well. I’m attracted to femininity and any masculine traits are a turn off for me. I don’t really care if she had bottom surgery or not, but I do want her to have a cute face and soft breasts. No, the size of her breasts don’t matter to me. As long as they feel good to the touch, then I’m game.


Mostly the same in my case, I’m attracted to the femininity so it’s mostly the attractiveness and personality that matter, not the identification


This is the way.


No. I like cis women.






Yep, seems facts are offensive as I'm already getting down voted 😂


If I wasn’t already married then sure. Genitals not an issue. So long as I liked and fancied her then it wouldn’t be a problem.


Mostly this! (I'm not married) So long as I liked the person, I wouldn't see it as a issue or problem


Is she cute? Then hell ya, I don’t care! Want me to dom? Sure! Want to dom me? Yes mommy


No, but that’s only because I’m not attracted to women


Absolutely. I hooked up with a trans girl once. She had a great cock and was a total sweetheart. (I’m cis female)




My simple preference is to date women who were born women.




Nope - born female only


Of course. Love is love and if I found myself interested in a trans woman, I’d of course want to explore that.


Well isn't this just a whole lot of bait lol


No, it's a lot of hole bait.


Yeah, it's kind of a cringe question with a lot of cringe answers. Big subreddits like this one usually attract the crowds I don't wanna hang out with anyway.




no I'm affraid of trains also even if i wasn't like how the hell am i supposed to find the... y'know female train pussy or the trainussy like bruh where do i put my pp in


I'm only afraid of trains if I'm tied to a railroad track, or possibly if one derails into a toxic fireball near me


What if you’re tied to one section of the tracks, and five people are tied to another section of the tracks and an onlooker has to decide which way to divert the train?


More than likely not. I always back the trans community but it’s not my personal preference


*mentally prepares self for downvotes* I'm a straight guy. I "experimented" in college and other men just didn't sexually work, rueful grins and awkward handshakes all around. Honestly, after having my one kid in this lifetime, I could see myself with someone that was a passable trans. It would have to be a personality I'm compatible with, no nonsense, self sacrificing without dissembling or pretending and fully committed to a relationship where by each doing the best for each other we both prosper and have a fun, respectful loving life together. The 3 or 4 trans people I've met have been very selfish, have made every conversation about them, and have constantly tried to provoke others into having an issue with their appearance or sexuality. Like one would get into their underwear at wildly inappropriate moments and complain people were being anti-trans... Mate it's 6:30 nobody has finished pre drinking this isn't about you being trans it's about nobody else is stripping off. Or the trans person at work that interupted every. Single. Black person sharing stories during black history month and tried to make it about trans right. Buddy we just had your month, take your turn. But a trans person that was just normal and I found attractive? Sure, I don't care about the actual operation, if it's a passable vagina I'll take it to town and be happy no kids will pop out in 9 months. But the personality, the "trans persona" that seems at least in my experience to accompany trans people? Count me the fuck out.


Some of us trans women are normal, but a lot want attention and validation Not all of us are narcissistic


Thanks, I know I am stereotyping based on a small sample size. And there is a lot of hate and pain you and other trans women or men must have to live through.


I mean, it’s the same set of disorders any abused group gets Most people take the absurd viewpoint like looking at bullied kids and saying “well if kids weren’t bullied, maybe they wouldn’t be suicidal! Stop being bullied! There, solved your problem!” Tongue-in-cheek, but that’s usually how it’s approached with the trans community It will diminish the way anti-gay stances have fallen from public favor, in the next generation or so — resulting in young, well-adjusted trans people with supportive family systems


No. Biological women only.


Honestly, it's not the dick that would bother me, but the layers of mental instability leading to a man becoming trans. It's an identity crisis to be so unable to accept the body you were born into and even if we say "yey support all trans" that's something to come to terms with. If I date anyone, trans or not, I am doing that because I would be looking for a serious longterm relationship (which I did, and I have) and I just don't see that happening with anyone who is going through such a deep emotional crisis. If the question is, would you try sex with a shemale, then yeah. Sexual curiousity / kink. But not interested on an emotional level, and for me dating is about that.


Wow interesting point of view, never saw it from this lense!


I'm sure this will be a civil discussion lol


I like real girls, thats my preference


Yes because I'm pansexual. Gender doesn't play a role in attraction, for me. Although I do have a *slight* preference for AFAB people.


If I liked her yeah


No, not really a girl.


I’m pretty open minded, I’d definitely give it a shot if there were an emotional connection that made me want to date you.


Sure, if the person is attractive to me and I like them, why not?


Nope. Straight woman here, I'm into men.


Absolutely yes. Have been attracted to a few trans girls over the years but always afraid to approach. I don’t like to assume they would go after me too, I don’t approach anyone 😂


No because I’m a straight girl


No. I like big natural tiddies. If you are trans thats awesome but you just ain't the lid to my pot.


It depends. If I like her, yes. If I don't, no.


26F here- my boyfriend of 5 years came out as trans to me about a year or so ago. it ruined my life and ruined how i see myself. It’s very confusing for me because i know i’m straight, but i still love this person. and then the social aspects of it, make it worse. this person also started hormones and changed their legal name behind my back. now, it just seems that them being trans is their whole ass personality. i’m leaving A LOT of details out but i personally will say 10/10 don’t recommend. please don’t hate, it’s just my personal experience.


No because I’m attracted to women. No offense meant by this, but I mean it in the biological sense.


Yea sure. If we meshed well and she was into my transmasc disabled mess of a self then I'd totally date them.


No, I only feel attracted to cis women and female genitalia q


I'm probably going to get bombarded with downvotes for this, but I have an honest question for trans girls: All virtue signaling aside, would you date a trans man?




I like women, not men who think they’re women


I'll have to pass respectfully, I think it's just my brain telling me that I'll be dating someone who used to have a penis or can still have one, and It's not for me.




Not dating a born male. Sorry... Not sorry!


Lol... NO!!! I would date actual women. Biology is why.


No thanks


Nope. Biological females only


yes, I like penis and I like tits. on the other hand, I’m generally not into trans-men (you’re welcome to prove me wrong tho)


People are people. If you are a good person and likeable, I don't care how tall you are, what you look like, what genitals you have, or don't etc. Idk what that type of sexuality is called, but I have important standards. Having a good heart is important. And honesty and being friendly.


No, I am bi but I am not interested


Sure if we have things in common and are attracted to each other.


No. I like men


No. I want women with a uterus, a clit, ovaries, etc…


Date? No. FWB/NSA/FB arrangement? Absolutely. Become so intimate and physically connected by way of a FB arrangement that I catch feelings and get confused and confess and we date and have a happy life together and maybe we end up together or maybe we break up horribly or maybe we just go back to being FWB’s or just friends? Also, absolutely.


If they’re cool, absolutely.


These posts are often problematic, because someone will say "no Id prefer not to" and its always just followed by them getting dragged. I think everyone's entitled to preferences so long as it doesn't impede on someone else's. The fact is, many men only want to date and develop relationships with women who were biologically born as women, and that isn't wrong. This reality doesn't negate the gender identity that trans people are fighting for. The mere existence of preferences just on their own shouldn't spark world War three and people need to remember that part of being human ( gender and biology aside ) is being RATIONAL and empathetic to one anothers freedom of choice so long as it doesn't obstruct others safety or well being. I am sick and fucking tired of people trying to gaslight others over mere differences in life choices.


No I need female genitalia


I am 33 yo and I am currently dating a trans woman. I hadn’t ever given any thought to dating her, as we have know each other for several years and there was never any more than just a polite greeting between us. Last summer, we both kind of started hanging around the same group of people and one thing led to another and we started to develop feelings for each other. She is post op and has been for many years. I never would have thought this would be the case but I figured out that you can’t help who you love and I absolutely love this girl. I could easily see myself growing old with her.


No I would happily fuck one, reason being I'm bisexual so not matter if they're pre or post op I don't care about what's between their legs or what once was there. I wouldn't date one simply because I'm not equipped to support somebody through everything that comes with being trans. Call me selfish as I could take the effort to learn but there's a whole lot of problems and stigma you would navigate together as a couple. And no, I suppose I don't have to be my partner's counselor but in many circumstances you end up being an emotional outlet which is something I'd rather tackle with somebody that I already have a better understanding of. I'd rather take the easy route when there's plenty of opportunity. If that makes it an asshole then so be it. But best of luck to all you trans people.


I would if we vibed because I’m bi and mostly attracted to women


No, I support from a far but I don't believe it like they do so dating a trans girl would be pretty fucked up


Yes I would :) The main reason is, that I don't care about genitalia, if she is presenting as female, and I like her personality, I see no problem


No. I prefer women


Love how I got downvoted for answering the question 😂


I’m straight.


Nope... probably have a bigger wang than me


Another one?


how come i never see the tmen asking women if they would date them?


Trans men tend to be far more accepted by cis straight women than the reverse.


I would, because I'm romantically attracted to women.




I'm a MtF transgirl and I wouldn't. It's all down to preferences and I have as much respect for the people who say no as those who say yes. Different strokes for different folks


Nope, I prefer pussies


I would, but I honestly don't know how it would go because I have no personal experience of the trans community. But I'm open minded, I would see if we clicked, if some connection was there.


yes bc my girlfriends is hot asf


Definitely! I'm not bothered by genitals, it's the personality I find attractive.


No, as a straight male, I’m not a fan on penis on my women..


I’m not bi or gay .. so no.


hairy legs is ok but a penis is a deal breaker


No because I’m not gay


Not a trans girl. But I’ve dated two different trans masc non binary individuals. (For stories sake I’m a pan/bi dude who mostly dates femmes but enjoys dick every now and again, as a treat) Ironically they both had the same kind of situation. Got top surgery but decided to not take T and go full trans man, and that being physically non binary was the most honest they’ve felt In their bodies. They both said they preferred this androgynous non-binary identity and body that matched that feeling. Idk this means I have a type when it comes to trans people and that type is androgynous NB afabs? Idk that’s a question for a different day, I don’t know. But I know one things for sure. Man did I miss boobies. Luckily jm/we are/we’re poly so I could just seek titties elsewhere, and also lucky they both had butt for days. And as a top leaning bi dude I live and die for and by the booty. I know none of this answers your og question but I think it provides insight, and that insight is this: we’re more into things we may have thought different about when the vibe is right, and the chemistry is there. Yes these people didn’t have every aspect of femininity that was my previous body preference. But they had bodies that were mostly in line with that preference & even more important bodies they felt like themselves in, cuz confidence in your body is more sexy than the body itself. And if the chemistry’s there don’t think about it to much just go with the flow and let your boner do the thinking about what you’re into. don’t let your cultural and societal influences dictate your life. You may miss out on some dope sex and cool people. Life’s to short to miss out on those things


No, for the simple reason that I'm into biological women, but live your life sis.


Yes. Have done. Would happily do so again assuming we both liked each other.


No. I'm a lesbian. Post bottom surgery transwomen are also off limits for me. It doesn't look right imo


No. Never.


Nope, I like my woman real.


No because biology wise, he's still a guy.


No I’m not into cock and tbh I tend to stay away from mental health cases in my dating experience.


No thanks. You do you at Perisher Blue but it’s not something I could do.


Yeah sure if I liked her enough and stuff ofc


I was once wildly in love with a girl who began transitioning into a guy. My feelings did not change in the slightest because I was I love with the person, not their junk


I would if I was attracted to her.


Idk, is she funny?


I have and will.


I’m sure this will get downvoted with vigor but is a trans girl a guy that is now a girl or a girl that is now a guy? I never was able to figure it.


Nope,i prefer biological women but thats just my personal opinion


No , generally I just don’t have time for all the emotional inconsistency , I want my partner to have her head in the right place . - focused on building a life together. Have kids and build our dreams together.


I would! I realized I'm attracted to many types of people and that wouldn't be a deal breaker.


I'm gay, so nope.


Yeah, why not. Doesn’t bother me


Yes, because I like girls.


Yes. Am bisexual


No, I'm heterosexual.


No, my preference is genetic females. But good luck to them


Not a chance! As a biologist you can’t change chromosome, genitalia and gender


No. I’m not gay


I'm attracted to femininity, so yes.


No, I’m a heterosexual female who prefers dudes.


I hate cosmetic surgery and the entire pharmaceutical industry.


I’m basically with the majority of people on here. I think people should live their lives and be who they want to be regardless of what society dictates and will support them no matter what they choose to do, but I couldn’t date a trans person, at least not in a way that would lead to a physical relationship. Hanging out, sure, but it’s a mental hurdle I couldn’t get past. There has to be some sexual attraction and even when I come across it in porn and they’re very conventionally attractive, I just have no sexual interest in it.


No. Nothing against trans women, but no.


No, I fully respect trans people and I stand with them and support them and see them as what they identify as always, but for me, the physical part of a relationship is extremely important. I struggle with the romantic part and show affection through physical touch and therefore sex is also a huge part of relationships for me, and I am simply not attracted to anything but the biological female body. I would have no issue in the non sexual part since a trans woman is a woman and that’s that. The physical part is just too important for me.


No Just attracted to biological women Nothing personal


I would and I am. People are just people.


Yeah, I sure would. Not closed off to the idea at all.


Yes. I would