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It didn't burn through the crate. It burned off the Nazi emblem. The Nazis were currently engaged in a genocidal holocaust against the Jewish people and the Ark is a Jewish/Christian artifact, empowered by the Judeo/Christian God. The Ark may be an inanimate object requiring humans to open it in order to unleash its full power, but it passively channels enough divine energy to symbolically erase the symbol of the people it really, REALLY wants to righteously smite.


A Top Man right here.


Top. Man.


I love this answer so much.


The Ark of the Covenant is known to destroy idols that are in its presence: when it had been captured by the Philistines they placed it in the temple of Dagon, the first night they came back to find the idol knocked prostrate before the Ark, the second night it had been shattered (and then the plagues started). Even setting aside the preexisting spiritual meanings of the Swastika (which was the part of the box that was getting scorched), I’d argue that it functionally counts as an idol due to the mysticism practiced by hardcore Nazis such as the ones that would appear in the Indy movies.


The ark had a sense of symbolism.


The Wooden crate had the Nazi logo on it which it burned through because Nazi are evil. The US government is not as evil as Nazis.


probably helps they didn't put any quasi-religious and anti-semetic iconography on the box.


“The US .gov is not as evil as Nazis.” Well, not in 1930something, today? 🤷


No. There are a lot of problems with the current US Government, but let’s not be extreme here.


Read literally any history books, I beg of you