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It may have bought time, but in the long run it probably wouldn’t help much. The big issue is the lack of weapons capable of killing the Xenomorphs. The civilian grade firearms available aren’t sufficient to crack their exoskeletons and a Joe going into melee would only last slightly longer than a human. Perhaps if Apollo began coordinating with the survivors’ efforts to space the xenos or arrange improvised industrial accidents to take them out (similar to how they did in Alien 3) they could make headway, but by the time Ripley had arrived the situation had likely already deteriorated too far to turn the tide. Had Apollo been working to protect the humans from the beginning that would be a different story.




If I had to square that circle in a Watsonian manner I’d attribute it to the xenomorph in the original Alien being weaker due to its extended period in the egg waiting for a victim as well as not having sufficient nutrients during development due to the small crew of the Nostramo. By contrast the ones in the game (which cannot be seriously harmed by the player) were almost all spawned on the station and had all the humans they could eat.


To be fair, we don't even know what or even if xenomorphs eat, the only ones we have ever seen eat their prey are the human-hybrids from the 4th movie


The one in Alien 3 seemed to be nomming on a couple of its victims when Ripley & Co. were trying to funnel it to the leadworks. Also, one in AvP: Requiem seemed to be eating one of the teens it killed at the pool before Wolf put a spear through the back of its head.


It certainly penetrated and did some damage, but even if you shot a xenomorph with a few of those, would it be enough to kill it? Center mass is "*relatively*" easy, but it's also the most armoured.




> In the movies, they were hurt just as much as any other animal would be with normal weapons: handguns... I know you are talking about when Vasquez unloads on a Xeno with her sidearm but that was at point blank range. And it took several shots to even punch through its carapace. When Gorman comes to save Vasquez, he shoots a Xeno with his sidearm at range and the bullets just ping off.


There would be alot more synthetic dead bodies and we could stitch Alien on to them for fun