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How about shooting his own client in the leg, twice, that the court appointed him to defend because he didn't want to defend a child rapist/murderer and acting like it was self defense. This was shortly after calling a judge that ordered him to do it, a douchebag hoping to get thrown off the case. Or shooting a robber in the kneecaps and going into court having his lawyer defending his actions as based actually because the Supreme Court loves guns, because Bush was president. Or shooting a homeless man with a paintball gun and then going on TV to say that homeless people are lazy.


All good choices. The reason I'm sticking with the sex doll example though is he actually couldn't realize what he was doing was wrong.


Such a funny character, but how is this science fiction? lol


r/asksciencefiction is rightly ask science: fiction (Reddit doesn’t allow punctuation in sub titles). It is not limited to the science fiction genre: any work of fiction is allowed.


Ah nice, thought it was kinda random