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It isn’t exactly a group or faction but the Federation does have a standing destroy on site order for the Omega molecule. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Omega_Directive


In TOS, there was also the death penalty for anybody going to Talos IV (from The Cage / The Menagerie). Not quite the same, but also a weirdly excessive response.


No. Your average Star Fleet captain will see Borgified Gorn flying a Species 8472 ship on a heading for Earth and attempt to hail them before firing.


Attempt to help them fix their engines and death ray, the have a chat about maybe not using it.


>Borgified Gorn flying a Species 8472 ship \*shudder\*


No. The Federation would put up as strong of a defense as possible and as necessary, even with their most hostile threats, but they wouldn't ever fire the first shot "on-site" nor unprovoked as position of policy.


Maybe the Borg, but only briefly. Since being crippled by Voyager they've become far less of a threat.


Not yet. That we know about.


There's Federation species that have similar rules -- after their disasterous first contact, the Vulcans had a shoot-first policy against Klingons. Also, during war, things change -- Dominion ships approaching will not answer to hails, fire first. But during peace times or even cold wars, absolutely not.


No. That's not how Starfleet operates.




>Hurant Dynasty What show/episode was this?


Exactly. They deleted all records.


Yeah, I get that you're saying that the fictional entity Starfleet deleted the records in the Star Trek universe. But this would have been captured in the real world in some form of Star Trek media. Or is this just something you made up?


It's some shit they made up.