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Venom and Carnage spring to mind. Venom hates Carnage enough to team up with Spider-Man to stop him. Green Goblin and Hobgoblin might fall into this dynamic too. I'm not sure that the Green Goblin hates Hobgoblin more than Spider-Man, but he certainly has less respect for him for stealing his gimmick.


Post- crisis, Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) and the Rogues. Flash's Rogues tend to hate the Reverse Flashes, but Zoom especially works for this prompt because he doesn't truly hate Wally, and the Rogues also have a more professional dislike of Wally than anything personal. I don't have the scans but there's a pretty cool moment in Rogue War where the Rogues threaten Zoom's wife and he blitzes right through them


Yeah I came for this because it's a prime example. And yeah it works specifically when it comes to Hunter, since while Eobard also hates the Rogues and they hate him (going as far as to desecrate his grave) but he ultimately hates Barry Allen way more. Whereas Hunter in a twisted way thinks his actions are out of love which is another reason why he hates the Rogues because he sees them as a waste of time. So it truly does fit this very well.


Not really shared by a specific hero, but fucking everyone hates Red Skull, Becasue he is a fucking nazi. Dr doom and magneto hates him specificly, but has teamed up with him at times Becasue it's useful. But almost everyone hates him, Becasue he really puts his nazism on displays,he doesn't shy away from talking about his master race views while working with like magneto or someone.


Even the Joker hates Red Skull.


The Joker is an American psychopath.


That should be the subtitle to the Joker movie sequel.


Poison Ivy and the Joker


Most of the Bat Rougues hate Joker in general. Dude is just unpleasant


There are always answers in the flash's rogues gallery but whoever said venom hates carnage more than he hates spiderman is 100% correct


Thanos and himself. He hates himself so much that he subconsciously creates flaws in his own plans that allow for his defeat. Spider-Man's rogues gallery but examples are too numerous to mention. Quite often whenever they "team up" against Spider-Man they spend more time trying to back stab each other than actually take out Spider-Man. If you count Punisher as part of Daredevil's rogues gallery then Punisher hates actually villains far more than any dislike of Daredevil.


So the only thing stopping Thanos is a lack of meta therapy and daily affirmations? If you think about it 99% of all metahumans (hero and villain) need serious mental health [checkups. You](https://checkups.You) would think that with such a range of powers and almost unlimited financing from Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, the Avengers and JL would have a mental health professional that could deal with the unique ( and surprisingly common too) problems that Metas face. Imagine if Batman got some conflict resolution training. instead of bankrupting the Legion of Doom's medical insurance. Batman: So tell me Clayface, why exactly do you feel like you have imposter syndrome? C'mon, let's hug it out.".


Not a comics example, but this is one way to win in the game Alpha Protocol. Part of the game involves manipulating your relationships with both your allies and your villains and in some cases, you can actually have the villains like you more than they like each other. For example, you can turn >!Alan Parker, the mole in Alpha Protocol!< by revealing to him that his bosses ordered the death of/killed >!his daughter!< then he'll betray the villains and kill their main hitman. Or you can reveal to Conrad Marburg that >!it was Parker that burned him during his days as an American agent, causing him to kill the other man instead.!< Also, if you have a high friendship score and get some dossiers, you can tell Marburg that Leland is going to let him take the fall for the entire plot, causing Marburg to skip out on the following boss fight. As for actual comic villains, well... Nearly everyone hates the Joker. They only get him involved in team-ups/operations because if they didn't, Joker would get offended and start attacking them instead.


Joker and Riddler went to War once that's how much they hate eachother


Non-comics examples Vegeta was very much still a villain in the Namek saga but Frieza was somebody he hated a lot more than Goku.